July 2 1914 THEFLESHERTON ADVyNCE I S- BUSINESSCARDS WB WRIGHT, TRLFORD A McDONALD Hrnn*r, Solicitor*. &c. Offlcen, trev * Broc Block, Owoo Bound. 8 ^i r $.'S?. 11 Block, FlMberton. (8tiirdv). W.H. Wright, W V 'rellord J--.,J.C. McDonI4,L,. u B. SOCIETIES O U W WMti ou h ! Mondj ,o A month, in tb.lr loag. room * P t ARTHUR LODQB, No. !US. _ JJ. mtt in tht llMOoicl.ll. Arm tron<. Hlock.KlMberton, er T J-riday ou or before the full mocn Herb Smith, W. H.; C'liM. Munl)4W. HK-/etry. , O. tv of tb month. pHOSEN v c ONTARIO FOR WHITNEY Province Gives Government Ma- jority of Fifty-Seven. Overwhelming Support of Cnsrva- tlve Administration and Its Poli- cies la Voiced t Polls Con*erva. lives n<- l-Xghty-Three/ Seats mi. I l.ili.-rxK i AV.'IIU -Si\ - Hon. Dr. l!. mini. Defeated. Haldlmand Dr. W. Jacques. . Hal ton A. W. Nixon ...... . . Hamilton, Wwt Col. Hendrie Hastings, Ea*t A. Grant. . . . Hastings. North R. J. Cooke Hastings, West J. W. John- son ................... Huron, North A. H. Musgrove Huron, South H. Eiber ..... Kenora H. A. C. Machin. . . . Kent, West O. W. Sulman.. Kingston Dr. A. E. Rosa... Lambton, East J. B. Martyn I.anihton. West W. J. Hanna Lanark, North R. F. Preston Lanark, South F. W. Hall . TORONTO. June 30. After a 174 163 320 Ace. 15 1,466 13 847 75 039 eud. meet. In p. itr urt "j *" w~ - I*,...* T. hlakelev; Recorder W. H. Boot tcrrtec at re.nble made t The AdTance. rate*. 009 DtUt co be MEDICAL bard contest. In which tbe province evinced more enthusiasm on both sides than for many years, the voters of Ontario returned Sir James Whit- ney .to power with a majority of fifty-seven seats. The latest returns indicate that the standing in tbe new House will be as follows: Conservatives '. . ~ 83 Liberals 26 Labor 1 Independent (Kvanturel) ...-.'. 1 Total Ill The ptanalng in tbe last Legisla- ture was: " Conservative 85 Liberal 19 Leeds J. R. Dargavel ....... 450 Lennox T. G. Camcallen . . . . 183 London Sir Adam Beck ..... 1,496 Manitoulln R. R. Oamey. Middle/sex. Kant J. McFarlan Muakoka S. H. Armstrong.. Nipisslng H. Morel Labor . Vacant ( Prescott ) B OfBec and r<iDc-P f p OTTEWELL L-u^'o^v-U.^ con... iT.'r d r e *.t7..t iMO Tbi. .t.t ran. -outb l-refcfterin Cbareb, DENTISTRY LEGAL' i l .*,. ."iV * hBXIlY-Barrljrter.. Solicitor.. eic.-l. H. I^ucM, K^ C..JW. e UCA8, C BUSINESS CARDS * YOUNG Bankeri Xlarkdale oeral banking boiinen. Money loaned reasonable rater Call on ui. Total ................ ... 106 One Minister of the Crown was de feated in the person of Hon. J. O Reaume, Minister of Public Works who lost tbe convention nomination In the new riding of Windsor and ran as an Independent Conservative. The straight line candidate, O. E. Fleming, was defeated and tbe seat 330 398 928 400 164 Norfolk, South A. C. Pratt. . Northumberland, East Sam Nesbltt 700 Ontario. Nortfe W. H. Hoyle 373 Ontario. South C. Calder... 186 Parry Sound J. Edgar 600 Peel J. R. Fallls 619 Perth, North J. Torrance... 600 Perth, South J. Bennowels. 200 Peterboro, East J. Thompson Port Arthur D. Hogarth. 500 200 608 Rainy River T. A. Mathleu . . Renfrew. North E. A. Dunlop Renfrew, South T. W. Mc- Garry Ace". St. Catharines E. Jessop. . . . 1,200 Sault Ste. Marie W. H. Hearst - 735 Slmcoe, Centre .A. B. Thomp- son 230 Slincoe, East J. I. Hartt. ... 800 Slmcoe, South A. Ferguson. . 