Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1895, p. 5

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THE FL18HIRTOH IDVlNCE Office oi QEO. MITCHELL A general banking ~ri Uciun 1 nU sb*4Uk Mouey always & Miturpfi-Hi uOicut*. %>U * <.V. : i l M:: i:i<> t'ia Iran.- . Vicinity Chips. Characteristic* of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Curious. B HintM u-ii is.-* 'im<m<f local* \ci.'l ' cA-in/.--/ ^t Iff i tt*- "f lOc jwr ' e '--A .( i-'ilitfti-m r I 'M li at* or tner. Vi i.l that person who found the ..-rtisej for laat vr.rk, kindly Ware it tl.ui ili is i tl. ive the reward. Taere are i Ur-;e number <if new iwl- jiueotn iu this week's paper teach- ers wanted, eslrays, i< ck advt- i:i<jrtg*ir! K .'.u. It will pay our rca.lct* to peru.iu them. School wan not held iu the piii '.i.-nl'i roon. : >y foroin" ). A f 1 fuinaci- an.t uo tire w;u4 ll.e cause. The l.e.-tvy th;w .n n-itpoiifible iu a ui timer, but tl.i re i i fur 'lie water w.u> whore chit act mi! fault lay. "I tM-.-ipei b- Idyipeptic b/takn.g Ayer s I'lll* in t.mr." I tlie expciience of .ny. Ayei' Pill*, whether as an after ili-nn-r pill or a remedy for livi-r .. >:llt . indigestion. llatulency, water brash, .ui'l nausea, aru luvalu . Albert.' h >tl- a livery rif from the m.i- lousing to Mr. >l Aulev, and who go; a three monthi' - r stealing coins, an, on belli; liberated, taken to T<> where he l:.i ju-t ; .t x un.ntha in llie i.ntral privi:i. Hm reckoning for steal- iug the ii^> i* yet lo come. A cup of muddy c -(fee ia imt whole- aouie, noil her i<< a !,' !e of muddy ini-h cine. Due .iy to know a reliable ai.d kuMfully pre,.tred blood partner is by 11 frtr<: M IP. 111 eUimeitt. Ayer's Mr- > ip^rilla is always bright and sparkling, because ii i - an extinct tud not a ilr-oc- tloM. It ia nt.it. .i i.rit s.iiue man In mi; uo n .ilon. .i nv.-r has been I. tier and sorting the pellru* r'or the benefit of tin* party aud other* we ill (|uote from sec. 8, suh.-si me lawK, which read* : l'i mied. however, nn beaver or otter ^lia',1 he. hunted, taken or killed In-fore thelirst.il 'iitM-r, 18JC." Then- 13 a liiu* of 8J5 pix'xided for an iufringe- l.l -lit of lllkl e>. Flecherton is to Ur coiitjratuUtoit mi h iving a throughly pnu.-tic.il pti IU midst. Mr. \V A. Armstrong, >'iir jeweller, Ust week pnvxed mccesufuHy I-U tiaal examination in upl'cs and is now a graduate of the Optical Institute of Canada. Tliat in it.-e'f should reeooi- tuuud iho.ie'ri'ulil.-d with p-xiriiglit t<> ice h in and liavu their eyea properly totted. \V cvogratuUte jeweller Aruulr n^ un hw lucoea*. 1 Dui ing the pat week we billed a aub- .-eulier who owed iu nearly three year for hut papur. He replied, stating that he "di 1 i. expect you was ^oing to charge me for tin- |i.i|>er or I would '-f ic ut lor it to bw io|,,-d \,,;-.x -.!.' Such sublimely cheeky iiidivi(iuU are happily rare and mo woith mentioning wlion dis- red. F<T the benrht of all am! uUr we wou'd ni-ite rii{ht herr, once and turever, thkt tins bnauu-M ii not run on tKo free souji kitchen pl;u>, but if we Ii ui many such MiiWi .^er -. the aUive on our list we -.uiu'd SLOII ''nil mirsi-' t!u- bouillion. As it is *e piopoao to kut-p out oi" it iu a li".-l way. at Ma>k<K!>< vraa U..-,u over, through tlie nxf and rt'xtr to the baaa- meni belotr. ']'li<: edirice was damaged to the eAteiit of $'.'00. PEU30NAL5. Mi-- AJJie Drvun left on Monday for Lou.. Ialan<!, wlu-ru she will spend the winter with relative*. Mnts Keefer ia now employed as salcn- lady with Mr. T. Hill. Mr*. J. M. Tharaton of Kimberly h.