April !3 19IG T II t r L E S H E R T O .N' A D V A N C E ^K t ' • , r I â- 1 ^|v THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OPriCC - TORONTO A General Banking Business Conducted. Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Manu- facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS ihoold be depoiited in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Hi<he(t enrreot ratet of Interest mn paid half yearly. 2U FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Mi^gtr. '%. Odds and Ends â- •T'D 1*73 1 â- ^^- ARTICLES FOR SALE j The Uiutit gruTdnuIa reeLTds fur lale j Seedles 20c per .JOO. The Advaoce. For sale â€" A fin*' chesnut ee'ding, «en- , .„ eral purpn-e, in â- •""d onler, wei-^Ll 120o ' lS libs, agt? 11 yrars, pcrfictly sound. Aptily .V /Biriiey VVelton, Flfsherton. ' MISCELLANEOUS Paintin>< aid paner-haD^iDi As;unr f<>r Empire wall papers.- Cirriugton, F.eshertoD. VICINITY CHIPS The maple syrup reason is panning out well. Born- On April 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Victoria Comers, a daugh- ter. I^Mr. and Mrs. Georj^e Hitcbell spent the week end with friends in Ca!edon and Toronto. Born â€" In Artemesia, on Msrch 27, to Mr. '\nd Mrs. Lawrence Irvinj;, a &cn, James Ambrose. Rav. Fortune will preaoh in Chalmer's Church next Sunday, on behalf of the DominiuD Altitncr. W. Buchanan and W. McLeod of the Fleaherton high school have enlisted in the 147lh Greys. fttiss Maud Uichaidson returned Mon. from Toronto where she has been visit- ing for a couple uf monthi. M. Scully's egg waRon started out on Monday uioruiuj; with ftlalcoloi McDon- ald temporatilg at the throttle. The U. and D. girls will serve ice cream, cako and hoineintde candy on Saturday from 3 p.m. Cakes for sale. Corp. GltJou C. Tucker, eldest son of Mr. H. G. Tucker, barrister of Owen Sound, was reported Sat irday as having -uied in the hospital of wounds. Mr. Henry has purchased a couple of lots adjoining the Park House from the Flasher estate and will erect a frame leeideuce thereon this summer. Mis d-uvcy Br.'oks, nee Miss Bts>ie Clinton, daughter of W. Clinton, Fever sham, died in Owen Sound. Tlie remaius were brought down Monday evening fur interment. Mr. Jos. BUckburne, Sec.-Treas. of Chaliner's Cliuich and acting sec. of the Liidifs' Aid. his now a telephone, install- ed in hi-i home by the latter for conven- ience in his work for the church. Corp. Elwyn Jamisjon and Ptc'. II. Pbillivs were down la^t FiiUy lounding up a deserter f om Osproy. They le- turned wih their man, who pUadcd sickness a< \n excu-o, but had bo.-ii a' • sent since Feb. 13. The following UTlh boys were home fioiu Uvien ijounl for the week end : â€" Ptes. A McAuWy, U LeGard. J. (.)livcr, L. Bruthwill. \V Davis, C .VdauM, .1. ArmslronK. K. Park, C Ulakely, U Lever, J White. .\fter just one week of djtkn.'ss around t\w C.V.U station here oidors woro re- ceived Sitiirduy for the asjHtant to meet the nijtht lv:iiii. As the ajsist iiit does not ;{et pay for overtime the comptny will still s-ivB its thirty cents per diem. Mr. HirryFfost of Toronto, who wm with The Advance a couple of yoar< •»Uo, li;is joined the lSO:h, Sports- nu'ii's lUitalion, iiuil spent Sunday on leave with a sister in Wilkorton. t>n Mondiy he dropped ..tthei.? for a day on the return trip. Hirry makes :i inotty tint' lookini' soliiier and expects to do his pirt tow.uds nivinn the Kmpire. A brick veneered res donea on t'le 8th line, Artetnfsia, known as the Jiimieson fivin, Jind reetntly puvolused by Mr. O. Tunier, was lull lied to the. ground on Thursday lis',. The residence wa.s uii oceupieil. Mr. Turnvi had placed a stove in the house iu order to warm it up previous to moving in, when in some