Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1910, p. 2

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! cm D' OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. "THEDEAOHASGOMETOUFE" I "FRUIT-MIVES" MIRACLE ./ . CHLM'TKU v.â€" (Cont'd) "Ah ! she i-f'aKes to inspect. Hoi he- now in all her splendor.' The new-comer now appeared in ,e forepart of the box, and her liking h<>a»tv attracted all eyes. Maxiine, liidinK himself in the dejtths (.f the orchestra, had taken no note of the star that had just risen. It was only when the lady Miz down the double opera-glass which had concealed the upper jjart of her face, that he recognized her. He still hesitated, unable to believe his «'ye8. "She!" he murmured, "sho here .'" "Madame Sergent! ah! it is too much. After the trick she played tl' invited hini to her box, followed by i a movement on his part indicating his neighbor in the stall, answer<'d by n sign from the lady which might be inter|)reted thus : "No matter; bring your friend. I shall be ph ased to sec him as well a.s ymii-.'-elf." Nothing more was needed to ir- diic* the acceptance of an invita- tio" repeated with such gracious peisisti-ncy MRS. JkMCS FCNWICK Enterprise, Out., October 1st, 1908. "I suffered tortures for seven long years from a Water Tumor. I was forced to take morphia constantly to relieve the awful pains, and I wanted to die to get relief. Tlie doctors gave tne up and my friends liourly expected my death. Then I was induced to take "Fruit-a-tives" and this wonderful fruit medicine has completely cured me. When I appeared on the street again The box-keeper ushered them in, I â„¢y friem's exclaimed The dead has and the lady, with eyes of fire, be- gai thus, extending her hand to Mcuriatinc : "You can't think how happy I am to meet you. I arrived from^^ Monaco alone, and have not yetj^ ' senii a familiar face. You recog- 1 !'"'""'f «xplormg the glaciers and did you' '^'^*^^ ^^ company with a lord, whom come to life.' Tlie cure was a positive miracle." MRS. JAMES FENWICK. 50c a boxâ€" 6 for J2..S0â€" or trial box, i^c. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. me this rogue dares to appear , openly at the opera-and in the 1 "'^c*?, "le immediately, â€" ^""it^.,^-. 11. *u t * 1 fi.et boxes still : And here have 1 I "«t ? ' L „n Th T u" t v. • ^""''^ 7^ been searching- f,.r her in vain fori You are not of the number of^^ ""^/^"^'/''"* having passed a a month: She doubtless returned ^''^^e whom one forgets," replied ["'"'-"'a'^' ^^ *V'"t*' ^"'''"J *^«5<' .^ to Paris supp....ing I would thmk Ivanovitch. j broke the bank, I arrived in Pans no more of her. Onlv she has not "^h, after six months' absence I «''^"» "^"^ unoccupied, uncertain brcught with her the Carpathian ,o"'' ''^s the right to forget anybody. I '*'''^;"'«'" \ ^b"'' 'â- ^'"am all winter bear. She has left him in his own ""<' ^e gm.d enough to present to '"â- ,.'«''^« to-morrow nic monsieur, who has been so kind as to accompany you." "Col. Borisoff, one of my com- patriots. My dear colonel, we are in the box of Madame de Garches 'Your programme is charming- "True; it is very nece.s.sary that "",/''« colonel. y(u should present me also, for .'^ agree with nothing fixed, everything to caprice â€"that is the motto of us Russians." "Let your friend speak," said "Madame dc Garches, fixing her eyes country and replaced him by an other animal of the same sjiecies Certainly," c<.nc!uded the young man, "I was hajipily inspired this evening. .