Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1917, p. 3

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> =t J • .* y^l BUSINESS WOMAN x^jFo-ia.y, mote than ever before, la pman's opportunity. Many new oc- patlons are now opened to her, "which, before the war, she was deemed unfitted to fill. And truth to tell she has risen to the opportunity, and now shares many business responsibilities In former times confined to men. But, as women are subject to more fre- quent fluctuations of health than men, many will be handicapped early, if they regard their health requirements too lightly. The nervous strain, long hours and prolonged mental or physical fatigue thin the blood and weaken the nerves. Such conditions as women are now called upon to undergo can only be en- dured by a full-blooded constitution. This Is as true for men as for women, only weaker women suffer soonest. The woman worker, in any line, re- quires her blood replenished frequent- ly. She needs new, rich blood to keep her health under the trying conditions of business life, and to fortify her syst^pi against the effects of overwork. This applies also to the woman in the home, who, perhaps, has more worries and anxieties than usual. So let all DANGER FOR THE TOURIST. Strange Animal Inhabits the Desert' Valley of California. That most frightful of deserts, Death Valley, in California, lies be-: tween two lofty ranges, one of which is called the Funeral Mountains. i The higher levels of these moun- tains are rather densely forested, with here and there little meadows and "parks" (natural clearings), in which dwells a strange animal knawn as the terrashot. So inaccessible are those inhospitable heights, however, that the creature, rarely seen, has remain- , ed almost unknown. Respecting its habits little can be | -said. There is no reason for suppos- 1 ing that it is dangerous to man. No- j body knows even whether it is car- 1 nivorous or a plant feeder. It has a ' coffin-shaped body, six or seven feet long, with a sort of shell running the j whole length of its back. | Having (it is presumed) few natur- I al enemies, the terrashot increases in numbers until it is seized with an im- pulse to migrate â€" possibly because its ; DODD'S % mnkEtf DEEDS. As 'round some forgotten tome, Among whose leaves a rose has lain, lingers perfume; Though tome and rose have each be- come. The yellow hue of time's slow stain, That robbed its bloom. THE PATHS OF PAIN. The paths of pain are lonely. But the loneliest path of all Is trodden by the children. Pitiful, weak and .'^mall; The fatherless and motherless Who live unloved, and die. Sobbing their little souls away. Under a silent .sky. The paths of pain arc holy. But the holiest path of all Is sacred to the children. Innocent, frail, and small; The friendless and forsaken. The lambs without a fold. Till He Khali call them to Him Over the sands of gold. â€" Ernest H. A. Home. food supply no longer suffices. The ani-j go memory of deeds we've done, mals then form long processions, ; jf g^o,, ^^ j,j_ tj,ey still live on to fol- marching down into the desert in sin- Jq^^ f^^. girls and women take heed and renew gle file, with the evident intention of \f(;er this earthly course is run their blood promptly at the first ap- ' crossing the valley to the mountains ijiessing or curse the meed we've won Ulnard's Iiinlment Cares Burna, Bto, A quart of canned peaches or to- matoes on the shelf is worth a bushel rotting on the ground. The white of an egg when used in- stead of water for mixing mustard poultices prevents the skin from blis- tering. MAGIC BAKING POWDER.I CONTAINS NO ALUM. The only well known medium pricod baking; powder made In Canada that does not contain alum and which has all Its InKredlents plainly stated on the label. E.W.GILLEn COMPANY LIMITED BJ!2»IHtWHITtiy.U« BAKING POWDIB: WINNIPCO TORONTO. ONT. MO»*TwrAL Growing children need more tissue- building foods than do persons whose growth is completed. .Milk, eggs, meat, fish, cheese and legumes aro all lisKue-bullding foods, but milk and eggs are best for young children. MONEY ORDERS When ordering goods by mail, send a Dominion Express .Money Order. The oldest railway in France runs between Paris and Havre. It was built mure than half a century ago. FUBS LOVELY I'Klt.SI.A.N- LA.MH. .MI.NK and oilier furs tiy mull. WlioliBale prices. Send foi UluHtrated caialdB' of LaiKulns. McCijmtjt-r'.s Liiiilifii. .