September 20 1917 THE F L E S II K r r N ADVANCE THK. /icGl)crton C\burtnci »1 U4e)»«i\'lent new'(p.-ip<;r, uubliahed every Chnr/ivf at thr office, CulIlngwiMxl Street, f'lMherton. Siibtcriptioii pric« tl l>er annnm Vh<>n iMiMinadvuoce ;tl.50wben not •« pkid \dy<r iMBff raUi on applloatiun. CircnUtion 1,100 w<>ekly W. H Tmuii«ton Editor Prizes At Winter Fair For Grey Co. Live Stock For Ihe year I'.iHJ the CiuiHy uf Grey W4-' the Hilly county in wcstt-iii t)nt«rio th»t ortVi-eU tpeciki county prizes at tlie Winter Fair in "in Ifjh. This is «n honor in itself, Hud shows ihut when the war IS .iver t'le hoys Iron, thin counly who have gone to the f.ont will not tii d those of us who a-e l.ft behind not 'J K'lr the best Hieer or heifer, any b â- >( l»re«»d, 2 years o"d or under, Ut >25, 2 id tf\:: '.'' For the best sheep, long wool hie3.l, l.t 125. 2nd f 15 4- For the best sheep, short wool breed, Ist t2ri, 2nd 115. The above live st' ck must have teen ritised in (iri-y county and shown by an niiiHleur exhibitor residen: of Orey Co. 5 â€" For the liest I ushel of poti toji, lat iSl.oO, 2nd $1. •!- Forthe best bushel of nianuolds, Itt^, ^nd $1. 7 â€" For the best bushel oats, $l.r>0, â- Jiid $1. S â€" For the best buHhel of bitrlay, 1st tl 50. 2.,d|l. '.» â€" For the bett ten e»rs of hcbiI corn on the cob, 1ft JloC, 2nd «1. The grain and roots have been tryinif to provide for t!i-ir return. Welraned in (irey county, and shown by an are tiyiiit; 'o make this county of *>it^y i imttcur exhibitor nsident of Grey Co. better i1i«i< it was ) efoie ihe w:ir, and i [n all the fore^oin.' exhibits wish- in this Wiy will be al.Ie to keep ilie bojljinj; to enter the same animal or the same buehel of i(rain or roots or the h line ten ears of com in c':isses for open compe- tition may do ro and it will not bar them ID the c lunty whin tl'ey come back Item ilio w*r. This year again the Boird of .Xgricu' ture --an, through the neiieioHity of tl ei^f""' enter ing tor the county piiy .ej. Couiity Council, offer prize.s »f tl e Wiuter Fair. Ihere will not lie co ' Major Bishop Coining HoUie maoy prizes otft red io live stock as there i ~ weie last year, but we are offering a f^w! -Actinx-Majoi William Avory Kishop. prizes in grains and root« which will ! ihe youn- Owen S,.und aviator, who wa.s «ive the -rain yiower an even chance "'c^'-Hy ''«*>'1''J 'I'l" Victoria Croas. is with the "ivektojk innn. |le»vii,tf Knulaiid for Canada, according • to a cable roceived from him by a friend . TheHoaidof .Xancullure will have , ^_^.^^^ y_^,^^^^^ ^^^,^,^j ,^^^ ,^^ ^^^ ^^^^ cardH primed aivurfsiiiK ihi. comity. !^^_^^^^j ^,^. ,^^ ,,, ^,,^ j, j. ,, ^^^ -^ The-e c*rdi will be provided lo everyone ^,^^ ^^.^ ^,, ,_^^.^ received the appoint- exhibit. iiif from this county, to l.e '»"(â- „,^.„^ ^, ^^^^f ,„^j^^^j^j of.\erial Gunn. eoeu .n the exhibits »h.le at the fa,., ^.y ^,,i Squ^Ton Commander in Enij- •o that everyone v.sitin- the Winter Fair ,^„j In wiitioK lo a trier.d a short will Ih: able to see at a glance what ela^.s .j,,,^ ^^^^ ,,^ ^^j^ ^^ ^^j ,,^^„ recommen- ofBo.Hl»uffwe grow in this counly. ded to take charge of an airdrome in For this reason it will be lietter if »ll k„^j,,^„j_ ,,^1 j.j „„t „i,.