\t the restaurant I sur- prised one of the counU'ss' hirelings in great intimacy with JJorisoff, and !- - • -â- - . ---11^. 1 , . ,, here, at the opera, I discover aiJ-o"'- friend does not know me, llf"'*^ ^^° colonel, who could no t^gi..--who has tricked and robbed I I'r««"nie." |,;'nK«'- rd'ain silent. "Pleasure is n.f,. The thing is to determine what I "N", madamo, and I am truly j i'»« Sreat concern, and I ulso am „;,.,. I astonished not to have remarked '•'"*â-  to choose my associations. my compatriot," I l>ad bi'st di>. I'arbleu I my choice ca-not be doubtful. It doesn't •>""• however brief may have been i*iitnv uv'ir places, ana fiergent was .smiling to th' I Maximc fancied he must iiii>!t«r very much how this man 111 '• hes his evening with Borisoff, «l 1st if 1 let slip the occasion for la-ing hold on Madame Scrgent, it «ill never pr( .sent itself again. The •it .'est ])Ian wmild be U) go up to â- trr box and have an immediate ex- â- JMiation with her." ^^^ was a faM)rable moment. The three strokes had just announced the second act. Giving a last glance at the box before goiiijf out, the most surpris- ing spect;ii Ic presented itself. C^ol. PorisofT and his comji.anion, boUi standing, were preparing to Uyti^'t' ihi'ir places, and Madame hem. ist be mis- taken, but as tho two foreigners jJUKsed near her Ixjx he saw dis- tinctly that they l)ow(»d to her, and lliit she returiu^d th(? bow. "They know her!" he murmured, ai' ' he stop[ied in utter consterna- ti-.n. 0.1 one siJe. the countess' fonc- iiiii ast<'r exchiiiiging gracious _Joi.i. • with the !!(•(•< iniplice of tli<»se wTTI^f-^itl taken the casket, and, by I'.MCS' of m.lfvi:ls, the owner of this askri on (ileasant t'Tms with the lii'U.I of the tlii< v( s, and thesv; !(<i j, M'sonages with 0110 accord go- iii'; I > join her. i was astonished awhile ago," ii;iht Maxinie, 'but this is be- V â- <! belief." The more he redected, the more lii • reunion appeared to him inoii- 'I ii)UK. Ho seijiicfr to see in it Mysteries of iiii(iuity, cripiinal alli- ances, urifathoinablu abysses of dis- simulation. _ He aske<I hinifc-lr whetln>r all these people were (tunded togethc^r to play a wicked ccinedy to the jire judioe of Robert de Canioel and himself. H suspect the your sojourns in Paris. Beauty such as yours cannot pass unob- served anywhere." "You flatter uic, colonel, and I "Really " "Do you doubt it?" "I doubt it no longer since you say so, but they have assured me that you are entrusted by your had remarked you. Yoa see, I am frank." "You overwhelm me. But I fancy niy illustrious compatriot took the trouble to dispel your illusions." "He tried to do .so. After having; intienched himself in prudent cir- cumspection, he ended by a myster- iou.". revelation that you belonged to the political police." "It was a joke, I suppose," said the colonel, a little disconcerted by this abrupt declaration. "A silly joke," seconded Mouri- aline. "Did he accuse me also of Ibeing enrolled in the secret ser- vice?" '"No," replied the lady, some- what scornfully, "but I can assure you he was not joking at all. He explained the colonel's mission to n.'c. and entered into a number of details." "Then I have a mission?" ii- quired Borisoff, forcing a smile. "I am charmed to know it. It has en- hanced my importance in my own eyes." "You are, it appears, charged with watching over the Nihilists." ''Diable! I execute my mission very imperfectly, then, for they have created much talk of late." "In Russia; but you are concern- ed only with those who