Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jul 1909, p. 1

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'Msmiid^t fkfsA^ction %ht>mu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" ♦• PRL'JOIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXV. NO 1399 Flcstierton, Ont., Thursday, July 2© IQ09 W. H TEDBSrON ^^"f. and PUOPKIETOB it It S^ 3ewelkrv! ^ i^ Jewellery! ^td pKJ e^ BifldestBest 2^ f;^and Cowest^ ^ Priced Stock ^ ^In theeoutit=^ ^•^- m ^ Reliable ^^ Dealing • g Hrmslrona's ^ Tksbtrton. saa Kimberley Mr. and Mrs. Gem-ge Hilts of Agusta, Wis., visited their niece, Mrs. Jos.Ferrls, last week. Mrs. Thoniiws Carins of Shell Lake, Wis., was the guest of her sister, Mi>. Jos. Ferris, last week Mrs. Robert Ziniinenuin,Owen Sound is sjjending a few weeks with her diiugh- ter, Mrs. Jos. Ferris. J. J. ThoDipsun, Flesherton, called ou Kimberley frienda la-st week. Mrs. Jas. R. Fawcett is J^peiidiii; a cojple of weeks with CoUiiigwood fiiendt<. Mrs. Suniniei-s of Detroit city is (ho giest of hir daughter, Mrs. Kufus Wick- Mi.ss Riy Howe of Meafurd is a risltor •t Mr. 'las. Maijee's. Miss Delhi Rumsley of .Meaford is tl.e guest of Miss Ella Lawrence. Mr. Lome Curry was a visitor iu town ou Sunday last. Mr. J. R. Fawcett vi>iud his sister, Mrs. ti. Down, of Hatherton, on Tuet- diy Ia»t. Miss Florence Williauis of Detroit is vittitiii^ friends here, and is the ^ueeX of Mr. andMrj. H, Hurd. Miss Maude Smith of Toronto is visit- ini' a^her parental homo here. iola Lewis s visiting Toronto 'nJs at priseut. The Mirses Edna and Aiinio Uurritt TiiituU W'udehouse fiiends recently. Mr. Frank Hutchinson, of Meaford, â-  id sister, Mi.vs M»e, uf Bolton, are holidaying at their parental lionie liere. Mr. B. Knott uf .Markdaie was tie gutsr uf h'.s cousin, Mr. Will Haiuntond, on Mo'iUay of this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles aud child. ren, U«th and Teddy, tiok in the L O.F. excaision to Ni.igir* mi Thursday las'. Th y roturned hoaie on ifuuduy. Port Law The death of Mr. WfUiugton Ikidjic- r>w was H shock to this neighborhood, when Ills life had lieeii spent, and when ho had the respect of his nci;{hhors, who all syiiiiiiithize dooply wit h the yunns widow in her sad berejiveincnt. Mr. R. H. lleinpliill's friends arc glad to seehini so niuch improved after his long iUness as to lie able to be out around a.;!UU M.'. Robert Taylor and daughter of Toronto, visited friends of this pait. Xho Misses Johnston of Toronto lue guests of Mrs. J. A. Thomp.son. Jliss Mildred Napier hiis gone to F.esherton to remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMuUen of East Mountain vi ited with fourth liuo fiiends. Sir. and Miss Rutledgo of Dnriiani, also Jlr. Fretl Chard of Markdaie and Mi.s.s Ro.«s>e lloliinson, late of the Sauli, Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Holinan. Mis. Marshall and daughter of Toronto visitol at the home of th.' former's brother, Mr. J. W. Lyons. Mr. I.aidlaw piet'.ched his farewell sermon in Mt. Zi"n church on Sunday last. His theme, ".