Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1908, p. 1

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^rl0n \^ ^.â- â- â- CgiJ i^a "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKIA'CJIPLE fa NOT MEN.' VOL XXVI, tvO 1360 Flestiertoii, Ont. Thursday Jantiary 23 t908 W. H THURSTON, EDITOB BOPKIBTOB Cbis month's $p$( Lading; Long Guards and Ladies' Gold and Cold Filled Watches, the Specialties tor this monih. Come and See Them. W. A. ARWISTROi^G JEWELLER. Stone StctticKicnt m no tellin;^ where or when the boys wijuid have landed had sho not iicconipa- nicd them. Wo are informed that Mr. James Whittiiker, and child, of Alberta are visit- ing the foniier'H cousin, Mr. R.Whittiiker \p.nd f iniily. J. W. left these parts with ' IjMl I'aronts, ahi:ut twenty years ago, for I SiiWtD.ik.ita, where they resided several yean^ku^Ssequcutly removing to tWe'north west. â- ' I On Wedneeday night l;i.st a number of â- residents of St<me's Settlement and west ; back line invaded and took unresisted I ijussas.sion of the handsome new brick I residunce of Jlrs. T. McArthur and I family obviously with the intention of |:unnin'^ things ad lib. After a few for- 1 ui:U uegotiiitions the invaders sprang a Igi-eat »urpri.-)e on the inui ites by reveal- I in'.; baskets well filled with .a variety of choice viands. A little later on, a still greuter surprise was sprung on Mrs. Mc- C and Co., when Mr. E. Purdy rose to his feet and in a clear, audible V5ice,read, on beli.ilf of those present and absent, an apiiri>[uiatu address, the object of the un- oxpectud invasion. In the meantime Mr. I D. Harrow, and others, busied themselves unloading from a sleigh an elegant parlor couch, centre table and fruit plate, which were introduced and duly presented to ti'e worthy and astonished lady ivs a slight token of the esteem of her many friunds and neighbors, tru.sting that she would live to enjoy the comforts of her hard-earned, but ple.isant home, for many years to come, Mrs. Mc. in a few ^ (Intended for last werk.) The elections are now over for another year; five gentlemen, g od and true. Lave j,ippropriate wi>!-ds expressed her gratitude for the very kind and une.\pectetl proof of their friendship. Although during so boHn chosen vox pipuli. to rfpi-esfn tliem at the Municijid Ci>uiu.il Hoard and u-e h'pe evcrylody is suusliod with the result. Wearti nov w,il! e'lierged into the nvw year. The holiday si-iS'in has pass,-d ?\iiil everybody seems to have i|uiet- ly set! led <lowii to rhfir several occu- pations and thn terrestiiid ball contnmas to revolve on its orbit just the same as at the beginning The difs i»TO arettiosj perceptibly longer. The winter may be said to be h.ilf uotie, yet the spinal cord is not y< t broken. W'ich one or two exceptions the fare pirt of the wintfr has be>.'ii uiiusuallv mild, but some rough wea'her may naturslly !.e expected ere old Sol shines forth with sutticient power to dispel the beautiful white carpel from under our feet «nd ooiuiuur the bituig p'lWcr of old Jack Frost; but let us cheerfully await the will of our Divine Hnd Inlioito Creator and ii!l will come in due season and be well with the faithful. Mr. R'ly Fletcher relumed tothe Owen Pound CMllegi.ito on Monday tlie Gtli last. Miss S::Jie Fletcher commenced her initiid year as a pubito sch"o; t'?ach'!r on Wedues.biy the 8ih inst We pviMlict a useful and eminently successful cureer fi>r Miss Sadie, feelmg assured that bar aimaV'la dispositiiu an I unremit- ting attentions to those uu ier her charge, wdf ciuAvith) esteem and respjct of both pupils and pareiits. We vvry much reiiret to have Icnrnei) oftho.xiul accident wlrch r.!C'ntly befel our estee:uod friend, ?rli-.s. P. Holm iii, but Bincorely tru.st that she may np.eddy recover, and be restored to her family in her form-T good healih. WV aUu regret to learn that tht injuries received in the C'aledoii wreck by Mr. H.nry Holnian have proved to bo of.