Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1914, p. 4

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April 23 1914 THE FLESH "'TON ADVANCE 21&IHUKC An Independent newspaper, published every -ilay at tl> H office, ColliiiKWoud Street, I aiherton. Subscription price $1 pr annum, , i.-n paid in advance ;91.5J when not MI paid IVMCtUinimtes on application. Circututiuii 1,100 weekly. W M. Ttiuratou- Kdltor Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dmlg'-nn, p.^ti-r. Sunday, 10 . m. Class Meeting. S'.imUy Services 11 B. m. and 7 p in. Thursday, X p. m. Prayer Meeting. Mr. Caswell will Hperk at Iho evening service in the interne of Dominion Al- liance*. Monday Evening, April 27th. Ann- ual meeting of Kpworth League Elect- ionti of officers. Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pattor. Sunday School 1< a . in , Service at 11 a. in. Mr. Nason will preach on Sunday in behalf of the Dominion Alliance. Bible study Thursday evening at the home of Mr. White, Ceylon. Reply to Dr. Sproule Editor Advance ; In reply to H-m. T. !s. Sproule'.s luuglliy epistle in The Advance of April 1<>, I w. u!d say, Yes. air, 1 hud a >t.rui>R desiie to give the bon. giratteqiM jiut a slight jolt, and it only took * smtll portion of a column in lour valuable jiaper to get liiai going, anil not this connection, ahhough the committee received no direct promise, they were encouraged tn l>e'ieve that some recom- pense would be made to (he township. Then us to the statement that the I'ower Co. will net a leleatte from the township upon payment of an amount eijusl to the tuxes of I'M.;. I miy B<iy tlut this uinount is in addition to their taxes in arrears amounting, approxima- tely to $1800 00, which we were asirred would be paid. Thanking yon for valuable space, reaped fully yours:- T. H. McKENXIE not nearly a culiuun, a< he s-yn. he Bys, there art- two clashes of ecribl.- lers in this world, he must belong to (he tlfs who scribble fiction aud not facts. Dr. Sproule says he ai> present in the chamber the must of ihc lime when Il"ti. Mr. Beck was presenting the case for the deputation. Now, 1 have spoken to a good nnmbei who were there and not one cf them ever stw him in the cham- ber at all, to he inu?t have been iu the background and not at the front, as I said of him. Now, I would aiy, 1 neither from la'jit 'or choice try (o get a Up at any person nlesi I'm ful'y puisua-.'ed they ought to e flipped. >f course, the way ho ex- .IniitK what he wiid > tit tlie '>vern- nierit sub.-i li/.'.n*,' i lec'ric railway.-* M>nu<ls very nice, but just meai.x tlie seine c \- actly as I put it in my licit) ilrni. Su, if he would like i' 1 "t> 1 will sy that I think that if ever he d.ims tef'ire '.hi- p, ..ple ( .f I'fiitie <Mi, 1 lif.4 your par- don, K'i-t<;r<y, uphill, (hoy should ap- proach the matter uf vuliux him bm-k to Ottawa again with caution, -,M his re- turn inijjM involvi- t!u- n-ri>iu.s coiiM'l. r> t ion of no hubaiily I ring granted tor v'.ir'ii: railway-, "',<! ill i' would mi an li i t Jee'iii; rail v. iv .nTn-i- fi "in Guelpil t tlieljiorKiaii Hay f..i its. Of cmiiM! I <Jo Hi.' believe ho would In- ! ;i'f can- i UK ali. ut Miliili/ ; ng j.iivate corpo laiioug. He :iN i H n - l:i' WHS i.o- ..w.int of who WM coming or whether ai>\ -m- was com in:; fi"i" Ksi I !ri-y or no*. Tli-tt is just, \\lntlviil In- was iiidiMt'ri'iit an I did lint inteie.'t. himself enough to find nut ; but oh, say, d.iln't li" yet up to boiling heat, when I.e u'"t after the Kevurshmn cor. 1 Iain no t-liaji:;i'r in th- 1 lownbhip of Ospny, h:iviri!j lived hero a'l my life and my pui'iits for years lu-foro the, and J would say I BID pi-raoimlly Mipiain'ed with the II 'H. 1> . Spiniilc ;u il liava nip- ported him li iii'UT I tl.oiighl. him worthy "f :ny Mipp'irf ever since the first lime he ri pn-sentrd dim constituency. At to my giatoiious adfioe to the tire- torn, ( might vi> tliitt I believe (he pur y has kept him lliure mi lonu im be has bion there, but I lu-liuv ill i 1 'parlyiHin i H surely dying out, and I think it i . time the electors nf this Canada of ours tlm-w a^ide partjism and vo'ed on principle, and then the tin,.- mi^hl coino for us to ttop IhinLing and net. lint say ! If wo could only get thin lion, gentleman U> get after a railroad for this il..