Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1916, p. 5

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'"tT'^T^ilir-m i - > June 1 inifi THE r L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE TH STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCB - TORONTO DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at EST'D iBTi highest current rates. ^ FLESHERTON BRANCH Manager. GEO. MITCHELL, C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station as •follows : Going South Going North 7.:5:5 a. in. ll.:!(> a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The n)ails are osed at Flesherton as oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ui. the previous ev'g. ^ "%. ^ VICINITY CHIPS ^ •^ All accounts must he settled before June l.j.h H»l(;.-K. C. Murray. Mrs. Ayors of .Saini<, 'i!\ vitiiiui<{ her daughter, Mrs. Blackburn . Pte. BriJy of Walkertoi. spent a few <l.iys in town un leave lust week. Full particulars of J C. Wright's sale about June K!, will appear in next week'a paper. Rer. Mr. SVallacB of Markdale, preach- «d in the Methi/dist church, morniujt »nJ evening, on Sunday. Principal .Murray ( f the Owen Sound Collegiate diad at his home iu the county town la'>t week. Mrs. (R3V.) McLean of the manse ia spenaing the summer with her dau;^hter at Whitethurch. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston of Tuionto visited the formers- parents here fur a couple of days last week. Bornâ€" On May 22, at 530 Campbell avenue, Detroit, Mich., to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ryder, asi-u- Jami's Arthur. The Aofjlican congregation at Proton Station will Jmld :i ijarden party on Weduesdiiy evening, June 14. S'.'e bills later. Corp. Jos. LeGard of the 147th was unable 1 1 ncconipany his battalion to Niagara and is in ijuarnaliiiu at Owen Sound for diphtheria. Ptu. .lackShirpe of the 147th was presented with a wrist watch and addrej-s by the noii;libor5 and frioniN, previous to hid dop.\rturo for Niasjiira. Prof. Mirii Kverette Wri-ht of Oran:;evillc, formerly of D'lefhei ti>ii, h'ls teen appointed choir ma«ier in the Mvlhocliit church .at LLitutvel. Mr. George C^iirns and fain ly, who have been vi.sitiiia here, returned lo their home at Glc-nulla, Alan... Mr. Cairu having received a hurry call to repor-t for jJuty, thus curtailing his ho'idny. A numler of neighbors of the fourth line imd Koc'> MilU met at the homo of Mr. W. T. Pedlar and presented I'le. Cecil Mehiruiii with a pen and wri.st watch, acconipinied by an aildrei=s. Pte. Pres on I'eaitie, of the I47ili â- B-iLt., was presented with iiii illumined 4iiil wrist wa;ch and a fcuniain pen. by his brothers and sisters. There was a ba.seViHl! .lati'h bi tween the 124h Batt. Hiid the 147ili r>.itt. at Nia;;ai'a last week when the victory ciune to the Greys. The entchirfor tlu' winnini; le.im was Preston. Preston was a ci od catcher with the tiniii hero and went away highly jreconimundej. It i.s told us on good authority thiit â- before the 147th left Owen Sound the haoillersbf mariiage licenses ran com- pletely out of the five dollar docu- ments, so great was the demand for them. We presume the niinist(^rs of the town also reaped a whirlwind harvest from the brave boys in khaki. We also hope the latter will bo able to deftnd theinselvis against the Germans better than they have ajtainst the fair se.x. An ex'rvmely severe eUctrio storm pasfed over this section Saturday morn- ing last. The fctoriii was a costly one for the county. Owen Soaiid hid a S7r^,000 fire as a consequence, and a number if barns throunhout the couiity were struck aiul hurtle 1. The only damage here wa-i putting out of bu.'-iiiess sever.d of the street lights. At the power house the opeiators had a tletce time while the st'u-m rng?d. One of the metre) was smashed, glass Hying all over. It was literally a hair-raising for the man in charg.