-o prtc.r.ousu uature as to necessitate his removal to a Toronto hospital, but wo sincerely hope he will soon recover an.l continue tf be thi h.'aJ of his happy family Circle for uiiny >ear>i to come. We further tru'-t rh-tt liis onae will be reconsidered hy the rail way cninpany and that ho will be more muni- ticeiitly eouipeiisated tlnin hitherto, for the serious i-.ijurio-i h'l rtC'ived. Jack and Hariy Haazird wi'h their father's horses, lef> here on Monday morning the 6tli inst, to join their father, engaged it S.amau and Kent" Kaw mills, Dyer's Buy. They were accompanied by their sistur, Mits Laviiiii, who siw their safe arriviil at their desiiiiation and will Ikreturu V>y s'ago to V\ iarton, thence by â- tiiil, homo, where ^he is expected to univo xi)diiy (I'ui-sday). The distance from here to Dyer's Hay is hut liitlo short of <««« hun.ired u ilei«, and iMiss H. displny- «d much iluck f-r » i<irl of ninieen, in undiitiiking so loiiy and cdd a journey to insur.,' her younger brothers' eafe nrrival »t their journey's ei d. Mr. Albert Hazzi<rd recently du>j anew well near bis hou e to a depth of thirty- four feet. He infiirras us that at present there is eighteen feet -jf good pure cold Khter, which is >iill slowly lisitnj. This Week's Items The p»<t week has been a stormy one, snow drifts in every direction and the roads in this loc.vlity rendered we)l-nigh impassible for pede.stri.uis, and t>)tally lio for teams. Miss Lavina Hazzard returned home Dtoni her trip to Dyers' Bay on TueHday liwt. She will reaietuher the drive for Te«n to ooq)0. many years of residence among them she could chink of nothing she had ever done to merit so great a f.avor, but a.ssured them that ihLs occasion of their inagna- imity would ever dwell in the gratitude chamber -of her heart. After the presen- tation the merry {arty regaled tlieniselves with a sumptuous rep;ist, mingled with wit, humor aad repartee. Music, vocal and instrumeiitiU, g;imeB, conundrums, speeches, etc., were indulgeil in until a hite, or nither early, hour when the piu-- ty sepjiratc'd for their respective homes well plea.scd with a well sjjent night in a laudable cause. P. S. â€" \Ve have since been informed that owing to the inclem- ency of the weather and bad roads, many wore prevented fnmi being present ami some of the more elderly ones |)reseut wiSre obliged to remain until daylight lie- fore they could venture homewards. To the absent ones Mrs. Mc. desires to ex- press her gratitude, and to Mrs. Mc. your cor. desires to express his thanks for a Ijasket of good things. From The Antilles, Chaiuberlaiu's Cough Kemedy Honefits a City Comirilmaii at Kinsstan, .Tainaica. Mr. W. (J'Kedly lA'ifarty, who i.H a member <.ftl'e City Coniicil p.t kiiigstmi, Jumai«ii, We^t IiiiiiHs, writes as follows: "One bottle of Ci a iilierlftiii's Cmicth Remedy had wood etfect nil a cnuijh that was giving me t'fuililo .Tn<^ I think I should have l>eeii mere (luickly leiifMiJ if Ui.id e iiitiuttt'il the remaly That it v.'as Ijfiiis'ieial and *]uiek in relievinjj me tli^r,* is no (luubtaiul it is luy intention to "iitain another bottle." For sale by W. K. Uichardfon. l!