> ,"„ .'A TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRIMCIPLEb NOT MEN.' â- '-< vol :;7 No. 18 Fleslierton, Ont., Tluirsday, September 'JO 1017 W. H THDH^iTON "â„¢ FHOl KIE Pithy Proton Pointers Feversham Items School has reopcnid wi.li Miss Wiiirht agarn m. charge. Mary Wyvill returned borne (unn her holiday with friends in Ti-rontn. Clara Binnie in leeching al Thoriilnll. Mrs. Wcodhouse and daughter, Chris- tena, visited with friends iii J-'lesliirton. Mrs. Colonel Itay baa returned home from a visit at Millbaiik. MiM Maiy Uanley, Haiitilton, hxn been the euest u( her ccusin, Mable Wauchob. Mrs. J. C. Wright and cbiliiien have returned from their (umnier cuUHi{e at Kincardine. MiHR M. D, Powell, Whiiljv, viBited the Women's Institute here on t*cpt. I.'t, and demonstrated fiuil and vegetable canning. T. Green IS of Oranjjeville visited his wife %t the home of her father, Ji>se|. h Trelford. Mrs. E. McLean, Vancouver, is re- newing ac<(Uaintaiices iu uur vicinity. Miss Ada Acheson fcft un MuiuUy tn attend Normal at Tor(:nti>. Mrt!. H. Hod^ina v.sited with freiidK in Dundalk. On Sunday la'tt a number fruiii here attended the a;,niversai'y teiviciti ab^ Bethel. George Wilaun of St. Catharines was the guetit of his aunt, Mrs. J. VV'ilsun. Miss Scott of Nuttat'a gave a iiractical and inntruc'.ive demonstration of canning fruit and vegetables to the W. I. her; Dynes- Rowe Nuptials The uarriage of C«riotta Lillian, Only d.tugbter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kowr, bf Ouudallc to Mr. Oliver W. Uyuus, B S., M S.A., of IhacB, S.Y., look place iu the Methodist church, Dundalk, Wednesday. Sept. 5, at ii p.m. The cdrwmony was performed by Rev. 'ieoige Wiugh. The ushers were Mr. (Jcorgc Hanbury of Duadalk and Mr. Thomas Kowe of Whitby, couftn of ihn bride. Tiie thuich had been beautifully d, co- lated by the ladies of the congte.xt on with white chryeunthemumF, fern« ind plants of rare beauty. Tne bride erileiud the church on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding iiiar.h playtd by Miss Ueorifiiia Barton, cousin of the bride. Miss Emma Smith of Niagara Falls acted as Hi wer i>irl, at d Fred Large of Eugenia as ring benrer, boh tteing cousins <if ihe bride Ailci the marr age ceremony was concludud the bride was presented by Uev.Waugli Ml behalf of the ladies of the churcli with :« beautiful Bible as a token dI esreeiii and ay a remeiiibr.tiice of die home church of w icli she has been a meuiber since she was SfVen years ot ige While the rej^ister was being sigiitU Mr. Newton Laigw of ((won S Hind, cou-iin of 'the bride, sang vtitb much depth of fueling tha wedding scn,(. Because, after which a reception was held at the booie of the bride's pirin .<. The happy couple received coiigratu la'ious from tlieir many friends wiiile s aiidiiiy in a latticed bower batikul in aiili white and pink H wers. Those preset.t wcie served with a dainty lunch by gii 1 friends of the bride from tables pbicud on the large lawn. Mrs. t' fl. W. Hicl»lingof Flohertou and MrB.