Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1917, p. 5

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pi>-„ August 10 1917 THE F.LESHEICTON ADVANCE /•â-  } c \ > J. ' ' TH E STANDARD DANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCC - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- t.TD 1.73 est at current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, ivianager. Trains follows : Going South 7.53 a. m. , 4.27 p.m. The mails are C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station a» Going North 12.01 u.in. '.>. 18p. m. osed at Fleaherton 8j Cunutable Plan't of Eugenia drovd over to the 8.h line bridge M< nJay morninK and found some genil^maii tiahinj}. ( >iio of these, J. H. Smith uf Kitchener, had OH trout in his b-»ikot, froiu three inches long up to ten inches. Constable PUmlt did i o", like the look follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and'of things and brought 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at Magistrate McMuUen, 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. ICINITY CHIPS Mrs. K. E. Harper of Chicago, is th" gu8t of Mrs. T. •*. StinsoD. W. Baiahouse of Edmonton is renew- ing old acquaintances here. i Mrs. .lo8. Blankburn is visiting her sister. Mis. R. Henderson, in Toronto. Miss Dell Thurston visited Walters Falln friends during the past week. Mrs. J. D. CUrke and Miss Djrothy CUrke returned home to Ott»w« un Tuesday. i Miss Leone Thompson of Toronto who hM been visiting relaiives here for the past month, returned home on Friday. Mr. Smith out to who, after weigh- ing the matter taxed the Hsh hog five dolliiis and ciihtsâ€" eleven dolkrs in «.ll. The party *ere liHble to several tther cUnrgea, but the magisti-ite decided that as they were so far from home and liable to so much trouble iu tire punc- tur.'S and blow oiits before (jettina: there, that he wcmld have compassion on them and let them off with the lightest tine possible. Next time he says it will be worse, but then the tishinj season is netrly over. The Hsheroien in this case went home smiling. R. Wiicock Killed Another Flesherton Boy Makes Supreme Sacrifice The sad news ariived here Tuesday Mr. Joneph Arinstrorg <tnd family are morning announcing the death of Pte. holidaying at their summer cottage in . the suburbs. i Mrs. Will Bentham and little son, Eddie, ara holid.tying with the former's parents here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven of Dungsunon were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, Henry over Sunday i Mr. Alex. Reid, wife.son and daughter of Guelph, motored up Sunday to viiiit j Mrs. Reid's mother, returning the same Richard Wiicock at the front. No par- licularii tre to hind. " Dick" was one of the Kneet specimen's of voung man- hood that we have tent out from Flesh- erton and his death has deeply touched the whole community. We can only teodiir syaipaihy to the sorrowing mother and relatives. Dick went to the w^r as a member of the l47th Baitulioo. Items On Oil evening. «-, i l .. I ine oil men nave been trying to pump Mrs. Ed. Whitten of Toronto, who „( ^1,^ Karstedt oil wsil this week, visited friends here the past week 8 »ve ^ o^.