-in bei n the guest o( hr uii. ye editor, f.r I he past week. Mr. George Hill lefi on Monday en route f'T 1'ort 11 ir. n. ilr Frid Le-^ard left 0:1 Monday niglit for Cliicxio, where he purp<Mca making his home. .Mrs. Joa. Lfnard has tentud hei house and lor, ju>t e>t of the village, to Mr. V\ ,11 ii .;.t-y. ami luu taken up her i villi^e. Mr. .'. P.. M. K n.-. f S-. uffvill wiu the gu.:st of Mr. M. Kijh.wJ>a ovir Sunday HMn. G. Vi. Bru:. :uid \V. Duugbw 'iujW'od spent Tuankgiviu. if h frituia .n to*'i. Mri. K. N. Henderson in visiting with her pans n ' ;!> M - H irnden, who has bern tin* Lfue'-t f her ms'-r li-r for Suwii time, accfinpinifl her. Mrs .rsou will not. return l)ef->te Christ- mas week. Miss Chrittina I'. 'ias been vi-iiinj; w:;h h- r i-ter, Mrs. I. B. Lucoa :' Markdale, fur the i.-t two In-; ectr CaMpbeil of Duilutn h bei-n appointed !> u'y Ilii^li i Ranker of the I. O. K. Mr. Dace Blair hat deride I tu n hie carriage making IU-IIIL'HS to I', Station, where he b-lieve he can do a hiiMiieiu. The pe"| !e f the tl- will 1* *orry to part with Mr. ! and fa. Mr-,. II i;i>.ury '.f D'ir,dalk . the xuent of Mua Bella (Jjerdrum. Mr. I'. Mui.th.iw nod f iinily removed froui town on I'h i.'il.y las', tikiug posaMwaioii of thiir haadsonte new hotel at Eageuia. Mr S.iniuel Hi>h.p and Liurnse In- spector Campbell of Thornbury weie in town on \V\di.tsday. J. W. Armstrong Dead We hro rcceiied from the .stvret.tiy a (inaucul st.iti'in nt of the llwi.n Sound ral and marine hospital for the past showing tliut iimtiiution to ! in a riuuriftbing condition with a cash balaiuvun hand of $oJS 18. The number of patint treated last year was 7. f which 80 wore from tliLs county and 7 from outside points. The hodpit.il u non se<-r open to all, rich and poor, and Ua deerv ins; institution. The trtiitee) ask every irrigation in the county to take up a culK Miun in aid of the fund either in November oi December, nil contributions to be foi warded to Dr. All.in Cameron or S. J. Parker, Owen Sound. A Churjh Damaged the very high wind on Tu>.-Uy , k h..ney of the MclhuUut u*u(^over:;uiut lei fool* OMItost: Whcta'rr U b..t a>liililii-|rr I 14 UiMt: Kor iuoj> of lii.U Ul BTMMlMB *], ftuhi . His eau'l be wrung w!l<M IU U lo the . ubt Pom Mr J \V AiiuntrnDy psuMed sway at his reidenri> h';c- on Tuesday morn ny; about 8 o'cl itk, after a Ion* and pninfui illness. Tlie nw, though expected for MM days, was still needed as .t - by the people of tlm \il!.ii-. Mr ' string had seen the v,l;.ig<> ^.row fx m its earliott mf.u.cy. < f tlu- very earlit-at settles 1.1 tins iwn>hip, and a inent ti.an all this tnnt* 1.1 tow and church matters, which facts mat* at him widely VT ti and re<p*cU-d tliMUgli out the county. Hi positi'.'ti in Mi. capacity of division court clerk and max>tiate made li.m at times a tnatk f. r the shafts of traducers, but ho had lirnl it all down. II. .1 u ;.n-. /. klfortlu fare of Mctho<)im, which he hula.: when a tv>y ; lli^ f.ith'rly .in-l n dcf .tig aMo kindness and solicitude t '.v U the youn<; in S.iHith cho. ! work : Ins k.i-n y in p.it hies with >ulfer nut liuinaiiitT, are all tcineinbeied now with i/ratitudi* by thooo oter wl oin l<ii -:ian ind lenco and mantle of charity h. it been cast iu the pnst y. :ir^. Kn several days previous to ,Ua:h he w:i* un.ili c lo converse with Ins family, g > to extreme niakn.'RH, and it :u hard for the swrrowinK wife and children to w.itcli day nfier day the piu'siiig away of loved husband and fv.hr without l*ii able to ci>nvere wi'h hn-i ; n hii lant i.i ..... ei.ts. r to aUovia'u the pn lealS. Hut he hat brvi. ; 'he words of H-.TII. thr machinal ions of man and woil.iiy trou'-l-s cm injure him in> more he is with hU Maker. Deceased wss not .in old in.in.1rin.! only in hu 06 h \< >r I' .