-l i ii'f as harfl as hu got after myself, we would have a rai'ro*d m the near future. And I would put up w.tli all the sarcasm he could write during the next foily years if it wouM bo the moans of (felling Hi. much needed railwny accomnimlalioi FKVKHSHAM COH. Priceville Jottings Last week ended very warm with the grass getting nice and creen, but on Monday Hakes <.f snow fell aud the ground froze. Several parties started to plow duiing the latter half of ! i-t week. Mr. Will McMillan, son cf D. McMil 1'in, South line, and M ; K. M. Aldcorn daughter of John Aldcorn, Swinton Park were united in in'irriaxe on Wednesday, April 1">, at the Aldcorn residence, Rev. J. A. Matheson, Presbyterian pas'or, officiating. The young couple took the train iii the evenini; for a tiip out Wes*. Dave McLeod mid C. D. McMillan started for the prair'e provinces last week. Mrs R'ibertsoii, widow, was taken ill ith paralysis last week. The one arm and side were ati'ectid, but thu meiliel tieatment and her daughter's r.iifaing si-em t'i he reducing the ailment as futt as could be expected, but it will bi' >ome time bufme the is arounJ again. The nunitroiis Easter visitors hate nearly all ri turned to their various homes or occupations. Miss Little of our pub- lic school statr visited her home in Owen Sound during the holidays. II. B. Mc- K ion. 11 1 uf the Globe staff, N. E. McKin- non. medical student. Miu Lou Watson, Faculty of Education, and Stanley Ker. guwm, Huron street schoo 1 , all of To- ronto, were home for the lulida)s and li .\ returned. Misnes M. Aldcorn, Ella MeKiiinon, and liecky McMillan, teachers at Cam- lili, WoiiJbridgo and Atwood, lotpcc- uvely, have returned to their positions. I; ,, s ,M( KuiiKiii \t now filling a posi tion in the Duiham p .stottice. Miss A^gie Harrow of Stratford Nor- mal xch'M'l vi.-itt-d home and other friends duiing the hulidays. Margtret Trynn, Myia McLean nml KJna I 1 ernuson of Owen Sound rollpgiato returned to their studies ayuiu Monday in ori.ii g. We ni'.lcistaiiil that Louis Fruok has pinch, -.M-d as fine an impoited In rno as linr e\er bem seen in I his \icinity. Ni-il McLtiin, foiinoily of this plucr, but for some years past a hoti-1 keeper ,i' .-'..id' Ste Murir, iMicl.i ;.in, wrill toil TuioatO liospjful about -I wn'Ks a^o for treat nn nt, but e.inie b.ick to hii mother'^. Wodehouse Doings Winter lingers near, snoiv tlurriua ai-a n ! making their appearance. The hum of the sawmill is lieiud once- more. The old stand has changed hundi since* last season and Mr. Bal Abt.rcioin- bie, the now capable owner, has a large stock of logs on hand for this ycftr'* run. School reopened on Monday with Air. Markle again in charge. Miss Eila MeArthur returned to Nor- mal school, Toronto, ou Monday, .nfter spending Easter vacation with her p:ir- enta and bister, Miss Nettie. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hutchinsun gave a parly to a few friends and neighbors one evunini; last week All were treated to nixple tally nd the evening wus happily spent in music, gamts and dancing. Misses Eva and Eila Buskin spent Fri- day wilh Misses Lou and Olive Wiley, Hiveida'.e. Mesdamea Joseph Cherry and J. B Hulchinson each entertained a few uf their lady friends to a quilting bee during the p'ist week. Misses Nettie and Ella MeArthur en- terta'ned tlie Kpworth League on Wed- nesday evening last. The regular League service was taken up, after which the ev- ening was ^pent in various amusement?, all ticking part in a iiuinuer)of interesting contests, together with mu.s;c aud games. Mr. aud Mrs. EJnr Donnelly were at Meaford on Wedncsdny. The Re/. Thomas Scott of Mea- ford occupied the jiuipit in, New Bus- land on Sundny afternoon. This was our -|neiul service on Missions and Mr. .Scott gave a very enthusiastic and inter- Hs-ting sermon on thi.", one of the most important i)u<stji'ns of the present a^e. Misses Emily Lawson and llannili Birch returntd from Toronto on Sit urduy to spend the summer at their respective homes here. Mr. William Fawcelt is making prep- arations for the erection of a driving shed in the near future. Mr. Will Wiji-y in- tends making extensive repairs to his barn, and Messrs. Aaron Birch and Samuel Wiley each intend erecting; a straw shed in connection with their buns. John Lawson, i.ur capable car- penter, with Ins gang of ible ass slants, will I. a\i' charge of these contracts, and with many others havo a full sinsou's work for die^oming summer. Mr. Willard Wiley is engaged with Mr. Aaron Birch for the coming summer. William !' i ii n lust a valuable cow List week. Mis.