Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1917, p. 2

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rr It has the reputation of nearly a quarter o! a century behind every packet sold Black â€" Green â€" or Mixed E304 :^ PRISONERS TWO THE TALE UK A LOCKED DOOR voice falters ii little, and she holds out her (lisengat^ed hand to Krin. The jrirl, cominj; quickly to her side, throws her arms round her neck and kiRses her warmly. "You are not a bit angry now, mam- ma, are you?" she asks, with a bright, sunny smile. "1 suppose 1 must forgive you now,'' returns her mother, tapping he cheek; "but you are a jiair of naughty children, and .succeeded iti terrifying me more than 1 care to remember. Saxon, may 1 beg you to avoid that tower for the future, â€" at all events until this wild pi"! belongs to you en- tirely?" "I will ifet a new lock put on to- morrow," says Saxon, and then he turns to Rhoda. "Now you must wish us joy," he exclaims, cheerfully. "I do, most sincerely. I wish you ] joy â€" of each other," replies Rhoda, ! with the faintest possible pause. "Of I course I saw from the very first how- it would end, so I cannot imitate mamma's surprise." There is a certain flavor about this speech that, to say the least of it, i.-i unplea.sant. Every one seems to think it will be wisdom to refrain from ad- I ilre.ssintf her again. j "(.:orinna, you are looking very . pale," says her mother, hastily; "all "Shall I go in first?" whispers word before it that is not compli- Saxon, as he sees his companion's face' mentary to Rhoda. "Don't cry like of woe. ;that," hf goes on, presently, in a very | the excitement and fatigue has been "Oh, no, no! I would far rather go, tender tone, putting his aim round her,! too much for you. Bid us good night, in alone. It will be better," says j and pressing her heail down upon his dear, and go to bed." Krin, who feels tliere is unpleasant- ; breast; "don't, my i)et: you are mak- [ "Good night," says Krin, obediently; ness in store for her, and cannot bear! ing me awfully unhappy. Corinna, > and as Sa.\on follows her into the hall that he should witness her disgrace. I be sensible, darling, an<l listen to what j under pretense of getting her a candle, , I am going to say. 1 want to ask you j he whispers fondly: "Are you perfect- fa question." i ly happy now, Corinna?" But (^orinna j "What question?"- very drearily. does not get time to answer that ques- ' "I could not ask it if you :ipeak in ' tion â€" in words, that tone. Oh, Krin, can you not' The End. Give the "Kiddies" AH They Want of CROMBRAND cornSsyrop -E It Is one of the delictus "good things" that has a real food value. A slice of your good homemade bread, spread with "Crown Brand' a^perfrctly balanced food, that Is practically all nourishment. So- let them have it on biscuits and pancakes, and on thelri porridge if they want It. You'll like If, too, on Griddle Cakesâ€" on Blanc Mange and Baked Apples. And you'll find it the most economical sweetener you can u^e, for Cakes, Cookies, Gingerbread and Pies. Have your husband get a tin, the next i:me he Is in townâ€" a 5. 10 or 20 pound tinâ€" or a 3 pound glass jar. THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED rREAl, CARDINAL. BMANTFORD. FORT WILUAIM. "â- 'lilUllli,,,. *"*"-â-  f/ '•; i.'y Ifii/r â- â€¢ r.,m Svn^K,„;,„,C(mSlar:.h~ :M\mmmw: MONTREAL 220 "imiiiiiiii r^ So they leave the balcony, and, reach- ing the hall door, which they find open, ("orinna enters the house alone. As she opens the drawing-room door, Mrs. Crofton looks up quickly, and seeing Krin. draws a deep breath guess what it is I want to sayV of relief. Then, fear having abandon- love you darling, with all my heart; ed her heart, woman-like she permits' want to hear that you lo\e me too." anger to enter it. , l Krin raises her head, and makes a I "Where have you been, Corinna?"! desperate effort to escape; but he •he cries, rising. "What do you mean holds her fast, and continues rapidly:. by frightehing us all to death like; "Listen to me, Krin. It madtl<;ns this? Do you know it is nearly ten me to see you made miserable, as you I o'clock? With whom have you been?" are now; I cannot bear it. tiive me i "With Saxon," returns Corinna, the right t<. look upon you as ;ny ' fearfully. promised wife, and 1 will protect you "What?" says Rhoda, with flashing against the world. No one shall dare] eyes, her voice a V.:..u .'