Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jun 1916, p. 1

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fk^hnim "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRI^'CIPLEfcl NOT MEN.' vol 3<) No. o Fleslierton, Ont., Tliursdav, June s lOlo W. H THORSTON -^"S PKO Herb Wright Writes from the Front The follewing vivid letter was wiilim , by an Kmcraon, Man., boy, Mr. Herb Wright, son of David Wrirbt, who years aj(o ran a blacksmith shop at Kuijenia. The writer is a ne»'.spii| er man and knows â-  how to make intei citing descriptive nutter. Havre, Fiance, April 28, '16 DE.\R BAL,â€" I presume the Canadian ' papers have been full of the doings of I the Second Canadian Division in tbe , fighting at St. Eloi, an 1 thought pMssibly your readers ivould like to hear from my p«i.cil the part played by the Sixth In- fantry Uritiade, to which our rejiiment is attached. " . j Monday, April 3rd, we moved into the trenches close to St Eloi to support an attack on theGerman lines by the Gordon Highlanders. The attack being success- ful, the Gordons withdrew and we weie left to hold the salient composed of two lines of German trenches. I might say that at this particular part of the line our tretichea form two sides uf a triangle and paiib into the German lines, wiith the city o; Vpres at the apex. Vou cu.i readily 8^ that our new position was practically a salient within a salient, and part of the fice "it Hill «C. It was in/ first expt^-" euce on a moderiu batlk'tield,an 1 1 hope the Ust of tho kind. Any de- Ec.'ipciou I coulJ furnish would be color less beside real tliini;,but the nearest I can draw of the battlefield at St. E!oi would be tu {>Hint yourself a picture of , hell and imagine sonietliiug twice as bad The force of the mine explosion preceed- inx the attack seemed to have brought all the water in lielgiuin to the surface, »} that when wc entered the German trenches three feet of wa'er Was there to «»do ilirough. If one Kot wounded at night the chances of gettinij drowned were favorable, and 1 ku'jw that is what \. happened to more than one of our boys. ^x. The first n'ghi and early morning the ^. Germao artillery gave us a warm time, ^but it Wiis mild in comparison co tie (free days that followed, as it took the Urtt day to collect iheir artillery in front luf u" and prepire the counter attuck' During » lull of about an hour at the Vreak of dawn on the first day i h.id an Cppoitunity of studying the (.ieriimn methods of trench construe ion. I also collected a nuiiibei of sciuvenirii, wh ch 1 tolled in my gieat coat »iid left on the pirapec. Latei a thtll coinpletnly ais- pused of both coat and souveniys. >ly obceitalions led me t,<i the conclusion that the enemy is slioit of almost every- thing exci'pt ammunition and guu«. Many of their saudbig.-^ were made out of table cloth^, pant leva and woineuB dresses. The sijjhl 1 .'*hall never forget. On the par.ipel close by lay a dead Scoichniaii with his rille at. II gra'-ped in his hand.'' and his body fairly ridoUd with bullets ; right across from him Uiy a German otHcer and four of his men. Out of idlo cuiio<ity 1 exiiuiiied the ti.irJon's litlo aud foui.dtiw iiiatginiiiB still contain- ed ihrte bullets out of the tuigiiiai ten. From the surruundins I could not help but come to the conclusion th^it J ick hud met a party single handed and gave a ^o. id account of himtelf before ni:iking (he las' saciitice. I should say iIicih was at least 800 dwad (mostly Saxons) lying about in the entire .salient. » (>n the afternoon of April ;5 hell broke lo »e, and from then till I got wounded on the morning tt the flth there was hardly a moment in which you coild hear your next neighbor talk. For the four days 1 ate vety little, and that what