Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1913, p. 8

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August 21 1913 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE [ BUSINESSCARDS jf H. WKKiHT. TELFOBD it McDONALD ** Barrister, Bollcitoni, Ac. Offlc*s, Qrey Brao Hlock, Owon Bound. 6ludrd limk Block, FlMberton, (Bmturcl'.Ts). \V. H. Wright, W P. 'IVlfur.l Jr., J. 0. McDonaU, U U .B. SOCIETIES AO U W m*ts 00 the last Monday in aeb mootb, in their lodge room Clayton's hl> Fleiliortou, at 8 p.m. M W., W. J. Bellamy ; K-., C. B. Munihtw: FID..R. J, Bproule. Visiting bretbrto iDTitod PDJCB ARTHUR LODOK, No. MS. A.F.A A M. iiliten in Hit Munic liall. Arm troops Block, FlMliertoD, every Friday on er blort UIB full mooo G. A. Wstson, W. M.; TbM. Clayton. Hcrr-.r y . ft OCBTyLESnEBTON, 996, I. 0. F. meets In Y Clayton's Hlock the Uit Wednesday evening each month. VUltlau Forssters heartily icmneV K.. O. Bellamy ; B. B., li, C'airtB; n. h.-r . W. Buikln. Fleue pay duel to Fin. Sec. before tbe first v of tbe month. PHOBEN FRIENOB-Flesherton Council v Chosen Frlendi meets in Clayton'Bballfirit and third Wednesday of each month 6 p. m Pay assessment] to toe Recorder on or before tee flnt day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Bunt. Rl M) UATHEWS, Uarkdale, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Grey, Oooo service at reasonable rates. Dates can be made at Tke Advance, o 09 MEDICAL f\K CARTER <J M CP A 8 Ont, Physician, Surgeon etc Office and residence Peter St., Flesuertou JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon jradnate of Ontario Veterinary College residence second door south west'on fctry street. This street runs south Preityteriao Church. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURRAY I .. D. H., dental surgeon uonoi graduate of Toronto University and Hoyhl College of Dental Surgeon** of Ontario. Ganaduilsiuistored for teeth extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street. Fles^erton. LEGAL > I (AS, KANEY & HENHV-BarriBtom, *-< F>olicitorn.ctc.-I. II. Lticae, K. C. ; W. K. Henry, K. C. ; \V. I>. Il.-nry, H. A. Offices, foronln. KJO-O Tiatlorn Bank Hldjfr., 11)10110 iiju.ti u:j; Markilale I,ncan Block. I'hono 2 A. Branch ollic-e >t Ouudalk 01*11 every Saturday. V LrsiNKss CAKDS CULLOUGH ft VOUSO Markilaln . general bunking businetts. Money loaned reasonable rates Call on us. TCIiIKl.KTT, Postiiiantcr. Cfcylon. Coimm'*Moiit:i 111 H,*'. .I , ConvdVMicor, doedfl, iu'<>iviu:<:, l"'o, will* utc. oarefally drawn up ollectiou* mail?, cliarcc-s reaKonablu. Alto rocerlu*, Hour, (aed etc, kejit in stock, 1'riciti DM'-l'H.AIL. I.ici'iisoil Auctioneer for tbe County of Orvy. Terms moderate and atlblacuon guaranti'ml. The arratiK'M'i'-titH HT.il dates of nates can b made a*. THK AIIVAM K office. Knsldence and P.O. , Ceylon, Tuleplmue '.onnection. Dec. 8,07. \\-.M. KAITT1SG, Llceuied Anctionncr foi *' the countlHH of Urcy and Kinicoe. r'inu Hii'l Stock Katun a npeclalty. '!' mm 3joderutu. Fatibfactiun gunrantifMl. AJTHH^I-. meats for dams may be madu at the Advnnce office, or Central U'loi'lionn olt'.co r-xvr-rhtiain or byulclrubitiiiK un> at FuvorHham, Ont. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and [Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's llfTCIIKK SIIOI' Ceylon, - Ont. Pure Bred llolstein Bull Lli;ni:;dill:'. PrillCC.IoC Hred by Chniigeling Ilutlur Hoy out Of Tidy Abbokerk Princess Josephine. The greatest butter making strain known. Term of service t<J for grades, $f> for pun- brml. <;K<>. MOOUK&SOX, i-rop.., Teacher Wanted For S.S. No. 8, Arteinesia, ant. I >i.)n to cominoncu nfti>r inid- Miininor holidayH. .Salary xiiiiu per annum. New Bchool, everything up to dto. Apply HtntniK qualiticatioiiH and experience up to AUK. S|1 ' t'> W. J. i Sec. Troai , Port law, Out. Perfect 5ight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. m**' ' A