Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1908, p. 5

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c ^%\f \ look i they h. Sol only bilU saving anu THE Si/ Ert.b!i»h«l 1873 OF C^-^» cannot fail to bring ultimate succci Make a start now by opening an ac of One Dollar or more. We pay \\^ HHJnths and return your money any time i FLESHERTON ERAF George MitcKell, Man&g'fe BRANCHED AI«SO AT OVR.HAM ANS> Ba ^VICINITY CHIPS J[' \V. A. Annetron!,' isaurt of ninrtiii^f licensee. > Wantedâ€" Drug apprentice, R. L. ' Stephen, Miirkdale. Yearling C'lt liy GrDnVow Charming, forstkle. T. Lever, Fleshertoii. Two oilts fi>r stle â€" 1 aud i yenr* i>lJ p««t. II. Uich»rJ»«)n, iricshertKU. ' For Suleâ€" Ono Sber!iH.k-M-ii>nii ir orKan, iiestly new, »t h»if urice. L^vtis K.'1Cipi>, Kksheitjii, Oiif. .Mr. F. A. Tucker h«a neciirsd r settle- ' iiioiit will the O. P. U. for th« Jen.h of h's son in t!ie CnleU'ii wieck. Pi;j sir-iyeJâ€" White, weiiiht itboat CO ^ INi., ahout July 1st, FitiUcr cumiiiuni- j cnie wiih M. \Vil9nn, FU-Rhertoii. > Di«Jâ€" In -Aitemenirt, on M ni'»y. Sep'. 18, ^Vin. E< er«t', iiif-wiit son of Mr. jua Mrs. Wiu. J. Moore, iwed 5 uionrln. | Riflo f.T Siile -Wirclio»i. r, 'i&<>h j.<.m 0. as n»w, »!»c oyror, ilMntr undtwii Ijoxtrj of cariri<ij;vs. Geo. Cairns, Fleshetton. 1 For Silo- -A p»ir of three year otJ j coin, bre I fro!u Merry Mtsson. Lot 20, U. D. U..C.-ylon, W O. Ont. W. J. MexJ'. 24s« Uitrhell Bro*. big sa«ni:Il at Berkeley : was burned down Sunday we,rk. Streii- (UiHS efforts only saved the C. F. R. a^ion. Artemesia Councd will meet at the \ Town hall here for de>j>atch of business i on MonJay iho 5lb Oct. instead of S;klur- ' day the 3id. i Houia to Kentâ€" Brick residence, large ' lot^^iod stable, Utely owned by Mrs, \Vm. Ne»l. Apply to John Stuait, Flmhertoti. Another tig Gro is raging ut Mr. Ouckett's lii.ie kiln at Eugenia thu week. ; All in need of gi^, frt- sh lime, can i(et ; it at uiice. J. H . Duckett. The log bridge otit the Beaver river on Cameron's sideroad was buiiifl down recently. Thi< will cost the tuwnship another few hundred to repl .cj. Don't l>e afraid to «ive Cb.Mi>berI.Aiu'i> Cough Hvmedy to your children. It U iu- trnded esixrcindly for coughis colds, etoup acd %«h>x>piug eou(;h, and it is the best ni-Hliciue made for those dUeases. For sale by W. K. Kichardson. Mr. W. Trimble took hi» Coll. P.iddy ML-KinK-y, to the Wulkeiiou fair, but only 8uoct>tded in winning tl.ird money. W. W. says he would hsve done bclttr, only his hobbles broke. The fouiteenth .Annual Oonreutinn of E:i-<t Ur^-y Sunday School A^o.'iatioa will be held la the Methodist Church, Thornbury, on Thursday, Dcfober 1st, lUOS Mr. F. G. Karstedt K>9t his action against the township for dtni.tgej result inn fvotn an alleged- defective drtin. the judge having disniisted the ease with cost 8. Orey Countv Wouit-na Institute will hold their second annual convention At ChatswortU on Thursday, October 8. I'rojraint for the event have been dis- tributed. Mis Fred Tucker received a telrgnirji on Sunday am ouneiog the death of a aister at Duylon, tXiio. Th» news was not MiieX'tectod. Mis. Tueker spent a fow weeks at Uaytotithi* suuiiuer. Don't forget to c.ill at F. O. K^«r^te<^t^' 1 Mi'li:ioiy l^rlors, on Thursday and Fri- I ("ay of this week, and see the seoon's l«t,rt he.tdwear f.'i' ladies. Miss W ilk.ii svn again in charge. Little Qoorge H"pkin, ihot«o-yo*r-o!d 8t>n of ftr. and Mis. Dal. llopUin of Proton Station, diet 'ast "'tH-k of tholer.