\lanu- fui-iuieis. 4:;ti i) .SI. I'aul \V.'.st. .M.iiiiiaal proach of pallor, lack of appetite, head- i on the other side. ache and backache. This can be best and most effectively accomplished by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which make new, rich blood and thus help womankind so perfectly. No woman need tear failure of health if they take these pills occasionally to keep them well, or give them a fair trial if they find themselveB rundown. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. To help or mar. â€" Winficid Lionel Scott, Detroit. But none of them ever get across As they encounter the hot sands they rapidly distend with the heat, and one after another they blow up with loud reports, the places where this hap- pens being marked by deep, grave- shaped holes. _ W. T Cox, State Forester of Min-! fo^'yga^g^^n^'cons^TeVltThe^bestTi'ni- nesota, has found records which show .n^nt ^^ ^g market. 1 have found It that early Mormon emigrants observ- excellent for horse flesh, ed this remarkable animal, chancing This is to certify that I have used MI.'VARD'S LINIMENT in my family ORCHIDS WITH ICE CREAM. Flavoring Extract, Vanilla, is Obtain- ed From Highly Prized Flower. Few people think of orchids, which are highly prized and admired for their beauty as flowers, as contribut- ing any edible product, yet one of the most widely known and commonly used flavoring extracts â€" vanilla â€" is obtained from an orchid. The commoner forms of the orchid to witness such a procession as above described, and beholding tragic fate of the creatures. .> that the A FOR LITTLE 0.\ES (Signed) W. S. PINEO. "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. SELDOM SEE a big knee like this, but your horss may have a bunch or bruise on hii ankle, hock, stiria, knee or throat. ABSORBHME r^ ---TiwvDE MARK mv:A:(iS{. Ofk will clean it otf nithout iayii.g OD the horse. No blister, no anb gone. Concentrated â€" only a few drop» required at an application. $2 per bottle dcllvercil. nrvcritw x'niir cats for ipedsl liutmcttcnt uid Book 8 .tl (roe. A.USOR0LNE, JR.. Uie tnd. Kirtle Uuimant (or intnlund. rvUiicel PftlnfiU Swelltnti, Balttl*<l Cil&tidt, Went. Bruiiai, Varlcow Vcini; ailayl Pain and inliainmaiton. Pries £1 and tZ a bottle at tlnuxiiu ttr detUered W. F. V0UN6, P. a. F., S18 LyTians Bliig., MontrrsI, Cm ttsoTbtnc md Absorblaa. ix^ are jnde ta f'«>^iia. Flour Ik apt to gather dampness if It rests right on the floor. The boys can make a neat box, a few inches high, to set the barrel or bin in. This will keep the flour dry. ClANCER, TUMORS. LL'.MP3. ETC.. / Internal antl external, cured with- out pain by our home tieatment. Write us bpf^ro too Intft. Dr. Bellman Medlcai Co.. I-imltert. Cnlllnsrwnnil Ont. Minai'd's Zilniment Selleves Venralirla. Tlie phrase 'a cuck and bull "a ctm- cocted and bully story," the latter term being derived from the Danish word bulleii â€" "exaggerated." When buying your Piuno insist OB having an "OTTO HIGzL" PIANO ACTION • I Mrs. Delvina Pelletier, Ste. Perpetue. Que., writes : "I have much pleasure In stating that Baby's Own Tablets have been a marvellous medicine in the case of my baby. I have been us- ing the Tablets for four years and don't think there is anything to equal To disinfect a bathtub, scrub and scald It well, then allow a little water to run into it and drop Into this a small quantity of carbolic acid and brush every part of the tub with this. CUIICURA HEALS E Like A Boy at 50 Bubbling Over With Vitalityâ€" Taking iron Did it Doctor says Nu.xated Iron' is greatest of all strength buildersâ€" Ottcn increases the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 100 per cent, in two weeks' time. mail '.