-. You ha^oseen the e'eotrio sparks lly from a cat's coit wheti you stroked it Iho wrong way in the dark Imaijiiio Ill's ten thousand limes mngmlied and yim lave a faint idea of thofiieworks on difipUy at the (lower house for an hour or sj. Mrs. Nett' of Singhampton, i$ visiting her bister, Mra. Buhner. Miss Wilda Crossley of Toronto visited her parents here last week. Spring Hill Red Cross Society last week sent ?I5 to the Serbians and the follijwing articles to the Red Cro^s / 5^ doz. handkerchiefs, 30 pair of .sock.', 2 hospital shir's, 58 surgical towels and 80 bandages. Two auto loads of Fleshertonians drove over to Walkerton ou the 24th to inspect the Bruce battalion, which was on exhi- bition there that day. The visitor? say Bruce has a stalwart bunch of men. fro-n which great things should be expected. Lieut.-Col. Bickford ( f Niagara Camp says : The ll'.tJi, from Sault Ste. Maiie and Manitiiulin lelaiids, aud the 147th, from :rey County, are as tine battailous as Canada has produced." This praise will make the hoys themselves, and their friends, teel glad. An administrator's sale of a iiuantiiy of good live stock, tarm and household implements, will be held on lot 21, con. 8, Osprey, on Fiiday, June !», the prop- erty of the late Margaret Bows. This is a good bunch, for which see bills â€" Wm. Thompson, administrator ; Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer. X fe* weeks agii, we announcj that Mr. Pinder of PmdentEngland, Miik- dale, had purchased the bakery hern. It appears that it was both gentlemen who bought here and the firm name remaiis the same, with Mr. Pinder runniug the business here and Mr. F.nglaud the Markdale end. Mr. Pinder is doing a gooi business here and giving the best of satisfaction. j The Advance man, with some Owen Sound friends, paid his first visit to the | |)ower house in the valley on Friday last, and w;:s courteously showti over the premises by Mr. Fred Graham, who was 'n charge. Mr. Graham carefully ex- plained the working of the numerous instruments and michines. We couldn't understand it .all, but there was one point in the outfit that h« mide perfictly p'aii). This is the "suicide cable,', carrying 40IIIJ volts- a current so power, ful that it you put your hiiger within two inches of it the curriinl wculd jump ! across the intervening sp.ioe -ind the ex- i pcrinientcr would be no more- Fur and ! expeditious taking off that would heat Niagara, rope or gun. The t!>ing is well guirded, h-jwever, and th ne are not likely to be any victims. We did not, attempt ti ver.fy tlio state- meiit. We arj always willma to take such things for gr-infed and let the othtr f. llow do tiie e.vperiinen'ing. A couple of au'.i) loads of j y lidcrs, said to bo from Mimiit Forest, pas^id through here on Sunday for Kutf. nia and returned the same evciiiuL'. The bunch was made up of youngsters uiiJer twenty years of age~an eipial numl'er < f boys and girls. As they approached the town on the return journey one of tie diivcis ran his machine over the eiulMiik- ment at the sandhill east of the sii.k hole. Just then UtV. Mr. McD.mald. the Baptist minister^ attempted lopais the oullit when his horse bucaina fiighc- eued at the hullabalno kioked up by the Bushwhackers and bolted. Ills bnguy wa.s badly .smashed. The misguided young men, who were alleged to be under under the inHuencu of liiiuor. mana^'ed to get their car ri^httd with the helo of horses anu a logging chain aud boys and girls wont on their way rejoicing. The patty thou got a'ong all right until they came to the Glenn, between Piice- ville and Durham. This was a nice stretch of road for speeding, ail J those who watched them pa.ss said they must have been travelling at about eighty miles an hour. The auto slewid from side to side and finally struck » tele- phone pole. One man was thrown clear over into a field and badly hurt. An- other had his arm badly broken, shoulder dislocated and back injured. The girls, while all \vero severely shaken up.appear to have got oft comparatively safe, k telephone message to Diuh .in brought a car to take the injured in. One (f the victims was uncoosc'ous for some time. The woi^der is there wore not some sudden deaths as a result of this Occident. .