>tli Liuc Osprey Pretty stormy weather the [last week iind the roiuls iu bad condition, is the langu.ige of everyone we meet at the pre.eiit time. Miss Ad.i Kaittiug of the 12th lino spent a few daj's with her friend, Mrs. li. J. t'olijuett, hust week. .Miss Rodgers spent Sunday at " Fair View Farm." The Fiu-iuera' In.stitute of Ccntro Grey held their annual meeting in Maxwell on Saturday last when a very successful meeting was the result. The .speakers, Miss ISl.iddock, Mr. t^1mpbell and Mr. KUiott, handled their subjects in a ma.st- orly iiiaiiiier. At the evening meeting the lectures, or talks, were interspersed by songs by Mr. Fairey, with Miss Elsie Brownridgo as accoiiipai:i8t, and were heartily ajiplauded. Mr. R J. Colipiett is in Tonmto this week. The trustees of No. 6 have secured a teacher â€" Miss Gill of St. Marys. The funeral (>f tlie lato Robert Brack- eiibury took [dactf tm Tliursday last from Fleshertini to Bethel cemetery. Mr. Richanl Bracken bury is on the sick list at present. We understand that at the conference of the Holiness W(u-kers church this fall j that the pustor, Mr. B. Armstrong, w,a,s j moved to Bayview, near Meaford, and Mr. C. McNicol takes Mr. Armstrong's I work here. Wo wish Mr. Armstrong success ia his work iu his new tield of labor. Ue preached his farewell .sermon .on Sunday last, I PRIC EVILLE j Abundance of snow. I The construction engine.s have been ] snow bound between here and Durham i for some days. An effort will be made to get them to the jnnctioa immediatety. j The steel is laid to the Saugeeu bridge at Hanover. Tlie cement foundations for station buildings at Priceville and Dur- . ham are completed and the builders will ; lie on hand to ere6t the buildings as soon as possible. 5lr. D. Mclnlyre of Durham is prepir- ing to o{>en a hardware busindss iu this town, and no doubt it will till a long felt want. Mr. O. McRue has moved into the late Crown hotel building, and several car- penters will now coininence alerations on pivrt of the house in order to fit it up for a store for the new purcliaser, Mr. .\ld- corn of Swinton Park. We are ghul to see Mr. Malcolm Mc- Innes around agiun after liis severe illne.sB. Mr. J. Burnett, Simth Line, who has been prostrated with pneumonia, Ls get- ting lilong nicely now. .Mr. Alex. Whyte, O.DR., has been ailing and conliiied to the house more or leas for tlie piust two or three weeks. Mr. W. Mejwls has not been in Ids usual health during the last month. Ho was out several luues fioin home and got his clothing wet, the (Liy being vei-y damp, and than drove home at night. Ue feels the bad effects ever since. Mr. James Uoid. 2tJth sideroad, has I also been ailing for .some time, and will i now adopt treatment that will no tioubt prove btKii-iicial. Mr. Malcolm MoDouguM, who luis been iu failing healtli fiu: Uio hist two years, I patised ;tway from tliin life on the niorn- I ing of the l.'ith at the age of 7" years. j He became rapidly worse a few d.iys . before his demise and nothing miu'e could j be done for him except an o])oration, ' I whidi he coiihl not survive On the ev- ' j ening of the List day he gathered all the members of his family, who were able to , arrive at the old homestead, around his bedside and biule them f:ircwell,and then his life ebbed away during the night, .and at 8 the next morning his spirit toi>k its llight. Decea.sed emigrated from Scot- , land when a young man alxjut I'J. Ho hved for a time in Proton and also in Kg- remont townsliip ami then moved to the present farm eiust of the village in the early 7') s. The funeral took place on the I7th, when he was laid beside his wife, who prcHieded him two years ago. Rev.' J. .V. Mathe.sim oHiciated at house and The annual meeting of Artemesia Ag- ricultund Society wjus held here on the 171 h, D. McMillan, Esq , President, iu the chaip. The meeting was very har- monious, as