w- Jk^ttion %immt. I •'THUTH before favor." â€" " PRIiifCIPLEb NOT MEN." f :J<5 No. 4:J Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, Aiarcli lv;;>, 1017 W. fl THDESTOiN '^^^, OPBIE Eugenia Paragraphs Pithy Proton Pointers Held Over Fijiu Last Week Wedding Bells «io iim;iiig I We are soriy to re|j(iri Mr». K. Paik confined to lier bed .lud under ihc Di';--, Cftre. We hope tn suon hear of Ikt recovery. Will Walker and wife and Will Gordon and wife attended llie funeral uf iheir brotlior-inlaw, Joliinim (Jibsun, at Cataract, who wa.s iii»tantly killed while employed with the Hydro Eltctrio, Mr. Gibson maiTie J Miss Miiry Walker of this place scjiue years ^;\. He leaves to mourn his demise a wife and ciyht chiidri'U. Much sympulhy ii extended to the family and frieiid«. Mr. J. L. Wood, of Toronto, visited his .sifter, Mrs. »V. MclJeo. Mrs. Cecil Meldrum, of TDruiilo, visit- ed Mri. U. Foester Iwt n'eek. I'lJin- To Mr and Mis J iints l''aw..etr, on March 1,1 daui;li'er. Consjralul.itioos Albert Williams has sold his driver, 'hj purchasrr being Bob Fislier, I'urUaw. Mr. and Mrs Tmih Ilu^j-a-J and little dau'^^hter, lif Duncan, siieut the week eiul with triunds here. Mr.^. i\^t Parliament, who lias been viaiuiDij for some tiiuD witli her son. Jake, here, returned t-.> herhome in Paisley. AnjjU.s McL'icliUn, of Pricevillc, spent tlie Week end wiih Ins aiater, Mrs. Park. Would anyone who is knittinj; s' x for the soldiers for the Kat;eui:i W.I. kunlly letuni SOX as K. on as possiMe to ,M,>. K. .11 r, an or Mis. A. iloy. Mr. and Mrs. Jaiii^s Jaiiiies'ii have N-'turuei to their home in tin- Wc^r after tpendirii! ihc winter with .Mr. .1. K. Jaiuiesou and utiier hietds. ^ • This Week's Itenn. t>ur school meeting came ofi' very nice. It Was decided ti) build on ihe old site. Tne .social helil by the Ladies .\id Was a sU'!cess, the procetdi amounting to r'.75. James Gamfy, of Newmarket, Miii., »|jent last week wi'h his cousin, Mis. J. Parliauiunt. Heury FenwioU, of Torontn. visied his son, Tom, and .itliet ftieiids last week. Mr, Kfiiwick expects to %fi West sm ii. VVilfred McMaater, of IVronto, is t|ienctin^ a fortnight with his mother. llassell McMuiIeu lias l'oiio We<t. Mrs. Lvncss, if Ceylon, spent a week »ith her cousin, Mrs. Kred Mai tin. Mi.ss G. iimitli is visitiii.! wrh fii.iKis •t Dundalk. Kd. (iraliam lias ijoue hack to Toronto after spending a week with his I'lniily. A Rod Cross social will be held at ihe home of Wal er Kus.>ell on Thursday evening, March l.">, uuder the auspices of the Kuf4enia W. I, at wliic'i the i|uilt pre[iared by tho lied Cross workers will be presented to tlia winner Will Purvis, of Toronto, visited his mother and brother, bob, recently. Cicoroe Latiiiiei's many friends are pleased to see him able to be out again. Card Graham, Alex. Hoy, and Georue Ilislop made a business trip 'o WilkiT- ton last week. Alderman Will Kenwick, of Toronto, Xave his friends a call one day bisi: week. Charles Hoy, another Kuj^cnia boy. h«s joined the colors. Be sure andcoan lo the lied Cimss concert to be uiven in the Oranye Hall here on Thursday evening, March 1.") Mr. and Mrs. LitHe of Roscinont visited with the latter's cousin, Mi.ss Ethel Ludlow. Mrs. P. Consley has returned lioiuo after a inoiiLb's vi.sil with her daughter in Toro:,tn. Mr. and Mri. N. McCannel and family moved Monday to their i<cw heme