600 DLL WAS RECORD ONE Many Ridings Report Heaviest Vote In Their History. sir Adam Belc Secure* Biggest Majority In Hts Career, M Doe* Col. Hendrie In Hamilton Gu- tave Evanturel Surprises Province Supporter of Carter In Guelph Drops Dead From Excitement. TORONTO. June 30. The vigor ith which the election was fought hroughout Ontario yesterday Is at- ested by the fact that the vote was erhaps the heaviest ever polled in he province. From fragmentary re- orts now at hand records for high percentage of votes cast were made n nearly every riding. Gustav Evanturel, who app-iled rom the condemnation of the Legis- ature to Iris constituents, comes back. He headed tbe poll In Prescott. defeating both Liberal and Conser- vative candidates. Mr. Evanturel's re-election came as a big surprise. He returns to the 'Legislature as an Independent. In Toronto the troll* was exceptlon- ally large and the Tory metropolis re- peated what it has done for years returned a complete Conservative slate. The new faces in tbe Legisla- ture from Toronto will be Wm. H. went to Rev. J. All the other C. Tolmie. Ministers were re- elected with Increased majorities. Tbe Liberal party shows a net gain of five seats In the old constituencies, and won three out of seven of the new constituencies. Tbe actual Conservative gains are: South Bruce, Haldiinand, East Lamb- ton, South Ontario, and North Went- Simcoe, West- Stormont R. -J. S. Duff. T. Shearer. 800 100 worth 5r The Liberal gains are; NortJb Brant, South Brant, North Essex. South Essex, North Middlesex. Hast Ottawa, West Ottawa, West Peter- boro, Prince Edward, and South Wellington 10. j vl orla ; North The new constituencies which went' Conservative are: Niagara Falls. Sudbury C. McCrea 600 Tlmlskamlng T. Magladery . 450 Toronto, N.E. "A" R. A. Pyne 1.700 Toronto, N.E. "B" M. Irish. 1,000 Toronto, N.W. "A" T. Craw- ford 2.129 Toronto, N.W. "B" W. D. McPherson 2,393 Toronto, S.E. "A" E. W. J. Owens 2,641 Toronto, S.E. "B" T. Hook 2.598 Toronto, S.W. "B" J. J. Foy. 3.546 "B" G. H. 3.879 Toronto. S.W. Gooderbam ............. Toronto, ParMale W. H. Price ................. 656 Toronto, Rlverdale Jos. RUB- 1.961 Dr. R. M. MaBon DMcFHAlI.. LlernMJ Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Ternii moderate aud tit action uranK-ed. Tbe arrangement* i lt of ..! can be made a'. TBB ADVANCE ftBc. K.i<Uue aud P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. WM KAITTISd. Licented Auctioneer foi tbe countiei of Urey and Hlmco*. Farm and Stock tale* a specialty. Ternii oiixlerale. natinjactlon guaranteed. Arraum- oieulN for dali may be made at the Advince afBec or Central telephone oliice revertbam or by addreuing me at FeveriUau). Out. Bull For Service 1'ure bred uliorihorii bull, Kiiipi-r^r, W,r>:J7, fn- service .n lot Hi?, W.T. S.U., Artcmesia. Tenrtt tl-50 for gndM|93 for thoroughbred*. All cows servi'ul must be paid for. Miir. H. V'"'-, Proprietor. DIVISION COURT 1914 FLKSIIKKTOX AND 1)!M)\I,K Klfhrrti>ii Apri 15 DunJ:ilh In"'' .17 Kit-^'iiTtoa <>ct. 14 Conservative are: Niagara *aiis. victorl a . south John Carew. 700 Rlverdale (Toronto), Parkdale (To- Wat< . rloo North C. H. MI1U 1.000 ronto), and South Victoria. Waterloo! South Z. A. Hall. 890 Thp in-u rnnRt II nenrieR which wont . ^ ^.i onft The new constituencies which went Liberal are: Cocbrace, Lincoln and Windsor. One Of the most surprising events of the election was tbe return by the electors of Presrott of Gustave Evan- turel, the discredited Liberal who was Sharpe 800 Wellington. West W. C. Chambers 15 Wentworth, North A. F. Ry- kert Wentworth, South J. T. H. Rull For Service K.T .