Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FL1SHIRTON IDTiMCE Office of GEO. MITCHELL A letter*! banking bualneu tranactd Draft* UHMd u.| cLe^ao. elie.l at u.ul rtt MOUy ilwiyi ildblB lor IrtfimaM himill ii t : i prise. ulln-c t wo Juori uortb o( Ulctiard- sou *Co. Vicinity Chips. Characteristic* of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Curious. li i.-infti nuiift among lotali will be ehiirijrd at tht rate of lOc per liite fur each intertion. A rr-lin-fi-m will bt made on contract* fur 100 liitet r over. Stove for sale, 24- inch box, and pipes, i.eiily new. T. Hill. 100 tubs dairy butter auted to 611 orders. M. Richardson i Co. \V.vited, all kinds of furs fox, mink, rajoon. martin, etc. llyhau price paiJ. M. RLhardsou A C> Mr. A. B. Bell ,.f Kiiuberley h..t .. <Uer in the valley near that place thia M,, i*l Inat, bceen the village aud Lvgard's corner, day of the sale. Finder will kindly leave at thi "Bice. Mrs. Bulmer ban erected a large addi- tion to her reidence. Mr. C Itcliamy i> the contractor. In spite of the high price of leather, Clayton* are selling boots cheap aa ever while thin atock lasts. Try them. :JOO tubs of choice butter wanted at it market prices for cash. Also tvll butter, hi. !u. tallow and sheep skins. John Runatadler, Fleher Mr. Erneot Pbili[f. who pnl the fast summer near here, ha* returned to hi* old po4iti.li on the C. P. K. at W'inui| eg. I. it Fox bound, bitch, bUck and greyish tun, answers to the name of Klewt. r'miler pltaw communicate with W. H . FKs'.ierton P O. Mr. J. E. Hogarth of Priceville has purchased the Hog property at the s'a- tinii. \\ e understand il.nl Mr. Mognrth I 'tirposcs opviiiug a general store in the premises. H.ive you handed in yur name to the hliraiiaii of the public libiary T Fifty cents constitutes you a yearly member with all the advantxg -a in connection t litre with. Dou't be in a hurry to buy your foot ear until you hare seen Clayton's nt,.k They have got just what will suit you in (iiality and price. "Tu ntLeraacalo-it"-thefaiuiliar party- cry inny bo applied to microbes a* well as lo men. The germs of disease that lurk in the blood are "turned out' by Avtr's Sama| anlla as effectually aa thro' J I ostmasters are displaced by a now ad- minis' ration. Shooting match A shooting match will be held on the premises of the undr- Higned, lot 161 and 162, Artemeaia, on the Toronto and Sydenham RtuJ. 1J uiilee south of Flesherton, on \V, ,1 neslay, Nov. 27. A large quanti y of turkeys and ether fowl. T. HuUhnn.ni M.ipy people, when a little constipated, make the mistake of usinst saline ordnMic purgatives. All that is needed is a mild doae of Ayer's Pills to restore the n-^nUr movement of the bowels , and nature will <1 i the rest. They keep the system in pi-rfoct order. Artistic millinery \V- lead in >t\l.-, i|iialily and low-cut juices. The lailu-a are still showing their appreciation of the high clas* iiovellieH at Mrs. TiimM.-'.i Millinery room, next d or lo R Trimble'* store. It was a forlorn looking party of beard- ed individuals who sat around, tho )>arl>er shop and trird to shave themselves on v .turday nijtht. Ben w: unwell and unable to operate for a couplo of il.t\ , but we are ^Ud to loam that LU inJis- position is not serious. One day last week a younj) man nam- ed Ottewoll, living in the north part of Oaprey, shot a deer in Barber's lake. After he had taken the ani:: .il home and hung it up some hunters from Thornbury came aUng and claimed it, saying they bad wounded it. Ottewell refused to give up and he was brought before a magistrate at JRaveuna, who settled the case by dividing the deer equally, eacb party putting up their own con's. The Owen Sound Times still publishes what purports to be the law regarding stray animals. Some time ago we anked the Times for its authority in this matter, but up to date it has nut replied. We be lieve tho item to be misleading and would again a*k tbe Times where it gets its authority for the law which it : ublishes ? R- T. Baskerville of Dulu-h has been elected president of tha I '.m, ( i Sutes ill the Congressional Club. Or course Rob can never actually become president of the 1'iiion as he was born in this blessed Canada, but ho can still . j high and u evidently looking upward. May his aspiration be realized. We desire to expreta our detp sym pathy with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blakel in the loss of their only son, a bright little Ltd seven yeais of age, by scar.e'. fever, after an illueas of less than three dy. It w as a terrib'y sudden blow. May the Borrowing parents be sustained in their affliction. The funeral takes to-day, Thursday, at 1 p.m. A bco waa held on agricultural ground^ n Wednsday of last week. About six-y (hi'.authro;>icilly inclined residents of the town and surrounding country went at it and plowed, leveled and stoned the ground, making a wonderful im; mei.t thereto. Suuie of the inexperienced in handling stones met witli slight .