h'e'y pureha.icd from Mr. II. Copelaud. Thty have been m business here for a number uf yeara and have proved to he kiad and .synipatliclic friends. They will be much missed by the people of this villaye and they hiive the best wishes of all for thu:r health ami prosperity. Mrs. \Nils..ii and liltlo dau-luer, Muiiel, accompanied by l!iu foinioi's Sister, Kdith, spent, the wee. end with iheir cous.n, Jlis. Will Uindle. We welcuiun Mr. and .Ur». U. Copelaud to our lliritty little town ind wish tlieui success in their new enterpri c. Miss .\da Aclieson has taken a poi,ici >n III .Mr. 11. G. Deckers storj. A Fa:mer'8 Chib l;aa been orgaiiiiSod having their head<|uarters in this vilihgc. A mciiiber;>hip ot S'J Uiines is enrolled. Tlie store property lately owned by D. A. StiuHi.n Im.s ag.im cliaii;>ed hands. Thomas \\ yviUe is the pu.elnser, 5Jr. vjtinsou taking over Mr. NNyvilie's (arui near liii'<tiu:;e and his hou.se and ot in tho village. Mrs..\ilcii. of ll.ven SuUiul, is lia.tii:^ with her son here. Wo are ul id to re- port Mis. M. -Vlleii improving in health. Victoria Corners Prof. Ilorniuo, of Victoria College, took charge of the service at Imstiogo on S'.inday and ap.ike in behalf of educat- ing the young. If not p^m.sible in schools, those who have lo Icavu early should hue the advantage of libraries tilled willi the best literature and history of the â- l..^.. lie claims the iiniveisily man or woman makes the best farmer or farmers wife. .Mr^. .Ariiolil .ind Mis. (ieoi-^.. Mi>oro visited lor a few clays last lust week at •Mrs. Wm. Talbot's. Vandeleur Happenings JMessrs. K,,') and Kd. ILjlh-y of Mea- ford and Will Holley and family of Hol- land Centre attended the sick bed of thci'- nicjther last week. Jake N'eely ..f Mc.tord has lentcd Mrs. Wyville's farm . n the I2tli line iird moved hia family there b'st week. Mrs. Geo. Wright luis returned h n.e after spBndini» some lime in atieiidance on her sisier iu Toronto. Mrs. Will Timinu.s imm near Durham who is visiting hyr parents, Mr. and .Mrs. •Joliu Warling, had a sharp attack ol laryngitis last iv.'eli iium wluch she n.is not yet fully recovcre I, bii. hopes ;o lie able to return Lo her U mho hi a few d lys. Mrs. John Hjll.-y ;s veiy ill ;il tlio llo.ne of her son, .l.ic.ib. We ho lo lii'ir uf her :eco\eiy. IJoin- On .March t, to .Mr Chas. liohind, a son, W'. J. .\)cox aiul family inoveU t j their new ho, no at < h iiK'e \' a/ley >ii Wednes- day of last week. Un Moiniay evening prior l.> their deparliuc .a number <if friends and iiuiglibors gallierei at their home and presemed Mrs, Alcox wth suveril pairs ot windovv curtails as a tjken of ihe.r esieem. Mr. and Mis. Alcax are i Li residents if this neig'.bor- liood and will be greatly iiu.ssed. Jlrs. J. M. UaVis Is Msitin^ licr daughter at SM. .\laiys. Jos. .McCaa..!Uli, .1 Markdale, is ljiu/.i;ig wood for the I ii uiers in this vicinity a! present. JI s. .Maiidi! Plewei, teacher at Sli"o, was a iiaitoi In ou:' ..m.; llic I'e'jiicnin:; ot tile Week. Ceylon Chat r â- eiy and TliM "Willing IL-liiers" held a uece.ssfnl social at Iholpinio ol Mr. \\ 111. WliitH cm Tnescl.y evening program vras given aff r which was donated ' y was ilnwn by t:ekel d Mrs. la.st. A : w'lich the ipii't. Mis. Cuinniins, pe s.jcjii .Mr . the luel.y man being Mr. D. Slewiirt, th» number being 171. He kindly giv;; it i back to the ladies who th' n had it put up for aiiotion, Mr. W. W bite proeuruig , same for 87.