{Dr.) Smiih of Shelburiie poured tea. The number of and nuality ot the ^jfti to the bride go to show the esttein >n which she is held by those who hai the pleasure (if knowing her. We only mention two of ibeiii, as ihey show that hor musical ab littoM wtre appreciated â€" a, cabinet o^ silver from her pupils tii Siielbun e ai d a large silver plttltor fiom tho Dundalk Methodist choir. The wedding gown was while georgetta c epe o\er white satin with a etlk lace belivo outlined io siUer over a high while libeily satin girdle with white rope ailk. The same embroidery was carried out in the long conventional veil. A wreath of orange blossoms was also worn. Tbo bride carried a wre:>tb of Suuburst r.ises. Her going away suit was a tailored n ivy blue worsted viith i blue and amutbys-t brocaded satiu blouse and a bat of [laiisy and amethyst velvet. She also wore a erity corded silk motor coat. Mr. and Mrs. Dyues left in the even- ing by motor aiuorgst showers of ctinfetii and t ett W'thes ft r n three weeks' trip through Oii!ari'>, Quebec aikd the New Englsi'd Stslea, and will be at h<<nie aft'.-r October 1st at Ithaca, N.Y., where Mr Dyrws i.i an ioBtvuc'or in Cornell univerritv. The farmei's are neirly through harvest anU have harvested a bumper crop. ?^ne weather has enabled them to get Ihe ciop in in good shape. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Vanct>uver and Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven of Lucicnow visited with the Misses Speers last wetk. Misses Sadie and Mary Julian- are visiting friends in Collingwood .it present. Miss fi'rancie .\lexan<ler is vii-itini; her aunt iu Collintiwood. Miss (lita Us'i rue and Misi Rose Sayers are visiting iu Culliiigwood this week. Mr. and Mra. McK.^on and family motored over from Duncan and sjent Sjiiday with the latter's parents here. Geo. Braokenbury ban ^jnne to ibi; West Slid expec's to luii a tractor plow- ing outht for his uncle, Addie Heron. Mi.ss Ell> AUialer lia.s returned fioui Toronto, where she spect a few days with fi lends and attended the Ex. Dr. and .Mrs Kotzell and Murray aie renewing acquaintances in thetc parts. Mrs. Frank Stephens and son, Dick, spent iSuiiday with the formers aunU Mrs. A. J. Couroii. Intended fur Last Week Faiineis are gett'ng well alonu wit') ilie harvest in this [jait. •lame.': Speer, Joe Berber snd George Brackenbuiy havj gone W«„i for the harvest. Visitors at the Toron'o exhibition from lliif burg weie : H. Alexander and wll.-. I.,ila and Elvau Alexander, John I'aul, Will. Neil, Walter Kerton, Will Cixpiette a.:d Guorue Halo. S,;hio'. 1. opened with Miss Lulu Jolly of Mealurd as teacher. Re'aOs I rnu ia visit ^n^ with fiionds in Toronto. Hirold Cox of Colliotfwood «as a vidiorai (ieoige Julian's recently. Mrs. Will BdUniy of FlesheitMn visited with Mrs. I. Peii^jo. Mra. Geo ga Mitch ill and daugh!er>, Iva and Aleda, visited with Mrs. J .1 Kaittin'.;. Mis. Carl Wolfe »i d two jHuitblerH have relumed to Toionto after Sf^ending the past two months with Mn. J. A. Kernahaii. Mr. and Mr-.. .lames Diiviilsuu spent Sundiy wei'k with Philip Otlcwell at Lady Bank ^ Mrs. J. .\. Kernalian i.s slowly re> â- v- ering from a aeverc i Iness. Pow.r House and Vicinity L Bidger>,w of Hortlaw aid bttle daugiiler visited w.th reliiti\es in this iiuisihborhood. MiN. Adam 11 slop spent the weikeud with fiieiidi near Maxwell. Mary Weber ei t rtaiiied Lier lady fricndf »: a nuiltiiig one afteruooii. C. Hiudle and wife, Sauj^oeu Junction, Mr, I'nJole of VI Inlyie, and Mis-s A. Colgan, Diiiidalk, motored over anl visite 1 with F. Gri'iam and wife. Threshing has commeiictd in this ueighlioihood. S. Ci..ft wfie