-x morbus, and wa< bu -i^ ' in tho ccmet»ry here. We uiiderstxmi ihiro nre some ten or twelve casus of this disease in Pioton Station. Thousands of Wteria are pretent ii\ fre«>h, pure milk, and inyiiaiU of Iwuleiia enjoy lite in ^ood cre.«in. This i.i tho etiect of a slatt uient made recently by Dr. Sbeaid, City Motlic«l Healih Officer of T>'r\>nto. Now we umi<}rvt uid nhy spn>e milk mou water the milk. To drown thu n.icroti<<a. A «e<korao ago the track at (â- illie.t' lake on the new \Ya'kertonline, sank > ut of sight. A tcmp-iiary track was laid ; aiound the hole and tince then a big i;a g of men has been emtage^l tilting in the soft a|'ot with gravel I rou;.;ht hfxw the GUn, ml of Prictville. A cordial inritttion ladies ol Port Liw C'Uiitry to vt:>>l tho milti. ihe Port L»w store on '. Friday, Ooti>t>er I md 'i. li m charge. S. M. Osborne, pn\ The Mil.Uugh Hous4, Dur' vacated shonly af er the loc b}-liw wa.s piisxeil and has he ever since.thus leaving only oni thi! town â€" the flahn House ruuiured that .S4im'j Guelph met and reopen the closed hostelry. .Anniversary sirvicea will be he Meth-Mlist church on Sunday ueit, •n, when Re.-. J. S. L Wilson, B. U. U., of Markdale. will preach at 11 in. and 7 p. lu., and 2.vU> p. m. at M,-.'ford Rond. .\ l>ber:tl think-olferii. u rtqu.-sted. Speciil music will I lendeied by the choir. BuV'i's saw ni ill, three tuiles south of t hi. village, was buined down Muuday ah*>u 4 a. m. The caote >f tire is unknown bu: is supposed to have been fri>m a spark from a pas&in^ C. P. R. eiuine. Ak)out 20,(XX) feet of luuii<er was burned at the '•â- me time. The loss is estimated at $1,- Ov>0 with no insurance. The milt had been idle for a year past. The date of South Urey Teachers' (convention, t« be held here, is set for October 8 and 9. The conceit in the evening will be of mor<< thin ordiuary interest this time a.s the committee has secured the servic«-» of Miss Elsie Diion Craig, elocutionist, of Toronto, a lady who is widely kuowa |^t the excellence of her renditions, I The Fle-shortoh Brai?Wi of the O- W. 1. will meet in town h%H«>u Tue*i%y, 29th inst.,»t 2.30 p. m. SuH|ect»'bnder con- sideration to be dis:us.-e<l^l« Mesdames, Blackburn, McTavish and .%o. Teeter: â€" Inventions to save work; W !lit we learn by attendina Exhibitions. /The V»nde- leur Institute has been invitod to attend ftud if weather is favi-rabl-', the invitation udl be accepted. Visitors are invited. The directors if Pricerille fall fair, to be held on Oct. 1 and 2, h»ve made nrrunneraents with the C. P. R. by which single fart round trip tickets will be sold. gcKid going on p. m. train Septi 30, and on all trains Oct. 1 and 2, fr^iu all points where the lowest sinnlw tiist cl*js fare U> Price\ iile is $2.o0 or less. While wrkinu al a threshing at Mr. John Blackburn's Mr. James Fisher fell ihrougU a scaffolding, struck on the machine near the cylinilcr ftnd from that to the Hoor. Mr. Fisher susttined a .