-."), tickets .sold fcir cpiilt : bLoULilit S.jl.76 and Sll.".") being reali,: 'd f n- biiuli which wis servi'ci, c 111 -.kill- .1 ti t il "f â- •:'70 :;."). Muih cn-edit I i^ d le 'o t'e piesldeni, .Mrs Cmi'inins, M.S. Geo. .Sncd! ind Miss Kla Whin .U.-r ! cUio.se untiring ell'c.rls uiade il ^iicli a j SllC-eSS. Till! fclllcls will bo s; i;li' tor i mif'i;ts f r the sc.ldi.r-> Bates Burial Ca J. W. BattJ, |{. Madduck, i^r.;s.Jenr. M c,,;.^,. l''iM.'iM- Ti e;:„. „.j-j K,„,,,h,i,.r, 124 .Avenue Road,Toroiito Telephone llillcrest 263 t â- LViiK-t,.,)- .a ,,1.,,.... ,.(•.„ |, ,,._. Jewelry â- ll.T.lll 1.1 .â- llil aiiK A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. iJ M.S. T I liislei: is v;.ri..; !,,>! dau'^liler in I 'wvn .Scuil . .Mrs. l.yness, nlw his I c.'ii i.^iini; fii-'iils ill Kiinon I I'l.- I is' He k.r. turn e.l ho no Monday. 'â- '-• ' ' •• '" 'lis â- »•â- « c.l .1,1, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat W. A Armstrong, '"I'l'bi; -i::.'li;.i, M,\v .Vt the: 1 si,' IWei. S,,iir.. ,,,, , *'•'â- " ""I'se, M.ukdale. 2nd hors.lcy ..,;ch „i,,„;|, (i.,,,,, ,^ ,,, J., Linocldk.ls W,. â- "^â- â- '' Jeweler I'LESHERTON. OIST itlos.hiy ,^ â- acl, „,,„ Mis. S. wei'^ for iilelil, Ml. and leav.c this thj West. Cipl .Mel. p 111 Wi.'.i. .M.ssi;. M.,-:'hiil si.en- tU with her sister a H .iiey ivo .,! .Xgnes.s .11 r.ci.tbwell sp.oit co under th" II lieu il li.iiie. Spe irs .i;c i faiiiry thidr 11. w li.nic in ha.s l.ii.; u|. [ ^S ^^"^^*l^ ^'^ „si^ o*. .VI e k rlld I aii.l Mi.-s I Silcliy Ml. .'<. Sheilnirn.-' an.! V!-llc .11 Satiir.iay. b Mr. Jis. tiracey Iiaj been on t!i.! list, but i» improving. sick Walkerton Miss Ros.sie Burrell, a former student of the Walkerton High school, and who of late has beqn te!vchim;at M krkdale, way married on Wednesday of this week to Mr. .UairdofMt. Forest, tlio ceri'iiicjny taking place at ber home near .Mark.lale. The bride is a niece of .Messrs. Jas and Alex, of lirant, ttiid is well known in this vicinity. The Kattan Kaelc.ry here is especially busy on bahy carti.aaes and go-carts, a:id by the siirinstrosli of diden that sre in there is no evidenca thai t!ie dealers in the various towns believe that race suicide is bpcomitii; epidomic in the land. If other factories ihrounhuut Cunada me working ou baby carrijjes and gT ci'ts anything hlie the local itislitution wo see where pedestrians in many towns will have lo take the road unless nurse rdrls Durham Mrs, Ibjdsliaw, .Mrs. (Dr. i J oaies.m s •iiolher, tell diwii stales last Kiiday morning in her home in 'J'oronto, ai.cl jt is feared she w.is internally iiijiiied. She is '.lo years of age. I/ent.Jack .McC'cikiudale, who enlisted with the machine gun battery, and who is a native of Sullivan towiiship.lhis county. and a gr.iduate of i iwen Sound ColleKiaie Institute, has been awarded the Military Cross. Till) high '(cbool of this t.cwii Ins had the honor, tlirotiL;h oiu' of its stuilenlJi, of receiving II lirst (ui/.e in a drawing conle.'tf. The fortunate student Is Wm. Miine.and the contest is one in which the various high schords and collegiate institutes of the province may compete. Tho high school may feel justly proud of the aclreveinent of ihis ^tllJcnt. Duiham Chronicle. East Mountain Two iif our ijcl residents h tvo paisod away recently. Mr.Smart, an