Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1916, p. 8

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April 20 1910 THE F I. E S H E K T N A IJ V AN C E BUSINESSCARDSI '^he Late Captain the Hen. Ao T. Skaughnessy SOCIETII'VS PRraCB AKTHUK I.ODOE, No. ;<.i3,A.F.A' A M, uieetB iu the Masonio ball. Arm I otroBii'a Ulock Fluslierton, every Friday oil ' or before tlio full luocu. J. Wrinlit \V. M F. H. W. HickliiiK, Secretary. ; CHOSEN FhlENDBâ€" Floiherton Council Chosen Frioiiila Dieete in Cl&yton iliall Ihst | knd third \Ve<lHi'ii<l*y ct each mouth H p.m. fay MseteuieiiCa to tiie Kecorder od orhefore. ttsUrtt dkyol oach mouth. Chief Councillor T. Blkkolov: Recorder W H. Uuut. COUKT KLBbl'I'.UTo;-:, 999. I. 0. P. iceetaio Clavtou B Illook the last WednoHdav cvonluii | of each uiniilh. ViKitiiic Fortetorn heartily wolcouu'C li., fl. Hellaui) ;K. B. , O. CairLH I Fit.. Kre , \V. Ituskin. i I'leasc pay dues to Fin. Kcc. hutoro the first av of the mouth. I Dentistry l\r. E. C MURHAV L. D. R., dental Burgeon I I honor Kraduato of Toroiiio University and ' h.-yal volk'Ke of Dontal SurKi'ouB of Ontario, | fias adtuisiniBt«red for teeth extraction j oDloo at resideuce, Totouto Street. Fleshertou. Medical i IV OTTKWF.LL Vuferinary BurReou iradiiato of Ontario Viterinary Collefie reoldeuce â€" ssoond door Bouth weBt.on k^ry street. This street runs outh Presbyterlau Cbnreh. \ Leoal 1 ICAS. KANEY * „ hKNliYâ€" HarriBlers. ; bolicitorB.eic â€" I. H. Luchh. K. C; W. K, \ Kaney, K. I'. ; W. 1). Henry. H. A. unices, : foronto. HOC-9 Traders liank Hldij.. pliono | â- uain W12: Markdalo Lucas hlock. I'liono 'i A. j br»nch oltice at Uundalk upeu every baturday. ' WBIOHT. TELFORD & McDONALO BarriBter, Bolicitor«, Ac. 0(Hce». (irev k Hrunn Klock, Owon Koiind. Standard Hank Uloi:k.Kleihe[ton.(.SaturdayE). W.H. Wriiiht, W. K Telford Jv. J. O. McDoualO.L. L,. h. Business Cards »T CULLOUGH ft YOUNO *' Hankers Klarkdalo (iejeral bankiun bueiuess. Money loaiieii at reasonable rates Call on us. DMcPUAIL, Licensed Auctionee for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and satis action fjuaratiteed. The arraugeuifnts and dat(M of galeH can bn made at TliB ADVAnce oftlse. Htisidenceantl I'.o., ( i*>luu, Telt-phone connection. Dec. G, 07 IVU. KAITTINK, Licensed Auctioneer foi *' the couutieB of (irey and bimcoe. Farm aed Ktock sales a specialty. Terma moderate, satisfaction cuarantced. Arranije- uieots for dates may be made at the AdvBuce jfBce. or Central tclej'lionu ottjce teversliam or byaddressinii me at Feversham. Out. R. J. COLQUETTE (^eyershaw, Ont. Aiient for the Cocksliutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement* WngonH, Buxgies, Cultur^<, Sleigh", »ij(l GaKoline Eni>iiies, Melotlu C'l'UJin SepariititiH, litttit-r Wind Mills, Punips, Piping and I'ipe FillinuH always oti liiind Beikily I'ioh'. (jf FiigU'', barn Tracks, Li'ter Ciiriicif mill st.ililo fiMinirB. Cockhhiiit itiid Friist it Woid l{e]ii(lr6 ulwuyH nn liniid Feversbam^ Ontario Bull for Service I'urc Wrfd slinrtlii'i'ii liull. Alx'.iift'li y^vieâ€" 9*i'''''T^f"" su'vice yii lot 2!», S.S. n., Artctiieniri. •IVrrlU--?! 