n-rmr-^ â€" 'mtmmm April <! V.nCy T II E F L E S H K K J N ADVANCE TH ICn /fcci!»crton ^IDuaiicc All iidopendeiit newit|>a|H^r, publiKhed ever Thm«rl«y at tli' office, ColliiigwcMxl Stre"! FlMbertoii. Subscription price $1 iwranmiin wh«D paid inadvince ;?l..jO when not »o jMiid Silver -tMnfr rate!i on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly JW H. Thuruton- Edltc.i Letters From The In Khaki Boys A recent letter from L'eut. A. M. Thurston in Flaii(lt;r> i;ivoi tlio fiilluwirK (hrilliiic details of a couple of evenU : Did I tell you about a show we put rn i»ichlho28th ai d 2!lth Bat talioiiN early -on the H. in. of .Inn. :U. They have been back in rest alnioit ever since, but yeeteiday I me' one of the 28th boy«, whom I knew ijuite wel', I'le. AndrevH. He was in tliat row and got a D. C. M for Itâ€" he's eaineJ it many limes. He told me Noniething I htdii'i heard before. Just as the 2Hth party of :<U men or fo Mt the Hun trenches to come b.ick to our lines a machine |$un opened upn short distance domi the Oerniaii line aud around a curve, where they had 'i clear sweep at the "tp in our wireD, you iM* how they hid our felluwi-^ A piivate was pi.s.viiiga wounded ser- geant over the ptrxpet, and the tiiHt swish of bulleta cut acrosN his hand and the sergeantâ€" well ho isn't ^<>in^ h:ick to (janada. Juat at thit instant Andrews saw it coming â€" a dull rod streak cutting through the air in a K(!»:i'ful curve. It came dowu at a terrific rale- one of our <(*J'8, straiKht for the Hun line. There was » thud which no one heard, then Andrews sayf, a loir above all other noise, and the machine gun ttopped. There wasn't any yuii then, and there wasn't any crew; uoih iig but <i hole- and the rest of the feilows got back safely. You see, the machine gun was firing jntotthe gap in the wire, only lOOyarda away, which our fellows had to go throusch t'j get back, Andrews Hays it would have jnowed theui down. Of course it was pure luckâ€" 00 one deserves any spec al 4;redtr, but the point is, that the gun «rent up about two seconds after it started when it had only killed oiic man instead •of twenty live. The Hunt tried a hi', le bombing party of 20 men on one of our trenches Ahis week. Poor fillowh! â€" our sentiy 'Mw thenitirst, and his whole platoon «tanUing to uii the fire step, with their hands full of gienades and rifles and bay- onets, ready. Just when the Uui.'S got to our wire the grenades tlew amoug them. The official report merely says "The attack was reDuUod." Yep it wits, lul how it was repulsed and *,he rrsult of its being repulieJ wa.s more iiitetciting, I saw part of the result outside our wire the next day thiou;{h a periscope. Another part is back in ii prisoners of war camp in France or England, another ,()art our fellows buried, niid another part «iust be in German hospitals. If any got back unwounded it's merely another case of the Lord helping those that help them- 8elves--or some of them. We lost one manâ€" that ii, the CmadianH did. Well, I mutt close. There's a mou.so here with a bad cold. D d you over hear them cough! Monthly Report Flesherton Public School -till CliPR - K .UcVicar, K Duvis, U Cargo, O Mitchell, J Adiui.s, K Bojd, W Heard, V Shunk, 8 McTavish, J Ueid J Wilson, ti Dudgeon. .fr. .'!