^ ,,„ticular8. who ,how aiiythini? at the Winter Fair. ^^ ^ ^^^ ,„^j^ Act in:^. Major when he was whether for the county pri.e or nor, will ^j.^^.^j^,^ instructor in gunnery. The nendt.. the secretary of the Boa.d of i,,^ to the D.S.O. makes the fourth A,{riculture, Th... U. Bmme, U R 2, decoration he has won. He already held Prueville, and get one card for eveiy .. \- . â- /. t«- •â- i j o â- ' , , ihe \ icIoriH Cros.s, Di.stini;iished Service exhibit made. Do this at the time you ,, , , » . . . _ ,, m i . . . , , â- , * »rder and Military Cro>»«. The j> nuke your entries for Ihe fair aud you , ,. • i i i â- â- •,...« J , decoration he leceivtd wan for bringing • ill lie sure and get the cards. The , i.- - . i. " ^ down nine enemy machines 111 two houri'. nHchines brought down and cine ne bieakin/ the world's leconl. lie w forced lo take leave of absence when he , |^' fell 400O feet willi his machine alliime i !.« tnd crashed to ihi ground behind hit j*'' own lines. i^ Lisl Friday a large nunilicr of people r^ siw their fust aeroplane. No fewer than jlK six of Iheni came into view about tho \ tame lime s;oini» west. The noise of I their eiikfiiij^ was quite d atinct, ihouuhijK some of them were iiiKli enough lo I**! 1 1^ defcribed iiy thone who Kaw them " like ' u bin hawk or crane." On Monday l';«l a truck Conveying a crippled iiia:hine passed lhiou>th Durham way agniii, going to Camp Borden, and it Imi been learned that the six aviators were .â- Kinerican Myers in training at Camp Burden, who had lost their way. Near W'ingham they decided to land, choosing a biu held for the purpose' Four of them came down all riihi, one Hew foul of a tree and Ihe tugine of the .ther went dead whan near the (sround and csmc down too suddenly. None of the advent uroua youths were hurt, but they ran long clioncesâ€" Beview Farm For Sale Ope hundred acres. Lot No. !t, con. 4 N.D.K., .Vrteme.sii, !K) acres uuder cultivation, 40 rods fnuii ^ood school, )^^ two miles fro >i C 1* H Station, 4 from Fles hertoii ; fair buildings, good water ind wirdmill, small orcliuiu. Apply on the premises to â€" H. STONK. Ceylon R It 1 23Auulf Farm For Sale or Rent „. i ^g^^2a^>:g&r^<^>J>':?^^^^ Fall Millinery Opening Thursday and Friday, September 20th and 21st. Ladies are cordially invited to visit our Show Rooms. A splendid display of Fall Novelties. Ladies Fall Coats -^ This week we place on exhibition the first selection (»f Ladies' antl Misses' Fall Coats. ' V - :- The styles are the latest and every garment hears the .stamp of e.vcellence <^(>()d taste. Price.s lanc^e from $10.r>0 to $30.00 and are all excellent value. .'lilt liT 141-142, 3rd range N.E.T.S.H., Arieinesi I- -70 aciea under culnvHtion, uodd iMrli and brick house, an acre of o-chard ; well watered. .Apply to â€"I. SINCLAIR. ir>Octl7 Klesherteii. Sweater Coats for Cool Evenings The cool weather makes the need of warmer clothing imperative. A nice* ^i cosy sweater coat just fills the want exactly. We have a swell .selecticn in all the leading colors in plain and fancy weaves, with the new shawl collar.s, made up trout dependable wool yarns and beautifully finished. Prices from $2.7") to $f).r)0, for Men's and Women's sizes. FARMS FOR SALE Kor sale or rent for grxzins;, h.t .'