Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1916, p. 5

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â- â- i: " f I' r ' i i ♦ i I April 6 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrriCE - TORONTO DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Barred Rock Eggs For Sale 1 i Pure hred Barred Rucks eggs for gale. Fowl friiin Ciut-Iph Agriuiilturul liKtslitu- Ition. fifty cents per sellin;^ of Ihirlofn. Iâ€" HAROLD McLEAN, F.eslierton. ii^iciSilSi£s:^:^^^^^:^£^SSIsSeS£S£St^^ --.yrwgt ^.>a,/rwe».fi:-.^- Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at ,,T'D ii7» highest current rates. 2u FLESHERTUN BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, EBB M»ii«ger. BranchM tito at Durham aiul HairUen. C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as •follows : Going South Going North 7.:«a. m 11.36 a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. ra. The mails are osed at Flesherton as ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail clr « at 9 p. m. the previous ev g. VICINITY CHIPS Dr. Fred Murray of Toronto Saturday and Sunday in town. spent He thUM Mr. and Mrs. Leavell left on Tuesday ifor their home at Parma, Idaho. Miss Mae Jamteson left foe Porcupine on Monday to pursue her calling as nuise. Mrs. McVicar g<ive a very interesting •talk at the Epwoith League Monday ev- •ening on Canadian poets. Born-On March 24, at Cornation General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parsbw. a daughter, Mary Elizabeth. Mr. J.I. Graham of Vandoleur, has ,900 maple trees tapped this year j(»ys the season has been very poor lar. Mr. Joe Alesander, who has been in Dondalk all winter, returned Saturday to take up summer duty with M. Scully Cj. Mr. McD-.nald, who has bean called to the pastorate of the Baptist church here, is moving to town this week from Blind River, his last charge. The Advance received last week a «ouple of relics from the battle field of Flanderi. One is a portion of an ex- ploded German shrapnel ^hell and the other has not been identified at time < ? writing. Call in and see if yju can tell us what it is. ' I The Maxwell Branch of the W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Wright, >I»xwell, on Thursday, April 13, 1916, Topic- "How 10 have and care for a good lawn," by Mrs. W. Wright. Mrs. C. A. Oarruthars, District Sec. of Centre Gri-y W.I. is expected to be present. Master Cecil Loucks, youngest son of Mr. P. Loucks, had a pretty uico present delivered to htm one day last week, in the form of two two-weeks old heifer waives. The little animals were thorough- bred Hnlsteina aud were a present from his uncle, Mr. Hermann Ketterley of Russel, Ont., who is a large raiser of this breed of animals. Noah Pivnic was again up before the magistrates' court on Friday last, charg- ed with selling red-eye. Some nineteen bottles had been discovered on his pieui- Ises, secreted in various odd coroers, but no evidence of sale was adv»noed and the case was dismissed. Noah has «â- Â«'"- ed considerable experience since the flood and now he is wiser than ever. A meeting of Directors of East Grey Agricultural Society was held on Thurs- day afternoon last when some importiint basiness was transacted. Mr. Buskin who has boen secieUry for the past two years, tendered his resianation, which was regretfully accepted as he trade a very competent official. A motion a-,)- .poinliiig Mr. Avery Hawken as his Successor was adopted, Mr. Hawken to take up his duties forthwith. Some changes were niadt in the prize list, and the date of the next fall f.'xir remains the same as last year, Keptember 28 and 29. Word was received here Monday that Miss Florence Bunt, the second daughter of Mr. W. a. Bunt of Owen Sound, broke ber hip on Saturday when she attempted to descend on ihe rod leading from the dormitories in the flie hall. With sever- al companions she was selling copies of a patriotic paper and were being shown ov- er the 6re hall. Mr. Bunt was all packed up preparatory to his return to Flesher- ton this week, when the accident occured. The Department of Education has is- sued iustruction.s that, certiticatos will be granted to High school students who le- main in attendance up to April 20, and who enlist for active service