THi FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Mli< , <>1 uEO. MITCHELL wouldn't go. lliti.i.^li tho .-lemeiiis siiould .v. It, mis evidently an Kngimli pig. Finally Mr. Wilson wa ,.hln;..l '.. Inu-li up IIIH w.igon, The Advance staff 1 ' . Vicinity Chips. 'it:ra-frri*tir , of (lie Past W-ek 4 :irrfnlly Culled for the Cnrxvns. 'ill i-h-irji'il n! Hi' r.ifV <>f !" i-r < .1 r*.'.r'"m in'/i /> 'irtrji <*r ucrr. Township (' unoil will wret in tl.c Town Hill on Monday i-ext. Nov 4. () i L jit will fat lie!,! in the Methodic churrh on Sm.ilay next. The 'leer sii,.iitinn '1.1 to in. r i .A. Friday, and continues for :ienil>er t .onenit at the m <>ii the evening of XOT. 5. A i>ood time nriy I* e\ All parties having fowl to sell stioii'd I* .r..-rilian \\ i ilnf-dny in ' . lii'_'li,-M 'PI kiua, .l.ii,n Uiiiittuillrr, F: Mi- V M Uj ;. wan iizi-l with .-i f.t.11!. - and bruunu !' f<-' C' v t!,.it i >, will ho',l ay o\er t!,u c. unity f.irawli'U? ei.i) one should h-ive n ruM'elH .ilid ..-. ..' will kri v and aiin, a lit ,.f th hn pre- wiiin A livavy down- |i -nr . f riiin i ' iy and Tuesday, was a ',::_ MI town ou TjemJay, although sleiuhiiiK was p,,,,r. T.'! ' .*illi (Tow .'-il ll i ultli ll..) piny t tnufli |,li.ised "ho luy I u, shoes .Hid nililwriat Clnyt. -n lu many emeu, the firs'. W.M . :i;,.i, ilia - ' i..- effect* ..f tlie t.r'i.'i m. "lii-niiM that hv,. MI vain. It would bo * savin; ..( inno HiiU in ,m.y if cx|*riiuenlers took AyurS,vr si|,inlla at lirut nmtiMil of at Tho fallowing mterci<:iii<{ bit of newt in from the Clarksbni | ' "The Millies of Kitttllert m and llanovt r :uu |.,,!i,-e \ ill.i.;. s, AH.! on rut.. TIM.; either places y 'U cum .1 but think you iv in .in incorp .ratod town. They hv tlnir owu electric lights and all modern im- ji u \emeuts and their rate of taxation >- ict increased <>rid mill." \V know *hurof we affirm wlifn we -' i'e that .\yers Pills, taken pioni|>ly, at tliu firat syinp'. '.us of cohlx and fevers, .urrit further prouresn tliette dia and speedily restore the stomach, liver, .-ind bowtla tu thoir uuroml and r.gnlur action. Mr. Jeivmiah 1'ijiur, whoge death was o'lrunicled in last week'v paper, was a na- nve of Tyr.jnn, Ir.-Lnd. IK- i.-nne. to Can- ad .k in \HW, settling at Uoltun, whoio he remained uicht yenra, and the* took ii|> a f*nu on '.be west bxck line, Arienu^ri, wheie- hu rvi!!.-tinv(t with Ins sou. Mr. H.itry 1'iper, up lo tlio time of hitdt-itth. Mr. I'. per w;is a very strong and Mjjroua niitn all Ins lifo. scarcely ki.uwin^ hit kicknesx wu. Kor lli past two yuan there wuro M.MIS of failing heiilth, hut i CMIIIU unexpei'ttslly TIo sat l>y tli utove un Thursday .id n Saturdoy WHS .-title to w.ilk fi.'in .in.- roo.n to another v. nh slight ASMtatancr, I ut on Sun.Kiy m irnini; lu pasHni ).,.. fully aw.'iy. U hen tolJ by his daughter in- law en urdny that he would die, ha wild, "I! is :ill ri-lit." Talk ahuut the stuhbunnifiK of a mule! It ia no! in it wiili a good I. it Yorkslnro p:g. Butolier Mai k WiNnn \\m driving one. of th.* breed to the sliam)>las un Tuesday and wlimi oppiutt* iHis .'tins' it lay down and refused to proceed fmthrr. It waC'>a.\d, kicked, prodUutl, punohtd, shoved, rolled over, wlii|.)