YOUR Canadian National Exhibition EXPANSION YEA* I New Livestock Department Everything in Agriculture Exhibits by the Provinces) Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by Foreign Countries Acres of Manufactures MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT Paintings from Germany, Britain, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Greatest Cat Show AND NERO TBE BURNING OF ROME The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride Auto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival IRISH GUARDS BAND Score of other Famous Bands Twelve Band Concerts Daily Wreck of the Airship Withlngton's Zouaves New Giant Midway Grand Double Bill of Fireworks PATRICK CONWAY'S BAND Aug. 23 1913 Sept. 8 TORONTO Meaford High School will re-open on TUESDAY SEPT. 2, 1913 Matriculation Report* In the recent junior Matriculation exa- mination all three pupils who wrote from hit High School were successful in ob- When claurg will be formed to meet taining their complete matriculation. the needs of all students. This school prepares for Matriculation, Teachers' examinations (entrance into the Normal Schools and the Faculties of Education), Commercial Specialist and Commercial Diploma. "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE 8UCCK8S." We would like all parents having children to educate to consider carefully the following points about this School: High 1. BUILDING, grounds are unexcell- of ground with splendid athletic field; well ventialted class rooms; gymnasium; good board in private families; fees 810 a year. 2. THE SPLENDID WORK of this school has attracted to it large numbers of students from far and wide, and has caused its attendance tn increase rapidly. 3. AN UP-TO-DATE Science Room, j fully equipped, in which the Student .performs HIS OWN experimeuts under j the supervision of the teacher. 4. FULLY ORGANIZED Commercial I Department in Book-keeping, Stenog- raphy, Type-writing, Business Law, English Bianchei, Etc., in the hands of a Specialist who is a Chartered Account- ant; Bpecial attention given to writing and spelling. This Department is equipped with seven of the latest, up to-date Underwood Typewriters. Each eiaduate receives u beautiful Diploma. Our graduates easily obtain position?. They were Lillian Bunt, Mamie Me Loughry aud Window Kernahan. Lillian, who obtained also her Normal Entrance with Honori, is only fourteen years of age. We feel great credit is due tbe teachers and the pupils for the excellent results from the Departmental examinations thin euro. nier . Eighteen out of twenty-three pass- ed the Lower School, three taking honors all eleven pissed who tried tbe Entrance ed in the province ; four and a half acres to Normal three with honors, and all RECORD OF THE 1613 SCHOOL FOR 5. In 1!I13 this school pssied 22 out '.if-j.'i candidates for entrance into thp Normal Schools, 12 of those securin.' honor certificates; the whole class of matriculants, 15 obtaining full matricula- three Matriculation scholars pass in Group one. We extend our congratula. tions. Following is the list of successful students in Grey County. Grnup 1 N.M. Anning, G. C. Beaton W. V. Berry, C. V. Boyd, E. D. Brown, A. B. Brown, L. Bunt, G. A. Chitholm, J. B. Cook, R. A. Ctilberston, G. A, Duncan, J. C. Engel, M. R. Gilliland, W. R. Greene, G. H. Grindley, R. F. Farquharson, S. Fulton, R. A. Hall, L. Hamnull, W. Hill.N. Hurry ,J. Isaac, S. A. Kelsey. W. H. Kernahan, A. Mac- Kay, C. M. McClean, A. L. McDonald, E. C. McFaul, S. McLean, M. E. Me- Loughry, A. L. Meyer, C. A. Moore, M. Muter, D. H. Nicholl, E. L. Paterson, E. E. Pickard.A. Pringle.V. M. Rennie, N. Reuoer.E. M. Ritchie, M. T. Ruther- ford.G. Schmitt.J. Simmie, J. M. Smith, CC Sparling M Spragge, B E Stillwell, H. W. Street. H.Thompson.C E Thomp- on.C.K.Wilson.W.J.Wright.K.M.Ruth. erford. Group 2. M. E. Boyd.R. J CarHon.N- B Grierson.H.B. Legate.G. L. MacPher- son.R. J. Marshall, A. A. Morrison,S. A., Parks. Group 3L. Bushfield, C Geddes.W. Grier.A. Hildebrandt.S. F. McDonald, J. ^ -mf LlO IOU ll'you t <Io you will IK- wise toi (ion and twc ptrtial;:* for honor Matricu-j\V. MeKinnon.W.J. McNab.K.U. Miller, lalion with 7 honor*; 1!