reside in France, at least according to the goperal." "I believe," said Mouriatine, "my friend Borisoff has really a mission in Paris, and no veiy dif- ficult one. He has a revenue of a hundred thousand roubles which he consecrates to the study of the pret- : ty women of this country, where all types, are to be met with." "If I were certain you were tell- ing mo the truth," murmured the incomparable brunette, "Iâ€" but your friend should be the one to protest, and it is you only who i speak." "To protest!" exclaimed Borisoff, who had recovered his sang froid. "I shall do nothing of the sort. I should be glad to have you believe mc the grand master of the police of all the Ilussias, and to prove to yu that my greatness would not hir.der me from following wherever you might lead." (To be continued.) PAGE WHITE FENCES Page Pencu wear B/rstâ€" Styles for r.awns, Parks, Farms nnd Railroads. 14.000 miln of Piga l*>nces aud 73.000 Vutic Catrs now In use in C.inada. Ottr 1910 Pcucrs are better LUa& ever. Paaa Galea for 1910 bare Cofraoixxt FraraM. <~,<rt our latest prtLcs a.id bookicU ^ALKERVOU: THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO, UMITEO Larffest fcuce and ifare rjaziifarttirrrs In Canada TORONTO MO.NTREAL ST. JOHN WINNIPEG VICTORIA, 3 A flavoiinff used tha capita a* lemos or Tauilb. Bt (iissclrlng KTanuktad augur ia waUr aad addinic Mapleino. a ditliciyus ^ruo !r ma«c ai*(l a syrup better tdan nnuV. Mip'cioa issuIdUf jTi-ron. If not send 50c fiic 2 ot. liotUa and ri.fire book. Craacent Mfa. Co.. Seattis, Wn. r»r DiSTEIViPER Pink Eya. Cpizeotle, Shipping fever & Catarrhal fever Surecure and po«itivc preventive, no matter how Horses at any aaa am infected or "exposed." I.iguid. jriven on thfs toiiffue; acts on the tilood and (Elands, expels the poisonous (Terms from the body. Cures Ptstemper In Doffs and Sheepand Cholera in Poultry. Laraertt sellinr livestock remedy. Curea La Grippe amontf human bciniis and is a line Kidney remedy. 50c and $1 a ixjttle; S6and$tl a do.!ea. Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your druagist, who will get it for yon. Free nuoklct, " Distemper, Caunea and Cures.'* DISTRIBUTORSâ€" ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS SPOHIH IHEOICAL CO., ClicaUla ai< Badcrioleiisls, (OSHril, !n„ OJX PAINT, '^•' ^^ " ^ â-  ' â-  ^^ â-  'â- "'paint this spriii<j when you paint up? Oon't vou do it. You can get good paint easily, and get it at the proper price. You can get RAMSAY'S PAINTS tlic oldest brand of ULxed Paints In C.'iiiada, ({iiaranleed ("or purity, keown for quality, and uiuliallcngcd in all house paintinjf to-day. Drop us a card and a^.lc for our IJooklet "W," tlie hancNomest boolciet on house painting ever issued. It is tree. Vou should have il. A. RAMSAY & SON CO., Kstablisbod !»>:!, The Paint Makers, Montreal. warn you that I do not love compli- ' Kf'vernment with a secret mission incnts. Sit down, and we will talki'^hey' means this general by whom of everything you please except my- i^ -«"'» nearly bored to death last self. Your friend will tell you that >'«'»'"- ^^""'^ ask me his name; 1 la.5t summer, in Switzerland, I had^""'^ *'"''» '" ""C^'*'! ><^-' established this rule, and that all' "'^'"" remember at lea.st what he my little world submitted to it. I t"l<' y"" ttl*""!