Tebruast 20 1109 THE FLESHIRTON ADVANCJt ] ^^HiiMUMii F. T. HILL & Co. -OUR GREAT- February Graniteware ON WEDNESDAY, FEBKUARY 6, we tUrt our Great February Graiiitewaro sale. 5,000 pieces .if all kiuds of Grnniteware to bo 8'>ld al one third to one half less than usual retail price. ThiH is a stirring; sale and of impeliiut; interest to every voinan with liig inducements to refurnish kitchen utensils in Graniteware of all kinds; You cannoi afford to pass it. WASH BASINS. 3000 only Oranit* Wash Basins in grey and white colors, McCLiry's make, rei(ular 25 and 30c values anywhere. DUrinji our ijreat Graniteware sale for the uioath i>f February only, remember selling at half â€" 2 for 25c or each 13c- TEA POTS 1 quart Granite Tea Pots, rei?. 35c, 1* " •' 40c, 2 " •' 55c, 3 " " 65c, Feb. price 19c. 22c. 29c. 23c. STOVE POTS. Just think, 75 only Granite Stove Pots, prfectly sesmleaa with steel bale and lips, sold reKukrly at 75o and 85c. During February they will be sold »t each 48c. FRY PANS AND SPIDERS. Customers will please note thst the quantity is limited in this line, but while we have them the jwice will be: 45c. Fry pans or Spiders, selling for eaeh ?3c 50o. •' " ' " 27c. 35o " " " I8c. KICE BOILERS. 3 gusrt Granite Rico Boilers, ten. 9t, Feb. price Sale .6«c. 4 quart Granite Rice Boilers, large eiaet regular fl .25. pebruarj Sale Price ..^ â€" 7Sc. BUTTER DISHES 75 only Orsnite Butter Dishes, sellin? at each 10c. SUGAR BOWLS 75 only Granite Uuuar Bowls, sellinK at each 10c. ' » â- . .. â- I. . â- ,- PLATES. 600 only Pie Plates, Dinner Plates, and Tea Plates, all in Graniteware, roaular 10c and l^o. While we have them your choiofc at e«ch 5o. GRANITE BOWLS. lOo. Granite Bowls HRlliai; at your choice for 5c. 12^0 " " •' 7c. 15c. •' " •• 8c. During February only remember Preserving Kettles, all siseii, reduoecP, . Pudding Pans, " " Milk Pans, •* " Sauce Pans, " " CoSee Pots, •• " P»il«, *• " Stove Puts, •« " Cake Pans, " '• Chamber Pails, •' «• Chnmberf, " " GREAT VALUES IN CARPETS In lengths of from 2 to 20 ysrds. Clearing at a atraiKht discount of 20 per cent, on your choice. <^iWWMWW MARKDALE mmi la published svery Thursday at •l.OJ \>er Minaiv ilpaid in advance, tl.F« if nutso paid Short Letter From Idaho EDITORlAIi. DRIFT Tbere is one phase of tbe itamigra- 'tioD questioa tbat we have not seen meutionfil ia the press, and which offeis au explanation of the coneider- ablo amount of dititrcss and dissatis^ faction prevalent among the new comers. The agricultural problem in this country is one that has not as yet been solved. Our farmers need a large amount of help during the sum- mer months and th° extraordinary de- mand for this class of labor has created a misleading improseioo abroad: Thousandj of immigrants are given work for two months or so in summer, after which their services are not re- quired and they are turned adrift with insufficient funds to lMepthen> through ttie rigors of winter. Some get work at intervals and are able to struggle along, but man) â€" a large percentage â€" are thrown upon obarHy and have to be assisted. We believe immigra tion should bo disaouragcd^ instead of fostered, for some time to come, oir until we have aMsimilated tbe foreign population now clamouring' for work and wages. ^ To the Editor of Tbt AJtatiee. Dr.AR Sir, â€" Owing tu an apparent mis- understanding by sonte of your readers uf a part of n»y letter regarding the cost of irri^Htkin in tbjs part, I will try to ox- ]Jttin attain. Our water right will prob- ably cost from 926 to f3U per acre paid by a water tax levied equally per acre, divided into about ten equal yearly pay- ments, or about from 82.50 to 93 per acre per year. I le^rn from an item in your p«|>er con cernlng the return of Mr. Leitch from Idaho that the writer waa laboring under the delusion that