Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1914, p. 4

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-*--*-* V Julv 2 1014 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE TH K An imlependent newspaiwr, tiiiblixheil every 'mri<dy at ill'' nHii-r. Ci>llini(W<Kl >**ei, ,-sberton. Subucription pries ol rwnnu '*ii i>iit inaiK'tnce ;$l.. r >J wlu-n not f*U , Ivrrtiainir rates on application. CirtnUfUn 1.100 u .--kh . W M . Thurston- Editor Fleshcrton Methodist Churcli Rev. James Dudgeon, pistol-. Sunday July 5. \--\\ Sunday, 10 1. in. <li-- Meeting. Sunday Services 11 a. ro. only. The evening MTV i> tins saliUith will l>e withdrawn. Monday evening Epworth League at H !> in- Thursday evening Prayer Meeting. Newell Betts SUtute book. This nieaiK that tie Jc. rale will prevail s heietotore on papers' nut deliM-ied liy loiter currier, but whore letter currier dclivuiy is in t perntion, H -rj.ii itr charge, uf nut mure tl'nn 1 cent ' H copy will In- made fur the c'elivery of I newspapeiN l>y uarricr. This i-, under in marriage to j Scct '" 71 " f lht 1>>>n Oftico Ac', which Durham The ' l' rov ' ( ' es tnal an amount nut exceeding 1 Baptist Church R. C. Kerr. Ptor. >undy School 10 a . in. Service at 11 a m. An intfivhtinK and pretty Wedding took place nn \\eilneMlay, .luno 'Jl,;i' M \ o'clock, ut the home of the liride'H par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Betl*, Hock Mills, when their cecond dauat ler, U'ii t '] u .1. WIIH united Mr. Charles Newell of __ r wedding March w, played by Miss Jen- ' ce "' sh " 1<V P" d f " r ttle delivery of each me Hoy, while the bridal party enteied '>**pap '> <""' the parlor, where the ceremony was per- ! "A rex.-irds the |c. rnte,the law is thai f.u-med l>y Uev. Ft. C-Kerr. The bride's t"' 8 r *' J *'<*" be for each pound weight dress was ol cre>uii beaded blmddow luce ,"<' 'y fmctiou uf a pound woinht, that over pink mtiu, tlm veil heing h?ld in \ i, Jc. uat bo pud for eicli copy. The place liy a wreath .'f Grunge Ulossoms. '* &"<* t establish u bulk rate of post- She wore lie groom'* gifi,n pearl sun- [ 8 e . a "d this question of |c. for etch copy burst, and carried 'a boui|iu-t of primroses mint now be met. The whole question nd ferns, making H charming picture ' "f the conveyance of newspapers by post against a background of fenu and flowers ' will ''" hve to receive immediate con- A-, attended by her cousin, Miss Mae UinniiiRton of Maxwell, Aflt-r heartiest c 'nsiratulalions were extended all repaired to ihe dining room where supper was served. The bride was the cecipitent of many beautiful gifts. A number of guests from i distance attend- ded tlif wedding. sidertitii'ii. ' A. \V. THKOOl'SecieUry. Osprey Council Leggatt-Kernahan The marriage was solemnized on Tues- day iii'.mih.'. Juue 2;trd, at the home of the bride, Keversham, of Miss Daisy to The Municipal Council of Osprey met 41 Singhanpton on Stuiday, .lune 20. The meiubcis were all present. Miatitesof the Court of Revision and Minutes t>f last meeting weie rend and Adopted. (.oniiiiuiiicat-oii -. acct, etc. were read iron) Dept. of Public Works, regarding Highway improvements : Owen Sound General Marine Hospital, regarding Rose l>twsmi, a patient from Osprey : I'.rjis- try Office, South (irey, Acc't. fc-'.04, registration fee. by-law No. 590 ; Ja. Pott's acc't $5.80, service equalizing r. 8. S. Nn. '. N. &O.; petition of A. J. Conron aiid oi hers, asking the Conn ctl to co-operate in extending the pr:. t Act- ion of deer in Grey Cuunty for three years ; Isaac Trayiur, C'. K , regard: _j3ntrHct of Green Sea ditch. Orders were istued on the T reasurer pay John English $'2 00. use of room for Council meeting ; Registry Office South "Jrey, $2.