â- hrill. i to say a cruel word to you. Some-, "With Saxon. We did not mean it; tines,â€" I don't know why â€" but some-! we did not know. We went into the! times I have thought of late that you' >ld tower, only for a moment, but the -care for me. Oh, love, do not tell - door closed behind us, we could not me I am presumptuous." jet out until Saxon flung himself from; There is no answer to this tender j ;he window." She pauses breathless, appeal, but he fancies (is it fa'iry)i "Very nice, upon my word," says that she nestles a little closer to bini. | Rhoda." her tine a little shriller; "a : He tightens his arm around her, and rharming story indeed! I.o<'ked up' whispers softly - with Lord Row<leii in an old ruin iin-' "Say one word, "'orinna,- otdy one iil ten o'clock. I wonder what the to jnake mc happy.' rounty will my ''." i ON THE FARM i* VSS How Farmers May .Save. The value of food and fuel, also the rent saved by the use of the farm house are matters overlooked by many in their farm bookkeeping, and some farms are really yielding a small pro- fit when the figures made, show them to be a losing proposition. Food is nowadays the chief item of expense with the city dwellers, and even in small villages the supply of products of the surounding country are only j ^,^1°^ ''_^^"«|.^^P«_';^^f ^• obtainable at a price that is a heavy Mr. Frederick A. Talbot drag on the pocket of the consumer, How Britain Went to | yet farmer* are in a position to escape """"''" every effort to demonstrate on many farms in the country the effect of spraying, with results showing the production of sound crops, and an in- of crops of potatoes free from disease. Prosperous Year Ahead. THK YARN OF SS. "TOOTHPICK." Captains of Freighters Often En- counter Submarines. The mobilization of the timber sup- plies of the Allies to erect the great hut cities in Gicat Britain and in PVancc is the subject of this month's instalment in The World's Work of the articles is writing on t.^„ ^. .â€"..â-  .. -..- -- , - . •-- . • .i. i , War." Here we learn all about how I much of this great expense if they i ""•" *''Pe'-'ence that storage the British Oovernment went into the only take advantage of their opportuni- ; J'""'^" f^^f '"""^^ '° ^heir owti cellars. , • , j tne Bniisn uovunment went inio i. ^^^ ^ i It seems, however, the general practice however, there were Bome fairly.good The sale of inferior potatoes is dis honest, if not illegal at the present ! says Prof. C. A. Zavitz. Farmers know from their I the land in many part "We could not help it," ^ays Krin, looking at her mother with imploring ryes; "it was nobody's fault; we ivould have been there now but for Saxon." ".^nd pray, if it was easy to leap from the window, why was it not done sooner?" "But it was not easy. He might have killed himself; and we hoped un- til the last that some one wouid come to release us. Mamma, why don't you speak to me?" "It is most unfortunate," .say.^ Mrs. CroftOQ, fretfully. "I don't know, I am .-lUre, what is to be done. All the servants of course know of it, and Th(imp''on has been out looking for you for the last two lioui!-. It will be known far and near." "It is mure than unfortunate; it is disgraceful I" declares Rhoda. "From the beginning I have n<iti<i:il yiAir art- ful end'-avors to entrap .Saxon, but this is indeed the climax. You will rot win vour jjame tell you 'that. N timber business, about the appoint- ment of Mr. Meyer and the efficient assistance rendered to the War Office by the Board of Works. j^ Mr. Talbot enlivens his chronicle with many amu.sing anecdotes. He â-  " '*^^' 0"^ son^e hogs may be man- But Corinna is a woman, and find»;Kays the captains who bring timber aseu. and there are great opportuni O'jrnew recipe bcol<(''D'ei5erts and Candlee", wiif shpw you how to make a lot of really delicious dishes will* "Crown Brand". Write far a ccpy to cur Montreal Ofttce. to him for compensation. Nor is Farmers are cautioned that the at- the small dealer to blame. The : titude of consumers will evervtually re- blame rests entirely with the shipper ' suit in demanding grading of pota- and the grower. In order that such toes just like apples; and the farmer losses may be avoided and the con- \ who does not control di.