is known in Cauidaasiog biccuits ; slept nor drank any whatever, but^ilnl ly f"'"- ted in the irench of water on excitement. At di wn April -Ich the (Jeriiaiis charged us, but none ever reached the Irehche?, and 1 doubt if many of tlnnn over return- ed to their own. After that everything came our way in the *hape of projectiles. besides shells o? n?arly every description iniuufacturad, they threw i'l l>>mbs, aeiiel torpedoes and trench mortars It is elaiii el thit I ombardiiient at Veidun was a live o'clock tei basidj t\\^ St. E ui News T,?: Farmers N ow IS youiclisice to get rid of and sciap iron. P. S eiiihari ii t-'nds to load a cojple of oar loads of iron ami wiil paV top puce in cash. Also 2c f' r rags miy 00 fiH' rubbers, •"JOc for liorsehair, all f.o h. M ttkdate. Ssll t" lo one but myselft 1 luve no a.!ont3. En.|nire by telephone or mail. P. Steinhart, Markdale aHair. You can't iinas<ine what a noise IliOO shells per mituite make when falling in a half-mile radius. Daytime the air was tilled with smoke and poison gase.>^, while at night it seemed as if the whole sky was Htlame. You wonder how human beings evei; lived in it ; but only those who survived know how the men suffered and died thiough it. We had one conso- lation only, and that wis that our artilleiy was giving as much, if not more thon » e were reciviiis;. Thur.sday rnorning, April (ith, at 4 o'clock the enemy attacked us on three sides snnultaniously. Vou can't imagine how the information that ihcy were com- ing electrtied the i«'ho!e line. Many of the boys suffering from wounds and shell shock lept to the parapet to have a ^oc at the (jermans, and in less than twc min- utes only one tif the advancing party was visible. Our machine guns, riHes and shrapnel reaped an awful harvest. I heard later that a .small party of them had captured a crater on our left,but our bombers soon drove them out. The pro- cess of annihilation resembled takiog a wet sponge and wiping so many figures off a slate. The German who reached our lines was an ofhcer, and he came ove'' the parapet with his hands up and sur rendered. How he got through is still a mystery to us all. Failing in the second attempt to disluage u.s, the Germans did not stop bombarding, and I have since learned they kept it up for 10 more days before our division finally wiihdi-ew lo their former positions. That same morn- ing about ".).;JiJ I got mine from a burst- ing .shell, and had it not been that I was wearing my shrapnel helmet »t the time I would not be writing thi* letter to-night. Luckily, all the d.im.ige I received wivs a perforated righi hand, which has healed so i(uickly that I am ;^Lilu to go tu the trout to-morrow, but the bells are still ringing in my dome and 1 doubt if I shall be of nmeh use for some time oa the firing lije. On the nii.ht of the 5th the 29(,h Batt. relieved u», .-iiid some of them gut ia amongst us, and 1 noticed Archie Batch - elor was there. I have never htaid whether he i?ot out or ni t, but have tnide iiumeiouM iiujuiries. Lieut. Gault and two sons and Bob Angus were also amoiiji.st the n'd Knier.sun boys who were beliniu seiving on the aililleiy. It. is just one year ago Nap Rivard was wounded on the same ground. .-Vi that time St. Eloi was a fairly prosperous looking town, but to-day it rt.sembles an old brickyard that has been out of use for at lea«t five years. Talk about your expensive rial e-tute,but the land around this place ha- ci at Briii.-h, Fiench, Belgium and German governments inoie lives ihaii any spot in this theatre of war. How long di> 1 think this filing is going to last .' 