«evere shaking up and had a ouple of ribs fractured, bu' is improving. The Liberals of East Gray will hold a Qioiu meetii'g in Fleshcrtimjown hall on Satutday, Sept. 26;h, at 2 p. m. for the purpose of nominating a candidate to Contest the riding in the forthcomini; election. All friei.dly to the Liberal cause are welcome. R. D. CanutherK, Secretary. The smoke and heat in this district is becoming ^er:ous For nearly six weeks no lain has fallen here to speak of and wel'» and streams are fust drym;; up. Frid»y night last a tittle rain fell, merely SiuHioiei.t to lay the dust. Fi'ttuuately the di'-ught ciiueat a soa-on of th* ye.«r when it is not so serious, all 'ho harvest havii'g been gathered and root cro^is fair ly well macuivl. Forest fires thr<iui;h- out the provii.ce in»ke the air we hreatho most UKploasant. F"rtun,ite'y thejo are no seiiou-* tiies in thi.» county, »ti I thete are enoogh to iiiiko the ariuosphi rs de- cidedly disagree*l'l». It this smoke had only C'lno lu thu mostpiito season! Mr. Rudd Matthews, auc<i. neer of Matkdale, ci»llod on Tho .Advance last we< k ai.d inseititl los card 6'i the coining year. Hu also madj «rran-.rvoneiits wilh us whereby wo csn make dates cf shIcs for bim. We also have similar arriii«e- uients with two oiher aiiciioneersâ€" Mr McPhail uiid Mr. Knitting of tJspivy. Call at this ittico and make yiur dat-,'s wilh either of thy above gentlemeii. They e»ivw the cuutry and are all abwe avoraite as aiictioneois. If you have a ph.'iie or cut borrow ono, oill up Tho Advance oHice and we will do the res;. Mr. M, K. Richarson .and party re- lortied home on S.atuiday after an exrend- tnl and most enjoyable trip ihn'Ut:h Eng- laud, Scotland and aa *<r as Paii-i. Mr. Lucas also visittd oUl Irel.tnd. The voyage over was exceedingly pleasanl but not i>oc-ujoyab!e on tho return journey, seveval ot tho par'y In-rni? cnlleil upon to pay tiibute to old Neptune, Mr. Lucas decUiret he suw a sea serpent on the tiip himv. As he is a tem|H>ritnce man of course w« believ* the statement unquali- fiedly. »o R. son, jrned Maine, ^ spent a ' and Mrs. . aer home in ... Katttedt are pay- &arstedi's brother in , c. Earstedt returns this .rs. K^rstedc will prolong her ^ iho middle of OctotJer. John Cathcart and two little ^^- ters. Gladys and Irene, of Souris JT.-ict, Maniiubr, who has b«:ea visiting â-  parents, Mr. and Mrs. .A. Carr, left KThursday to sjiend a few days visiting iHRuds at Orono and Port hope, when , they will return to their home. Mr. S. M. Etstmau has been success- ful in passing the eiaiuiuation held at the close of the summer ses.-ion corducted by the University of Liilie, at Boulogne, Fraiyce, and was awardol a diploma for proficyncy 111 French. Ueintendsspend- ing thrf-?'itjter studyiug^iii the University of Paris. uilding Pew .A good a red for the 'be eveninii an pn.icure. ay with us ert in the 'articular*. Bills were issuedlast week foiPriceville fall fair which will take place Thursday and Friday of next week. This show is improviui; year by year and doubrless will take another jump ahead this year. Thurailwaw is givim; single fare rates to those whom it can serve. The special attractioos are the Jatfray sist>.'rs, Uigh- laiivl dancers; Donald McGregor, oariione singer, Fddie Piggot, Comedian, and Hector McDonald, piper This talent will all l>e seen at the concert in the ereu- iirg. the