\ loyal munluiod a.id womanhood," was peculiarly appropriate as a i>Ai-t.i{ig appoal, and his disvuurse piMfttable t<i all who he.ird it. Mr. L;'.id- l)iw has Won a warm plaeo in tlie ho»«rls of the people, who lejret to part with him, but wish him sucees.s in his fiUnve fields ( f labor. Vandeleur. Mr. and Mis. Cottentonand little son, of Toronto, are visiters at Mr. J. M. Daris'. Mrs. Griffith of Manitoalin was the guest of ber sister, Mrs. E CuUir, recently. The VVoineo's Institute held their monthly Dieetins( at the home of .Mrs. R. Holley on Thursday last. About thirty members were present. The next meet- ing will be he'd at Mr. Geo. Warling's. Miss Irene Richardson of Chat«worth is spending the holidays with friends here. Miss Till'e Buchinan entertained her Sunday school cKss at her home ou Saturday afternoon. Mi^s Ida Holley and Sirs. A. Jones of Toronto are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Holley. Mr. \Vm. Speers spent Sun Jay with hi'< daughter, JIrs Geo. Bowle.s. Bornâ€" On Tuesd >y, July 20th, to Mr. aud Mrs. Chus. Hare, a daughter. Mr. Will Harris was a Caller iu our burg on Tliursdiy. Mr. Howard Holley and his sitter, Ethel, and Mr. Wes. W'interburn of Holland Centre, were visitors at Mr. J. Holley's rucently. A number from this village spent a very ^I.asant time at Mr. Robr. Mc- Nally'.s, Markdaie, on Jlonday evening of last week. Eugenia. The much needed rains of the past week have refreshed the pasture lields and grain is beginning to look well. Grass-hoppers are in million.s aud are starting their work in the grain fields aud also in the root crop. The ladies of Presbyterian church beg excuse for the ad concerning the garden ptrty, which had to be postponed from Wednesday the 27th to Ftiday afternoon, the 30th, of the present week, when Kimberley football team will content with the Fevershain football team fur a purse of live dollars. A lively time is expecteJ, as they are both good teams Ga ue to Commence at 5 p. in. sharp. A good supper will be provided. A large number <if people were out at the Methodist church on Sundty evening, it being Mo. Lai iltw's tarewell sermon. Everyone is aorry at parting with Mr. Laidla». Ue ma !e many warm fiieuds at Eugenia by his kind, geniil manner, and he w:u> uKMt faithful in attending to his duty in tliis part of his Master's vineyard. May his lot still be case in pleasant pi lues and may he win many stirs to His crown, IS thj wish of his friends at Eugenia. Mrs. Fr,.d Le'.:ard and chiMren nre visiting a". Mr. George Meldrum's at Salvui. New potiitoei are niav in. They are small but good and dry. .\ll other vegetiUes are plentiful. On Sundiy morning, Aug. Ist, the Rev. Mr, Lit 1) will preach' his farewell sjr- inon in the rresbytoriaii church hire, (•reat re<'ret is felt at kis departure, as he has been a very tine and faithful [las'.or to his charge ht Eugenia. His pi ICO will bu hard to till, loth in the pul;)it and in ihe heirts of the pui'p e. .41th' ugh sorry t'> pait, all feel he «ill be a b'.i s-siiig to his new char^ie. Msy he wiu many sou'-s^f ir the Master, aid him- self and family tiiid life at Paisley very pleasant. Miss Geoigina Smith is home on a vi.stt t<> bar parents at Kugeuia. Her many fiiends aie p'eased to welcome her h>)uic. Mr. and Mrs. Jo'iii Tiowem of Torino took in th^i Grey 01 I B,iys excursion to Markdaie and visited wih Mr. atid Mis. Walker, Kimberley, and Mr. and Vrs. .v. Hislop, Eugenia. They were delight- ed with thw beautiful .scenery in the Vflley and surrounding country. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Baird of Mark- dale, l.avo been visiting with Mrs. Hislop sr., before their removal to Brad- ford Ontario. A book on RlituiiMlisni, by Dr Sh'itip, of Rachine, Wis. tells some p'aiii tru'hs, and in a pLiiu and practical w)iy. Get this booklet, and a f:ee trial trcitnient of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Keinody for some disheartened suH'erer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appiecia- tive friend of souio one who is di-- courage.l because of the f lilurts of other* to help him. Help me b< make this ttst, and I'll certainly help your suffering ii'ieud. Sold by all dea'c's. Eugenia Development Will go Ahead The development of the Eugenia water power for electrical purposes is lik«ly to be resumtcd io the near future. Owing to a want of funds the c mipany were unable to complete the development, and the work has been at a standstill for the past two years. This condition, of cmrse, was the direct result of the m mey sti'ingency which seriously affected many anuthe r industry as well throughout Canada, but the effects of which have now practically passed away. Ou S4turd^y last a pirty of eight Owcu Sound gei.t'einen, consisting of Messrs. \V. P. Telford, Christ ipher .J . Eaton, J. M. Kilhiiuni, D. M. Butchart, Honice B. Siniih, ThomiLs L. Dates, J. R. Wain- wr'ght and R. McDowell, visited the falls to persimally inspect the work that had beend 'ne,andtogainanideaof the[iossibil- ities with a view lo investing money ii> the sjheuie in order to uet it goiu,'. The , company is .*iid to have already tpent | $100,000 on the development, and another $2(K),(X)0 is needed. 1 he property as ic st^inds to-diy is a j v.iluable one and it wou'd be a great pi'y I to leave it uncompleted wheu the rite at i which power can be Soil, and the advan- | tags accruing therefrom to the industries , of the county, are taken into considere- j ti(jn. The gentlemen who visited the works 1 on Saturday were very favorab'y imprcs j sed and believe that liltle dithculty will I be experienced iii securing sufficient funds ; to cniplete the constructior.. Owen . Stmnd is especially interested in the, scheme, as it could aHsorb a large prcipor- tion of the power ia its b>cal iiidustiiea and at a much lower rate than the present cost. Mr. \Y. P. Taford. e.x-M.P, is a prime mover in this rejuvenatioB, and does not think any dithculty will be experienced in securingsutHcient funds to compltte the development. (hi Tuesday Secretary McLaughlin of) Toronto took another party of gentlemen \ overt! view the prospect, including W. j -A. Brackenbridgo of Buffalo ?iadJ. W. andT. W. Baillie of Toron'o. bold their annunl picnic in McKenzie's I grove next Friday afteraooa. All are I welcome. Bring your baskets. .Mrs. Geo. H. Holmes of Owen Sound paid a short visit to her friends here and at Fleaherton last week. Miss McAuley of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. J. GiLhrist. Proton Station The fanners arc busy this week at their hay, taking aivauttg; of the good hay weather. Messrs. .\rcliie and Mi!ton Neil-j<in sjx;nt Sunday .at Euiienia. Rev. G. C. Little will preach his fare- well sermon Sundny next. We are sorry to lose such an able speaker as M r. Litle, bui ''what is our li>»s is another's gain." We wish him success in bis new lield. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon* speiit Sunday with f.iends in Flesiierton. Mrs. John W.lsoo spent la.-t week with Brampt'iu fiieids. Her hu>band accompanied her Lome. Miss s Ida Park aid Miiiiiii', Mar- garet, Ktteaiid Mr. Peter Pickett cpeut Sundi-y in Markdaie. Miss Mildred Biiinie is holidnying with her niece, Bliss ^laud Biyd, of Flesl.eiton. Miss Daisy Fer{,u o i and friend spent Sunday with Miss Etiiel Ludlow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mirchell are en- joying a visit from their daughter and husl>and from the States. Mr. and Mrs. Will Goheen, Fort William, iire holid tying at the form, i 'a home here. East Mountain The heavy rains of the j>a.st week were just what was needed, and the crofw are all looking well, and are in good shape- now. Statute lalM)r was {)erformod ui this vicinity list week. .