-"rvici!. lUrmi II. illy N. A 1 ! 'l>-"ll . \lr-U-. nil ."I .!!. '' Il i imi, An. 'in. M.I. Terms, ."Lou MaylS KOAK H)k SI-RVlCli if ' - \M 1 1 .">.>! . T.-rniK ?l. L it 4'J, <:,,o. . Ait Vurksliiiv li mr, \ \ IIKNKV li'rl.MAN 500 350 235 Ace Regan Vork, East G. S. Henry.... York. North T. H. Lennox.. York, West Dr. F. Godfrey. . IJIJKRALS. HI-:. nt. North Scott Davidson Brant, South Jos. H. Ham . . . (Bruce, North W. McDonald. Bruce, West- C. M. Bowman u'ochrane MacLang Kssex. North -S. Ducharme.. I Kssex. South L. P. Wlgle. . . jtllengarry Hugh Munro ... : Huron. Centre W. Proudfoot Kent, Kast W. R. Ferguson Lincoln--'!'. Marshall 25" (Middlesex, West J. C. Klltptt 700 '.Middlesex, North T. It. At- kjuson i i J i i_.i ....... 1>268 !?7ortumDerTftaa>j ^Vest S Clarke 155 34 350 600 50 100 120 Ace 316 400 Cargoe, Knoll Trueman, Orrell Fisher, Alb'e Fields. Sr. 1 to Jr. 2 Jack Km-.ste.li (h,)Har> old Bel !umv(li,) John Ciirrington(h,)Lillian McMullen(h,)Rt)2i{ie Boyd(h,)Ethel Wat- son (h,)< iiive Matbuwion,Freda Mathev- son, K\ ad.i Wilson. seriously injured on Sunday. He had gone out for u walk with his grandfather, Promotion Examinations. H denotes honors Sr. :5 to 4 R. N. Cornfield.(h) Frank Bunt (h) Clarence Fisher. Mabel Field, Kene Cargo, Violet Watson WM. Ann- strong, Mabel Richardson. Jr.3 to Sr. 3-Katherine McVicar (h) Willie , he f our . yeai .. ld son of Mr, George Mitchell, Ernest Davis, Kendall and Mr w . A. Pringle, Toronto, was Boyd, Gladys Dudgeon, Urquhart Shunk Ste wait. McTavisb. Recommended Jean Reid, Jim Witon, w w . E |i igf a ,,,j ^ ,i, ey were VIM mg Roy Patton, Edward Lever. Mf A g McAithur's shop he touched 8r. 2 to Jr. 3- Bert McLeod, Gladys t , ith hig hand a ^ of harroW8 w hich L:ver, Flossie Richardson, Yera I. ever, H.u-iy LeGard, Ruby Lever. Jr 2 to Sr 2 Edna Ferrii.Lillun Bus- km. Hilda Goldhawk, .Inn Wright, Wi!fied Lever, Mamie McTavuh, .)mie .S ..tr.H.i. Harry Cmrington, Gordon BUMy, Ed'. Ottewell. ROOM ;{. n in older of merit. ClusO. to B. Gjr'don Wjville, Mur r y WiitHon. CUss B. to A. Class Wesley Bellamy, Teddie McDonald. Class A to Jr. 1 Ethel Dudgeon, Margjerite McLeod, Gordon Goldhawk, Annie Teeter. Bessie Stewart, Luella were hanging at the front. As he did to they fell, knocked him down and fell on him, one of the teeth piercing his neck near the rase of the skull to a depth of two inches. Mr. Ellis quickly te- ' moved the harrows and carried him to the Queen's Hotel, where he received medical attention. He is now making good progress t wards recovery. Beeton. World. Four NOVA Scotia counties voted to- repeal 'he Canada temperance act and | put into effect the Nora Scotia ace, a much more drastic temperance measure. Price (Parkdale), Joseph Ruasell jBlakeley, Delia Fisher. (ez-M. P.) (Rlverdale), Mark Irish (Toronto. N.E.), and Thomas Hook (Toronto, S.E.). All, both new , i to o r 1 Ktei Fp,.,i oo i J ' 1 ' , l * e '" s and ! Nuhn(h), Ida Lever (h),Alhe Norri Bull for Service American bred Here _. old memtprs, bad ample majorities. {Nelson Shunk (h), Mai jorie Dudgeon (h), David Colgan (h), Hzel Wyville, Louie M Thoroughbred 16 ford bull ior service on lot 151. 