minnoi tho Imilding ought ti e and wis consumed. The Woniin's Missioniry Society of the Methodist Church will hold their Kister meotiiig on Thnisdiy L'-h lUst. at 3 oolock. A special prv<i:raii> hns been prepared. The ladies of the I'les byterian Chui:h and the ladies of the Baptist Chuicli h->ve been invited and vriU be present. Tlie annual Thank" otl'erinsj will bo received and all the ladies of the churches will bj w.loomed. Lunoo will be served at the close. Mrs. W. J. Lever roceireJ last week a 'el tor from her son, Fred, who is at iho f front, and from wbcm she h^d not heard '' for some time. He says : " I «m hav- ing a stieiutous time out here and have been in an atiuospbovo of death for over H ye^r now, someone beiii;; blown to pieces every day and more comiog over t ) take their places. I am now on the transport section of the 10th Baltali(m and h.'ive a t.efcr cli mce to write than formeily. 1 am be^jinning to have a little rhcH'.nUism, lint outside of that Mn haviiii,' excellent h.vO.th, and if I come Ihroiwh OK. will have exj e ience that I wo ila n -t have nrssed fur worlds." For Sale â€"One 5 year old horf e and one 8 year old mire.â€" JOHS HEARD The Fleaherton Red Cross Society held a very successful cake sale last Sat- urday. It is their intention to hold another sale on Saturday, .April 22. During the moaih 00 pairs of socks were aeni to Uei Cross headituarters, and four donations if cash were received â€" tiU from the methodiat Sunday school, 14.50 from Mrs. Roy of Caldwell, X.J., 81.50 from Mra. VV. Croasley, and f2 from Mr. Richardson, Chicago. Mr. and Mtx. Andrew Wickens of the subutbfe were treated to a genuine sur- prise ou Thursday evening last when a large number of friends and neighbors took unceremonious possession of their residence and presented this estimable couple with an address accompanied by a mantel clock . Mr. aod Mis. Wickeua were genuinely surprised, not having re- ceived an inkling of the proposed ctll. The address was read by Jfr. Glen Davis sini the presentation was m^ide by ex- councillor Fred Brown, The eveiit was developed oviig to the pending removal of Mr. and Mrs, Wickens from the locality, they havini; recently told their farm outside the corporation, where they hive lived for over th'rty years, and where they have won an houoaible nime for themselves as good citisens who wi.l not soon be forgotten. ^1 done. ' jkS -Harry l'.l< 1 May Private funds to loan on real estate^ l^ security at reasonable rate of in'ereat. j ; ^< Apply 10 R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. W'rd sept23 'â- " Cow due to calve July 2 for sale, or will exchange for springer â€" Alf Thiatle- thwaite, Flesherton. UV â€" -li[^ F>T sale ji exch«Di«e ft r heavy horse, ] ,'Vj one driving mare, rtaing 5 years old. i lA â€" T. SLED, Fleaherton. I jjf For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling; Ik lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in â- '' Fev«rsbaiu. Will sell or rent cheap, and , , ^ on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. , 1^^ Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. j 'O Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R. J. Sproule j ' Q keeps constantly on hand and for salei ^^ cheap a full atix:k of Deeds, Mortgages, t '^ Wills and all other legal bUnks. Any) .ti requiring such will find it to their inter- j est to give him a call. j For sale cheap and on easy t(=rm«. Lot 13, ct>u. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and m a good state of| cultivation. Good Lank barn and u>«w , frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton j No. 1 Clover and Timothy Serd, i Mammoth Red Clover and Alfalfa tI7| perbnsh.