<:'>. con. i;!, and part of lots 'Si and ;>.">, con. 14, A:t»'mesiH. IHl acres more or lesa known M the Coi per farm. Will ten' for pasture athia HPURim. or take stock in by the mon Ih. This is a splendid grain and tfrn/.ing farm, well watered and fenced, a j^f I'ower Eiou^e, $.'>. 54) per day, also lot of valuable timber and ce<lar and aUiut [tborera. f :t IXi per day. Hydro Klectric !HJ acres Ht for cultivation. It is well Pnwer Commiwiim, Kuuenu. worth the attention of stock men. Will sell for rea»onible cash payment, balance â- . . easy terms. Apply to K. .1. Sproule, F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Teams Wanted MASSE Y HARRIS IMPLEMENTS folhiwinu are the prizes offered for l!tl7 1- For the best geldini; or mare, any (Irausht breed, 1st f2.'>. 2nd S\J. making a '.otal >'f more ihikn 40 B>:che planes (hat he has ba^jged. Two weeks a(;o he broke Hie Briiish record f..r TROM PRIVATE TO ACTING - MAJOR Iuly6tr Flesheiton. Out. Farm for Sale Lit •-T. Ci>n K. 0!.|irey, aUmt lortv aires cl**ar»-d, tlt»* bal.'iiKv iiio.stly hardw mm! bu.^h Wf II waterrd Thin farm must benold tn wind upau eilate A(>|i'.v -W.M W THO.M V.SON. Arlmlnistrat.r. 1)0 1 '.'I Sinirhamptuu, K H Hoistein Bull For Service .V|thiin>iiKhhred Holateiii I'till for iierviceon l..t» liCt 1S4 S.W. T. 4 S.H.. Aftemenia; elos cly rrlited t» the world's champion 44-|>onnd eow. Terms: $1 .Wfor Krailes, to.U) for pure lired,*. 1 .Inly 17 â€" <;K0. .MOOKK * Son. FlesKeinion ^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If yoii require anything in the line of Binders, I "'i?ht, delivery Friday evenia Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivatorx, Pulp ers, Ph>w,s, Sleighs, Waggons, Cream Separators. Harrows. Rollers, Cuttinij Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, (iasoline en nines. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chaoee to quote prices. 1 [N the suppla- ment t* th« "I..ondon Oa- «ette," daifd Aiis- U8t 16lh, contain- IDK a list cf •wards to offlifr* aod men fur gal- lantry and devo- tion lo duty In the fli-ld th.' fol low inK a|i|i<>ars : S... I.t. lA. Ciipt.i DoiiK'fij B.'.rkcr Watsrin, MIddx K Whon A'tinK Adjiiiiiiii In- p e r f o r tn •- d most valuable ber- vlc-<'8 to Ills heiid- iinarlcrs, rrnss- 1 n K a r I d K •' tliris- tliiiis in «l?..vliKhi Ihroiiuli 'hea^y mai liin<- ,Ciin and ri'le lir>^ to obtain cxm t in Jnrrsiatioii a^ tc <hi- siiiutlon uihI |«ispr:siilons of \i:i 'battalion. Ilc> .-'ii'- ••essfully aiicni- ;|ili.slied his la.-'k lUrder viry dlfTi full (â- I r I- 11 Hi Btaru cs," The Kallant ofil- cer, who Is rmly 21 y<"ars of ape, "waw horn on i he 201h .Mar. h, IH'JU. and rdii.ated at KInK .\)lrid'.H Sehool, Wantage, llf Joln<'d ithe aervicps of ll:« KrelKlit I 'o,;t. of 111- Ciuaillan I'aijlli: fly., CharinK Cross, dn I)B(einl)^r. 191:;. and »h"n war hroUe out lie pnli:;'i''l as a jirivale in tho :lUth llatt .Virtdlfser nHKlmcnt. Ho «.i.i Kazelti d S'-cl.t. on the ISth S.-pt. of ;the same y^ar. was iionlloncd In di'ii;i:iU hea amoiigHt. othor.i by (!en. A. J. 