(H, re by-law No. 5!X) ; Jas. Potts $5 80, fee and mileage re I'. 8. 8. No. 3, N.&O. By-law No. 5H2 was passed, h.xing the amount of $1.50 per day for unperform- ed Statute labor. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve were in- 'ructed to memorialize (lit- County Coun- < appoint ii deputation meet Os- ['oiniiiistiona on the toirnline couth 'Oth Concession to consider a pro- viation of town line, the Kciid (e Commit 'ees having been ap- nr Osprey. \ adjourned to meet ut Kever- . July 18. next. TH< is. SC'i )TT, Clerk. Meldrum-Pedlar A pretty June wedding took plure on I'lit-sda/, -j:;i.i inst., at the home nf the bride's parents, when Dura Auunstii, ) tughter of Mr. atnl Mi \\ m. Pedlar, "Cedar Brook fr'arin," in, WHS 'United in nriniiui- to Mr. Cecil Dean 'M.,,!<li inn of Toronto, the oHiciating clergyman bein^ Rt\. Keir, Fleiilierloii, while Mrs. Fred limit, aunt of the liiule, played tlie wedding inircli. The cere- inony win | erfui ini-d under tin arch of e\ eigreenn and flowers on the lawn in the preKi'iioe of n numbi'r f relitivcx and friends. The lunl--, v, !m i ji 1 . .-n away by her father, wore white sal in draped Aith .-.hailow l.i -i-, uinl tiimmt-il with tieadinx. Shi- wore u veil fas-em-d with In iila! wreath wbilo ihe can u-d u l.,i:.,,.n i jf roes, wilh little Ia Wu-ki-im, niece of the bride, acting BB ll ..'.. i i^irl. At six i/clock the happy )ouii({ i-ouvle join bauds and heartH for In.-. The _M ,.m gift to the bride wan a diamond ring The presents were numerous and useful. (Silent* from a distance were, Mr. and Mr. P. MeMrum and Mm. Fred Bunt of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Oi-o. Pedlar, Markdalo ; MI-H. I'l.-u,.,, A veiling ; Mr. itnd Mi . J. tSmith, Rob Roy ; and Mr. and Mm. W. ('linton, Pevcraham. The evening waa pleasantly spent in instrumental music by Geo. Pedlar, Roy Pedlar and J. McKee. After visit in.; ain..ir.: their friends the young couple intend nmkin{t their home iia Toronto. Wo all cxtund heaitiuit con gnttulationx and b*it wishes. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance . ...... f I 00 Youths Companion . . , ..... . 2 00* Toronto World, daily ....... 3 00 Toronto Daily News ...... 180 Weekly Globe ......... 90 Mail-Empire ..... ..... ,;75 Family Herald & Star ..... 90 Toronto Star ............. ^>1 50 Farmer Sun ......... ! _*0 Farmers Adooata . ....... . 1 50 Weekly Witness .......... . . 00 Saturday NJutrt .- ...... ...... 3 00 Home JourrJ .... Poultry lleview ..... . K "1 and Gun maitazine. '''-' 1 OEAl.F.D TEND* US addresse.l to the un. 'J det signed, anil endorsed " Tender for Kathleen, el Jest daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. J. A. Kernahan, to Mr. James Douglas Li>gg*tt of Gibr<ltir. llev. Ja a . j Phimiater of Maxwell performed the I ceremony twisted by llev. Jus. Douglas of K'lmonton in the presence of about sixty guests. Mrs. Wolfe of Toronto rendered Mendelssohn'* Wedding March. The bride, who was (jiycti away by her Father, was gowned in cream brocaded charmeusse siitin with i-ilk shadow lace t ; Minium: and wore a veil ctui>ht with orange blotsomsand carried * hire rose* and . ., _.._ lil.es of the valley. Litt'.e Mis, Thelma ^S^SlflWE^S.'!