Til K I'^LESHERTON ADVANCt I Vicinity Chips Remember ipeb. CsarafteriMtifs «f the Past tVcck t'itrciuiiy Cuile-J for th«> ()uri<»us «â€" Hvtineds nitia;} ainoHg lucaU wUl h« t t-luiryed at the rate of ten c<ntii t fter 'Im for each iuteitiun. A t rtdu tiim will be made tm con- f tracts for 100 litves or over. Tliore wiiH-.e a carnival on ihu l<lri>h- ert<.ii ciivired riiik ..u \\ eilin'sujiy evuii- j II g i'f iiex' we.k, wluii a luriie i.i.iiilwriif +|-jg DfltC ^ 20"fciX of yiioil piiz.-a nre itlc'riil for ci.iiipuliciiiii. ! , . , I Ihop-e who hiivrt CatHrrh and wlio call on Ax illlK In (l.« hr-'t if llie Htill-oll lliero tl^BulJow ilutn. â- • ll Iwt'ivun » GonuicirtB II - Will, i,o .ioubr, l>o H \HTjm tiiinoui, aad rtiB,.,.so wUh..iit liuviuq to |.bv oub cut lu lots ..f fun. Sue l.iils for full |)«. ti.ul us. , *',' â- ,'""=°- *'""â- * '"'"â- ""'' "' '"""â- ""'" ''"""'â- Fresh IIoUDC-'s. â- ystt-rs and leiunns at Bani- Mr. W. Wtmion, Stewart liiia ruiuuvrd tu Wu huvu had thu very pink of winter Wraiher fur ilii- past wui-k. Cnt'er r..r cii e â€" a bargain â€" new. App!> toF. Coll-, FI.Hherinn. Division (J>'Uit will lie liuld in Dun dalk nil Fridny of next wuek, 19ih ini>l Reiimnilier the Urangu cmicert at Eu Koniaon TburKday eveinnu luxt, Feb. 18 lUairitince <o lei in Kiiiiberlev. ^ tcio uf land. Apply to J. Huiidetsnn, Kiuibtrluy. Th^ udni s.iiiii ia pl.icid ti^'UlU of 15 :ll<lj 10 I'U'tS. at tliu bniuU •' Tl.o Maiile Li'iif." 'lliu Ciiii'ididii Hiinie Uonii.' J.'U, nal f,ir Kelirunry i8 ot 8|iecicil inii-itui ti> CaniidiuiiH, coiiiaiiiing Hinon^ many i thur biiglit fuatuifs a liali iiiiie p'.ririit anU skvicli of Mr Alexander Muir, as well :is liiu pupi.lar patriotic song "Tliu Maple Leaf horcvor," wnms and inuaic coDiplrte. Sample copy 10 ceata, ynariy BubvciiptuiKi 81,00, which will lie received at this office. Tlieie were leuistored with Rogistiar W J. B.llmiy in 1896, 85 blitl.B. 22 marriaguri ,iiid 29 ('eiirh^ Wonliier and McLvod of Cnllini/wiiiid «on l.si und 2nd in the ekaiii^g racH at 0» en (sound List WHek. FvllowmK are t be officers i if FleMheitou Lod^e. A.U.U.W., for 1897: M. W.. Price Tefter ; F-jreman, J A. Blakeley ; 0>erMrei, Uen. J>iliiii>t<<n ; RecoiOer, A. .VI. CiiliB'iii ; Financier, \V. .J. Bidlauiy ; Reouivur, A S. Ydndusen ; (iu.de. Juiili iJlitckburn ; I W"., Jiw. Clmru ; U W., 1 tjinclaii ; 1 ruateu, Win Wriuht ; Rup lesuii alive tu (jrand Dodue. Vt'. II. V> alkttr I'liia I'idge lias a ineinbersliip ur 4^, and la in a giMid working condninn. I'hu co.stiiU tf20oO insuiance in 189U was $14. The UraiiU Lodge uieeisai 'I'l-r nto on the lych mat. Hr,.. W . H. Walki-r will if> Ooubt make biH iiitluvnce telt in [hat body. ' the loine IV ;.i.»ve3 .iucceA-ftil *;i can be • mitte^l UB to pay till) i^auio. If not tiatisfactorv ill t^VBry roRpect. the liihalnr can lia retiiniB i at our BXp-'iifiB, mid n'l olmrge will b* male. Wu llHVe tilOUFa: Ih OI llHtl-IS IIOIU bII SOi'tH Aud coi.ilitioiiH of men anil wouieii, t<-lliiiij nfouies. ni . otilv rumarkahle. but in iiiaiiv ca»BH nilraciiiou^. Ui-iin^ no moi.ey with you. just Ibh* o y.mr uaiiiu and adurens, and our rc» pi .'