-easea in the' sumer be in a position to secure for ! field will have all rotten or diseased his good money, good potatoes that | potatoes thrown on his hands. Dis- will keep over Winter, it is necessary j eased potatoes, when boiled, still make for the growers, on their part, to ex- | good stock food, it should be remem- ercise more care In digging, sorting ; bered. A letter or postal card ad- and handling potatoes. Late Blight ; dressed to the Publication Branch of is a preventable disease; every farm- the Department of Agriculture will er should know this fact, since the Ex- ; bring by return mail all the retjuired perimntal Farms system has made ! information relating to the growing "Present conditions should be pro- mising for crop production next year," "It is tru« of Ontario rots I was very dry early September. Along about the middle of the month added to a little work on the part of , '" dispose of an infected crop im- 1 showers in most localities, and the the farmer himself ' mediately and shift the losses from rot J w-heat that was sown either before ot Time is not so precious on the farm'^'""'" ^^^ ^"'â- '"«'" '° "'^ consumer. The I after these rains came on very well in Winter but that home butchering of It impossible to express herself in so compait a form. "Are you quite sure that you love me?" she asks, with anxious imphasis, lifting her eyes to his for a moment. "Quite sure. .Must you ask that, darling? Don't you know it? Theie is nothing In this: wide worUl 1 wouM compare with you." "'That i.s bow I feel toward voii," in freighters to this country can nar- rate many a stirring tale of struggles with the enemy. One of these vessels, which I will call the s.s. Toothpick, although Lloyd's register will offer no confirm- ation of any such name, was coming south. Her holds were packed chock- a-block with railway sleepers. Sud says Krin, innocently, with a little; ,,, submarine came to the surface contented si^h. ' ' It is needless to ever yet gained by immodest and fo ward behavior." " •lmmo<lest;' Mamma, do you hear that? -do you hear wha' f^' 'ays?" rri( â-  poor Krin, paling and iirubling beneath the chHiideliir. "I tell you it was a mistake; it rould not be help- ed. .Mamma, i-peak to me." elate what follows. FJveryone possessed of even H graiTi of sentiment will understand for them- selves. f)f course they are perfectly happy, and of course Corinna shells a few more tears. They are the last she weeps for many, many moii'h<<. "Come." says Saxon, with a lauch, "if you cry any more 1 shall think you are regretting your decision. S'mi must stop now, or I sha'n't answer (or the ('(iiiseqiieiKes. It is very luinl lines, both for me and my coiil. I however, let me! might .,s well be under a showei -'lath. gentleman wasllf it continues I shall certainly cat'h col<l and be laid up with severe in- fluenza." Krin laughs too, lhou(.cb iiitli.'.- hvstericallv, .iiid Saxon, putting bis , ., hand under I.er chin, turns her face ! '^^ ''""f"''' "' up to his. "Vou are better n<iw," he says, "so we will go in together, and make our an<l peremptorily yelled u halt. But the captain of the timber-carrier was not to be intimidated. He kept hi.i bend an<l his course. The Toothpi'-k kept going. The commander of tli" hostile submarine, infuriated at the utter disregard manifested towards his challenge by the captain of the freighter, let fly a torpedo. There was a crash and a huge col- umn of water spurted into the air. The timber-carrier bad been stung in the forward hold. .