2nd W. T. and S. R., Artemesia. Terms $1.50> read .Hit of .lie national episode parly after the sen- ol last session and Ottawa, Kast J. A. 1'inard.. Ottawa, West C. C'.. Htirdman Oxford, North N. W. Kowell (Oxford, South T. R. May- berry ll'eterboro, West G. A. Oilles- ple Prince Kdwurd N. Parlia- ment Itu.ssell -1). Racine Sim-neon KtillH /. Mugfuu . . . \VellliiKton, Kast -U. Uichard- son \\Vllliinton, South S. Carter. 493 Sir Adam Beck Breaks Record. LONDON, Ont., June 30. Sir Adam Beet was accorded a record majority by the electors of London yesterday, defeating Dr. W. J. Ster- enson. Liberal, by 1,496 votes. Sir Adam received 4.353 votes, Dr. Stev- enson 2,857, and John D. Jacob*. Labor candidate, tbe third man In the contest. 416. Tbe Minister of Power was given an acclamation in 1911, while In 1908 his maporlty over J. M. McEroy, K.C., Liberal, was 1,404. The total number of votes poll- ed yesterday was 7,626. There were 12,060 names on the voters' lists. Carter Supporter Drops Dead. GUELPH, June 30. . The Liberal temperance workers of this city held a big celebration last night in honor of the election of Sam Carter. Tbe majority was somewhere In ihe neighborhood of one hundred, prob- ably a little less, which was some- what of a surprise eren to his most confident supporters. John Black, an aged retired farm- er, of Extra street, this cHy, could not stand the excitement consequent up- on the result of the elections. He was in Samuel Carter's committee rooms when It was announced that) Mr. Carter was electee', and without a moment's warning he fell over on the floor and died. Death was due to heart failure. Kingston Swept By Kotui. KINGSTON, June 30. Dr. A. E. Ross (Con.) defeated Aid. T. F. Har- rison (Lib.) in yesterday's contest by a majority of 1.466. The major- ity was a great surprise to both sides. All day long It was believed Dr. Ross would have a majority of about 600, but not one of the supporters of Dr. Ross dreamed of such a majority. Ross polled a majori'y in every sub- division In the city an ', at the village of Portsmouth MS well,. llMiiulixii (tin UN Favorites. HAMILTON, June 30. In th West riding, Col. Hendrie polled the cash. -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. Just a Few Words, Mr. Farmer! Vou have been thinking of buying a "MELOTTK" SEPARATOR for the past two or three years or perhaps you did think about it once but were persuaded into taking some other make, guaranteed "juat as good and not half the price." Every month the "Melotte" is replacing scores of these "just as good" machines. If you have never used a Cream Separator, don't lie a "buck number" any longer. * If you are using some Imrd-tuiniin;, troublesome, top-heavy bowl sep- arator which is cvusinx as much waste of valuable butter-fat as the old setting-pan or gravity system, throw it out and install in its place mon- ey-makerthe ''Melotte." Kememlier the "Melotte's Best Fiieml is its user. .Ask your neighbour and he will tell you the same. D. McTavish Agent FLESHERTON, ONT it Windsor .1. c. Tolmif I-AHOH. . l\utl;i>v Bull for Service 1'un- liiril -'!iotlln>l'll I'llll. A li.'ili'i<ll Fy\i.- s,o*i() forsuivi ...... i I .' L".I, S.S. I!.. A 1 1 1 inc-i i T.'i-'iis ?'l ."'I for ({imlu, \\n;- lur I C..WK ?:< IM. Pure lii'il T.umn'ipi 'h hcij fir sci-vird ill I 111' ill) iVi' l"t . Terms 81. M) f"i ill iniiii lU. Krvo 1 niu^l be | J,t iid for. \V. .1. Farm for Sale i;uu * clear ffolll Art- ill tiv i:J I to 1 :!_', KIM i:.i.-i< MM-, ia r .nl. i niiii,' l-!<i HCIVH: n,- d, .'!'. mil..'