Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1913, p. 6

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ost Delicious I! OF ALL TEAS IS SALAD t. i CEYLON TEA-BECAUSE OF ITS UNVARYING GOOD QUALITY. . . Hold mlw tm Load PackeU. By -" Oracuv. U 1 H i M i> i tor IK. A Dark Shadow ; Or, A Coming Vengeance lui-en ln-r and anything 8he desires. You' think you run hold him. this nahib. whose flhoe-Ktringii you are not worthy to tic? You are a common girl, of 11 low class. You dare to lift your eyre so high! He marry you! Ball! You mock yourself! 1 tell you. you ehall not." In her fury he broke into Uinduetanee, and poured it like lava over Mlna. "Idiot > Hl.-ivel You to come between tny mistrens and the man he loves!" Hhe laughed Mcorn fully. "We shall 6el Hara wil 1 sue!" Bho snatched up tha puree. .lr \v her ithawl round her with an angry, iKuiion- ato geHturo, and ptrode to the door. Thorn Bhe turned, and cant a malignant ey- over the girl's Alight but still erect form. "Bcfw.ire!" nlie |i:intod almoxt iiKiudibly. "Bather than see you come between tho'ii. I would lay you and him and him! mark me! dead at my feot!" The door slammed o-i her, the, room Deemed to sway with the fury of her pas- sion; but for Home momenta Mma stood fltill, her hands clenched, her bosom heaving, her eyc flashing with indigna- tion, with ul] a woman's anger; and it was not until Para's footsteps had died away that th girl she had tortured s.ink into the chair, gapping for the breath that eeemed to choke her in ito coining. T~)R. nANIKT.8' big home book bound -' in clotb, a treatise of 20 chapter!, 197 pagct on the diseases of (lie hone, t real UK the Stomach, Intestines, Dis- eases of the Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary organs, Worms in the horse. Wotmdl, Cutl and Abrasions, Bunt-lies, Swelliugg and BnlargtmeuUas Spavins Cilrband Ringlioue, Skid Diseases, Hoof and Foot Ills, Strains and Sprains, Dis- eases of the Kye, Head and Mouth. How to tell the age, Feed and Diet. How to locate Lameness, ete. This book con- tains 22 cuts, 23 lithograph cuts, 125 two colour plates. If you have, one or more horses get this book. Sent by mail on receipt of $1.00. TH08. RBID, MoQIII College Ava., Montreal. I tied by Mormons, and in all proba- ! bility another Mormon will have a scat in the House. demanded, his face beaming, his eyes twinkling roguishly; then his f:ici- fell, and he loratoked his head as ho added. AN INFLAMMABLE CARGO. Mineral Walrr and Sodium Make a Bad Combine I ion. In nine hundred and ninety-nine ca-ses out of ft thousand, water, if applied in sufficient quantity, will eventually quench any fire. But the thousandth case, whrn water not only proves ineffectual, bnt ac- tually kindles and nourishes the fire, is a perfectly possible occur- rence. The Boston Herald prints an account of an extraordinary fire CHAPTER XVII. Perfect love caitevh out fear. Mina i ' HAIThlt XVI. 'Continued). M.nas hand* graeped << h other NI l.k-htlv that the nailn threatened to cut mto tli Met*, tuit Ktill he iiaid nothing; li * r.-.-i und ifii a puuxn Kara, bend- ing Htill further forward, continued, DOT* ussively. intinuatmglr : "Ynii un.liT.-t :ui<l' 1 havo made you urdiTvtand? And you .in a good girl. You will not como between mv minuet's tttnl the lunn fh love**' 1 do not ask you tor her nake. You d<i riot know her. love her. an I do; it m not to be HtipD<*ed: but I nek it f> r his You c.iro for him .1 leelle? Ah. ye ! 1 thought o. I see it In your face. In your eve. If you do. y"U will not ruin him, Kill not ttand beiwecn htm and lnr- fortune, li.