^ Wolfe mnd a pretty lilt'e flower tfirl, HHl.tor the oon.tructiou ot th Biiildniu met- tixneo. curying a Urge basket of white sweet j,^,,, 9|iec ift c tian ami form of contract pens and lilie. of (he valley. After the can %j^^ ^\ l '$ i $. usual cjnf(raUilations the weddin" dinner tectn. oweu Houud, Ont.;;Mr. Thos. Baauni*, ,. . Clerk cf \Vorkn, r-ontal Station " V \oiic was .served in t!ie dlniOfl room, winch J gt.. Toronto thu I'Ootmauur. Durham. Out.. was beautifully decorated in the colors of , at ' "* "'"" " I8U ' 1'ersous lemleniiK are notifloil that HDOtn the daisy, green, white nut', yellow riblxjin will not be considered unleis uiar.e ou the i.rinti .1 fornn Mipi'lii',1. and siisiu-.i with their and roses. A toast to the bride was pro- actual iRiituriii'.*ttiiiR tUeir jccupationi anil poi,ed by Rev. Mr. PhimUter and w as i J^*^ sUjmUnrTtlie 'ratViV'eoVt^e'oc'cupatimi". responded to by Rev. Mr. DouUs Hnd , mid place of reildence of each member ot tlie * firm uiiint be given. the father of the bride. The young) Eacll teoder must be accom|ianieil by an ar- ..,i,lr bfr i i tin- aftpiiiooii nuo for cepted cheque on a chartered bank, uavahle to r I the order of the Honorable the Minister of Hamilton and other points, the bride Public Work*, equal to ten non>er cut. of the trav elling in a brown -suit and tun i ul. orcd ha*. The groom'a gifts were- to the bride i gold watch and chain, to the F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. MID SUMMER NOVELTIES trimmed and $100 to 2.25. MIDDY WAISTS & NORFOLKS Some stunning styles just in white duck ,-white pique tan linen- pi petl in colors new belt, and new sleeve effects FANCY CREPE WAISTS \ A shipment of stylish little waists--ff4 to 42 bust-no two alike-jnst fresh from the makers. All good designs. $1.00 to 2.25. FANCY DRESS & BLOUSE SILKS A fresh assortment of silk crepes and fancy silks, some in waist lengths, some in dress lengths, no two patterns alike, ail tho latest season's patterns and colors, width, 36 to 40 incues $1.00 to 2.25 a yard. WHITE FOOTWEAR White canvas pumps, white canvas colonial shoes.white cauvas button boots, white Buck shoes. All sizes $1.25 to 4.00. LISLE & SILK HOSIERY black, white, tan and other shades, plain and fancy, fine theer quality, reinforced toes and heels 15c. to $1.00 a pair. STYLISH UNDERWEAR Our special satin Messaline skirt comes in all the leading colours,paddy.apple,3axe, tan^o, rose, grey, pink, navy, tan, brown, brick Special value $2.50. Novelties in fancy wash goods in this week, very pretty goock,feasonably priced. Mid-se^son novelties, irt our MiHin'ery 'Department. Ke'w flowers, new shapes,new braids. ; HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGtJS mount of thg tender, which will ba forfeited if tho person lender iiiR decline* to enter into a contract wben called upon to do >o, or fall to i i.n.iili't- the work rmitt acted for. It tlio ten- der be not accepted tho cheque will be returner , The Department does not biml itself to c- flower girl a gold i m 1 .-. and to the organ- ; ,.,.,,, ,|, f . f owe t ist a ({old brooch. The editor joins theiri Nt i.f friend* in wishing them a IOO joyous journey through life. Strange Cattle Disease George Coutts, a well krown funnel- in' M, 1 in. 1 1... 11, north of Kiveivicw, has lost during the past month seventeen head of I cattle and another iri ill at the time of' writing this notice, siys the .Shclbuine Free Press. Dr. C. L. Morgan of She)- btirne was sent for after two dea'tis litd! ,uy tender. By order, 1. C- DKSIICK 'HKKK. Secretary. Depart in 3nt of Public Worku, Ottawa, Juue -.T. ItllC. Newspapers will not ba paid fur tliis %dVt<r tiseiuunt If they lUbert it without author!' from tin- l..|m,(';i-iit i li NEW ANADIAN PACIFIC LIMITED TRAIN Betum-n SF.RVICI: - TORONTO DKTI5OIT- via MiciiniAN CKTNRAL i:u;.