:.{ September 7 1910 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE * V '.rt-ii' ' ♦ ' % r-t- \ i STANDARD BANK OF CANADA fMBAO orncB - Tonofcro BYBRY iaod Btuk hu • RBSBRVB FUND m â- pt*- vinoa for leaa year* tad tha iaaritaUa raisT day- This Fuad baa beea aeeuaialatad froai Sa«vi>* Earaia^a aad ia • touraa of itraallh and ttabilitT. ETerroaa ihoold hara a RBSBRVB FUND. WithAat U ao oae it ia a ttfa fioaaoial aoaditioa. Our Saviaf* Departataot offart aa idaal opyartaaitr for â- ST1> laT* aatabUalua4 YOUR RBSBRVB FU^iD. a* FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, «Una«ar. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows ; Going Scuth Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 v.i». 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The maila are osed at Fleahertoa as ollowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Thanksgiving D*y is set for Oct. 'i. Mrs. R. Bentham tod Mrs. Dudgeon •re in the city this wtelc. Good 3-year-old milch cow for sale â€" Mrs. H. LeGard. Miaa Buckley, milliner, hua returned to her duties it F. O. Karstedi's.- Miss Minerva Tucker o( Toronto visited a week at Levi Setts'. Mrt. Glennie and daughter of Toronto, , are the guestn of Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Miss Belle Petty of Durham vi'ji ted Mra. W. Moore last week. Kemember the Battle Cry of Peace- Town hall, Flebherton, Thursday, Sep. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kofoed of Cherry Creek, motored over and viaited at Mr. Alf. barrisoD. Mr. Metherall of Dundalk took the services in the Methodist church, Sun - ' d»y. and prew:hed very acceptably. The Karstedt oil wall proluce'i tour gallons of oil Saturday. This was a •record for one day. Mr. Spille*. wif« and son, of luronto, are i^uestt of &.r. acd .Mrs. F. G. K.ars- tedi . MLsses Lulu and Iva Mitch all returned laAt week to their ti^acbinj duties at Fort Willitm. Mrs. Ward Harrison and Mrs. A. Har- rison of IrvinR, N. Y., visited at Mr. ; Alf Hirrison's, H. ri. Miller. e.x-M.P.. of Hanover, died on Monaay evening after an opeta- tion for sbttruction of the bowels. Mrs. Joseph Blackburn returned last ; week from a visit to lier mo'her, Mrs. , Ayers, at Sarnia. Mr. H. LeGard, whn hA» b<?eu workini; in Toronto, spent the week end with "his family here. The family is m'.<ving •to Toronto this week. Mr. Edward Leigh came up from Toronto for the holiday for his wife and two children who have been spending a month wim her sister, Mrs. Levi Bett.s. Lostâ€" On Thursday.JuIy 27, on O.D.R. a tiack crocheted baur lined with black silk conttioing white wool a od work. Will tinder please coniiuuaicHte with Th Advance Ottice. The hi|h school opened on Tuesday with Principal White attain 'tt the head. Misses Uolmes and D«foe as s.ssistants- Miss Dafue comes well reconiiuended ' Her home is at Madoc. The W. M. S. will hold their annual .((uilting in the Methodist church on Thursday tfternoiiii Sept. 14. All the ladies of tha congregation are invited to be present The iiuilts «ill be sent to the 6re-swept region of Ontario. Rev. W. Gaudin and wife, Messrs. Victor Bye and Ch*rle» Lipsetl of Woodford paid The .\dvanoo a visit on their return journey from Bracebridge, per motor. They bad a very pleasant three days trip. Osprey voters' list was pltcei in ch e hands of the clerk and has Iveu ui>sted â- for e.xaminition. During the past four we«ks we have turned out thrje voters' lists and two fall fair prize lists in addi- tion to other small job work. It kept the staflf going. Plan to make an exhibit at the Fleah- ertoa (air. If it Is to be a success, the eo-operHtion of all is needed : each one to do their part. You ii>ay not have sucn a great amount to enter, but it is the little from this, that and the other one, that helps the society Let this l>e the best year yet. Make yrnir plans now. What kind of a pull h.vs the l'. Katon Company with the po.stal authorities > Tot the past year they have been pl».ster- ing the country with their cita.ogues at six cents for postage. The SiinpsoD Conjpsiiy for a