Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1908, p. 9

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Supplement to THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Decern I Teaching Canadian Geography in U. S. The ai«mh«rs of a. Turonto family are derivinfi much amusemeoC these days from the anecdotes of a tweiire-year-old niece who baa returned to Canada after spenJ- iaK » year «ith relatives in the Southern States. While there she attended schoul. but inntrad of being inoculated with «prea<i-ea({leiam, she is to day a most ardenr Imperia'ist, largely because of the cuuitank friction in which â- he «M invoWed with her teacher* and frltow-pupila owing to their misconcep- tions of Canada and Canadians. She says, "the chapter abeut Canad, ill their Geography starts off by sayinji: 'Canada is somtthing like the United States, but much smaller.' I knew that wasn't right, but I couldn't make them believe it." Another bone of contention wa« the iMttle of Lundy's Lane. The Southern teacher not only informed the class that ^he American soldiers won the battle, but in pronouncing "Lmidy" she gave the "u" the same sound as in ''lunar." "I told her that I bad seon the battle- field, and that they called it 'Lundy' " a<i8erta the little miss, '-butahe only taid to me, 'Lillyun, you must be dreaming.' " "And the children alwuys asked rao foolish questiona," she reports. "Just a couple of days after I was introduced to one girl, .she said to me; 'Lillyun, do yuu have to ait down and stand up in your house whenever your King tells you to?' I just asked her if she had to do the same when the President told her to. "Another girl said to me: Lillyun' â€" they called me Lillyun â€" 'did you ever ride on an iceberg in Canadu?' "â€" Sntur- day Night. A fanner was drawinit a load of wood into a yard in Barrie the other day when one of bia hones dropped into a well 60 feet and wa.i killed. It was valued at 1250. Cullingwood purposes erectini; new exhibition buildings to replace the ones destroyed by tire, at a coat of 6,500. East Mountain Mild weather. Mr and Mrs. W. .1. Martin and littU daughter, Wilda, spent Christmas day with friends in Uealhcole. Miss Maude 8inith of Rocbeater, New York, and Miss Etfie Smith of Toronto, are spending their holidays with their parents here. Misa Olive and Mias Camack spent Sunday at W. J. Martin's. TERM OF 1909 British CANADIAN Ten per cent, cheaper BUSINESS ton per cent, better foi COLLEGE Busiiies', ShnrOmid and rOROXTO Mutrio. book let free. R. A. FanpiharsDn, B. A Ppal, Corner YOt^NGE & BLGOU STREETS. The Obrecht family, of Mount Forest, and more partioulrrly Mr. Greiior Obrecht, has had its cup or a£Biction very fall of late. A couple of years ago Mr. Giegor Obrecht lost hia wife after a long and trying illness. Two ot hia couains met a tragic death by drowning in the Saugeen at Walkerton in May of thia year. Hia mother died on Nov. 6th last after a lingering and painful illness. Recently two of his children were taken ill and one, a bright boy of four, died on Thursday last of braiu fever. His sister, too, wna taken ill, and is now in St. .Toaeph's hospital, Guelph. The family â-  have the sympathy of the community in their miiiirold trials. --Confederate. HARDWARE AND TINSMITHS. NORRIS BROS, When in need of Shelf Hardware, Stoves. Ranges or Heaters, Saws, Axes, Snow Shoyels, or Sinks and Cistern Pumps, or Piping or anything in the the line of Tinware, either hand made or Factory gootls. Always remembe r that we have the right goods and at right prices. Anything and everything we carry is fully guaranteed to be the best money can buy. Wishing You THE COMPLIMENTS Of the Season And a Prosperous New Year. norris Bros** - » Flesberton*

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