- li"n l''lesliorlon, .Muk I:ili:. (innil t'liii'llil. ll Ml"\ I'tnk litrn :iiiU n' In i liiiililni . siork furir. irelt watered, good well. \Minlinill, i'tc Apiily .n |irniiHe to Jncib A. Mulluy 1 .Inn- I'M I v. hu resigned his sent in the House. I "i- all the number of Independf candidates, teniji. -ranee, labor, social-! isl, and on,, ant i-l.-mppranee, who ap- Hamilton, bast A. Si peered on nomination day .only two outside of party lines were returned,' Prescott- Kvanturel and Allan Sitidholinn (Lab., i llaiiiilloi.) Tli, -re will h,! few change of im- porlune,' in tli-' p, rKonnel of the lions,.. Four l Mr. Kowt'H'ii follow- i 11 the lust Legislature were de at the pulls, munch: Dr. Me UtpEPBNDBXT. C. K.Viini irel .... HADN'T TISIK SAYS IUHVKLL. Ubeinl Leiuler IMeiiM-d, However, nt <.:i!ii- III tile House. WOODSTOCK. June HO.-- Mr. N. (ii li Txortli 1 Wenl'worlhY, '.\ieKsTi!. W. Kowell received the results of the \l. r.ir.niek (|-';IKI lamblon) Ander- election at the Woodstock Young ,-,, yesterday returned Win. Proud- FOII (Noi-ih Huron) Sin, lair (South Liberal Club rooms, and. interview-: f oo t with a majority of 316, an in- XI r. C. Kohler (Haldi- <J d laler ln ""' 8 nln i followiiiK stittetnent: It is gratifying to find 118 biggest vote of his career, receiving 120; a majority of 1,628 over Aid. Dr. JDavey, the Independent Liberal and 4 Temperance candidate, never seemed dangerous. 200 In Kast Hamilton the figures for . * Allan Studholme were 4,472 while 90 1 3,482 votes were polled for Controller 300 ! Thomas W. Jutten, the Conservative! 1,000! candidate, which gives the Labor can- didate a majority of 990, nearly 300 ', 437 more than he had in the Kst elec- ; 90itlon. 401 Close In Xorth Oxford. WOODSTOCK, Ont., June 30. 990 ' N. W. Rowell was yesterday re- elected in North Oxford, but his ma- f Jority of 560 received in 1911 was 3G9! reduced to 115. While the city gave ' R. K. Butler (Con.) a majority, tbe' country went strong for Kowell and the large city majority was overcome, giving tho Liberal leader a lead in the riding- I'roiulfont Ketiii-neil. liODKRICH, June 30. Centre Hu- retunied HARDWARE! Don't forget wo handle a tine line of Austria China -also Edge line and sprig white Por- celain and decorated glass. (In ininteetl pure English pans gre<'ii. Oulthvell's call nioul. Paints, Oils, window supplies. glasses and builders' Frank W. Duncan F.L E B H ox, ONT Ontario). that, C. Kohler (llaldi- 'niiiinl) did not go up for re-election. Tlie rhuiiKt'S on the Ministerial hide were much more exteiishe a few prominent Coii;-erv;itives ivm- .il voluntarily, and members llk( . Kanized llijuor mterests, we have im- Messrs. MeNaiiBhl l'i ek (West I'elerboro), (I'rinee Kdward), Oalna the , crease of 100 over his last election, am j had it not been for very Incle- not-! nleut W eather. which retarded 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE Norman (Tarry Sound), and l.blis (South Lanark), ui ii defeated by tho nominating c.on- veuiions. Among those rejected at the |iolln yesterday wen-: lion. J. O Iteaume, .Minister of I'uljlic Works; Messrs. Anderson, South Kssex; West brook, Nortli Hranl ; I!rew.';ler, South liraiit; ( 'hanipagne and Kills, Ottawa; and Sebollield, Soutli Well- lagton. I lie eleeled (;' lid ilia I e W itll their ap[ir<iximate niajot ilies are as fnlliiwa: the Y,'),' willistaiuiing the whole weight of t'i*'j country vote, it Is estimated his ma- ganlzed lldiior interests, we have im- T:U , urDan vote was tbe largest polled f North Tnrnniol Proved our position in llio House. 