Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1897, p. 4

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mmm iMiPHW sas BS i^^jau- iP ^mmmmmmmmm^ THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE tf'. S ESTABLISHED -/<?<?/- f ll>fBLISIlED WEKKLY AT THE OFFICB, STD- E.NilAM .STUEET, FLEHUEUTON, ONT., BY W. H. TIIUKSION. 1(1 per uuiiiiui,strictly iu advance Advertising Kates: 3|ao Columo, 1 year, f 50 ; half ool„ 1 year, 927 qu&rtoi' ool., one year, S15. ^ADBient advertisement charged at the rate C'8 oents per 1 iue for tirst insertion and 3 cents each Bubsoquout iuHertioa. J8J - II OUR TAXATION Ae a usual thing figures are not as unteitaiuiiig as a romance, but they are more practical, and while reading romance is an indiilgeuee, a luxury, the reading and studying of figures is a necessity iu this practical age, and what 13 more interesting iu this line than when the figures pertain to the individual pockotbook. From the lust report of the Bureau of Industries for Ontario we glean the following facts relative to the mauuar in which we are taxed in this county. First wo will give a table of ratepayers and taxation per head per township, for tiio year 1895, as follows : No. of Taxes Ratepayers Per Head A-rtemeaia 111« $ 3.01 lie.uiiick 1557 3.24 HJjytl The Outsrio LcgiBlatore <rili meek on Wednesday next, Jan. 10, and the Dominion Parlian^ent on .Thnrsday, March 11. Not much interest centres aroond the Legislature, bat this oan- not be said of the Dominion House. » 1 1»» « â-  The Poor Tenant C'ulliii«wood 1208 4 45 Derby 658 3 26 Eyiouiont 840 ».fi2 Kui-hrusia 1097 2.1U Glenulg 038 2.4a Holland 1038 1.90 Koj)p(;l 1133 2.!«! Normanby 1104 3.40 Oiprey 1024 2 10 Proton 944 3.;ti! St. Vincent 1061 3.89 Sarawak 521 3 C2 .Sullivai 928 2.72 Sydenham 1097 2.82 Gollingwood township has tiic honor of carrying the highest taxation and Holland the lowest, with Usp.ey next. Artemcsi.i is by no nuans high compared with others, there be- ing eight townshipa iu the county carrying higher taxes than this. Taking the luwns in the county and oompariug them with the rural inuiiieipulilics we see that they are tiixcd nearly twice an l^l^U. To the Editor of The Advatice. Deak Silt â€" I think this landlord has made sutno wilful miHtuk«, or has a Tory puor memory. It is very true that I rented his place fur flOO pur year, and 1 went to this landlord this fall and told hnn that I was <;oinf to give up his place; Ihiit 1 uould not mnke a living on ir. I never pressed this landlord to lake back his place, but he pressed me to keep it on and he would pay the taxes. I paid this landlord for the tirst yenr's rent f 100 iit work, which was meninoiied' iu the Ifasa. Now I do not know what he iiiBans when he says thut he paid inu the bal- ance of the $100 on this year's rent, for h? never did, to n>y knowledite. He ad- mitb himself that I billed him for $50 and ^50 remained. Now this landloid saye there was no work ordered. He came on the place when I was buildini^ this fence and he did not forbid me to build it, but told inu to come »ud |<et more wire if I hud not enough. When the fence vfas (itiished 1 billed the landlord with it, :ind ho would not allow nie pay for the work I did. Now, thlH last pioco of feiiciiiij thai tliu landlord ordoied nie to do I did acciirdiii<; V> the lease, so I do i oc see how he can stty that I was extruva<:Hiit in my chaiges ; and for the lemaining $'ib I otlBied liini all tho bttiiw lli.it yrtw en tlie place. 1 do nut know who informed thu landloid that 1 intended to clear out clandestinely at niiiht for parts uiikniiwn, but whoever did, if thi'io was anyone, told a downright falsehood, and 1 defy anyone to pi ove it. It was published in these columns wheie 1 was goiiiK. Now this money never was in; de a present of to ine to my knowing. 1 never cheatrd <tny one out of a dollar in my life, and I never intend to ; and I lliiiik that I am as honest as the laiidload. liut a bad excuse is better than none. I never had my wiiy iu anything. The landlord di'.iuived inc,. 