Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1917, p. 2

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Between Cousins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. ^ required an explanntion of the pheno- I menon. ' "Y*s; Iâ€" I was ho dreadfully sorry accident," stam- to hear of the (To be continued.) the blanketâ€" probably the IF FOOD DISAGREES DRINK HOT WATER CHAPTER v.â€" (Cont'd.) outside There was a little doubt in John's hands. ,.,,,. 1 ^^'"'i '"'""i "•'•â- ' '""• '<"'"' '" >he stom- tone-a doubt of which Fenella was so ^."A'!"'"." '^n"! \"^'l ^'^'"'''"P "''7 [CXi ivl^l.l'KTt Is ^bVcMn.'Hr. "'in^^^^^^^^ keenly conscious that, havin^^ Riven h.m; "I have come back as 1 P'om.sed. , ;i;.^;.;.;'l-'aj<-^;JJ^'|K. »,^ a hasty assurance, she lap?ed into an- You hear me, ilo you not . i i,j„e,j ^Ith acid and food fermentutlon. other spell of silence. No wonder,' "Aye, I hear you,'' came the faint In such cases try the i>Iann»wf.|llowed surely. If her father felt sceptical re- whisper from the bed, while one of the ['.IX""' Mci^L'^ofiMlT^ tiL\Z?n. garding her (|ualifications as an angel bandaged hands made a tentative f,ii df |,uri"l)lsurated muKoesIa In half a as though groping for ' Klass of wattr, as hot 'You're aye as good as of consolation, seeing that she had movement, never fairly tried her hand at the something, work. The part of John's children your word.'' in his labirs had always been as good "I'm better than my word, Adam â€" as nil. .A given number of flannel I haven't come alone. Kenella is petticoats were sewed every winter, i with me, my youngest girl, you know, and a given quantity of soup dispensed' She wants "to" know if she can be of from the Rectory kitchen. Practical- ' any help to you." ly they acted as a ransom from any more intimate co-operation, and a chean ransom too, considering the em- barrassments thus escaped. That cipitaidy: Roup and flannel petticoats, though "'\'our girl, John? You shouldn't have brought her in without telling him," said a voice be- 1 excellent things in themselves, did not here? Is nc'cessarily represent the highest forms of charity had scarcely occur- red to Fenella hitherto, though she hind Fenella, speaking in a whisper could not help dimly understaiidiiig that sounded angrv. "The doctor that in her father's eyes other forms said he wasn't to be excited, and this stood higher. i visit is no such an ordinary thing." That father, with his world-ab-' Fenella, though she did not turn stracttd gaze, his undying interest in her head, supposed it was Duncan who what mo.-.l people seemed to consider was speaking, and wondered why he the dullest side of life, had always should be bitter as well as angry, been to Fenella a half sacred and' "Ye?\ she is near you, Adam; here wholly enigmatical figure. The at- is her hand." .And John gently pull- traction of the enigma put a note of ed Fenelhi's half-reluctant fingers to- tenderness into the awe-struck venera- wards one of the bandaged packages, tion with which she regarded him. It "It is good of you â€"very good of was both mortifying and astonishing, you. Miss Fenella, to visit a stricken you can com- foital.ly lirliik It. The hoi water drawB the blond to the stomach and the blflura- ted inaRne.sla. as any phy.sU-lan can tell vou, Instantlv neutralizes the acid ana Ktops the food fernientalion. Try this sinu'le olan and you will be a.ttonlshed at the Immediate feellne: of relief and comfort that always follows the restoru- tloii of the normal process of dlRestlon. People who find It Inconvenient at tImeB to secure hot water and travelers who are frequently ohllKcd to lake hasty nieals poorly prepared. should always ! take two or three Itve-Kralii tablets of „ , . I Ulsurated Maisnesla after meals to Jire- Has she come ml vent fei mentatbiU and neutralize the he near me now?" add in their stomach. There was more lively movement in the bed, and then, after a speechless pause, the words came almost pre- wretchâ€" and sti icken through his own fault too." |» "That's a lie!" said that same deep and emphatic whisper behind Fenella. "It's because John â€" because your father has a kind of affection for me The Dairy Farmer's Ten Command- ments. Mr. Charles Christadoro has issued what he calls "Ten Commandments for the Dairy Farmer" as follows: Keep healthy cows. Select good producers. Use only pure bred bulls. Feed liberally an approved ration. Produce the feed. Keep barn clean and aired. Keep