Mr. Lt-itch came to Idaho with thd intention of settling her*, which ii< a nustake, though it is one ttta^ a gixKlly number uf us shared. He told us in plain English, by both word and action, that he did not intend makini{ hiit home here, that hs simply came here to tiae the Country, which, thouxh in the winter months, iro^reosed tkwii so fuvor- ably thiit tliey liad Hearly ducided to lo- cate when, alas ! houiesiekness uf a very virulent type set in, frr)Di the effects of which they were unable to* recover with- out inseting thair kind friends and neigh bors iif Arteinesia and fn^jityiiig the pleas- ure ufa gtiod old Canadian sleighnde again. As our km» may yeur gain we will try nM, t<i muurn then departure fn>ni tMir midal. The proof of those statements and other information may bo gained liy interviewing Mr and Mrs. Ijeitch at the home of their friei ds near Rock Mih*. As an ac<«aHt of our deplorable dent may be had from Mr. and Leitoh'I will not say much about it faying to slate that Will Rusnull is recov- ering from the leriilile blow, in Boise hos- pital, and we hope to soon have him with us again. Un hits, proven by his cournite, patience and good humor tu be a woriliy son of any nalionr or faiiii!^ All who bsve ntado hi* aci^Maininnce here have loariu-d to resi)cct and iidinire him a* u guntlemvn. My brother's hand that was wounded in the aooident will soon be well again. -W. J. SIMPSON. Boswell, Idaho, Fob. 0. This Comftination 'Always. Wins How often wo hear of people who hare had an aching jojnr or muscle for years. No more speedy reliiedy can be adopted than to rub on Narviiene and than apply a Nerviline Porous jjjaster. At once the raascles begin to resume their wonted vigor and flosibiMiy. Inflammatory symptoms and pain disappear. Nervilene Plasters can be worn, by the most delicate ihild or aifed )iereon; They are invalu- abli) as ihouMrjda fa'ace prored. Used along with Nervilene they are guaranteed to permanonily dri^vf out any muscular aolio, pain or stitfue-'S. Try these reme- dies and judge for yourself. 25o at all dealem, orN. C. Poison & Co., King- stun, Got. . â- >â- The GoHinttwood Township Agricultur- al Sociel)y, last year, gave prizes for the best field of white oat*, amounting to ;$25. At the time Secretary Pye made the entry for hta society ha was too late to net the supplementary grant from the go»ernment. We are pleased to learn, howcver.ihnt the success- ful competitors, vi4., Messrs. Charles Parkinson, Ami« Keutner, .1. H. Irwin and W. H. Matthews recently received cheques from the Ontario government giving them a substdntial premium. The judging wu under the direction of thu government.â€" Reflector. • 001- Mrs. now, We iiotifte by our exchanges that the County ConiJoil of Biincoe has authorized the pnblioatici><of.a history rkf that county. This is oertaiuly a praiseworthy action' and the Grey (lounty Council could not dobottsv than to follow tho action of Siracoe in this regard. Simooo liis had un interesting history, but fo aUo has Grey, aiiila vulutnn of deep iuterest eould be written on tlio tips and duwiis of this county sioca tliedayaof Ouver- :wr himeosk The founding of our lake ^rts, tiie cxpcrieuces of our cuvly IMOiieers in- their conquest of<nature, the early attcmfUo at legislation, would all make instru&iive reading to the present and coming generations. This work, if done nt all, should bo ^tit about at once before the priiioipals ia this drama, are all drawn behind «iirt.curtaiii.i. Henry Clayburn, a colored matH who ran aw.iy from slavery in 184Sat the- agu of foriy-Uve year^, died on Tiiesdaji, tho , 14tli niHt., at Williamalord, ai.d' on au coimt of the 8lnrm<intern)ont was pruvent- e<l nolil .Mondny last when the renmuis were liiiil to rest at the Rocky buryiuK frouiid. Tho deceased' was- the iaat of a iininber of tho mgroes who' loft Virgi:iia i%t ihessme time and settilert as a colony in the towii8hi|i8 of Glunulg and Bontick about a mile nnrth of Rooky Saugoon, four in:b<a nortli' >f this town. Ho was tho lirsl netlilop iii the township of Gleneht Clayburn cUimod to bo born in 1790, bur some r>f the older settlers think hn wa'< about two yuni's younger, tliat is 110 st the time of his dentil. 