Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1913, p. 6

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LA GRIPPES VICTIMS left Weak, Miserable and Prey to Disease in Many Forms One of the most treacherous dis- ases afflicting the people of Can- ada during the winter months is la grippe, or influenza. It almost in- variably cuds with a complication of troubles. It tortures its victims with alternate fevers and chills, headaches and backaches. It leaves him an easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, and even consumption. Indeed the deadly .after-effects of la grippe may leave the victim a chronic invalid. You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and red by an occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If you have not done this and the disease attacks you, you can banish its deadly after-effects through tho use of this same great blood-building, nerve-restoring medicine. Here is proof of the wonderful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills over this trou- ble. Mr. Emmanuel Laurin, St. Je- rome, Que., saye : "I was seized with a severe attack of la grippe. I was obliged to stop work and re- main in my bed for several weeks, and while I appeared to get over the first stages of the trouble, I did not regain my usual health. I Buffered from headaches, loss of ap- petite, and extreme weakness. I did not sleep wll at nights, and would arise in the morning feeling tired and worn out. This continu- ed for about two months during which time I was taking treatment, but apparently without avail. Then I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a half dozen boxes. By the time I had taken three boxe* there was a decided im- provement, and actually before I had completed the sixth box I was enjoying my old-time health. I was itrong as ever, could sleep well and eat well, and no longer suffered from lassitude .-UK! headaches. I have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for the pernicious after-effect* of la grippe, and can therefore recommend them to other wufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by Agoing to the root of the trouble in the blood, which they enrich and tmake red and pure. These pills cure ,' all troubles due to bad blood, and if are ailing you should start to oure yourself to-day by taking this great medicine. Sold by all medi- eine dealers or bv mail at 60 cents e. box or six boxes for $2.50 from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., irockville, Ont. 1 HI i HE'S DUTIES. The Duke of Devonshire ha the heavy, drowsy appearance which was so characteristic of his uncle. But, as in the caw of his famous re- lative, this appearance is decep- tive, for It conceals shrewd oom- monsense and a ready wit. The Duke on one occasion took a Chicago heiress into dinner. The lady was astonished at his clever conversation and ventured to re- mark: "I can scarcely believe that in your maiden peeoo in the House of Commons you paused three times and yawned heavily." "Oh, but you'd have believed it," was the reply, ''if you'd heard the speech." Despite an abundance of worldly wealth the present Duke has always HE FOUND THEM NO FAITH CURE BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CLEANED OUT W. F. BLACK'S SCIATICA. He was In an agony when a friend guve him a box. Mow he recom- mends them to everybody. Newcastle, N.B., Jan. 20. (Spe- cial). lu these cold fall day* jrtien the chill winds crystallize the uric acid in the blood and cause the pangs of Rheumatism and Sciatica to bring sleepless nights to many a home, a man's best friend is ho) who can tell his neighbor of a sure cure for his torture*. Such a friend is Wm. F. Black, of this place. He suffered from Sciatica and lame back. He was so bad that he could not lace hie boots or turn in bed. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him and he wants all his neighbors to know of the cure. "Yes," Mr. Black says, in an in- terview, "I was so bad with Scia- tica and Lamo Back that I couldn't lace my shoes or turn in bed, when a friend gave me about a third of a. box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I started taking them without much faith in their curative powers, and found them all they were recom- mended. 'Now I fl-rn recommending P< dd's Kidney Pills to all sufferers Er<'in Kidney Disease." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no faith cure. They're a simple but sure cure for diseased kidneys. The Duke of Devonshire. rains of Gold. le that falls into sin ia a man ; t 'grieves at it a saint ; that stoth of it a devil. Fuller. treat men do not play stage with the doctrines of life and i ; only little men do that. cin. en a man is his own enemy he unreasonable if ho expects oen to be his benefactors. first condition of human is something to love ; the something to reverence. [Eliot. 