1 siynoil an agifcemeiit, a* I tliousjht, to j!ive the landlord liberty to relet his place if l.o got a chance before my term was out, but instead of that 1 Ki>;iied my right away, which the land- loid kijt'vv at the time, and 1 do not think ihore is justice or honesty iii any ii.aii that Would vviint to turn a tenant oil his place at the end of nine months when he 'h >s paid rent fur one year, and uol allow liiiu futtd the straw that he grew ou the place. I am Sorry that I was fi>rcc<l to answer this landlord's letter, but 1 saw that it was necessary, as there were so many things that I knew were wrong. Tenant a«i IL Looks Like Railway Prospects Bright (or the H. Railway & O. Electric to having them undertake the coiutruc- tion of the road. Stock is to be iaeued to the extent of 12,000,000 and U>nd« for 95,000,000, the contractors tu btf secured by the bonds. At yesterday's meeting a commuidca- tion was submitted frotn a New York contracting firm, stating that if some additional enifineeriug details were furnished they would be prepared to take the contract and go on with the con- Htruction of the road. The particular information required is that relating to the construct! in of bridjiss and culverts, ihelecation and extent of naier power alonu the route and alno in respect to the power necessary to overcome some of the heavy grades along the route. Mr. alfred Brunei, C. £. , the company's eTii^meer, was instructed to prepare the necessary report to be forwarded to New York, and the meeting was then adjurned to meet again At the call of the President. A strange freak in the animal kingdom may be seen at the farm of Ueo. Shelton, on the town line of Derel.am aiid West Uxtord.two miles cast of Hatfel's Corners Mr. Shelton owns a sow which would weigh about 200 pounds. X few weeks ago it refused feod of any kind for nine days and then commenced to eat and appeared to be doing well. On Christmas morn- ing it Blied its &kin from its body except the feet and lower parts of body and appeared as if parboiled, but continues to eat Ileal tily and appears to be as well as ever. The owner intends to allow it to live and watch for new developments. The hid lies beside the pen, and those who have seen the hog state that it is the strangest thing they have coine across. No business man not yet dead in the shell but can .see even in dull times an opjmitunity to let the world know that he IS alive. Tn adveitisiiig one's business it is perhaps three times out of four a blind and fatal inl^tako to leave the public in the dark as to whether the s'oie is still running and the owner thereof alive or dead. No iner. hant can be effectually downed by a spell of de- piC'Mon. Consumers do not quit the world an sinie eentlenieii did in the days of No^ib, and if unable to purchase what they want In. day, the same need speaks for itKolf to-inorroA-. When the wind is low, mend your sai's, and lhe]uiaD who is prepared for the breeze is ;he man most benetiited by the caiue. â€" Ex. M. Richardson & Co GOLDEN OPPORTUNfTIES for - - - FEBRUARY BUYERS I I I f WAITED Young womun An<l inon, or older ono9 if Rtlll young iu Kpit it, of tindoiilttod character Routl taikur. ambitious a'ld industrious, can tiiid buiployiueut iu a KO>^nl causo, with #GOper uioulb an I upwards, according to ability Kov. T. 8. liiuscott, Toronto. Out. Tenders Wanted Roaled tenders for tliu erection of a school house fur st'ctioii 15, Artcinusia. PlaiiB aud BpeciflcutiouH iiiuv bu seen at U. «% A. Neiluou's 8t(U0,Protuu, artur the Utli of Fub. and up to i'Jo'clocka. ni. on Kt»b. '2l)tii. LowwHt tuuders or uo tuiidtr u •ues^arily acoeptod. Addruba Buoretary bohool Hoard, FrotoD Btatlou. No. of Taxes Ratiipiyois Per Head Durham 4;«i..., 9 r-.7.) Bleuford. .... 045 ... .... o.'.lti Orteii Sound . 2251... .... 0.40 Thorn bu-y. .. 311 .. .... 4.18 Biiiidalk 204 . 3.18 Miu'kdalu 212... 2.24 vJonaiJoring the county as a whole the luxationhufl roiuuined piactieally the Buuio fur ilio past ten years. In 188(5 it wiiH 8a.G2 per head; in 1895 ft!