iiiid babf, Ituck Mills, spent adiy with liieiids here. Stanley Liwitiiee of Kimber'ey has taken a (.osilinn at the [ ower house. Dr. and Mrs. Bell camped on the Beaver river bank the past week, return- ing to Toronto Saturday. Dura and Aileeu Breuii and l.t> e brother, of Flesheiton, holidayed *ith Leoiia Weber. â- > Kuv, McVicarof Kieahert m coinluctcd prayer meeting at iliu home of K.tiiahani Mamie Weber, of Hill'B s(.oie, .Mark- dale, holidayed at her pireiiial home. Visiiors from far and near come to vea Ihe power hoasu and surroundiiigs. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. Thos. McKee received word that his brother. Forest, had been killed in action. He left Collingwood last Thanks- giving with the loTtli Battalion. Mrs. Hammond and two children spent a week with the former's sisters and other Irieiids in Toronto. Her mother, M««, Mc.Mullen, returned home with her after spending a ciuple months in Toronto. Mr. Will Walker baa returned home from Owen .Si uiid hispiial. We are glad to be able to report his leeoveiy. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Martin and family in their sad hour of a miction. Misa Muriel Carrut hers has re' urned home after visiting friends it Munktin. Mr. Angus McLoiuhlin and lady friend of I'riceville visited his sistir, Mis. I'aik Robert Williams has icturnod Imme from Owen Sound huspiial, but is not improving as bis fiienus would like. Wes Latimer is att'-iiding Flesbertim high school and Florence I'arliameDl has gone to at'end Toronto Normal .schoo'. We wish them nueccas. The El g nia W. 1. have received a card of ihiriks ficm the Red Cross for » bale of socks and other coinfor s which they .sent ileiii. Russell Linton L'ave a birlhda; party to his whoul mates and friends one evening lust week. The kiddirn sie pleased to have little Kraiik Laige hI le to Ire out after being under the Dr's earn with tonsiliiia. Miss May Pan<.n sp lit a <iee'< with fiiuiids on the thinl line. It is WiAH Welsh of Kincardine wh<' is ..eaching the Hih line .seliool, not Miss Wilson. Mr. .lolin W ekeii« ami laini y of Kimberley visit, d at H Ki/ester'». Ceylon Chat P!^dna McLeod returned last neek to Toronto after spending three weeks with her mother. Mr. Charles O'Melia and little son, Artie, of T. roii'.o, holiday, il wiih lis parents here. R. Ntvon an 1 wife of Toronto were guests Hf Mr. and Mrs. D. .MoF..e.U last ! week. I Miss Lottie Muir left Monday to attend Normal school iu Toronto. Willie FattiBon is attending school in Oraogeville. Clarencii Muir, who has been in the iMiiik at Pickeriii -, Was relumed home. JaiUii.^ Dyce and wife of Cedarvillo Werj vifitors at 1!. Cook's Saturd y. Mrs. Hislop and daughter, Louie, of the Valley, visited her brother, tjeoiLe McKeuzie, f. larview Farm. Krnie Spen er. who has lieeii a^M-tlng D. McL O.I on I he farm the pa.