-uxi- douts,oue having hw finger burst ar in- other a finder bruised. In the ev.- ing Host Munshaw invited a number < from a distance toan elegant supper .luh u highly appreciated L. O. L. No. 1985 celebrated th- . i N 'Veosber in Feverabam. At ' . m the bretheren funned in marc' and mjrchfd out to Bro. R. Kern _ >u'a, whose health has not permitted to attend the lodite meetings f. year or so, he being over ! _ > . of age. When the brelheren return >wl supprr was ready in Mr. E. R . ai'a shop, and waa <rull patronized by ' !. tur rounding country. Tea being . a splendid entertainment was he the Jrange Hall. The chair was oc<: 1 by Mr. Thos. <Jamey, M. 1'. IV 1 iin- urarn got up for the occasion w .ml- class, conaiHting of songti, recitati - and instrumental music. The Rsv. ! ,-ate and Dr. Scott give tW" g'M| s; > lies. After th pni^rain was gone throng i ilie National Anthem was sung and . very enj'ijable time came to a clow. Al'i uugh the brttheren d:.l not cxp-ct t > add any to the funds, as the price whs only 10 and 15 cents, we understand there w I be about $12 to the good for the lou^e. COM. PERSONAL*. Messrs Hugh and Henry Taylor and Thomas Bell of Owen Sound attend i the funeral of the Lite Mr*. McKer- ; on Fiiday laxt. \lisa Myrtle Thnrston, who ha been the guest o/ her brother, ye edit> r, for the past two or three months, returned to her home at Kimberly last week. Mr. W. Armstrong, jeweller, is inTr- .ikii>g a two weeks' course in the optical institute. Tile AilvanceU extreaiely snrry to learu that for the punt month Mr. J. T. Clark (Mack) of Saturday Night, has been con fined to bis bed wiih typhoid fever, but it gives us much pleasure to add that he is i ring rapidly and expects to be able to enter upon hi* duties again thia week. A Great Home Paper. Toront<vturna out some excellent home ami general newspapers, but none that is superior in any respect to The Weekly Gh.be. The <llo enterprise w well known, nml its reliability as a ; information has always been its proud distinction. Noriinadian journal devotes more upace to purely Camulian topi.-s, nor deals with CivnadiMi nf'ttiis n>'>ro fhtrly nor morn thoroughly. Every Canadian h'<me ia the better for the weekly visit* of this great paper. Wedded at Mclntjre. One of thoe inrenmting events which send n thrill of excitement through the community took place on Wednesday. 30th ult. at 11 a. m. at the residence of Mr. avid Mrs. Cameron, when their daughter Minnie and Mr. Neil D. Mc- Donald were united in the holy bond* of matrimony by Rev. Mr. Hudson. Miss Maggie Cameron, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Donald McDonald, brother of the groom, was groomsman. The bride was beautifully attired in a cream crepon with ribbon and lace trim- ming. After the nuptial knot was tied tbe guesta, which numbered about GO, partook of a suUatauial breakfast got up in the most elegant style ot the culinary art. Just as the beet four descended the stairs, a melodious: wedding march waa played aud then after the marriage cere- mony and congratulations were over Mia* Binlie McLean stepped ''The Highland Fliiig"to such a delightful degree of per- fection, that it wasi greatly appreciated by all as this was what might be termed "A genuine Highland wedding.'' Vocal and instrumental music was rendered by a number of others also. About 2 p. m. rigs and horses, decorated wirh white rib- bon, were in readiness to take the crowd to Dundalk station, where .the happy two amid showers of rice and old slippers, went aboard the train to honey-moon in Toronto, Lindsay and Cresawell. Tbe remainder of the party left for home about 7 p- in. ,all seemm-/ - h*ve spent a most joyful tnue. The bride waa the recipient uf a host of handaouis wedding presents which spoke eloquently of the very high estee m in which she w held. Do You Want. Footwear ? Now that the wet season is on and Winter is approaching it is time tog t good, strong footwear. We can satisfy you in both style, quality and price. We have a large range of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS to choose from, at prices as low as the lowest. Call at Clayton's - Flcsrjerton Obituary On Wednesday, .. 8, 1806, at her late residence, Toronto line, Artemasia, after a lingering illm-sn burne with pat- ieat resignation, there pawed away Helen Rubertaon, widow of the late George McKenzie, aged 77 yean and 6 months. Deceased was a much respected resideut of thin township for upwards of 40 years, having come to thia county with her late husband and family in the year 1855, from th city of Aberdeen, Scotland, and after residing a short time in Hamilton removed l thia township when it was little Letter than a wilderness, spending nearly three weeks i'ii the journey from t't llin^i..,d with ox reams to their cabin home in the wooda where ahe experience'! all the trials and aysged in all the battle* iucideut to pio- neer life. She was ever ready to minister to those in sickness or troutl.