^^j j„ (^e wet season -his well a ple.isant c.ll on Fr.d-y ! j„„t„„^j ^^out twenty feet .f h<i8 water all summer. Three puuipt and » gawjlene engine were employed Monday and it took a 1 day to get the well down within eighteen inches of the bottom. Then a slight accident to the pumps st<ip(ed operations for a time and within halt an hour there waa six feet of water again in the well. The water gave unmi^take' able evidence that oil would still H iw if the water in the well cmld ho ke[it down. The diill un the Lever farm was down over a thousand fett Saturday ind oil though weak, the patient is progressing 1 siirn.i wtro ii creasing. They are now favorably. ' '" the Hudson shile. At preseut opei- Eery onebe.ut to the Red Cr â- ssl'"^'"'"'*" '^>'PP«d for a few days w.it.ng knittma tea at the home > f Mr Wni. | ' '«" I""?" <;o'»««ct'"n». Davison Friday afternoon, Aug. 17th. i The MidUnd luttit stopped thoir Rigs will lea.e the post ortice ^t 2 o'clock | driller a fortnight ago and are puf.ing in The Advance last. Mr. Wm. Henderson, wife and daughter, Mabel, leive this week for an extended visit with relatives at Moot-ejaw and oiher (joints in th-) West. Mrs. Allan Keith and two children returned after spendiue some weeks with her uuut, Mrs. Htckling ; the latter accompanied her and will sp»nd the w ok in the city. Mr. John Beecroft was taken to ()#eii Sound ho.spital last week wheie he un- derwent an operation for il soess. Al- sharp. M'ss VVildi Marti'i relumed on Saturd'iy frim Dund-dk, where she spent the past threi' week.s. Ooldwin and Mildred Robinson accompanuel her and spent Sunday here. Coui cillor Pattop, who has been in Owen Sounl hospital for a few week.s, returned home last Thursday. His friends are glad to see that he is much improved in health. lMi.s» Reiia F. Bentham o( Darlington and L oyd McLauchlan of Harkaway ciUed on rela'ivcs heie Sunday. Miss Bentham ic a cousin of Mr Uicl ard Bentham of the suburbs. Mrs. H. M. Hylnnd and son hhve a heavier and fabler outtif. Soldiers of the Soil I Proton. Priceville, Eugenia.Flesherton ami Mar'tidale districis will h"ld a grand j rally of all boys over 12 woiking t»o i months or more on the farms, it Fleshtr- I ton on Sept. 1 and 2. On Saturday eveniiu', Sept. 1, group games will be I held fioni li to 8 j-.m. This will be fo'. lowed by au interesting program, two lea ling featuies being addresses from two outsiders representing the Chuich and State. In addttii>n theiu will be j nijsic, recitations, the charting uf n boy, 1 a'iil distribution of badges. (>u irabbath Fiesherton Boy In Air Raid The Owen Sound Sun publishes a letter from Armourer Coip Divid Lusk which conUiins eonio interesting matter for Flesherton people, Pte. Clitl' Blakeley being a P'lesherton boy. Corp. Lusk says : " I have never be,n in Frince yet,'4nd as I here are soma more n\t\\ here who haven't seen service at the front, I guess Fritz thought he had better cause a little excittinent, so pulled one of his cowardly ail- raids, and yet I suppose it is not a C'lwarJ'a trick to pull ott' a raid on a military camp, but part of the game of War, as we boys came over here expect- ing to have a visit of this kind sooner i r later. The cowardly part of these raids is the awful havoc and sutfering experi- enced by the civil population, especi.illy women and children. The raid which took place ou May 25 was the worst that peoule here h;ne experienced since the outbreak of the war, in fact I am not sure bit what this is the tiral time d'lring their many visits that bombs were dropped un Folkestone. " Ser«t. Hodgm,-, llOih Bttt., Sergt. Beattie and Pie. Llitl' Blakeley of the 147th Batt., and myself, were lu the hut which is used by the Armourers and tailors as a wu-kshop, and hearing espk- sions rather louder than we were iiccus- tomed to, (.ind by th:? way it is nothing unusual to hear bombs exploding here, as there is a bombing tchoul near our camp), we went to the door to see what WM going on, and had just stepped outside when crash weut a bomb, square into the shop, demolish ng it completely. We weie all thrown to ti.e ground and when we got up soon made away fur parts where it was a little safer. I was