- in Initi< g". Co Kilkenny, IreUnd. in 1431. and ininn^rated toi'u lid i ill settlii g iu Tor-ititu, where he rrniaiiie.l f./r oue yoar. Iu 1H4 1 ' he came up to the wd<It of IV' t. in, settling at wh.if is now Inintii'ife 1". (V H.-re he t-iuidit "^hix 1 f< r some time and :il- > held the position ,.f !>ivjsi..n I'ou-.t Clerk. In 18o5 Mr Armatn n^ rvnimcd tha c! Tk' oftiie t > this village, where he continued to hold the p.it.u!i fur for'y year* altogether, or until one year *_, \\ l.n faiiin^ hc.ihh obliged liim to n-.-un. L>ccettsed was 180-', to Mus Wilson ( luiatitve who tnrvivea him, and by whom he had a family of ame children, as follows : Dr. Oe. Arm- strong of Washington stat ; Mrs. J. D. Clark of L.nd >n : Mrs. T. Aikenhead, Toronto ; Mr. William Annstr' ny, j-wel ler of this place : Mr. Wesley Armairong. jeweller, Lucknuu . Miss Addie and Miss Luie, and Ma-'-'i Bert and Erntst Armrr..iiif, whu iir all Htillat home. In addition to the Gi':e of Division Court Clerk tha deceaocd h.ts been honored in many public positions. He wan treas- urer of this tow.p'iip for thirty yearn pa. He was M:.r of L O. L., 244. for many year*, iml was also a member of Pin.ce Arth ir I,... 1 .".;. \. F. A A. M. Iu the Meih<dist church, of which he ss one of rhe strot n, he bad the full con&luuce ai.d istmn . fellow mauiburs, and was *cn: an a dele- gate to every general ctn.ferruce that hao been held in Canada, having attended the Iat one last aunmirr, while even then tuffcrin^ fiom the fut..l ilh.eu. He was also dele^atu to the annual confer ence fur many years pa>r, and was re- cording steward a::d treiuturer of the church for over thirty yer. In Sui.il..y scliwil work he vriU b uiucli miaaed, as for in.-iny yean he was the respected superintendent, and t. ok a particularly deep l.enrted in'.'r - ::i -li- spiritual wclfari* of hi* hitle tlo.li \* a luagi.t trate he was leni-nt w : -re lunieucy wa< hum me, and tuvcru !i -re wisdom cjlled him to be to. U - just. His heart and hand were . -r open to 'he demand of suffering luinm ,iiy, atni of every I'^d was an . _; that he could >iot tolerate. Ue was always .1 bear<> worker m the ten. iunct> cause. The wrttc-r of thit ske'ch I; . had the pri >f a close iiitiuiacj vi-h deotaae'l for some years, aud d that a high tribute U due to him ir f >i.>i.lu Ufu he has Mistain^!. and the w ik he hs ao- . tiled. He loaves th .,'i.i better than he found i', throu.i bis personal effurls. If every man cou!.. Lut tay i The funeral will take pla c t., day at J p. m. to Vlrshcrton citi.it ry, when the Sunday school and rher -.die* are ex- pe*.ed r turn out e-i n. is, t , ^ 4 y but tr.rute to their Ute f.-ilow toirnsinan. The taiiuly, slid specially the miriuwii.K wife ai.il mother, h.ive the deeinwt sym pathy >( this community in their hour of tiial. Died. P1L1 ;v.: Mo. -i ,,n tlie 18tb iliHt.. H..ln, K >.a.. un.yvi . ..I Kr^l and Mary ABIUTBONO- In r:ojhrto:i on Tujidajr. SSth lust , lohu Wesley Aruit outf. ( 1 bt Juan. Our Clubbing List s who w.sli ' T..ijn.-r :h following ciuubin^arrmjag* HK-llta : Advai morning U. r d. .lady f-J-Vi ,\ l\.,i > \ - :vr .. . 1 H<. \.1> JM ue fart. .... 1 .*0 c . \ >'-n (ue) . ^ v*-. _ 1 CO Advan-e ai. M ul .. I ' ,,-e an. I 1' 1 \ i 1.4C \\v r in -\Uo . ii my ' ill tile* .li) \ J ILtl. , Lll H *l .lit. I . i : . , titles of F. ni>K ill 1^ held u.s f illoiva 11. inn , '' . !, ' w, t.'