-l. Alaike *12, Timothy »t5, all government standard. â€" Graham Bros., Gugenia. F. Q; KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE Nottingham Lace Curtains •30 to jO ill. wide â€" 'A aud3i jds. long â€" white, well iinisbed lace. Floral, Medallion an. Allover design, and styles for any roomd Prices from 50c to f4.50. Wallpaper ! Wallpaper ! We have oar Spring supply of Wallpaper in and without a doubt we have soaie pretty idesif^ns, and prices are right. No trouble to show you the paper; so when in town give us a call. Curtains, 2>crims and Marquisette* Plain Centres with insertion and lace, .SO iu. wide in Ivory shade, suitable for any room. Price 50c a yard. Bungalow Net in Cieam at 25c a yd. and In White at 50c a yd.â€" some pretty designs. Paint! Paint! Paint! We carry the Martin -Senour Paint 100 pec cent. pare. Have you ever tried this paint? If not, why not? Once used, always used. A qna»t can <J5c, a pint 3oc. This paint dnes quickly but does not peel, We have a good line of Hardware on hand. Iu shelf and anj thing you need for Spring Sap Backets and Sap Spiles and Auger Bits. Suet Pads and collars. Single Harnass, Tug Chains and Tiace Chains. % CARPET, OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM Are you going to do any carpeting this Spring .' If yoa are. .vhy come to Karstedt s and see his di.^play of Carpets in wool a yard wide. Tapestryâ€" and also a good line of Rugs 'on hind in Velvet and Tapestry . ANY OF THESE ARE STiLL AT THE OLD PRICES we ^have Oilcloth and Linoleum in 2 yds. and 4 yds. wide. If you are going to use anv 1 vds a piece of Scotch Linoleum that is a beauty, both in pattern and quality. Price' (jOc a wide, F. G. KARSTEDT Continued from paite 4 But the heap has changed. In places we see hu;^4 holes in it ; inuthers the wire has been thrown up on ths parapet, but there is nothing to ^ft. excited over. Even sand bigs lusaeil al)ou( are ipi.te unexciting. "See ovir that broken stump sir, where the hoU iu the parapet is â€" they'ie crawling over it." 'Looking in that direction we watch the hole for a momentâ€" it's only I'M ytls. away. Finally something moves, a round cap appears, then a head, 'and up jutnps a Hull wearing a grey unifoim a-id long black boots. He glances iu our d rection, crouches, runs along the|heap- vd-up debrisand hopj d.iwn aijaiu iii'o \\\i trench aud safety. Then auorhet appears and lUiother. T:.c Huns aie co:uing back. "Why don'c ihoy turn \ machine yun on em '.'' someone aski .And just then a loud clattering whirr springs fnm right beside u-t. Itsimrce is hidden, no'.hiug is visible, but it is that old familiar himmerinj of thtt inventiomf Sitan ; and mud Hies up from the Ger- man parapet where the stream of bullets lights. The «arnin'.: is sutticieni â€" no more Hum are seen. Well, does it souii I like tictioa ( It IS an actual desoripttoii ofwh\t I did l.a-st Sunday afternoon, and of what I saw thaB day, -ihe 12th The itory is usually mnch the same with details varied a bit. For instance, '.'< days ago I stood in the front liiie at iiiiotlier place, and watched and directed lilt' show from there, â€" I'.'O yds. from the tierman line. Vi bombs ou'i of 2ti fell in the trench, ou the pacupjt or io the dugouts just beliiud. Whew^; You slioull have seen thoii) trench boardf, Siitid-l'asjs, corrugiteJ iron slieen aud Lits of dugouts tfy up into the air a d p.>rape!s fads away ! It really iid my heart goou you see the old destiuclive L.cut ! Of course we didn t put them a 1 in one place swept their trench for alout 100 yds. in length. To day was ditfereut, wo had church siivice. The Chaplains h?re »ie priiic » and to-diy it was a siniU service held be- <ule an old straw s:»ck. The men weie drawn up in a hollow .'