\ number from tins pirt took in the big Iwru raising at Solomon Turner's | hist Wednesday. j MLss Ettie Smith, who spent a couple of , ibiys at her iJivreutal homo here, returned to Toronto Monday week. R. .1. Sproule is erecting a wire fence at the rear of his farm. Mrs. Leitch of Markdaie and JL-s. Jos. Fields of Flesherton have been the guests of Mrs. Sam Sni.irt for a week. Though it is a little l;ito we must not forget to moiiLion the excellent sermon piX'aclied in the Kimberley chnrdia week ,i.:o Sunday by Rev. .\. P. Latter. Mi- Latter is an able spe.'ker and waslistein.d to with much interest. Singhampton Our villai'e is rapidly coming to the frontas a summer resoit, as Mine Host of the Exchange reports a full house and a scarcity of beds, hut as it is fashionable to sleep on balconies and verandahs,soaie of the guests have taken advautsge of the warm nights to do so. Let us hope ihcir slumbers will be uuilisturbed aud .sound. The regular monthly meeting of the HurtiU Institute will be held at Mi-s. J. Noblii's, Maple Valley, on August 12th. The subjects for that date will be, " In- siit'Jte Work," taken up by 5Iis W. H. T'inpkins ; Care if H.use Pljinis,' ly Mrs Noble. Music and social time. Among the visitors we notice Miss Florence Shennal and Mi.ss May Gosnell I'f T'lrunto, ilso Mil", (Dr.) S( euce and children aud Miss Lizzie Brown of Es- panol 1. Rev. James Ph mister, MethoJist iniii- isrer here and at Madil.'s, ii.tfii-ls takirg a trip 'h ougb the Canadi.m West. The trip will be for the benelit of his health, which his friends, will rearet to learn is not good of late Learning of his in- tended de[iaiture, a number of the inein- bere of Madill's congiegaiion waited upon him recenily and presented him with a purse of money. The nift was i.ccoiiipa- uied 1 y an au"drf.«s in which the friends expressed their appreciation of his 'abors iu their midst and tendering him the best wishes for an enjoyable trip. Miss Ni liio Taylor of Siiii^h imp on and Mi.ss Sar-ih Sproit of B.nljerosare spend- i ig thrir holidays in Muskoka. Hulstein Ceylon Mr. Kob. Tucker is h'>nic spending his holiJiiys with his parents. Ottoivell, who wa.s a'so home for a f <w davs.his return- ed lo his work in Mount Foro»t. Furiiiers ire all Tory busy liay making, and c iiisiiU ring llio amount of rain we have had, a lot of to 'd hay is beifg gathered in, althoug'i the crop is soiuc- what li^ht. Mr. Wm. Jack.soii is at liuiie.s.s;iii with his soil, Samuel, and Simuel's liMld boy is staying with his aunt iu Ceylon. Mr. Ed. Sar»;ciit, who with his «ife has sjient a couple of wee!\S with his liirents hero, has secured a position in (.)wen Si>und, where his young wife will follow him shortly. Mr. Norman JlcLeod has gone to Toronto in search of work, llu expects to go lo Manitoba iu about a mnnth. Mr. J. W. Cushnie is visiting friends in Toronttj. Miss Bertha Love is homo from Toronto and has brought her two little friends, the Mis.«e» Carman with her. We are pleased to 800 Berllia looking so well. TlieCeylo.i Union SabUth school will Willie Norris, a young chip abnut 13 I^years of ai.'P, who wiikc"! at I iConnell's, was roturciiiig I'U hoisel ack fiom taking I the cows back to pasture on Saturday moriii'ig, when hi-; hoq^ stumbled. I I ir..wiug him on a stone pi'e, a«i', fn in I th ' nature I'f the bni'svs receiied, it is ! surmised that the horse also fell on bitn. I He received a nasiy gash on his furehiad ' aud sevoiiil bruises oil the font part of I t!ie body, while two ribs were broken at I the ba.