5lr. Edge, wh > knew liiin siiico 1H44, has very little doubt of his being 112 years s« Clayburn himself claimed. He was fondof hishing and trapping, and ••aeined oon'en'ed sntl hnppy ivhon ho had- enough to e>tt ai<d wear. Ifo wits slwaya at home telling stories of the slavery days. Only t>»o or three years ago he was a familiar tiijure in this town, but since 1004, when he mnvo<1 to Williamifor<1, ho has nut l>eeii around. He leaves no relativus.-Durham Ciuonicle, . lA Your Back We«k? When tho hack drags and achea, feels lame over the spine, â€" when there is iudi- ucBiion, hetidacne and ctmstant call to make water, buware pf sick kiilnoys. If iieglecteJ, this condition develoiis weak- ness and soon you'll ha unable to woik. The one lemetly you can rely en is Dr. Hamiltim's Pills. Every sympton of dis- oidered kidneys ih<'y cure by removinir the cause. You improve immediately, day by day you will experienco benoiit from' Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Best f )r the kidneys, liver and stoinsch. Sold by sll dealers. Art- HONOit ROLLS of 8. 8. No.7. Muir, E. Meads, A. M. Mmr, January mpoit I enieaia. Class 4 »r--A. MacMillan. Clasi.4jr.â€" R. MaoMillan, C. Muir. Class 3 nrâ€" C. Gilchrist, G. Whyle. Cl.iRs3jr-L. McPhsil, H. McLean Class 2srâ€" L. Muir. C. MaoMillan, A. Whyte. Pt. 2â€" D. MaoMillan. W. Parslow. Pt 1 jr B- R. Meads. .Ir. A. â€" F. Willismsnn. Average attendance, 24^ Elizabrtii Scott, Tesoher. I. Didn't Agree with Me Mr. Arthnr Tenniion, 88 Londoa Street, Toronto^ writes enthusiastieally of tho merits ot Piychiae for all â- tomach troubles. "For seven years I have had imligei- idon and dyspepsia. I tried scores of renodies. My room resembled a drug store with nostrums which I had bought. Evontuafly I used Psyohlna, and every dose brought permanent relief." All throat, lung and stomach troubles quickly cured by Fiychlna. It is the proscription of a grsat specialist. At all druggists, 60e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toront*. J. & W. BOYD Fleslverton Ontario. -â- ^no etr^-. .-jd UR S5 Days Sale is over and we thank our many customers who have responded to our many customers who have responded to our adverti.sement. We have carried on the sale strictly as advertised. We have had an immense turnover an4 in consequence we are left with many short ends and some special lines which we will continue to sell at prices lower than ever. The next two weeks will be stock taking and any odds and ends which remain will be offered at prices lower than ever. After the loth of February we open up our spring goods and the many lines which have been depleted during the safe will be replaced and we will be in a position to show you as large and better assorted stock that ever before show-n in Flesherton. FLOUR & FEED We have a full stock of Flour and Feed, including Bran', Shorts, Feed Flour and FIVF ROSES FLOUR, m*de by tho Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Keewatin. Every bag of this Flour is garauteedâ€" the beat Flour in tbe land. None other can equal it. HARDWARE A fullatock of Stoves, Ranges snd Heaters, Axes, Saws and all kinds of Woodmen's Sujyplies.'also Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplating 'ouying should nut neglect getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD. Flesflterton, Ontario. Ifeifer eame Jlstray Came to ttfe premises of ttis nnilaniiitnsd, lot S8, ecu. 8, Arteiuesia, about Nov. 15. Tbe owner ia reiiuostad to prove property, pay expenses and take away. JOS. HAWKINS. euctODla, Deo. £1, ISOT F*a.]