\ big hole was blown in her side and the wooden cargo burst into (lames from the ex- plosion. But the water jioured in and contlagration. •Meanwhile the Toothjiick waddled ties for economy in the home con- sumption of poultry raised on the farm. The advice, so frequently given, to keep a really useful garden on every farm, should be foflowed in these days, and the proper stocking of the farm cellar with the best of OOOD DIOESTION Wb«n your di^isition it ftuitv, wcAkneM and [Min lire ceniin and dtieate it loTW'-d. â- You had better ifo to your room,, peace with your mother ("orinna. while I try and think <-almlyj Hand in hnnd they enter the driuv- of this unhappy business," says her, ing-room ati<l lind llie atmosphere ('e- molhei . loldly, tliou(;li in her h<'ait cidedly (loudly. For the first time she doe.s not condemn her. , in her life Mrs. Croftoii regards her Krin, with quivering lips, mid one! kinsman with unsmiling eyes, small shaking band laid upon hei | "Oh, Saxon, you have returned," bosom, turn.-*, and mal.es her way, not she say.-^, coldly. on. The submarine was being left astern, but, the first blow proving un- successful, .''he crowded on speed to draw up on I he port side. She let go ' another missile. It caught the tim- I ber-carrier in the after-rihs, inflicting another grievous wound and once again setting fire to the cargo. Dense to her room, but into the <till night air.] "Ves, I have relurneil to ask a clouds of smoke rolled forward. Verily What has she done? What horrible ' great favor of you, the greatest fav- 1 things were getting decidedly un- things have been said to her! Can or you can bestow.'^ i healthy for those on board. But again the waters of the North Sea proved friendly by rushing in and (pienching Has How she un- Saxoii iliink as they do? been immodest,- forward? just, how unbearable it all is! Oh! what shall she do? For the second time this evening ."he breaks into a storm of tears. SomelKxly lays his hand upon her arm. "Darling, have they been so very A favor of me?" -with consider-' able dignity, while Rhoda in the back-, ground comprehends fully, ami whit- ! ens with rage and disappoinln'ent. j "Yes, indeed, so great that I hard- ly know how to ask it." He quits! Krin's side, and, going to her mother, takes her unresisting hand eagerly. "Mrs. Crofton, will you make iiie a bad to you?" says Saxon's low caress- present of Corinna?" ing voice. Klin's effort to reply is lost amid her sobs. "Vou shoubl have let me face them first. What dii: "Oh, nothing, particular. Of very an^ry; shr and she said so. "I am sure si they say lo you?" that is, nothing in course mamma was was fiightcne<l, loo. That is all." mething more than that must have been saiil to make you ery so bitterly. Tell me, Corinna; I have the right to know. What did your mother say?" "It wasn't mamma. It was Rhoda." "Oh!" says Saxon, angrily, and then he mentions Rhoda's name, and puts a e_. , ," >- â€" There is a short pause, duiing which .Mrs. Cidfton draws breath aiul review., the position. How utterly mistaken she has been all along. Well, if not Rhotia, it is at least Corinna. the lire ere it had got a grip. Maddened beyond conception, the submarine again came tearing after the freitthler, whiih was still driving forward as if there were no such en- emy as (iermaii undcr-water assassins ill existence. This lime the latter bu/./.ed around the starboard side of her quarry and presently away went another torpedo. .Again the Toothpick received a disconcerting punch, also If bliiiil to the charms of one daugli- in the aflei-hold but on the opposite ter. it is because he is so infatuated j side. .Another hole, another fire, and by the graces of the other. The fact'„„„ther inrush of water to put out that he Will be her son-in-law remains „„. fl,^„,,,, undisturbed, and if Mis. ( rortoii bears n... ,â-  But Toothpick was l)Ut sturdily a deeper affection for one of her chil- , .. , ,, , , dreii it is undouble.llv for Corinim. i'"""' »'"' <hough sorely wounded m "You amaze me! I had no idea of three places she kept afloat and main- this," she says, at length, with perfect ' 'aiiied her gait. Had the commander truthfulness. "I hardly know what ! of that submarine reflected for a mo- lo say, .Saxon, but I hope with all my ment he would have realized that he heart you will both be happy." H erlhgd about as niiicb chance of sending timber-carrier You II ill like its Fine Granulation Buy your eugar in ihrsc nrat 2 or 5-1d. carhms, which you can |»lace directly on your jiantry shrlvcH. Just cut o(l' the corner and pour out the sugar as you need it. Lantic Sugar CODIPS also in lOand 20-lb hags for liouse- wivcswholikciobiwiulurgerqiiaiitities ''The All-Purpose Sugar" 2 and 5-11) Cartons 10 and 20-11) Hurh that timber-carrier to Davy Jones's lock<'r with a torpedo as n (iorman machine-gun ha.