Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1908, p. 8

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'''%â-  â- ^-v Habch 26 id08 liilMins. •OarefuUy Corrected Eroh Week Oils 48 "o 48 l'n% 80 to 8<) Imi^y ...'. CO '.J 60 Whdnt ••. 90 to 90 H»s ^.W 00 .'.16 00 Bjtt«r 25 â-ºc 25 E^g». freali 18 W 18 PuUtoes jier bag 7fi to 75 Goese ...~4.... 9 io 9 Duck» ,;??T... 8 to 9 <;iiicki>is JO to 10 TuikuvTi , . . . . 13 U< i:< FLESHKRlON ADVANCE FURNITURE The liimcst und )<eHt stock of Furniture over sliowii iu Flesherton. Thia withuut foarof con- tradictioD. Conjo und, Huu Koiiie of the uice thingH in Side BourdH, Dining llooui Chairs, Pttilor S(?tts, Bed Room Suttfl A speci;il reduo tion juKt ;ii)w on eveiy- thing, in order to I'e- duce the Ktock. . ' . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTON Throat Coughs Ask your doctor aboat these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to your doctor, and ask 8 him about your taking Ayer*s _ Cherry Pectoral. A We pubUjb oar formnUM yers We banish alaoliol tvoai our in«dlotn«« W«"urge you to oouault your doctor Who makes the best liver pills? The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass. They have been making Ayer's Pills for over sixty years. If you have the slight- est doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do as he says, always, by th* J. 0. a^ar Oe., IiOTrMl, There are said to be thirteen ca»e« of Bmailpox in Hanover and seven in Walkerton. Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily $ ii 60 Toronto Daily News 1 80 Weekly Globe • • ' 1 80 Mail-Enipiro 80 Family Herald & +9 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers Advocate ' 2 25 Weekly Wit.ieia 1 75 S»tiirdftyNii<lit 2 50 HcrrfsBros ♦♦ Tinsmiths and Hardware Merchants Paint Sale Extra ordinary. Teu days' salo of House Paint, oommonoing Mbrch 81st ending April 7tli 1908. Tills sale, comes jnst in time to save you big Money on tbo Spring Paint- ing, 'i ho Paints that we intend to clear out are well-known â€" Martin Senoar Paint and Rameey's Paints. In order to replace witli what we consider better goods, we will Bell the above moutioncd Paints at the following great rLductioiis: In Martin Benour's, â€" QiiartB,rogular 60c for... 3!'c. I'intB, regular 80c for 20c. i Pints, regular 20o for 16c. Floor Paints iu Qt4, â€" llegular, 46c foi- HSc. RAMSEY'S PAINTS:â€" Quarts, regular, 45c for 84c. Andafew pints at 17c. WAIT ! Just a word to explain bow wo can make those great reduclious. We bouglil this stock at a big sacrilice and are waiting to give our ouBlom- ers the beuetit of the dual, so come along while the stock is complete. licmcuiber, only 10 days from March 31st. ^M^ In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggotis, Harrows, Plough-s, Croam Sep- arator.s and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Sprhig Assizes. Meddau((h v. Wurti â€" This was the only case foiiRht out at this Asai^ei. It was an action for damages fur slanderous ttateniuots made ai/ainat the plaintiff, a young woman residing in ihe township of Proton. The dcfeudaut contended that the statements made by him were true, but upnii the evidence given at the Court the jury found a verdict for the plaintiff aud judgment fhi> entered fur her for $5 damages, the limit allowed by the law, and full cosis. Lucas, Wright & Mc- ArJIe fur plaintiff; U. H. Dewart, K.C., Turuuto, and McKay, Telford & Oruscb for defendant, Tbonipaon V. Bimie â€" Thib was an iic- ti >n brought by Hu^fh Thunipson, uho reaidus in the township of Oijprey,agaiDsi John liiniic, a lawyer al Collini;wuod, and agaiUbt John Pal tcrboii, who also re- sideH in the township of (J4prey, Patter. B.iii had accused Thompson of an oflfunce aiiaiiisi nis Uuughter and coi>8ulu:dl3irnie iu reference thojeto. Uiiuie wro^e to TbumpsoD, tliieatuniiii; proceedings. Thompson called and daiuis that as a ru- sull of the alleged threats of ciiiiiinal prosecution made by Ulrnie againit liim, he paid over certain niuney and gave a morigagu upon h'ls pUce. Criminal pro8- ecuiion was entered against TKunipbon but was dismissed and tliit action wat brought against Dirnie and against Hai- terson to recover the money paid aud to hive ihe mortgage cancelled. The