'Murray, ('. In ('., Knypilan Kx|iedilioi:ary I'on-e on the IStli March, iiromoted ito be ActInK Captain whilst comniandlii; a lomp.iny, on A'iril IDlh, iind in the "Oa7«?lte" on .May 2r>th ll was sl.iieil: "Caiit. Ii. IJ Wal.son, .M.C., to by Acting IMajor, whilst Major m ll'-iulqiiarters nt the lluttnlion." j , War Record of C. P. R. Men. In hplle of the fad Uial diiy and night Ihe trains ar.d .steamers of that Rreat Imiorial orKaiilzathm the Canadian I'Hiinc ItallvNay, have boen. occupiod In ,the tran.sportation of soldiers and war tnalerials. and that the hui;e work- -flbops of tl-.e comiiaiiy have been tiirnini; out vu:it a'liiplie.s of miinillor.s of war ilnslead of rnjtlr,r» and rolling sloe k, no fewer than S.&y) men in tlie service of (the I ompaay have Roae to the front. In every theatre of war they are to be Joiiiidâ€" in l'"run<e, llaly. Russia, Ihe DalkaiM, Mesopotamia. Africa. Of the«a ,8.001 men (apart from IW wlio are .'ierviiig In llio Navy) l.:M>3 liave l>cea %IHr-d or wounded. Riiion;; the killed b*inK ('Apt. Ihe Hon. A. T. Shaughneaey, »on of l.ord ShauRhnessy, iiresidHnt of the ('. I'. H. The (â- I'. H. and Dominion iCxiirefis s'affs in tireat liritaln before th« war numbered 2n, of whom 179 were of mllilaiy a^e. and of llioae 179 no fewer 4han 1.58 have Joinid Ihc colors. Among lliose who have paid the suprMiM fBacrlflre hav l>e«>n 1. 1 A. K Voys<'y, Chief Abslstant lo the European Manager, And I>t, W. II. .McArthiir, M.C. The honors won by oflii-iaLs and i-mployoH of Ihe ronipany make a lonf; Hat. Ll.-Col. C. W. H ItaniKuy has hern made CM. (J. The I) S.O. has l>een awarded (to I,t.-f!ol. (1, S. Car.llii', general siiperlnt r-ndent of car si^rvice; I.I. Col, F. A. .Oa^r/ilgne, siiiK-rliiti r.diT.t of cur s.'ivice Montreal; and Maj. J. A. Hesketh, Asiistant engltjter. V.lrnlpeK Thg .Military Crois ha.s been ealned by Temp. I.I. C. F Casey (Itilled), U. 0. A. Hamilton (killod). I.I. i;. Irvine. Cost, Kgt. MaJ. .1 .lelTery, Mij. W. M. iKIrkpalrlck, I.t. W, II McAiihor (UllleM, I.t, W II McMurray. l,t. J. K. 'Watheson, Co,-Sgt, MaJ II .N'einhUonr, I.t A, M. Robertson Sgt.-MaJ. U. Stuart, Capt. I., H. CnwIn. 1. 1 W II, Wilson, and I.I Col. I" A Wilkina. The following Ik'vm luen awanled tie I), CM.. Cpl, A IV Hanrnck, Pt«. R. •Jobling, IMe, II. II, .lores, Kgl, I. fl. 1 cnsford Cpl VV. N, I-««r «Kt- I> M»'-» fU«, Co,SBt. Maj II, Neighbour, Sec. fpl. J K. Newton., Onr, S, Strickland, rte.'n. A, St'.l-3. O The Military Medal has b«cn won by I'te, A Anderson. Rgt. R. .1 Campbell. Vt» t Campbell, Act.-Ciil. I). S, Charleson, Pte. T. C. ThriKlie, Cpl. A. W. Courtney Cnr .1 It CoiitlB, Cnr. S I.. KngU-nd, S»t, W. Ki|!«hy, flr». W. ForsrtU Pte. II. llamtr,, A. P. Iioord, I.. Cpl. C. M. C. Iloyt. Pte, D. lliitchlnsnn Pie, M. 9 Kennedy, U. KonnHy, Stf. Hi;t. W, n. I^ndry. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers PHONE HILLCREST 268 124 AVENUE RD J.W.Bates,' Toroto R. Maddocks, Pres. Motor Equipment Manager. |i^i€i-X-=.«? tfs^^iTS^^Siirw. nj^Si^^S^ m.'^i US^mS ^. I The Old Adage i iS^^^ John Wright, - Ageut Flcshcrton STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE We Aim to Give Entire SatUfaction LAUNDRVâ€" Bosket closes Monday CLKANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clotbrrfi cleaned and dved. feathers rejuvenated T FISHER . -PROPRIETOR Tamwortli Swine, D. P, Kggfi, aud Koueu Duck E^us. I have foriiuitkHal.