^ of pulverizing a "tank." .\s for the captain of the Toothpick, he merely chuckled iit the I chagrin of his enemy, who had blown nwny $7"),000 in torpedoes without scoring a point. The timber-carrier came wallowing into port, somewhat more unsteadily than usual, it is true, but with her cargo intact. The (uily comment of (he skipper when he had presented his colorless ofllcial report concerning the incident was: "Thundering lucky they didn't plump one into the engine-room amidships! Then we shoukl have been knocked out!" Some people ai'tiially break down from overwork, but that is one malady that never develops into an epidemic so that it is necessary to quarantine against it. potatoes, vegetables and roots should : "ly"" ''se^ahove 40 degrees Fahr, be well, attended to. An account ofj^^*'^'"* ''"'^â- " conditions are non-exis the saving made by these practices, ' *«"* '* '« hetter not to lay in a Win should be kept, and credit given to the farm. The opportunity to save money by means of the .use of fuel produced on the farm, is rapidly disappearing in the older districts, yet many chances in this direction are let slip with a resulting loss in two directions. Too often are unremunerative »irchar<is allowed to encumber good land breed- ing disease thai is carried to more promising fruit plantations, when by u little labor the tree could be turned into fuel that would take the place of the coal which is being purchased at a high price. This work would na- turally be done during the Winter, latter, however, has to pay the price j and in most instances mude a satis- of good potatoes. factory growth before the winter sel In some instances, no doubt, the con- in- I" some localities the rain kepi sumer is to blame by storing potatoes ofT so long that a smaller amount of (or other Winter vegetables) in too wrinter wheat was sown than there warm cellars. Potatoes and similar vrould have been had the rain appeared vegetables must be stored in a cool ' earlier. From what I saw through place. They cannot stand frost, ' the Province in the latter part of the I which causes a sweeti.sh taste in pota- ; autumr. the land seemed to be in very toes; but the temperature should i Rood condition, and, in most places. the plowing seemed to be well ahead. If the snow fall is normal there seems to be no real reason why Ihc land tcr's supply, as losses are sure to re- i -should not be in very good condition suit. I indeed for spring work. Moth«r fel^el** Srnip cr.rT«c1t ind ttimuliitet the dljetuv* ort«na. muA baniihc* ihc manr ftilmcnti which ariio frota LadiiMiioa â-  FOR 40YEARS TneStandibd REMEDY FOR STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLE Alall DroMtelt, or direct oa receipt of price, SOc^ and Sl.OO. Mucb M the tfflaller. Tb« lirae bottle coqibIdi three time* â- â-  A. J. Whiti & Co. LiuiTiD, CnU Sirtel W«i McuticiJ not when other farm operations arc pressing. The matter of sa\ ing of house rent is one that should give the farmer great cause of thankfulness in these times of high values of urban rea estate, as he would quickly realize if forced to maintain himself and family on double his present cash income wcro he removed to the city. It was found, by means of a sur- vey of 1,000 families representing widely separated sections in 11 states, conducted by the United States Agri- cultural Department that the average annual value of meats consumed pc family (other than poultry) was $107,L'.'); of poultry proilucts, $,">f>..JO, i and of dairy products, ,$tl8.S6. The quantity of dairy products consumed per family was etiual to 2,»)40 ((uarts of milk. The total value of food consumed was found to vary ilirectly with the | per fan.ily amount of meat used. Ah i the relative value of meat consumed '• increases, the total value of food