Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jan 1917, p. 8

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i.igiiiu January 18 1917 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies PINCR ABTBUR LODQB, No. iOS.A.P.A A M, meets in the UMonlotikl). Arm troag'B Hlook Kleitaerton, ovary Pridky ou before tbe full mooii, T. tloiiry, \T, M, B.W. HiokliDg, SecraUry. CHOSEN FlUKSDS-FlMliortou Council Cboaeu >'rieDdi ai4 uieuti in Clkytou'i Hall Srit kud third Wednetday o' Okch inontli at H|i,ui. Pay atsetmeats to Iteeorder on or tiofore the Srst day of each mouth. Chief Coi.aclUor, W. H.Uuut; Iteeorder, M rs. L. A. Fiiber. Dkntistry Dr. e. C MURRAY T,. D. 8., dental sorgeon hcnoi'frrailuate of Toronto UuiTerBity and hcyal Collego o( Dental Buriteons of Outarlo. (iaa adajiaiuifttered tor te«lh extraction tUce at ruaiduuce, Torouto titreet. Fleebortou. Medical f P OTTEWELIj I Veterinary Burgeon Jradaate of Ontario Veterinary College iMideuce â€" lecoiid door aoatta west^ou k>ry Etreet. This itreet rum outh Presbyterian Cliureh, R. D. Lane, M. B. Physician dud Surfjcoii. Chas. E McLean, M D. C M, Specialty- Surgery, Midwifery & Women's DiseaKcs OrricEB â€" Kle«lierton, Late Itf C»i ter'« rriceviUe, .Same as Before Hocnt â€" 10 3U to 12 a lu, 2 to 4 30 & ' to s p m at each office Ir Mcl^ean vill be at KIcalioitou oflioe Mori> ikjt aud Tliursdaye: other days and nights Dr. Laue. ( barges tiiade from nearest olUcc. Telephone in each otBce tor night aud day. l'|> to date dru^sforu iu conrectioh with Priceville oQlce. Legal 1 LTAB. KANEY A hKNItV-Harriatcrs. â- â€¢-' Solicitors, u)c.-I. H. I.ucaii, K. C. ; W. K, lUney, K. C. ;\V. L). Henry, II. A. Offlcos. roroDto, MC-O Tiadore Itauk HIdE., phone Bain 1412 ; Markdale L,ucaa Illoi'k, Phoue 2 A. Branch otliee at Uuodalk open every Saturday. WRIGHT. TKLf-OHD * McDONALD Barriater. Hollcltorn, &c. <.>fllce«, Urey * Kruca Klock, Owou Bound. Btandard Hank mock.KI«»hi.rtou,(Saturday»i. W. H. Wright, W. K Telford Jr. J. C. McDonald, L. L.. 11. BusiNE-ss Cards \« OULXXJUGH (V YOUNd ' Hankers Markdale (ieoeral baukiiig buaiaess. Money loaned at reaaooable ratea Call ou uit. t\ UcI'IJAIL, l.lceuied Auctloueu for the **• County of Orey. Terms moderate ami â- atis action guaranteed. The arraogemcuts aud dates of tales can be made at Ths AoTAUee olBce. Keeideucekud P.O., (eylon, Telephone ceuDeetloa, Dec. 0, UT w» TU. KAITTINK, iconsed Auctioneer foi tbe counties of Urey and Hinicoe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms aioderats. satisfaction Ruarantted. Arraoiie- lueots for dates may be made at the Advance jOc«, or Central telephone ollice Keveraham or by addressing me at Keversbam, Ont. Boar For Service I'ure lired Ynrkshire Ixiai fiiri,<.r\i<<' at the >trKa« farm, near Ceylon. Terms â€" I'll ."i<) I I' r aninialn served. ISov. _.T. F. COLLI N.SON- STOCK FOR SALE Tamwortli Swine, Ijaircd Plymoutli Bocks, Rouen DuckR. I lla^•.' for i|iiii k .â- <»b- some iiiie V'.riiiK .Sowx ri':\r|v fir breeiling, u few ({cKjd l> I{.<;c)okereli< and some k'""' li«ueii I>iiokn anil Driikis. J'ric'H ri^lit I'hnne m- Wright â€" (;k(). w. K()s.s. OctI«-l'> OupreyTI. .•^.VHtrm. .Maxwell, I' Farm For Sale I...tI(W, 2nd N.K.T. * H.lt.. .\rt<'iiie>.ia ::iintalninK .'Ml ncrrK, clean and imiler gnud Miltivation. (iniKl IniililinKn, ^noil well, well watered. Huiall onlmrd. K.Sl.I). Thre i niilen frimi Klislicrton. -^pply l"i priie an I terniM to the owner. -.lOKMlMCKIilllN. Klenliertoll r.U. I NdV.li BL J. COLQUETTE t eversham, Ont. kf,enx (or the Cockshtitt i'low Cos Full Line of Farm Implementc W'liootI'', liiii^niL's, CiillerH, Hluit^liA, am) (iitMiliiic KiitNiioK, Muliilto (,'ri'iim .Siiparutnis, UiiUer Wind Mills, I'liiiiim, F*ii)inj» and l'i|)<! Filtinns alwnyd oti hiiiid Ik'ntly Hnm'. i>f FerguH, liarn Tiaclts, Jjiltor CiiriiurH mid Ht:il>li' liHimiK. Cocksliull and Krfist. iV Wmil l!<']iaiis alwiiy.s mi liuid Ftversbam, - Ontario %%l^^ t.