*. 114 pel licud, or a fraotioiml rise fvoiu 12,1 to 12.8 luilU on the ft. al- for is of he for riio local nowppapcr depends 119().-<1 wholly upon its lociil ncw.t Vfthio anil iiiloroBt to reaiieiH, It a noKVB oxuhauge. If yuu know anything that you wtmld yoiiniclf ioicreHti'd in reading bandit publication. Ullior iiidividnalEi should do likewise and tliu3 an excliaiigo uf newH iij iriado and every reader lindH dOmut'liing to entertain him in each igRiiOi Don't Bay it is not worth Wiiile beoauHCyou know all about it. I|lho editor ran liia piipor on Bueh i«triow ptinoiploB he would run l.ini- 'oU'lotho pourhouHO and his paper wJioro theyplatit fence posln. If fifty peoplo will baud iu aBeparato item of rt^WB each \ve will guarantee to tell •)tpin forty-nine things thoA they Iwive i^li hWi'il.; Try it. Ftom thf. Globe of Friday If the ariautiemcntH that wore talked over at a nieeiing held in the Walker lloiiH' yesierday afternoon and last iiiijht are brought to a head it will not bo long before the northwestern portion of tlii.s riovince Hill have an electric railway in full operation The rrovisional lioaid of Diroctois of the Huron itOntariu Electric Kailway bold a business meeting to con- â- â€¢idi r a proposal for the consliuction of Iheroiid. The scliemu is a rather ambitious one, and one that means the outlay of several iniUion.s of dollars. The roail is project- ed to run from Port IVrry oti Lake Sou«o)< to Kincardine on Lake Huron, a distance of lOJ miles from tast to weHt. Two blanches will act as feeders to the nmino line, tnie from Flosheiton to Mea- ford, 28 miles, and the other from Walkerton to Godericli, 55 miles, mak- iiii! a total mileage of ii74 miles. The proposed road touches the towns and villages of Port Peny, Uxbridi!«), Siuidford, .Mount .Vlbeil, Sharon, Holland Landiiif;, liiadfoid, Hond Head, lleetoii, Uosemont, Shelburiie, lladji-ros, Mc- Iiityre, Kevernham, Eugenia, Flesherton, Priceville, Meaford, Durham, Hanovor, Wulkerton. Ureeiiock, Kivenlale.Kinloss, Korvio, Kiiicaidilie, Tiveiton.Kiinbeiloy, Koriuosa, TooKwater.Wingliain.Luckuow. Duiiuannoo aud (Jodericli. Tlij main lino touches the Grand Trunk Railway at both toniinal points, where it also connects with the trade of Lake SeiiyiM and lake Huron. It crosses the (Jiaiid 'I'ruiik llailway at Uxbrid«e, Mount Albeit.. Hr-ulfoid, Peetoti, Dur- ham, llano'»ir, and Wulkerton. It t.uclieH iho (Canadian Paoilic Railway at Sholliurne, au^P'ft'oHfes ihe Haino line at KloaiMrtou. ' ,>lBlion« the directors attendiuK the meeting )0.slurday woio M. .McNaiiiara, I'lsideiit, Walkerton ; A, iMcK Cameron, Kocret'iry, Mcaford ; .1. M. Roboita, Treasurer, Duunaniioii ; -V E. Seaiihui, Koiicii or for the company, Hradfoid ; H. ,1. Ronton, Shelburno ; W. liaidlow, Durham ; H, 11. Miller, Haiiovor j J O. Munloek, Lucknow ; W K. Thonipaon, Tee;iWiiter; N. MeCuniifH, Tivorl(m ; .\iidi-ow Malcidm, Kiiicardiiio ; .1. R. .Shannon, (ioeericli ; Thorp Wright, rieslierton ; John Huniberstoii, Ripley; W, H Marooii, Toronto; J. K. Mc- Kiiiuon, ISadjeros, The present company have obtained their charter and also tho rinlit of way freui tho varioun munioipalities through which the proposed road is to pass. They have been in negotiati«m wi'.h several iifUiH of N- Yprjt CMiitraotoiawith a viej* tJiog fox* Sepvioe The uiKlersiijiietl lias a tlioroiiKlibroil Hoikshire Hoar lor sorvicc on lit 'J. cou. S. township I'fOiipvey. Turuis, 75 cents at time of service. C. W. L'llOFT, Proji, Stock^ijaAin^f otock^Uakt'nff Before our annual Stock-Taking we have decided to reduce our winter stock to the lowest possible limit, and to this end have CUT PRICES right down on" all winter goods to clear. We don't intend to carry these lines over t' > next season â€"THEY MUST GO, and at these figures will go quickly. ill MS ft] iii ii MEN'S WEAR Full Cloth Pants, regular 81.75 selling ^1.25 Corduroy Vest, regular 81 75 selling (fashionable goods) .. 