hit by some piecet. of flying lumber but ' got otf with some slight sctlp wounds. We were r^ertaiuly lucky, as it waa not a minute after we stepped outside when the bomb exploded in the shop. " The exploding of the bomb 18 not the only baU feature, but Friz has put some kind of a p <wder in, which, wbon it touches the band) or any part of the body, turns the skin a deep orange color, and after the nineth day the skin begins to come otf and causes a very irritating effect, similar to a hear rash. Sjme o the men were effected with this, bat ottf .lerious after effects seem to take place as they are all '(iiite better again. ' y.^rs^;^rr,rr^ ^s^^j':zr^z^z --iz-r^ 2^ speci'il meetings will be he'd at which the returned to New York after spending the relation of Church and Stat-i »i 1 be era- siininier iiiunlh.s wiihhtr parents here. ' phasizod. In the afternoi n at 2.30 a Her biotlu'i-, Wcs, acco.npaoie.l her for service will be held Ht the PresSytcriaa a couple weeks' visit. j church for b .th meu and women. followed The hydro people are beginning the by a mass meeting for men and boys erectian of a large addition to the power alone. In the evening a service for all fajuse to double its presrat capacity. ^ will he held at the Me hodist church. They are offering big wages for workir.en followed by a mass meeting. The pul- and teams. !pit3»ill, at both chuiches, be occupied Maxwell Meihod.sts will hold a garden '''y '''" vis.tors. Collection t.> defray pirty on the parsonage grounds Thursday ;e^peofe8 will be taken Saturday evening, afternoon of this week. In addition to j Anything over will go to the Red Cro-s. the usual program a good list of sports â€" will be run off for which cash prizes are j Farm For Sale given. See bills for full particulars. i Dr. Little left Wednesday morning' Being lots 08 and ti9 ;{rd line north of ,, , .... .. the Durnam road, containing 100 acres. for Ingerscll, whjre au interesting event | ^,^ ^^_,^,^_^^^^ ^,^^ ^ j^^^,^ ^^^._, ,^^j The is billed fir to day, Thursday young laJ; in qnestion is Miss Dora \ Morrdw, daughter of the late' John Morrow if Dundalk. Wa tender I warmest congratulations. { The echouls of the province will optu . on Tuesday, Sept. 4, acc<irding to Ihej deii.ion of the Department of Education. ; Several applications were received from | employers of labor asking for an ixten- sion of the vacation leriod in order to give the students a chance to help out with the harvest, but it is not thtoo-jh advisable to extend the petio.). premises are straw shed and a large two 8ti>rey stone house, al^-o aood wajer. Terms cusy Apply toâ€" MRS. JFJiRY THOMPSON Sept 15 Box 590, CoUingAood. So'w Came Astray . Came signed 1 ^A Flesherton's Leading General has to offer these Seasonable Suggestions HOUSEHOLD Maple Leaf Flour Dominion Sugar Jem Jars Sealer Rings Screen Doors and Windows Fresh Groceries HARVEST TOOLS Hay Forks Manilla Rope Binder Twine Slings Scythes and Snathes Store MIGMEST PRICES PAID FOR. PRODUCE F. G KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. ^^^^^w^^r^^^w^.^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ , ^^^^^ Two Years for Bigamy William John LeSure (»lia« Bailey) was sentenced to two years in Kingitun Penitentiary, to commence -on the expir- ation of a f ur yeir sent,. nee imposed on him by Magistrate Cre.i«er for fcrgery. LeSure appeared befi>ro ju'lg* Suhei- Und ou Friday, when ha pleaded guiltr. He hid marriei Pearl Annie Ashbrooke in May. l'.)14, at the Rectory of the Sacred Heart, Peterbor", but claimed that his tiril wife had a husbiind when he married her. He claimed the girl he married in Petertoro was dead. Both caies were shown to be untrue. 