or enter a« ticulture before May 20, provided lliey are in attendance at a High school which has been granted apiiroved standing by the Inspector and are recommenJod by the teaching st.iflf for this certificate. Ir, in expected that several of the Flesherton pupils will avsil themselves uf this offer. For saleâ€" A (Inn chesnut gelding, uen- eral purpose, in good order, weight 120o lbs, age 11 years, perfectly sound. Apnly B. W ELTON, Flesherton. Prof . Lane of Victoria College occupi- ed the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday morning and preached an elo- quent sermon on behalf of the Educational fund of the church. Ho preached in Dundalk in the evening. The Spiinghill young people i(avo a pie social in tha Red School on behalf of the Red Cross fund, on Friday evening last . The ro<vds were bad and the attendance not large, but what lacked in numbers was quite made up in enthusiasm. The program consisted of music, two short plays, a couple of duets by Misses Agnes and Muriel Henderson, and a shoit speech from the chairman. Two luills were sold, which materially added Co the funds. The tirst quilt brought five dollars and was purchased by W. Caswell. The second was purchased by Mrs. Alf. Harrison al^ four dollars and was gener- ously donated for a second sale. On the 8i!cond uffaring Mr. Caswell whs again the purchaser at three dollars. Alto, gether, with a ten cent drawing, these two quilts brought something like seven- teen dollars, and thej.itotal proceeds amounted to over $3.'i. Mr. Joe Blakley occupied the chair and Mr. Tom Henry auctioned the i)uilts. Home seekers Excursions to I The Und of Wheat. I HoniescekerB Excuisiiins to WeKiern I Canada ul low fares via Canadian Pacific (each Tuesday. March 7, to (Jctober 31. inciuMive, Particulars from any C P. A. or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Your Chance â€" The West it Calling. Homeseekers Excursions to Western Canada at low fares via Canadian Pacific each Tuesday, March 7, to October 31. inclusive. Paitiuulars from any C.P.A. orW. B. Uoward, District Pasbengei, Agent, Tonmto. New Regulations Memo'of SpeciallHaguUtions made ly the Ontario Department of Eiucttion re- g'irding the enlistment of men attending the High and Cuntinuition Schools and Ciillsgiate Institutes : The Dupirluient will exempt for over- seas service young men who preparing fur the examinations of next June for admission to the Norrail.Schoola and the Faculti»s]of Education (not including the University Matriculation,) from said ex- amiaHti'ms, and] ,wi11 grant them the oortificate based thereon, onj^the follow- ing coaditioiis : 1. The school];; the] candidate is •ttanding must have been approved for the purpose by the Inspector concerned. 2. The candidate must obtain au'rtifi- oate from the Principal thit he has been a regular ukteadant up to April 2Ut.h, or up to the date of his enlistment there- aftnr ; and that in the opinion of his teachers he is (|ua!i6ed to receive the ceriticate for which he has been preparirji. 3. The candidate shall enli^it for ovjr- .-seas service not later than May 12th. Horses Wanted Mr. M. Segal of Toronto will be in Flesherton on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this weok to purchase horses for the Government, also good working horses. Good prices paid. F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE %' Nottingham Lace Curtains 50 to 30 in. wide â€" 3 andSJ yds. loug â€" white, well finished lace. Floral, Medallion au, AUover design, aud styles fof any roomd Prices from 50c to $4.50. Wallpaper ! Wallpaper ! We have our Spring supply of Wallpaper in and without a doubt we have somo pretty designs, and prices are right. No trouble to show you the paper, so when in town give us a call. Curtains, ^scrims and Marquisettes Plain Centres with insertion and lace, 3G in- wide in Ivory shade, snitahlG for any room . Price 50o a yard. Bungalow Net in Cream at 25c a yd. and In White at 50c a yd. â€" some pretty Ideaigns. Paint! Paint! Paint! We carry tbe Martin -Senour Paint 100 per cent. pure. Have you ever tried this paint? If not, why not? Once used, always used, A quart can 85c, a pint 35c. This paint dries (juickly but does not peel, David Laughliu, a Caledon farmer, was