-tween him and niv inirtreiw. wh< - father wiil niuke him great, will IM-!I, him to n to lofty height*, to ix'wer. m y.mr 81:114-. You will lire.ik with i., in. will f.i.-t him off 'before it : t<>o late?" Her niercing eyw. her Intense iicrutiny eouUI glean nothing from the white face before her Mini MII moUonlMI, almoet IprvMlooltfM, S.ira 1'K'kiNl round the room* You aro IMXIT. l'i it not nor'" K)ie laid in a friendly. oonMential way. "You earn your hung hkr tin- r.vt of the ooor nei>- ple. If \ou <ii*'.d- to tro nway from him. IMII of h - -iKln. i: will In- diHu-iilt for you without HI. ni'v I do not oiler you money to IHIV him < f V-HI No no! Hut you will imt n-fiiM- t<> H,-, rpt :t ,-inall iium for for Hie eiiiciisi^ ot th renior.il, your jour- III V - ' She took a ?<ild-m-ited nuroc from the n.-.-in ,,f LIT voluriiinoub i-kirt. and puthed it i.ld\\lv ;irnl ireiitlv ivcroiw the l.-ihle .Mina I tkeil al 11. hi r -v. fell on .t, IHK li inn ;illv . fin- did not t<m<-li it. 'If you oi'l tike thr :ilv.<-i <if a friend fir 1 am now your frii-nd. Mee Mina; now that I kn-iw von nre irood you will ro awav. ti it ereat dii-tanco, where he anno! find you; and you will *tay hidden .11 hi- is marni-il After th\t. if you ci. to me. write ti, ID,. 1 will helo you all 1 . .in Hie ti.'iiiM'il ami rfitmi-d Muui'ti faee; hut tMN w* nn rroiKiio-e .11 it. She Mtreteh- <-d nut her Innd to i,a. Mma arm; but Uina "lira nk lui k out of her re i< ri 'Yon urn orry. iitirmniiy? Ah. viv<. it M natural It it. :he w iv with u- women Th. n- men. ttu^.- fill ill's, they make love to UM. they cw-iir to !> true to im. but Ihev trample ,,n our he.irlr- whl 1 .- tlu-y <-iirn u* niih ilie'.r kiw. . It M ihe lot ..f iw women, here In Kiiglund, Jnd.a, BTemrbrm: m:in U all alike in every <x)untry' We Ion-, wo vjfter. But we rn'i-t b wi^e Be vii w s,. mv nretty child. ' in- 1 him awav: do not l>c in -led. de-.n d He mi-it.,- v.iu no k -. ..,| Whv ohoulH he' lit- wil marry mv nueirc*!-, irv dear nii^ri--^. rh.- I. i<l\ l-klitli. ' Mina ro-. . I, IT hind gripninv the airli- ner head thrown up. her evv tla'tnnif "It in n In-' he Mid. "ll will not mnrrv her In- will marry mi- I know it 1 ' Tim word* ei.r aiiic I; irn her i r* fnmi her Mart. BttblUd her iiatuia! gr-nt 1 humility, anil iniid---.lv thii,. -unit m' Minn a -ii r,j whu-h n-n% sprung intc a fierce Kami- MniiflinB with thin woman'* |M-tvuii*-ive (IIIH-I*. I'liTei* voii-e luiirinurini; "I l-ive y.iu. I I, ni. vi.u 1 ' liad tieen ring- Inr wilh coniincing force. It wa not the Hindoo woman B appearance, and the, well nigh tragic force with which she had car- ried through her part of the interview, and the fact that Mina had herself heard the name of "Lady Edith" on C'llvr' liue when he -wan uncoiireioiip. Mina would not permit herself to yield to the doubt "nd fear which insidiouxly attacked her. Hhe believed in hi truth a.< she believed in her own. As (she had said to Sara, what- ever feeling he may ha\ had for this r. m id girl who had thrunk in terror from ' Ludy Edith, this beautiful daughter of a the giui" of hooligans, but the girl who I great noblemun, he now awilircdlv lovexl had mood between Olive and certain I her, Mill that confronted Sara a, thin mo- Iujve in the utrongewt nation th it love for Clive waa lui perfei't a one a imperfect mortal* aru caDa-ble of: ... , ... . iiotwithstaiiding the irapreesivenetB of the! cheap lojvinga, and perhape I could get . I. cunning; "{hit 1 you" mig'ht" "int'u'Si I ma " jp.M^? 