simili>r cata!o$rue, but weighing four ounces les.s, his to pay fourteen conti? tor postage. Thi» E,»ion V>ook if sent from Flesherlon to Toronto would cost sixteen cents. Find the Digger. Mrs. Little, 389 I4th St. West, Owen Sound, received a telegram from London, England, informing her that Lieut. W. T. Lictle, R.A.M.C , had arrived in Bombay, August 28, and admitted to T.iy Mahal HospiUl there.ill with enteric fever The telegram, which is signed by the Secretary of the War Ofhce, also states that Little is nevertheless doing well. An Owen Sound dog got his noaa filled with porcupine .luilU l*st week, and th* animal was destroyed. We do it differ- ently here. One of Dr. Murray's hound »l»o lackled a porcupine and came home with his nose looking like an animated unitary clothes brush. The Dr. applied an anaesthetic and removed the •juilla and the dogs nose, though still tender, has about healed up. The public and high schools opened on Tuesday. The public schools in this vicinity are mostly "named" by Flesher- ton girls, as folic ws : Orange Valley, Maud Boyd ; Ceylon, Kate Wilcox : Proton Station, Adda Wright ; Rock Mills, Dell Thur«ton ; and Port Law, HtzelShunk. May they all achieve the highest degree of pedagogic succesa. Loaded Up For Dry Tune Joe Gaeti, must have expected to cross i a desert on September 13 because, be laid in a big supply, it was just possible ; that ha would not reach an oasis even in three years, so he provided against this contingency says Wiart<n Echo. But \ License Inspector Reany had suspicions that Jce had more booze on his premises than the law allowed for private consum- ption so on Tuesday he phoned Constabla Ward that he would like him to come down to Hepworih at once, and when he got there Che Inspector gave h;m a wai- rant to ;^earch Joe's butcher shop and res- idence, and the result wag, that Old Mo- ther Hubbard's cupboard was bare. Kob found tne stuff that made Milwauke fam- ous in every corner. There were bottles in the refrigerator, there was a five gallon keg net even marked "whiskey' nor '• for private use ", there was » demijohn about half full of rye whiskey, about six cases of porter also a bottle of gin bottle of Scutch whiskey, port wine, act. Joe evidently believes that variety is the spice of life, and is not (truck upon any particular brand. Tne irial'came off before Messrs Atch- eson and Sutherland on Thursday and the court was packed with farmers wHo had driven for miles to hear the case. The Magistrates could icarcely think that Joe needed tb.at much for his own use, and finad him t3*)0 and coats. Mra. M. K. Richardson Mrs. Matthew K. Richardson p-isaed away it her home here on Thursday morning last in her 86th year, after six years of conhnement to the hiuse from partial paralysis. She was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, and ca-j>e to Canada with her parents when a small girl, settliui; farst on Biy Qjinte, liter coming t«j Thornbury, where they lived for a couple of years. While there Mrs. Richardson, then Mias McFarland, rode ou hotaeback lu Oweu SuuiiJ, s.'oce on her examination and returned home with a teacher's certilicate. She taught the old Ball school near Epping for a yearâ€" in fact WW its first teacher. Dr. Ball of Toronto, was her pupil. This was over 00 years ago when this country w:ts de- cidedly in the rough. She had seen the county grew from its primeval state to its present condition. Her parents moved from Thornbury to Toronto, where she met and married Mr. M. K. Richard- son and came with him to Flesherton over 5*) years ago. At the same time be' brother, fUa Ute vV, J. McFirland. settled in C-jrpxbus, now Mtrkdale. Since she wa.t !<t<-icken six yetrs ago she has been tenderly cared for by her daughter. Misa Maud Kichardson, and her devoted hus- band. Her facultiea remained unimpaired to the end, and her tranticion was calm ind peaceful.as passing from wakefulness to sweet sleep. .