'n <«t i;-iiil"«, Puro lifiii e„ws $;» 00. I'ure lirti'l T.iiiHtTiM'li III).' f'li Bcrvic on the hliovf Inl . Terms SI.'iO f n all aiiiniulH. Snrviid 'nuBt bu piid fur. B8e|) â€" W. .). ftlciuls For Service Fur service on lit 13, cmi. H, 0«urey, one purelii'id Slioriliurii ISull. Tcinis tl.r>U. Also niiit puro lin'd Viukhliiri- |{»ar, Teiuisti(H). All n(Ciiiiiil!i iiiusi he rmid In FHKD TVI.KK, ManiiL'er, of (;. U. BURKE, I'K.piioior. 1 bcp lUe Grieve tor tbe Tbei-o (DciUnitcd to the late Captatii I'rcil HhatiylirH'Ssj/ 1 The fairest field HUi livs tritl.crcil c irf drr.l. But the hoatx of its seed blossom furllt iii its stiad : And cut/i drop from the heart of this flotcer of our rai.c Will siiriii'j up in a soldier to stand in his place. â€".1/ A. Ilargadon. Montreal, A/jril 3. 1916. ABfTcre phofls v\r»i, laii.st'd lliroiiKli tint rii:miiinii of I'civ- Uil;i, psiii'i ::iil>' la miilii.iy rircli'S, uliMl il tiecaiiit) kidivri I he othir diiv lliiii ('ai)t. the lliiii.A.T.CK"red") fc^liiiui-hncssy. of tli>'i;iilh KutlalloD, >:»<1 : een Killed in u r I I o n. Capt. ^ Il il u ^ h n CBsy'g period of :«ivlco ai llie front wn8 Very Brief, as it Is hiiPfily a ii)(j:Uli Finretiie (joth went to l''ran((», ar.d only about tt-n days siute tlirv joined the foreer In iho treijcbes. Nc dotalLs have yt't been received as 10 how Caiit. Shaiighiiessy met liis death, save tl:at lie was In- Kt.Mitly killed by thraimel on Satur- day nioriiinK, that hi; [lassed peace- fully away and died like a man. It is not thought that any (.-cneral aitlon was taking plaie. A cable was received en Satur- day afternoon 6v Mr. A. 1). Mae- Tier, of II-.; C. P. 11., fioin Mr, (ieorBe McLaren nn.wn, tl.d Kuropean manager of the rorapany, stating tliat ho had just received a cable from Lieut.-Col. Gascoigne, of the Cuth, announcinf; the death of ("apt. ShauRlinessy, and asking Mr. MacTler to give the Inforina- tion to hl.s fatlier, Lord Shaugbnessy. A fiiitlier message was receivej by I-ord Shaiighnes.sy, with t!:ij brief statement that Capt. the Hon. IVd Shaugbnessy had been instantly killed, by shrapnel In action. Captain Shaugbnessy wr.s buried immediately, following the custom In war of burying officers and men near the place where they fell. Widespread sympathy is felt for Lord Shaiigline.ssy, and es|icclally for Lady Shaughuessy. in their bereavement, whieli came with sudden shock, since Capt. SbauKhnessy had been eo short a time at tbe front, while tbejr only other son. ("apt. 'he Hon. \V. .1. ShauKlinessy, heir to the barony, is also training for active service wit'.i the l!i9ili Irish-Canadian Hangers. The death of Capt. the Hon. Alfred Thomas Shaugbnessy will cause a pang of grief to many friends, both military and civil, in Montreal, lin was a very gallant Canadian gentleman In tbe truest sense of such a phrase, an honorable citizen, and a brave and cajiable officer, full of entbuslasm iu his work, and full nf the spirit that makes offietrs beloved by their men. This was especially shown durini; the long weeks of train- ing while the COth was at Valcarller, where Capt. Shaugbnessy was one ef the most popular oHicer.s in the camp, always of a sunny disposition, always interested In his work and his men, and Invariably ready to do w hatPVer be could to advance their interests as well as his own knowledge of work. He had little spare time there, but that little be generally devoted to study and to practicing signalling, so as to increase his efHclency. He was a sjilendld officer, and his loss will be severely felt by the 60th. The late Capt. the