Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1908, p. 1

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jrksb£rt0n Jliiiatta, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRINGiPLEb hOT MEN." V I VOL IXVl, SO 1377 Fleshiertoii, Ont., Tliursday, December 3J 1008 W. H. THUBSTOH, EorroB PBOPBIETOB A We wish our customers and f all dc^ervin^ people a | prr.«p<iruus and happy New i Year. j 5"- ^ W'"' ^ ^ ^ grateful feelings fo the paKt patronagu and hoping for a cnniiuuatioa dur iiig 1909, yours to serre â€" W. A. Armstrong, ^ FLESHERTON- ^ Ceylon Mtrry Christinas and tutppy Xew Year. Master Rub. Tucker is at honn* for iht» holidays. Mifs Kernahin of Ow«n Sound is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Crowther. Miss FrancM P. Prichard, teacher of Domestic Science at Owen Sound, is spending her holiday wiih Mish Marie Chislett. Miss Prichird's home is at Hamilton, N.B. Mr. James Sprott and hit son, Andrew, hare returned from tho north shore for the winter. Mr. R. P. Leg«tc has also returned to his home. He looks as well as ever and gives a good account of Alberta, whore ho has secured for himself and sons orer a •ectiou of good land. Gordon, Charlie and Stanley McMuUen are holidaying at home for a week or so. Alfred Chi.-dett and Charles Melia are also home for the holidays. We are pleased|to see the boys all looking so well. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rands spent Christmas with his parents at Shelburue. Mr. R «b. Tucker of Owen Sound Collegiate is holidaying at hfs home near Ceylon. Hatherton Bornâ€" Bee. â€"To Mr. and Mi-s, Uiil Parker, a sou. Mrs R. Arnott who has been ill for some time is still very weak. Mr. M. Gordon is improving nicely. Mr. E. Hayes of the 4th line, who had the misfortune to break his leg.'s doiu<{ as well as can b« expected. Mr. H. Mills of Honey wood is the guest of Mr. Jess. Gummitt. Mr. Tom Guinraitt and sister, Ethel, spent Christmas in Honeywood. Mr. John Winters took a slei'di load of people down to Miss Winters' coucer: »t Mclntyre last week. Mr. and Mrs. Down and little dau?hter spent Christmas with the latter's sister, Mrs. Hall, near CuUingwood. Hatherton Sunday school entertain- "^eulrwHS a decided success, the children acting their parts well, while the singing by Mr. Sullivan, th« Misses Fields and Anderstm was highly nppreciated and rccitatiens by Mrs. (Rov.) Stanley and Miss Maud Guy of Maxwell broui;ht forth rounds of applause. To those ladles and Mr. Sullivan we extend a hearty vote of thanks. Rev. Bidlantyne gAro a s|ikn4id address. Each cliild received a present and a bag of candies, while tho teachers were recipients of a present from their classes. Alfred Down and Winnie Sceley were beat in attendance during pastil months, each received » Bible. The proceeds amounted to yi-l-SO. We congratulate Y» Editor on the im- proved appearance of the Adviace and join heartily with others iu wishing him » prosperous Now Year. 8th Line, Artemesia We wish ye editor and the lu.iiiy read- ers of The Advance a happy new year, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sai-gent of Owen Sound are spendinj a few days at tho latter'i home, Mr, J. Carson's. Miss Edna Bradbury of Clarksburg visited a few d.iys with her cousin. Belle Geuoe. Our popular teacher. My. Gamey, L'^ engaged iu No. 9 for the coming year. Mr. J. Heinnhill and Mr. and Mi-s. Tom Wilcox, all of Toronto, spent Satur- day and Sunday with the latter's aunt, Mrs. J. McGee. Misa Eva Jamioson of Towuto is spending Christmas week at her hjiue here. It is reported that Garnet McGee has leased the Jamioson farm. Alex. Cameron spent Christinas with friends on the Toronto line. AH the young j)eoplo in the neighbor- hood attended the Presbyterian enter- tainment at Eugenia hist Tuesday night and report it one of tho best ever given there. Oliver Turner ha.s invested iu a now cu' ' and is on the lookont for couipany â- fiug iu future. " hhI, wifo and family, spent Vandelear. Christmas passed quietly with the usual f:iinily gatherings and good cheer. Ernest Buchanan of Coburg spent Christmas with his uncle. Mr. Wm. Bu- chanan. Miss Ida Holley is visiting the parental honie. Mr. Fred Boland loht a valuable horse recently with distemper. A number of young people spent a very enjoyable time at Blr-. Geo. Prilch- ard's on Friday evening. Mr. Ben Buchanan