found dead in bed at his home. Deceased lived with his nephew, Cyrus McClure, who left him in bed wheu he went to the barn to do the chores. When McClure returned to the house he found that the old gentleman was still in bed and upon a closer investigation was horrified to tind that he was dead. He had been suffocated by gas fumes from a defective coal eSovB. Lau<,ihliii was about 55 yeai.s of age and unm arried. A Thirty Cent Railway The C.P.R. CompanyJmuBt be in dire finitncial 8traits,judging by a recent order issued by the headquarters staff in Toron- to. Beginning wi'h .April 1 the station hjre is closed upatuix o'clock p.m. each diiy and does not open again until next morning. This means a saving of thirty cents a day to the company at this sta- tion. But it means a vast deal more than that in inconvenience to the travell- ing public and financial loss in many ways. It means that the st.ttion remains ill darkness, no tickets can be sold for th9 night train, no baggage can be 'put on or off, no oxpres», perishible or other- wise, can bo secured by that night train. It means that travellers for surrounding points cannot take their usKgago home with them and will have to make a second trip to the station for it. iL)aly the ord- inary conductor'-s ticket can be purchased on the train with the usual percentage added and the usual, indi^'nation added of applying for the usual ten cent refund. There is a pretty intiignaiic population in this soction over the new regulation- This is not confined to Flesherton alone, t!ie order affecli.ig every citizen of the townships of Artemesia and half of O.s- p- ey. Perishable express ciming by night goes on to Owen Sound and returns; next day ; Saturdays it would not return until Monday. Farmers who wish re- pairs for implements cannot get them the same day if ordered by phone and bsgnage cannot be taken home with night travellers. These things will provoke strong pro- tests. On Saturday Artemesia Council heard of the now order and fotthnith passed aresolution condemning the ord- er and strong petitions of protest will be sent in to the RaiUvay Board, which it is hoped will have the effect of restoring the old ordor of things. The commercial travellors are also hit hard and are pu't- ing up a strong kick. The thing looks like a penny wise acd pound foolish in- novation. fiUNPOWDER PLANTS. Many Prtoautions Must Be Taken ta Avoid Acoidenta. Woricers la gunpowder plants vhen- gver a storm comes up adjourn to the watch houses surroundluK tbe plant proper and enjoy themselves till tbe storm Is over. idgbtning Is not the only danger dreaded In gunpowder plants, however. Metal Is dreadedâ€" its bard surface may caoso explosions â€" and hence on the workmen's clothes the buttons must all be of bone. Tha workmen's clothes must be pock- otless so that tbey may not carry toatchee or knives, and a workman, no matter how dondiffed bis tastes, most not wear tamed up trousers since in turnups grit is harbored, and grit In a gunpowder mill is as dangerous almost Ih all the buildings of these plantal not a nail head or any sort of iron ma- terial is exposed. The roofs, too, are made very slight, so that in the event ot an explosion they will blow off eas- ily. The doors nl! opon nuttvanl to make escape easy, and the plant is tiau- ally surrounded with a stream of wa» ter, into which the hands are trained to dire at the first sign of danger.â€" Gin< danatl Commercial Enquirer. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 am (ipenina up at once, a blacksniith- iug and woodworking bu.siness in Max- well, and am installing up-to-date wood- working niachineiy. It will be my en- deavor to serve tha putilic in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit pstron- aue. I wtiit yiiur work and will do it right. 