1 figure if i' does n3t end in six months then another year will be the limit ; but fomethiug seems to tell me what's left cf us will eat our next Xmas dinner at home. I sincerely hope so. , ,,; , '• â-  Yours Truly, H. H. WRIGHT Ceylon Chat Mrs. (i. Colliiison has returned fron. a woolt's visit with Durham friends. Ptf. ChnrleR Adiii.s, and Snowden McLeod of the 147lh, spent the week end with their parent.". Fred Chislett and a' a ly friend of S uilburne soert over frundiiy with the for.ner's parent.s I e e. Thomas M;.Arthur of Siult Sto. Marie hasietnried after .in iibseucj of four years. Miss Jetinii' Mliir, who has been visiting her mother for the pa^t two weeks, returned to her liiuiys in Toronto Mon 'ay. Mr. Gen. P.itterson his pjrchased an anto for himself and family. Geo. Stiiait left lat^t weak for I'ovvas- seii to eiig ge in the cattle business with his brother. Levi Coutts and mother, Mrs.lioulton, spent Sunday with friends near Dundalk. Miss Lena Legate and friend of Osprey were stue^is of ilje fornn r's mother, Mrs. R. P. Legate, on S^unday. Mm, Armstrong of Owen Sound was the guest of Mrs, .James Kadley this week. It isiuipored that wrddins bells are about t'l ling for onu ni i ur benedicts near Ceylon. Wc are pleased to see Mr. M.Fn-xUson able to be around again afier his long illnes. KITCHENER PERISHES .\ cable received here Tuesday an- nounced that Lord Kitchener and all his staff had perished off the Orkney Islands when the boat on which he was travell- ing struck a floating mine. Feversham Items Ra'hcr cool weather for this time of the year but no frost to amount to any- thing and grain and grass arc growing rapidly. air. and Mrs. Frank Short spent Sunday with the hitler's biolher, Mr. Fred Weldrick. Mr. and Mrs. W. Marr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .John iJtioWoll at Providence- Mr. and Mrs. Hopper and two children visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Spofti/rd over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Lit le spent Sunday with the former's f.ithcr a^ Glen Huron. Mr. Thos. Conron is at CoUingwood this week with his brother-in-l«w, Mr. VVm David.son, who is seriously ill at present. Mr. Fred R^ome of Weyborn, Sask., visited with friends here la.st week. Mr. Room e came Eiat two weeKS ago to at- tend the funeral of his mother at Pruton S. at ion. Mrs. Fred Spufi'ord is recovering nicely from a severe attack of bronchitis. Ml. Will Brown and a number of Iriends, motored to ColKnwood. Stayner and Nottawasiga Eiiver on Sunday last. ftlts. John Paul has rcturneii home after spending a week with her daughlir Mis. Battersby, of Owen Sound. Mr. Wni. Duncan of B. C is re- newing old aei|uaintance3 around here. Mr. Duncan left here a few years a<iu and went to th«t)canagbn Valiey B. C. and is engiged in fanning. His uuinei- oils friends were gltd to see hi'U again. Pithy Proton Pointers Huirah ! tiir the .Vnglican eluirch • i.irden Party at Proton Station on June 14. A splendid lime is expected. Ev- erj body coin.) and bring your friecds with you. It doesn't matter if it; does rain we are all used to that. Mi.ss Winnie (ialhraith of Kleshorion, visited on .Sunday with her muther, .Mrs. Hugh UoJgin.s. Mr. an I Mrs, Robt. A chest u were at Allislun hilt week iittciidiiig the funenl of the former's uncle, Mr. John Agucw Miss Hinnali lluom-; i>. visiting with her siiters iu Turonio. .Miss Sn>ie .VlcNally visited on Suiid-iv last with her friend, Mifs Maggie Wh te at SiHgeeii J unci ion. On Tuesday ef lail week while playing basket-ball on the Flesherloii high school grounds, Marjorie Acheso i had the mis- fortune to spr.iiii her knee. Mr. aud Mis. T. Lockhart and Mr.aiid Mis. W. Slaxwell visited at .Mr. CIms. Lyon's on .Sunday, Mr. Percy Hodgins left on Tue.sd:iy of list week to spend the suiiiiiier wilh hi< brother, Fred, at .Viiniral, Sa.skatchewan. Ml. and .Vlis. Christie Johnston and two little girls from Curbetton and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilts'iire accompanied by Mr. Robt. Crawf .id visited with relatives in our burg on Sunday list. Mrs. Rui ciman is visiting with her diughter, Mrs. M. McCanuell. Vandeleur Happenings Mis. Win. Lewis and daughter Mary of Meafor.l, visited the former's bist r. Mis. Jane Richardson, le^ent y. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan took in the. exci.rsion on Situiday ai.d visited the Niagara camp bef< re returning ' oine. Liiice-'Joip S. Buchai an spent the w<.ek end with fiieiids hu e. Waliir Vcriiy, b'u on erland P. C, one of the old boys of this i eigbburhouo has Mrs John Thibndeau, Markdile, and I joine<I the Medical Co'is .at Viitor.a aud son. Siewarl, who has enlisted and wi 1 , ^,11 ie„ve f,,i , veifeas shortly. leave shortly for the front, pa:d a fijing «. t <â-  m visit lo friends heie 'ast week. | Miss Mary Lnve of Toronto, visited R. Cook and j!.s. McMulIen aiteiuled her sister, Edna, at J. H. Hol!eys for a a couvention at Markdale Monday. few days leceully. The annual summer meeting of the Vandeleur \V. I. was held in Foresters tiall, on Saturday evening last. There was a good ii tendance. Sliss t.irey, the Department deleaate gave a very instruc- tive address. Mr Rosj Alcox took in the excursion to Toronto en Saturday. Miss Eiiiia Biirrit of Kiniberley was a visitor at Mr. Ed. Baker's,' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Summers -.f .Maik- dale, visited the former's brtllur, Will of this place, the beginning of the week. Mr. Alex. Caisou and daughter, Doio';hy, if Piiceville, were callers in our burg on Saturday. Miss Edna Love is on an extciud visit to friends at Toronto and Bolton. Mr. and Mri>. Robt. Gnihain received the sad news on Saturday evening, 'hat their diughlei, Mi.s. Thoni of Piekering had passed suddenly. Mr. and Mis. Graham, Mis P. Beard and Mr. J. 1. Graham left Sunday im rning to attend the funeral which took place Monday afternoon. Decea«ed was well and favourably known here, having spent her giilhood days in this vicinity, ftluch sympathy is felt for llie bereaved parents. Kimberiey Budget Intended fur last week. During ilie severe electric storm wliith passed over this part 01 Saturday imnii- ing last the fine bain of Wui. Huinber- stone on the East Mountain was struck and burned lo the ground. There was ^1000 insurance on the building and ?7ilO on CDiiteii's. This will not near covir the loss as the barn was worth â- â- :<l.jlW. Mr. John Tenuaiit of Owen Sound, organizer for the C.O.F., w,is on a bus- iness trip to our burg during the past week. Mr. Frank Whi'termare of Toront >, spent a few hours hsliing in the old Be iver one Jay recent ly.bul didn't secure many speckled "beauties." It .seems to be a jjoor year for tront fishing. Miss Floie P.ewes of ColliiigwooJ, is visiting at present at her parental home. Florence Brown of Fairinount, is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Win. Flood. S. .S. Burritt made a business trip to l^Iarkdale on Monday, .Mr. and Mis. M. Mowat and daughter Elva, of Lin.lsy, are visiting friends in this vicinity, Mrs. Mowat was lormerly Lily Stuart, eldest daughter of W. H. Stuart Puffssaii. Kiiiiberley's ni.iiid old man, Mr. Thus. Wickins, is sti.l bale and lieaity ,iiid though iieailv !)2 years old can step 1 If lik'i a ten-yearold. Mr. G. A, Hell of Tor.into, a represent- alive ' f the Domini 111 Alliance of Toriii- lo, addressed a meeting in the Mellioilist cluiicli on Sunday evening la-t. His text was " U ghte insnes^ exaltelli a ii'iiion." Mr. and Mrs R.J. Stuait of Thorn- liury, visi e.l relatives in our buig one day last week. Mr. ind Mrs. M. R. Haiiiniond .1 e Visiting with the bitter's brother, .Mr.i'. Knott at Thotnbuiy. Mr. Will. Flood, our popular black- S'n th, took a bn ch over to Redwing in Ins Ford car fur a li.