of Meaford high school spent the holidays with his father. Miss Dainy Davis of St. Marys it visit- ing at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cai-s«n of Price- viHe spent Cliruitmiis at Mr. S. Gilbert's. Mr. Thomas Shannon of Cdrbetton visited his brother George recently. Alex. Smith, reeve of Thombury.called on friends here a short time ago. The school entertainment held here on the evening of the 21st inst. was a very successful one. Miss Verney and her pupils are to be congnitulated on the ex- cellent program which they gave. The proceods amounted to S12.:;5. Mrs. Devins and two sons, who hwe been visiting at Blr. W. Hutchinson's for the past two weeks, left on Tuesday to spend a few days at Aurora before leaving for their home at Emery. Eugenia. A happy New Y^ear to all. The Christmas holiday passed over very quietly at Eugenia. A few of our people visited with friends elaewhere,and a number from other places came to spend the d.ny with friends here. Mrs. Ike Sargent and Mls.s Ethel Carson of Owen Sound spent the d»y at Mr. Car- son's, Salem. Bliss Ada Willi.uus of To- ronto waa with her parents at Eugenia Mrs. David Jamiesim of Tortmto vi«itt>d with her daughtei , Mio. Mc Master. Miss Eva Jamiescii came home from the city to spend Chrlstm.is at her home here. Miss Lou Gordon is up from the city to spend a month at the old home. Mr. David Parliament and daughter, of Paisley, also Mr. and Mrs. Leitch .-ind little son, of Mt. Forest, were guest-s of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fenwick. Miss Annie Beecroft was the guest of Mrs. James W.dker at Kiraberley for a few days. Mrs. Thomas Paul spent a few day.s visiting her brother, Mr. Joseph Fenwick near Fle<herton.| Messrs. Robert and Roy Wallace of Toronto spent Chr stmaa with their father, Mr. James Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. George McMaster of Wareham visited at Mr. R. McSIa^ter's recently. Mr. and Mrs. McMaster visited Ware- ham friends on Christmas divy. Mi-s. WaUace Arriistrona hiis been very ill for the pjust few weeks. Her son, D.ivid, who has spent the past four months at Proton, came home for a few days to visit his mother. Messrs. Wesley, Charley and Frank Pedlar departed for their various homes Saturday morning â€" Wesley for Ncbniska, Chjirlcy for Manitoba and Frank for Saskatchewan. The toameeting of the Presbyteri.-in Sabbath school the p«.st week was »r suc- cessful affair. Proceeds §32.00 The program was excellent, and Santa Clans brought each little one si>mething on the Christinas tree. -A giMxl program was provided by the ladies, and a good, pleas- ant time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. John E William-si spent ChtistiiKis visiting Toronto fi lends. Tho Misses Ett^ Latimer and Milly McMullen of Meaford high scIukiI ate spending tlip holidays at Mr. Le<.iniu'd Latimer .«. Mr. Will Campbell of Toronto wjis among tho Christmas visitors. Coughs that are tight, or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this account druggists everyweere ars favoring Dr. Shoop s Cough Remedy, and it is ontirttly free from opium, chloro- form, or any other stupefying dru;i. The tender leaves of a h.<>rmless lung- healing mountainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Uoii.edy its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe and heol the most seiisative bronchial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, always dainand Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect, freedom he given to even the youngast babies. Test it once your, sclfand see! Sold by all dea'ers. County Town Items. Some months ago the Royal College of Dental Surgeons uuderto<.ik to cancel the license of Dr. Herbert M. Little, former- ly of this town, on the ground of unpro- fessional conduct, in having accepted an engsgement in a dental estabUshmeiit whoso owuer w:is not a graduate. Dt. Little had an injunction issued restrain- ing the college from such action. Tho case came up at the assizes in Toronto yesteri'^y and Dr. Little succeeded with casU. Dr. Little is now stu lying medicine. Tlio staff of Iho C. P. R. elevators marked the Christni.is season by present- ing Mr. John Callard, tho .superintend- enl of fhiit department at this port, with a valuable Morris elwir. Policeman George Hargravos was call- ed to BriK-kville on Tuesday afiurnonn by a despatch aniiounciug the death of - his bru'her, William Hargraves. wbicli occurred that morning in Cornw.ill hospiul, aa a resale of a fill from the G. T. R . locomotive on which he waa tire- man. Thursday morning of last week a pair of miscreants, whose names are not yet fXDosed, entered the poultry honse uf Mrs. Oalvert, St. Vincent Road, ea6t of Bothwell't Comers, and stole six fatten- ed turkeys which were ready for killing and marketing. Beware of Freqaent Colds. .