action was settled t>y the mortg.gu being can- celled and ihe money paid into court be- 1111! directed to bo paid to the plaintiff, less a certain portion thereof retained by Birnie for his c >.sts. Lucbh, Writcbt tt McArhle for plaintiff ; McKay, Telford A Groach for defendants. Black V. C.H.U. â€" An action for dam- ages renulting from the Caledon wreck. The c-JKipany aduiittud liability and tlie only question for ihu jury was thesniouni to be awarded the plaintiff, who is Clerk of the township of Glciiclg. The jury placed the award at $1600 with costs. LucHS, Wriftht & McArdle for plaintiff and Angus McMurchy of Toronto, ami H, (}. Tucker, Owen Sound, for defend- ants.â€" U.S. Tunes. In connection with the Black case the s ilieitora for plaintiff write The Advance I hat the Htaleinent thnt the cuinpany had offered Mr. Black $3000 waa an error. They Hay : " The company lepealedly refused to adtiiii that Mr. Black liud any cl.iiiii wnatever, tellini; him his claim waa purely iinaeinaiy and if he thought he had one, lo iS8ue writ and proceed at once. After this was iwued the com- pany's solicitor wrote stating that hr did not admit Klick had any claim, bnl, ralher than light a lawsuit they would eiro hiui 1?100. This, of course, Mr. Black refused, and this was the only offer ever made him." ^Life in Erery Dose^ "I oaonot ^eak toe highly of VSf' oUae, for it la th« oreMett medicine 1 ever ufsd. I was Juet al>oot 'all te' when I began the treatneot, and in I months I was as well as ever. It k a great fr»nie for weak and run down peo- ple. There i» new life in every dose." /AS. STOLIEEB, Bidgetown, Out.,' Dee. 18, M0«. It Is a sin not to t«ll yonr sick f rieadi about this wonderful preserlpMon, Throat, long and stomaoh troubles, and all ma down conditions ciuiekly cured by its use. At all drug^sta, OOe and $1.00, or Dr. T. â-². Bloeum, Ltd., Toroate Business Cards yrcuLLouoH * young ~ Banker Uarkdale Jo. geoeralb*ukiDgtiailne.s. MoDBVIoauad a roasonabla rata c»Il on us ^ 'oauao f CHI8LETT. ~ ' Vostniastitr, Oeylon. mo,tR«Be«, le..e*, wills etc. oaretully draw *up SrooeneB, flour, feed etc. keptiii stock, Prioaa Epwortti League Birthday Party. On Monday evening the Epwoith League held a 19th Birtlid;iy Party in the Methodist church. The b;isomoiit was prettily decorated and six tables were set in one of the claaa rooms. Eadh table bore a [lair of candle sticks, with lighted candles, which added a charm to the nicely decorated room. The tablas were waited on by young couples, and the lunch served w.ts both dainty and appetizing After lunch the program was given in the main part of the basement. Two rounds were sung by women of the church and ihcy created intense iimiiso- nient Milton Walker played a selection on his mouth organ. Rev. Mr Little gave a reading which set forth in a vivid manner the life of a minister on the prairies. Rev. L. F. Kipp gave an address in his usual happy manner. An interesting sketch of the League as it was in the {mat, written by Mrs. (Rev.) L. W. Thorn, Waldemar, was road by the President A trio was sung by Messrs. R. W^ilcock, R. Cornfield and A. 8. Thurston. Dr. Murr.ty and Mrs. Blackburn sang a duet. MitiS Ella Karstedt gave a reading entitled " Because. " It was a matter of regret that Dr. Caldwell was indis{KiBed and was unable to act as chairman Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, President of the Owen Sound f)iKtrict Epworth League, and pastor of he R<icklyn circuit, who wa.s present, kindly ofKciated in his stead, and also addressed the Leaguers present, speaking words of advice and encouragement . Til Birthday Party netted the League in the uei^hb4)rhood of 925.00. O J SHlOUIiB •* rostmastcr, Fleuberton . onimiBsloner in H.C J., Anetloceer Con- yeyanoer Appr»iner and Money LeDdei I.eal tatats and Innuranca itg«iit. Deeds toortgateii leases aud wills cavefully drawD np a.a'1 valactious made ou Fboitast Lctioa moDoy to lotn at lowest rates of intercBt. Col ''"•"idfld to wltti promiitnese A£ent for Ocaan Dominion aetious charfreg low. D. Have You a tlorse? ^If you want to ketp hiin in ahape.nnver S '*am« !iip Ccmraay. A call solicited. let Kim siiffr pain. Rob on "Nernline" â€" it is noted for rur'Ug stran.s, swellings, and Hllffness and horo muscles. For m- toinal u.