^amy^o mo*"*ivi.),\;r^'" '"I* v"^,", " "*"'" ""'^ •â- **« f<"" yourself how much centurv old „, ..»l!l.iT," .'"â- "l'^' ',"}" " *°" *"''« Kalned. I hav* seen .U.^t-ns of are very widely scattered throughout »jjg~ the world. Out of a total of 15,000 ^^ f,^^ ,^g guarantee of a government different species there is only one ^^^^^^^ j^„j ,^^gy ^„ ^^^ ^.^„j^i„ ^^^^ fenus known to have any practical p^^icle of opiates or other harmful ''*i4*' , , . , . ' drugs â€" they cannot possibly do harm There are but a few species of this Seed ears for next year's crop, if selected In the field from standing [ corn, may be chosen more wisely, be ! stored more carefully and will then pro-' In using the Tablets the moth- i duce a larger yield in return than if i picked from the shock or crib. ' ?enus and the most important one of :hese is that from which the vanilla bean of commerce is obtained. The <enus is native in the warmer parts )f Mexico and in portions of Central ^.merica, but it has been introduced ind is now extensively cultivated in larts of the West Indies and in is- ands of the East Indian archipelago. The various species of vanilla are ill climbing plants. The slender stems send out aerial roots and by these the iiines climb upon the trunks and limbs jf trees. The fruit consists of long slender 5ods, resembling a thick, somewhat fattened lead pencil in shape, being iirm but slightly wrinkled. The pods are gathered and dried before they are Tully ripe, the drying process being 1 very important feature of their pre- paration, developing their color and giving them the peculiar quality de- sired {pr flavoring purposes. « Britain's Hero. A London schoolmaster named Wiman, who enlisted and lost an arm and a leg in France, returned to teach- ing after his recovery and became the idol of his students. The discipline among members of his class was perfect, the boys enforc- ing it among themselves. Finally, after the authorities discovered him to be a better teacher than ever, the school arranged for an exhibition hearing of one of his history lessons. At this exhibition Wiman asked: "Now, boys, who is the greatest out- standing British military hero of all time?" The boys instantly stood, cheered thrice and shouted in chorus "Mr. Wi- man!" -- they always do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 2.'j cents a box from The Dr. ' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ' Ont. GOD BLESS YOU. So I breathe a charm Lest grief's dark night oppress you. Then how can sorrow bring you harm If 'tis God's way to bless you? And so, not "all thy days be fair And shadows touch thee never," But this alone â€" God bless you, dear, So thou art safe forever. â€" Julia A. Baker. e e e o â€" o â€" o â€" oâ€" WOM^ I IT 18 LIFT OUT MAQIC I ANY CORN WPWE Granulated Eyelids, ' """"•'-^SoieEyej. Eyes Inflamed by ( !5un, Ouatand iVJni/qiiickly 'relieved by Murine. Try it In your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes. oSmirtiaf, Jntt EjeComisrt Mnrine Eye Kemeay „^|_ jo^ p.r boiua. Martn* â- ya S«lv«, In TuiMS 250. F.ir Book o/ «*< fc'l'e rr»». Atk MarUie E7« Remedy Co.. Chlcaco * Attached. Little M-iry had been sent to the store to get some fly paper. She was a long time in returning, and her mother began to feel a bit anxious. Going to the door, she spied the lit- tle girl coming up the street, and said, "Mary, have you got the fly-paper?" "No, mother," cried Mary, "it's got me; but we're both coming together." mnard'i Liniment Ciuee SandntS. Apply a faw drops then lift eoma or callueea off with flngeraâ€" no pain, Juit think I You can , lift off any com or cal- lui without pain or sore- neti . I A Cincinnati man dis- ' covered this ether com- pound and named it freozone. Any drug- gist will mU a tiny bot- tle of froezone, like here ihown, for very little cost. You apply a few dropi directly upon a tender com or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short- ly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift