Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1917, p. 5

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* a ^farch 15 5 017 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE r.i; ' • â- [ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD orriCC - TORONTO MoneyOrders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in i.T'D i«Ta all parts of the world. 234 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, ..Ian«ger. ei m C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Stalion as foUowa : Going South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 u.iii. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. in. The mails are osed at Flesherton as oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at â- }.40 o'clooK. Fur morning train south mail close a» 9 p. in. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS ^ Red Crt.ss Tea at T. Sled's March 20. The crows ire becominu quite aggressive. I Mrs. E \V. Painter, of Torou'o, ii visiting at Mr. Hogarth's, I Mr. -ind Mrs. R. H. Uobinsoii of. Dundalk Tisited wi'h Mr. and"^ Mrs. W. | J. Martin over the week end. i Boarders or loimers wanted ; w.iini oomfort.it)le rooms, .|ui.t house.â€" Mr.s. Kobt. Whcelaii. Rhv. J. W. Stewart, pastor of Firat Methodist churcu, Owen Sound, has accepted a call to Weston. Born- OnThursdiy, March 8, to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brown, of Brighton, Ont., a son. Mies L. Tliistlethwaite. of Toronto, is »pending a couple of weeks at the parental home. Sprinuhill U-d Cross will meet at M. Thi-stlethtt-aite's on Thursday, the 22ud diy of March, .V. D., I'Jl". Bornâ€" On Friday, Marco 9, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson, jr., a son. Riiss Evison. The Sprinjjhill school has oeen closed foi thf pait tw.i weeks owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss Mary W.lson, from an attack of loosili'.is. Jlr. Ed^sr r.i'llamy. of Sa.skatoon, who had boen in New Vurk on business, called on his parents here 'his week on his return j'jurney. [ Cyru* W. Field, who wa.s reported â-  killed in »c'i"n last wiek, was the eldest son of C. W. Field, tailor, of Maxwell, lie enlisted wi'h a western battalion. i Fiftei-n d.illars per lOO Iba. was paid on the local muket Tuesday. Mr. K. liuckliigliam of Maxwell delivered a load often porkers that netted him an eviu S:'«10. Til ere was a litilo ihiw on Suiiuayâ€" Just a foietasteof what is sho«tly coming and will be welcuin«d. The winter has been a severe one but we are nearly throj;;h with it. I'rof. Horning of Viotorin Oolleg^ Toronto, spiiko iu the Methodist church on Sunday last, in the iu'erest of the educational department of the church. He wont to Iiiistioge in the af'.trnoon and Dundalk in the evening. Mr. and Mrs H. Lo\riek and two' thildren left la.xt wet^k for theit home at Roseray, Alberta. After visiting a few days in Toronto they wire joined by ; Mis.s .\gnes Henderson, who will spend ' some time in I ha West. I The giivernnient ha.s practically taken p.ij.sBSsion ot our columns this week in | order to place liefora the public certain | thioKS that it is necessary foi ihein to 1 know. Thi-i curtails our usual amount | of reading matter, but government »luH' • has tirst call. Head it ufi. i Lait Tuefdny evening Proton Guild drove up and (>pent an enjo;able evening with th6 Fleaherton Guild. Several contests were provided by the Flesherton | Guild, 'he program being provided by the Proton (Juild, which was much enjoy- 1 ed. Refreshments weru served. i Mr. Wm. Wyatt has purcha.Hed the property known as the Wm. Smith properly from Mrs. John White, and , will move to town. Mr. Wyitt h»8 for a ^ loDf time been troubled with rheumatism ^ and finds it necessary to give up the, farm. I Dr. McLean of town, who w»a in con. 1 siderable suspense for a couple of w»ek« as to the fate rf his brother. Dr. .lames McLean, who was a medical otticer on board the s'eamer Leysian of the British Army Transpoit service was relieved last week to pet a cable statii'g that he was safe at Fish- guard on the coast of Wale?. There was also a letter from him written before the accident and postetl in Dublin, where Ihrf vessel liiided. Dr. McLean has betn in the niKdioal trmspirt service fur some timi', aailing from Newport News, and h»8 visited Ei;ypt, Salon'ua, Italy, Alyiiis, and other countries. A lecture will l.e given un the great Eurofcan W*r by R v. T. H. Hibolt, Ph. B. of Uo!.s:eiii, Ont.. in the town hall, Flesherton, on the evening of Wedne.sd.iy. .March U, 1917.at H o'clock. The lecture will be illustrated by 2d0 >teieoprioon views of the arcat war. Everybody weliome. .