JatTray sisters aud Piper Mc- Donald on the gtounds ts well. East Grey fall fair lakes place on Thursday aud Friday of this week. The directors have bcr. working hard to luako this year's show a success, and anticipate a large crowd of people. Con- siderable reiiairing has teeri done around the icruuuds in the way of sheep pens, re-iooBmr, arteriKHi'i of sport is also second day and the concert will he the best tliat mone; Come to town and spend F â€" also remain fvr the evening. See bi Is tor all Plan of ha'l at Bi.yd's store. It was a large and genial g-^^ chicken fanciers that met in tlie''V<'^l*i<\- terian cl'.uvcU last Wednesdty evemji The Ladies" .Aid of ihe church undertoi to satisfy the appe ites of every fancier this par; of the country, and well they did their p.art. There was cl.icken small and lar»;e, chicken frie»l and Injileil, .and monstrous chicken piesâ€" an abui.daice of every style. There was lU'io than chicken, too â€" pie<, cakes and evo>yt!iii-g one could d.'siie. .After cvi ry oi-o »as satist3«l a choice pr. gram was niven tu tho auditorium of the chunh. 'fhero wetcsongs, sol .«, instruinenialse'-ecuoiia, and sjioeches by tlie clergy it the tiWn. The fowl suppor raised about $32.tK} \jr the cliurcli. A letter from Mr. F. T. Carr S-t-'U^hton, Sask , says:"HHrvi st isatnjuf over hero. Threshing now. YielJ very niedinni. ntos'ly light crop «ud very con- sideia' ly fuzjn, delerioratii g the i,|i^de of wheat, i^ra.'ling largely Xe. 3, 4 and Nortborii. Piiy 'ti,s 'tis Iroo that th;» couiilrvisso liable to suniinev fro»L.<. No. 3 Nor' 1.01 n brings Toe per biisUel at the farmer's wauon, hjre. This same wheat, fieo f^•m ft\>st. ought to produce ;C> builiels por acre instead of the averiye 15 bu.-h<ls as it is and No. 1 Northern is worth $1.10 per biishil. So you can see tho i^ep-eeiation of our er^ip proceeds th s year." S'omaeh troubles w.vulJ nivire quickly diaapi's-ar if the idv'a of treating tho cause lalher thou tho effect, would come into pructiee, .A liny, iiisi le, hidden nerve, says D''. Shi.'p, governs and gives stiergth to the stomach. A branch also gofstoihe heart, and onetoihekidneys. When these '"inside nerves' fail then the organ* must falter. Dr. Shoop's Restora- tive is diieoted si e>cilicalty to tiU'sa fail- ing nerves. Within 4S hours aftei start- ing the Rostovative treit'rt'nt patients say they realiie a gain. Sold ly all deaUis. The wboles-Jine. harmless green loaves and tender stems I'f a lung healing mountainous shrub, nive Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curwtive properiiei.. Tickling or dry coughs quickly and safuly 5^ I new and tashion- ... Boot.«, Shoes, Slippers . ijibei's. The.se you want for / '-JD WtAR, tJHOICB AND CttE.\P.NE35 Jso a lot of Trunks, Telescopes. Seas.>nable gooils and reasonable prices. A lot of ladies' and child- goods offering very cheap at reas summer goods offering CLAYTONS «% FALL MILLINERY Our Fall Millinery Opening will be held this year on ThurnlaT »nd Friday of this weekâ€" f:iir days. Drop in and se« tha latest styles of Full Millinery. Miss Wilkinson Is again in charge of the showrooma. It will be her pleasure to show tho diff'ereut styles to yoc. Be sure to drop in and see them when you are attending the fair. A visit here will be