>ed, had its i.ul twisted, ill n. .se tweaked, I!M hnulen |. illeil. snd was lectured to in several languages, but (till ii calmly sat don, n nid eyud ill purmicutoiii with imnacilic . > . Jt woaldn't RO ' It aUolutoly i u. in-'- out .'uid I'Hkilnl Mr. yoi'ker into the wagon, ai.d lua pigship was driven , oil'. \\ e ntTer fiijoyeil a polk ch..p bet- I -d u;> . u \V ( ,li. os- day. I PERSONALS. Mr. I'xi^d of C'ntin npent Sunday with n, Mr. J. Ui-yd, of thm t^.wn. Mr. .tad Mr*. Lapp ,,f Hed Win.- apent Sunday with Mr. \V. Baruii.'U^,- Messrs, (ieo. Milcliell, S. Pedlar and ){. PdrtfuiiN left ..n the \Vodncday e> i-n- 1:1.^ train to join thoir p arty f..ra nuisko di-er hunt. Marri.U. Coxx In K.i|ilnKi. on i in-;., tit thit ic^i limcoof th.. liii I.- <fth- V U,: J Ua- . Mr Fmnk Harlnnii u( Sc Viii.-.-nt lo - . . .u. .iu btor uf Ur.Vun Conn Uird. BOLOEII In r.ii-..villH. on Sturi1v,'JBth inst.. i;ur. mod 1:1 MO:.' Mr. Ji,,.. A. li'm'k fioin Fleiherton n, turves into to* n this week, and will opHi: a I'll' Lei turn iie^s in the Me- l.iiyre i ' :. L'niUii. la^icw. It i* uinli i'.od tiial Premier Ft, well, > on a.i I Messrs. r' will (.'ini|,iiik>n next linn, th. Ainiiii'.i I'.'iinsvlv nna won $,")() liy di-inkii.g a <inar* t.f whukcy in an hour a li.iif. Tho uioi.ey was immo.lia'.'iy ex- ;,. d for Ills fill!, Til e\p iiKh M -:iJ, Ka. i.,s dead uncle's *ill h'f' IHIII m!v HI; "Id ti.ld!f, bu' later when his wifo f.'Ui.d #1.800 i" i. .,ii-y and a owednnay iu tU* n ^trumeti', a cliatf.'e came ..\ er t :i tlu- nei|(hl)..iK. VI, I' .1. >..-vr*. '.'nd IM , M. Hand. wan at work m a wl.en Ins little ,I,T .-in,..- ,.11; |.t him. Tin- child lie in^ l,., uul Imr, fiHited and the wind ,-old, Mi nt her home to u<-t her hat Hiul sh..eK on. and fimn that -.ent the little miu has nut .ti'eii and no tru ..... t her can be f'.ui.d. All liopo of the child .eii x\*t-ii up There ia altle s*!{ the front ,,f thu lot winch is .-on red wuh thick *ci nh c and other Inislies and through which a creok inns, and it i thouht that th,- child may lia\o st into that and laid I..-.MI in a ithelttired place and f il'.un ml. <]! iid there unc<lllclou^ly perished and her body covered with the s:i..w. An edii.'r who died of starvation making Dr. Titimer ashnmed nf hm.Belf, wa being escorted to I.eav-n ly an nti- 4-1 who had lieen .'I'lit out for thai |>ui- M t\ I l.Kik at the other place re we asc'-nd to eternal luppin. - "E.lly," wnd the amjel. So they went below nn. I nkiimishcd around, taking in the xigliiM. Tho angfl hint, tra,.k of the editor, ai.d went around Hades tu huiit him He found him sitting by a furmue fanning hiin-ieli and ua/.mv with rapt me up .n a lot of people in the lire. Theie a*aiuii on the which aid "Deliii(|i"Mit siilisi-ribers." "C.'ii.e,'' s i.l the angel, "We must be going." "You yo on," eaid, the editor, "1 in no!^. This i.t Hea\en eiioiitfli for me." A Remarkable Announcement. A brief parauraph CHII h inlly do ) to the ml. !(>; nii;at,no(iiceiiieBl which tlic Youth i ' 'iii| HI.I. n unvktafoi the c.jinini.' ye.ti Not only will aomunf the IU"t d li;hiful stoiy writers contribute to the paper, hut many of tle intuit emiifnt A'ateMiic.i. jurisUand acicnlisis of lie world. Nn t'ewer than three cal.ini" Ministe's are announced, am,. nij tin n, botng the Secietary of Agrii-ultiit. ^wlio choBc for a ul>joct " Arbor Day," the >-rl -brntion "f wlnuli he un^inate-l; .scre tary Ht-r'.n-it writes on "what tho pie Hldunt of the I'mtod SUte dot)S,"nd IAI-.V HokeSinirh on " Our Indian." In M l.tMiimlii'i: Ifioup ofHriiules u-tder the head of "How I aerved my apprun- ticeslnp," I 1% r*nk R. St.ickion tells ho* i ., l.ocaiuo an author, General Noluon A Miles givoa reitiiniiicetices of I. is army dy. and Andrew Ournei<ie recalls <-ril t struggles in Retting bminesa fuotmu Tho 1'uhlii.herH .,f the Youth's Compani. HI make the following liberal offor: New Hul>crilxjiH who will Kend at mice thoir i,nic and address and f 1.76 will receive freu a handsome four-paged caleHiUr for ISOO (7x10). hthottraphud iu nine- colors, tilt retail price of which ia i)0 cent -s tlie Companion frew every week until Jan- uary 1. l!H>. iheThaiikging.Uhratiaa ' and New Y oar's Jul>l number free, and. I thu Youth's Coinpaniii fifty-two week , i a full year to January 1, 1H!7. Addresa, i The Youth'* Conipaiiiuu, IM Columbus Avviiuv, l*ooa Eight mile* Houtli of Alluto i lives one, Jam** I* ii'.-s, who may be cliuwud as an old man, having more ih in entered int.i the second .I.'. M. le ,.f Ins second con- lury, an he is, acuordin.j in reliithle data 113 yu.'irs old. His friends have been waiting f.,r Ins death for the 1 ,xi fort- night, I ut on Friday of last week hu sur- j.n.-.-d tiicm all liy iiottin.,' up ami !IH\ ink! himself. When tint battle ,.f Waterloo was lotula ha was 33 years of an. In- doml ilurinx ilir ;- M-lliou of '9H lie could have hitinll.'d .1:1 Ir.sli pike, lieii'g then IU ye,ir-> old. il.- is old cii.nnjli to have seen Washington lirnt salii'ed . and f.itlu-r of In* country. He \\.ut won- derm'.- thu other day if the |>riitt that bnplized him w;n al: t,-\' Say the reverend gentlKinan Wiis in midtli,, lif. wli>n the ix-li^ioiisccrem my perform ed, he .,,u!,l be only 103 yetra of age i"-'. and a greater cnri'.K.ty than our vuiiurablu sudj.-ct, Mr Duioss But the chances are l.lie |.nst 1ms lonu aincu .Mine t.i hu ul.Miiul reward. llei^id Time Table. Mtl.'TH. Mai k dale - 40 a. m 4.40 p. m Klesherion - li 53 a. m. 4 .".:! p. in COIN,; NORTH. hh-sherioii 1 1 ^ t. m. f>. 17 p. m Maikdulu U ill p. m. :v:;o p. in Cash forOld Stamps. " "iic .-i nt iii liiiinli-.'il lo.l ,rs .-H h for old < ' uisdia .< isHUfd pr." -70. Some 1 - i .. - , -io hat,- Inuli va'nos. L,,oii over youi nl,l lei -ers an I hrinu ur suud enTtb>^*w ii p tlun olli | in i ,;,( ,-,s|| for them. They nuisi lie in g..(Kl la HI,, i . stamps ol tlie pieuuut lasue alao purcUjRcd lh.: 100. House and tea acres to Rent "'tit ll<l*TUt< water, wtu., UUM inn f MILS Eugenia Mills AND-- Cam'age Works. J images made and Repaired, aUo mil Miitching, Band I lag, Wood T'i"i:in^ . t every des- 2-tption ' hndO un CUnfy jjd.)iie wiuio you wait, for tb" ver turiid ttjo wiiuel. T.W WILS>\ Nanacrr Did l '. II. I.l. |ND ni'ItH.VM STA.. ti'o liui.i - 1 11^'' ! iivtm KU^h.'ii ,>n SlutHHi l ' 1 " I .; p. Ml I' ,-Mllf "la--, - IV. m. r. t n: nni^ at '.i, '.' vill* sixl , i tit; Diiit-fttn, . tiuul tun. l.ivi-n in ueit- t urdan iu> b toft ftt eithei A. c( VI I.r.Y. IT.,;. f K \ . . ft ^- ' . , ji a Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKUfO Ayer's Pills I was troubled K Icnu tlnw wKh sfrk hoitdaobe, It \v;is nsuslly ntromiuiiiii-.l * lih sov.'rt* puins In ih'- Mn|ftlB, aatoM of nilliwM ti'iul'-nuMs hi one o\, a t>;ul !:[ tn iy nmuih ttxirrue cnalml, nur.ils find ftx-l e,hl, and sickness at dm stoniiiea. V !i,-. I 'i tf.nt.1 many reoHNHes r<,uunnr,le.i for IUM ovniplajDl; built waau( until 1 Began Taking Ayer's Pills that I r*<<c4Tixl *utiM<r ttl!