^^^ •^^f *^^ ^^^^ ^^^ %^^%^^^^'^^^\ GIltLS WANTKI) Fur ollicu work to lit! tlic |)Iac:um of men wlio liavo ({one or urv (ii)iiiK ti) lliu Kioiil, Yiiiiiij^ **omen can tender tliu Country '^ciil survic'u by |>r(!|iariii){ tolitku lioxitionn in biiiikH »nd olHccs, .S|>coiiil couffloa of trainim? 'u ISixikkuepin);, SShortlinnd aud id' other C'Diiiinorcifjl Hiilijeclw now in proijiesa, .St oiLiuIh admitted At any liiiiu. Ilhistratcd cala' higuo frefl. LlMITEIi. OWEN SOUND, ONT. C. A. FLEMING, Principal- All Enthusiast on Canada She hath done what she could Every mar; fled man in the ranks of Canada's sol- diers means that his wife gave her con- sent. His the sacrifice, the danger, yes â€" but his also the interest of a new ex- perience, the companion- ship of comrades, the in- spiration of action, the thrill of the advance, and the glory of victory. Her's the pitiful part ing, the weary waiting, the fevered watching for the dreaded message, the gruelling grind of daily responsibility for those dependent upon her â€" and her alone. No, No; not alone ! Not alone, as long as the people whose battles her husband is fighting have a heart in their bosoms or a dollar in their pockets. Not alone â€" as long as Canadian manhood and womanhood knows the meaning of the word "trust." Not alone, as long as Generosity is the hand- maiden of Duty and Privilege. Only an appreciation of the need is required by those of us who here at home keep the hearth fires burning. Not for some of us the supreme sacrifice, but for one and all of us at least that whole-hearted answer to the cry of patri- otism that never yet has failed to go ringing around the world when the call has come. GIVE â€" GIVE â€" GIVE as your own heart prompts you, give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. $6,000,000 must be raised in Ontario for the vital necessities of the great work of caring for the needy famiUes of Ontario's men 8^ the front. Every case is carefully investigated, everything humanly possible is done to eliminate mistakes and prevent impositionâ€" but to the needy is held out a helping hand, without lavishness, but with the determination to see no real want unsupplied. You are again offered the great privilege, not of charity, but of recognition of the magnificence of Canadian Wifehood. Remember; if the Man is a Hero, the Woman is a Martyr. " She hath done what she could " Ontario Is being asked to assuro Iho Canadian I'atrlollc Fund tlui It <an depend on having six tullllon dollars la 1017 rolf the families of Oiuarlo « soldiers. ' Four aillilon of thoa (lollars nnist bo secured from Individual Kuhscriuilons. If there Is no Hranchof »he Pund la your town or county send yotlr subscrlpUou dlraCt to the Head Offlce, Canadian Patriotic Fund, \ ItlorU aueel. Ottawa. ^^ O.M'J mignt almost think that three million miles o! travel would satisfy any man. but Mr. Uurtun Holmes, tbe famous American grobe trotter, wanted more and spent three months this summer in crossing Canada from c.T;',ot to co-.ist as the first stage of his fourth million. The country \v:'.3 new to him, but it provided hiin with such a wonderful variety (if beautiful pictures that he now declares he never spent three more iiUeresting months in his life. He i.-» lec'turlng now to audiences of two uPd three thousand at a time in tlie great cities of the United. States, urging mem to ^peiid next summer cither in the romantic, historic centres of Eastern Canada or the mountain fastnesses of tha Canadian Pacific RocKies. His moving pictures of Banff, Lake Louise and the Yoho Valley are tha finest of their kind ever produced, while the pbotofraphs in natural colors taken by Mrs. Burton Holmes are a revelation as to the possibilities of this new procefs of picture taking. Canada has pioba- biy never been drawn to the atten- tion of our American neighbor]* in a more attractive fashion. School Children's Eyes.! FARMS FOR SALE Farm for Sale For 5ale For Service l..it JT, C.in .s, <N|,riy, aUmt turtv sue. 1!. L I!, or Haulier feed oats and , cleared tl.el.alan<e m.istly hai.l» ».d l,n,li Ma.icluirian baijov. Al.so oi.o i.lcasure ,^-'''*- .r"" ""* well watered I Iiik farm must Ih'sh d to wind i i j â-  i .. i .u i . Hoar IVrnii) SI uiiaii estate Viiii'v sloM'h Mid ono Hin!,'le cuttur, both al-noHt , ""'•'^•. ^'â- 'l" .,tA" uiiai. mtati .