^t couple of months, left Fr.d-jy for lis l,i me in C illii'gwuod, (j'oldwin MciMullen returned to the city Tliui'nday after aaaiating with the I harvest. The Widitig Helpers held a most profit- able and enjiiyable meeting at Mrs. John Stuwarl's Ki iday aflerilio.i, wlleii I l,e ^Ulll of J!l Was added to the fundi. Sheiburne Card of Thanks | 1 desire tu uxpces:) luy graceful thanks 1 to frieitds for assi'ii.inco and sympathy ' during the illiit 84 aiid obsequies attend- i iust the death of my bvl..ved wifeâ€" F. G. ' M in ill. i Win. Dolanuy of Orangeville has ! entered an ac;i.;n at Osgoode Hall to' recover $10,(XK) danuig-b from W. ,!. i Gillespie and Kred Kaulkoer of IJ;a.;^e ! villo, ttho h ^ alleges idiocU tjrearuis u ; I be haiijs of his yuimg ton, caiis'iig I, e | death Kimberley Budget Mrs. Henry Elis of Ho«asf*en is renewing o'd a<i|iiaiiit incis in this vicinity and is till! uuest of her nioilier, Mrs' George Lawrence. Messrs. M. Snetsini/er. .loliii Milne and M. Mahony of Thoiiiliuiy spent a few hours fishing in the oil Beaver on .S.Uuiday last with fair success. Mrs. .'oseph McCoimel of Sleaf.ird visited reci iilly at (Jeonte MtConnel.'s. tjJoig Proctor and .son hive erected a handsome gaiafo to hou-e thmr new Fold. Miss Violet Firmisnii \isited fiieiu's in Thoinbuiy diiriiii; the pai-t neek. Wo aiu pleased to see tlio eeniul l'.,ie of John P ewes auaiii in our iiiidsi, lie hiving reluiued hmiii! last week ^.iter a two years' stay in the Wes'. Ja lies .Xiiii.ilr.iiig liK pmc'iased the firm owned liy Kij-ih (iiibjit on the Valley Uo.id nnrth. Tli s f^im wis tilllU'ily o*iioil by the !a:e .Areliib.l,* Me.AuIey. .Ml. Certe.sof ihe Hydi.) Ci ln!ill^sioll vi.it ill <,ur iinrg mi Fiiilsy evening last t ) di-eu.1.1 the lUctiic li^htiiig â- ( uur viliige. Mr. and Mrs. \V. !<. I! ^hop uiotiiad to 0.ven .Sound Saturlay. Stanley Lawreiicd i.-< on a lii.s.ines» lip to Lions Head. Mr. Harrison of Huihain wa.s iii lliis vicinity on .Saurday tiyii.K to (urcha.se souio 1 turns. Victoria Corners ^ Watch for later date of luistioge uiiniversiry. It i a< In.n p siji. ned from Sept. Hi). La'e. dtt- auain. Mrs T. A. Stovcnp, Oun.ivil e, and Mrs. McLean, VmcoLver, visited at Albert Stiveus'. School opti ed A Ih Mus Hami'tou of Owen Sound as oui I ew t ; c I'l'. El! wood Stevens of Woodstock is homo for a mi nt'i's \ik-ti on. A. Stevens has gone Wext to visit his nephew. Miss Gracey of Slielburue visited her sister, Mrs. James Ludlow, who is not vvy well. Mr. .James Laidlaw visited his parents at Sheiburne' J tuies Lowodew, a C.P.R. biakeiiian on the Weston way freiiiht, in charge of Conductor Juseph Wnlker, met wiih a serious and painful accident in the yards at Orangeville, as a result of which he has bad to have one tool anipuiuted. Lowndes was hlepiniig acrosi the ttack I to turn the switch when the freight was j backing down. His left foot c.iuyht in ih; point of the i-ail and before he eoii'd I extricate it the wheel passid ov.ti. ciiisli- ; ing the foot to pulp. Later in the eveii- iiiK the foot was amputated a little above the anxle. Alildied, L'le four year old daug'r.rnf Mr. aiiil Mis. W illiam Allen o( \ .let Hill, sustained terriblo burns lliron,); a spat k igniting her clothing while .•.t.-u i- ma near he kitchen stove. At llie tune Mrs. .Vllen had gone out u'oois ainl I lie l.t'le girl »a. standing uettinii waiin ly the sLo'e. in which a fresh tire had j i>l been kindled. Ncaily all the clothn.: WIS > uined oil' her body and aha soH'ieo t rrible ag'ny fiom burns received fi'oi, the chill dou n to t he knees. The hue one ju iiptd lilt J bed, while in II on- >. and covered herself u|i, ciusing the In /. tube ainitlieied, oiherwise her injuro s would have been more .