-k. It wis a pretty siri-piis fa'l, and w'.i le he is not yet out of dan^ir it is expected that lie will pull thrcugk ' all right. ' One eve li' g last juiii'g Aicliie Baird , wasdiiving in'o "own, wl.o:i he Was run I into by Wm. ll;anHgo of Thistle, und his ! bu,'«y was ei.iisideially damnned. Mr. llaiuagrt «ro:o regret ting the acc'dent I and aKrecing to do what was right regard- , ing the costs. When the bug-jy whs fixed ) Mr. KanmL-e was iiotitiud, who in il-.e j meantime lad placed the business in 'lio I hands of th» lawyer who wrote Mr. Bnir.l, ! refusing to pay the damages asked for. , The lesult was thai the case came up for ' trial at Durham hist Wediiosdiiy, and the ju.'lg' awar-lod Mr. Haird §10 for the i damage done, the d-fcn<lanl piying the costs of the couit.- Lcad^-r. McFARLAND&CO. MA.t{KDA.LE ONXAl<IO Read this list carefully and see if it won't pay you to take advantage while the prices are so low. White Sheer Lawn Waists for 98c. Jus* recently we were fortunate in procuring at a big discount 50 only Fine Quality White Sheer Liwn Waists, made in the latest styles, handsomely trimmed with val. I.'ices Mild inserti'>ns, sixes 34 to 41. These w.iald sell in the regular way at 81.50 and Sl.tiO ; you can have your choice for 98c. $1.00 Dress Goods for 50c. «>>Ug,_0> ^1.- 201 yards L'uht F.<n';v All- Wool Check effect Dress Goods which is (suitable for fjiiliov nr Children's wear, and sold in regular way at Sl.OtJ, on Siile this w-eek at ha f price, to tleiir per yard 50o. Ladies' Belts. 4 dozt-n on'y Ladies' V\ hi'e Eiibroidered Linen W»sh Be'ts of Silver and Gilt Bui kles, all sizes, r- -gul tr value 2oe., while iliey last only 15c. Graniteware Purchase. Wa've just received oite lot of about To pieces Graniteware, con.sisiing of Lipped. Saucepans, Pud.liiii; D slies. Wash Basins, etc., etc., that wo-jld sell in regular way at 2.">c. to4ilc each. Tnese goods were bought at a sacritioe and the pri-je for your choice is only .' l5o. You c.-iMiiot .-itford to miss your share of this !(jt. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesherton, Ont. BUGGIES â€" luteudiug purchasers will save money by calling and iu- speciiug our stock, as we have a good stock to choose from • and prices are right. EEP.ilNTLVG â€" Biiug year buggy to ns foi- rcpaiutiug. Satisfiaction guaranteed. PLOWS, etcâ€" Wo handle the best plows, harrows aud also carry a fall Hue of repairs on liaiid. CllEAM SErAIlATOFiS-We are ageut.s for the MELOTTT, The best iu the market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. Durham "^^^ fond parents are very much distressed over the sad event, and much sympathy The Orangemen •â- i Durham District is axpressed by the citizens.â€" Chronicle, intend to hold a celebrutiou liere on the 12lhof July, 1911). I â-  â-  I An illiistra'ion of the dithculties met On Saturday afternoon list Mr. Thos. ^.^ ^,,,„^ ,^,,„ ,^^^ ,^ ^^-^ ^^^ ^j^, „,^„. JLG.rr bad a ti:,e frame barn erected on j^j ^..„„^, ,-,,„„ L.,„a„„^ »,„.,« ^ his ii..,thhumlred acre farm. borough council recent ly er.cte.l forty Monday, Aus{u^t 2ud, has been pro- hi tie d« el inj.!i for the poorest class, each claimed Civic Holi lay for the town of with a liathroom. .\n investigation a Durham. few months l:iter shewed that in thirty- Mr. N. W. Campbell, and .son, W. A., '*''' "f '•'" '""y '''">'••« ''"-â-  tenants used left recently for their summer home »tt''» ^'^^^ '''''' "'"''ly f'"" ''''^ »'^'""S« °^ Norw.