- K Kerris, H Lo(!fiid, I. lluskin V Lever, F llichardson, O lA'ver, R Lever, U Mcl.eod. Jr. :r H Goldhawk, M MuTuvish, W Lever, J Stafford, G Blakely. K U.tewell U Tiueuian. Sr. 2â€" () &lathewsou, |{ Boyd, J Karstedl, (' McTavish, V Wilson and H Cnrriugt'ii (e<|ual,) F Maihewsnn and L McMullen (ei|Ual,) J Ctrrtneton. Jr. 2â€"1 Lever, G Lever, O Fisher, D Colgan, K Feiris, L Cargo, N Shunk, W Carringtoii, H Wyvill, A Fie'u, A Norris, M Nuun, E Truoinun. Sr. 1â€" E Dudgeon, L Blakely. A B Stewart, K Bowler .1 Colgan, C Louclis, W Black, (1 Goldhawk. Jr. Iâ€" A Hergoit, K Mc»iul!en, G Wyvii:, K McDonald, T Wilson. Class A â€" K Bent ham, E Ferris, L Lever, V Thistli thwaite, T Shunk, M P*tttn, K Bowler, 11 Bi-hadson, M Teeter. NEITHER DO WE We don't bi'B what the people c^f Ci > â- da arc thinking abinit, wliuii they il> n t put H i|uick ending to tl.u pro-Gcrn im propigaiola of such, men as Pastor Hut- sell, whose etf'iils are now hcin.{ used to prevent recruiting for overseas service. On several occasions of late he has been denied the iir'vilegu of ppi-akintr in (Jiil:- lic, but a mere denial is nut i<i iig far enough . The interforenoe with recruit- ing now, whi-n the country is calling for men and more men, to s'anip out the Prussian military spirit, is nothing' short of treason, and men like Pastor Bussell should be arrested at sight and put in a safe place of keeping till the eud of the war. He has iio right to interfere wi'li our but^ines,s,8nd shttu'd be IwindleJ with- out gloves. He'll not carry out his plam very long before he runs up iigiii.st sonic- thing to interfere with his health, c )nifoil atid impudence. It's bid i nough to tol- erate such people in times of peac--, and in times of w.ir they should keep i( He- and keep out of danger. â€" Durham Chronicle. ,"»v, â- », ^. .„â- »>â- â- . 'ri.,.-T--..-^-..,-T-....-<r...-«r,„.-y-...-'>-,.,.'^.,.-y-„.-y-....-<r..,.7^.,..-y„-y:.^<r..::y'-...-y-^ yr/^.^/.^u1.^./^^r.v.Vi^^^^â- «^?gwsw:^v^^ II iv. Will. Bjrns a veteriii MeteoJiet minister, and a former Prcsid nt, of ihe Bay of Quiute Conference, died, aged 88. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring House Furnishins New Arrivals Thiis Week : FLOOll OIL CLOTHS- STAIR OIL CLOTHS -:]ft., 18in. 4ft. and 22^in. Weekly Report Flesherton High School Form 2â€" Scienceâ€" R Hargrave 88, tV. Latimer 86, C Porter Wi, U Dingwall 85, A Allen Hi, S Murray 80, h i'arslow 7!t, iMaurice WiiKht 77, E Caswe!! 70, A "NVinteis 75, U Moiton 74, E Acheso D7.'i> it Uutledgo 72, AGialiani70, fj Lever m, K Bentliam«4, V Finley CO, W WiJiMmson 51), It Willimnson 58, M Actttmin 53, D Piltoii 50, P LiGard 48, H Moore 4(5. II (Jaswell ;i5, M Wright .'il. Form 2, Graniinar- A Winteis 8fi, A Allen 85, B MeVicar 8H, R Haigiave S.'l, .E Bcnlhsni 81, E Acheson 81, R Caswell â- Ml, M Ache8on78 S Murray 75. C Poller 75, K Rutledge 76, E Caswell 74, l< Dingwall 7:5, VV Williamson 72, H Morton 72, P LsGaidOS, E Pirslow (57, L Levir (i7. V Finloy (.(1, M Colgan 64. M Heaid CO, W LuliinerdO, A (iiaimm (id, .Maur ce Wright 5!l, il WilliamsiHi 52, M MVrij{ht49. DPatton41, H Moore 40. ^omi 2. Wilting â€" M Aoheson 41, M Heard :», E I'aislow :»7, A Winters ,'(6, C Porter ;15, A Gishain :M,B McViiar ;)4, M Wright :U, M Colgan 'M, K ISsntham :!.3, R Morton 3;i, V Finley a2. L Lever W Litinier :U, E Aoheson :U, S Muri-ay 'JO, R Ru'ledgo:W, 1» I'atton 2«, R Har- grave 2», E Caswell 2!