- '"e ?" asked Boris- seek friends, but flee from lovers." *^^ "It seems to me that last year "Oh, perfectly. I am glad you LEGACIES , ""^V,?,"'."'"' "'" "" lawyer', fees. «' ..rJ '"â- â- Â«>» and Bpeclmen Copy. »o. All kinds liegal Porroii same price. MAIL ORDER SUPPLY CO., Toronto. Canada, Dopt. 8 f raukness-one of my s'l""''^ l^""^' l'"«' '* l>aPPenod that STAMMFRF RQ 1 . _. i 1 _ •' I v/Mi f.r-Piinii.,1 mv nttpntinn wiiilsf,! V* » '^ â- Â»â€¢ •»• ^ r\ C rt O dcn't like pnulcnt people, so 1 ilis- posed of him." "My frieiul Borisoff xa temerity itself," siiitl Mouriatine, with a burst of laughter. "Take caie," said the lady, "you will set me to putting his temerity to the proof." These words, addressed directly to the colonel, embarrassed him visibly. H(! had, in truth, .since his entrance into the lady's hij.\, cut an awkward enough figure, though ordinarily it was not assiuance that hn lacked. Presented to u strange lady by a friend fallen from the skies like an aerolite, Horisoff ilid not feel certain of his gnjund. He was a skilful tliploiimtist, but ac- ctiKtonied to i>njcced inethudieally without trusting anylliing to chnnee. Furthermore, and above even went ko far as to j nj', he was submitting, in spite of iiteiitions of Madame I himself, to the ascendency of a pair Yalta- this coimti ss who knew so I of beautiful eyes; eyes the likjo of many things, and loved secret in- trigues. "Is this mail betraying her, or is she fooling me V He answfii'd this ipiestion liy a violence which he fuiiniilatcd thus: "An diable! the Hlissiuns, the pules. ,iiid the L;ri at foreign ladies. I have eii<'ii).h <if their intrigues, au I can traiMpii' on tlu^ir spider's Webs. I aTii nfiiii'l of not one after all un<l have the right lo .-ill .Ma- dame Sergent to ai count." This wats a |irojtu't easier to con- ceive than to execute. One does not rush into a lady's box in the midst of a peifoiiiiance to summon her to answer for her pa.st coiuirict in the presence tif two men who are not refponsible for the doings and o.\- ploits of this woman. An inroad of this sort could end only in a (|uur rel. and fjinirrels never elucidate ai!,\ thing. Tin re was pothing for him but to observe and wait. Whilst from the passage way of the orchestra the invihibh? witness f<illowpd up the movements of the three whom hoiiic iiu!xplic«bln chance had brought together, the advi iiiiire skelihed by Mouriatine begin to take shape. The lady recently from tleneva, th< ex-inavvcl of tlut Ilink, had at length deigned a glance at the spec- tat'iir.>< nearest her. Her sparkling eyes had encriun- tcrefl the gray eyes of Mouriatine, and s-nilts were exchanged. T)loa uDsued a iiantouiiiic which e.Kcuw mv ..._, comiiatriots knew how to please '.VOu occupied my attention whilst you." .--.-.-- ...- .:r... .......... ... "Who! Ah: that blockhead of a general. That doesn't count. It was one of my errors. Only think, he gained my confidence by pro- liosiuK e.\traordinarv ascensions;; â-  , â- , he talked about elimhiiig Mont ^'f"'" passed your house in Hue de Hlanc, scaling the Yung I'rau, and ^'ftn.y- I '"'^â- Â« i**"^" i"" sometimes' 1 could never induce him to leave ^''''^'''B .voursclf in a beautiful; the Uoval Hotel of (.'hamouiii.v or I'l>»«''"". «'"' *><''"« curious, natur-, the promenades of Inlcrlaken. I ""^ ^ ""*'''â-  in<|ii'»'»«« ^hout you. I "earned that you were a Ilussian, exploring the beautiful valleys of Helvetia. 