'ouniy Constable C. C. Pearce and Deputy Sheriff M' i.'re tocjk the (lisouer to Kingston Tuesday. â€" Advertiser. Voters' List, 1917 Village cf Flesherton Notice i.'* hereby given that I have trananiiited or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sec ion 1' cf the Ontario Votiri List.-" Act, the (.'opies re'iuired by the Siiid SIC ion to be .s > transmitted or de ivered of tin list mac e in puisu.int to sai I .\c> of all person.s sppeariug by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipalilv to lie eriMll d to vrjte m the said Municipiilily ,'it Electioii.s for Kiemhiirs of the LeniBlalive .As,senib'y and kt Municipil Elections. : and ihit the said List was first posted up 'n my otlicu .â- it Fleslierli-in, (.lu the 4th ti.iy uf .\ogust, I'.HT, and remains there for Inspection. -Vi.d I hereby call upon Vo'ers to take imniediue [roceeai'igs to have any errojs or oirni scions c uiected nccordiiiij; t^ law, W. J. BELLAMY, Cleik. Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted for Harvesting In Western Canada Ooin^ Trip West"â€" ^12.00 to WINNIPEG Return Tnp East"â€" $18.00 from WINNIPEG GOING DATES AuKUHt 31x4 ami August 30th /All HtatlonH ID Onlarlti VVt^st I L.ln« unil H»»eli>i-k IVlHrboro' of SmilliH KiilU «y oi in<l Ini-ltiillnit T'>r<int« on Lake Ontario Shor« Llnr: al^i from mathiiiH ht-iwi-fn [Clnestmi ami it..i)rr«.w Jtinctlun. In.'tuslre. ant] fruni i«tntl>»na on 'r')n)nto-Snilb>iry >llrf.i't Hue. Kniu >4(atlutiN 'in .Saiilt Sie. Miiria l>rancli. Krom atatlona on Uaio Lloe, UeaiK'ase l<> Krana. iiicluslTe. Kroiu .lUtluna Bettian/ JUDc- tloo to Port McNIcoll anil l{tirkpton'H»bi'arg*^>n. .\ueiuM SSrtI TKrom atatluns Wrat anit Moulh of Toronto up to an<l Ini'luilTn* H.-imlllon ami WIndHor. dnl., an auiJ Owen iioiind. Walki'rton, Teeawator. Wlncbani, Klora, MmIi>w<.|, (JmltTtih. St. Mary's. l''>rt Burw<^ll i ao(t 3t. Ttioinaa brtinohes. and stations loruato anti Nortb to I{ult<in. iiifld.slvf. AuEiut SOth SPKCIAI- T«R()1«;H TRAIN.S I'lirtliiT t>aril. 'liars from Cana.llan failflc T!.k«t Aii»nta. W B Hi)V\-.vui>. I>i«irlr> l*asM*ni;»*r .Air*»nt. Toronto. ^ Odds and Ends ^ ARTICLES FOR SALE P>Li.»iii Phd.v.l.vs and double di.sc | records for s'ahj. Phonolas from $1."! up, and records fioin 8.)c up. When in town call and hear some good i;iusic at ! â€" W. A. Hawken, Plioto Studio. ; kor sale cheap and on easy ci rms. Lot lo. con. U.Osprey, HO acres. This is a hrst cla.sg farm and in a good suite of cultivation. Good Lank b,irn and new frame dwelling, .^pply to R. .J. Spr.iule Flesherton Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. For S-ile lt Kent - Bnckvcneer ! in the village of Flesherton. .\pply Male Ini M.Djuiid. Flesheitou. '.IIU.-B to .Many cases of eye trouble are avirteJ by early application ^yi proper lenses. Present neglect mcins future trouble. ^ "-pHE ONLY MAN ^ ^ 1 WHO SHOULD ^ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THEMANWHOIHAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ ^ FER IN THE WAY ^ For Sale â€" Eleven half grown chickens. Enoenia layiiio -Mrs. hens and ttn KJ. 'ir.iham. HARDWARE Screjn Dcors & Windows Poultry Netting Patis Green Zer oleum Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Chums & Dairy Pails Sprinkling Can?, ttc, etc. MISCELLA.NEOL'S | tlavinu tikeii (uorlr.mi H. I'.. MoLeaii the VV. (i. Picki;!! Inauraiu.e b iniiii^sH, 1 itiii pret)arcd to lor'k after the interests > f rhi' nu^lic. llii'ih I! H^mimjoihI, K. K. No.l, Eugeui.a Agent. Phone 2 r 2. 1 Aug. Try Keversha.n P.ntry Klour, tl.e lest for your oo 'k, .VII I inturio wheat. If y( u want a good piano or any othir nuisiotl instfuiiit-n', cill or write .L ('. Kentner, ausic dealer and photo artist, Mai'kdale. Private funds to loan on real cata'e security at reasonable rst.' of in'frjst. .