8 the flarm>S when d er, Mina. rthe'd take it better from you; serted by his ally, water. and. besides, she said hereelf that you're orf color. We needn t spend ranch." he went on reuectirely. "We shouldn't waul to put up at the Grand 'Ot-el- though. ; f > *im iivavt ua jitr nuv^j. j , _ - 111 'of eouree, thafn allowin' that Tibliye at sea that shows how helpless is ?f. recabl< V ! ?.' wi ' h ?n air of im- I , ,- fi^t ir,<r fhe ft arnoe wri n ,]_ might int it In j IB When the freighter Hardy steam- ed out of Le Treport, France, she carried, besides the mineral water in her hold, a number of small wooden cases marked "metallic sodium." The Channel was rough. The vessel rolled and pitched violently. The captain saw that tin- whip was we i mind you. I helieye the money wou'd ran nd, I to it; I do, indeed! We could take nome dcutl ni<-nt. man knowti: it ix far utronger in woman than in man; and at this moment it ab- sorbed, engraved the whole of Mina'a bv- iiiK. AH nhe fftood there with white faco and parted lip and flaxhing ejcw, ebe wan an inexperienced, iint<ophi3t)cated girl no lonecr; but a woman fighting for that which women hold dearer than all cine in the wide world the noi.si,ion of the in:m she loven. C'live shu knew, trueted, and 'believed in. Thin woman, with the dtrango face and drivn. i-hc did mil know. did not belieye: nhe cared nothing for her or for her vaunted ini*tre. It ; just possible that Clive might havo in- tended to marry this Lady Edith: but that he intended to do BO now WUM simply in- oredibl*) for only a few ithort houre airo he had told her. Mina. that he loved her. had urked her to be his wife; had tod h'r that he would < :m- in two dayn' time to r'ii-.it hie av<iwa! of love, to ak her for her betrothal pledge. It wan Chve acniift thin strange wo- man; and her heart did not hentatc in its arbitrament, its daoMon. Hhe might tii- htaiiding between C'live and hU a'n- bition. hip worldly welfare; but the wo- man* heart in her knew that the fullm-* of her love lor him. the wealth of her P.IK an engagement at ono of the 'Alls-by-the- ue.-i or in one of the bandn." Mina looked alarmed, and her heart bent fust. Oo away. way from London, awav from him! But ehe forced a laugh. It foomed no unlikely that Tihiby would Hgre<- to the exiruvaga.nce Elisha mertitat- cd. She would want to put the money -by. or to purehae >me cl-itheg for her. Minn. "He II talk it over." naid Elieha, "an'. so un we can 'ave all ihe nnrymrntii at our lliiBiT-endn. I'll steii down t the rail- way oflleii and inquirB about the excur- Hion faroM." Mina put her arm riund him. keeping to go for a dnv or two, dear?" she anked in a. low voice (To be continued.) ion, would more thun i-oriN'ile, compen- sate him for anything he uuttht lose by in irryiiiL' her. She belonged to the common neonle; ehp -'-. a., ilii'- w. man had mid. of lower class and c.ipte; but her Khoollng h:i<l taught her much : anoomcloualy, jn- :iiit;\,.]v. if ymi like. Kh felt at that u- iiM-ine lunment that elie <-.>u'd make her loyer bwnv. und that happlnm, <*n<->-i- allv nidi hapDlDcn IIP fibe could ifive him would far outweigh nnv world v MK-. i- , which be might obtain by m.irrying Lady -<lith. Ho nhe stood erect. almoti defiant :irul fpurncd the nnpf^t .on MI Ineinuat- in:.' v made bv this ntrango womnn Sura leant forward, and utar.d at Die * ight figure, straight as an arrow, the beautiful f.u-e. white ii^ death, but elo- quent of an immovable de;<-rmination. "Soli!' *),, )i,:ii,d rather than t-noke Ton rcfUM tnv offer! You will not re- "' Hie vahili. -;|| not go?' I will not. responded Mina, her boxoui hrnving. her hand* c'enchcd. a leant back, and laughed contempt- Von are a fool!" oh* said, with a ghriiz of her shoulders, her brown tlngem turn- tho banglM on her wrist. 