the cows comfortable. Be considerate to the cows. Provide shade and wind protection, i P'ecd and milk regularly. I Clean farming, the securing of vig- 1 that you've come, I'm thinkin'?" | "'"""â- '^ *f-;"^^»*' '" y"""*-' r''«"t« """^ K°°<^ It was evident that, even in its pre- cult'^'ation are the best protective sent weakened state, Adam's brain measures ^gainst insect attack. for instance, that he should stand completely aloof from the cult of the family beauty. He alone seemeil to fed no interest in her future career. Yet, something told her that it v\as no want of tenderness which lay at the bottom of this strange indifference. Lately -perhaps since Ella's shadow no longer fell between them â€" she had begun to feel that she wanted to find out what it was that did lie at the bot- tom of it; and yesleiday's incident had brought the resire to a head. The pathos of his solitary mission had pursued her even into the ball-room.' To-day's resolve was ihe fruit. As' she walked by her father's side up the glen that was musical with the voices^ lioth of birds and of the many burns; hurrying to throw themselves into the embrace of the river in the hollow, ' Fcnella's state tif mind was a mixture of self-approval and of trepidation â€" | <]f self-ajtproval because she was do-| ing a thing which struck herself as verging on the heroic, of ttepidation Sixth Lesson. â€" Starches and Sugars. Ucause. in spite of her brave word.s Starches and sugars have many pro- any, persons thoroughly chew the she was a little afraid of the painful p^.-jj^, j„ ,„^ „„^ f^^ this rea- food which contains starch. Care- sights awaiting her, and still m<ire „„,. , / , , .u i i , j , â- _ /. â-  n „-« afraid of the moral .li.scomfort insepa- """ '»'^« grouped together under the !es.sly cooked starchy foods will pro- rable from any contact with these """iP carl)ohydrates. The preceding duce intestinal disturbances. This Js humbly-situated blood-relations. For 't'ssons have told that carbohydrates particularly true of breakfast foods. Fenella, des[)ite her unspoiled heart, furnish heat for the body and energy Unless they are well coked they .should wa.'^ as deeply imbued with the impor-.to do work. not be given to infants or elderly tance of her own social positions as, Starch is found principally in cer- persons. Ella herself could have WLshed her to pa,,^ ^^^j^^ ^^j vegetables. It Is! The firelcss coker is an ideal method soluble in cold water and coagulates of preparing breakfast foods, and, in or thickens when dissolved in cold wa- fact, for cooking all starchy foods. ter and heat is applied. Applying Sugars. heat cause., the cell-like structure to r. „ „... m.,„y kinds of sugars. TO GARNER CROP WEST NEEDS MEN THE "IMPERIOUS URGENCY" OF CONSERVING GRAIN YIELD. Survey Conducted by Canadian North- ern Indicates Need of 25,000 Men Along Its Lines. The successful harvesting of the crop In Western Canada this season i Is what Ex-F'rcniier Asqulth of Great Hritaln would term "a matter of ira- ; perious urgency." | Since men began to sow grain west of the Cireat Lakes, there has never been so much depending upon the yield of grain in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan mid Alberta as there Is this year. The Canadian Northern Railway, with lines grklironliig the productive sections In'tlie west, has already con- cluded a survey as to labour needs, and the prospects of the wages to be paid, and has announced that 25,(JO0 men will be ie(Hiired to help the farm- ers garner the crops in the territory it serves. The indications are that the average wages will be around three dollars a day. A further conference between the representatives of the Government, the railv\ays and the farmers Is to bo lield, when further details will be brought out. The farniing situation In Ontario may not permit of sending as much help as in former seasons, but nothing should be left undone on the farms and In the towns to give the western farmers the assistance of which they stand to-day In urgent need. >a/ "Pure and Vncolored The Thn FRE. €L The Lantlc Library 'goody secrets" sent free if ^ you mail us a Red Ball Trademark, cut from carton or sack of LanticPure Cane Sugar. In 2 and 5-lh. Cartons 10, 20 and 100-lb. Sacks ATLANTIC SUGAR RFFINER1E3 Limited, Montreal 173 I /Ibquf the DOMESTK .S(IKN(E k'\ HOME be. She was (|uite disposed to be sympathetic, and as helpful as need be, but even the desire of pleasing her father could not di.'