> out of twenty- L. Nicholls, F. Nolan, A. T. Hied, V. M. tvoin the Lower School examination, Renwick.W. L. Uundle.V. Russell, M. E. with two honors; 5 for entrance into the Trout, L. L. Woodward. Faculties of Education with two honors, | , and the whole class of K for Commercial Diplomas with two honor certificates. RJverdale li. The High School Inspector in his report says: ',No scliO'jl in the Province i, in a ...ore nourishing condition. The, Vo *W cr P 8 '" tllls clnlt y welv " luch i-iiirit <if the school is admirable and im- benefited by the recent showers. presses a stranger at once as ,,ui'u out M us Trueman of Brampton is the Of lilt- f'-llllliifl. ., i.ii . guest of htr sister, Mrs. D. Johnston. Send to th 1'iiiiciiial for beautifully illustrated Announcement, mailed free on We are pleased to report that Mr. application, I; " .. hwin i-- able to be around again, A. A. Pmidas 15. A., Homer Reid, , lf , ( ,,. bein ., i;,,,,|i lu .j lo the house owing Principal. Scc.-Tnas to an attacl of piicuinonia. Miss Hall of Tara is spending her ta- nual vacation with her frieiid, Miss Llla Canada s Only Naval Battle Hiihardsou. ,. Mr. \V. Wilson, of ReiiveriUle, nucotu- Fot one hundred yi'nrs I aiiada has been . . ,, , ,, panied l>y his sister, Liniiia, of Allistun :it peat-e. broken only by the famous Bof ' were visitors in out- burg tecoiitly. A i,uii:l i of the young pi-oplc of this pay attention, |den-Uuiiei mm.l baitlent Oitawn in the 1 am at the present time making a wiuiei -of imi'. i:t. The battle raged foi Specialty of Iron Beds. TllO original I fivo m-nths, hostilities even i-onrinu .vicinity spjnt an enjoyable time nt the of the picture given at tlic hea-1 of iw throaghoul ,.,.iie nights. |, Wil> homeof Mr. -md Mrs. J. Wiley one tllis advertisement will only Cost you l""l ll 'lV the t n!y example in history of ..' ''"' 1 glent nav.tl battle bciif& fought on land, ; Mr. Uobt. llenniiii;. "f the We-tt I'.u-k $5.00 5.01 |>5.0I) j whori) all the combatants were allowe,! l.inc.nccompanicd by his Bister, and Miss Got BOfflOtbing nice and C'Jinfoi (able itosit in cushioned easy i-liairs and wi-u- .Miliio White, passed throuxli our burg on which to lay your weary hoad. within easy reach of refreihropnt*', liqiiiil on the first of the week. Of POllfSL' we have Othor boils at other 'ami otherwise. Thu great, naval battle Harvesting open-it ions are in full prices, all equally low ill price |,,f ]![: -I:! was also lemaikablein Bnother; t | lis Wl ,,. k UIld notwitlistundingthe Sanitary Beds such as everybody rc , 1H 'c., namely, in thai there were no dry SI ,,]| ,| le , io M ,,cr acre will bpriDRa and Mattresses to f , uliti( ,,. 11lis W-UI , !MW , y due to tl,,^,.,,,,',,. t!;an anticil>iltt . d . wants. fit all bf-.l/. to I .\;iiiiint- our stock any- [iiifeliasing your iudnccrfl. lnuch way, before W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT, FARM IOR SALE In tin- InKiisliip of A i tciiii-sia, in the Cniinly of (Jrpy. Ic.t 1:1, con. '-', uiul lotH I'Jiind i:, con. I! N.I) It., cmilaiuini; IDO acres ; fiMini! Imnsc. Apply to N. Me- Kayilcn, I no I'iiik. Onl., or A. N. Moi- i/nn. New l,islir:m!, or .Inlin McKnydun, Coylon, Out. 1 jnylll i i ' that the only ammunition used in the hist -ric battle, was wind, which win hurled in liti-ge i|iiantities by each of the opposing fuel ions. As n sham fight it wiha huge success and both gallant arums who foujhl C-mada's great iiavn' battle on Imid retired from the field feel Mr. Tom liould, of London, Out., s renewing acquaintances in .mil around here at present. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wyville, of Mark- date, visited the parental home here, on 'the first of tbe woek. vug thai they had won the Mai.y of us were iiu-lined to when the battle was in was a waste of lime and that victory I *^ w '"g to t' le huckleberry crop being a ,,,,,,,, Kinfa'liiro this seaion, foreign fiuit hawkots ill ti it ""'"' as welcome as tbe (lowers in there was M J f ''> U" vicinity. ill "i work I hut needed pfihaps nftt'i- all, wo ari 1 attention. But Mr - Rf"c* Walker, Klectrcian, took more fortunate ' us departure for Toronto last week. Mr. than we thought, ami if in the next linn- A ' dred jenrs no irentrr calamity befalls tliU '' ls ' )ot '" EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the luri'esl altendanee in its history, The OoUingWUOd Hnsiness College bus |>Uced in a gund posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from January 2, IHl.'l. Send for handsome Catalou'iie. Colliri|wood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. \.. Hawkins. - Principal nf Harkaway, we understand engaged as Hello Mchin c-ountVy tbiin Tlie-Hordeii-Laurier-naval- Doctor in Mr. Walnoi's absence, battle fought -on land-at Ottawa during , Hivevdale as a far famed beauty spot and tlic-winter-of-l!il'J-l:i, we nny count one- \ i leal cum growing locality has got the selves f.ii i iiirtif. Hut in vtrtheK'ss it wasigoods. We were presented with a (talk a great performance that the '-"-M soblierajof corn recently measuring ten feit in the 1 1 LI ..- of i - in, .n- put up as they Co isidering the recent dry weather th's Don Sow Winter Wheat Like A Blind Man OPEN your eyes to the fact that there Is a better way to grow winter wheat. This way is one which, by actual scientific field tests made throughout Canada, has proven that it will produce the largest amount of the best wheat to the acre. The splendid results achieved through this methoJ depend mostly upon the start you make. The vitally important part of the work is done at seeding time, so start NOW to learn all about this method. Our Scientific Bureau will tell you about it, free. Progressive farmers will apply at seeding time a fertilizer containing 2 ",. Nitrogen, 8"o Phosphoric Acid and 8'"o POTASH better still a 2-8- 10. Such a fertilizer insures a good stand before the commence- ment of winter gives the crop a greater degree of protection from the frosts promotes a rapid and early growth in the spring, and produces s bountiful crop of high grade wheat. But perhaps your dealer cannot furnish you with a 10% POTASH fertilizer. If he cannot, don't take a substitute, because a substitute / low grade fertilizer will NOT produce the results you want. Thething / to do is to get more POTASH and add to the fertilizer your dealer POTASH fertilizer. We It is simple, easy, and can give you to increase it to a 10 , will tell you, free, just how to do this, pays for itself many times over. Or you can mix your fertilizer at home, if you Our Scientific Bureau will tell you all about it. wish. / S FREE INFOR- MATION COUPON Decide now to raise the biggest and best-paying wheat .' crop you ever had. Why not write NOW > We f. can, help you ! Simply use the coupon attached, f ~^^~ f German Kali Works German Kali Works, Inc. Room 1848 Temple Building TORONTO. ONT. We have POTASH stored ready for immed- iste shipment at a central distributing J point near you. / /Gentlemen: Kindlyscnd me free information > concerning the proper way to f raise winter wheat to as to get the J largest possible profit Irom my crop J NAME P.O. ADORE** PROVINCE CALL ON W.L. WRIGHT FOR THE BEST BRANDS OK JPLOUR ( ^ilvios Itoyul Household, Five Uoses, l)un<Ulk White Rose, Ford's Patent mid Morning Glory. Every hing You Need in Groceries ! Leave your Order with us for your Cherries, Black Currants. Ut'rries, etc. Our Ice dram Parlor is open day and evening. fee Cream always on hand at THE FLESHERTON GROCERY FLKSHKKTC^X. ^ ONTARIO.