It right off. Freezone is wonder- ful . It dries instantly. It doesn't est away the com or callus, but shrivels It up without even Irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corn* between the toes, as well as painful callusca, lift right off. There is no pain before or after- wards. If your druggist hasn't freesone, tell him to order a small bot- tl« for you from his wholejale drug hcuse . Relief Instantaneous. Healed With 3 Cakes of Soap and 2 Boxes of Ointment. â-  "I was very much annoyed by an irritation on my back. I found out i had a bad case of eczema. My back was in a very bad shape, and my clothini; irritated so that the skin became very sore. I sent forCuticura Soap and Oint- ' mcnt. Relief was instan- taneous and with ttie use of three c.ikes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) B. F. Grosch, Y. M. C. .-V., St, Catherines, Ont., July 4, 1917. For hair and skin health Cuticura Soap and Ointment are supreme. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress poat-card: "Cuticura, Oept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Siild evcrvwhcre. ?h ui ."'"" ''»<"nl«hed to iliid him with ;, ,1 '.."";' frf'^'surp of a hov of 20 and as run .11 vicor. vlni and vltalitv an a vouns mun. In fa.t a younc man he really was noiwitliBtanitlnR hl« agre. The Hc-cret h« J"''' was takliiK Ironâ€" nuxated Iron hud niletl turn with renewed life. At 30 he was In bad liealth. at 46 he was careworn and nearly all in. .Vow at 60 after taking NuxatoU Iron a miracle of vltalitv and nJs face beaminK with the buovaniv of youth. As I have .said a hundred times over, iron Is the jfreatost of all sirenKth build, IS. If i>pi,|ile would only take .Nux- ated Iron when they feel weak or run- down Instead of dosing; themselves with hablt-formlnK drugs, .stimulants and al- coholic beveraRcs 1 am convinced tliat In this way they could ward off disease. preventinK it beromlnit orKanlc in thou- sands of cases and thereby the lives of thousands inlKht be saved who now die ever.v year fi'om pneumonia, ffrinpe. kid- ney, liver, heart trouble and oilier dan- herons maladies. The real and true cause which started their diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of Iron In the blood. Iron Is abs<dutely necessary to enable your blood to chanife ftiod Into llvinft tissue. Without It. no matter how much or what you eat. your food merely passes throuKh you without doinK you any irood. You don't Ket the strenuth out t>f it and as a consenuetice you be- I come wohU. pale and sickly lookinR just like u plant tryinic to Krow in a soil deftclent in Iron. If you are not strona or well you owe It t<< yourself to make the following test: See how lonii you can w^irk or bow far you can walk without becomliiK tired. .Next take two flve-ijraln tablets of ordinary nu.tated Iron tiiree times per day after meals for two weeks Then test your sir< nRth ln« all the while, double their strenrth and endurance and entirelv net rid of all syminoms of dyspciisla. liver and other troubles In fiom ten to fourteen days' time simply by taklnit Iron In the proper lorm. .\nd this after they had In Hirme cases been OoctorinK for month.i without obtaintnB any beneiit. I!ut do^â- t take the old forms of reduced iron. Ir'>n acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few <cnts. You must take lion in a form that can be easily absorbed and as- -•similated like nuxated Iron if vou ^vant it to do you any (food. oihurwiBe it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prlzertKhter has won the lav sltnply because he knew the secret of treat streiiBth and endurance and lilled his blood with iron bef<iro he went into the affray, while many another has eons down to Inelorious deteat simply lor tilt lack of Iron. â€" E. .Sauur. M.D. .NUTi;: .Vox. ltd In, II. re(uinmr:i,lcil abuv.. l.y t>r. K. ijauer. is not a puleut meill.lne nor »?cret remedy, liut „ii(. which iB whII known to drustfl..tM. aa.l whope Ir<'n . on»tltu.