-xy Pond, Lake of Bays. f"*'- clothing snd ueiieral lubbish. A few eveninjis ago one of our local clergymen bought a Kaf of bre id at -^^ Stinson's b.ikeiy, and started off to see] one of hi4 parishonei-s on the otb»r side; of I he »treer. Soon a number of youniii people left tlio lefresliiueut parlors audi .-!r^_i .- .- r ^//^^^^'yjj' ^ot iiii.\od up with a c >rd which curio.sity| '_f//tliji/f''^<J>^\yiQ^^^ led them to chase up. At the other end , "* , , , ~ , , • o r , I. 1 '-^ succes.sful years under one nianaue' ofihestrnig they t.und the preacher,,,^,,, Business, Shorthand and Prepar with the loaf ot bread unJer his arm, but Practical School â€" If j'ou want thoto'iitli, practical bn.siness educatiou attend ~:., t/G.frȣM/^ /'7 ^ Iiif jrmation fiee. Priiicipa atory courses, w! ether he wasdiscussingpoiitics, relinion'^ ^ Fl n in., or 1> cal option we have not yet learned. Wo presume that the uirl who tied up thei â-  l.nad f..r«..t to cut the cord that t^ed the] g^,, j^^ g^^.^g â-  h.af that lay i n the arm of the preacher, p,,^ ,i,oro„Blil.re,l Sliortlmni Bull. "EaxI bit Jack Kiniioe is evil-minded tn<>ush «''«y-'' "'â- â€¢*"•''''>» 'o' '"f"'" °",'"','*- ?"• '^ s, Arteuiomn. The neiliurei) of tins Alio t> think that Geurue Stiueon intended tonnimal caul"! sot-n on Hpnlication. Teuis ft ,,,,,, . ' ASDKKVV DOW .Vroprietor. s eal back uie bread as .soon ai the peitcher laid i' down on his neighbors," d 'oi-step. We don't fur a niomeiit Scottish Pride 66274 , , • , , Ttio voiii:i; bull ^cctlish Friiie will stand (or 1 nagiuo that George would ever think of orvice at Mr. K. W. Niclioleons. lot :i7. cod. 5, . , •â-  , , Anciiiosia. Scottish priilo Is sire.l bv ScottisU stjalini; any of his own bread. l-iince. a i;iaM.lso;i . f tba woii.lerfnl show cow. {Itoiiiof Uullnchiii, luip., wiuuoiof eiijlit primal Wo re^iret to repo.t a ,ad event in ^t^°^^rV^'^;^t.^^ t^^t. h'lue of Mr. «ud Mrs. Geo. Yiirs, whu.Ouo of tbi-< cob-s calves 8(-W for SUTS.OO. . Scottish I'ricio is nut of La.ly Hella bv tlia mourn the losj of their brl^ht httle son, Toronto ni-stprijiu wimur. fai>laiii May Flv, ,., ,> 1 J- 1 f i iiiil' ->'*S<'. Tl.is vouug bull nm prove him- .\Uiert (.teorje, « ho died on J ue.sdaT]sel< « Hbowbiillhiiviu^ kbjdcI au eucoitraiiiixi mopuMur 11, ,l,.r v.Mv i]i<t res^um? ciremn.i'>-'<^'»"' tbis tall at foveivham. He won nr«t moriiinn ut tier \ciy uisiris-sini. i-ireum .^^^.j.,^^,, ^,^.^, ^,„,, ^^j, ^.^^ ,ii,,ioma for besti stances. lie was a brivlit healthy little bull any age. Tboso Imvim; pure bred aows xlioul.l fee thin srau.l bull before brecdiun as child, and as I h-j baby of the fauiily wa« tbtycauuottio better t'lan use him. A limite,) , . 11- c .u 1. n iuuiiibor of Kindtts -,»ill be takonat 91;^l)'si,- the joy and happiness of the home. On:,,uro breds, st.oo Sd unlay last he happened to get some! matclu.s, f 1 iHi which he sucked Ihci sulpliur. but showed no signs of ill!ie«»| till the foil iwiiig Monuay, ivhen he turn-; eJ very sick. The d»>ctor was sent fcr and at once diagnosed the trouble as a! case of poisoninii. Th .s led the paix'nts,Eye^ EaPjNOSe 30(1 ThPOat to think of the matches, and they brlieveL,,,^^ in r i-o«t St. - (>woM==iouna that poi.sining from this source is the At the Ujvero house. MarkcLUe, 1st probable cause of their little one's deatb.'Friday each month from U to 12 a. n,, I>R. BURT Specialist in Jis «tit9 of i ho

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