?m foip Sale Luts G.i 8 and 9, Ooo. 13. Id the townslilp of Osprey 150 acres, large ol««rine, goo<t frame barn and statilea. good dwelliai; and wslb Apply ou ttie premlBtis or to W. J. BBU.Airr, FleabartoD. Farm for Sale Enter now and Prepare youscelf for Busi^ ness iu The Three Couiaes: â€" Commeicial, Shorthand & Tyi»ewritiii^, and Preparatory which is for those whose early education has been neglected. It is the most complete Business College in Canada. Write to Acts ISSand 153 N, B. T. and B. B, eontalnlns Oo acr«s more or less. About 8S acres Iu Rood state or cultivation. 90 acres fall ploiigbing, between Ba-d nine aorssottall wbnat, 20 acres In ineadow and balance in psKture land. Good sprioK croek also well at house. This tai m will be jold obeap owing to Blokuess. Easy terms if sold at onoe, A snap i%t somebody a: Uotd, Mesherton. P. » 7 Fab Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berilsbires for Sale * I have a fine lot of young P.uglish Bsrksblres from two tn six weeks old also some good Tair- worth sows ready to breed. Ratisfactioj guaran- teed on all mail orders. Write for what you waat. U:W. HOSS, Maxwoll. Tenders Wanted Seslsd Tenders marked "Tender" will l» re- caive'i by the uudersigned up tUl Friday, Mar. tst IDUH for the erootion and cempletlou of a i.ew brick school in S. 8. No. 8, Arteuiosia, Port Law. P. O. iMans and s|iecitlcatlons ma\ ba seen after F«b. l»c at my houw, Tlia lowest or any tender not neoessarliy soepted U- D. MKLDntiif. Port Law P. SI Slabs 9t Cdflinfls for sale \Ve win iiell the 4 ft. Slabs and Rdglngs at our mill on on. 8, Artemeiiia, st $1.00 per cord, lly api'lying to Mr. Jiio. Paillainent, oppuslto the mill,, ho will niiannre ami rocuive cash for the wood whon taken away. \V» will furtlier jisy a reward of •a.*>.00 for pioiif rfauyor.o tiiking wood from there in the jiast, nr who niav take wood in the future with' out our authority or Mr. Parlianisut's. KBBNAN HHOH., Limltw), tt Owen Sound ea VBAR8* Owen Sound C. A. FLEMING, Principal Ontario Birm for Sale Lots 171. 9 and 3, 1st oon. N. K., Artsmesla. ISS aor>i9 iu all of first class farming land In a good state of oulttvstion. situate.i 9) miles s utti of Flesherton. short mile from school, cloan of nexinus weeds and well fenced. Vi acres of marsh, 5 acres of hardwood bueh. baW anco in eood state to work all kinds ot machin- erv, well watered, 9 orchards, a good hours IS (06 veu(i«r«d inside, kitchen It x 90, wood> shed 16 X 19, now barn 50 x 80 stone foundation. This is one of the best farms in the towu.bip and can in) bcugbt right. W. J. CASWELL. Tbam Mawm Dcwofra OoPvnraHTs Ao. Anjroae ssnaipt a sketeb and description qnfoklv oseertain onr opinion Itaa wb« Inventloa Is probably patanMtir lions strla^ eonadentfirHMlD _ J onr opinion Inventloa Is probably lions strlaUreonadent „.„ sant fra*. Oldsst aaener fori Patsnu taken lb roach Mann IT'^aeMMi withoatmargstm WMM MMM, withoot Am% U tEis ^amjiiiitfm i7 sclantljle toaruL a rear, poataga prepaid,' Eye Strain Belies Character. Defective sight produces unnatural expres* sion. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often beOr character. We art sxperb in fittti^ passes that malM fadal.distortions onnecessary.. ~ WANTEI> â- . A Reliable Agetit'for- FLESH ERTON " and surroundina country, to sell out FAMOUS PEERLESS APPLE TREES A big hardy red winter apple that sells on sight, also a general line of fruit and oriiaineaial trtes iiicludiiy other valu- able specialties. Good jMty weekly, out- 6t free, eirliisive territory. Write now to- PELIiA.M NU.'JSERYCO. Groweia of bifh vrade nursery stuolk TORONTO, ONT. N. B., Special lemiB to suit agna^ wotking ^art tin^e.