'Y< u hive tMteiMd to what I way and you refuKi-'- rou an. a litt.le Knglish fool. And you 1 be sorry when it i too late. When he blM -ast you off and you are den-ricd u,ud he will cant you off and <l<vicrt you. oh. yen! you will think of what I have warned you. and yon will be norrv. You ai'i- nretty; all. yi-ii!" H|| no<ld<vi and rallM, H forced t,mile wh.ch the fury in her dnrk evif lielii-d. "But the .uhib'will tin- of your urcttimm. They alv.ny^ d" H.--IIIW. yon nee. you ar not of hid .!>.. If lie marry y ,,u. he will eink to y..ur li-vi'l: be will ruin himself; will lie no longer one of your Parliament, and gr-'.H in public life. Vou will have drag. gi-<l him (Iciwn ii> your level, your low !:!. mill h.- w.ll \>f sorry for what he li i < dune. HI- wul be like u man who haa t MM! a Hone round hie ini-k. and cait hini- lielf into the (langeK. lie will lie a nobody :\ rneru imbody. Then he will think. 'Why dMl I marry tint foolih. c<ininion girl; j, a DOOM of i be higher east*?' He will < mt you away, dexert you. llo I not kilo* ' ' nh demanded vehemently. "I have lived with \hvff people. the- great people; i] know Out W-IJ-H, thn thought* they think; they am all alike. They i-aiinot herd < innot wed. with th" lower came." Her mood ehanged. and he went round the t iljle, und put her hand on Mini,, uhoul. der 'Come now. be .1 i-ennibln girl." nho i.iil perniiKwivcly. with a friendly, con- flditntial uniU-. Do not )x> mi^li'd by him. (live Ihn Kahili up whiln there in time While there M time 1 You will, will you iui\'f You will Mke- the money and fly Jx>- f..r<- it i I.HJ late?" Mm. i Hliook oil the thin, i-liw-llke hand. "I will not!" she named. "I do not be- lieve whnt you B.iy. whut you tell me! He MTM ine; and I will marry him." S:ira rwjilcd. and. clasping her She would not doubt him. she would not. _.. .... he depreRxed. She would nay nothing to her face from hi eight. Klifiha or Tibby; but would go on .(UK! as I "You won't want want usual; in<lved. he would pr.-ictitso lonwr than she ordinarily did. wouW work harder at her leMODI, HO n to tit hnrne.'f to be tho wife of the gr<at uian the strange woman had declared Mr. Cliye to be. Hingularlv enough. Mina wnn not fright- ened or awed by the diwovery of the v..r difference between their v^'ial jxi-itioif. All along ( ,h had known that hi.< .-;:ition wj.s above lhai of heix. i-o very tar above, indeed, that the knowledge of his high birth did not nffect her as it might have f him when tt . ucntieman. "Mr. ("live"; nlie W.IB lit-lle more nn.vorthv of him now that he provisl to be the oon of an earl. He could not nt'x>n any lower than ho had Mtooped in aeking her to be his wife; and the gir', itidoenly tram formed into a woman bv her love and the terrible rdcal to which he had been pub. fi- leil bv .--T.I. felt. h<r\v nhe knew not, but instinctively, as all such feeling* conn'. tiKit her great lovo levelled all dm- tlnouon. When he crime the d.iy after to-morrow to tell her again that lie l.,ved her. and :ig:iin to ark her to be, his wif'v in> w >ud DO him her heart plainly, iill him all done. Mho had ln-"ii unworthy lie wa to her an ordinary that -w:in on her mind, all th:;; the fli . dm woman had isaid. and leave the deci- sion to him. And even nt that moment, wh^n overv nerve wa rnekcd bv the womin'e via., and tragic threat, she had no fear of I'm- re null. True love is quick to n<- '.'n'>.e it- kin: she knew in her iiircrm-:t ln-nrt that he loved her. and with a strength remark- :'Mc in a girl so young, w) UJMOpbJtioat- ed. fthe iH--vsed her ^oul in pnUence. Hhe practised for H irrr.it inimy hours that d.iy. and begged permission, whi-'li W.'H re.ulily granted, to remain at the i<ho'il a longer timt- than lu-uul. no that ehe might pick up her lost IKHFOHN. But tliongh hhe N'rovr. hv ir--^f:itit r-. cuiiati'iii. t-i drive ..way the r. -u-uio- . of the Hindoo woman, it ohlrudeil itwlf at odd moments .'