'men I ask little from. I try Jer thfim much, and to expert frig in return, and I get very out of the bargain. Fenelon. we live a life of faith in the it Gd then we shall assuredly- life of holiness. In as far as not live a life of faith, in so shall live a lif of tinholi- It is through faith that God ks the heart, and there is no Iway . McCheyne . p<-\\ liiiii.-iiiun Sandstone. Prussian government has iled at Stettin a building coin- ed of imitation sandstone, gra- and marble. The sandstone orms the greater part of the exter- ior. Tho framework is of brick. All the blocks, windows frames, sills, s, roof, balcony and portal >rrmments are of imitation stone, nd they were so exactly cast and 'numbered tliat they were fitted to- gether and set with little or no chi- seling. The pressing or stamping of the moulded pieces was done by band. From throe to four weeks were required for drying. The cost i said not to have exceeded half that of natural atone, arid the dur- ability is believed to be equal. been a hard-working man, with a conscientious view of his responsi- bilities. For three years he acted as Treasurer of the Royal House- j hold, and for two he was Financial I Secretary to the Treasury. He is High Steward of the Borough of Derby, Chairman of the Board ol Trade Arbitration Court, and a vice-president of the Liberal-Union- ist Council. He has represented Derbyshire West in the House of Commons, and has acted as Mayor of Eastbourne, and of Chesterfield. In addition he has clone upon two hundred thousand acres to look af- ter as well as several magnificent residences hi various parts of the country. A GOOD BREAKFAST. Some Persons Never Know What It Means. A good breakfast, a good appe- tite and good digestion mean ev- erything to the man, woman or child who has anything to do, and wants to get a good start toward doing it. A Southern man tells of his wife's "good breakfast" and also supper, made out of Grape-Nuts and cream. He says : "I should like to tell you how much good Grape-Nuts haft done for my wife. After being in poor health for the last 18 years, during part of the time scarcely anything would stay on her stomach long enough to nourish her, finally at the suggestion of a friend she tried Grape-Nuts. "Now, after about four weeks on this delicious and nutritious food, she has picked up most wonderful- ly and seems as well as anyone can be. "Every morning she makes a good breakfast on Grape-Nuts eat- en just as it conies from the pack- ago with cream or milk added ; and then again the same at supper, and the change in her is wonder- ful. "We can't speak too highly of Grape Nuts as a fo<xl after our remarkable experience." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read inn abovt litter? A new on* pptari from time to lima. They are genuine, true, and full of hitman Interest. CONSTIPATION CURED BY BABY'S OWN TABLETS t Baby's Own Tablets are the best icine a mother can ue to rolievi Br little ones from constipation all other stomach and bowel bubles. They act as a gentle liative, are pleasant to t>ake awl re absolutely safe. Concerning L m Mrs Philippe St. Pierre, St. ipetue, Que., says: "My baby badly constipated and was l)l the time. Nothing I gave to do any good till I - Own Tablets. Th.-y tine sl'^iojne in the w.ii-UI t'liimjii'-. .^sjUkly relieved Moore's I"'!'- n 1 |B^ ru ],i duugnWB now All Ahoilt Nr\\-.|>,l |i<-ls. The first newspaper in tho world was probably the Roman "Acta DiuniHO," which, it i said, was published in 601 B.C. Later, there came the "Acta Senatus," contain- ing an account of the various mat- ters brought before the. Senate, the opinions of the chief speakers, and the decisions of the. House, which was published regularly every day by command of Julius "Caesar. This formed the earliest approach to the modern journal. Tho first Ixindon newspaper was issued in tho time of the Stuarts. This was the "Weekly News," nnd the dote of its birth about 1622. The "Post Boy" was the f\rnt daily, and it began some seventy years later. London used to possess the cheap- est journal ever published. It was o-al,led the "Six-a-Penny," and sub- scribers <i f <inr penny per week had the paper delivered to them every , while single copies were wild jarthing. Nowadays, Oer- ^apers is tin The P(e)aec Maker. Village Grocer What are you running for, sonny? Boy I'm trying to keep two fel- lers from fightin'. Village Grocer Who are the fel- lows ? Boy Bill Perkins and me. Catarrh Brands You An "Undesirable*, So Loathsome is the Disease That Few Will Associate With a Cuturrhul Victim. Is Your Trouble Catarrh ? Minard'R Liniment Co., Limited. Hlrr-I have used your MINARTVR LINIMENT (or the pant 25 v,.