-\s the party went through town Sunday evening we remarked to a ciiizm that we did not think they would get safely homo that nii-ht, and the prophesy came true, lies w.-.s the name of the m.in most seriously iiiju:cd. There were two soldiers in the pirty hut I'ley occ'-pied the car which c.mn safely through. Mrs. John Wright and Miss Zella ; Benthain are delegates to the Branch Meeting ot the W. M. S. of the Methi - dist church in Toronto, the former from the Auxiliary and the I itter the Band, i .Sergt. Va. .lamieson and Pte. H.J McAuley, of the 147t.h, stationed atl Niagara, are home [on furlough, th.e former proceeding to Porcupine to visit his brother, Sergt. Bert Jamieson, of| the l.'>9ih Battalion. All towns appear to have their .share ( f that undesirable element of both sexes who seem to think .Sunday joy riding is the desirable thing The practice is be- coming a menace to ouc civilization and ought to be frowned down by all right thinking citizens. Coming, under the auspices of the r *D. Club, to Town Hall, Flesherton, June <S, Dr. Jog, Mandy, who (by special promisbion of Sir Sam Huxlies) is travel- ling throu'.;hoiit Canada with most wonderful moving oictures of the war yet shown. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Notice to Plotholders A meeting of the plotholders of Mea- ford Uoad cemetery will be held at the cemetery .in Saturday, June lH. at 2 o'clock p m. All interested should attend. Bad Fire at Owen Sound Owen Sound was visited by \ disas- trous tire^eaily Saturday mornini; lait, when the large wholesale grocery and produce house of Lemon Bros, was wiped out by tire It is estimated that the lo.ss will amount lo between i77,C00 and 8100,1100. A fireman named Danaid was severely hurt by falling from a ladder i fracturing his leg and receiving olhei \ injuries. The fire startid ihrough tlu- i building being struck by l.;;htniiig in the mubt of a sovi re electrical plorm. telephone wires weie out of Lu.iini'-s and there was a delay in the watchman ' notifying the tire department. Had it not I cell for a downpour of ram an entire liloek of stores would probably have been wiped out. F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. | FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE SPECIALS THIS WEEK At Karstedt's Cliildren'a wash (]res.ses, froiu 50o to iS"2.00. Ladies' \'oilo Waist, from 253 to S'.i.-'iU. """ . . Silk Crepe for Blouses, 81.50 a ymd. Dross silks iu every shade, $1 .(10 to .SI .'lo Pink, Bine, and While \'oilp, ;^5c a yanl New Embroidery Flouncing, 40c to ^X.'IH a yard Wash Fabrics of all iiiiids aud color.s Men's new Felt Hats, newest Meu's Straw, Chip, Panama ami Sailors Men's fancy Negligees for suuiuier Men's aud Ladies' Boobs and Low iSlioes Millinery â€" The best aud luost up-to-date. Come, and we will be pleased to .â- ^liow yon our goods. Hardware ! Hardware ! We have on hand a full r.in'.'e of Screen Door.^, >>ereeii Windows, Fork.", .Seytlies and Hav Hakes. All kinds of Shelf Hardware. Nails at the riuht price for building purpose.". Corn! Corn ! Corn Now is the time to so* your t'orii. We hive on hand now -Cr( inijroii's Karlyaml Wiscon.