-nti. ill-, widely prei*crlbfd by emi- nent ptiyivlc lanp cverywiieie. I'nllke 'ha 'ilder III. iganlc Iron pro.lu.'.s. It I* eujlly i.mllnllate.1. <1 .ea not injure the leelh. ii.ake them hlnck. n.'r upi.«t tht> ..t'.ma.h. on the cmlraiy. It is a nioitt potent rem- e.ly in nearly .lil torniH ..f In.llgeDitdn la weil as for nerv(,u». run-.iown L-.>ncllt!<.nR. Tin, maniif.i.turera have auch Kfftat .-uiitl- Oenc*. in Nuxated Iron that tiiey ',tfer to forfeit $100.00 to any ihurltabie InnlUJilon if they ,'unnot take any man ni 1^',nul^. i.n.ler 60. whi> lark.- Il-.n. and In, reaae iliptr str»Ti|cth 100.> (»r ..ver In f.mr wot.ka' time. pr.>\'Uied ihey have no serlou.. or- K.iiii.- trouhle. They .ilM) nffer to iffiinj \ nor m.mey If It due., n.it at :eH«l licul'la yoar »tr.oigth ali.l eii.Uiran.-e In .en leva' :ltoe It ^f >Mst>etl,.e.i I'V nil K'> mI lfiL'i:l«.* - %y- ..t<^.-»?:,_.^-^... mt0 I' l-'^^k'-V I "'I * I â- ^^1 A wholesome table beverage with winning flavor. Used every- where by folks who find that tea or coffee disagrees. "There's a Reason" Csnadlwi Foattoa Oi««l On., XAd, Whuis>T, Out. The Pen of Destiny. Sir Douglas Hain .signs all official j despatches and other oflicial docu- i ments with the gold fountain pen that was a present to his wife from Queen I Alexandra. The British Commander- 1 I in-Chief devotes half an hour out of I what is often a working day of fifteen or sixteen hours to signing official documents. This is the outside limit I of time he can afford to devote to work of this kind. Sir Douglas Haig is as fit as can be and has an iron con- stitution, but he has nevertheless lost I over fourteen pounils in weight in the "Hpast twelve months. The burden of I responsibility that the Commander-in I Chief of the B.E.F. in France carries ! on his shoulders would wear most men to a shadow in a few months. A FRIEND'S ADVICE Woman Saved From a Seri- ous Surgical Operation. Volcano in Hottest on Top. Notwithstanding what the old te.xt- books say, it now appears that a vol- cano is hottest on its surface. This is the conclusion drawn by a scientist who has made extensive investigations in craters in Hawaii and has obtained I.«uisville, Ky.â€" "For four years I Buffered from female troubles, head- aches, and nervousness. I could not sleep, had no apputitu and it hurt me to walk. If I tried to do any work, I would *ave to lie down betoro it was finished. The doc- tors said I would have to be opera- ted on and I simply broke down. A friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and the result is I feel like a new wom- an. I am well and strong, do all my own house work and samples of gases and lava before they i havo an eight pound baby girl. I knov/ â-  , ., . » , . ..,._Â¥ ...]:» lj> I3:«lr !...».. ... \r. .«..,. â€" i.i.. r^ reached the air. Laboratory studies of these samples make it appear prob- ! able that much of the heat required to 1 ] keep an open lava basin in fluid con- j dition is supplied by the chemical ac- i i tion of the gases. From these inves-J I tigalions the scientist concludes the , temperature at the surface of a vol- ! cnno undoubtedly is higher than that , below the surface, Kisses and to moiilh. rumors go from mouth Mtaard't &lBlm*at for ••!• svarywlior*. Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Com pound saved mo from an operation which every woman dreads. " â€" Mrs. Nellie Fishback, 1521 Christy Ave., Louisville, Ky. Everyone naturally dreads the sur- geon's knife. Sometimes nothing else will do, but many times Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has Saved the patient and made an operation un- necessary. If you nave any symptom about which you would like "to know, write to the Lydia B. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for heluful advice given free. ED. 7. ISSl'E^i^'lT. Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist and Doctor JudkinSf The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances the o.rosljj'ht more tliaii 50 pi-r ovnt In one nii'k'M till.'