\pply to R. .J. Sproule, Flesheitoi. sept 2:5 Highest price for buttei Vind ei?ga at Gnihani Bros. Kuaenia. .June 2!) Painting and paper-hanging. See 8amples.--U. Carrington. Oct. 1 Teachar Wanted -For S. S. No 'â- >. , Arterae.Hia duties to conimeiic" SepK 4, itl7. Protestant. Apply to .lasob Par- lament, Eu^jenia P.O. W. A.Armstronga A OF SERVICE -AND ^ SUCH A PERSON ^ IS A DEAD \ WHETHER " KN OWS NOT. ONE- ^ I T-OR iH ^notice"^ \\\' !i:ne now a fiiU line of l.iii'i iiniilcii.mits iiiclii(liii'_' 'lie iii'pot, of Renfrew Machinery Co., Cock- â- .Inill Plow Co, Sinner S,.wim" Machine Co., & etc. Intended purchasers of Cream Separators do lilt forget «o are siill sel iiiu' *^hc Standard I roam .S, piratLr. H.«ve already this season made over oi,i> half a hundred hoiiii'S ha|ipywi'!i ( ne. Cin sup|>ly you with any size reiiuired on short notice. We are also giving a cash prize of .?l"i ti.r beat live pound roll of butter made from cream of a Standard Cream Separator at Fevershara Fall fiir, divided in three pnz.w, $(),^ and $'2. Patronage solicited. Fur further pariiculars apply to FRANK G DUNNING WALTER KERTON, Feverahain Phone R. 2 short 2 long. Public Notice 'ri''»e notice that a^l persons are liere- by forbidJi'i) tiespas.-'ing on, or dumping »ny lubtjish on, or taking, asnd, gravel, oaith or other mailer oti Park lot known i.i the Fleahi'r sand pit, in Flesherton, iMiitaiiiiug about two acres, as all persons trespassing i>r committing any waste or reinovintt .mythiiig therefr«m, ou any piirt of the Blesher estate in and around Flesherton Village, will be pros- ecuted accoiding to law. UK. T. S. SPROLLE, July 1) E.xecutor for the Estate Large Tent Kor Sale â€" 4.">x.")0 feot, 7ft wallc. 2 main auy poles. fittpH with block and tackle, :U feet high. Will be to'd ^ at a aacrifice. Address .L T. Poole, R I, Euqtenia, Ont. V/V/' J Fall Term from August ELLIOTT 27tli.- Cow For Sale -Due to fre^hm abou August L"> Caih or good usper. Apply . Q^fgfuUy to Mrs. L Badgerow, 4tb I'ne, Arteinesia I â- jiii[ mim Corrected Each Week For Sale â€" .\ U horsepewer twin cv'- indor Pone iiiotorcyc'e at a largain. Apply at The Advance I ^rti^e. to the premises ot tho und«r- t i:!8 E. T S. R., Artemcsia, »bjut July 18th. one sow Owner please pr ive pfperty, pay expenses and take sa n>; away. -R SWANTUN. Flesherton P. 0., Aug U, 1917. W. DUNCAN Ths Flesherton HardwJtr.*. pnone jQ ra. L.int â€" \ jieurl brooch ser with diamrud on Friday. Auaiiiat '.i. Finder please eav! with Jo-i eph Blackburn. Rewaid i Lostâ€" Three fishing rods between | Flesherton and Bctki ley, on Friday, Aug. !(•. The rods were all boui d together and dropped from an auti-t Finder leave at thi.s oltice »nd leotive I reward. Butter. . . . . Eggs, fresh Wheat Oats ... Peas Barley ... Buckwheat 12 .'U ';o .SI 1 •i7 o37 f) to 2 21") I 70 to 7r. I 1 IK) to 2 U) ! !)o to Oo : m to 05 ' j Youge anJ ba lies Streets, Toronto I U uL<ine8:ii aibl) ou« of Canada's best com 1 a oinl a 1 o jls. Tlie rtauiaui (or our graiiiatos a to- in exojBs of our siipiily, Wr^to tc-iav for our Catalogue, I W, J. ELLIOTT, Principm-. FOR SERVICE L't 24, con. 14, Artemewia, purebred Shorthorn bull. Valley King. (Jrade cows 81. 2.3, purebred $4.00. 1 July 17 â€" W. A. WEBER, Strayed Fu 111 lot I'.t on the I2th con., Arte- m 'si», .1 dark red steer one year old, with rather wide spread horns, hair curly about face. Any one giving information that will lead to his recovery will bo suitably rewarded. â€" .lacob H. Uollev, Vandelei" Markdale R.R. No. 4, Phone «0 r 22

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