Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Aug 1913, p. 4

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ir*.- August 211 91 3 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE / r lcoi)citon AJS independent newspaper. published every Ttwday th* office, ColUngwood' Street, nesjbertoo. Subscription price 91 per annum. hn iiaid in advance ;$l.f> J when not 10 paid Advertising rates on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W H, -rimraton- Bdltor HAIL TO THE VICTOR When Private Hawkine of Toronto recently won the King'* prize of |1200 at Bislejr, hi* victory was heralded around the world, and paeas of praise were railed at hit prowess. He had done something that none of the other com- petitors could do, and as a coasoquenee he U a hero to be feted and petted and made much of. His victory did not mean anything ndaed to the world's wealth, or tend to the betterment of man- kind in any way. It merely proved that he could shoot straight had studied trajectory and air currents with their effect on the velocity and deflection of bullets until he could hit the bullaeye at half a mile. The knowledge thus gained has won for him twelve hundred dollars, an in- teresting holiday and the pUudits of his fellow men throughout the empire. But the honor attached to a victory of this kind is of the most ephemeral nature, and next f er it will be forgotten in the demand made by a new champion. Only those to whom he shows his medal will remetuber that Private H wkins won the King's prize for shooting in 1913. This victory is til very well as sport, but it is not the solid thing that Canada needs. There U a man living out in the West who is a thousnnd times more de- serving of the planditi of Canadian!, and whose memory will no doubt be cherished locg after Private Hawkins has fired his last shot. We refer to the iun who produced Marquis wheat. When Dean Swift wrote Ins Gulliver's Travels he put into the mouth one of his characters the fullowinK words : "And he gave it as his opinion, t li-it whoever could make two bladft) .of grans to grow upon a ipot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to'.bis country, than the whole rare of politicians put together." And he mi^ht have adJed expert marksmen to the politicians. But the moat important lemon to be learned from this episode in the fact that man who can do anything a little better than bis neighbor, no matter wht, is a champion and consequently a hero. There are prizes to be won and honors t be gained in every wlk of life if we ex- cel in what we undertake. Toronto Line North Last Week's Items. Rain came at last, after many threaten- ing attempts. Miss Adda Wright of Flesherton visited with M ins Elva Lever. Messrs. Fred and Lyall Mathewson of Toronto viaited a few days with their uncle, Fred Mathewson, here. Mr. Brown and Miss Lever held their annual farmer's picnic ou Thursday, in the former's beautiful grove. As well as other sports, games were indulged in ; from these we learn that Toronto Line pofsesses some good players. The ladies of the district who nre famous in culinary ait furnithed the good things which seemed to satisfy everyone's appetite. The picnic was enjoyable and successful. Hop.- we may have another next year. A number of East Mountain young people visited at Mr. Thos. Lever's, recently. Mrs. J. Manning has returned home to Brussels, after a week's visit with her daughters, Mrs. J. Lever and Mn. Fred Mathewson. This Week's Items Harvesting is in progress. Mr. Myron Cole of Forest and brother Frank of Pontiac, Mich., with their wives and children visited *.he former's sister, Mrs. Chas. Stewart. They were on ajnotoring holiday. Master Eddie Davis of Cheeseville is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Geo. S wanton. A very enjoyable and pleasant even- ing was spent at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lever on Friday evening, when Miss Elva Lever met her friends 'iinl neighbors for the last time befor e her depsrture from their midst. She left Monday to attend Model sohool at Hanover. She wai accompanied by Miss Hazel Allen cf East Mountain, who also attends Model. Mi8 VII !. Boland of "the oaki," Vandeleur, is visiting with her aunt, Mri. \v. Swanton. Mr. mil Mrs. Ueo. \Vickens of Toronto ure visiting at the former's parental home. Mrs. G. Coutin and babe, and Miss Irene Cousin returned to their home in Toronto, after a fortnight's visit with Mrs. U. Swanton. Miss Elva Lever and sister, Clarissa, spent the week end with East Mountain friends. Tliornbury has been leported dead aiiice the passing of local option, yet the Thornbury Herald saya : "T. W. Kant- land, general merchant, Thornbuiy, has just completed a line large addition 10 his store. His business during the past IMS so increased that he found it nrceaanry to enlarge his building to double the origi- nal size. He has now a store and store- house that would be hard to beat any- where in the country. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papera. Flesherton Advance t I 00 Youths Companion . 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe ... 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald A Star 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocate 1 50 Weekly Witness 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry New* 26 Poultry Keview 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 AN ILLUSTRATION In conversation with a p%rty who taught school in a section not far from Flesherton aome thirty years ago The Advance unearthed a condition that will illuatrate better than any other means the marvelous change that has taken place during that time where teachers and teachers' salaries are concerned. The parly in question received at that time the munificent annual salary of 1240 for her services. She asked for 1200 but the trustees could not see their way clear to increasing the salary so outrageously, ifc^fUrftcS ..marked : "We will soon have to sell our farms if salaries go up like this !" The teacher got a larger salary in soother school and the section he left was obliged to pay 300 to a new teacher. That Hecrion to-day payg its teacher a salary of 000 and there is no murmuring. But it is a big step in advance of the high-water mark of thirty yearn ago whun f240 wai thought to be the limit. Edward Hope, sr., of this town, nys '.he Ohesley Enterprise, is wearing for everyday work a coat and vest that he purchased 25 years ago from Jamas Hal- liday, ei-M.P , who was in business in Cbealey ut the time of the bii< tiro. MR. liope brought in a load of hay for Mr. Halliuay mid * he hud lost hetvily in (ho r<uifl*Krii*i<in i' ' agreed that Mfc Hnpi! should have u suili-f black Merge made in jjuyment for tin; hay. Ax our o*n Kdwanl Ins IM-CN wi-uring the >oat and vi'sl fir :.'" yiMi', imHIn-y arc still good fur M-vuritl years, it looks as 'hough liu X"' tf'"'l viilin! f..r !iii li.-iy Tin old HUM:,' nl>out I!.'- " Hat my father wo|* " roiylit it changed hi "coat " aptly apjiljr'to the "in rMttunl II ip.; is wr.-itini; town in I lie flour nd f.vd More. Ready Davis i>" i ^ -liclinn wis Rolemnixed 1>"M'' "f - N1 '. '. xl - I'a\i. >' f - Tiiyii- in in - II ... "iirt !'. . . ;n. MI ed liy I DuOgcono' ' ' '.< IM in All. i j.i.n(nkiii){ <if .Mr. nnd MIH. l;,-.ul\ i. 'i 11 piinlfi l.|) tlllMl lii-i.ly Uljji- i ' ' SEALED TENDRKB addressed to the un- demigned. and endorsed " Tender for Wharf at Vall's Point Out.," will be received at this offloe until 4 p.m. or. Monday, Sept, 19. IMS, for the constructou 1 1 a Wharf at Vail'* Point, (Jut. Plans, rpeciflcatlon and form of contract can be seen iunl forms of tender obtained at thin Department and at the offices of J. O. Slug, Ksp.. District Engineer, Confederation Life ituililiiu'. Toronto, Out., J.H. Armstrong, EM)., District Englnenr Midland (int.. and ou application to the Post Office at Vail's Point Onf Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless ma<ie on (he printed forms supplied, and sigaen with their actual signature*, stating their occupations and places of residence. In the case of firms, tbe actual signature, tbe nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of tbe arm must be given. Each tender inuat be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of tbe Honorable tbe Minister of | Public Works, equal to ten (10) per cent, of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person teudering declines to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to couipletu the work contracted for. If the ten- der be not accepted tbecheque will he returned Tbe Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. By order, V. C- DESRUCHRKB. Secretary. Departuunt of Public Work*. Ottawa, August 15 1913. Newspaper* will not be paid for this adver- tisement if they insert It without authority from the Depaituient. 45444. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Clearing Prices in Plain and Fancy Rib- bons, Embroideries and Insertions. Valenciennes Laces THIS WEEK HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS MAIL CONTRACT Walkerton An amusing incident took place at the G. T. R. station on Tuesday morning in whick two hogs put one over on Jack Gaboon of Brant. Jack left his farm on the gravel road with the two pigs in his wagon to catch the stock train south and hen he arrived at the yards he called Mr. Frank Smith the buyer, to help him unload his twine, but to his discomfiture when he looked into the wagon, the pig*. weie not thtre. First assuring himself that he wax awake, Jack turned to Mr- Smith and exclaimed. "I'm dead sure I put those pigs in there!". This never- theless did not alter the situation, and .fuck climbed disconsolately into hia neat and started homeward. He had only proceeded as far as the biicoit factory, however, when he discovered his porkers along the roadside. Jack would not trust them in the wngon nnd drove them on foot to the depot, arriving there in time t> catch the train. Mr. Gaboon has ot yet been able to figure nut just how In* wayward porkers got out of the w<tgi>n Karly Saturday evening Chief of Police Ferguson received a hurry-up call from the west ward to arrest a young Ind, who it was alleged bad stolen a gold watch from a ninii who resides in the same building as himself. The theft was noticed shortly after it was cummitt.ed and (.-ircurnsliinceH pointed strongly to- wards the youth and the loser struck out on his trail which led him to the vicinity of Truax's dam. The Chief who had in the meantime been called, hurriedly followed, but the youth ba'l given them the slip and nfter a short search they re- turned to the abode of the man whore to thoir xurpriHe they found the stolen watch lying on the doorstep. This wan a very wine move on the part f the youth as ^11 parties were satisfied at the re- covery of the watch and be thus saved liiiimclf tii.m living put into a very un- pleasant situation. Tb* youth In ijuest- i.ui ! "f .-i iiitlu-r tliriftlosM ili->|i.i'ioii and il was just another case of, ''There in always plenty evil for idle Imncls to do. Telescope. Mi. Win. H. Mhy, one of tlm U-st known and highly esti-unied fannrr.i in tltr tnwiihhip of Asbliekl, fell oil' a hm.l of bay "ii Friday the 18th inst. When picfciMl up liu wn dciid, tlu> fill lii'. im; .1 Ii'. wimluipe mid lnukcnliisncck. II. ua*. usiiif! a liny luA'lor nt the linio. Tha romnlny wn iuhnmi un smubiy U-.I. lll'j'l.l'll I. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH ii|)ui. ano . i Sound, < in:. GOOD LOCAL AGENT At once to represent the Cbe Old and Reliable Font hill Nurseries Splendid lUt of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. : : : : Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outfit and pay highest emu missions. Writ* for full particulars. 1 Jly l :: Stone & Wellington TORONTO, - - ONT. * Jas. Pattison & Co. CEYLON, ONTARIO. Notice To Trespassers for damages. Imo. JOHN HEARD, Leiee. SEALED TENDEKH addressed to the Post- master Qeneral, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 12lh Sept. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's MaiUor, a proposed Contract | N { j fa . . , h fc t ies for four yean, s.x times per week J .SgJJ with tne * fencing arour !d the Orer MarkdsJe "Via Iri.h Lake Trarer- F| eBne r property will be held responsible ton and Ebordals) from 'the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Primed notices containing further ' information as to conditions of proposed Contract may bo seen nnd blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the I'.-t Ofticesof Markdale. Irish Lake.Tnivers'on, KbonUle and at the Office of tho Pest ODice lns ( i, .n,. i at Toronto. Pit Oflice l>r|iiutn,i'iit, M.nl Service Branch, Toronto, August 5th, l:>l.". G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Flesl-ierton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket leaves Tuesda) noon, delivery Friday evening. Dates of Fall Fairs - PROPRIETOR CLEANING nd DYEING We n 'agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes {cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. Flesherton Oct. 7 8 ! Ayton Sept.SH 24 T FISHER, - Culdwater Sopt. 1810 j Dundalk Ooi.tl 10 Durlmn .Sept. 23 24 j Fovernhmii Sept. 30, Oct. 1 1 Markdale Get 14 15 1 Tenders will be received by the utider- M.-af,,rd.'.'.'..'....'...s',-pi.' 30 - Oct. i : ined at Port McNicholl up to 4 o'clock 1 it. m. Kriiliy 15th day of August for the Mt - Fori l Sept. 17- 18 purohiweot the solid brick store and Owon Siitinil Oct. 7 9, For Sale by Tender Tbe place you can get nearly anything you want in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also Hardware, Hay Rope and Biud.ertwine. Brant- ford Bindertwine 650 feet, and 600 feet, can't be beat. Also Canadian Portland Cement at $1.50 per barrel. Paris Gieen in 1 pound and half pound packages. Scythes, Blades and Snaths, Scythe Stones and Rakes, also the best machine oil. Remember we pay highest market price for Butter, Eggs, Wool, Tallow, Skins and Hides. TERMS CASH AND TRADE I JAS. PATTISON & Co. \ HZ) GENERAL MERCHANTS d ~l CEYLON ONT. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT Priceville Oct. 2-3 Rocklyn Oct. 2-3 Shelbune Sept. 2.V-24 Turn Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Walter's Fulls Sept. 10-17 Wiartnn Sopt. 23 24 WoodbriJge Oct. 14-15 dwelling opposite Kl mi Mills in the village of Feversham, also for the purchase of tho rough-cant dwelling and property on Wellington St. West lately owned by John Speers. Tenders to state tlieir own tenni of payment and interest. Lowest nor any tender not i:.-i'i--.':irily accepted. I. HAHVEY PERIOOE. 40,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG Plui half cent par mile from Winnipeg u to Manljeod, I'.iinnrj-, or Bdmonton. " RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG PliiBhftlf cent per mile from all polntsoaat of Mai- 1 .1'u.i, ('ulgAr? or Rdiuonlfm to Wlnnlpefi MI. in : :i.m , l.Hu U> -I .'"i i ..in. ji.ni. < Mi GOING DATES AUGUST 18th Prom M stations Kingston tu Renfrew inclusive and cast thereof in Ontario. AUGUST 22nd From Toronto ami \\i-st r>a Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnla Incluilvc iiinl South thereof. AHil'ST 25th X' m Toronto nnd Morlh-Westcrn Ontnrlo. North of but not Including Grand "Lunik Line Tunnto to Siuni.i ami Mast of Toronto to Kingston, Slmrbot Lako and Kriiiirw, iiu hMiu.: th<- v iioints. SEPTEMBER 3rd ' '"'" '!'"" ' ; '"J " tullon* in Ontario Euat of but not Including Gram] Trunk Line Toronto to North Uay. ' 1 1' 1 1 MHL II Slh } '< om "" stations on UrauU Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay Incliisivo, nnd West thori'of In Ontiiiio, Including C.I*. K. Linc.siulbury tu Sank .SU-. Maile,Onlailo. bi,' not linlinlhui AiiH.i inul \V't->t. (INK-WAY Sf.CONn-n.ASS Tiar.TS WILL BB SOLD TO vTlNMrtU ONLY One-way nMond class tlcketl to \\ innlpcg only will be !>!. !-'> h '.U-kct will Intlmlc n vcilli. . \tiini certificate, with an i-Miinsidn couiwn. When extrusion coupon Imi btfen ulgncd at Winnipeg by a Tanner, showing lie | m) eng,>ui'il th<- bolder to wink ut n farm labuirr. tin- counnn will be honored up to s p; -nibcr Wlh for ticket nt rate of one-hall 'i i -in (minimum fifty cent*) to any station wot ofWlanlpet on tlu- C.maill.ui rai:iti.-. i orthernoi Cnad Trunk Paciflc R ilhvayi In Manuoba, Saskattlicwau or Alberta, but not weal of Edmonton, Culgnry or Mac t.eod, Alta. A rrrtitii ati- will he i/.ueil i.-ntirll.iK puu-lia?i-r to n Mwnd-ctaH ticket aoml to trtinn from any istatlon on th" Canadian I'.i.i . t'niia-li.ni Northern, or Gnivd Tuik K.iiKv.iv- ii ; Alliffita, Saskatchewan and Manitoba can of M:ul.oi. (' : iitng point by the same : travelled on i: >iiiks jnutm'v un : "r .tilth. IPI3, imjii- rt of on ; -.lie (minimum f.ftv , ,-i.tii) uuta I to 118.00 from \\ innlp the tlcVet agent on arnVBl M di ::ig- l'"or fulLparticulaT* ee nrar -. I'.I'.U. At;, ut, or wiitc M. G. MURPHY. D.F.A.. C.P.R.. T.-r.-nt.- We desire to call the attention of all those afflicted with anvBUod or Skin DU..M to our New M.ihod Ti III a fuaraatMd cure (or then complain uTThtre la no ez- CUM for any penon h*Tlnr a didBKurvd fkc* from ruptloni and blotchei. No matUr whether hereditary or acquired, our spec! flo romeilie* and treatment neutralise all pot- BODS In the blood and ezpul than from the tyitem. Our Tut experience In th* treat- ment of thounnds ot tha moat serious and complicated cues enables ut to perfect ercy return, and tha a oa* opened up to ult us Free of Chwi*> and tot us prove to you how quickly our remedlef will remove II evidences of diseaiw. Under the Influence of the N.w Method Tra.tm.nl the skin b*- ccMnes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches hi-al up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows In again, the eyes become bright, ambition and enert victim realise* a new life him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE 8wd forBoeUtton Di.etwi el MM "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE II uabU to !!, writ* for a Que.Uon LUt for Heme Treatment tf- DRS.KENNEOT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si, Detroit, Mich. 'All letters from Canada mnst be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat BO patients iu our AViiulsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windier, Oat. Write for our private address. Tamworths (or 5ale 1. ith .-\ npiiilv ' Pi loos ri'.-lit int quiet ; r. ( i Boar for Service ,s. i;.\M>, .- AQKN'JV- I 1 Li -sill KTON, K. \\.\- BULL FOR SERVICE !; .sii-i-v'il HiilsU-iii Hull,' Kornclyko I'lulhii.l.v N'.. I-IV80, whose linn, Ti -i/.io's Clntliil.tc Pii-trri j.- Jim.Nu. . od nvi-f SU His. mill, p-r ' 'uiiii'il ill bo cl. . \ . . 345SI .'IVrnnsi. IIKNUV lit M.MAN i, kilt

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