1 had inhabited in Paris the same neighborhood with your- self and do still." "You know where I live?" Yes. In going to the Kois I have I'hatiKlhodloms.lovc.Uith'^ Aniott In.'kule •ro ine onlj luilrkl m<-llia<li tor tho cut o' â- iBn'inerluK They Ire.l the CAtlSK, no, merely lh» b»hlt, and in>iirtf N ATt'KAI. •pe«oh U win h»te the aliihlett iiiipMlmi-iii ill youmlvecli ilon't heHitat* luwiitt- u». <:nrcil piiplK ererjwhere. J-.inphli-l, p«rt,Kul»ri.a I fcforenleu sent on reiiuett. Tha Arnott Institute. Berlin, Ont„Can. gcrtleman, very rich, and very , agreeable." "Why did I not know that you] cimdesccnded to think of mc !"' said Burisoff, gallantly. "Oh, I was only passing through | Paris. I came from Loiulon andj was going to Geneva, where the , most tiresome of generals awaited 1 III'". It came into my mind to ask iuforiuatioii about you, because 1 IS THINNESS EMBARRASSING ? I'lidoubledly II is to Many a Maid- en and Yiiiilh- While Fven ThoHC Well .Vloiig iii-Veai'M Prefer Well Roiiiuled FIgure.s. Prosenidioii Inerciises Weight. A scrawny, gangling youth or luiiiden is almost invariably slight- which lit! had never seen before, , ,11 â-  !â-  , , • and which were fi.xed on him with a "''. "^''â- â€¢â- â€¢h-oked or ridiculed in any dii'tiuieting persistency. Mouriatine came to his assistance. "To what proof would you sub- ject my friend; What peaks do you mean to require him to scale?" "Oh," replied the e.K marvel of the liiiik, "I lie cpiestion is perilous ascensions now. Wo are 110!, in .Swilzorlaiid ; wc are in Paris, in a city where courage con- sists in niotkiiig prejudices and braving public opinion. Yen both enlered my box in the midst of the opera. That was a fine example of it." "One which cost me very little,' replicil Mouriatine. "I am proud of being seen with you." "My dear friend, you are a bird of passage. You come to Fran<'e simply for ainusemont. social gathering. There is some- thing alxiiil a plump or well propor- tioned figure which attracts not (inij friendship, but love and adu- lation as well. Pcojile with a proper amount of iy\ "f I *hsl arc favored in all walks of lifq, I while the thin are unblessed, un- wilciMiie and frequently miseriihle tor life. The difft^'ence lies in tlie ixiwcr of the digestive functions and llie ability of the bUmd aiiil ne^•^es| to absorb and distribiito over the | 1)< dy the luitritioii extracted from! the food eaten. The thill person is abnormal and ' lacks tho power to absorb and re- tain the flesh and fat elements which the gastric juices ih the sto- ; inach and intestines should extract â-  jr Camphor Ice Vaseline FOR CHAPPED SKIN IKD LIPS, COLD SOR£S, WINDBURN. 12 Vaseline Kemedks in Tubes Captleom Korated. Mentbdlafd, Cartx). lauid, ('ainphorat«<1. White OxiUe nf Zinc, eta Each (or >i<eclal purpoics. Wrltu (or Free Vaatllne Book. OHKSIBROUOH MFC. CO. (Cona'd) 37* Crals St. W.. Montraal FAIRBANKS - MORSE Gasoline Engines SIZES a. 3, 4, 6 H.P. SPECIALLY DESIGNED rOR GENERAL FARM WORK. They are so simple that the averag-e farm hand can run them, and are practically Fool Proof and Frost Proof. Send to-day for cataloyfue G.E. 102, VV.P. CO., showinjj full line of engines for farm use. It means money saved for you. TERMS Special Term* to Farmers. The CjlN^DIAN FjllRBAHKS COMpANV, Limited, MONTREjiL â- ranchasi-Torcnto, St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouvtr ) or separate from all kinds of food ,^"" "««land drink, no account to any one and may act ; ^ .^^.^..j accidental discovery has as you please, while with Col. Bor | „,.