lion. Alfred Thomas Shaughuessy was born In Mont- real on October 18, I8S7, he being the second son of (then) Sir Tboma) and Lady Shaugbnessy. He was educated at Bishop's College and Abing- don Schools, and McCiiU Vnlverslty. While at McGUl he was a member of ;i r. 7,.ia I'si fraternity. On leavltig McOlll h3 entered the service of the Canadian Padlic Hall- way Co., in order to learn business methods. He started at tbe boMnm. f.rsl In il subordinate position In the office of Sir Thomas SlmiiKliness^v, and Lt' r In tbe Steamships Department, under Vicel'residi-m Ci M. Itosv.ert'i, V.Ik re be made hliiisilf liked on all sides, and won promotion on bis ir.crltB, working through a number of departments. in \'Mii he had the' unusual experience of IravellInK around the world, from Montreal t* .^!n^.tr'-'al, on the tralr.-; Td sioamdilps of ilie i" P. U Four years age h^ I ft llie service of tbo C. V. U and joined tbi brokerage llrm of Char c-l ilciedilh & Co., PS a ir.eirV^r of the llriu Ho liaj 111 in I'or a nv.inbi r of years an fietivi ofTicer of the .'Ird Victoria Riflea, joining thai battalion as a subaltern In (Jctober of IHIO. He was regiirded as one of llie most jinimlslng; young elVu ers of that battalion. When I, lent. -Col. (liiscdigne undertook the organization of Ibe UOtli lial- t:-iioii for oveiS'U^ service. Lieut. SliaughnesBy joined with rank as cap- tain, for uhich he. with his lirotlier. llio lion. \V. .1. Shauglinessy. qualilied at llallfi'.":. He took a keen Interest In recruiting and other work for the 'i it'alion went to \'nliartier with iliem. thence to Kngland, and finally to Kiniien for the .'.nviie ill the front v. Iikli was to end so speedily for him. 1':.- biolber-ln hiw, Capt. Hene Itedniond, Is serond in command of his cc'~ iany--"A" of f'O C'Mli Uatialion. He was married in April, Ifill, to :;â-  • f5a;.ili Polk nriidlorcl. da.ighter of Judge Bradford, of Nashvii", T .-.v., and a ile^eenilant of President Polk, of (lie I'nit.Hl States, the c!rv niouv Inkli-.g pUirr iit Nashville. Two children were born of itie marri""\ Kl !;•.,• be: II. tl ree years old. iind Thomas Bradford, one and one-half ye;. '. Mr.-". Shaiigiine.osy Is now in London, liaving accompanied her husband tj i-n^i.Tii c.'l;r\i tliv rcglmeut crossed. '' UMU SI lAl'till.VKSSY'S WORDS. To liU mother, myj.ir and the family, the sacrifice is indeed cruel a.:\<\ nlmost overwl.elMilnK. But nfti r all, we are only passing through the r.iTi'.e sad experience lis lliousand.; of othci-s In every portion of the lOnipire. lie l:i;il a swcel wife r.iMl Iwo llltle ihlldreii. and everything in the world ti livi- [or but he rero-nized his duly and the attendant risk. If lii;; cxa;:;;;', â-  rn^if's a fe ling nf patilotlsm and re.^ponslveness In those hun.lr '; iiiiio:!((Kt us of nililtBry a^-. many of w hiim are without bis fariBy r; i. \s1m) tlnis far thioimh iiidiflerenie or because of bad Icaiierslilii or p't'y \cra\ l'- y. have riil'ed to n^.?uine Ihelr resronsit)llltie;i as clt.zens m.ii P;,l,ip,.|^« .