full of interest. If you want a hat- come; if you don't â€" come anyway. F.G.KARSTEDT REPAIRING SALE! Weareputiiouaneiten.sio.. tothestore aud in order to s.ave mowng »o many goods we are j^oing to jell ibe.ii off cheap for the next fe* days. Now is the time to uet ynir dishes for threshings and save money. We got a load of plumbs in fr-u nhe fruit country, a-s ao expect ths>y are about as cheap as they will be. We 'lav. also *ono Nice Pears, Peacbes .: d lots of lipo Toiuacoes. SEALERS, all sizes, at right prices. Aim. st every day wo get more cou-a- e .r, 1 ruse our FloiJ-, as our customers tcU tts :!.oy are well satisfied Wilhi'. TryatwjofthcCreamuftho West, -.r for a cheaper flour satisfactioa is assured. Ilii^^est prices alwavs paid < For Batter aud Eirgs.eithcr S Cask or Trade. | JAS. - PATTISON, CEYLON J Oiir Motto is-Sniall Profits and Qu'ck Returns. \ ,%^«^%%%««^»« >â-º %^*^^ %%^%^^^ %^^^%^ %%^*^^%# Ticl^^ ths hixhty offeC'.ivo c-ngb ined;cii«lkwl>r. Slio-p assuces nn^'hors that they SLi with saf.ty gi'e it ;â- . eviu »er>- yrun^^bes. No opium, no c!.l ro- fonnâ€" absoiureW '"''''"iJ "^**'' ''^ h.irm- ful. It catm-s t!iT^dtstie*>ii'K cou;;h, and hea'a the sen.sitivo ;i>*>»!i' roies. .\oeept no other. DomauJ Dr. Sh op's. S >id by a'l dealers. \ The .\dvai CO is sorry to annfiince the death of .Mr. J. W. F.os., barrister, of i Owen Souu'', which event took pli.c<» ar i the New Liskaid ho»(.>ital on buiiJay, ' Sept. 13, The remains weie interred M \ t>wen S«'Ui.d Wednesday of last week. j .Mr. Frost was 71 years of age. Ho had 1 g» no north to inspect some n'iniog I pro|>erties in which he was interesle*!, and look ill of ontiiiis. He was taken to I New Liskeartl hospital, vhoro he c'ied. I Mr. FioRt wa.s well and favoraoly known I here, haxirg visite\l Flesheit ni for years 1 in Ihecap-tciry of solicitor. His family I have the sympathy of many trienOa in I '.his \icinity. Golden Legend Pure Bre<l Tauia'urth Bi«r t a- servVs on Lot 170, ?Bd K T. * S. R. Terms *l.iWi 1UCHAR1> AUJ5N. .X sd c.-ise occure-l at this siittiiei dut- in« the piist week Friday ei eniii last a traveller k;ot o'l tha trni'i and al'cc in- • joi-T BUS shown to McLangl.lin's hotel, where h* aske.l to bo sh>wu to hi.s rooui at once. He g*ve his name as Jolin S. Fischer, Saturday uKrci'ig he di I not get lip, and rrniained in b.sl until Mondsy. being wnted -m by Mr. .Mc- Laughlin.. .^ d s;lor was then caded in wh'i found tLo man suffrin: fioiii anaemia and geieral debibty. He waa at that time uiaMe to converse in »uv- ihing but mono.syllat>tea. .\ii etfoit was nude to find his '"tiends in which consid- eraWo .LfKojly «.as experi-ji •.â- .(, bus after sonio lime an uncle was !o-i»t.U lu Berlin. This gentleman caiio up on Tuesday. Th.-soU in in c mtiuuedtoiirow wise until Wednes.lay morniii.; wba > death ensued, lie was 32 y.<»;s of a^e. Deceased was a machinist an i >vas on his way to Harnston, where a ?isiur residea. but tiilod t" m.ake the prop*r coaaectiou at OrangevilU junction, atvl I'lms ou hero, .\bout a year ago his wi;o dlol and it is said ho has since boon very Je- spoi'dvDt. Hu leaves tw>» y >'iO.;ch:l Irci^ in charne.d r«!..ti»«s. The ivinailiS wcTi^ Uken to Ue-^paler ft iut,^rm?:;t^ .4

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