\ successiuo of colds or a protracted coliI i« almoHt certain to end in chronic catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention it deserves and ymi mav avoid this diaaf^reeable disease. Hon- cvi yju cire a old! Wav nit try CluunberUio's Cough Remedy? It is highly recommended. Mrs. 5L White, of Bntler, Tenn, says: "Several years I was bothered with my throat and Iimgs. Somefme tuld me of Chau;berUiii's Congti Remedy. I be«::an its'mg it and il relieved me at once. I used it for novae time and it cured mc. Now my throat and lungs are sound and welL'' For sale bv W. E. Richardson. days with Iho latter's parent.s, Mr. Mrs. A J. Conron of FevershaiU. Mr. Thos. Cjnron. who has spent last four years out west, is reuewiug acquaintances iu thih pirt at prese it. Swinton Park. and the old I The annual S. S. Christmas tree and entertainment of the Presbyterian church was held on Wednesday. Kev. Mr. Matheson, the pastor, occupied the chair in a very able manner The programme consisted of choruses. Recitations, dialo- gues, Qu.-irtettes and tableaus. The S. P. Orchestm added much to the evening's entertainment. The good night drill by McFARLAND&CO. :^ ?.i.s.c?k:dalf; omxakio Rush Sale, 15 Days Only AT THE BIQ STORE seals to for memorizing! ten children [ portions of scripture i>erfectly, after j which the gift-s i^n the heavily laden tree. I were disposed of to the joy of all who were rememliercd. The proceeds amounted ' to 1^5.00. ' Miss Lsa Campbell is h mie from Mc- } Intyre to spend her Chriatinas vacation. i Mr. Howani Watson is up frooa ^, . . \ . ' Toronto, spending hi« Christuiius holi- Christmjvs day passed away very quiet- j^y, ^^ ^is home here, ly here, moat of the people si)ending the , ^rs. Goo. W. Parslow and Miss Eld», d.iy at their homes. \ ^ jij^j, Christm.is with Mr out -Mi-s McLean. Cwen yff j BLikeston, Stratford. Sale commence-s THrRSDAY. JANUARY 7th, 1909, when $45,00<) worth of High Class Merchandise will be tielUlittl^gVth^*^l>ld in"w'hite"V'iIwM|throw-non the market (for 15 days only) at an immense and caps, was a most pleasing feature. sacrifice. What's it for â-  JuSt brieflv WC wiU CXplaiH. and the accuracy and prec sion with I ' j^ which each child took its part, reflects | We fiii.l that our stock is at least $15,000 too heavy, which maaas we bare grest credit on Miss Jenny Kiiox audi about »4o.000 stock, and should only be about $30.<J00. hence we must unload at Hiss B. Chr:stie. who took chance of the j any cost. With thi.! end m view we huvo determined to make ihisaale one »t tne traning of the children, and" artistic- i GRE.\TEST SALES cf price-cu'.ting ever heard of. ally decorated the church. Tlie pa..- : ^^^ ^, ^j ^.^^ ^^ ^^. ^^ _, j^^ ^..^re fo circumf-rence and thia 15 tor give certificates, diplomas . ""J! a..iys' s;ile will bring to a rustling finish with a whirl wind of values the gr«^«t Protoa Station Mr. and Mrs. John Sound, spent Thursday at D. C McLean. Miss Mabel Binnie, Dundalk, the holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. SIino,Owen Suuud. spent Saturday at the home of Mr. Win. Park. 'hs home of spent Mr. Will Campl)ell arrived home from Virginia in time to eat his Christmas dinner. Mi.ss Maggie Knox Ls enjoying home here for the holidays. Mrs. Bandy sr., Mi-s. Geo- Martin and Miss W'. J Martin are enjoying the Mr. and Mrs. Wells and fouiily are 1 Chi'is:mas vacation with friends in t>wen visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. 'Sound. P. Consley. | MLss B. Christie has gone to her borne Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rutherford are , near Port Elgin. spending a few diiys with friends Angus. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Batchelor and family are visitinsf at the latter's home at ; Londiin Normal sch lol Mr. Will Heard is np from Toronto to help eat Christmas turkey. Miss Emma VViiaon is home fnmi Arthur English Church service was held on Christmas day and a very impressive Christmius sermon was preached by Rev. Miller, Dundilk. Mr. John Eddy of Toront", spent the holiday at the home of Mr, Peter Conalcy. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Wriiht visiteil Chesley friend.s a few days Lwt week. Mr. Peter Pickett, spent Christmas with friends in V% alkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell of Dakota are visiting at the former's home hero. A numl>er from here took in the con- cert on Christmas night atFlesherton. Mr. and Mrs. John Hockley, Dundtlk, ! spent Fridiy at Mr. and Mrs. .John ) Lyims. I Mr. and Mrs. Abe. Shersou s^ient ; Christmas at Victoria Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow Sundayed at ilr. Hugh Hodgins Miss Mary Johnston is home from Fort William. Mr. Roht. Aldct^ira s(>cnt witli friends at Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson of Dream- land spent their ChrLstmas at the former's j home here, Mr. D. Ferguson's. 1 Miss Lizzie McMurdo from the '. has been visiting friends hare. Christimi-s S*>o It is a Wonder. Chaiubeilun'd Liniment one .>f the uiost remarkable prepsiations yet pnHlucfd for tlie rheumatic pains, and for lame buck. sprains and hniise-s. Tli« quick relief from iwin which it affords in ea.<e of rheumatism is alone worth many times its coaC Price, 25 cents: larjfc size .'W cents. For sale ly W. E Ricliai'dson. 1 0th Line, Osprey. A Warning A rep.>rt has been circulated to the pablic that my son and I Inid a serious ; quarrel ; that he had asked me for a loan The Christinas tree in the S. A. Bar- 1 of money whi.'h I refused to give him. racks in Fevershim on Chrstmas eve wn ^also that he asked me to lease the hotel the barracks be- to him and I asked $4tK) rent, tii.xes and and a lirst class other expenses. Now, I positively deny all this, as my sou never money on Nov. Uch and foi any agreement about on Dec. 14th. This is a for the party reporting it. a success in every way. ing tilled to the doora prt>gram given. Mr. Shbldon Heron of the Cataract and F'cd of Eugenia, are spending the holi- days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. ' Heron of the !<tb line. Mr, Joseph Sanderson of Unnd Valley the wise is suthciont. Jo-s is vLsiting friends in this part at present, 'od I will try to investigate .A number of the parents of the pupils, | Ceylon, Dec. 'X, VMS. of scliocl section Nj. 5, Osprey, gathered { in ihe school room on Tuesday of last week to listen to a program given by the j pupils, and witness th« presentation of a { beautiful silver mountsd toilet set to the i teacher, Mis$ Jean .A. Rougjrs, by the, pupds, showing tho high esteem Sli.ss | Rodgers is held in, after three and a . half yesrs of faithful servicn is teacher of I of S, S. No. 5, Osprey, all wishing lur; continued prosperty wherever her lot utay be cast< in future. Don't foiget the tea meeting at Provi- dence, on New Years night. Messrs Thos. and Goo. Juli»n of Fever- sham attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Osloruni, near Ottawa last week. Mrs. John Dyre is visiting her ]jarenrs, Mr. and Mrs. U. Kuunis in ColiiugwooJ at present. R. J. Cohjuette is on the sick list at present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davidson of Cullin<.»- wood, are spending the ChJislm.-is holi- Hsked me for he never askeii hotel property base tal-sehiod If it is repea:- C.\IRNS. V word to The Boll 01 village council pays their constable 840 per yoar extra for enforc- ing local o|)tiou. As a result of his efforts ?100 his been jviid in to the village tros.surer. The C. P. R Co. lias secured leave to apijoal from the verdict of f 11. aOd obtain ed by M. E, Stewart of Urangevilie agkinst it. The Kncchtel Furniture Co. expect t > have at least a million feat nf logs at their Hanover mill this winter. â€"Post. I DR. BURT t ! 5pe«:Uli8t in diseases of the ' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat I Offioe 13 t-'.