. I bay.' ii!»o usi'rt It with mir- liilsliig cffoit In cu^M of work strnliioU eyes, piuk py.-*, itillaiiiiii.'d 11. In, catarrluil .'oii- jiiii.'llvlto, Hiiiurll'iK, piiliiriil, n.'hiut;, ItcU- liiB >•> OS, !â- ;.â- . '9 wonk. acJ from colils, smoke. Klin, ilust mill \viiiil, wntcTv eyes, blurrtil vlHion, nii.l In fact, ui.tiiy utlu^r condltluuft tuo niiiiicroun to il(>Rirll).! in this ri'port. A iii'W ami slai-tilng .'uhc has just .vmie under my ol»Herviitl"it. wliUh ylclrt.-.l to Itoii Opt.). Is that of ii y.mii^f tlrl. 12 yvnrs old. Two proinlneiit eyi- Rpeciullsta, aftiT a thorough I'xniulnati.in of tlie y.'iing gill, .leilded 111 or.ler t.i sam the Miglit of her rlylit eye, the 1( ft e.vu must be reinov.Hl. Hefore permit- ting liiT to lie op. 'rated ,jii. (lie young girl's f..ther dtH'l.lcd to UHe Hon Opto. In less tliaii three days a marked Improvciuout was iiotl.'od. At the end of n \veek tlie lullain- iiiiitlou had Hl.-iiont .IlHnppearoU, and at tho end of six wieks tlie o>o was s:iveil. Just tlilnk what tho saving .if thai eje iiieanH to tills little girl. Another case ta that of a lady ninety tiiive years ol.l. She .aiiio to .1110 witii .lull vision niid extreinti Inilniiiiua- tiun of the llda and the coujuuctiva wad al- iiuiHt raw.. Ait.-r two wim-Us' uso of Hon (iplo the lids were ahsoluttly nunual an.l lier eyes are us bright us many a girl of alxtteu." I>r. .TudliinR, Massa.'husetts pbyslelan, liirmerly Chief of Cllni.a In the Vuloii Gen- rral Hospital, Boston, Mass., and formerly lionse Surgeon at the New England Eye and l.'ar Iiillnniiry of Tortland, Maine, and laedl.ml author for many years, reports: "I have found ociiil.sts too piono to oper- ate all. I oiitlulaiis too wiiUug to preserlLe glasses while negleetlng the simple formu- las whl.'h f.iriu tho basis of that woudi^ri'iil home treatineiit for eye troubles, Bon Opto. Tills, In my opinion. Is a reiaarkablo rctn- o.Iy for the cure and preveutton of many oyo (lisordcrs. Its suceess In .lev. 'loping and slreugthonlng the eyesight will soon uiaku eyo glasses old f8sbloiie.l and the form of eye baths wblrh the Ron Op'to method pro- vides, will make Its use as e.iininon as that of tho tooth brush. I am thoroughly rou- vln.ed from my experience with Hon Opto tlint It will strengthiMi the eyesight at least 50 per cent In one iwek'a time In many In- stances. Dr. W. H, Devlne. dlre<tor of medicul inspeetlou in the Hostou schools, lu his report piii>il8hed February 20, 1917, slat<>8 that only 14,010 out of S9,17l> ex- aiulned, ue<^d to wear glass. '« now, a mnrk.'d I'.ooreaso .iver the urevlous report. Bon Opto la hastening the cyi-glassless age In bespe<^noIed Hoslon.'* Victims of eye strain and other eye weak- nt^^sea and those ^vh.> wear glasses will be ghid to know thai n.'.'ordlng to Or. Beck and Dr. Ju.lklus, there is real hope and help for them. .Many whose ey.'s were fall- ing say they have bo'l their eyes restored by thia remarkabl.' pr.'s.rlptlou and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away." Uui- man sny.s, aftiT using It : "1 was iiltnosl blind, ("ould n.it K.e to read at all. Now I can read every- Ull. HECK A Free Prescription Ton Can Xlave Filled and Use at Uome. New Yorkâ€" T>r. Ihi'k, a New York state »ye sii.'.'iullst, and Dr. Ju.Ikliis, a Miissa- eiinsetts iihysl.lan, were asked lo make a th. .rough test of the popular (tyo remedy, Jion Upto. Their r. ports were most Inter- esting. Here they are : !>r. IteeU reports, "When my attentidn was tirst called to the wonilerful eye r.'iu- e.ly, lion Opto, I was iiniliied to be sUeptl- eal. 1 uiaUe It a rule lo t.>st evi>ry now tr.'atineiit which Is brought to my attention. Having si).^i:lall7.ed in eye work for the past twenty years, I h.'Mi've I am (lualllled to express an Intelligent .iplni.m on rcmedi.s applicable to the eyes. Siii.e l!ou Opto has pi'eat.'il siicii a sensation tbroughout the i'nited i^tates and Canndn, I welcoiued the opportunity to test It. 1 began If use It lu my pra.tloo a little over a year ago and I am frank to say that the results obtaliii'd are su.h that I h.