-pose her to be more than condescending. There are The sight <.f Adam's croft, perched expand and burst, thereby thickening ^^^, ,„„,j familiar of them is the cane sugar. Sugar is also obtained from high upon the river-bank, and iji the the li(|uid. Dry starch when heated mighty shadow of the opposite hill.side, helped to quicken her misgivings. Yes; decidedly it was a little humiliat- ing to own cousins who lodged as humbly, even though as pictures(|uelv as this. Adam, with his thirty-five years' earnings, might well have af- ?order himself a slate roof, ha<l he chosen, but out of sheer constitutional cotiser\i.tion, he held on grimly to the straw thatch, and even to the dangl- ing stones whose mis-sion in life was to counteract the rush of winter blasts tearing down the glen from the wider- ness beyond, for ever on the point of lifting the roof from the walls as readily as any hat from a human head. A chimney indeed was visible, but one of that time-honored sort which is pro- duced by inserting a small herring turns a light brown in color This ,,^pj ^„^,,^ ^ ,^ j^^.^, „„.| ..^tain is called dextrin, and is soluble in ui„ds of palms. cold water. It is the basis of Hnt- jjiigar is also found in vegcta'.des, k'!'..!^""'_"!"' '" '^f.'f " "•'*>'J '." ,'"»'<'"K fruits and milk. The greatest amount comei* from sugar cane, which is a plant somewhat resemlding corn. It is crushed between rollers, extract- ibrary paste. When starch is heat- ed beyond the dextrin stage it is transformed into carbon, all the mois- ture being removed setting the car- bon free. Digestion of Starches. The process of digestion with starches starts in the mouth. It is most important that all food contain- Morning in the flowed Fields. Morning in the plowed fields, while the dew is wet; Singing till the sun comes, how can life forget! Beauty of the fresh earth, sweetened as it lies. Bre;.thinK out the frag:rance fallen from the skies! Mocking birds and redwings, The killdee and the dove â€" Morning in the plowed fields Planting dreams of love! Second crop of hay cut, curing hour by hour; Half 8 mile of daisies all in snowy flower; Dew in every gold cup fresh as fairy lips â€" Ah, the w^ine of this world when the morning sips! Catbirds after cherries. Rookery full of crovs â€" What men want to fight for Heaven only knows! Raspberries down the green lane scenting ail the way, Grasshops in the cornfields, crickets in the hay; Wind among the trectops just awake, and, oh. The sweetness of the plowed fields when the breezes blow! .Summer in a dreamland, The farm bell far away â€" Hot cornbread for breakfast. And then get in that hay! ing the sweet juice, which is clarified and evaporated until, upon cooling, its crystals appear in a thick licjuid. This ' li(iuid is molasses. The crystals are The brown sugar. DOMINION FROM SEA TO SEA Idea of Our Country's Name Came From (he 72nd I'salm. Th; British North America Act The brown sugar, by a process of re- Ing .starch be thoroughly masticated, fining, is made into many kinds of sti- i Failure to chew food thoroughly will gar known to housewives. | which made Canada a Dominion came prevent the saliva from acting upon Crape and fruit sugars are found '"^^ ''"â- '^â- '•' "" •'"'V 1- l^*'''. '">'' ^^at the starch and prevent the continua- in grapes, peaches and other fruits. "''B'""' t'ssay in Dominion self-gov- barrel, with the bottom knocked out,! tion of this important process in the i It is two and <ine-half times less sweet *''"'"/"' ?"â- ; richly justified the faith in the thick of the thatch. What had Utomach. When starch foods are thor- ; than cane. Glucose is manufactured , ?"'' fun'sight of those who undertook been good enough for his forefathers I oi ghly masticated the action of the , on a laj-ge .scale from corn. Lactose,;'^' ^"^^ *"•* Glasgow Herald, was good enough for him, Adam argu- 1 ^gij^.g continues upon the food in the or milk sugar, is found in milk. The THE Sfl/IE/THiJlY?® /eul pre/erve/ Is the best way, and the best way is the I'arowax way. Jellies and preserves that are sealed with I'L'KE UEIINED PAHAFl'INE keep their luscious flavor. They never mold or ferment. They arc as good when you want to eat them as they were the day you sealed the jars. Just pour melted Parowax over the tops of jelly tuniliiers. It keeps out all diist and perms. It keeps the preserves air-tight. FOR THE LAINDRYâ€" See direction.s on Parowax labels for its use in valuable service in washing. .