this .society is .succeeding so well every person connected with it is in excellent humor. The auditors' report showed a large surplus on hand. We expect to have an interesting statement from the secretary at an early date, pub- lished iu the local paiiers. Mrs. Riley was prostrated with paraly- sis on Saturday last and has been in a precarious couditii'ii ever since. For a bad Cold Nothing cuHs sii i|uickly us the healing Pine essenci's iu. Ust.irrhozoiie. It his the breathiiii: ( r^ans with a healing, sooth- ing vapor th.it I'lliovos ir rita'ii'U at once. Ordinary colds are cured iu ten mioutis .\lisoiutely sure for Catarrh, mid in throat trouble it works like a chai'ii. Catarrh- ozone is a perniaiient cure for bronchitis and throat trouble. Not :iu experiment â€"not a teinpor:iry reliefâ€" hut a cure that's guaranteed. Get "Ci'.tarrhozone" io-d;iy. '^Sc. and SI. 00 sizes. Pro'on Council, at the inaguration tiieetiig at Hopevillo on Mondsy, start fd ill to fccoiicuiiisn from the lu'u'nning by cirtiiig the reeve's and cunciUi'r's nil uv- rtiici- liy 25 cents per day and the sid^riiM of the clerk and tre-isurer by 820 each per annum We uodei^taiid the t'vo latter otjicers are not tl.spojed to aci.'ept the rod uclioi'i.s aud according to a notice I ,'l»e*here Ree\e Corhett is a«kiig f'T ' applications for the *;»'» publlious. â€" tler- 'ald. The Price ot Peace. The terrible itcliiiig and smarting, incident to cert ain skin disenses, is aliuost itist:iutly allayeiJ by applying Chainlvrliim's ^*a!ve. Price 25 c^uts. Knr Sale by Vy. E. Richard- son Do Ywur Boots Pinch? If so, b»ik out for a tir.y corn. Cure . _ However, shehuided the it b fore it grows^big. Putnam's Paudew V>y8 and team aafely at their destination. Corn BxtrMstur is the beU. Try **Put- Ifc WM trail she went with them for ther« nam's." Spwiallat . BURT In DtoMse* ol the Eye^ Ear, Nose and Throat Ottloe 1 9 Fro«t St. - OwencSound At' the Markdide house, >Iarkdale, 1st Friday «m1i month fcoip 8 to 18 a. m. $40,000 StockBelng Slaugbkred! %£^€ THIS SALE LASTS ONLYTHREE DAYS I MORE THAT the public of Markdale and vicinity have been taking advantage of McFARLAND & Co.'s Gigantic 10 day sate has been manifest from the large crow-d.s in attendance. THIS sale has proven one of the greatest bargain feasts that the publicof Markdale and vicinity have over heretofore been able to participate in. THOSE who are attending the sale buy liberally, and are virell pleased with their purchases, recommending their friends to McFaRLAND & Co.'s Gigantic 10 Days Sale. EXTRA help has alreatly been secured for this Sale in order to serve the crowds. The crowd on opening days was something enormous. We would advise early morning trading as much as pos- sible, in order to facilitate handling and serving the ffreat crowds. Those who have the cash or trade will benefit greatly by this, the most stupenduous Sale of Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Carpets Wall Paper, Millinery, etc., that was ever given on any stock of merchandise in the County. You cannot afford to st-ay away, as this is an opportunity for you to save money on youi* wear- ing apparel, etc.,. especially so at this time of the year, when you need the goods. Make your arrange- ments, drop everything, aud attend McFARLAND & Co.'s Sale which positively ends Saturday night, January 'ioth. Dont delay â€" Hurry in â€" and secure your share of the many grand values being offered. BARGAINS for everybodyâ€" see that you get theai before Saturday night, January 25th, when the sale positively ends. McFARLAND & CO. Markdale. 7 % â- â- -iH

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