1.25 Astrakhan Caps, regular 55c sellina .39 Hare Seal Caps, regular SI. 50 selling . . . .. . 1.10 Beaver Oppossum Caps, regular $3.00 5..11ipg 9.25 Lined Overshoes, regular ?1.50 .selliuK .. 1.25 Heavy All-wool Drawers (a sfwcial drive) regular 75c selling ... .49 Heavy Flannelettes Shirts, regular 65c selling .50 Unlaundered White Shirks, regular 55c selling 35 Heavy Suspendei-s, regular 15c selling 10 Heavy All-wool Arctic Sox " â€" .20 Heavy All-wool Box •• .15 Line<l Kid Driving Gloves, regular r5c selling ... 45 WOHEN'S WEAR Felt Overshoes, regular ft 1. 50 selling 8 .95 Felt Boots (foxed) regular SI 75 .silluig 1.50 Lined Rubbers, regular 55o selling â- â€¢ .40 Cartligau Rubbers, regular SI. 50 selling 1.20 Misses' Cardigan Rubbers, regular $1 25 selling Lined Kid Gloves, regular SI. 25 selling Lined Kid Mitts, regular Sl-OO selling - - . I^y WOOL SHAWLS. All colors, diflferent sLos, at bargain prices to clear. l.OO .63 .50 Clubbing List Advance and daily World »2 80 News 1 80 " Montreal Hera'd 1.80 " " Witness 1.80 " Youths' Companion 2.35 Weekly Olobo 1.55 Sun 1.40 RUCTION SALE i I iPlB WINTER Dress Goods 3G-inc^ Double Fold Dress Gootls, regular 16*; selling ft .12i 40-inch Double Fold Dress Goods, regular 20c sellinc 16 42-inch Double Fold Dress Goods, regular 30c selluig 22 f:^' All WINTER DRESS GOODS at clearing prices. ]\/\ANTLES We have sold Winter Mamies week as low as fl.OO each. thi&- We liiivo some yet that cost us ft5, S6 and (7 each, all seihiig at one price now $2.95 IN THE T0WN5HIP OP ARTEMESIA IN THE COUNTY OP OREY TIlEKE Wlt.Ii BE SOLD ON Afo/7^a/, Hh. 23rd, '97 AT 11 O'CLOCK IN THE FORKNOON AT nUNSHAWS Hotel, in the Town of FLESHERTON K[AF^X>lfl/A.RK SSPARXI^KNT' gTOCK-TAKINQ 5ALE This is a genuine sale. We have too many goods. We want the i"oom for- our spring stock. No trouble to show you the articles. [ Ily Tlrtuo o( I'owera o(!-'nIe contained lua ooi'iain MortKacn wliii^b will lie iiroiluotKl at the tfule, titu folU'Wii.K i'lopt^rty : Lota 181) ami I'.'U in the ftr»t eoiicesMon, iioi'th oast of tho 1'oiouto and Syileul^ani Uoaii, in tht> nalil township <f Avt'nie^>a. coiUainlns ItW aeroa more or loss, Bavo au<t except one acre Boltl fot nchool purposes. Tlio foilowliiR imitrovonunita are Haiti to bo on tile proiuUes : About IW acrea cleaitnlhav- iuM oroettul thorooii a (rainu couftrete dwoItliiK anil fiauie bnin. The luiidK aiu watered by snmll apriiig croolt. TIOUMB : K por'cont. o( llie rurcliase monoy to l)o pftld down on tho day of yalo For lialancu turnin will lie oiado knuwn at the sale. For further partlcularB apply to JONEtt, MACKKNZIK .t LKONABD 8olioitor«, Toronto St., Toronto or 11. J. srilOULK, Kiesborton Open Tuasday, Thursday and Saturday aveU' Ing. Open to tiokelboUlors and loariwraou Frldnj (roiu Q to 4 p. in, . W J. HOWARD, Pjcp,. Patty Pans, regular lOc dozen for. .$ . 7 Window Sha<leB, regular 50c for 39 I'iiit Tin Cups, regular 5c for 3 1 gal. Milk Crocks, regular I3e for .10 White Granite Wash Basins, regu- lar ItOs for 20 Bedroom Hand Lamps, regular 25c for 19 Ijarfte Rockingham Tea-Pots, regu- lar :!5c for 20 Tiu Wa.sh ISasins, regular 10c for. . . 6 52- pieced Dinner Sett, regular 810 for 6. 75 Fire Shovels, regular lOc for 4 Clothes Brushes, regular 15c for. . .j Gravy Pitchcre, regular 25c for. . . . Slate Peiicilii, regular lOc box fr.r. . Granite l\idding Dishes, regular 20c for Black Prince Razors, regular 60c for Cuspidores, regular 20 for 15{ Sad Iron Handles, regul .r 20c for. . .13 Fancy Dlack Tea-Pots regular 80c for Improved Champion X-Cut-Saws, complete with Handles aud File, regu'ar $;{ for 2.00 .10 .10 . 7 .14. .35 .10- S?a^s / i^ats / HOW ARE. YOU OFF FOR MICE? Wo have the best traps fur them made. It is not sure death at forty nnls, but it KILLS when they come iu sight. IT IS CALLED THE Out^o^^tght / Wo include STOVES in our Stock-Sale so it you ncknl ouj COME ALONG and wo wiUlgivo you a bargain. M. Richardson & Co >ts»-a

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