aged man, died about, two weeks ago. Tlii Iwp sonp, Tom and Sam, reside in thii pi rt. Mr. Geo. Smith died suddenly a week ajio last Sunday. The remains were interred in Markd.ile ceine'ery. We extend our deepest sympathy lo the bereaved families. But wo must retnotn- bor, ''The young will dip, tho old must." Kd. Smith, who has been homo from llifi West for a few months, inton.ls to return this week. Wg wish him succesj. Nat Caswell and friend attended the concert «l Spring Hill school and report lr«vel more In single Hie than thoy do in i * pleasant time. Walkerton, for on asseiDblmg here they I Uha..,. Martin visited at Honeywood pass down the pavement side by cich ' like the Lieht Brigade moving to the charge at Balaclavn. Kimberley Budget Kvrey erideiice oi spi ii g. The woe d chuck can be seen gamloling around and tliu caw i.t tl.c crow is heard on every side, .Messrs. L. t'.iweell. II. II iileli.ii.-coi and .\. t'crgus.oi l.lt cii I'uesilav ou the ex.uraioi) to the western provinces. The giiiid (III iiiao of tliH put, Thos. Wickeii-., tiicKigli III his '.lUli year is gtill hale iiid beiriy. Krtti S nan's sale on friday last wan well atteii'.'ed and good prices were realized on the various coininodities. Wm. Kail ting of b'eversliim wielded the iiuciioneer a haiiiiner ami is no amateur at ilia job. Mr. tieo. Hulchinsou » black driver "Sauily ' received a nasty llesh wounu c ii his left lii|i on Sit. night last by tie.iig kicked by a hor.so which had broken loo.ic during the night. Ui . Shepherd" son .'f ilarkdale was summoned. It rei|uired aboul o.') siitc-lics t.j close llie w.uud. Inspector Hull of Meaford [jaid our school an ollicial visit .m 1' liday last. Delia Abercronibie of Wodchoiisi' vi.sttd over ihe week end at the pirental home. Mr. W. S Hi.-!ii.p and wife v. sited fl lends near Markdale on Monday la.st. Roy Kaakc and John Ueid have gone to Colliiigiicjyci voceiitly to woik in the ship; aid. Boin--.\t, S,\ift rurrent, Sisk., recently to .Mr. and Mrs. Kraiik lliitclnn- soii, a aoii, Toronto Line North < living to the thaw the ro.ds iie in bad conditionâ€" at time of writing .\ngus Clark, of Toronto, uiicvved acc|UaintuueeB in o'jr burg. We were please. I lo see liiiu again. Thd Mi.ssea Ciertie and liladys Leier «ro still on the sick list. UavB .\daais. of Ceylon, visited nitli Harold Lever. fllrs. hid. Pedlar, of Try n, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Pedlai:,of Jb'l slierton, visited at Mr. Km. Wickons. airiiis at \ ^. If ^? sW.. -n? £"< •>t? hM im, Bape M. At Reiwunabli] Prices. Fiiit Cbsi i ck Miss tis'uoriie of M,i\ivell v;si(..cl Mrs. J. I'a'tis 111 here hit week. .Mr. J. .McUoiiiM and Ii tie d.mjifr vi»ited Pr iton friemls on Saturday. Till' 'liii^y Wi.rkers " of the Diirliam I!. 1.1 aiethis Wvdiosilay evening h.. Mini; a social at the Icoo- of .1. McMillan. (•Jeeiy yi'inog 111 111 I liirgMig his lady will be adipitipil for ''e siiia 1 sum .it '.'."> centn. S,i lioys .^^ I Iniay anil h.||i i ho p. my Workers. Mr. .\ltoii . 'tie W,.«t visited at Mis. Will. Wile-. :, la--t week. Mr, M. r. Ib.-eket'. i Iwen Smiiul, ii" iii.ikiiig a tour of iii^iiL'Ctioii ot all Imlulo. Monday he visit i-d KeVersiiaiii, MavwoU, Kii.'eiui im! I'l s'i..