\11 her m.tcried life and before .she had been a member of the Methodist church and died strong in the fitith that death held for hsr greater rich- es than di<1 life. The funeral took place on Saturday ^fteraoou frooi th-) church where she worshipped. Rev.McVicar of tha Presbyterian church oltici'»ted by i'e({uest in absence of the putor, who. however, came up from Toronto to be present, returning by evoninu train. The sermon was based on a favorite hymo of the deceased lady. "How Sweet the Name of Jesus sounds in a believers ears." Her pastor also spoke a few words in waiin praise of the many virtues pos- sessed by the deceased lady. The pall bearers were her sons and sons-in-law: Dr. E. K. Richardson of Toronto, and George of the 14Tth Battalion. Hon. I. B. Lucas, Dr. Webster, Torontu; Frank Tait of Palraerston, and her nephew, C. X. Richardson, Fleshertou. The tloral tributes were lavish in the extreme, and very beautiful. Some of those present from a distance were. Dr. Jamieson, Speaker of the Ontario Legislature, Mr. Telfer and Mr. Grant of Durham, James McLachlan of Owen Souuti, and Mrs. T. Hanbury, Dundalk. A number of Mark, dale citizens were also present. Besides the sons mentioned above theie are four daughters â€" Miss Maud at home, Mrs. (Dr.) Webster of Toronto, Mrs. Frank Tait of Palraerston and Mrs. I. B. Lucas. One daughter â€" Edith â€" died a few years apo. Much sympathy is extended to her aged partner, who feels his loss very keenly, but who realizes with joy that it will not be long until reunion comes. FaU Fair Dates The following is a list of tbe dates of Fall Fairs in this vicinity. Cut this list out and and paste it in your hat, if you are intending to visit any of them : â€" Chataworih Sept. 28 Jfc 29 Chesley Sept. 19 A; 20 Clark.sburg Sept. 19 Jfc 20 CoUingwood. .. . „ Sept. 20-23 Dundalk Oct. 12 & 13 Dufbam Sept. 28 & 29 Feversham Oct. 3 4 4 FLESHERT(»X Sept. 28 4 29 Hanover Sept. 14 A 15 Holatein Sept . 26 d- 27 Markdale Oct. 10 & 1 1 Meaford Sept. 25" Jt 29 Orangovilla Sept 19 4 20 Owen Sound Sept. 12-14 Notice F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. * FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE REMNANT OF COTTON SALE GOODS We have placed on the Table some ahort ends of Cotton goods. â€" Ginghams. Chambrays, etc., â€" jaat the thing to make a Dreaa for your little girL Wai3t3. Vliddies and Children's Dresaeg at half price. Clearing sale o( all thes e goods. Come in and have a look at them. Shorts, Middlings au\d Flour We have in stock now, â€" The Hanover Shorts and Middlings, alio the Maple Leaf Flour made iu Hanover. ,/u3i try a bag. Once usad. always used. Coats ! Coats ! Coats ! .\rrived this week some of our new Fail Coats. A full dare Coat of all wool, high grade Tweed mutare, trimmed with Buttons and Belt. Price from $10 to $18. This is only one Coat. We have them different. Come and see them. CEMENT! CEMENT! WE HAVE OX HAXD FRESH CEMENT. PRODUCE! HIGHEST PRICES PAID PRODUCE! FOK ALL KIND."> OF FARM PRODUCE. F. G. KARSTEDT The Holiness Workers. D.V. wiil hold their snnual Catnp Meeting at Clarksburg, commencing Sepc 12, 191i>, to Sept. 21, 1911). A staff of ministers from outside points will be present to asust in the services. Rev. M.C.Pritch- ard of A»helst»n, Quebec, Rev. D. And- erson of Mooers, >eir York State. Rev. P. Wisemin cf <Htaw», and Rev G. I.. lUlph of Brewer's Mills,*- >ntario. There will be four preaching services each day a» 9 00 and 10.30 a.m., and at 2 30 anu T. 30 p.m. .\ short time preceding each service will be devoted to singing, testi- mony and prayer. A hearty invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy the services. You will be delighted with the speakers. â€" .\dvt. I OWEN -SOUND. ONTARIO. For3J years -vh* standard institution of business educa- tion. Thorough training for every business pursuit. Actual practice in re<iuired duties. Business. Sten-'uraphy and Preuiratory C"urse» op»n al' the year. ENTER ANY DAY Fall Term Begins MONDAY, SEPT. 4. Illustrated Catalogue and tuU pitrticulars on application to C.' A. FLEMING. Principal .Xd^ .