-ost &«t. - OvvonSoiind 1 At the Rovcre house, Markdalo, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. lurnovur of general merchandise that has sver been held in tho County of Grey. Jusr st.p and think what ir means; Dress GmmIs, Silks, Ready-to-wear Jskirts, Mens and Boys' clothing. Suitings, Hals and Caps, Gents Furnwhmgs, Bo..t« ana Shoes. Rubbers, L-ulies' and Men's Furs, R .bes. Blanke's, Comforters, Carpets, House Furnishing«., Crockery, etc.. will be slaoghtered, and not :uiy one aniclB that coiuos under the above headings will be held backâ€" everyihiaij goes. Remember this store will be clr.sed all day Wednesday, January tith. 1M09, wh«ii our staff will pe busy all day marking down the prices. During this 13 daysS.de there will !« the GREATEST DROP in thf prices that has uken place for ma-iy a day. We have gone to heavy expense and troutWe preparing this are it sale. Rjm.'mbsr, you Ul'iet everything advertised and more. but as we expect some very heavy selling our ad vice to you is to shop early. Uonl wait till the article i you wa.it ard soll.^ We anticipate the heaviest lo days seU- ipg ever experiencad in the C )uncy of Grey. Do not coma to town on Wodnesd^y, Jiu. 6, 1909, with the purpose of doing your shopping with us, for our dcMirs will positively be closed all day, when a.lwui be bu >v m irkiug d..w i the good.s. Sale c .mm eiices the f<'l!'-;|»'nj ."^"y-n. c a't*?^* J^au. 7, 1909, aiSa. m.,andend8 S.iiui-.lay, Jan. 24. TERMSs »»t SAU!.- S*r(etlv Cash or Trade. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY 8? i i THE UPRIGHT HOUSE ^ We are well supplied with all the special fancies for Christmas eating in new fresh goods, just opened. We get regular shipmeuta from the leading houses iu Canada and are able to <;ive you the best values ytju ever got in Nuts, Candies, Figs, Currants, Raisins, Dates, Oranges and Lemons, v ♦• ♦• Another ^ and get a bag a^ town. of best gnult viwinri'^Aiiiy ,u^ SAWS We sell the famous Sim.mds Cross-Cut Saw. No need to adver- tise these. Once cried no other used. Every saw guaranteed. Ceylon's Leading Merchants COL LIN SON BBOS. The Ideal Xn AS. Ston -ooooo Cliristmas will be here befoi-c you knew it. and hundreds of peope haYcit t even commeuced their Christmas chopping. Below wt sugjjest only a few of the many things which will help you. Fancy calendais- -dozeus of them to select fi-oia, at prices tliat will make you smile. Christmas suggestions for Lidies and Gills: â€" Handkerchiefs of all kinds, Gloves, Frillings, Coinb8,f«ncy colors. Bi Its, Doylies and stand Covers, all at reasuuikble prices. Christmas sugge.stious for .^I^'ii *"" Boys:->"cw ShitU. Mu'.iKi-^ and Neck Scarfs, Gloves, Ca}--;. Ha»d- korchicfs. Sweaters, and iii.oiy other things «e will show j»u when you oalu etc.. Ideal Peninsular'* Has the Advantages of a Steel Sange %vftli llie Durability of a Cast-iron Range Ideal Peninsular" is the ideal range for a small kitchen. It gives the conveniences of the best steel ranges with the addetl advantage of being cist-iron and therefore more durable. The "Ideal" bums either wood or coat and the grate bars may be changed iu half a minute. Step in and let us st>ow yon the I>rop Ovcu Doorâ€" l,ow Wnrniiiig Closetâ€" .VJjustible nampc^-DBylight Oven and oltier improvc- ncnH, Ativays rIihI to exptalu Uie liuperiorlty of tlle«e fine ranges, 70 Santa Clans will be here nntil Christmas with all his toys doils, bring iu your childieu. He will please them. We have just passed iuto"stock a uice fresh stock ofgrowries fur the Chrts mas trade. See our stock of caudies for Chrifltmas. Highest prices paid lor Butter, Eggs and poultry. J. E. Large, BUG ENi Pure Bred English Berkshires and! Tamworths. i I>iKs bred from \V'rit>> I have a fine I»l "f younn . prize winning at^ick. for sale, »V'rit>> me for prices. I call give a barirain also guarantee satisfaction on all mail onlers. f.eo. W. ROSS, Maxwell P. O. Golden Legend Pure Bred Tain worth Boar for servics on Lo 170, 2iid E. T. & .S. R. Tcniis $1.00. RICHARD ALLEN. For Sale One hoise, S yems ohi. carrisge;^ 3 year old, in fOahToDeuiar* ri-smg *j foal; one uiare'visiuK 1 vews; twosp Lot 170. eon. 2 N. K. T. * S. Bi One span nf I. matched. Bi m iv Bull eiglitei !â-  ' KobBoy, uu For Sale ;ht.ni!.R Colts -t-wnrk. .^1S0< , .,(;. lUV.'hlUKI Ai.tiiaiTi': F. 6. KARSTEDT. (S) â-  FlfSHERTON Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. I toviiiias iinJ Wliiipleg. tile l>«st of brcddiii!: â-  nut) qtislitv. litiU, cows nuaboiteis for$aLei «t reasouable [iricos I Lot 3a>coD.o CUAS. STAFFORD, Fleehertoa! Vi)la«{e CaptBiii. â- -"•"""',',•, p *. Con, 10, Osprey, FavMsHaiu Jf msstssi get IWMdItfcJ

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