Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jun 1916, p. 8

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June 8 1016 THE F L E S II E K T N A I) V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS ^ Societies PBINCK AKTlll'K LODGK, No. .•«3,A.FA A M T •f^iu tlie Uataouic kail. Ariu troBe'x i iBlierton, every Friday ou ar >)e! .11 uiocn. J. Writjlit \V. .M F. H. \\. 1. ..«.:!:»;, Setretary, CHUfiF.N KhIBNDSâ€" FlMbertoo Council of Oii'stri Fricudi meets lu ClaytoDiliall lirac »-)rt iliiiil Wediiesday of each month 8 p. ui. fty asutntiuentB to the Kecorcier ou or before tLf hi'^t dayof each month. Chief CouuciUor iilakeleviUecorJer W U. Uuut. I iTheio iiro iirKumonls not in fn'or of fai'iDui'H sui>|iuitiii:' tlit-ir lioiiie town. Duo wliic-li ii'ilxidy is likely (o iinestioii, ' is iho lirj4ertho town grows and ihe more proKiJoroua it i.s, llie liikiher liio vnliie of the farm piipiTty witiiin easy rench of i' l)e(;oiii«s. A clear iliusdaliiii is prcKeiit prices of funiis iitiir Tijiontu, aiul i uf litiid equally good, di.sliint fioiii a lartje city. Any farmer whofusteri tir periiii!! a feelinjr of hostility to his hmne town i< blind tn his own interests. The iutertsls of town und ; country arc niulual. OUBTFLEhPEBTON. OM, 1. 0. F. meeum Clayton » lllock the labt \Ve<1uee(lav evouiuK ^ each uiODtb. Visltiuf! Forestere heartily icome C. H.. G. Bellamy ; U. B.. ti, (airr.x ''o. Bee., W. BuBkiu. i'leaac pay dues to Fiu. Sec. before the flrtit a V of tbe month. Dentistry f\r. B. C MURRAY L. 0. K., dental surgeon • honoi graduate of Toronto Uuivfrsity anil .\^yal Collfge of Dental Hurf{eoue of Ontario. ''iM aduiisinistered for teeth extraction o3>ce at residence, Toronto (street. Klesiierton. Medical Jr CTTKWF.LL I Veterinary Surgeon i iraduate of Ontario Veterinary College I reeideoco â€" iscoud door south west^oo ' k«ry street. This street rana outh j Frestyterian Church. I Legal I CCAS. BANEY A hKNKV-Barrister«. i ^â- ' BOlicitors.elcâ€" I. H. Lucas, K. C. ; W. K, Kaney, K. ('. ; W. 1). Henry. B. A. Offlces, Toronto, H06-9 Traders Bank Bldg.. [ihoue u:ain 1412; Markdale Lucas lllock. Phone 2 A. branch olUce at Uundalk oicu every baturday. WKIQHT, TELFOBD & McDONALD Barrister. Solicitors, <Vc. UtOces. tiri'V k Bruce Block. (Jwon Bound. Standard Hank Block. Flethcrton. (Saturrtavn. \V. H. WriKht. W. P. Telford Jr. J. U. McUoual^, L. ti. B. jl^Opens Monday, April .'(rd iifi Students are iiduiitte and tinieM "^ .... 1 111 â-  KT %a llic young woinen khiiulu lieKinM l^to make prcpai'itionu at once tcj^ j^till llic places of the otKce inen^ ^iivho have enlisted. ^ SWrite for Particulars' ^ and Circulars. ^ U. X. VLKMIXO, F. C. A., ^ 3^ Principal. 3P J^O. I) l-IiKMING .Secretary. J^ ^ OWP.N SOUND - ONTARIO ^ Business Cards r CCLLOUGH & Y'OUNO Bankers Markdale (ie leral banking business . Money loaned at reasonable rates Call ou UH. DIlcPHAIL, Llcrnaad Aoctlonee (or the ' County of Orey. Terms moderate an'' »at IS action guaranteed. The arrangetni-nts bud 'lalf-h of i^alex can be made at TllK ADVAUce , ofD:e. Kefirlenccfcud F.o t eylou. Teleiilione . connection. Dec. 0, 0" WU. KAITTINU, Licensed AactioDeer foi the counties of tirey and Kiuicoe. Farm aad Stock sales a specialty. Terms ojoderatc. tatiitfaction guarautted. Arrauge- u.eutb for dates may be made at the Advance .jfBr*-. or Ceutral telei'iione oft'.ce Feversliam cr by addressinii me at Feversham, Out. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implementi Wn^'ons, UuKgies, Cut tern, Slei),;ha, and Ga-'oline Ent*inea, Meluito Cream Separators, liaker VVind Mills, I'umps, I'ipin^; and Pipe Fillings always iiti hand I'.ea'ly Hros'. <.f Fergus, Darn Tracks, Liitcr Carriers and stalile littiniis. Cockshuit and Frcjst iV: Wond RejiairN always on hand New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am upeiiUiK upatoiice, a blacksniith- int; and u-uodworking husuiess in Max- well, and am ns'allin<; up-to date wood- working iiiHchineiy. It will he my en- deavor I'l serve the pulilii; in a salisfac- t-iny manner and I would solicit p'ltron- ai;e. I wint you rwork and will ilo it right. 