^-iided s(iuare, with 2 orticors iu front and .^ll facing the padre in the centre. I don't know the paJrea name it doesn't matter, far they are all great men. Anyway he \\n\ good etuiieo vi hymiia and preached a good sensible sermon on "One thmj thou lackest," also we read ihe »lst pstlni.^ It WHS my first service ainee I was iu K>ig land six weeks ago and 1 iiioie thin appreciated it. IMk about your old c.icuit-riJers -these padres often hav* 7 and 8 service"' every Sunday, walking or tiding from one to the otiier. On ihe cradle roll of a British Metho- dist chapel is the name of •Uvymmd (Soorge Kitchener .lellieoe,' and anothir li.asts of "Uardaio'l* lane ami ' U..ro- .hy Shia;niol." Poor babies! VVhat have they d>ne to deserve such a fit.'- Guardian. Barred Rock Eggs For Sale Pure I'lcd P.arred Koeks eggs for sale. Fowl fr^'iii Gil Ipb Agrienltuml lisistilu- tioii. b ifiy eoiit< per "etlir-^ of thirteen. -UVUOLU McLKAN, Flesherton. Here is the guar- anteed paint, the supreme'paint achievement of Canada. It ought to be your paint this season. Get acquainted with the label, which is always white and gold on black. Every ounce of every pound, of all the white base in everv can of B-H "ENGLISH" PAINT contains: 70% of Brandram's B. B. Genuine White Lead, and 30%Pure Oxide of Zinc This proportion is absolutely uniform always. B. B. Genuine White Lead makes B-H "ENGLISH' PAINT the "sure-pure paint, giving an increased covering cap- acity and vital enduring and protcc tive power. Buy B-H "ENGLISH" P.-VINT from uj. ^Wc carry a good assortment. Don't waste tlmt and money on u nguarantecd b rand s. i The makers and agents stand be- hind every can of B-H "English" Paint. Don't buy un. til you have found out all about this paint. â- "Made to Endure", is the title of our B-H "ENG; LISH" Paint Booklet; given away for^the asking." We have 'a copy for youl also complete B-H color folders. We have a lot more to say about B-H "English'^ Paint, later Read our announce* 4 F.H.W.Hicl(ling, FLESHERTON. ONI 31 i Ji *- New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am op-iiin.; iij'at •nee, a blacs*Miith- ing and wood*orking IniN'iiess in Max- well, and am iiaaKin.; iiji-.o date wood- workini; iincliineiy. It wiil be my en- deavor t > si rvo the pu'''i.- in a sa'isfac- tory manner a'ul 1 wo.ild solicit vatroli- ace. I wiiit y'ur work and wil ilo it right. 7 A|iiil 17 CHESTER LONG Farm For Sale Notice GoihI Slock Farm consisting of lota loX, l')!!, Il)t>, Itil. :{rd coil. W. T. and _ , , 1, , r 1 1 S. U., Arteinesia. Largo, crinfortable ton on Tuesday and Lnd .y afte.-noon of , j,,.;^,,^ ^^,^,^^, ^„j ^,„^j i,.^,.y,^ „„^„ ^,j.^^. each week. Commencing 1- nday. June ,^j . ^.^„ „^,.,,^.,i K.r appoint iiient phone!' rina 6. Dr. R. K. K.nglisli, Osteopathic Physi- eian, of t)Aen Sound will be in Flcher- Stock For Sale Maro and sucking colt f'lr saleâ€" mare is 1' years old -also a colt rising 2, «U goo.t stock, and one young cow liv.' yr'. ol'.l, and ealt. -THOS. I'KNWICK Kngenia. RlfllVUn WlU'Ol'K. Klasherl. Boar for Service Th>> und'Ts i;n>d his a thoroughbred Yorki^hiit H ^ar fi>t service on lot ll.c 'ii 8, (isprev. Terms 81.0(1. -KUKUSIMKFADU. Points to Conaid*.- When Purchftting a Railway Ticket A t'anadian Pacific Railway ticket doe not represent merely a me ns of trans- portation between given p •int?. If, iu addition provides the traveller w^th eveiy comfort and convenience, devt-loptd by modern r;iil«.iy s.ienc-*, "Safety First," wi h upl'diite e<|uipni«nt. lui xcelled diiiiiii; car .servic , palati.l >lcel';iii; e.iis, in a vvorl, eveiytliins; that a r.iilwny can pMVide I 'V ill.' Lt'm'or'ab'o trjn>i»irta- tio 1 I f ilspaj.-^enger-, iiieluUi, « r.^u !o-y.