- ;| i I f R. J. COLQUETTE Fevers ham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Co Full Lino of Farm Implements. \VllgOIIN, !'!!: '.'I'."., I'll II,.;.. Sleighs, and Gnxolinc IMI/MO-, M. I iii" i H'. mi KnpnrntoiH, Haki-r Wind Mills, Pum[m, Piping and Pipe Pittingx alwayn on hand. lieatty linw'. of KurgtiM, Utti'ii Tracks, Litter 1 .u i n'1'r nnd Htalilo IIM or < 'i . i. -.lui! i nnd Frodt A-. Wood l.'i p ui . ulwayH on Imnd. Wareroom - Wellington Street. Fcvcrsbam, Ontario III.. .'.I away nt each other week after wt'ok and the lofty chamber echoed to the windy broadsides hurled acrors the intervening spaco. And Insi. rv will re .oi'd how these valiant coldier-suilor- Jack- Tiirs remained under arms through lonu weary hours and how they bivouacked all night round I he electric lights of the baltU- liflil in that bloodless strui-glu. (Suide. Continuity in Advertising The advertiser who expttclN to build a business out of v 1-1 1 imii:.; deceives biniself. T<i be t-llfi-inf you iii occasional ad- Ntaiitly,Mf.Munufacturer or Mi\ Ketailer. A bank recently decided to do some advertising. Half a do/on advertiseuaent" weru M i iiii'n ami plaaid. The reiu iiiiM;iiiii.-;uit and the Advertising stopped. Another bank watched the experiment- BULL FOR SERVICIi The thoroughbred shorthorn Lull, fHHIfll- will bo for! Then it started to adverliae. Hut it didn't atop when six advertise- ) iiieiit had been printed . i It kept right .>n. When a dozen advertisements had niiiiil thuir wav into typo,bu.<iineB8 bcgnii Ifuddenly to take nn upward trend. I-', it-li day more and more now fucen r. . I wei e seen ail Inn the bitnk building. * K)W tl f 'some corn" ill riijht. Inauguralion Of New Steamship Service Between St. John. N. B., and Uigby' N. S. By Palatial New Steamer "St. Geotfc" Passengers from Ontario points via C in vilun I ' . i ! , Route lire now att'ordeil nnunexcelleil through servicoto Montreal, St. John, and Uio "l.mul of Kvnni(eiiiie "in connection with new steauisliipSt.Ueorge which is now in liberation between St. John, N. It., and Diijby, K. S., daily except Sunday. Passengers iiutkiug thi trip can leave Toronto at !).UU a.m., Arriving Montreal same evening : I. n r Montreal 7. -5 p. in. and arrive St. John 1 l.O* a.m. next day, connecting with the. fawt Ktuauislup "St. George, " nailing 12..'H) p. m. (Atlantic Standard Time),arcicing Digby 'J ::n p.m. ' Practical Potttrtul Simple Safe Popular Reliable Economical Gaiollnt Enginet making connection with In n I it- "Flying Itluenoie" Dominion At- limitd train, wan arriving Halifax 8.00 p. m. Returning passengers leave Halifax 10.00 a. in. via "Flying lUiienosr, " con- nocting ut Digby with tlio fa.it stoamship, "St. Cionrge," mailing at -'!'-'.' p.m. Con- locling at St. John with Oanadiiiu Pacific rain, leaving 4. 55 p. in. .arriving Montreal following morning 8. 'M n. ni. and arriving Toronto same night at 7.10. This now fast sei vice at" brds passenger.-> a delightful lrip,i:oinbining rail and water with but two fli.-iiiges, at Si. John ami Digby, without the slightest incoiivonionco thus enabling pasongers to make a trip across the Hay of Fundy, funnui for its ;it-iii rise and ebb of tide, and pusing IT beaiu>* ' and historic "Land of Kvan- tf"^.-- . .u.i ^-issssssts^i^di^.^g'^^'^JB'^^s^ /THE REASON ' you should own one of these Famous engines It will do the work of several hired men and horses. It will work, (unwatched), while you sleep It Is always willing, ready, and has the power to do your wort- It will save your horses, time, temper and money W rk It Is a favorite with thousands of farmers. It has survived thousands of tests as to its DO- It Is a bread winner, a wealth producer, and a "- iof the international Harvester We will gladly demonstrate Its.merlta If von will g *e us a cal S. HEMPH1LL, Agent,

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