|'.iii. Misv K;,iP Mcjl.iiilil, .'Mark.Iale, visit- ed ler sister Mis. I 'iiiiiiiiins here li-t week. Also ioti: .3f [ar of Jioito, Bian, Five Ruse, ami Paltry im k'mi Etlipse Flour. Puritv, JiU. '/if? Bring yt;ur WHE.A T .idil exchange ii fur FLOUR. I waot ISOO hshls Jats. ,. W. BUSKIN The Up to-tiate Fteherton Grocer. .iU. ..Mb '4? '/i> ~/t? vM<. ,Mlss Wrs^ .if .Mrs. F. j.illiiis. ' liv.ll .>..lllld o) IS Vlsll ;t|^ Tryon -:-Wet and Snow-:- .James Stewart has been on the sick list fur aonie time past, bu'. is .ilowly improviuj now. We will be glad lo see Jiu, arouud again. Tivii \\'eek-< .X'jn, L.-.;,".iilig is the 1 ler of 'l.c day. l\Ir. :ni.l Mis .Meey Sornhe'gor cidebratc'd ilie I â- â- vi-iii y- lifth iiiinlver'iai y of their weddiiiL' .ni I'"riday last. In tbo afteiiioiiii the oilier pc'ciiilo weiopfeseiit .iii'l 111 ilie ei.'. iiig llio young pe'iidr were t/i von a vi i v enjoyable time. Mr. and Mis. .'.Jiiiiil-crger loo-ived iii.iny co.sily aii.l iisi-fiil s'lver i;ifts. W'e wish them many ui'ie bippy years of wiiildo<l life. Mrs. IV Moln'vre, who Ins lieeii ail- ing f.ir sciiiio line, p.i-sed peiieefiiny away on Tii-sdiy if last week. Her hiisbiind die.lsoietnl years a: o. Iirei- iilillt toi.k pb.." at MeTlilyre. wliieli wis n iiii'd after 1.. i- hiisb.iinl. \V« ex ..ml (iiir dei'pi St. -v.ip.iihv (o the here. I'cd I OIli'S. Miss Maida Uiiiliiig.lieal Uieio-, .\'^ s|„.|it 11 few Misi Myrilo S.imbcrgcr Misi Kl.a L-vcr and Mss Kih.-l Miiiiisoii \i,i 111 Ml, and .Mis, ,<. ('r.jft. Uock Mills. <,[ .Mc;iii.-< viii w ml ,1 .\i'\v 1' sliiii's !,; kccji ymii' I'll.' ('.ill .It CLAYTON'S .ui.l-r < )i' it y 111 li;iv ;i I'ajp iif w.uH IK'W i'.iirrtiin.-; mi tlinii 1 iMVL' till 111 IKUV 111. .'Ill' of i: Di'v I'l UmI •I'l' \v, I \ i-.i: ".\.ui; .iiln'r . I !â- ( IvtM'- !r;ii. >U|iiilii'il. I"i'||.-i ami "rt_' I 111 liu-ii. .Kt '[lainii:.; as u.-ual Thos^ Clayton's FLESHERTON Weaie pleasp,! ti. r,.p,,rt .Miss Meli.nes | |j ll;|vill able to be ar. iii Miss Rota Wolclriek of {.'overshnni visited friend.s in this vicitiiiv. A Walkerton citi^-en, who was aceusoi ef mnkine some pTo-liarman remarks, kas tried before Mag srat^e Tolton in the piiHce court here on Friday afternoou •nd a.c<iuittGid.â€" Bruoe Herald lud TimeK. one day last week. Mr. L. Monroe, of Toronto, visited in our vic'uity. We hear that Carl is going to move i o hi* i.e« home ud the blind liac. .' I i I SELL PETER MAT^ILTON FARM IMPLEMENTS D. D. McLaughlan CEYLON, ONT. Wu ire Last. Week's Ileiin. March came in like a lamb, watching for the Ii oi now, Mr. Mort Sayers, ot tlu hlih line, ^ ni renewed adiuaintances in this part. Two | sleepi are better than .me, Mort. {fl Mr. Dau Mclntyre, <>f Sault Ste Marie, ijil visited his brother, Robert, here. Nearly every one in this part been atticked hy Oerinan measltj. ANNOUNCEMENT imrclia.sLMl tii(> K I ..m , : •,;â- â- " r-'^-"--" ""• I'tirninuv Ini.sjne.ss u*i Mr l| John ( lia[iiiian at a rait- on rlie .lolj.ir, 1 am pivpape<l " to oik-f Punntiiiv at niih<%-n'(l tilpiifc.^. For Mio ne.xt hflecn (lays tho piiMif wjl] l,c able to pn.fit. by tliLs .sale as f nnist di.spo.se of most of ir. Tlie ^tock i.i now aiu up [o-datt^ 111 cvoi-y n>..pecr. Dn-s.ser.s, IStand.s I'arloi- fects an.l otbei- choice goods at pj-Jces that will .surprise you. War time docs not atiect tbe.so as tlu-v were mostly pnrcha.sed k«r,rc the raise and are again cut in unler to iiiakc (jnick sal-.-. Come in and bok over the Stock. W. H. BUNT Furniture aivd Undertaking FLESHERTON. . ONTARIO.