\i.|..> as iiood IS now -\ I{K\TTI1-' I 1)0 paid to KHKD -W.\( W TIIO.MI'SON. AdndniKtrator. "-* «'">«•'>! "OW . -A. ISLA 1 1 IL. , v l)o>L'l .â- ^iii^'liaiiiiiton, K li 2 For service on Ijt 12, con. !(, Osprey, Olio purebi'fd Short horn Hull. Terms' 1.50. Also one pure biod Yorkshire (K). All accounts must TYLKR, Manayer.. â€" 1 Sep Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultaticn free. W. A. Armstrong. For Service For sale or rent for grazing, lot 3i>, con. 13, and part of lots 34 and i!5, con. 14, Artnmesin, 181 acres more or less known s the Cooper fariu. Will rent for pasture athis season, or take stock iu by the mon Ih. This is a splendid grain and t;razing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar and about IK) acres fit for cultivation. It is well worth the attention of stock men . Will sell for reasor.tbie cash payment, balance easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, JulyBtf Flesheiton, Ont. Cno pure bred Shorthorn Bull on lo^ 3ti, con. !», .\rteiiiesia. Terms 81. 00 fo^ erndc*. Must be paid within 9 months fruui date of service. 11 Jan. 17 â€" R. O. TURNER. Public Notice Take notice that all persons are here- by forbidden trespassing on, or dumping any rubbish on, or taking, sind, gravel, earth or other matter off Park lot known as the Flesher sand pit, in Flesherton, containing about two acres, as all persons trespaseing or committing any waste or removing anything therefrom, on any part of the Flesher estate in and eround Flesherton Village, will be pros- acuted accoiding to law. DR. T. S. SPROULE, July Executor for the Estate Canada's Most Successful Wheat Grower AYiKi.i) of ;.4,p,s:; hukiioIm or wlieal frsni 1,000 acres of land. or .'.4 bushels 2;i lbs. on the av.rage per acre, seem.s lo appear like :tn liupo^lbillty ; but it Is a fact that. .Mr. C. a. .N'oble, of Xobleford, AlliertH, has reap«d this niarvollous prodiictlun from Ills rnrms in ihr harvest of I91ti. This bountiful gift at nature lo man Is likely to attract as much attontiun to this country as any othfr rcmarkahli! Incident That has yet boon noticed In connwtion with the progress of Ihr Dominion In the farming or I ho IndiiBtrlal sphere. f).'! men, 78 horses. L' separators and 2 sbuaf leaders did thnir part in the work of garnering Ihn grain. On Scptoraber ISth the thpeshlng Iwgan, and procpeded merrily for some days, diirlng^whlch time moving pictures of Hie •peration.'t were taken. The grain graded .\'urat>ers 1, 2, and ,1. All of It was of the Marquis variety, which ha.i h^en proved to give the best, results et any species of wheat yet. tried In West Canada. The seed from which the enemieufl returns ^prunc >^iia nearl/ all raised from a oiui a^ro ll<'ld that bad been sown Willi hand iilohed iwdigrne Marnuls BOCll. At a moderate oallrasto the land from which Mr. Noble has gathered lib) crop returns him %'ih an acre After paying all expensefi this famous grain grower lias a huge sum of money as a reward for bis exertions. But he well deserves all that has come to him. 11 is true that a fertile â-  soil and a magnlfloeni cllmato were i bountiful, but the ability with which ' the »gricullurlsl managed hl.s ground i was In no small way vesponsible for I Ills surcesH. Mr. Nohk; is a business man, and is paKiie«.i<ed of the gift of concentration - that quality which always dlecovers the rl»ht read to tbe man who paniererea. He has a system of hU ewn for doing every- thing, and everything he does is dene In the ni««t ayitewatic manner. With a staff of 120 men \\>- eperatae three' different farms^On Ibe