-. there being scarcity family in the neighborhood to whom iicr aisiMance aud ympathy did Dot ex- tend. ID early life 'be gave her heart to jod, and has since teen a member of the Presbyterian church, .-ilihough fur some years paat she baa leeii unable to attend uUic worship, bat apprecited very much the asaiduDua atteiitions of her pastor, the Rev. J. Wells, II. A. Everything rxxsiblo for her comfort waa done that her loving family ieuld eooorive, by wh in she will be much mianed. .She leaves a grown up family >f six daigbturR aud two sons. The daughter* are Mrs. D. Taylor and Mrs. T. BeJlof Owen S,iund, Mm. T Pearson of \V.i,]iii,^run slate, Mrs. Geo. Little- Johns i.f M.irkdnld and Miaa Susan and Miry C. wbu reside at hume. Thr V.IIH are R-derick, * ho a'so resides at home, tnd T. R. ..f tho3id lino. Tlis fu:.ernl on Friday afternoon to the r : * If^Clearing Sale Having decided to clear out my entire stock I will otfer you goods at the following discounts until all u sold: 15 % off Mantles I ."> to 20 ' off Tweeds tt % off Boys' Overcoat.'. IL';. utf Boots A Shoes tf Youth's " 20"' off Dreas Goood % otf Men's " 50 ^ off Millinery 20 off Furs Groceries away down Teas worth 30c for 25c , Tomatoes 8c. per can, Black Pepper 12c. per lb., Christie's Biscuits L'.V. per box. All other lines equally low. Dou't fail to call and get bargains. N.B.-A11 book accounts must be settled by Dec.l. cemetry, Orange Valley, as Urge, nutwttbstand ng the incleoieut wvailier. t'.ve ste.im-. .shave uviie nn the rocks this season in ! >er St. L>--rnc.. The Markets. I'arcfnlly Corrected t:-h < uu .... Peaa Butter . . Vesll .. fo 40 to '.'.'I in .' 15 to 30 to 4V) to tl:iy per t< >ii 16 00 to Bista 3<x to Shcrpskilis :.'."i ta [eee 4 to Tnik.-ys. ... 6 to Cl'.ickei-s per pair.... JO '*> (> i ', . berpnir 40 to Wool 17 to L'4 u II 30 tfC 15 W 3(X. -:. s 6 30 60 20 Our Clubbing List ih : corn. .ur readers who sli to scure more than one p.iper we ve mado tbe following clubbing arrange meiila : Adrnc-n<l T' rmto m. rniiig V. rM. daily t2.56 Aiivanc-- and Mi.,.:ieal Star ... . 1.80 Advance ami b'annini.', the new f.iin..-iK' ni:kt;:tzi.\ii 1.80 Advance in 1 Y >u:lis' (''>iii;>4tiion (new) 2 .V> ou and Ua:ly News n 1 80 Advance and Weekly Mail 1.40 Advance and Kann aud KimeitW....- 1.40 We can also give reduced rates on tnnny riodicaJa not namexi in the above list. Let us kuow what you want. Time Table. OOINU soi-xa. Markdale 6 40 a. IB. 4.40 p. m. Fleahcrtoii 6.&3 a. m. 453p.m. ui'iNu NORTH. Flesherton 11.48 a. m. ''.17 p. m. MarkdoU- U 04 p. m* JO p. n-. T. Hill Flesherton TESTIMONIAL Air. D. Blair : DEAR SIB I am pleaaed to stite that the can I bought from you gives me entire satisfaction. I believe it to be as easy to rule in a* a buugy. The sliding seat If a great advantage a* it can bo made in niuient to balance with either one or two persons, aud I can recommend it to any person wanting a tint class c.irr. JuHN<'LIM N O O O OOOOOOOO We have THE SNAPS := /n T Qoods Men's heavy union si .irts aud drawers, 69c. per sn.it ; men's extra superior all wool shirts and drawers, f 1.04 per suit ; men's Scotch til wool shirts and drawers $l.S:> p.-r suit. These lines, also many oth- ere, we have bought at a big reduction. At the above prices you are buving for les* than tlie usual wholesale prices and for lesa than many retail merchants have paid for them this season. Wool in higher this year than last, yet oar prices are far below the prices of last year. All wool 51b. blankets, $1.71 per pair. Ail wool factory tlannel.'-.^ cts. per yd. Grey flannel in all qualities at all prices. Come and save yonr $ by baying at Calhoun 's. Ol'NDAI.K - . C - - a 5 ; a z : P. S. Remember that the above prices include presentage. o o QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOCOOOOCOO Excelsior . THE FLESHERTON Furniture , . . . . . Warerooms Have al.vays aimc'l high, hut f-^r this full's trade w are aurpa.i*ing all previous efforts, and net* hstanding that there la a general advance of from 15 to i'.> <<u nearly all classes of furniture, especially ou tho better grade*, we have purchased our fall conls at nenrly tho old prices, which we shall continue to sell at our uaual close rat for this month of October. That means you can buy thin month at the old prices. For all kinds of Furniture, Kitchen Necessities, Dining Room Specialties, Parlor Luxuries, Bedroom Comforts, or Nursery Conveniences, all at rock bottom price*. J. E. HOORE - Flesherton FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER PICTURS FRAMING * REPAIRING CHEAP. NKAT * QUICK

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