7 -Vpiil 17 CHESTER LONG CL-(.ptfration ii the fiundHtiyn of a lioud home pnpcr. Tlio city dailies, even, do not depend on their reportorial : atati'i f.ir personal items. These items I arc sent in hy people who wish to liom r their vi^itolâ- s. Pretei.ce aside, there is much «r,ititicalion in the fact that the newspaper has teported one's movemL'H'.'-'. | The nuinhor of people who are coining j closer in touch with the reporter is yro» - ! in:;. The county newspaper has a. different tiilJ to its larger brothor of llie city. The daily is full of national! questions, feirsome tragedies, and things' of extraordinary inifiort, while the homo paper dials with ijuestitjiia and with pi-ople nearer tlio heart than the inohi sensational story tver feilured in Ihe nii<,'hty tnetr.ipoli'an edition. â€" Athen'a â-  Rsporicr. j List week Constable VVhiiehead shot a' d.ii.', supposed 10 be mad, the jiroperty of John Sanderson. The head of the ani tnal was sent to Toronto for exaiiiinati' n and the re^J rt that came hack is that ;t', w IS a genuine case of rabies. Several/ other dogs tha'' it is feared the nud one had kitten have been shut up. It looks a though combined action by ShelbuniB and nil the surrounding muuicipalities in i the way of shutting up of all dogs for a stated period is the only sure remedy fi r ttie state of alliirs tli t has arisen- â€" , Kconoiiiibt. I Waller Schnurr, who hid charge of the l electric plants at Southampton and Port j Elgin, was ins-t intly killed while makiiii.' I some adjustments ai the toj) of a pole hy ' coining in coiUacl wi'h a li>e wire. Ho| was unman ied. ! B car for S ervice The uuden-.'gned h.ii a oood Yorkshire Itoar for service o-i lot H7, eon. • J. .\rtimesii. Terms fl .0(1 â€" J. Hari/rave. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Our Clubbing List The following prices are for str'cMyi paid in advance subscriptions only. We h ive no accounts with other \>s.\ eis. Flesherion Advance S I 00 Vo'jths Companion 2 fXI Toronto World, daily :! 00 ToronUi Daily News 2 <•(! .Weekly Globe *Mi . Mail-Empire .... 75 { Family Herald iV Star {>0 Farmer Sun iMl I Farmers Advocxti 1 50 ' Weekly Wit.ies? !Ht Saliiiday Night ! (MJ , Home Jiiiiri'vl «H) ' Poultry Ifeview 40 Kod and (inn magazine 00 Your Floors Need Paint Paint preserves the wood. Paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make the rooms bright and cheery. Painted floors are easily cleanedâ€" a damp cloth keeps them free of dust and germs. Paint your floors and thus have them always Spic and Span. Senour's Floor Paint â€" â€" "MADE IN CANADA" is all ready to brush onâ€" anyone can apply it evenly and smoothly. And it gives a hard, 'durable, lustrous finish, that stays fresh and bright, and wears, and wears, and wears. It costs less to use than other floor paint, because it covers more surface and wears longer. We have Senour's Floor Paint in 14 beautiful colors, suitable for every floor in the house from kitchen to garret. Cotne in for a color card, and a copj' of otur entertainii gbook, "The Hoti.«e That Jack Built". Written for children, but "grown ups" get a lot ^ of fun out of it. Free to our friends. .â€" â€" » .. 64 P^^%. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON, Ont t^'^m This fainoUN make ot iinpleinen's is uellkiioMn all over tli» cniitry and Iheir own good »..rk is the best recom nieiidaii..ii they c in receive. If you n .piiii' anythiii ; in the line of I'im'eis, MowclH, .'^ei'd |)illl-', Cull ivaiors. Pulp- ers, I'liws, Sleigh.1, WaiiuoiiK, Cr. am Separaturi-. Hit rows. I'oIIiik, Ciitiing boxes, Knsilagi- CuUils, (iaso'ine i-i giiies, Sawiiiu onltils, etc , i>i\e us a eh.mee to ipiote piicci;. Feversham, Ontario Bull for Service I'lire hied sbiirthorn lull, Kmperor _ W;."):{7 â€" for seivico on lot 20, S. .S. IC. .AiliMiiesia. T.-rni-. 81 •"'• for g'ad.>«. Pure bfii cows ?:! 00. Pure lirod Taimwor'h lio-.< for sirviei- on the abive b.l. Teiiii- 81. oO f >r .ill animals. SimvoiI mini hi- piid for. OSepPi \\ .1. Ml lids For Service Kir service oil 1 ii ll', e"ii. 0, ((•niey, one puiibi. d Short Imtii IJull. Term* tl ."lO, .Also one |ure bivd Vorksliire IS.Hr, TeriiiH tl 00. Ail accounlii mii-t !„• laid lo FltKI) TVI.KIt, Mai.ai/.'r, ol (.. U. I'.IHKK. Pn pi (-or, I Sei Tamworths For Sale I have S'ine extra gmil youn,' slock at presfiii both H"X. a'so one younu sow, bn d to faTiiw ill Sep'. V\ rilo or phoni" «ioo. W. Hot-', .M..