-e sliail foil that there is ailditloiial ccmpcnsallou lor 11 j rai rlttio. â-  Boar for Service â- ana ish )m ilsCjgig. Let's AS! J©m Forces on , â- ' the 'Taint Up" Idea Let's interest the man next door and the man across the street in this "Clean Up and Paint L'p" Movement. If they wUl do their share and go after their neighbors, you can all make a glorious success of this practical, helpful, sensible plan o£ civic improvement. Whole-hearted co-operation is what is needed for ^\^m 15PI«PANWEEK Do your part carefully and loyally. If *he House looks dull, or the Porch is worn, or the Fence is scarred, a coat of "100/ic Pure" Paint will put yourplace in the Spic and Span class. If there is any freshening or brightening to be done inside the house, we have the Paints, Stains, Varnishes and Enamels to do the work easily, satisfactorily and economically. In Uct, we e«rry EVERYTHING you need to "Paint Up" with the iood, old, reliable Martin-Senour Paints and \'arnishesâ€" MADE IN CANADAâ€" and â- old with our p^raonal |[u>rantee of satisfaction. 70 F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON, Ont. ^^\^se^^ REIXFOKCIXO THE "PATS." The uiii'einnneJ liisi ll». iniiL'lili;i d Niirkiliire Hour for service hm Id ;I7, euii. (â- >. .^rIl iiui.si.*. T.iiiis SI OO â€"J. Ilarxraie. MASSEY I HARRIS I IMPLEMENTS ! stock for Sale Tuliiwortlin ami l?oiK}.|iii'i'ii. yoiiiiff H(ot;k tor ruttilii.K iPiirpOHLN fur Haitt ; n\to Itounil dlirlcH p l'."ti* liBliI IMirinu T wril-, I IIHO. \V. IIO.SH Maiwuil I". (I. I NEW suitings! J New Suitings ju.st It) liiiiid-soim; ol v|; i the iu)l)l)it!8t weiivos to be found any- jL where. ^ Loave your oiilci- now Inr ih.it iifw •fi suit. Yon will ni'vcr rcifrct it. Hh - Satisfactidii giiMiaiit 1. T Don'l r(irj.;t't LliJil \\v tin clc'iniiifr, l|i prcssinj? iind rn])iiirin<,'. Our piitics •^ aro ri<;lil and (nn workniaiiHliip i.stlii; •♦i very host. Tlii.s fmiem.s inivko nl iniiiloiiien's is well kiiimn till over iIib cuiiiitry luid iheir own ncMiil werk is llio best rccoiii- iii»!iul.itinii they em reccMvo. If you ii'.Hiiie iiiiytliiiii! in Um line of Hinders, M. >w 111 H, Seed Drills, Ciiltiviilor.s, I'lilp- .r.s, rincs, SltMglH, Winryons, Cieiun .S,<|mri\tnih, llnrrciwH. Rulleris, t'littiiiL; l?<ixen, Kii8iliijji<-' C'liiti'iH, (j'l.siilliio e-i j?iiie», KuwiiiK ciiUtils, etc, give us :» c-!).iiie(! to cm' lie iiriei'.:. John Wright, - Ajjervt Flcshcrtoiv I I Notice 'â- â€¢â- ' i l)r. li. K. Kusjlisli, O.sfno|»ivllii« riiysi- 1 c .VII, of D^eil Siiuiul, will In in Flu^her- ' ti>n cm Tiiead IV >iii I Kiidiy HftoiiiouM of oiliwi'iik. O.iiiuiioiioiiitf Fridiiy, Jiiim I K.r iifip'iittluiont [ilioiiti riiiK !1. S. J. BOWLER i Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. * Farm For Sale ( Jonil Sio.'li K uiii e'ii<istins; of loti l.".S. ITill, llli>, nil, ;!r.l con. W. T lied S. II , Ai'teiiie<in. Irirj;n, oouifoilvldo liiiek huiiK' iiiul « ii.l li.uns snmll /iieli- ••I d ; wi II wnl ciuil • KlCHAIl!) WlU'OfK. Klecherlnii Boar for Service Til I mid <rsii;ried Iiih it thiiroiiKlilpieil Y^-rksliiie 15 "ir for seiv'co mi l.il ll,c. .ii S. O.i'iiov. T'Tiiis SI. Oil. I'ilKDSPOFb'Alfl). rniversities .\rt' Siippl.vint; Men to Fill Xhiuiied Out ibiuks. Tbe universities of Canada have now (or some time been working loyally together to reinforce that gal- lant regiment the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Three companies huve already gone over- sea, numbering nearly 900 men, and it fourth company is now under for- niatiou at Montreal. The University Companies are now known throughout the length and breadth of Canada, so that there is a continuous flow of men of the right type to