>, A Allen 28, M Wright 2(), W Williamson 26, R Caswell 24, R Williamson 24, H Moore 22, 11 Dingwall 21, P Legard 20. Special One Way Fares lo Pacific Coast Points, Daify until April 14. Those coiitumpl.iling a trip to Pncilic C;oa.«t points, including Victoria, B. (' , â- Vanc.uver, B C, Seittle, SVish., P...t- land. f»io., should con.su't (,'aniilian I'l- cific Ticket Agen's for partictiUrs of lov .farofc in jffeo? dtily un'il .\|iril 14. Honor Rolls Repot of S.S. No. 7, for Muruh. Sr. 4 â€" K WilliHmsin,J Dow,J Russell. Jr. 4--F fdiver, A Gilchiist, R Muir, E Muir. Sr. :$- B Watters, A Parslow. Jr. ;f-S Whyte, R J Turner, A Dow. Sr. 2 M Muir, M Paralow.E Walters, M Gilchiist, F J Vause, (J Oliver. ?r. Iâ€" Peter Dow. Pr. aâ€" CCook,J Meads, M McDonald. Pr. câ€" Alice Whyte. Report of S.S.N'o.4,Arteinet'ia, March. Sr. 4~ E Stiiison.L Locklmrt.A Irwin, T Irwin. Jr. 4â€" S Ludlow, A Lockhart, O Slin- son, R Acheson. Jr. ;!- E Stinson, S Acheson, M Nich- olls, L NieholU. Sr. 2- E Nicholls.R Stevens, V Moore, B Heard. Jr. 2â€" P Bsdjero, J Baojero. 1st clas.sâ€" I Lockhart, M Acheson. Pr.â€" E Moore, E Gal'augher, K Ga'- laughcr, S Acheson. -Teacher, C.O.BINNIE. Riport -)f Kimber'ey Public school, senior division, for the month of March. Class 5-H Walter 8:{, V Lewis 72, R McNiven 71, E Burritt 54. Sr. 4 I Walter 8(i, L .Stmrl 74, H Wallace (iO. Jr. 4 â€" E Harris 71, L Hutchinson 6(i, M Fawcett 60. Sr. :{-M Stafford, B Carruthers, U Mct'onoell, A Burritt. Report of junoir division of Kinberley Public School for March. Jr. .'l-Rilph Stafford, R Stafford, E Lawrence, C Fawcett. Sr, 2â€" L Abercro-nbie. B StafTord, F Ellis, J Lewis, W Wallace. Jr. 2 -DStuRit. M Siuart, T Mc Connel, J Ellis. Class 1 â€" A Weber, E Cornfield I Class Câ€" N Abrocronibie, B McCo;.- I nell. Ici'issB-E McConnell, F Smart, W Flood, M Flood. Repnrt of S. S No. .'!, Osproy, Match, .Ir 4 â€" A Winters, Biikcy. Jr. 3- P Winters, G Campbell. Jr, 2â€" M Campbell. Jr. 1- B Ring, A Hayef, E Campbell, Winters. â€"Teacher MARGARET CAMPBELL ii[ iiiRnis. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheal !W (0 1 00 Oars :i8 to ;<8 F>oa« 1 2n to 1 (K) Barley 50 to .53 Ituckwheat (io to 70 Flour «:< 25 tor; 75 Hay ill2 00 to 12 00 Butter 27 to 29 Eggs, fresh 20 to 20 Potatoes per bag 1 00 to 1 25 Geese Lt to 11! Ducks 14 to 14 Fowl 11 to 11 Chickens i:<to i:i TurKeys 20to 20 6in. and Oft. wide- wide. OIL CLOTHS and LINOLEUM RUG SURROUNDS 22^in. and 36in. wide. LLNOr.F.UMS in.'} DIFFERENT QUALITIES 'j yards wide. TAPESTKV RIGS and St^l'ARES 2*x2i, 2ix3, 3x3, ;}x3i 3i4. JAPANESE M.\TTINGS 36in. wide. .lAr''ANESE MATS AXmINSTER RIGS WILTON RUGS TAPESTRY MATS BUNGALOW NETS WHITE IVOR I and ECRU, 30, 36 and 45 inches wide. L\CE CURTAINS and SWISS MUSLINS ART SATEENS and CRETONNES. ALL REASONABLY PRICED New Wall Papers and Window Shades Brandram- Henderson English mixed paints and Varnishes. F. H. W. HICKLING $t; ^^ ' ^^: yg gggg!g g gSg ^ ' 'y-y^ ^'^ '^^gg!! gS g ^ ^^ Mortgage Sale OF nOTEU PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE of FLESHERTON. Under and by virtue of the powers of a.ale contained in a ceitain mortgage which will be produced at the time and place of sale, there will le otferad for sale by public auction on the piemises hereinafter mentioned, on Saturday, the 29th day of Aqril. 