-.evere- I.ir Blair of Kosenioiit was summoned b .; ho is yet d.iubiful as to whether or not the injuries wil; pLO\o fatul -Free l•|^^^. Tbi-rrt IH to beau issue shoitly if war savings stamps Io interest aa>«ts • f sninli amounts in the purchase of war savingn eci'i ideates. Waste Not- Want Not I'D il wate 111 War lime in i enn,- People ill Europe are stirviiig for f <i'. It Uium is duvastati d and the crtl^t^ t'liiii'a III o*» away would be pirki'.i 1 III iif the liir' ami laleii by 'lie srarvini> Beli;iaiiH, .Sorb, Poles and the ollur Unfortunates of the war zone. <,'uiiada wastes an ei.ormoui anioont ' f good fo id every year. The Kood t-""ii- troller give) $.Jti,IH)0,0(lO na a coiisorvulivo es'imate. K.xpiesscd in wheat at 9'i a bushel, till- v'ould be i"i,00t),IXHl bushels whereas we ir' asked to save liii 12.0IJIl,Ut)ll this ,\ear out of noimal consumption. Expressed in moat at aay 40 ceiiis a (loiinJ it woul.I bu 12.').- l)0O,CH)lt p lunds, 111 enough to supply a Canadian army of .")(l(l,t)l.K) men fur t'tO days. The bones thrown into iho gaibng.- p<il« every â- ay tuniain the ^.s^ence of hundreds of plates of soup. Tile bread thrown there every day ia a wasto of iliousjnds of luavos. No bone should lonvo the kitchen until every scrap of marrow has been boiled- out of it ; no scrap of bread should ever le thrown aw.ty. The woman who w stes a etual wastes the war ellort of the farmer, tlio miller, the storekoejer and the trans|Hiitation and delivery men. This Is a time when evvry insn's work is valusblc l.o the country io~-sutiplemont the invaluable w< rk of our soldiers. VV'ntcb eveiyih'itg. Watch against waste III the kiich<>n nlid iu the panti-y. Watch auamst waale in the celbir and in lb.'- diiiin^' room. As much food in was'ed in the eating us in tlu' oookiiu. OR. BUJRT t .Sp:ia!lil In dlaeaaei of the ! T ^ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat J C W C 1 F y OFFICE- 130 10th St, West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. ni Dundalk, Is W.-dnesday of eHclimonib Por Service « I hie pure ored Shorthorn Dull on lot .'W, con. !t, AHeiiiesia. Tei ins «I.0JI. r «rade8. Must be paid ailhin 'J months from date of service. J Ja». 17. -II. o. TIRNER. Boar For Service I'lle l.i,.,| V..il(.«l,i,-,. 1„„„ I,, I- servile at tile MelUelarni, iie.ir < 'Hvlon. 'i'eriiiKâ€" «] .VI '••>' all ui> iiaK jieived. l"^'"'- -I i'M^OLLIX.StlN Boar for Service The undersigned has a thoiouuli.noo Yorkshire Buar for ,H-rviee on lot 11, cm. «, Uspi-ey. Terms SI..*>II. KUKD .><1'()KKA1!D. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT A > Fall Millinery Liuiie.s ityDti want ii up to date Fall hit tall and .see whit we ha\c to -,ho\v yon. \\\' lnio troni ilie ino.st npto-datti Alilliiui-v House in Torontt) ami wo can please you, lioth iu j i ice and fasnioii . Conit' in ami .>iee what we have ani yon are sure to take a hat home with you. > Highest Price Paid for Produce .1 W. L. WRIGHT < The Corner Store, Flesherton. r" Service We either caiTV iv in -^totk, will tret it. or it i^n'i iiiatle. Dealers In (loutlyear, Hoiiiiiiion and iJiiiilop .Viito Tires and Tu^es, (lasolitie fillini: .station and .Motor oil. L'oL'k.shntt Irarni iin|.)leujeiit.s ami I'i'pairs, Ma.ssey- Han-is repair."*, Veiitv ami ( "oi;k.>ihnit Plow .shares fit- ""5 D. McTAVISH 1;^ FLESHERTON § For A Oood l-^ixiv Of RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? A T Thus. Clayton's g FLESHERTON I l | l« â- ! â- â- ' I rrraaa