.-n n l.'r- \ . 11 h; 0*1.11 .s '.1:1 !, North ' H 'li< in. s,.uiii <; I' .un, S,.u-hi;i ;. .luiiiij .'. 'i ;ui.J N r i I'.ri.^e. J .u. nary 1 ftortgage 5ale Valuable Farm Properly .toed tli* p.>wrm roBtainwl in a M I -,i a b offcro-l r>.r ^alo at i Now tliat winter is approaching and the skating sea- son is at baud it ia time to bny good strong footwear. ; We have a large stock to ihoose from at prices as low as the lowest. Call at CLAYTON'S O # O Clearing Sale H -iviny '.- -.ili-d t i clear out my entire stock I will offer you i;oods at the following discounts until all is hold: 85 "?, ..tf Mat.tlen 1.", .-"! otfTweeda i>ff Boys' Overeoitu 1-H tfi: A - : i.s f Youth's " - . Di>-as Gooods .'.. if Men's " . r ><J ., If Millinery .'tf Kur* s away do#n Tea* worth :30o fur 'J5c , T Black Pepper 1'Jc. per Ib.. Christie's Bi^ i er hi>>. All other lines equally luw. Don't fail to call nJ get bit, gains. N.H.. All book aceounta must be settled by Dec 1. The Snow Season . . Now that the station of snow is here we wlih the puMic to kn >w that we have a stock <( Cutters and Sleigh i on hand .lity. .style a 1 price defy atmipetittuii. (Ireat bargains tor ash at the lint prize works. I). Ukiir Don't Read This If you do not wish to read of Business i 8 Business; are all business. When von come to our store to do and do net tind it uectscy to wait 8tvcr;il iiourt before ^ tutijj tlutt wl.ich jou wish, owitiK lo the rnsli, >on may congratu- late yourself. Cnslotuers are coming for many mil, -md jj.) home with ti .' !.: tuiiuation to again return. WM_i ,io tlu:y conitt from or about t!,o Fali^. Piicevi!!-', Fieshcrton to Dtindalk ? Becaoae learn lo know that they must l-jok after their own ini. <>i- be the one who pays 40 to 100 per cent, on every t worth of good* they bny. The day is past when such profit cat] be had. drive a fuw miles further au-l et gootia at prices that will gnrp.ise you, than to g to the store near to you and pay <>M time prolif? If you would not, then yoa are an ex- ception. \Vo have uot space- to give you pncea and we doubt yoa would bolivove them did we do so. for so tnauy ti:in luv? you been 'eci.-iveJ through udvertisetneuta. Seeing is believing, come and see. Calhoun'a - Tl\ Patron Store Muu^haxvV Anou' *" Parlor . . . TuesdAy the 17th day of December, 1895 . . . Furniture Art* :n . i., o : a aia\i*itag tbr M to.M iu :natcn v!ii''nl to marl nc>ii>ol 't .out fea fain. < .1) li:i<-* AH on bartl tlicrvoi.. I 1 K.". -i , M-- MALR : . .- r. or ti'' 1 porchsss moi : IIP )ia k -o.-nl of INUMSM 1 tj.. in* ! known ai the Ittno -if ln . ilifi. Majti.u,*r ua vo.i . t . A Hr^l>BWK>. t'.>i..ic. >- i " ' K IUvx .r for Hi* W Ki', k t : V.T.iw. .N.rvaibci.lK*. . I We hove it in (jr^at variety at the Fl'isliertoti Furniture Ware- rooms, and at 18!) prices. On uot let the common cry of close - tempt you to thi ik tliat further delay is ueceFsary. I: is the Si herr ' we have beautiful pltish suites such as w. ! in l^l'O exceptional value at $6, we are olTeting to J:iy at $ ;."> We li i\e the best ni^",- parlor suite ever brought into this stciion. Would IH- iv>:isi l< rod good value anywhere at $00. We ar offering to diy at $''i'. We have a la-jje line of f^ncy n>].\ pieces of oliui^ aivl io",',^. < m p'ti-h. rattan, reed nl tapestry at eqnallv cloHo pnci s. M isie eisals, fancy Ubles, wluinots, organ >. picture ainl ^tlifi pavior ivi|iii-ntcs, all at clost cui p: ices. 1 i ,urii frauiing aud undertukitig aj nsnal. - FlesLerton Fu.nituis \Vauci-oouis.

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