\dini.ssion free. The residence of Mr. R. Benthaiu of the suburbs caniH within an ace of ijoing up in smoke on^ day latt week, when the roof caught fire from a burning chimney. The tire was not discovered until it had made considerable headway, and before it was citinguished about ten snurre feet of the roof was burned ihrou;h, ratters and joists burned oB'. Had the wind been blowing from the north iu.>itead of tlie south no ttfjris would have saved the house from total destruction. There is one part of this county that evidently needs cleaning up by the authorities, icoording to C .1. Rorke, who charges thit some of hs recruiters in the vicinity of Nieustadt had been thre.itened with tar and , fe.atheri if they continued operations in I that vicinity. This very same drastic treatment snuuld be meted oat to the creatures referred to by Col. Korke. | Annual Iitisu Si pper ! The Ladies ; Aid of the Methodist church. Fleshertuu, will tiold their Iri»h Supper on Friday, March lli 1917. A good hot Irish Supper' will be served in the basement of the church from to 8 o'clock ; after whii.h a 'jood proaram will be given in the auditorium of the church, conslstinu ^of SOUKS, readings, and an addresi from | Uev. F. N. Bowes, B.A. B.D, who jvill also faior us wi^h .ioliu selec'icns. Admission â€" 25 and l.^ cents. The box social he'd by the Women's Institute on Thursday evening of last week WIS a decidea sufc'ss. .\n excellent program waa uivin whch ciusisttd of recitntions by Lily liJSKin. Mrs. Fisher and Hrrolil McLean : a so!o by Msi:d i- leiie Butler, and speeches by Kjvs. Dudgeon, M;\'icar Hud .McDonald. The Women's Institute nave a chorus vfhich was well received. .V pliy en'rlod "Tho ^ Iron Hand' was gi>'en by .Sprini' Hill ' Red Cress, and was well worth seeing. .\fter the program csnio tha boxes and luncheon. I'rtceid-. amounted to about uineleeii dollars. The Iniiitute wish t.' thank all who as.-isted in any way to make the entertainimnit a suc.'es'. We arc moving fast along revolutiouaiy lines thesd days. We now have total, prubibiliun and the women are getting the vote ill (^iitaiii. Later they »ili get seats in the Legislature. Many other forms of rtfoiuialion will take place as a result of the war. and pro-war coiiditims HJll scarcely bo rocognzable , after :hc mixing up in the crucible of fate which has overtaken the woild Wo can only reconnize a few of these chiiiges ' at the present timeâ€" ethers will present | themselves later, some iu an objectiona! ! way to niauv--but all teudii g towards a i betterment «f the condition fori humanity. > For Sileâ€" Two Holsttin (.iradj Cows, t'oe, freshennJ two »eeks,four years old ; , the other, seven years "M, freshen on March 18- C. Moore, Proton U. K. .'5. Administrator's Sale BY TENDER OF I FsLxym. I^roperty IN Till-: I Township of Artemesia ! Sealed tenders will be received by .John S. WcMiUm, K^>l^., Ceylun post otiice, Administrator of tlie estate of Margaiet Vlc.^rihur, late of the Township of -Ar'.emesi.i in ilie CVunty of (Jrey, ma.ried woman, deceased, up to Satur- day, the :;4th day of .March, \. D , 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purchase of the following lands, namely : Lots numbers len and Eleven, in fourth concession, ULiiIi of the Durham Road in the said Township uf Arter.iesia, ' cunUiuingbyadin«:asureraenConu hundred and forty-nine acres.be the same more or ; less. I I Upon the premises ure said to be erect- • ed a two story brick dwellnm house ; a frame baru 40 x 70, with frame shed 4(J x 4o attached, with stoue foundation ' underde.iih both barn and shed. i About 127 acres of land are cleared. I The farm is well waterea, and is situated ! about one half mile from the village of Ceylon or Flehherton St;ation, and ia , convenient to church and school. I The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid, to be tixed by the Oftlcial . (juirdian. | J TERMS â€" Ten per cent of purchase! i money to be 'pa il to the Vendor, upon | accep'anue ot tender, and tha balance in- to tha Canadian Bank of Coimnerce, to the loint credit (f the Administrator and : the Olhcial Guardian, within thirty j days thereafter, without i.i:cre3t. â- fhe highest i,r any tender not necess- arily a-icepted. For further partimilais apply to I WRIGHT * TELF(.