-.r, and whilst I have occasionally used other llni- c ini'iit* 1 can safely nay that I hare never used any equal to yuun. If rubbed between the hand* and In- haled frequently, It will never fall to cure cold In the head in twenty-four honri. It li also the Best for bruises, epralni, etc. Yours truly, Dartmouth. J. O. LESLIE. Tip 1o tho Waiter. Patron (to very slow waiter) i Bring me some salad, please. And you might just send me a post card j every now and then while you're away. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tnke LAXATIVK BROMO gaining Tablet., j DrnggUtl refund money If it fails to oure. K. W. OKUVE'8 elgnaturu ii on each box. Ho. A Present. He What are you going to give Kitty and Jock for a wedding pre- sent? She Oh, I guess I'll send Kitty the bunch of letters Jack wrote me when we were engaged. SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attractive ratra will ho quoted via variable routes, affording the fluent seen- ery. The Ixm Angelre Limited, leaving Chicago daily 10:16 p ru. for Houthern Cali- fornia, tin- -MII PrajtoifOa Overland Lim- ited, leaving Chicago 8:30 p.m.. ICKH than three days n route, provide the bust of everything in railway travel. The China and Japan Mail leaven Chicago daily at 10:*5 p.m. for San Franeideo and Lo An- geles, in. i ii iii, i literature on applica- tion to B. II. Bennett, O. A., Chicago and North Western Ry., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Willie Paw, what is a stable Government? Paw When the party in power displays horse sense, my son. Poor remedies have given Ca- tarrh the reputation of being incur- able. But it is curable, easily and quickly, if tho right method is em- ployed. Snuffing a powder or oint- ment up the nose won't cure Ca- tarrh, neither will tablets, douch- ing, or stomach, medicines cures. These treatments fail because they only affect local conditions, they do not remove the cause which is germ lifie established in the lungs, bronchial tubes, and nasal passages. Ordinary remedies do not reach these remote parts, but Catarrho- zone does, for it is breathed through the inhaler into every air cell in the lungs, into every air passage in the head and throat. No matter where the Catarrh is Catarrhozone will reach it. It kills the germs, heals sore spots, clears the nose and throat instantly. Universally used ; pleasant and clean ; guaranteed to cure or money refunded. Don't be an object of aversion to everyone you meet get Catarrho- zone to-day and use it regularly ; it will cure your Catarrh, Bronchitis, Throat Trouble, spitting and gag- ging. Large size 50c. All dealers or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. . * TUB UNION JACK. If Properly Named Would Be Call- ed the "Union." The origin of the Union Jack is well-known but it may be surpris- ing to many to learn that the "Union Jack" is in reality a mis- nomer, and that, if properly named, the flag is the "Union." It can only be called the /'Union Jack" when it is flying from a "jack staff" at the bowsprit or forepart of a ship, and never when it ie flown on land. The first Union flag, consisting of St. George and St. Andrew, was decided to be the national flag or Groat Britain by James I. (April 12th, 1606.) In 1801, when Ireland came into the Union, a change was made in the flag, Ireland being re- presented on it by the red saltire of St. Patrick. The other three flags arc purely maritime, and ought never to be flown ashore. They had their ori- gin as follows: "For two hundred years prior t<1 1804 the British Navy was divided into three divisions, the Red, the White and the Blue, each having a flag of corresponding color, tho white flag only having the addition of a red St. George's cross. In 1707 the small Union de- vice was Introduced into the upper corner. In 1864 these divisions of the navy were abolished, but the three ensigns were retained in uso, and it was decreed that the Red Ensign should be retained for tho merchant service, the White Ensign for tho Navy and Royal Yacht Squadron, and the Blue Ensign for ships commanded by officers of the Royal Naval Reserve and certain Royal Yacht Clubs." Mlnard'i Liniment Curss Diphtheria. Her Ailment. Blobbs Your wife miffers from nervous prostration, doesn't she? Slohbs Well, sometimes I think sh suffers and sometimes I think she positively enjoys it. "C<aptain, " said a wealthy pas- senger who was about to take his first trip across tho ocean, "I un- derstand this ship has got several water-tight compartments 1" "Yes, sir," was the reply. "Captain," the passenger went on decidedly, "I want one