>-iu No. 7. Come to Ivarstedfs and get your supply. WOOL! wool! WOOL! \Ve are in the market ag-iiu for Wool. Highest prices paid botii iu cash cr trade. Either write or plioue and we will gladly ([uote pricca. PKODUCEâ€" :Hijj;hest prices paid for Buttor and E>,f-rs. F. G. KARSTEDT Boar for Service The u :doisigned has a thorouylibied Yorkshire Boar for service ou lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms gl.Otb -FRED SPOFF.UtD. ETcry Tuesday, Miarcfci to October ••All Rail" Every Wednesday During* Season Navigatio:. ••Great LaKcs Ivouto" Somewhere out on the prairies where l.nst yccr Canr-.ia's Grr.H*â€" it Wheat Crop was productd thrrp is a homf waiUni; for y"-.!. 1 'â- :â- ' ^:A^NADI AN • pacsf will tak". you there, give you iill the inl'crni.il o;i :' . -.; places, and help you to succe&s. :: :: :: I I Features which place the Cockshutt Manure Spreader head and shoulders above other makes It is the simplest njnclmio imuh â€" not nearly so many pari.« as othcr.s It is a tUoroiigh ])ulveri/.er and -on uiKr. It is not so high to 111., tup of tlie box a.s other spieader.s vet there 1,-^ much space iiiidi-niriiili . ' " Tlie box is well siipportcd and i.s built Willi a solid lioiioin. Direct cliaiii drive, no gears or eliitchvs to caiiiJO tinnhle. Drive .â- unl conveyor cluiiiis aie extra lifivy mid will stMiid a lot of luiid work. ICa.-^ily oper- lued aud 110 trouble ui all to oil tlio bearings. Wl , u not .'^prtadim' tlie umehiiicry i.s not niiiiiiui.'. ° 'I , . ^-N^* ParlicuUni from any Canadian PacHic T Iu ! Agent, or writ« W. .B. Howard. Dlefrii.t ratse;:-. : Agent, Toronto. The Daintiest Decoration Like magic this charming medium "Fresco-Tone" responds to the Artistic taste of the decorator and house- holder, giving a soft, velvety, flat effect on Halls, Living Rooms, etc. "FRESCO-TONE" is highly sanitary and as it is easily kept clean, this frequently saves expense of repainting. We would be pleased to furnish color schemes and suggestions for Interior Decoration in "FRESCO-TONE" on application. i8%=S?.'S=H^-''-5 'I F. H.W. Mickling FLESH BRl ON, ONT. J The Foundation of Prosperity The lutme pro.sperity ol ti^is eoiiuirv deiu mis ii|:iiii ilu- coiitiiau-il pi-o^peiiiy of the agiieiiilnia in ii-n .-t:-. U has b.uii pi ovoi that agn- ciihuialprosperily cannot pcisist unless il,r t'ernlily ol tin- .soil is coii- strv.-cl. 'I'lie one luacliiiio :ii the whole catogoiy of lanii iinplenieuts wliieh eaii iU'complish iliis i,, ti -saiy thing is iho M.nuuc Spreader. I poll ii, as npoii a fi)iuiii,ii;iiii will ijr rii.nrc pro-; eri .y ul tlic farm .lepoiid. and iheielore tlio )-i o.-pci lly i t ijic nation. I'liv efo.se nitelllioil toyour I'ertih.'.iiiLr. â€" ihi.'f yea; 1-1 all \i-ar.s â€" mid b.iiit'i; aecLnainoly. Pays lis Own Way Cwiopariiig iIk- cost of .^pieiiiling iuaii-i;e willi ;i ^plâ- (;ui(-r with that o, spreading llie saUK! auioiint In hand -hows a .-;a\ mi; -nlRcii lit to uinki' tin- spirader piiy for itself uiiliin a -lioM tiiiio il no moie ihau a few loads a liav iuv spread. N) oilu-r iiii|)1li.1(-iiI .-iIkmu li.e faiiii can do .";i) well. 'I'liis says uolhiiig I iilur olmiil till- uion. (liiriini, -.voii; of the iiiachiue iior the coiiseiiiuni .iildiiii!i::il hem lit Im [\w -.i!. The .spread- er \a, the one uiaehiiiL' .\ Im'li visil)!\ ] ays iis •â- Â« n v.iv . The hiriner i.s nioiK-y ill pocket laiher I'lun .:ui oi' [i H:l:i-t \\\\<n i:i- bi'iy^ ,i spreiidor. D.McTAVISH. Flesherton NOTICE L X- â-  1 • 1^ AOW 1,-; tlif till!!' Id iciicw Vt'lll- lill^'Liit'.-^. etc. p 5herwin=WiIh'ams Buggy Paint ^ l.< the host for this piirpo.sc. A Varnisji (ilo8.s f I'aiiil of orcrtt dumbility. K.-<pt>eially adajitftl for r (HU.sido e.xpo.siirc. 1^ .Double tlif life ol' voiir VchicU-.-^ by ]n'()ieotin};' tlu.Mii wiihgodd raint-'-it S.W.P. didn"t."niakc good ir couliln'r covtM' tlife'irtli. A Paint, or Fini.sh for evei'v purpose. Any in-^ fonufaion regarding,' Painting or A'aiuisliing gladly furnLshed. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant Phone 30 r 2 FLeSMEKTON, - - ONT.

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