„„ that tincture cadomene when ! istft, not being m the same Mtua- , |,,,,„,|,,,j ^,i,|, <.fi,.tain othc ' tioii, there IS morft merit, in attach iiig himself to a declassee." "What do you call di^classen? Ho you suppose I confound you with tlu; denioiselleH who make the lour of the lakes every day!' "-No, but neither do you take me f ir a woman of the true woiid, and ;i' drugs,; will add from one to three pounds 1 of flesh )ier week during tieatiuent, . while the general health audi strength «lso improves wonderfully. I (Jot in a lialf pint bottle, three | out.oes of essence of pepsin and j three ounces of syrup of'rhuburb;! then add one ounce compound es- 1 you are right. 1 was born in that s,.„p,, eardiol ; shake and let stand world, and it is perhaps 111 my pow i t.«.„ l,o,„..s ; then ad<l one ounce tine I er to return t,o it, for I am free, and tiire cad.unene couipouml, (not car-1 b.(tl.Y still, I am rich; but it was { ,ia,n„„). shake well and take a' my choKfc to le.ive it. and it is my tea.spnonful before and aftfr m«als, j choice to live as an imguUr. ' (|,i„|^in^ ,,ic„t^. ^.f ^^^ler between Ihcrefore it is that you met mc last ,„cais and when retiring. ' Gafied Therr'a • Mtlsfaction ta • p«rf«ctt7 Eainted houte^imiUrtowhflBonaalMKly I protected by Kood Btnut clothins, rain-coat, top-coat and eturdy boots. ThP protoctinn affordedproiK^rt vafter thopAiut cnatlnff Is woia diiwo to th« lMir« wooil Is n<i (triMUr ihui yormttita warn down to tki« UDlag. Martin - Senour Paint lOOo/o Pure arataeta Taar »ropart >- an that It am«r««a from wlNleraa barily. rugiiod and stmny a* It »t«r*4. QaalUj doM It. It with- ataud* ia* rivora of wlntar HtArnu, tanpaata, rKpid chftiivMoI tviaperatttra, hamldlty and tho diiiotaarBUna affeoti •f aaa, wind, cold, rati, kail and %w\m. RTarytlilttfr lb«t rauHis u pol m Ftvi v- »iimgri.</jMi>,l u/i/^lt»4. That'awhy ihaauHDlT lant«. If ruai d«alarc«tiaot an pair jroa. notify aaaadir* will itlitdlr dlra>.'t 70U to whara onr falDti ira to ba had. DucHiw aUSubMtitutei ^. Writ* for lIUiBlratwl f>?«t bsokUt, "Ilonu^ '-' -V*. B«autiful." and intaroiitins color card. Pre* tor thaaaklns, tMarth-^nioiirCo. Mentraal HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEW FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J h^i.!^ ?!.^*^ilT,' '•"â- â€¢*°r' Bra-proof .^ddltloa li J«rt balna oomplatad, ni»Mng thU fajious ?i?-^ Vl.,. sr.7T„ "'"' " •''."?â- ';;;'''• »' AHaatlc City UottS,. K uaw teatar. ij aka aaujttjkl Klaa ol tue bad rouma, avaraxnig 19 foal squara. .1.. ?""' """^ <!^>nm.xâ- .>Ji^ *n ..coin ri.w, bith attacbaJ with na.t iind fresh wator. Cha»»l- glaa. In oror, «h.»mber, r»uipoi»tur. lagulat.d by rhermo.dvU, tha lata.t doalopmant ia aMambiaUuc. lalapbina In arar/roaaL UoU prlrilagas. Capacity ihW. WrltaforUlai»ra»a4 CHARLB5 O. MARQUETTE. Manager. TRAYMORE HOTEL COHPANY, D. S. WtllTE, Prwident MOTOR CARRIAGES AWARDED DEWAR TROPHY. The Dcwar ChallenRC Trophy is awarded yearly by the KOY.\b AU'n)MOHll.K ('L14! for the most meritorious per- formance of the year unilor the gc ncial regulatiotu for certi- fied trials. The New Daimler cng\r,f, has now been in the hands ot the public for n'-arly 1** months, (|uite Ioiik enough to prove its merit; owuei> arc sending in testimonials by evory post and we should like to forward io any person or persons interest- ed a complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel- lous new ni'.tor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet. "The Uewar Trophy -aod how it wa.s won." « history of the Greatest Kiigine Test on KccorJ. The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Limited, COVENTRY, ENGLAND. ^ \ J II I h a il n h V ji ti c< IC bi ch na af yvi th •h m «i »h

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