(ii-i t 'tive will 1 ivii voii the reuiudy ou abova lihBial terms bycalliugat CpICHARDSONS Durgstore, ^* Fiesheiton, Dec. 19ih. This offer good ou above data ouiy. Our Stock is Going Fast Cook's C o S. Dnckwiirili ofGr.iid Valley wa« fined $IU0 ';iid given a im atli's iiiipriBunineiii fwr haviniian illicit still in his p-isaeiMion Mitt liist- t)iie day last week he'ween the st.aion an.' village, a new black d' g slonniitt. Finder kindly leave at lhi^ •fBoe. Large qu.intitieB of corJwiod and timberiifa*! kiiidp continue to eooie in. Very little grain m bein^ put ou the ir.aikut this week. Mr. Win. Alliin, i.f Egremnnt, Patron etndiilaie in lust Doinininn election, was ti caller at this ntiice on Tuesday. Mrs. Allan accompanied him. Ti.e editor of the UnnoTer Post â- Ivertiies for woi>d on subsciipiiniis. Ws wish he would coueover and get about forty corns of iiurs, Mr. Hector Kennedy of Salein, who was so seii'iusly injured in a runaway la-t fall. Iiiis so far recovered that ho was able to drive into town mi Tuesday. O.its chi'pped in live bai( l>tr and up- wards at 4 cents per lia.; for 60 days. A quantity iif dry maple rtooring cheap foi •ash at Wilnuu's planing mill, Kuj^eniii. Sock for sale â€" Niiieteen ciw.s, Hupi'rii r animals, four iif them half Jet. soy ; abo five young bulls, thoroughbred Durham. First comus tirst served. James Bell, Lautistim. Rev. Wm. McGregor, Baptist pastoi of Durham, wns awelcmiiB caller one day last week. The phasaut duty which called liiin to town will be discoveied on reading the niarriB'.;e corner. Mr. Fred Legard has emplnyed a (jen- tknian from Toronto named WiIhoii to run Ills sliavini! parlor fur a (inio. Mr. Wilsiui took the reins on Saturdiy and proved himself an artist in bis hue. Wo undersland that Mr B. McDonald hn.s failed to ijet a selllennnt with hi- oredilors and the stock will I'o solJ. We feel sorr.v for ihis, as Mr. M -Dotiald had the contiiltMico of the pubho, is a g'lOil citizen and an honest, U|)ri>;lit ui.iu in «\e:y ros^pujl. Th • R .yal ScA.lct C lapter of t • .1 s- trict of AriiMiieRia will ii[ien in Dr. Cliris too"8 liaM, Flesherioii, on Sunday, Fel>. 14, at 2 p. III. All business in connuciioii «iih Chapter will be siicponded till the adjourned meeting, which will be held du iiii! the week. S. S!ie:irdowti, W.. C.C; J. A. Dod.l.-, Sjribo. We want correspoiidenls at Pr ton Station, Kimlierley, St>intm I'a k. Miiikilnio and Duiidnlk, For ti^rni.s ajply by letter or otherwise and do it riulii away. At Sonw of these points we thought wo had oorresponilents, but their coniiiiued nci^lect of duty forces us to make a ohanae. Anyone whn will undei tnlco tliuse light and pluasent duties •ll.ould coiumunicBteat.onco. .' A Great Offer. Those who suffer from catarrh can try the most succeasful remedy in the world wilhnut pajiiig one cent in aavailce. Call • â- n our represbiitative in Fcslieiton and you will be tivsn a Geimicide Inhaler. vjive It a fair trial at your lioniu and if liuccursful }ou can pay 9^i for same, if not no cbuigu niil be maue. This giuud reinouy is irompt, pleabant and perma- nent, und cuics catarrh nhire all else tails. For remedy on above libeial leinis call at Uicburdaon'a drug snne, Vleslierion, Satuiday, Keb. 20, and you Will be given the leuiedy ou trial without haviuK to pay anything in advance. Re- meinlier the dale. Tlione who cannot call, address Medical Inhalation Co., Ltd. rorunto, Out. Cook's Cotton Root Compoand I( the only safe, reliabla 'monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the Atfur and time of need. It prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar mediciu; known sold by drugps's, one Dollar per box. No. 3 for special cases â€" lo degrees Strongerâ€" sold by druggists. One box. Three Dollars ; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. I, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3-cent stamps. Th« Cook Company, WliHUor, Uutario. Sold in Fla-<hert"n anu eveiywuere in Canada by all re-pon«iiile Uru>:i;ista. 