\T DKAI.K.HS KVERYWIIERE THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BHANCHE.S I.N ALL CITIES SHELLS LIKE THUNDERCLAP British Shrapnel Explodes More Quietly than Dot-s (Jerman. Writing from British field head- quarters, Edward P. Bell, says: â€" Listening to the expU)sion â€" con- I tinuous us I write â€" of British and The Convention sat in a room in the ed. The thatch itself was in f-X'-ellent ^^^^^^^^.^ f^,. ^ , ^ ^j^,, ,,„ j, commerical sugar of milk comes from i Westminster Palace Hotel, in London, ^hr'rottage \'!;'refuUy'"duT;'''but'''lh1^ii'"''h'^^^ Switze^-land,' and'ismade'by' ev^aporat" J 'Z}}^}' }^^ r.^^''? ^T}''^^:"'T, "^ **>*= and various other signs of thriftiness and method could not, in Fenella's eyes, redeem the lowliness of the abode . "You had better wait a bit, until I imiuire," said .lohn, a little nervously, standing still before the closed door. juices. It is for this rea.son many ing the whey of the cow's milk. It National Lil>cral Club. A tablet fix- persons are unable to eat starchy is used for sweetening drinks for in- ; ^^, '» '•'"^ «'"" records the fact that in foods with other food containing fruit fants and the sick. It is less liable to | '"'« chamber the delegates conferred, or vegetable acids. produce acid fermentation than cane i / "o^c who took part in the proceed- Thc stomach ferments do not act sugar and is more easily digested, upon starch as it passes into the small | The Food Value of Sugar, intestine. The pancreatic juice and gyjj,,^ is valuable as a nutriment, Ings are all dead. Sir Chr.rles Tup- per was the last survivor, and he died at a ripe old age a very few years ago. The word "Dominion" was suggested She watched him as he bent his head intestinal ferments complete the final „„„„ ,„ ,ii.rput h,,,! niiicklv absorbed i ."""u" "A". . ' umk-r the low-hanging .loor-beam an.l changes which occur and are absolute- frfhe bodv c"ane L^r in the nro- i ''^c *'',^'^'''- . whde she waited the trepidation sharp-! I necessary to convert the starches '^ r,^' .• ^^ ""« f'K"' • '"/'^^ P"^"" Sir Leonard Tilley had been read- Might not A.am, y ""?J«7,, ° ,<^°"^'^'^ ^'orches „f a.gestion, owing to the action j ;„ j^e 72nd IVsalm "He shall have be .1 called 1 '"*" soluble f iigars Long '* ''^ necessary to combine starchy of the pancreatic juices, is converted i dominion from aea to sea,' ened to anxiety. be dead already, and she upon to look upon a corpse? Longj " '« necessary to combine starchy ; j^j giueose, and after its absorption I tT:""'!;;" .u" '""â- â- ;,"; ,. ,, afterwards she remembered the look I foods with protein foo-^s, as all excess j^ is oompletely utilised in furnishing - *^ P""""^'' applicable of the bare hillside opposite, with the starch is stored in the body in the j^p^j ^f, sheep wandering about among the form of fat. boulders in search of the first green ,. „, , <jj„.„u „ tufts, an,l the sound of the invisiM-l <-"»'*'"« •'^♦a^fhes. river at the foot of the steep bank. | Starchy foods must be thoroughly j but only a small energy. Sugar may be used freely during cold weather without injuricjus effects. Canada. and to An English ^armer was recently amount should be \ fined seventy-five pounds for refusing All these things seemed to part^ike of cooked, owing to the fact that few, if j used during hot weather, that sense of expectation, of the fear Win-the-VVar Recipes Every lime cornmeni is used where wheat products were once used, we I help to win the war. Have cornmeal of the sight of death which had come over her. Then her father looked out and said, his voice mingling with that of the water: "The nitrht has been good, thank ^^J^^, j,,^ breakfast, with figs, dates God! Vou .an come in, Penella if; ^ j f j cornmeal in you want to, but you must not stay . ' , , . , , , long; he is veiy weak." quiet breads, yeast breads, desserts. with somewhat accelerated heart- ' Omit all wheat breakfast cereals. Use beats, Fenella, in turn, bent her head rolled oats for muflPins, rolls and yeast- and followed her father through the ' raised bread. • tiny entrant, and through a door to; ^.^rnmeal Mu(Tins.-()ne cupful sour the left. The space within was so .