<) Gladys BriJgo returned to her liomc in Mtikdnlc on >alnuUy after sprndint; the holidays with her fiiend Miss KJnu C'herry. Mr. J. .1. 'heriy of Th.irnliury called on his son, .lor, and f unity last week. F. H. W. MICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. House Furnishing Time is Here Now is the time for House Cleaning, aad taea follows the selection of new Houae Furnishings. We are prepared to supply all your wanla in thia respect-better prepared than ever our goods are no w- tliis season's selections and we can save yon money. ............... $20.00 to $25.00 Velvet aqnaics .................. * ............................... . 87.95 to $16.00 Tapestry squares ............................................. .'. Si.25 to $4.95 Hempsquares ....... ... .................... ........ 50c. to 65c. a yard Tapestry straw carpets ............................................. ...75c. to 2.<Joc. Door mats and Rugs ................................... .......... 15c. to 25c. a yard Japmatting? ..................................... ................... 30c. to 65c a yard Floor oilcloths .............. ----- ' ............... ft1 Oft tn 3 2K& vri Linoleum,, 2 yds , and 4 yds. w,dc .......................................... ............... pair up Lace Curtains from ............................... . '^"".'.'"wc'. to 50c. a yard Bungalow Nets from .................................... ................... I0c. to 25c. a yd. Scrim Art Muslins ..................................... 2gc ' Crettonesandaateens... ........................... ' ' New wall papei to 50c. double roll Mabastine and Jellstone in packages Pnre prepared paints iu all colors Floor paints and varnish stains Raw oil. Boiled oil, Turpentine Paint aud Kaleomino brushes /AILLINER.Y NOVELTIJES Every few days tees the arrival of some New Shapes, Flowers and Mounts in this depaitment. EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS 1 [ nii'ih smith nf i.lniul April 10, iin-ii'lii ' to ;< 1,1 th.- ci'y .'i.j.iiu in u few in 1 tu I il! t'i .In S.I, Hllll (ill Sniiilny i' veiling, Ajuil lit, In- ji-is-i'd au.iy. II i.< \vifi- :m I M.II are >. \pi-etcd down t" t ike the rcinniiiH buck to the tii.o f-ir iiitv An Explanation Tn the Editor cf thu Advunec. Der Sir: In your nrticle in last week's Advance re Artumesin and th Georgian Hy Power Co.. there are mnne ini|iiirtant facts (iniiited hich I feol lire of interest to the rta ayerH. In the first p'nce the olij^oi of (h t; iinnittee'a misi'i|i to Toronto, in adi'it j >n lo dealing with the OtorRmn Hay l',ier Uo. was to interview roprom nt a'iven of tin- Hydiii Klectrio ('miiiniv.-ioi in regud >n future tuxntioil nf all ill (iiiipwrty in tin- \icinily <>f Bugf ni th coinini'i<'ii I"' 1 |" ISO '^"ix over, M i huH hi'un I hi- nil Ih t |.ro|ierly tl.u (]iiir'd i-i * iii|'' fit-in tiiXHtioM. In Victoria Corners Mr. Iiwin of I'mitiii Las purchased Mr. Hugh Wan ei's firm. Mr. inn) Mis. Warner leave I his w.'uk f.ir Ciiit-tonillc in- Kuiiiiii K'lliinson vi.sittd In T MS- cr Mrs. .Milton l;,.iin m. We are sorry to lenni that Mrs. I'alloii s not so well attain she n mi'l nt her on M in Dicainlaml. Horn April Htlh. To Mr. and MIH. iVin. T.ilUit a dantjhter. BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull (HMiill will be for Field Marhnll_ service on lot 176. Terms 1. A ,,., .I.V T. S. R. Aitemeuia. ',. ST1SSON, Prop. FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, NEW BARBER SHOP Til.? mid' I'.siuin'.l h ! >* openud .1 bmrHci' almp in the l)iul lilnck mrr I hi- pusl- ..ili ID, \\hfl 1 1 will lie pri-uaivd to inui-l IIH nriny "f my fru-nd-s as mi innkti ii coiivenie.ilr I" c.'tll. (live me < rii'l when _v u witnt n l..iii Cllt III HllilVl*. Ka/.i'is hcint <l. l.uuinlry lutkct HHIH Tuesday linon. n- turns Kri'l.iy. CHAS, HOY, - Prop. Do You Ever Sleep? If you ilo you will be wise to pay attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Dnls. The original of the picture-given at the head ol this advertisement will only cost yon $5.00 FARM FOR SALE I ; ,.cl L' (I iirro fnrill nillBiBtillK "f lnt '.I atnl II) ill the l"t.h eon. uf tin- tuwnnliip uf I'rutiui. ( iinul ItuililiiiK'w Hh excellent \\ufi-r irnnxvn ii'iicif, half inil frcnu Htre, chinch anil HcllOdl. A|l|il\ III! lin-llliMl'S III' til I.I-IHI.IK WATSON. Dnndalk. Notice To Creditors In the matter of .the vitiate of .liums Carun, latu of the VilUyo of Fluhert(in, in tliH Coiinly of (liey, Laborer. decHased. Notice ii hereby givun, piiisnunt to The TiUKt'O Act and Hineiiduieiit.s thereto, that nil lh crctiitoih and .then* having cUiun nainst thu estuo .f the Hiiid James -Cargo, who died on or about the U8th day of .lanuiiry, A. D. 1914, are rt quired on or 1. 