-.li in the mill creek, but they didn't have very gciud luck. This Week'.s Itein.s. Al! kinds if lai 1. Mr. ahd Mrs. Rii.'-sel McMullen visited at Mr. IIui?h Hani'noiid's 111 ar Pricevllle during the pisf, week. Two of (i-r soldier toys, Harold Proctor and Leilh lawrence, arrived home f.nin Niagara on Saturday. Stanley Keid visred wilh his uncle, (ieo. McCartney of Meaf ird, one d.iy la.st week. Mrs. Geo. Proc'or v^sit'd the past week at; Mr. R ndle-, Meaford. D. L. Weber, one of our enterprising iiieridiants, i.s erecting a haiilsi nie ver- siida-i and balcony en lis piemiseson Front street. Arthur Verify of Flesherto 1 visited recently at Ci. Hutchinson's. Win. Ortop is erectinw an up to dale gaiHgc f'T his Ford car. WilniHrFree and sister, Augiis'a, of Diinc-m, sp;i'l a pleasmt vi^it last weei al J. M. Fawctlf'.s. Mr. and Mis. Vict >r Taylor of Camp hellforil iiiouuvd over hisl week aud are \i iting the tatter's sister, Mis. Fied St.uaut. Mr. Win. Flood attended th â-  fniiernl of the late Mrs. Wm. Ijaae on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hammond visited recently with ihn la'ter's hrolher, C. Kn at, Thornbury. The Sund.iy ,sc'i 1 1 of Epping i\L"h • dist chnri h pud our Sunday school a vi.sit on Sunday last. Bates Burial Co. J. W. Bates, R. Maddock, Piasident. Manugi-r. I'uiieta JDi ect irs imi Kiiilj.iliners 124 Avenue Road,Toronfo Telephone Hiiicrest 268 M..tiir Kiniftnil Cars and Linn iifinus to Cemetery at â- â€¢aiiie cost' as Il.ase- â-  liawu vehicles. 1 a.ii; I J e w e I r y A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se.' lection. We cai ry Photo Supplieai DR. BURT ^ -spcuus, ,„ disease. „, ihe W. A ArmstrongJ Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat OFFICE-i;)ii lOth st,West,Owon Sound At the Revere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 lo a 12a.m DuudHlk,ls Wednesday of each month.. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT '/iP m WOOL Will pay cash for any quantity. We have some Timotli y and Clover .seed left yer. Vjj- Al.so ii full supply of Bield and Garden Corn, II -Mangle, Beer, Carrot.?, Tnrnip.s, Kape, Hnn-.irian $ 'fif and Millett '/i5 Planf-^- Tomatoes, Celery, Cabba^'e, Cauli- §i * *<**i».oâ€" Hower and House plaiit.><. ik Flour and Feed of all kinds Our Ice Cream Parlor W. BUSKIN IS now in full swing. "^ <rS^!&$^!'i4''ii'I5:tM<:i;«:i^!feiV«'-?'<.vM4..»<<.vM<..5i*,jt^ V, ,f, „, .„ ,„ ., . 'HP g FOR THE PEOPLE § WHO WEAR BOOTS ? ^ Wfliavf iluMu in .M.Mis Box Calf. Kh\ antl U l''irent.-. Al.so .siiiiic -,„„| ),•,,,..< in Pi.ii,:,.!, j> „,t.,. U LADIES' WEAR ^^ WV Iiavt' ainii iu lUuioii with C]ot|, ,.,|„1 LtiaihcL- Tops. PartiMit X^inips. Li^lir, an.llieavy l.tjy.. an.l ^irl.s liuot.s. .suital.lo tt;r tlic season. Trunks, Agar orders. Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion E.xpress Co money Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON Flesherton Furniture Warerooni; .MAKE iio.Mi-: attractive; Willi FnrniUire .««Ipcied from our siocii. Evfiy (liiy wo are addiue iievi' ilebiiins iu FURNITURE that tire ina'vels of beauty, ol' .stiength and of skill Willi "s))ot casli we made gnoc' leniis witii ilie- nianufacttiicr. l\'een bnyeis will nolice the diflereiice in our prices w lien tlicy sie otir iiinguilicenl ni lay of baigainy. Tina week v.<t are sliowing Many liaiiilsoiue d(;si;;ni in oiif new SPRING SI OCK ll at a^-e pleasing lo ibe pocket (IS. well as llic eyt. UN DKRT.AKl NGâ€" We carry a complete line of casket^! jiiid robes. All work gnaianteed. I'i.one 17-R? John Chapman Successor to W. H. Bunt â- Â£:&M

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