^JS^^S^'^jrSf=Zr^j^^'SZrJZr^^[^^ Y r y r r J^ Flesherton New Furniture JUST PLACED IN STOCK Latest and Most Up-to-date Beds Jattres^es, Springs, [bairs, AND OTHER NECESSITIES for I â-ºJ Carriage Works WHEN IN TuW'N or wljtn reijuiring anything in Black-smithing Line do not fail to come to McT«Tiah«'i R«liable Shop where first-class Workmanship is always guaran- teed by practical men. If von have never dealt wub us we would ask you to give us a call, and we will be pleased to serv-e you the best we know hew. â€" Phone-No. 9 â€" D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton VOTERS' LIST, \^\^ ^ousetumishlngs W. H.BUNTI ' Undertaker Embalmer Right You Are "In Orey Courty live hundred women are working iu the tield.n to lake the place of their husWids and sous vrho enlisted,'' -says an exehango. Probably. Hut there are hundred.^ of eligib'e ytung fellows ill Grey County who have not enlisted and could be -ip-ired without nocfssitating outdoor work by mothers c" wives or sisters.â€" Burks Falls Arro vi Municipality of the Towaship of Osprey in the Connty of Grey Notice is hereby giren that I h.ne transmitted or delivered h, the person mentioned in Sections t« and !) of t he- Ontario Voters' Li.Ht Act, 1.SS7, and the aiuendiueuts therein, the copies required to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant t;> the said Act, of all persons appearing by the l;ist revised .-Vfsessuient Roll of the said Municipvlity to be entitled to vote in the Municipality at elections for members of the Legislikt- ive .Xssembly and at Municipal elections, snd that said List w»s first posted up in iiiyortioe at ITlesherton on the :?Oth day of Auuust, ItUti, and leniaius there for in- spection. Electors are called upon to examine said List, and if any omission or other errors are perceived therein to t.ilie immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to la(f . â€"THUS. SCOTT, Clerk of Osprey. Sinuh.impton, September 2, 1910. Picture Framing and Iphoistering Office and Showroom Richardson's (Over the Postoffice) FLESHERTON 'I oom : I J^ Block! HARDWARE I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Glasses and Putty Locks and Hinges Nails and Bolts Salt and Cement '* Ranges and Heaters Crockery, etc. Highest prices paid for produce Public Notice Farm For Sate Lot !«*, 2iid N.E.T. A S.R. containing .» aiT**, clean »n<l cultivation. I Iwd buildings, ginni well, wel! i watered. Small orchard. K..M.I>. Three miles fri>n> Kli'«h*rton. -Apply for price anil terms to the owner. â€" lOHN BL.\CKBl-RN. Kleshertou P.O. 1 Xov. 'kJ Take notice that :i'l persons are here- \ by forbidden trespassing on, jr dumping j any rubbish on. or taking, ssnJ, gravel, earth or other matter ofl' Park lot known ', as the Fleaher sand pit, iu Flesherton, i .Vrteuiesia, | containiug about two acres, as all persons! under g-nni | trespassing nr oiMniuitting any Wi»jte or i "' reuiovinii "anything therefrom, ou any) part of the Flesher estate in and i eround Fleshertou Village, will be pros- 1 jacuted aceoiding to law. DR. T. S- sPROlLE, I Ju!y t> Executor. for the E<t»to F. W. DUNCAN *. Hardware Merchant Phone 30 r 2 ^ ; FLESHERTON. - - ONT. § School Children's Eyes. CANADIAN TRAVEL MASSE Y HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Canada's Greatest Railway Canada's Greatest jAnnual (Exhibition REDUCED FARES From all stations in Ontario, also Niagara Falls. Buffalo, N.'Y., & Detroit. Michigan Spicul Tr4in Sirvicc «no Special Excursion Tares SEC LARGE POSTER This faniou.'* mane of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anythinu in the line of Binders, .Mowers. Seed Drills. CultivaTors. Puli»- . •^". Plows, Sleigh:*, Waggons, Cream Many lives have been iriineo '^«p«r*t""- Hanows. R^iiers, cutting " Ensilage Cutters. Gasoline en â- iwes. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a eh.inee to*i|Uote prices. through neglected eyestrain ^'^** in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, andguarantea satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Boar for Senice The undersigned has a thoroughbred Yorkshire B.^r for service „n U U.cn. S Osprey. lerms tl.O<" -FREDJSPOFFAKD.