1 I' nc thn twenty-third day of May, A. D. 1U14, lo rend by post prepaid or dolivt-r to Messrs. Wri^lit, Tolford it MclJmiaUl of the town of Owen Sound in the County of (irey, HolicitotH for .loieph A. Cornfield and Wesley l'..i l,m, Kxeoutors of the last Will ind Te.4ament of the isaiJ deceased, their Chiis- n. ni i.n.l MirnameH, aiidrcstus and de- scriptions, tin- full pHfticulars of their claims, the statement of their accounU and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further ttko H. ii, - that aii..| ouch lust n.. nu.ii.i .1 dntn the said executiirs will proceed to ilistributu the a.-itts of Iho said decuasoil innoii); th parties entitled ihcreto, Having rcunrd only to the chums of which they shall ilu'ii havo notice, and that the s*id cxocntoi.s will not lio liable for the s.-iid assets or any |i>ul llit'ivuf to any piu-.suii or prr.s .us of v hosn o'jliin nulico sluill not hftvo been icri'iMil liy tlu-ni at the tiniQ of MI h dihlrihtr/ion. Dittod the20ih diy .f April, I!M4. WUKillT. TKLKOKK A MrhoNALD, One . S mil. I, Oi.l. s for I'ftSl.ll.ll I'; i i i .. I, at Stll l"ll eiR malltl It ubllible to inter a an.l eiiKiireM rnplil advanee.nent at u OWEN SOUND, ONT. Si all' of Specialists. 5.00 $5.00 't .Homolliing nice anil comfortsble ou which to lay your wettry head. (f conrsi! wo liavo other beds at other pt-ici'9. nil oijuitlly low in price Sanitary Tunis such as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to fit all bo:lss. Examine our stock any way, before purchasing your sk-ci; iadncera, W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. D. FLKV1INO, F. C. A., Principal. FLEMING Secretary. gjgOYOOR SIGHT OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A ling of Ready-Made Clothing \\lrch wo put alteration* in f rt e <{ , if required. 1 ep He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might havt prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed W. A. Armstrong. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt l'lu\v Cos \ rj.l Li of Farm Implemets. Waijons, Busjuies, Cutters, Sleigh", niid Gasoline Enuines, Meloito Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fit tiniis always oil hand. liealty Bros', of KergUK, Uarn Tracks, Litter Carriers and .stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Ueip.-kira always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ftversbam, Ontario* Good Salesman Wanted ! Tamworths for Sale I'otli sex nearly reaily for bvup.liuc. Prices rlsnt for quick *:. . UKO. W. UOS8 Maxwell V. O Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH ,-iiKl Residence- 468, 9th St. East, Owen Suuiid, Out. Hours S) tol2 . in., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Bull for Service Thocouyihbred American bred Here fmd hH lor service on lot 161, 2nd. W. T. and S. R., ArUmnsia. Terms 1.50 cash. -.JOHN ADAMS, Pmp, Winter Term from nt Januaiy 6ih BUSINESS COL1.1NGWOOD COLLEGE Attend this big. Successful School of I MI MIL'S-: li;i'nii .. rim! let us hili> yon into 8.>me'hin<{ worth while. Fri-o eatulogiie on request. Mn'cr any time. T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Ontario we. For every town and district where are not represented. Fruits are bringm*! high prices, and Nursery St'>ck is in demand. Make bit; money this FH!| and Winter by taking an agency. Experience uot npcossa-y. Free r<|uip- inei)t. Kxclnsive territory. ll'ghest Cjniniissions paid. Wri^e for full particulars. Stone & Wellington F o n t h i 1 1 Nurseries HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undereiRed have pure bred Ilerefoid bull for service ou lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.R., Arteuu'MH. T0rins 93 fur pure bteds, $1.50 for mile*. All cows served must be naid *"' -T. & .1. WATSON. 1 mar 14 PROTON STATION Implement Agency Deering Implements -:- -:- All Kinds ! Barber Buggies Louden Litter Carriers Hay Tracks and 1'odlar Siding 'Floury Plows TORONTO, 14 ONT ED. RUTHERFORD : Proton Station

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