\NTn S'l Kl-:i. rt'HKS lietwcrii Wind*"!- and !>.- lii.it. l.i'BviiiK .M< nit real S.l.'i ii. .''I" \ in- i etiirniiiK. Throu^li Kli'cttic Kiiiiipint-nt TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Tiiroiito-Vaiu-iitni-i I Toronto .~>..Yi p. in il.nU . \iirr>u No. It K-UM-> > 'aneniutT Tnrnnto occurred. He had never seen any dia-| CHICAGO, Via CniiHilnm 1'acitic and ease like it and thou^'it it was caused by Michi|(aii Central Itailroad.-. local c-oiiditioiiN. He ordered the catllcj removed from the low field where they u, -re pasturing to m-.othur part of the' li.lu p. m.. mining lt-ti"it !-.':>.'. a.m., nun farm. He reported the matter to thu' <"'' """' '" <'''> K-i"ally K"-' "' Dominion Government ami Dr. (lender- son wa-, -.i-nt up. He also was unabN* to diagnose llu disease. A few days ltt>r Dr. ' 'in. i came up for the government and he also WHS batHed with the case. l,asl week I'r. S'cik w is sent oil' and he too, in us much at st-a us Iho-c who, pii-redrd him. Siimpli'.-, of bl<jo<l fmm two animals were sent to Toronto and Ottawa for analysis. Tho it-port from each place snys : " Tlie blood sulnnitti'd for ixummati'/ii did ii"t rotitain atulirav baccili or those of symptomatic nnthrnx." The symptoms, whei taken ill, appear to be exactly the saint 1 . The nnimal lit tirst Ims u watery disrharuo from tin- eyes. In the course of '_'4 hours tin- ili>- chaig,o hocomi--" pus-like nnd a discharge commeiict'.H from both nostrils. The next st-iye is in the collide of ltd hours, tin 1 animal become) piraly/ed and ilt-ath . .. M;iiiit(-l>a KxiU'C"^ No. 7 I'-ii 1 1-* Tuioiitu dnil 1 ' i-M-i-pt Simdiiy 10. .'in |>. m.. niriiinir \\'inni|>i. wci ml day. Ontario KS|TI' NM. s li-nv.-< Win i|'K '' '-'"' I 1 - in- '""I in-live* at Ti"iit" .'>.!.'> p. in. ilnily i-\i'ept 'I'lii-wiliiv. CartlculaiH (rom t Hiiadlan T'aciAe Anitit^or write M. G.Ml Itt'H\, D.l'.A, CM'.Ry.. Toronti . Township of Osprey By-Law No. 580 Nolii-e is lieivby ijivoli that n us passed liy ||| t , Municipal Co uncil f ,'ttllh. takes place in from three to tivo days. Dr. Stork, when here Ust wook, took awy i IIA head of an animal I lint died that ilay. H w.i taken to Ottawa for N was the Township ol O.spiey on May | l'.*14, providing f,,i- the issue of Jebn ! lures to tin' ;, in,. iii.i of two tl..,,i,u I eight hundivd dollnrH, fur '.lie purpose A few fteeks ago Turn Lotiiway wan mentcnced to four moiitht in thu cnunty !/H<>l (or a hreaoh of tho Liquor LicrnHo Act. But Tom failed to uppear, nnd tl>o Hciitem-e n awaiting him. The local duardinnn of the peace thought Tom just couldn't iiUy uwy -mid they wi-re right. When onu of thu lot-nl atoumors citm in UK; ni'^lit, Toiu was thought to 1m ul osrd and would viiit hix wife. Aftor keepii g in eye on the wonted ii'iinV !IOIIK> for sum* time hi; npjieared ntid found a nrm ' vri'li'->nn' fnini tho local polico. The next : , four month* will li spent ut Cnnllo Mill.-i. . S building u ntnv school hime in School Set-'ioii No Kive in the naid Town-di |i of Oiprcy. Ami that mch Ity-I.uw wm ri)i' t| ere(.l in tlm registry ottice of ib South Riding ol the Count V t'f ''I'ey at cx.i'iiination. Mr. ('outtH IIUH hail tluM Durlmin on June Hth, I'.M-i. Any iio'li'ii lo i|iiash or set aside ll.e Kamo or uny part thereof must be made within three month* after the tirst pub- lication of this rot ice and c.uinot bo best attention from the ^nvernment, nml 8 it itppcarn to l>e iui infectiotDi disente, the i. u in. i . in that vicinity nrn _. i ' HP; vrry anxious about the matter. Newspaper Postage NcwHpaper publishei-8 find ar.i now up iii;aii\ht it gnod mul liiiiil. The I'. .,!!' r I >.