^e in curing craaips and colic, Nervilinc is a peifect marvel. In every goi'd rraiiiing s'aMe you'll find Neniliue because ii keeps horsrs in tiim and re- duce.t the veterini'y bi'l. Frtrmeis, biiickmoii and all lior.^e owners kIiouIU buy NiTviline and prnve Imw invnluuUli' It is. Go. d for ninu oi bea»!t. 25o per bottle stall dcaUira. McPHAIL. LicrusMd Aaetioneer for the c! y°"."^y°f Qioy. Tonus mor.erate aud satiBfactioD (juaaaiitee'l. The arranaomouia and data's of sales can bo made at Tub advanob olllL-e. KesMence and P.O., Ceylon, Teleubooo '•onnection. *- w Dijc. 6.07. QaVID RoriERTS. licensed asctionear for " tiiey County. Prompt attention Biven all vclas eutnislel to i„y caro, ArianRemenU can be madu at this oflice K'-uio'iw VV '^J- K "TTING, Mceiised .iuctionear. Sales conducted on lowest terms-Satisfactioo sna.autofd. Peverahain, P. p.. cou. u, |"t fi ni->0. O. LUDLOW Licensed Auctioneer for the W County ot Grey. Prompt service and leaBonable terms. P. oton Station P I HABVEY PKKIOOE, Feveraham Ineurauce, P.cal estate aud stocks. CoB- »oyancor, Loaua and Collections Write fn» rates on Fire, Life or Sick b^Seflt Inwranc" iuraTcarw,'''"^" '""' <"wer rate, on firei^n": Medical D« CAIITEK omea and re.ldenco-Peter .t., p'ieshlrtoii T P OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Qrulnate of Ontario Teterinary residence - second door nonth Mary .treot. This street rum Presbytoriftu Charcb QoU«g*, west.. OD souUi TIREDNESS MEANS DANGER. g_ WILSON, niaeksmith ... ''â- adoato of the Vetorinarv Sclatioa Association Bosid«nco, DurhauTwrect o?^ posite Hoyd. Hiokliug's hardware • °^ Dentistry r)r. E. C. MURRAY L. D. S., rt«ital sorseoo iv, ''."""'ififaduate of Toronto University and Knyal (.0 luge of Dental SurRcouB of Ontario, Gas adujiniBtared for K«!th extraction. oUioc at residence. To ronio »t. est f leibsrtoa Legal •to Heard's Carriage Works Cutters - Cutters BBH Now is the time to place your onler for your ('iitt'ii'. Call anil sec our stock before buying. Wo have a gotxl assortniont for yoii to chooso from. McTavish * Wlllisims Flesherton ISDICATES FAl'LTY BLOOD AND WOKN OUT NEltVESâ€"BriLD UP, OK XOtLL COLLAPSE IS Si: RE TO FOLLOW. Whon you're tirod all day, liolhered by trifles, exhausted with iiervousneas, b.- sure there is sotnelhiiig wrotiit. You need bracing up. need more nour- ishment in the blood, need a powerful medicine to vitalize the nervea and dii- tribute force and staying power to all over worked orwat.a. The most marvelous success isFerro- /.one, a nourN^iug tonio so scientific a< to be the admiration of every physician Fcrroisone performs wonders for people in poor heallh ; it acts directly on the blool. enriching it with strength and new life that is at once dispatched lo all parts of the bixly. Ferrozoiie fend* the nerves and vital energies, supplies force, deler- mination, and joyous, buoyant spirits. A case where theie was lassitude and lack of atraiigth is told by Mr. David Itrown of piistoAioe box No. 30, Beoton, Out. " About a year ano my health commencHd to fail. My handa and ftet seemed always cold. I felt worn out and exhausted, weak as a little child. My face twilched. My limits and arms com- menced to lose their sense uf feeliuit, <uul finally my left aide was perfectly numb. All my color left. My sppot'ie ran down. Fcrrozoi e was the first t.o give me any help. I improved with it vary quickly, ll toned up the blood andsiaried ciruula- tion, so that the iiuinbness iitadually dis- appeured. My condition was perfectly cured by Feirozone and I have been well rver since, (Signed) David Brown." SpisoiAL NoTicgâ€" To «et satisfactory results be sure you get FvrroEoiin only. Fifty cents per box or six hogosfor $'2.60 at all dealer,-, or W. 0. Poison &. Co., Kingston, Out., and Hertford, Coun., .U.S.A. Medical Science Advancing Fast. Formerly doctors prescribed stumach treatment for Catarrh and Bronchitis. Tliey seldom cured and Catarrh has be- come a national dis.ase. To-day the ad- vanced physiciar, iii{hts Catarrh by medi- cated air. He fills llie lungs, no.se and throat with the aiitisepiic vapor of Oa- tairhozune. Cure then is nertain. Easy tor Calarrhozone to curs. It coiitainp Mie essences of pure pine balsams,r«aches all the germs and destroys the disease. Every case of v Catarrh, Bronchitis and Sore Throat om be cured by Calarrho- zone. 25c. and 91.00 sizes. SoU every- where. Get it to day. r UCAS WEIGHT & McAKDLE " Uarrietors Solicitors Conveyancers, .