con- i sumed per family increases. Families living on their own farms reported higher consumption of food I and a larger percentage of food de- riveil directly from the farm than of those living on rented farms. The average quantity of fruit canned an- nually per family was found to be \22 quarts, of vegetables 3'J quarts. In spite of all these unquestionable sav- ings, the credit for them is too often denied the farm; and it must be ad- mitted that these savings in the cost | of living can be increased by a deter- mined effort. Origin of Potato DiseaHes. From the consumers' sitle, the tiues- tion of marketing potatoes is of the greatest importance, especially so in years when the prices for this com- modity are advancing daily. The of- ficers of the Experimental Farms re- cently had an opportunity of inspect- ing iiuantities of potatoes m the con- sumers' own cellars. The potatoes had been purchased in the onlinary way from small dealers. The condi- tion of the potatiH's was most unsatis- factory. In three cases the amount of rot came up to Tf) per cent, of the total quantity in storage. This rot was the common Lute Blight rot, and was certainly present when the pota- toes were dug, and before shipping. The consumer is helpless in such I Men Wanted for the Navy The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve, wants men for imme* diate service Overseast in the Imperial Navy ^ Candldttfi muit be Irom 9 18 to 38 yetrt of age and looi of natural born Britiih •ubjeoti. DAY $1,10 per day and upwardi. Pr«*Kit, *^ ^*^ * Baparatloa allowano*, $20.00 monthly, Bxparieoood man from S8 Co 45, and boya from IS to 18 aro wtiyted for the CANADIAN NAVAL PATROLS, Apply to COHMODOH iCNlUUS JAIVB. NavJ RacnMag Officar, Oatari* Area, IQ3 BAY STKEBT, TOHONTO. ar ta ib« Daparlment of Naval Servioe, OTTAWA. ^BOA Poctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight SO per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instanctts A Free Preecription You Can Hafe Filled and Use at Home. T,ontlcnâ€" Do ynu woar claaaes? Ar« yoa a victim of rya atrtitn or ottier aya weakn^uaaT II «o, ynu mil ba alml to know thiit aoronilna to l^r. Lewla th»i« la real bona for votj. Klany wliOM »yM wera fiiilinK »ay Ihcy have hml thab •yt'9 rast^rad thmnKli the principle of tlna wou- drtful frea r»<>«i'n|itloii. Ona oian aayt, afut trying it; "1 waa alnioat blind; could iiot ae<. to teadktall. Now 1 ran r«ail avcrythingwithoutaay ptiunes anti my eyf« do not watur any tuora. At night tl](>y frould pain dreadfully; now tbey ftsl fina all tha tiinci. It waa HVa a nuiai-le to mo." A lady wlio uatd it aayt; "Thfi atoiovphera •<')*mcd liaiy with or without iilaaara, but after tuung thia prrarriptton (or fiftPHQ daya evervtbing ae^ma i'lcar. 1 ran evt»n read fine print \s)tboiit clatvea." It ia betirved that tbonwanJa who l^iar r'aMM ran now dis.^ard tham m ft rraaonabla tinie aiui oj avar lettlBt dux daicnptlonrma, tM following tha slnpla nil' Uon; L)a to Kyn troublfi of many »oiulwfu(ly hri.tfliod by oa, ttora ia tlio pr«^\rii>- oK'r and aliotr, tabiot in a 'io^fii:^l"'£i^ •("»,>' to d,..„i,.. Wih thia Jiguld_ bathe tb»T«« to (!i«80l ttio to four tirata dally ajM tl»ar up p«ri?eptibl. inflanniati' " You ahoulij notice your . , niidtjlitilea more will be abia to Htrengtbcu iii<>ir cases, and rarely is there u way open v^' «> aa tu ba apattU iba tieul;« and aiinuta «ptiblv ri,ht from tha atart an>{ -H quickly diaapprnr. If v.,iip to aav9 tkrn. now Vifcra Iwla too lato, Man J b'ir,^.''''''^ '"'*'" >»'^» Sean aavcd ii^?, bad eared for th«u ej «â- Â» ia time. ^ot«; innthur ^rolIllllpnt Miy.-iMan t.i ii hoin ih. jN.vn article »u ii.Mimrtd. aaJil. •«.' »i .,,,,"», '2 '•" 'W»«'k«>'l» 'WKlr, It.. c..n.iltiit.|iii„irclliri.ii are «eirku(.»n to eniiusnt .,. .,.. . .V,.,: "V^'.",",'? lili^iaatid wtilfly utasuUiliiu r» «uat,'>ntr« It obtaliiea 6oB> ao» lood rtruj.-i.t n,„i li , '"" "" very tfw preparatliin., 1 1^,1 S,.j â- .â- â- "" praarribrd by Uun The lor reiiular 1181) In aiaitot evoiy fiuiilh .^' 'i i„. , „ , hnifCo.fturaa, Toroaio. wui nil your oWtia I tha on turd \ ii'iuar U

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