>RD,Owen Sound. .Solicitors for .Admivistralor I Or to John S. MoMi'.lin. I Administrator, Ceylon. (-»ut. ! Dated March 1st 1917. TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal n-payable lat October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, Lst April and 1st October by cheque- â-  tree of excli.ange at any chartered Bank in Canada; at the rate of five per cent per aanum from the date of purchaee. Holders of this stock wiU have the privilege of siurendering at par and accrued interest, aa the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. .A commiasion of one-qu.iner of one per i-ent will be allowed to recognizefl bond and st04-k brokers on allotments made in respect of appUoalions for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply Finance, Ottawa. to the Deputy Minister of DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE. OTTAWA OCTOBER -th. !9".';. Boar for Service The undersigned has a thoroui;h.;red Yorkshire B"ar for service on lot U.con. S, Osprey. Terms 81.0". FRED SPOFFARD. Sclool Children's Eyes. r Deenng Implements AND Gasoline Engii\e]s .•\.ll kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always on hand .\i;ent f.n- Barrie Cutters. Barber Huguies, Louden Litter Carrieis. Hay 'I'raeUs, Pedlar shingles and sidiui;. These Implements rcjaire no rccommendat on as they are standard l'ooUs ai^d rec.<uni/.ed a.s the best on the market. FRUIT TREES-l represent ihe Ston it WelliiiKt II nursery. and^will be pleased to ca 1 It you send me a card. ED. R U T H ^: R F O ft D Proton Station Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special stud) of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. MELOTTE CRE.4.M SEPARATORS Are .'Sa:l Lenuiig First in 1888 The Melott« is stiil Foremost in 19i7 ' 'ver A Million In L s_' Turns Easiest Slums Cleanest Wears Longest Hj^ T ) Day The Lirgest Sale I.i Tha British Empire Just A Few Words, Mr. Farmer \ou have been tliiuking of buying a Melottk Separator for the pa:?t two or three years, â€" or perhaps you did tb;uk about is once but was pursuaded into taking some other make C'larautced "just as good and noi lialf the price. ' Every luouth the â- â- -MKi.orrK" is replacing scores of these ".lust .\s Good ' macbiues which hnd tbtir last resting place on the junk pik. It'yott Lave never used a Cream Separator. Jou't be a "back ntua- ber" ai;y longer. If vou are using some hard tinning, troublesome, top-heavy bowl >\parator which is causing as much waste of valuable butter-fat aa the old setting pin or gravity system, â€" Throw It Out .\nd Install Iu I:s I'lace .\ Money Mak^r â€" tiie "Miti.oTTF. '. We hitvc a "Melotte" hero tor you. and would be glad ta have your iiams added to the long list of satislied ' Melottk" Users. .Just let lis know that yon are thinking of a Separator and we will be glad to ::i!k the matter over with ^cu. D. McTAVISH. - FLESHERTON. t I HARDWARE f^ qâ„¢^^ Negro Shot On Sunday night laat in a little wood camp nonh of Garryoweii, where some n?groi» were cutting wood, a rather serious shooting affair took place. Dan Morgan is in the coll.s and Arthur Douglita has a hole clean through his body as a re^ult and if Douslas should die the charge I gainst Morgan would be of a serious nature. The »ff«(r is supposed to be the result of a quarrel between the two in which Morgan is alleged to have cast retlu^tions on the legitimacy of the latter and with hurling epithets at Doug- lass' retatiTes. Douglas is supposed tf have resented the rsniarks and to have ihicAtened Morgan with an axe and Morgan pulled a revolver and shot Arth- ur iu the left breait. The bullet fru-K a 32 calibre revolver enterod just abeve the heart and went through the body, lying just under the skia at the Utck of the left shoulder blade. A anitll piece of hipshirl was cirriea through by the bullet and was rjnioved at the lime the bullot was taken out. The victim is a' the home of Bill Hooey, 1824 8th Ave. K., and is in a aeriom condition. Morg- an was arrested by lh.