'SL^ : Properties FOB - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. J. \nm, FLESIEBTOI Flesherton Public School Following is the standing of the pupils in this school, in order of merit lor January. V clasK-John Hill, Eva Rutledge, Bl .nche Hamilton, M. Vanziiiit, F. liichardsun, C. Strain, F. Strain. IV class â€" lUaGjeidruin, Vera Tuniliu- son, Bert Cmssley. Alf. Moore, U. Stewart, C. Sullivan, Amy Kerr, U. Smith, T. Smith, J. Richardson, J. Gilison, E. TtinibU. Ill sr. â€" Win. Swaiiton, Wesley Davis, E. B. llaniy, Miiia Beatie, (Je". Mc- Cormick, Steele VaiiDusen, Reg. Siuuli, Alt. Wardiiibe,Gei>. Sloan, M. Munsbaw. Ill jr. â€"Bert Barnliouee, Harold Smith, Flossie Thur.iton, Roy Hamiboi'. Clias. Sullivan, Rita Vaiziiit, Stella Louck.s, Carlton Bellamy, Myrtle Thur s on, Mabal MuiiBliuir, Chas. Hales. Sarah Moorolmuse, Mabel Moore, Heib. Staples, A ex. Gibson, Wilda Crossley, Miy Hales, Joim Teeter, Clara Beultie, .\Iiiia Bellamy, Belt f''.Bslier.Gi;o. .Mo ne- house, Percy Bclluuiy, Ed. Sloan. Linda Flesher. J. ToMUNSON, Principal. Form 2. Names in order of merit. II sr. â€" !*"rod Lever.Chelia McCalmon, Albert Leiiard, Eihel Whittan, Peicy Triniblo, Rob. Thonijison, Ida Sullivao, Wille H lies. Geor^o McGruthor, Walter t.oucks, Charlie Otteweil. Nellie Uopp^ Clara Sj^ence, Fred Steivart, Ma.gie Miiorehouse, Emerson Viickons, Alvi, Fetch. II jr.â€" Ella Barnhou-HcM^llio Cm .slry, K.tu Taylor, Tom Davii, M..inio Sullivan, Willie Williamson, Lottie Miiort). Pt IIâ€" Charlie MoGruthor, Charlie Thonips .11, Lily Baker, L lU Teetor Stella MuCilmoii, Roy FIcsIkt, Uarry Sliiuii. F. I. IiiWiN, Toucher. IF TOt: WISH TO BUT PBOPEBTY CONSULT THIS SI'ACB FOR SALE cheap and <m easy terms, one mile from Flesherton, U^ac'eslami and on which is a goixl 7 rooms frnme dwelling, well und coinfortjibly finished 8t<iiie celler underneath, and good well and pump in kitchen, good frame Ht^ibb- and driving house, also brick line<t hen house, smitll orchard commei cingto bear. Apply to R. J. SPROULE. Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month Two improved farms, one a mile from Pncuville and the other same di»tiiiice from Warebam. Small imyinent down, balance on VERY easy terms. Also a hundred and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Flesher- ton, princi|)ally hanlwood bush, 25 acres cleared and frame dwell. ng and .stable. .Any person wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. II sr. â€" Florence Meek, Alex Mc- Eaehine, Ethi I Buckinehain. Pt. IIâ€" J.iliii Fenwick, Rutisel Morri son, Fred Feiiwick. I sr. â€" Carrie Pallister, Wendell Phillips, Lornf Meek. I jr. â€" Maudie Guy, Thos Beatty, Jas. Beatty. W. McWuiN.iEY, Teacher. Honor roll S. S No, 7, Artemesia. IV-Donald McMillan, Ethel Gow lani, Wm Turner. Illâ€" Win. Burnet, Win. Maxwell, Win McMillan. II sr. â€" L. Birnet. II jr. â€" Leonard Maxwell, Dougnld McPhail, Katie McLean Pt. II sr â€" .loM wliyte, John Oliver, Howard M'lxwell. Pt. II jr. â€" Katie McPliail, Nellie M a Is, Willie Curiie. I sr.- Bella McMillan, R ibbie Oliver, Janet Whyte. I jr.â€" Jolin .Meads, Willie VVliyto. Average attend am e for Jai.u:ii.