7 -Vpril 17 OILCLOTH, LINOLEUM We have a good line of Hardware on hand. lu shelf and anj thing you need for Spring Sap Buckets and Sap Spiles aud Auger Bits. Suet Pads aud ctjUans, Single Harness, Tug Chains aud Trace Chains. CARPET, Are you going to do any carpeting this Spring ? If you are, why come to Karstedt's and see his display of Carpets m wool a yard wide. Tapestryâ€" and also a. good line of Rugs 'on hand in Velvet and Tapestry . ANY OF THESE ARE STILL AT THE OLD PRICES Oilcloth and Linoleum in 2 yds. and 4 yds. wide. If you are going to use any i yds. wide we have a piece of Scotch Linoleum that is a beauty, both in pattern and quality. Price 00c a sq. yd.' F. G. KARSTEDT Odds and Ends ^ [8< Pa^?ag;;^:g^^r,-ggg:g:rgs^ ARTICLES FOR SALE The latest grafonola records for N'eedles 20c per 3(M). The Advance. sale. The Durham Furniture Co. wish to an iiounce to the public that they are pre- pared to do custom stwiag at their mill at Ceylon. Sawina to be don u early in the Spring.â€" The D. F. Co. Ltd For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feveisham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R . J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale j cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, I Wills and all other lugal blanks. Any I requiring suoh will find it to their inter-, eht to give him a call, -. â€" -â-  _ - .-^ For sale cheap and on easy torms, Lot 13, oou. 11, Osprev, 110 seres. This is a mm ul.iss farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton MISCELLANEOUS Painting and paper-hanging done. Agent for Empire wall papers. â€"Harry Carrington, Flesherton. 1 May CHE STER LONG Farm For Sale Good Stock Farm consisting of lots 158. 15'.), Kilt, 161. .'Jrd con. W. T. and S. R., .Artemesia. L^rgo, comfortable brick hou.stt and good barns, small orch- -•rd ; well watered. RICHARD WILCOCK, Flesherton Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 Cow duel.) calve .July 2 for sale, or will exchange for springerâ€" Alf Tiiistle- thwaite, Flesherton. For sale ar cxchanKO for heavy horto, one driving mare, rising 5 years old. â€" T. SLED, Flesherton. Help wanted â€" Two generals to go to Toronto to two edjoining homesâ€" mother I and daughter or two friends, or one maid for one homo ; easy pinces, every c invenience. Apply Advance ofiioe, For saleâ€" Good Timothy hay. .lohn ' Sloan, Proton Station. COCKSHUT DISC DRILLS Thurouuli cultivation of your Und. (.'.tretui selection of seed and a dcDe:.("a^le Seed Drill are 'he t hrHo essentials to good Crop-*. Every farmer realiz-s iliu ioiportinco of tbe first two, but many overlook the third. Tlioro is just as iiinc:!i difference between different Drills and thv W"lH thoy do as lli f is V'''*''*'" various qualitji's of grain, Ciickshut Disc Drills are iiiaiW I'li Prluclpli-s proven cfirrect by many' years of actual »«rvii'e in the held. Tliey work witll, wear well and are easv on lioraes. Kvery working part is fitted with a larK" "il oup, so it get.s ample lul)ricati<m anil makes the Ciicksliut the caeie.sc running iJrill on the Market. We have a sjiecittl Cocksliut Drill IJooklet anil wil! be glad to (five you a copy on re(|uoiit, D. McTavish - - Flesherton. I NOTICE I ^ Now is the time to renew your buggies, etc. ^ \ Sherwin-WilHams Buggy Paint % I.s the best for this piirpo.se. A Varnish Gloss Paint of great durability. Especially adaptetl for outside exposure. . s». Double the life of your Vehicles by protecting them with good Paint â€" if t».W.P. didn't make good it couhhi't cover the earth. A Paiiit'or f'inish for every purpose. Any in- formation regarding Painting or Varnishing gladly furnished. Homeseekers Excursions R W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant FLESHEKTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT. ETorr Tuesdart March to October ••All Rail" Every Wednesday During Season NavigatioA "Graat Lakes Route'* Somewhere out on the prairiet where last year Canada'* Qrtatait Wheat Crop was produced there is a hosue waiting fer you. Ttta CANADIAN PACIFIC will take you there, give you all the information aboMt the b«^ place!), and help you to success. ll :t ti i; # I'artlculara from any Canadian Padflo Tloket Agent, or wrlt« W. B, Howard, Dtotrlct Pasaeilger Agent, Toronto. A $15 GRAFONOLA The Columbia people have produced a Grafonola which they sell at fifteen dollars. A MARVELOUS MACHINE For the money. Come in and hear it played, OTHER INSTRUMENTS AT ALL PRICES The latest patriotic records in stockâ€" "Keep flie Lome fiies burning' "Never let the old flag fall"â€" "Good Iticlt tc the boys of tlie Allies,'' etc AT THE ADVANCE OFFICE «>«»

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