-|i. ul.,. .!: lias fni wnrdi'd a i i.i , ! u to pobUffaen, .stitting that it rate of one i|iiartur of A cent per copy will he imp' .'I on ull p i|n-i'.i ili-li v i-n-il liy ,11 in i . Un i i In-i . tho old rute will remain tho NUIIIO. Juit how thu |>laii will Im worked out is not mudu clutir, and it i.ili-i . ninny dillicullics nnd much hard ship on publinhorH. Ueferring tn tlu- re- cent action of (ho Senato in n-jiTiinn Ilio Hill toceinly piWNi'd in tho Oonimoiis tin' circular gotn <m to iy : "An K rosult cf this action on I In- |>.ui of the Senate, there is ii'ithuiL' tmw tudn but to elifcrce the law i\ it staiuls op tho made theruiifter. Dutid tho eleventh day of June, 11M4. -THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk. SPECI AL Announcement To the Ladies of Fleshcrton And Surrounding Country. Summer is arriving in all the splendor and glory of her new robes. \Vith her comes the usual round of summer pleasures picnics, garden parties, mot- oring, driving, fishing, camping, etc. All the ladies must be attired in suitable garb to do her honor, and so we have anticipated your wants and put in a new stock of Summer Millinery, Dress Goods, etc. We have Hats for all occasions beautiful Lace Dress Hats, pretty Dres- den and plain white Outing Hats, also hats and scarfs for motoring and driv- ing The prices will suit all pockets $1 and upwards. We hav3 not forgotten the little ones, eitner, but have pretty hats and bon- nets of all kinds for them. Before purchasing elsewhere come anil see our collection. Whether you buy or not you will be cheerfully waited upon. The Men alse have been remembered and we are prepared to show them all the latest styles in shape and color of the season's haK What we have not is not worth getting. We will be ready by the end of the week to fill all your fresh Fruit and Ciarden orders, all at the lowest prices. Orders taken for Hanging Baskets, etc. Ripe Tomatoes, Green Onions, Lertuce, Celery, Pines, Tomato Plants, Asters, Foliage, Geraniums. FLOUR AND FEED Five Roses, Purity, Body Builder ; Bran, Shorts and Chop. Highest Prices Paid for Produce !' W. L WRIGHT, GENERAL MERCHANT Flesherton S '^W'^i^^ .. . . ., Li,n cr^n A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Fever sam - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class >Yorkmanship. --ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alteration i in free of .liaise-, if required. Iscp FOR . Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphiil, Tnmworths (or Sale Moth BBS imarly reaily tor luoeitlng. Trices UK lii tor quick nle. i i 1:1 1 \V. ROSH Maxwe'.l I>. U from at Winter Turin COLUNGWOOD COLLBOB Attend thin lii^', iSiiavs.sfn! of bMinm truinir.j- ami help you into s mie'limi; wli.l>. Kn-e catalogue MI Kn't-r dny lime. l.in-iiiv 5th BUSINESS l.-t uo worth T. E. Hawkins, Collingwoml, Principal Cnlif in. rfV I'.-i "i'.il Instruction at Stu li-iit'ijj S^l ' ' iu.ii.i- . it ; i>- iMi- t" tutor :mvj^g '!.' v an I .'ii. "ii-. rnpiil adviuicemont :vi 1^* OWKN Sot'ND, ONT., Large Stall' of Specialists. Positions thi:irl\tril to (traduaten. C. A. FLKMItJO, F. C. A., Principal. 0- D. FI.KMING SocrotRry. OWENSOL'ND - ONTARIO Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bathtubs,windmills,pumps lP ipinirs water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers hay carriers, slinks, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost Satisfaction Guaranteed, .L r wre.

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