1916 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following |;ropiity, namely: LotNuiiibef Five on the north-west side of Durham street in the Village of Flesherton, in tha County of Giey, according lo p'an of subdivision of lot 150 in the first range touth-west of the Toronto and Sydenham Roid in the Township ol Artemosia, ttigether wm li the rwht, title and interest of the M 1 1 gagors and Mortgagees in the Imiis lying between Lots numbers Four and Five on the north west side of Durham street in the laid Village of Fleslierton, according to slid plan. This property is known as Ihe T'lik House in the Villa«e af Flesherton, and upon it is erected a three-storey, sidid brick hotel, 42«60, with sample rooms, dining room, kitchen, sitting looins and eeveiileen bedioonis, also a good uellnr. There is alio a table ou the preiiiises 42.t70, with giio.i stone foundation. TERMS-Ten per cent, of the piir- chaso money to be paid lo the vendor or his scdicitors at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter without without interest. For further paiticulars and conditions of sale apply to -WUIOHT* TELFORD, Vendor's Solicitors, Owen Sound, '>:it. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH 1 Office and Residenceâ€" 468 9th St. East Owen Sound, Oat, Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a. m, 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. Euwlish will be in Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday afterno iuk of each week. r In the Fifth Division Court in the county of Grey â€" Between WESLEY BUSKIN, Primary Creditor, ABRAHAM McM ASTER, Primary Debtor, And R CLABK, It, (iENOE, CJ. MA- GEE hiuI .). PARLIAMENT, Garnishees. To Abraham M"Master. the above niiii.ed Primary Delitor, -Tiike notice tfiai. ihia action tias been brouuht against you by the aliovri named Primary Credl tor to recover the sum (f |I57.95 whereof 94'.) 75 is balance of a promissory note made hy you, and the sum of 18.20 is the ainouiu for goods sold and delivered to you. And take notice that il is alleged in the said action that the above named (Jarnishees are indebted lo you in several sums and that the said indebtedness is liable to lie attached to answer the claims of the Piimary Creditor in this action, And take no. ice that by an nrdnr insde by His Honour .ludgn Widdilisld on the en the 29ih day of March lOKi, it wis ordered that s'^rvise of the summons in this action might be effected upon you tiy serving a copy of same and of the said order upon Itohert McMaster, and by p<iblishiiig u ixilioe of the said kuiiiiiioiis in one issue of the Klesheiion Advance. And take tu>tice (hat if you desire to enter any dispu'e or defence lo this action you are rupiired lo do to under the pro- \i^ions of llie Dlwiiot.al Courts Act. Dated Mnich .'iOlh 1910 Wii^ht iV: Telf.ld. O'.vcn 8 und, Onl. Solieiioia for tlie I'limury Cretlit' r. SPRING TERM g at the ^ OWEN SOUND, DNT. JOpens Monday, April 3rd '916^ Students are iidinitte and time W|g The young women should liegin.^ ^to mnko proparitions at once toj^ ^till the places of the ollice >n«"ri ^ivho have enlisted. fff Swrite for Particulars^ isK^ and Circular*. ^ S? C. A. VLKMINO, F. C. A., ^ ^ Principal, gip ^G. D FLEMING Secrotary.