^sitate to tell .>f my i>x- p.'rleii.'.' f. ir fear It will sound Incredible. Some of the r.snlts I have a.'.omplisliiHi with Hon Opto not only astonished myself but also oth.u' physielniis with whom I have talk.'.l about It. 1 have liad niiiuy Individ- uals who had worn glasses for years for far-siglit''.lii.'ss, niar-slglile.ln.'ss, astigtiia- tlsm and other ey.^ weakness. 'S. tell ino they have dispenseil with tboin through the a.lop- tlon nf the Bon Opto priu.lpal. Many eve I troubles can be tra.'ed dlrectl.v to nuiseuiar eontra.:tlon and relaxutlon ami slu.^e Boa Opto method t.'IIs how to exercise and .1.'- velop the eye mtisdi's, it ri'ach.'S .'oiiditloiis : not possible through other mi^ans. 1 advlsa ' every thoughtful physician to study Hon 1 Opto principal, give It the same careful 1 trial I have and there Is no doubt In my I mind th.'y will come to the eoncluslon I â-  have, nnmely, that the Buu Onto method I op. 'IIS the (toor for tho .'lire of many eye troubles which have heretofore been Iiiipos- 1 slide to cope with. The treatment is so ' simple in Its applliatinn lliat It .an be use.! ' It hom(» by anyone oT averag.' Intelllgen.'e. lu mjr owu practice I liava 8e«u It ulreogtlieu tiling without my glasses auti my eyes do not ntirt any mor.». -M night they w.iulil pain dreadfully. Now they feel Hno all the time. It was like a mlra.^le to m.!." A lady who iia.Hl It says: "The atuiosiihere seemed ha«y with or without glasses but after using tills prescrliitl.in for !.'» days everything aeems .lear. I can rend even fine print without glasses." Aiii.flicr who ini* .1 it aajs; "1 wiw bothered with vya stru.u rn. .Ifl.'iilNS causefl Kt overworked, tired eves irhlch In- .luccA lieico h.ada.hes. 1 have worn glassel tor several y.ars, h.ilh for .listance and close work and without them 1 could not rea.l my (»wn lutiii.' on an envelope or the typewriting on the ma.-liluc beftire in.'. 1 can do both now ami have dlscariled my long distance glasses altogether. I can count tho Hutt.rlng leaves on the tn^s across tho strett now, which for several years haire look.^d like a dim green blur to ins. I cannot .'ipress my Joy at what it has done for me." "It Is believed that thousands who w.ar glasses can now dls.ard them lu a n-a^on- ablo Umo an.l multitudes more will be uMb to strtngthen their ey.s so as lo be siian.l the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of man.v descrlpti'.ns may be wonderfully hencUted lu* the use of this prcserlpti.in at home. Ilore Is the pre- scription; Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets. Drop ona Bon Opto tablet lu a fourth .if a glass of water and let It dissolve. With this lliiuld bathe the eyes two to four limes daily. >"oii ..hoiild notli'e your ey(>s clear up per. .'piilily right from the start and inflninmatlou lud redness will tiulckly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little. It Is your duty to take steps to sa\o them now b.'fore It Is loo late. Xlnny hopelessly blind might have saved their sight If they had cared for their eyes In time. NOTE â€" ADuther prominent pbyftli isa to whoBS the above arttcio was submitted. Htif.l: "Y.'». tb» rcmed.v. Its constltueut IneretliititR are well Uaown to eminent ere specialists Rid widely pre- ncrlbed by thorn. I have utcd II very »ini('t.i' fully In my own tiractice ou ptitieats whuse .-tcs wore â- irHlaed through overwork or mlsllt glssse*. 11 Is one of tho very few i>rei»arHtl..nR I feel should be kept on hand for regular ur.e In itlmost every family." Bon Opto referred to Mlx>Te. is not a pHtent lucllclne or a fsecret renitslT. It is an ethical pr*'paratloa, tho for- mula tn'iug printed on the pa.'kage. The laana. fftcturers guaraatee It to slreiiKthen e.Teslcht .VI p.r f.'nt la one week's time In many la- ntanees or refund the m.iuer. It la dltituuited ', liv all goo.l druKgists. inclualng general I stores, iilso by O. TaJiibbn and T. Kaloa & Co.. Toronto.

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