<> perma- nent l-enelit. A sill, !lr IMH HI tlictc pills i.'lit :lie work l"i mo. Mid I .in ti.iw Irfo from lios'tiielirM. ;m.l ft well mull," t'. II. Ill Tin IN. :s, Kmit Auburn, Me AVERTS PILLS Awarded Mtodal at World ' rlr Do You Want. . . . Footwear? Now that the wet :;cnsi,n is ,,n and Winter IK approaching il i tun, good, strong footwear. Wo can siif.nfy you in lio'li style, .pialit v and | : W have a large range of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS to choose from, at prices aa low as the lowest. Call at < 'h iv ton's - Klcsh( -rt i >n T. Hill Wishes to Announce That be has uow iii stock fur tlio fall tnulb a largo si ck of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods Suitable fur ull eludes of pcopn- A nice ausortmeut of M.iutl. uiau muko, bcuiiiiful fittiuj,' garments. Dou't fuil to ^'ct (inc. For Gfiitlptneu'd st!itin>>s, suporior iu quality and patteni. Alno fine Worsted Coating and Trontii-rinna. OVERCOATS: Men's, Youths' and Boys' at close pn. CAPS : \Vi can ^j.-o yrm cups for 1(1 rents ami upwards. One car loud of Suit on hand. One cusc of lutcon sweet Call and see oa. T. Hill - Your custom solicited. Flesherton TESTIMONIAL Mr IX Hhiir: OSPREY, SEPT. 23. 1805 DKAK SIR I un pleaaod tu ttit'.tt that the o*rt I Isiught Iroin rne enure sulisfscli. .n. Ihtlii-xeit lo he as eHy to ride in aa a I Inlinu K ''!i' is it KrvMt adviiiita<{e as it can ho made in < inoiuuiit io balance with either one or ttt,. peimniK, uud I can ret ..... niieiid it |>er*oii wunting a lirst. c!:us e-irt JOHN CLINTON. OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOc We have =: THE SNAPS := /n (joods Mi-n s licii\y union ul.irU and druwei-H, (iOc. |x-r suit ; men supt'i'ii'f nil woo! slnrU and drnwci'<. gl.04 PIT suit ; mm ( Bootcfa nil wool slni'ts anil drawcrn $1 :i:) p-r suit. Thirsc linen. H!KI) in-uir erc, we liavo hon^liL ut a hi..; reduction. As, tlie above pricos yn ;in> Inixiiii; for li-ss than the yuital wlidlcsilr piicus and for loss tlmn many ictail iiicrcliaiiUs liav.- paitl for tlioin lliin HCHSCII. Wool- i i liij,'in r tliiH .. :n- tlmn la.-t,. yet our pj-ie ..s are far below the pricoH of last * All wool 51b. bluiikcls, $1.74 per pair. All wool factory tlanncl. _'.'{} cts per yd. Giry tl iniK-l in all ((unlitics at nil prict'H. Conn- and save your 8 by buying at Calhouu's. * VLHOV'XS Pl'XUAl.K P. U. Hcmcuibcr that the ab.wu prices include oooooocoooooooococoocoooooo I ( .. Excelsior . , THE FLESH ERTON Furniture . . . . . . Warerooms Have always aimed high, but for tins full's trad* we are surpassing all pnitmiu olforts, and not.wn hatandiiuj thiil thoru IK n u'enornl adv-i'iov of from !."> to 2ii on nearly all classes of furniture, especially on tho belter i<r,idos, we have purchnsAd our fall goodii af nearly thu (dd prices, which we shall continue to sell at, our usual clow rl. -s for this nionlh of October. That means yo'ti can buy tins month at the old prices. Kor all kinds of Kiiri.iinie, Kit, lien NoceMittes, Dining Room Special! ion, Parlor Luxuries, Hudrooiii Comforts, nr Nuntery Onn\ ui.ienciex, all at rock bottom prices. J. E." HOORE - Flesherton FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER PICTURE KH vMIMi & REPAIRING CHRAP, NEAT A QUICK.