Montreal. Not only do such men llnd entry to a famous regiment but they are nipidlj equipped and trained and sent without delay over- sea to England, where they are com- fortably billeted iu huts at an excel- lent camp near the sea on the south coast of England. Moreover the men secure the great advantage of good comradeship with congenial spirits of similar tastes and antece- dents. The first company under a notable officer. Captain Gregor Barclay, has been declared by regular officers of experience to be seeond*o none com- pared with any company of any army in the world. The second company was raised over-strength in seven weeks by Cap- tain 0. McDonald and Captain Percy Moison. Both companies are now In France. The third company sailed eighty over strength because the newspaper pubiibhers of Canada were good enough to make known, through their columns, that the company was being formed. This resulted in such a rush of recruits that it was neces- sary to apply to the Militia Council of Ottawa tor a special authority to increase the strength from 250 to 330 men. lOach man before eiubcUkatiou writes tci u friend who is a likely re- cruit luid tells hiiu of the advaulagort of the Unlveriiities Convpany, so thr.l even before the men iuive dis<,:ii barked a fresh company is asseiiih- ling on the McOill campus at MoiU real. Recruits are examined locally by an Army Medical Officer and arc ai tested by a magistrate in the neare: 1 city, alter which an application i.-i made tor transportation, whieli Is speedily furnislied from Montreal. This system is effective and rapid, ' and I'leo from red tape. There are \ in nearly every city representative:^ , of the various universities who uio ' always ready to lielp forward tlu^ ' good work, and to givc( imoniialioii , to nuni anxious to enlist. The rcKUlalious respecting enlist- :! ment, pay, and seiiaratiou allowancvi; are iireeisely tliu saiiio aM those fi.i other Canadian iroopJ. i At Montreal, iho I nivorsity lends { buildinga for barracks, and thu cam- ; pus for drill ground. Atliliatiou with the iMctiiil OUKeia Training Corps la a great bonetll, and intorosiing tacti- cal work is carried out on the slopes! of Mount Itoyai. | Tboro iu coiiipetent inatrueiion In I tactloB, nriskolry, bayonet liiibtinSi and treiieb maUia.s'. 'I'ho C. V. K. is i kind eiioii,;h ty Und its gallery for : hhooiiiig practico. A miichine i;uii iu i available and sigiuUlinft, now of l;..- nieiiac iiiipovtu'.ii;o, is ai;-o tau^lit. 'I'lie t.'icliei-s (f \\\lll>.i.;l<iii Ccnrty liivp |iii'i-lrised n iin't r niiilm'ii^e.i f.. in the Mcfiiin>{liliii Mmuifiiotuiii'^' (' '. t> 1 o' seat to the front ligiit aw ly, j School Children's Eyes, j^ SPRING TERM at the OWEN SOUND, ONT. ,,,.,. . , ^^Opens Monday, April 3rd I9l6i Many lives have been ruinco j ^ "^ ' " \ through neglected eyestrain ??g studems arc«dm.tte .ui.i tu.-e j^ in childhood. The eyes of i^ The .vou,.g *o„ie.i si,.,u.d i.e,in. j^ , ., , , 1 J t. mIo irnke preparitions at once toS^ every Child should be |g^„ ^,„ ^^J,,^ ^.^ „,„ ^^^^^ ,„^.„JC examined. We have made ;:^,yho have enlisted. » ^n\^^*."il"5>:°lll'iLl''"'^'^ Write for Particulars^^ and Circulars. ^ C. A. '''LKMTNG, F. C. A., S^ Priiici|>»l.X Secreimy.^j ONTARIO ^ of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. ^ ^ >? W. A. Armstrong. j|.,, kikming ., r.. . ..