^yJ! )^ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO ^ A Business School I That successful »choul whose graduatei occupy pr.iminent po- sitions from the Ailant.c to the Pacific, re-open« for the FALL TERM September 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal » CoUingwOud, Ontario. A The Old Adage The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equally, true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try cue anil be convincetl chat there is none better. Property For Sale Part lot 151, con. 2. N.E. T.& S. R. containinK 28A acres, about 1 mile from Flcshertoii. There is a good frame house and sUble ^and the property is well fenced and watered. Apply to .loseph A. LeGard, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line ot JVlcCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drills, I ultivatois, Plows, Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers. Hay torks. Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL |Agcnt, Ceylon, Ont. gjaaBa^ CnrLruS ;-j A^epresentative Wanted at once for FLESHERTON ANU DISTIUCT KOH The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries F.irmors! Why reuoun idla all winter when you can take up a paying agency/ Choice list of varieties for sprin? planting. Liberal terms. Ilandsoine free outfit. Exclusive Territory. Write now for particulars. II i 7ssiisssp.ssz^i^;^ssss^sssssspssss;ss£ Flesherton Tin Shop. 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on lue and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Stone & Wellington I TORONTO - ONTARIO I ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. Oeehng Implements il This famous make of iinploinents is well known all over the countiy and their own uood work is the best rocnm- inendntion they can receive. If you rei|uire anythimi in the line of Hinders, Mowers, Seed DrilU, Cultivaiors, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sleighs, WaaKon--, Oream Separators. HarrowH. Uollei.'.. Cutting Iloxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline e'j giiiee, Sawinx outfits, etc , tjivo us a elianee lo (|Uii|e pricoi;. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton AND Gasoline Engines' All kinds of Ueering Implements. Parts always on hand. At;ent fur Darrie Cutters. Barber Buggies, Louden Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar i-hiiigles and siding. These Implements require no recommendation as they ate standard ui'ods and rec.>t;ni/.ed as the best on the market. FUriTTUEES^I represent the Ston & Wollinntin luir.-tery, and will be ploascci lo call if you send me a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON M ONTARIO, t II FlesHeption «f^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction L.\UN DRY- Basket clo.sea Monday ni^lit, delivery Friday evoniig CLEANINO Riul DYElNti- We ar ai^eiits for Patkei's Dye Work? â€" Clothes cle:mod niul dyeil, feathers rojuvenat d T FISHER,. -PROPRIETOR Seed For Sale l). A. C. No. 72 Oats, the heaviest yielder in Ontario Seed perfectly clean and good quality. Also the celebrated Marquis Spring Wheat . Oat-i 76o per bush., wheat 81. .5U per bu.sheL - -J. A. KERNAHAN, Maxwell, Ont. Bull For Service For service.â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No. 6422. Aberdeen An^u", on lot 34, 9th concoss- on, Artome.sia. Terms, $1.00 if paid before Ut Jan. PJIo.- \V. J. M.i:Jee. Vlay 16 â- r. ' t • • t . > « .1. ^Y J j: • « X I • < t