<, 22. J(;IlN A. McLl.on, Teacher But our Great Bargains are Still with ua Our Genuine Clearing" Sale is giving the people of this section such opportunities as they seldom get. It will not b|& wise to forg-et this point We still take TRADE or CASH and have put prices- away djwn. Come in and Participate in the Good Things Going: It is useless to quote prices as everything is so far below usual selling prices that everybody is more than surprised. We beg to thank the many customers who have called upon us and would re- spectfully invite others to come in and share the bounties. T. HILL, FLESHERTON QLAYTO N BOOX cind. SHOB Dealer HAS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rubbers, Overshoes Boots, Slippers and S^onable Goods 5el1InK very Cheap. Custom Work to Urder. Repsirint; Promptly at- tcniletl to. the Honor roll for January, >;axwell pul- Kc srllnol. Com. Class â€" Mabel Slrachan, W. Sjhioiniinan, Miles Horui. IV sr. â€" ) Mirri.soti, C. Ferguson, G. Buck nhain, W. I>avitt. IV jr.â€" A. McCallum, Fred Long, Susie Legate, Haltio Moirison. Ill sr. â€" Wilbur LagiUe, Wm. Fenwick, Louis Kerton. Ill jr. â€" A. D. Doavitl, Jus, Elij[ah Buckingham. Diphtheria is quite prevaient township of Ainaranih. Several Duiiilalk younu people at'ended the ska'iiig rink on Tunsd ly evening. Wiarton Methodists have followed in t!ie«ukeiif tlo.so of Flesherton. They have put in stained uhis.s -vindows ami liav.i ordoied fiom a Toronto liim a fin" now pipe oi!.an Bro. Gluadliiiiing of tho Dr.nil.ilU Herald Ilv-i the couiity prinliii'j for this > e .r. W.) sincerely ho|io he will make fo .lethinu out of it, but if bo does he will be the li'St man on record who has. This work is g oior.d'y d j.io for t'lo lov o of woik niono, not lucre. T. H. Hill. East Luther, fell eijhioen feet from a haymow to the threshing! Iloor wit.U a liglit'.'il lantern iu his hind. Tlu) luntorli was fort unatolv exMiigninhed in the descent. UiA' »aa picltedup some time aiterwardrt in nn insensible condtion Guy, I with his left arm broken aul a bad cut .^l^. .^l^ .^|^ v" "-.}</. .^'<. ^'e. .}i«. ^t«. â- &'(!; ^'t- JK- •&'?; ^'.^ •sfi' it.t. ^i«. ^i% Ji"-^"^ »v<. jfV, £ft- ;?'/>: ^!(; ;& <^TOCK=TAKING = = Sale of Furniture § I . iji tUc c!;wi>l'-. "'sit- •».•? •SJ? •Ji? *.{• "/If •isf .it/., »/t? (i6i DAYS' SLAUGHTERING OF PRICES C* ale «o have nii EVERYTHING in SIXTEEN (lui ut\u ^I'/wjuii I CKii'tvj v/r rKivc;? ;^ previous to S I <)CK-T.\lvI.NG. During this siile «o have nii oil all profits. Think what this means to you cur larije and well assorted stock of ^]f Furnittire . ~o m ^ PICTURES, BLINDS, CURTAIN POLES. Tn f.ict everything necdid in the homo of rich or iioor, fnnu the kit'.-hen to the most artistic drawing-room re;piis tos, at alisolnle cost for Hi days or till February Lit when we comiucnco to take aiock. The I'eorle's House l-urnlslier, f'lcturo Trainer anJ L'nilertakcr Public Not'v.e NOTlL'K is hiM.^liv Rivon forliMiiinu Miy puri^on or porMoiis tremnlB^inq on or eiittinff, hitovfeiinK witli or riMuuviiiR any timber oltluts '.^1. on thu Utli an.l lOtli coticessioti, .Artoiiiu^ia, unci lots H:i. HI luiil 148 s.< any auil a 1 imrsoiis doiiiG BO will bu proseculad acoordtns to law. It. J, SI'ROULR. Agsnt, Kla>li«rt«ii. OM«iub«r, U, Id. I-aOfsCs ^lZ'a,iitesdL Real Rni k e'mlofjs aro as rolluws • 15 inch i:i sKiall e I'i nn:l cut 11 'eet, i;i fret, 14 fcdt, 'H (eot ain' liS toot. l'rice,85 per 1000 feet. MapU lo^sai iiiChea ami iipwiv.l.i. Small end cut II (eet plump. Prioa of luaplo, Sfi per 1000 ft. . Casb psid for logs- Logs luunt l>n perfect' EOWJtI&aAJEtaBNT,. . VlcsbartoB Station. .iii^^ik^teitk fi^jff