f^rms, and at the olBre where the farm acbeme* are planned, he 1^ the auperviaor. He has taught his empUyee* to be regu- lar in their atltgcVU i^ tM wkeel» of a machine. The oSico teleiihnne connects him with every one of the dlffcroBt departmeiMt.'i, and if there is anything which demands his immedi- ate personal attentioi while he \a at the office his autoinoblle Is waiting. ready to convey him to the spot. The accounts of the proi)erty are all kept with a ueatnesH, accuracy and regularity that would arouse Ihei ad- miration of the most critical of char- tered accountants. ^ Mr. Noble was born ou a farm near Slate Center, Maraball County, Iowa, In the year IKTIl. Ills boyhood wan spent largely on the farm. Shortly aft«r reaching his majority he filed on a quarter section of land near Kasx, North Dakota, where h« lived until l<)03. In that year he moved to Claresholm, Alberta, married Miss MAfcaret Fraser, of Hawkesbury. Ontario, and, in addition to farming Interests, later enjoyed a succeciBfiH real e«tate buRlne«ta wHh his present partner, Mr, T. C. Mllaes. FYom this paint hia rise In the buaineas IMUli he iiuiv.d to hl.s present location at Nobleford. Alberta, where he lives j on (iraiul \lpv. l''arni, «ilh his family consisting nt his wife, two son.s and one daughter. Kivlng practically all Ills attentiou to the farm. Thus it is seen that his life work has been that of a practical farmer. His entire career has been marked by energy and foreeight of an ex- oeittioaal quality, his prominent uiental chara<-terlstks being coui^ge In meeting facta iiquarely, aivuracy In figuring costs, and boldness and originality lu malting Investments. Coupled with the hardest common iMoae and shrewd Inaight into human natnre, h« has a gift of Imagination which In oonatantiy leading him on to groater things and to blazing the way fer others to follow. He Is a total abntalner from the use of all kinds of narcotics, and takes his place at work with any of his men whenever occasion requires. He Is a life long church menb«r and an alder In tlM Pr«*y<«rlan Church at Nohl«, Artemesia Council The Council elect for the Town.ship of Artemesia for 1917 met at the Town Hall on the 8th day of January, 1917. Tbera » ere present T. R. McKenzle, Reeve ; Alex. Cameron, Deputy Reeve, and J.F. Mathewson, T. J, Stinsou and Juhn lUirnett, Councillors. After each oi{ the above had signed and made the rcnuircd duclaratioiis of i|iialilication and of olHce, tliuy tock their seati. Tho minutes of last meeting were read and signed. Coiniminicatioiisâ€" W. H. Thurston, printing $27.50 ; the treasurer exchac!?e and war stamps, Jti.7.'>; CAtetaker of hall, ?8.2."i; payment ordered -applications foe the po.-'ition of .-Vssessor as followsrâ€" A. D. Rlcl.eod, Chas. Statlord and C. W. llcllamy. Tho following appointments were made : Assessor, C. W.Uellauiy ; Aud- itors, Go.i. Warling and l!. W. Graham ; High School Trustees, M, Tiiistlethwaite for Artemesia anil Harry Shaw for Mark- dale ; Medical Health Dtlicer, Dr. Lame: Board of Health, the Ueevt and .V. D. McLcod ; sheep valuators, J. Failden.S. McMullen, J. Lockliart, H Piper, M Mclntyro,;t) Warling, R Plantt, U! Ped- lar. The Reeve and Mr. Burnett were appointed to exaiiiino the Tte.-tsurer'a bonds and report. Ucsd conniiissioners were appointed~Div 1 J Buinett, Div 2 F Mathewsou, Div 3 T J Stinaon, Div 4 A Cameron. The clerk was instructed to order six copies of tho Municipal World fur this Council. Election expenses to the amount of ;$70.50 were ordered lo be paid. The lirst Saturday of each month was aiipointed for council meetings except the month of December, which meeting will be the 15th. \ William McDoiiald.M.P.P., of Chosley publisher of the Chesley Enterprise, fell on the icy walk in front of his otHce and fractured a couple of ribs. He had to be carried home. '*'W#**'-"^ i i *>i I mt a iM ii tiit »i ui K t n *

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