„ , ^u- i c \ n ,._ darkened that at first she could dis- ;""»<. ""c »'"» one-third cup uls flour, tinguish nothing but the flames upon! t^^'o-thirds '""â- ''"' ''ornmeal, one to I baking dish, put dish in pan of water, land bake very slowly two and one- half to three hours. Serve with hard sauce, cream or crushed fruit. Oatmeal Muffins. â€" One-half cupful cooked oatmeal or rolled oats, one egg, two t\blespoonfuls fat, one and one-half cupfuls flour, two tablespoon- fuls sugar, one-half teaspoonful salt, four teaspoonfuls baking powder. Cook oatmeal, using one part oatmeal to two parts water. A large propor- tion of water makes too soft a mush and gummy muffins. Mix milk, oat- meal, egg and melted fat. Add dry ingredients after sifting them togeth- Bnke twenty-five to thirty min- This makes ten to twelve muf- the hearth, whose reflection fell upon two tablespoonfuls fat, one to two the flagged floor, and the girdle sus- ! tablespoonfuls sugar, one egg, one- pended above which to judge from the 'half teaapoonful soda, two teaspoon- g, smell of hot oatmeal which met her, jfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoon- ' was doubtle.s.s laden with oat-cakes. ^^^ ^^u^ Mix milk, egg and melted "This way, whispered her father, 'f^^ ^„j „^,, j i„j,,.edicnts well mix- taking her by the hand and leading | , j » her towards what seemed Ui bo a sort * of square cave in the \^â- all, draped with narrow curtains. She htid Ftoo<l beside it for several moments before she was able to dis- j o^g.^nif te„j,poonf„i,, ggit, three table- ! half teaspoonful foZ'in ^e dZ^'^pbo;,'!-!'.! rth 'P"''""''^ ''*"'?'"•' "^ ""^-♦'^"•'' cupful spoonful cream tartar dissolved in en- a package of bandages on the pillow, molasses. Heat the milk. Sift in | ough milk or water to make a drop which pre.sumably wag the head, and '*>« cornmeal as in making mush. Add | batter. Beat well, drop by the spoon two sn.nller 1 -id aged packets lying salt and sugar. Turn into buttered [ in hot fat,"7)r bake in muffin tins, Indian Pudding. â€" Three-fourths cup- ful cornmeal, one quart milk, one and utes fins. Rye Muifins. â€" Two and on«-half heaping tablespoonfuls each of rye and Indian meal, one tablespoonful sugar and melted butter, one table- j-;o aq o} ssiou '^ua.T .lad .maX-o.wi JO I spoonful salt, one egg, beaten; one- of soda, one tea- to deliver his wool to a dealer named by the British Wi;r i.ulliorities brought to bear more effectively in a definite direction. Certainly the British must have some good reason for using the type employed. Brother Fritz's penchant for "frightfulness" shows itself in all he does. There is probably no doubt, as regards his high explosive shrapnel shell, that ho rea.sons that, whether German shrapnel shells, one notes a it is really more destructive than the striking tUfference in the sounds^ pro- j other or not, it is calculated to pro- "'^ •••-••- L ,, â-  greater fright â€" a thing which duced. The British shells make comparatively soft report, while German projectiles make a piercing, shattering sound like that of a ter- rible thunderclap. Moreover, the 8ubse(iuent sounds are different, those from the German shells being more sibilant in quality and greater in volume than those from the British shells. a j duce the commanders always must fight against among their troops. Happily for the British army. Tummy Atkins is about the hardest man to scare that ever wore a uniform. *-^ â€" Not To Be Cheated. Little John had been extra specially Which shell is the more destructive | K^o^' that afternoon, and father felt cannot say. The German has a ' amiably inclined. sharper, louder report, due to the fact that is is charged not only with shrapnel bullets, but with high explo- sive materials. This material bursts the steel shell case so that the whistl- ing noises following are caused by a mixture of bullets and fragments of steel . The British shell case, on the oth- er hand, does not burst. It remains intact and pours its bullets from the shell mouth as a shotgun pours its shot; thus perhaps the bullets are "Papa," piped John, "can I have a banana?" "Yes, certainly, soonny." "Papa, if I was twins would you give the other boy a banana too?" "Yes, of course." "Well, papa, you aren't going tft cheat me out of another banana just because I'm all in one piece, are you?" Success with poultry means work, and the work must be given when needed . 2 and 9 lb. Cartons â€" 10. 20, 50 and 100 lb. Bags. If better sugar is ever produced than the present REDPATH Extra Granulated, you may be sure it will be made in the same Refinery that has led for over half a centuryâ€" and sold under the same nameâ€" REDPATH. **Let Redpath Sweeten it.** 15 Canada Sugar Refining Co.| Limite^^ .Montreal

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