o' those compartments I don't earo what it conts!" THKFTS COMMON Wf'"ffELP. English 'trv&nis Think It No ; Wrong to Steal Things. Pood of all kinds, soap, powdered soent, ribbons, coal and firewood are looked upon by "daily ser- vants" in England servants who work out during the day and sleep at home as their just perquisite*. Moat persons with servants who go home to sleep are victims of pet- ty thefts, chiefly in the form of food,- which their employes take away, not considering that they are thus guilty of theft. "I find," writes a householder to a London newspaper, "that my dripping always disappears from the pantry, and although seven bundles of wood are sold for three pence only six are left in my cup- board. "In the matter of food the ejf- vant usually takes homo just what one counts upon for the next day's use. For instance, if there are- six mince pies, which are sufficient to put upon the table, three of them are taken. I am quite sure that the servants do not think they are doing anything wrong." "I gave a dinner party," writes "A. B.," "and there were seven people at the table. Although my daily girl had had plenty of food, tho next day I foiind that as much turkey had been taken as had been eaten at the dinner. "A servant I had recently," said a business woman, "often would come to me before she prepared breakfast to say there was no but- ter in the pantry. On these occa- sions I had been out all the previ- ous evening. I have at times found little parcels of eugar and tea tied up on the kitchen dresser ready for her to take away when her time came to go home. "Many maids do not look upon the taking of handkerchiefs and stockings as theft. There are plen- ty of servants who do this who would never dream of touching their employers' money." Body^overed With Running Could Not Sleep from Itching Pain. Cross and Fretful. Tr Fifty Remedies Without Resdfc Cured In Nina Days by Cuticmt Soap and Ointment. 80 Champagne St.. Montreal. Qnene J " I have a fl v-year-old boy woo wa* i tag from what tha doctor said was , o with nmntn* mrt% Ta tr-.iiL.ln rtarted wttfc plBVpLM anil opened up I MTM. Of ooune < made It worn. Tin < ttona appeared oo his aid disfigured him airfulrm T** boy coul<1 no * deepi nlgat from the 1 to hint n* pain, and I did not know what to do wMh him. It made M croaa and fretful. If I bare tried ooe, I hare tried fifty nmtdktt without result. AC la*t I got *ampli of Outicura Soap and Olmtraant, and Using them two days I notload *> cha I then bought a fuU-oized cake of Outlet** Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment a*4 I used to glre th* boy a hoc bath dally uilng Cutlcura Snap free) y . and than anpllei the Cutlcura Ointment. Ha had a '. ipred three months with the horrible disease be- fore I started to \ae the Cutlcurm Soap u4 Ointment, and niQQ days after tbe> boy WM cured and bas not been troubled sinoaA (Signed) E. Cloutler, Dec. 12, 1011. Cuticura Soap and Cutlcura OlntmmtaM <old by drugglits aod dcalen ererywtui% A Magic set is often a-uffldeot. Liberal (ample of each mailed free, with, 82-p. Skfe Boole. Addreaa pet card Potter Drug A CUum. Corp.. l)pt. 4OD. Boston. TJ. 8. X FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAVVSON, Ninety Colborne Strut. Toronto. HUNDRED ACRES-COUNTT HALTOHl Good HOUM; BulldlDic Orchir* Cheap and on eay term*. SEVEXTT-8II ACEE9 WITH GOOtt bnildint* and apple orchard; aboa Bve miles from Hamilton. N W. OAWSON, Torento. 100 II is milk in a day day* U.-. brother t.i> ED. 7. ISSUE Don't Cut Your Corns, This Way Better It's a fool trick to gouge out corn*), and dangerous too. Don't wear loose boots- remoT* the corn by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. The result Is magical. This remedy works wonders, eases the pain, lifts out the corn, brings comfort and sound feet at once. You buy a 25o. bottle of Put- num's Painlees Corn Extractor, recom- mended by druggists. Worth FiRhting For. Memmandham I learned to-day that it has long been a subject of controversy as to whether Scotland or Ireland originated the bagpipes. Hemmandham Yes; Scotland blames Ireland, and Ireland blames Scotland. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Marine Kye Remedy. No Smarting Feela Flue Acts Vulekly. Try It for Ked, Weak, Watery Eyes nnd Granulated Kyellds. Illus- trated Buuk In each Package.. Murlne la compounded by our Oculist* not a "Patent Med- icine" but nsd IB surrpssful Physicians' Prac- tice, for many years. Nnw aedroalaq t'> tho Pub- lic and sold by Drum/' 1 -' >'< '^' r ' H1 ' ; l ^'-" t-r Ilottlo. Mnrlnr Wyo Hiilvr ii: AM-pno Tubea, >e and We. Murlne Eye Rometly Co., Chicago "Money, you know, is map's worst enemy." "I suppose that's why some folks like it (or the ene- mies it has made." A WONDERFUL DISCO VTRY. An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think ! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to wound or sore, such injury is in- sured against blood poison ! Then again. As soon as Zam- Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or to a diseased , part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of ' healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and liter- ally casts off the diseased tissue above it. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave.. Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Company anil told them that for over twenty- five years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To-day--over thfee years af- ter his cure of a disease he had for twenty-five years he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema ! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay return postage). Address Zam-BusT Co., Toronto. Little t'ordelm's Keenest. Little Cordelia's grandmother had an old-fashioned way of mea- suring a yard by holding one end of the goods to her nose and then stretching the piece at arm's length. One day Cordelia found a bit of rib- bon. Carrying it to her grand- mother, she gravely requested : "Grandma, smell this and see how long it is." A lot of people waste their valu- able time in trying to get rid of the useless things they don't want. FIFTY ACRES IN KENT Soil, sand and clay loam; bnlldlnrt iu good repair; close to market svnd ralV way station. Price two thousand. TktJ Western Real Estate. London, On*. STAMPS AND COINS. JJ TAMP COLLECTORS 11 UNDEET1 D ki ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalog*** Album, only Seven Cento. Harka Btuafl Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS. Internal and external, cored with- out oaln by onr home treatment. Writ* in before too lute. Dr. Bellman Medloal Co.. Limited. Collins-wood. Ont GALL STONES. KIDNEY AND HI. AD- der Stones. Kidney trouble, Graru. Lumbago and kindred ailments poaitirsly cured with the new German Remedy, "Sanol." price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-MellitnB. and enre care, le "Banol'i Anti-Diabeten " Price 11.00 frnm druggists or direct. Th Sanol Mnufa> ttiniKT Company of Canada. LimiUi, Winnipeg. Han. YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Suits would look better dyed. II no agent of onri In your town, write direct to Montreal. Box U. Quid M*J! jrt. British American Dyeing Co. The Soul of a Piano (9 the Action. Insiat on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action BOILERS PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS \ Mlnard't Liniment Cure* Colds, Eta. "Well, what long-felt want you supply ing t" clamp tor olam; Tour rtruggtet will refund monpy If PA7.0 OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind, Bleediug or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. SOo. Men are like trees : they grow ei- ther crooked or straight. Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Distemper. Paw Knows. Willie Paw, what is the differ- ence between a political job and any other job ? Paw You have to work hard to get a political job, my son, and you have to work hard to hold the oth ir kind. A Uurknilrr. Maud (angrily) I can't tell you what I think of you. Alice No, but you have told ev- erybody else. Young men should remei New and Second- hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKESTACKS. Anta for 8trt, vant Ventilating unU HMtlng Systran. POISON TORONTO CnglDM and Shipbuilders FREE TRIAL _ qultt to alec as a ktMtltal aa4 si tut* Let us sand you absolutely ore treitmr- t ot I Luxurlna, If It Is only M provt to rou thil It cclora grey hair and makaalt (row, stops Itchlnt, remo- ves dandruff andmakae the hair of man or woman or child heavy and beautifully glossy. You lav* only to tend us your sddres*. with iOc. enclosed for mailing snd packing, and we will sand you anywhere our treatment, si our own xpeni Write to-day. Address DR. PROSSE. Dapt 2 203 Commissioner Street. Montreal. Sure. "Don't you think that we should have a more elastic currency 1" asked the Old Fogy. "It is elastic enough," replied th Grouch. "Why don't they make i* more adhesive." Minard s Liniment Cures Carget In Cow*. Toilers' Meagre Diet. Complaints arc heard on all side* in Paris that tomatoes, melons, cu- cumbers, squashes nearly eve.ry- thing except potatoes have be- come luxuris beyond the reach o the vast multitude of working peo- ple whusc daily earnings do not ex- ceed 80 cents or $1. S. Rand, Agent? the tabl ftl1 Cnt unise, h uumth.from I 1st Tlmisday nf each monT National Ore)

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