-.I h:ir:tett.'/| Jier; und ln> WJM looking nale. and tired when she came in t,) Hiini>cr. Tiliti" l.Miki-il tin sharply from the frid Miu-,igm and potatoes which nhe was <'at- Inr ii'id M-iid. HS she <! a uortion of that savory d...h before Min.-i: "You're lookln' orf color to-nicht. Mina. Too niiK-h pr.ict'm'i', toi many ]c/-,orn - and too much niirsin': I'm nrecioim glad that's over, at any rate. The ncx' time I eee a man downed in a row and l'v<- any- thing In <l with the busirii ->-. he goes to the 'orBpital. if I 'avn to drag irn there liv the 'air of 'In 'cud wiv mv own 'undo. You don't want any norsage? What are you goin' little to 'ave, then f Would or a bit o' HI THE MORMON MKMREH, Martin Woolf, the member of the Alberta Legislature for Cardston, is makinff his influence felt in the I'rovinoial Parliament. Last year Mr. \VooIf was honored with the Premier's request that he second (lie speeeh at the opening of the Cession. This year the Carxfeton member made grave charges LU BYS FOR THE HAIR Restores the color, strength, beauty and softness to Gray Hair and is not a dye. At all Druggists. 5Oo ttot. several loud explosioni) came from- the hold. Then there ^ mighty detonation ; the freighter ' broke in two, and plunged out of' sight. The origin of the fire was, of course, in the sodium. Sodium is t peculiar metal, which oxydiy.es ra- pidly when water touches it, an<l flames as soon as the water become* warm. According to the chemistfi classification, it is the second menv ber of the alkali group that in- " *-r- HA * i 0V* n L i HI 1/i.III. TMllUVfiarO. , i i 1*1* listing to port, and suspecting that chldes lithium potassuim, rubidium , f ** ** iihxvj<i.._u. A 11 t A.l^AHA A! A-wt An4.dB the cargo was shifting, sent a boat- Mr. Martin Woulf. against an employe of the Dominion like i Government in ono of the Western and Wei!tcrn rrp<irting Unit hib peex.'hes arc the brilliant that havo been heard No; I'll in the house. nnd ing her hand over the table a* if ii were |iread with the delicacien he had iiii'ne.i "I've a headache," mild Mlna: "and I think I will have a ouu of tea. eet it. Tibbv. dear." l.'r,hn looked round rather pndly reitrctfully. "HeeniM very lie waid. "I suppose we and no do you in your all you're HO rough on him, and your talk Canada. "Oh. do i?" norted Tibby. a Bho nnh. mem, and because of his religious ed Mina away from the loaf undent Borne belief, grave fears for the future . At homn Mr. Wt'olt is a farmer, V m?l ll Mr"" l n l iTp-'- i nav '"B a ' Hr B tra<lt of lan<J s " 1 " heart, Tiibv, for "' t'ardston, the Temple City of In religion he is a Mor- thlti bread and butter for her. "You re- mind me of the gent at the, muMc 'all who sang 'Will They Mine Me?' and a man at the brick called out. '(live me n gun, and cc if 1 miw yer!' I think bin room in better than 'in company, and I think I of tho Province havo been ex- pressed. Contrary to general be- lief, Mr. Woulf is not a polygaroist, i . _ I pie of polygamy. Ho is the only g0 d fr "" ld to ""' Tibby '" Mormon in' the Alberta Legislature, faint color. "Yes, that'd hccnuw I'm ,|iigg!n enough I to let yer 'live yer own way. an' to r-taml r by you iruitcad o' iiuttin' mo foot down and llappln the silly notioiiM out o' yer irml'!' ;ld Bu 5- thl ' re ' V llallk K'xxJnww. it's all u.