• o. ^ OWEN SOUND v,.,.«â- ^.v, an, New Blacksmith Shopig^ ^a^^a^iggg^ggg^ygf g Mortgage Sale At Maxwell 1 am npeiiinit iipittonce, a blackEii-ilh- I ill,' and wcpinlvvorkiriK bu.sines^ iti Miix- I we'l, ;nid am 'iiii'aUini; up-: o date wood weikiiiu iincliineiy. It will be my en- di'iivor t 1 serve tlie pulilio in a .salisfac- teiy iiinniier ai.d I would sidicit pHtroo- Hee. I wiiit your work gnd will do it| rin'it. 7 April 17 i /^I ir'CTTT* f /-vikt/-« I P'*ce of sale, there will le cfleied for I f^|«^^ I 1^1^ I \ H\| »| sale by piililic aiietimi on the pieiiiises I hereiiislter iiieu.icnieci, cm OF H0TI;L PKOPKRTV in THE VILLAC.K of KLKSHKKTtiN. I I'ndei Hiul by vu'ue of thu poweis iif tale c 'titiiiiiecl in a ceftniii iimriua^e which will lie prod need at iho time »nd S!«??€X3«S«^XM^S^?«^??Sl Saturday, the 29th day of Aqrl'. 1916 \H ^ at tile hour of 2 u cbick in tlie iiitenuiim, ^'* • the fciUowiug projieity, ii.iinel) : . HE ONLY MAN ^ 5!g I ^ H ^ 1 WHO SHOULD 5jg X NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ k NOTHING TO OF- g ^ PER IN THE WAY jg X OF SERVICE ^ SUCH A PERSON K IS A DEAD ONEâ€" ^ S WHETHER HE ^ KN O WS NOT. IT I liot Nuiiiher Five on tho nuith-west side cif Durlmii) .street in the Villi(j{e of ' KleHhertdii, ill lh.< County of tJtey, I ncc'irdiou ic> pan of subdivision ef lot I \W ill the tir.'t r.»'ino lonth-wect "f tho ' 'l'nr>nitii and ISydeiih.iin Kind in the ! I'owiisliip lit .\it'inosia, together'with i tlie riiflit, title :iiul iu'erfst ot tl'O Mnrt- I nnmiri :i;k1 Miirtmutes in ihu lands j lyinn lietweeii Luis iiuiiiliers Kmir and I Five cm the nnith west side of I)iirh:im I ^troi t ill the .»aicl Villsj.'e of Flesh rton, AND ^ -•ooni>-'J^<"-i'Ji'i'"'- %0 \ I Iu9 property IS known as the lurk Ti I lldUBo in llie Viilaste :if Flesliertmi, :iiid !^ upon it is creeled a 'liree-fct^rcy, si^ilid I briok hotel, -I'ixnl), with stiiijilo looms, i dmiiit; room, kitchen, sitiiii^ lomiH and : .seventeen liodiooins, «l*o a gncitl o<jllnr. ^ I Tiioro is uU() a table on the premises f\n W 1 â- l'-x7(l, with ji; â- o.l stone foundHtion. n^ I TKKMvS-Ten per cent, of the pur- ''JS5 1 cli>»so in.iUi'V to lie paid lo the vendor oc J^ ' bis solicit ciii.s lit the time id silo and thn Fib rt Hubbard liiNiiu't! Ill lliiity dvys there»fiev without without intire.st.' Fur further paitiouliis and conditions •f s:i!o tlpply til WUlGHTctTKLFORD, \ oiidor's S.ili.-itois, Oivgn Smiiiii, Dnt Farm For Sale A Chance for Those ~" Going West* i H«in»>lc<.r> Excurtioni. C R Coiitiiiidiig a'K.iit l!Vi aeie^ known ic-i tho Jlome.ker. txcurtions L.. K. M,,Hi,o form on 1»t ivml 2nd en., N. I). K., Homes, ekers K.Knir.sions to Wist-ini .\it.niesia, al, ,nt one iiiilc! fn.m C. I'. K. ,, 1.1 r â-  (1 1- i> •.• 1 Kt.itioii and ' illaRH. t.).i tho preiiiisfH are » taimdii Ht low fares vii CiiniMliuii rt'Cihch,,;^.^ dwcllhi^-. kitebcn :<, cl ccodslud, fiume oachTucsdiy, M»rch 7, to October 31, U'linwilh MuMing iin<' 'rnealli Imple nenc 1 • r> I .1 e r- i> A hoii.''e and lil;;y;i'i'y, drillvd will and niiminir iiielusivo. IVlt culnrs from lUiy C.P..\. I ,,„,^,„. (Ho,- :M) acres ,,1.,„k1,c,1. nl„.„t, -y} ov \V. B. Howar.l, District PussonBcv acres ucw sevdd, For virioo and terniM ftpply \ .„>. T „â- ,.,>.,. '" -''• COIJ,!NSON Ai;en', Icionto. „,._,_ j.-. Oollin«on.

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