\*ili P. <». John Wright, - Agent Flcshertorv Outings with the Outfitters School Cliildren's Eyes. Many lives have been rviinco throut^^h iic;.,'lectfd eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. I NEW SUITINGS | New Suitinj^.s jiisL to liaiid â€" .some of the riohbio.sr. weaves to 1)0 found uny- where. Leave your onler now fur that m-w suit. Vf)u will never rejjret it. Sati.sfaction mianiiileed. Don't forj^et that wt^ do clcaninj:, prcHsiiij^ and icpairiii",'. Our f)rieos areri},dit and our worknianship is the very best. i I S. J. BOWLER I ^ Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. ^ « * 1 H .-WW 2] Tieing the Diamond Hitch. [3] Where the Camp Fire Blazet- (4) Camping at foot of Mt. A«slnlbo!n». (1] A Group of Quidei. 15J Lake Loulae WHO and what Is an Outfitter? ling diimpud us on the platform, dun- The rnal nenulne article Is n uaKe bajts and all. It does not take inouutain uian; KU'de, phlloso- long for Mr. Outfitter to rIvo us wel- ulior, friend, eook, lumber Jack, j come, with a Rrli> of Ihe hand that brldije-hullder, broncho buster, hniitor â€"all found undor Iho one suit «>f clothofi aa.vM; "111 see you IhrouKh." From across iho KieklnR Homo Klver conies u proceasion of pcinles- our eavali'.ado l^o lesK, wiili a cciuplo ot He Ih a coiiiparailvely now typo in the Canadian Pat Ific Kockles. repro tnutle^ lo asHlit ;:ie boa^. So we aentlng a rew protcsHlon. You'll tliid ^^jJ^N- Bortod out to our inouiits. m we hini ut every I'.l'.K. tourist point In Q.ve each oilier with ii:ut'l;il sn.^plplon. the !iu)untalns. at your servUo for a;i don't liUo the look In tiie eye of .\o- modest f«e just to keep the pol boll- Inielianozar ;Neli. for short), but WO Ing. You can buy more good folbiw;.li'i> hit It off f.ilily well on the trail. So and more undiluted huppinesa and I worn off. KbiRle flic, it truly wontlor- heullli In tills way than In any othor ful pidi'o.-.slon of iissorlod IninK'nu. ynt Inventpil. I know, for I've IrlodMfn'l It Jollv Jn<it to b« In Ciod'u f,ar- It ont many a time. ke:i In I ho open air, to have nil rrea- May I Introduio you lo a sanipio Itlon to \v:Mu!or In. to bo hlttlnc the OnttltlPr, at Field, say, or It imIkIH llruil to wondorl.iiiils beyond, while as easily be Uluclor or Lake Louise klant peaks, like Stephen and Catho- Or llanff. A pang of tenderfoet have dral, Kleld and llnrKe.ss. look down arranged Uv a trip through the Yoho upon us tuldcets truiu tbolr toworluv tyaUey, The Imperial Limited bav-peali^ Hut It l8 of the Outfitter 1 want to write. It Is worth the whole price ot aduiiaaioii to watch him do things and handle situations, to corral a wan- derlnK horse, and uulel a refractory | one, to be everywhere at the same 1 lime, to help tho girl from ehicago I and tile matron from Montreal, and { the riale teiulerfeot from elsowheres in dlsniounlinK niid mounting, and In Kuuiing their mounts through turbu- lent stream.^ and tangley woods. No loss adaptive are they in the camp, 'i'hey can handle axe or gun as adeptly us the reins of u bron- Icho. 'Ibny can ftdl n tree across a brawling iitreum with unerring ac- curacy, or cut a way through a maze of underbrush or Devil's ("lubs. .So tho tents wore well pitched and ready, with the nicest of beds made [of odonnis branches. All one had to I do was Iq apr«ad his blaQkots, make a human roll of himself and then' Journey to Bluiuber Land, regardlesa' of disturbing gophers or porcupines.-: Hut it is as a couk that the Outfitter, shines most brightly. The elaborate! many-coursed meal at a CPU. hoteV tasted no better â€" and they taste weU5 -than the four-course uie;*! ".ill serv- ed at a tiuick lunch speed, with un- limited reserves in the end of his Ht* tie cookery tent. Kverything ttoxeJt mush to bannock and tea was on \xfji at and In between meals and at betP time. And tlien tho happy times around^ tho camp fire revealed the Outfitterj in a new role that of a .^tory-teHet; of rare quality, a raconteur, too. Iik« «epd the trail trip us a whole show ed Itill up to be a Ccntleman. a Ben- efactor, and a Philanthropist. So there! . -, , .?r

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