-»,,Mievciiiiij{Taiii«.irtli-> fi.r liri-rdinKpuriKwes ; aUoi.iiiif lUiied K..i-k etiK-. »"d Rouen Ihu k rgK- f„r liatchiiiK l'"r- |-"f». Prices nirlit Phnne i.,- writt- â€" '.JKU. \V. Ko.s.s i)ctl!»lO Osprey Tl. .«v»t.m,«cll P o New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opening un atinice, t\ blacksmith- inn and woodworking business in Max- well, and am n^'allini; up-to-date wood- working iiHchineiy. It will be my en- deavor to serve the public in' a satisfac- tiiiy 111 inner and I would solicit pitron- aife. I wiiit yourwoik and will do it f'^*"'- 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating 'Jhc .s.Hiiie i.s 0(|iiall\ true of the ISiOO (Jnivity ii.sher. Try one and lioconvincci thai there is none lietter. // S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon -S Full line i)t iVleUorinick Farm Iinpleiueiu.s, liimlcis .Moweis, Ivakes, l.naders, l)rill.<. (. iiltivntois, I'lows, liidinj? anil Walking' Uiiiiow.s liiaiitfcrd Wiiul Mill.s, riiii:|:rt, Piping aiui Fillings of all kinds, lieattii! Hay Carrieis, Hay Porks, J^liiicr.s, l''ilter ( 'arrieis, luVldiiig Hath Tul».s, Frost Wiieaml ^Fenco ('utters and Sleii,di.s. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | 1^ i^ \i\ I!! i ini ^} i I I I I I Flesherton Tin Shop- I placed on the .shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelware and A-ateware for domestic use. (.all on me and fjctyour supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. PipeHtting, inchuling pmnp work. Furnaces installed. A Furnaces. igent for Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP I i [if)l II I CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON JB ONTARIO, gg- â- Jr=^r =Jr=Jr=:Jr= ir =in='i i=g (the Meritorious .Modal, o .j r^ i tfuramarb.ln" we find the IoIbI honor* work out .-va followfi: C,M,n., 1; IDS') 3- KlUltary CroBa, 14; 1),(!.M,. 0; Milit»ry Medal, ;18; Meritorioua Mfulai' 1 ' It should al.^o ba mentioned that the Kuroiiean niMiager of th^ ^^P R W-Cel. a. McLaren PrBWD. Uas been appointed an ass^t^nt air«^t»r ^ tjy yay Qfltga isa^^^ â€" -^ â€" râ€" ^- â€" â€"â€" ^â€" .*ia^ ANNOUNCE/VVENTI j Ifaviug purchased the Furniture business of Mr. n .John Chapiuan at a rate on ihe, I am prepared j] to offer Furniture at uuheiird of prices. For tlie ne.vt i] fifteen days the piiltlic will he alile to i)roht hy this .sa-le, j) as I must disfiose of most ot it. The v^tock is new and up lo-tlate in every respect. Dres.seis. Stands, Parlor Set.-, aud other choice goods at prices that will surprise ymi. War time does not^ atVect these as they were mostly purcliaseil hefxe the raise and are again cut in order to make (|iiick sale. -.Come in and hok over the Stock. W. HBUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO, [j, FARM IMPLEMENTS â- .^SIi==rr~Jr~l 'r=Jr=i}n=3,^r=J,^=Ji^=. Agents £^or Wagons Plows Hay Rikes Cultivstera Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, iMPLEMEiHT AQENT FLESHERTON. 9t '• 1* â- â- I -. I » I •» • !• t- ii*!iJt.,