1)1 For the sake of the policy for which we were lighting 1 regret tliat our gains were not numerous. We were greatly handicapped by the short period we had to prepare for the election. It took up all our time to get candidates in the Hold. II for many years. "A (ihOUIOtS VICTORY." t HADE MARKS DE8|ON Copvniam s Ac. hunridcinrfi'' 1 e m n,llilrii- HflUpilODK "!i i .11 ii mi fc to. roccivc Ilia riu' C. K. .\1, J\"0ivn . dflB- ^r J. P. \Uiii M '>-. i . i Id by MUNN &C BTHIH Ii >,:: '-. :"> ! SI.. CONSERVATIVES. Addlng.ton v,'. n. r.lack .... Algiililli- A til -i : ........... Urn, k\ ille- A. I-!. lioiKH an . . linu-p, South v i>. Cargill. C.n I. IIMI K. il. .Mi Khn.v .... ' Dun li.il -liiiiii. Ka^l .1. .1. I'n-Hlon . Dtirliani. \V,--,I J. II. Pevltt, Blgln ! i'. A. Uros- ,!-. . . . \\. ; P. 0. UoDiat mi,l William C. \\ . Jarvls. . i n;n \. M. Itiinkiii .... (iri'iiville- (' II. !''< riiiiNiiu . . . Qrey, , ' ntre 1. I!, l.ncan. . . . Gr$y, North c. Ciimeron . . . . Grey, South D. Jainiehon. . . Maj, i 400 4uu 32B r, I x >; 1 :, SOI 1,000 7:i u i i Snys Sir .Inmes Whitney When Asked For a Statement. TORONTO, June 30. " "fwas a "I desire to thank tho electors of glorious victory just what I expect- the province who gitve \\a their sup- cdi waa tne hl . ic .f comment of Sir port, and particularly the large body j am ,, s \vbitney last night when ask- Ijj of volunteer VQrkera who have free- (H , lor a .statement for tho press, ly given of their nine in this con- T | lt , j. rlme Minister left his ofllce test. We have brought into the poll- caHy |n the a ft on , 00 .-. and received tiral affairs of the province a new the eleclion results at his home by spirit of public service, a ml bundreda l( , u , I)UOI1 - e . He followed the returns of nun who tune not hitherto taken from ( , ach congt |t u cnc.y wtih keen ill !.. il !:! l \'.:. . 1 . Il ." >1 ;:: sl , '".r*: 1 ' 1 . 1 :* 1 r"?*I ^^ and occasional expressions cf Flesherton Tin Shop ^- I have (tist placed on tho shelves a full line of Tinware, Kiekelwaiv and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me anil get your supplies. Ill i ! Eavetroughirig, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. IvYpaii'ing of all kinds promptly attended to. will undoubtedly do o in the future. sati;U .. u . Uoi but manifested no con- This is the guaramou of the ultnuatn cern Qt ^ (ime to , he outcolile !l !fl .silccesM. eeni at any time as to the outcome tf| lion Ho relire.l make a day. a y pronouuc.-.iu-ut last night. early and will probably tt electors ;. K. uu,- p.. : .iiion and policy, 5 r l m " ! ; l i " 1 ill not sip,';.k ut present." Beyond, tfiej ed, >lan.v Are PurtMitleBs, (,ll \\V.\, ,lnn,' ::n.~- According to :iu eilii'iiil import to the Lalior ll M'l'rilll aKPIlt, J. P. McNlven, who ted toe Hill-. Walklng inlo the. walling 10.11,1 ""'"''' ""'" '" M Cona-venturo Station :n Montreal an lour widowers, i inldren, lost linknown , nall s;bol himself Pipefittiog, includin ces installed. Furnaces. pump work. for Clan; Agent Ui-os .nni, ation tpresBlon .auoV however, Sir James declined to )i ht. \i : -'il stnleiuent to Hi i,- iiv, x. i -i I father) B a ch 1 1 ;M| at I>J nn Iki Ia ih "!!! D. McI^ILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO, 1 i iiefore lUdPDins ''''>'! '"' '''- pieced tbe weapon lu I. l&l?!^*!^!!