> town po'.ioj on Wednojd.iy and was given a prolimiiisiy he.aring yolerdiy morning. IL" w;is remanded by Magstiato Creisor f v oii^lit .'ays, p !id:n.; dcvelopcments m the eoiidition of Anhur Douiliss - Sun. Recruits Wanted Vodection Jii.st as .surely as lack c» food is strangling Germany day by day, so plenty of food is winning the victory for the allies. The French annies, for instance, were never better fed than now, for France cannot forget the awful lesson of 1870 â€" the failure of her food supply. To this she attributed the loss of that war. To food the I'rcnch soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,- 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. This gives a faint idea of the colossal task of feeding an army. Canada and Britain have a huge army of fighting heroes on the line; every man MUST have plenty of food, in spite of a world shortage. Upon Canada's food production all principally rely. The Farmers of Ontario Urgently Need Help The Department of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals to menunfitfor miUtary service, orwhofinditimpossible to enlist in the army. Do your "bit " by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportunity. The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no occupation (retired), of business men who can spare a portion of theixtime. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordinary affairs to plan to help some farmer friend, particularly in seed time and harvest. fygMM Confer with your county District Representative of the Department of .Vgriculture, or write, "Farm Help Cam- paign," care L^epartmeut of Agriculture, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Building* Toronto 30 Axe--. Aluiain im Piiu;. I'oUs, Brashes, Brooms. Churns. Cutlery, Crockeryw.iro. ' Door Locks and Ilinjes. Enamelware, , Forks and iihovol.j. Guns and Cartridges, Hockey Sticks. Pucks, Irons for whirtletrees Knivesâ€" all kind.-;. Lanterns and Lamps. 'â-  Nails â€" all sizes, ' < >:is and Colors, Paintsâ€" I >'herwin- Williani. Rope â€" Plymouth gJod.= . ' Saw?, Stoves and Skates, | Tools â€" best makes, Wash'ug .Machines and Wire, Z^'noleum-Liqnid and Insect PowJer. F. wTTim C A N The Fleshertdn Hardware. Ptione 30 ra. Representative -My liiii f, r sea.--.'!! of r.)17 is to i;;vel;'«riiiorsof Township of Osprey and surr undin.; Townships the jiru.iig..' t Liiyiug from me at riijht prices md terms to suit psirchisi r. The noi.dsmanufaclured ly UL'nfrew .Machinery Co. The S>iaiuard Creuii .Sfparator, which, if t'jinlled in .\inerica,has not been surpassed. The Renfrew Handy Truck S,-ilo r-'<»itO lbs.) The Ren- frew Siii!;i;4rd aiid Sta-Rito Gaso- line Eiiyiiie, etc. Also dinger Sewiiii, Machines. All goods guar- anteed, r L^pi'rated according to instrucuons, to give sitisfaction, or no sale. Aiwiys .11 liaiul -\ Horse for .»aIo. FRANK G. DUNNING Feversham Iw Phone K. 2 short 3 long;. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS j WANTED at once[for ' FLESHERTON , and District for Canada's Greatest Nurseries I Spring iyi7 p'anting iist now ready Spleiulid list ol hardy (.'anadian grown fruit and ornamental .stock, including, , Mcintosh Red .Apple, St. Regis Ever- bdiring R-.sp^erry and many other eaders. Now illustri'ed oatalouiie sent on application. Stai-t now lit best selling time. Liber- al pr.ipositi n. ....... . Stonf^ & Wellington The Fonthiil Nurseries. (K.l.lii;s!icd 1S,'!7.^ TORONTO - ONTARIO This fanunis maKe of impIemeBts is well known all over the country and their own nood work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anythinu in the hna uf Binden,, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pul^* ers, Plows, Sleighs, Wagcona, Creaoa Separators, Harrows. RolKtrs, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline ea dines. Sawing outfits, eto., giT« lu » ehanee lo quote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton House For Sale or Rent Brick House for sale or rent ia th* village of FleshertoD. For parl.*«ul«r9 apply to D. T. WRIGHT. Jaol8 liuo Dundalk. For Service I One pure bred Shorthorn Bull on I» : 36, con. it, .\rtemesia. Terms 11 00 for grades. ftlust be paid within D month from date of service. â-  11. Jan. 17 -R.O. TCUSKR,

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