-r., her Ixx-om. looked ' Mina up uni I] Borag,' cold""' Kat - llt ' r - > " told 'ini ^o more ii;an"once." a 'n<l > ' < i;r'e"u;; altnou B h he believes in the princi- lilainly." "He's b<v>n naid KliHhu. "And we've been a good friend to 'im." , but the time, cannot be far distant she retorted. Mlna MM H.nved hi iif . -i j ut that Hilly 'all. and nured 'ini So.'* w ' len a redistribution must be made , M \t ( f " r ' r '' t tha i t y " 11 'I*" 1 '*"' n ,' e - Tll ' b y'" to take in another large tract set- said Mlna in a low voice, and with a down from head "You will not Hhe hlned, licr eyes , flushing Iriletiilly. her HIM ntrel< hed, <ihow- iiitt the white, even teeth. "You will not give him up? You will come between him and my ui]strit. mv bclovd mint re:*? You i-h.ii not I Nothing , li.ili coma he- ....: yer ay , you wanted limtead of 'ot, why didn't iiiHtcad of lettin' 'om freeia INTERNATIONAE STOCK FOOD Makes Tbe Big Money For Hog Breeders "I shipped n car of HOB* to South ninnlia Mont to days URO. There were 7,500 ho|(ou the market that day. I lunl i\ rn mine Internal iont,l ptock Food. For my 64 hem!-, I re.-eived zsc. per hunrtrtil ]M,un<lniore tlninnny of the other sellers. llon nil atoiind my IH-II wild t 250. j>r too II*. lewi, so I topped Ihe merkct for the d.iy aiul we< k. SMIJ-, 1 suic felt proud. I lay it all to OMIlf Intrrnalional Stock Food". JOHN WF.I.LS, IIAHVAKD, Nebraska. Inlet national Stot-k l'o<vt keeps thr 1>r < K K] aowa writ nnd stinujr Hi- v give more milk nnd raise- !'' and fltrongrr ]>i,-. It'.s jnv( what the "full" pigs nrrd to keep ttirm fut und vigorous all winter mid have them ready to tunrket ivhrn prices go up, Sold by ilrMli-r* fvprjrwhrrt. If you vrlH v i .'- H.I f ii ni I iv many ti- i I of ttock yc-iown. WM Mill f.uwjitd t TI.U free, niir $.',i)"". s i. - k Book. jus INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. CK STOVE POLISH A PABTB I THE F. F. DAU.F.Y 0> LT&INo DUST NoWASTfl HAMILTON. CANADA. iN into lee on yer plale? You'ro a bad an Mina. YVhat'H the matter with the bread nnd hntter, that you oun't et HP It' the bent frenh. let mn toll you, not ni.in;.- rine. 'Peurs to niu thia family'* tot <laintv Bineo ilo riw in the -world. You don ; t mean u> pay you're gnln' praetinln' with a hejidiu-he?" she demanded indienantly us Mina went towards tho piano. 'Only for a little while, Tibby dear." snld Mina. pleadingly. ' Let >r alonn llbby," growled El!ha. Oh, I II let 'er nlonr," retorted Tibliy. "An' I 'OIK- to ifoodnews other iipoDle 'ull do the pame!" Minn l:iy awnke nil that nldht: but ohe was neither anxious nor fearful. Thore W.IH nnother day to live throuvh on pa- tiently an wlip i. m I>|. and thon It WHM :i IOIIK day in nil connoionee, though he worked hard nnd left liersejf . rat little time for thought. She ulept I that niRht noundly. and woke with a swift | eager reflection: "It In the day. Ho will be here. I nhnll eeu liim, hear hi voice; all will he well." Hhe would remnln at homn all day: lie iniKlii. . .niie at any moment. She wa praetidlnir hard In the rooming, when fhe heard H utep on thn stairs, and her heart, leapt; but th stop wa> Bltaha's. "Why. ha'k already!" nhe Raid. "In any- I lliiiift the matter?" Klieha h.i .1. his head, nnd did not look alarmed. "No," he Bald with a laugh; "hut my pupils are icoing away. It seernH that Uioe nort of people, the haristoeraey, leave London, and go iuto the eountry nt thin time of the year. It's a kind o' fashion. Funny. in't It? You'd think I hey 'd Kr> direetly tho weather ot 'ot. and the country was nien and fresh; but they wait all through the '<>t weather and un- til gntB n'li'o smelly; then they go: and I siipprao mop away while it' cool and pleaaanw "Then you've lost your puplln?" said .Mina with dismay. "Not a bit of if, at len*t, only for a time," he said eheerfully nnd proudly. 