â- Pu"?.^"^^"'" Sound, Ont and MavkdaleOnl W H Wkwht. McArdlb 1 1) LtTOAe N tiâ€" Flesherton >Torv Saturdav. office. Mitcbell's auk Societies h O U W meets ou the last Uonda* „. , 10 oaen mouth, in their loace room, Cbrlstoe'a block. Flesherton, at S p.m. M W Frank Chard; Sec. T, Blakely, Flnanciaa! Bel, amy. VlsitiOR brethren Invited. W.J. pJtINCB ABTHUU LODUE, No. :ia3.A.P,A I A M, meets in t^lo Mapouicball, Strain's block, Flesherton, every Friday On or before the full ujocn. W A.Armettong, W M.; Herb, amith, Secretary, OOURTrTiRSHERTON, OS).., " ClaytonB Htock the last \V( Aid, J. VV. Bengough, Canadas great csr'.oonist, will wed Miss Mutteson of Ohicagu. Question for Every Reader. If you could find a simple vogetnblo remedy for keeping all organs hesl'hy and stnmu â€" wouldn't you use it ? Most. pills are harsh, cau.se pain, and sick stomach. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are dif- ferentâ€"they regulate and cleanse the system so cently, act so silen'ly you scarci'Iy realize you've taken medicine. You are cleansed â€" appetite improve.s â€" color clearsâ€" sleep is restored. Every man, wolfnan and child is helped l>y Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Trv a 2i>c b"X. Spring term fniin Ajiril 1st. Kuter now and be reaJy to accept a((i>nd pnaition in the Summer nr Fall. Attend the MJBLUOTT TOEONTO. 03JT. Canada's Iiiph class sclnuil. Tliis college has better C4>urses, better teachers, better equiimient, Iwtter facilities ipr placing stu- dents in position than i\\' average business oollcije. Open eniiio year, Ilandsonie Catalemie i''rce. W, i. ELLIOTT, Prinoipnl, Corjfonge and AlexaiKlcr ,Sts. I. 0. F. D'eete in ..ednfsdav ovcuing of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily wolconie. H. K.. Dyson; R. 8,, T, Henry; Flu, Stc, 0, N, i<icharrt»on. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec.twtora the fii^ day of the nioath. nnOSEN FhIENE8-F!eshert6n OeancH of " Chosen Friends lueets in Clayton's hall flrst and third Wednnxdav of each luoat 8 p, m Pay asKessnixuts to theliecordur on or txifor* tee tlrst day of each month. Chief Connclllox T. inakeley;Kecoi'der, W. II. Bunt. Do not Crowd tlie Season. The first wsrm days of spring hrlnfr with them a desire to get out ,and enjoy the ex- hilarating <lr an I i>uiishin». Children that h.-»ve leeii houi-fd up all winter are linuiBht out and you wonder where they all conw fi-oin, i'liB heavy winter clothing is thowu aside and many 8lM;d their fl mnela. Then a cold wave cnmes and pe.ple say that grip is epidemic Ooids At this season are nioio dangerous than in mid-winter, an ' here is much more dangei- of pneuiii inla Take Chamberlain's Coiigh Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to feai. It always cures, and we have never iinnwn a cold to reanlt in pneunmnia wheh it waa used. It la pleaaml and safe to take. Children like it. For laUby W. E. Riohard- ,tt>n. Winter Harnei^s Thompson's Bakery My Broad is well and favoiably known. The ipiulity is the finest. Bread delivered regu- larly and aidd at the following places: Ceylon. R, Cook and .1. Pstti- son; Euuenia, H. Caitns, R. Parkland F. McDonald; Kim- beiley, F. Weber and M. R Hammond; .Maxwell, R.N.Kjii- near A Son; Feyershsin, Eli Robinson and Ab. 'Uutehinsiin. Best Manitoba Flour for sale. " Ed. Thompson, Flesliertoi^ WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia Stock -< Best Stock Goods i Bc1ls» Blankets , Hobos I Itavo in stock all Itinds of Harness, | bolls. Blankets, liiibis, Whips. Stii- cingk's. IJoof Oiutiueut, Oall Cure, Plush Rugs, Daah Aproua, Truuks. ValiaoB, etc. Rc{fairipg doiio promptly aud uoatly. O. W. PHILLIPS FLESHEHTON, ONf. FnrlinAi coats, poak.i books, satoheia, razor strops and other leather goods. Cutters -b«st makesâ€" and everything in the barnass line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Oat. t > ji i i L

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