'It's only a 'olidny; and the best of It i, I'm to tal> one too. I drenay the swells 'u thoir faultii, like other people; but I'm lil.-i-eed if they ean be an bad as Home peo- iile try to make 'em on*,. Would you be- lieve it, Mina, that nearly every one of 'em 'a wiven me flve-pmm' note o that I ean take a 'oliday liko the rest of 'em! And I'm to earry on the lessons when Ihey oome. back. Mlna'B fiiee il.i, h.-,i and her heart swell- M: nhe knew who had prompted this nleoe of generosity : pevhapn tne money had '!> out of but own -vicket? "An 1 I'm thinking." mnlinued Klisha. "that we might really take a 'oliday What should yon nay to Harglt. or H,,u'h' uiid-ou-Uea, or touie n li weU piucaf j* swain below to investieate. As tho boatswain entered the hold, he saw that several cases of mineral water had broken, and that the water was swishing about in the hold. Then suddenly he saw one of the wooden cases marked "sodium" burst into flame. Immediately he gave the alarm, and the crew rushed to their fire stations. ~"he captain directed the men to play the hose into the hold. As the first stream of water struck the burning case, there were several explosions, as package after pack- age within the case caught fire. By this time two other cases of sodium had broken open, and their con- tents, as they came in contact with the water from the hose, burst into flames. The crew could not believe their eyes. The more water they poured on the fire, the more intense grew the conflagration. Then suddenly two cases flew into the air, crashed against the overhead beams, and spread out in sheets of fire, the smaller pierces dropping back only to bounce and danoo about, hot balls of flame, in the half-swamped hold. Panic-stricken, the crew dropped the hose lines and fled above decks. But the captain ordered the cargo flung into the sea, and led his men back into the hold. They succeed- ed in throwing several of the cases overboard. But as each case hit the waves, it rebounded into the air, o flaming ball. The superstitious crew was fast becoming unmanageable, and the captain eaw that, in any case, he must abandon the ship. He order- ed the crew to the boats not one moment too soon, for as the boats rowed away from the blazing hulk, and caesium. All of these element* have the samo characteristics op (widium in greater or less degree. The sodium should have been ship* ped in hermetically sealed tin cans enclosed in wooden cases. But the) rolling of the ship and the careless stowing of the cargo broke open some of these cases, and the sodi- um, which was not properly packed,- was liberated. Sugar For Preserving buy St. Lawrence Extra Gra- nulated by the bag. You get the choicest, {rare cane sugar, untouched by any hand from ki-i; iiry to your kitchen and FWLL WEIOHT ,I AHANTEI u Baf* too Iba. , i< '.] , to lu. Carton* 5 ib. . t ItM. 3 Sol deoUn can titfffy you. M. Lnrmt lifir liflnrln, LlniM. <, ir.l. Gives a Quick, Brilliant Polish That Lasts ;No Turpentine Easier to Use Better for the Shoes CANADA Portland CEMENT QOME men ask for so many bags of ^ "cement" Others, more careful, say they want "Portland Cement" Write the Cantda Cement Information Bureau, Mon- treal, (or free copy of " What the Farmer Can Do Wtth Concrete." There it a Canada Cement dealer in your neighborhood. If you do opt know him. -.vrito (ot ha Dame.

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