Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1895, p. 4

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TH1 FL18BIRT ADTAHCI KDTAHUHHKU 1881 I BLIHKKIi WISELY AT THE OFFICE. HTB- I XII AM .1TKCIT, FLKHllKKToM. OMiT , V W. II. TlirK'TOS M per aiiim ni.Nl r irl I) In ;uli an. A civet Using Kates: OBI Coin ma. 1 ynsr, f .V) ; half col.. 1 year, **I quarter uul , on* year, 116. Transient advertisement cbarnavl a* the raU ( I cent' pT line for fint ineerUon and 3 centu each ub.*iiunt iriMition. lion. Mr. Laorier i making a "tii- umplial" political tour throughout Ontario, lie spoke at Mark ham on Friday* and at Lindsay on Monday. Juat how mufli triuiiijili there is will be better known after next general election. These triumphal tours of the political leaders often turn out to be a kind of ante mortem fuueral procession with a mask on. There is a rumor niloal that Mr. Greeu'vay of Manitoba 19 about to exchange courtesies with the Do- jjiuiuu government by accenting con- trol of Manitoba crown lands lor concessions on the school question. We trust this in not true We liked to believe that it was a matter of honor with Mr. (in cnway not to cede from the fiosilioii he had taken, and we alno liked tu believe that the Bowe'l governniMtn had mifticient backbone to eitl-ei s'.uud or fall by it* ultimatum without having to purchase Th Duke of M;ti iixn in^'li ix ai prcacnl in New York con.|ilciin<; arrangemenU for the puruhaxe of a Ur^e ulice of Vi. Vaixlcrbilt's veaith in lieu of onl'i-i i n^ lu-i disliu- gnishcd title upon the Vaud>-rbi t family, by adding dnchi-s* to MI-- CotiHiirlo \ atiilei bill's plain, every <hy American cognomen. The oihci il.iN hiri highness the "juke ' was arrested aud brought bcforu the New York police court for counting on a bicycle duwn one of the Htrtbls iu Central Park. He was let off with a warniii|>, but the incident sent a cold shudder through his royal blood, a 'id he IK cven>said to bav blistered with his fiory language the [lolicciuun, the court and all Atnciican ciiizcns who (UM>I calmly by atul viewed the CIICUK. Should the duke remain m \mencii much longer it is feared the demo* oratic ideas prevalent tberu will be too unieii for him. Fur Tin Jdmncr. Way Down In Tennesue v which impede* naviga- tfiii aliniMt bftrun iiiilri. Mid which c. n iitut* tlit chief liarrior to the paeaaueuf the largest b>al* to Chattanooga, a dis- tance i if nearly 000 niilrs frum faducah, the value of auch a grand water course, brinu almost incalculable. True then) re smaller olmUcle* nf a aiiuilar uaarac- t. i. but with the chief our r*n. .vul bat a short nine and Hin.il! amount of numny w.iiil I auttice tn ohlnernte the balance. Aa Imi). ago a* IM2H diijtresH acknow- edged the iicccamly nf a canal around 'muscle ulioeJn" a>id authorized an nani- inaiioii and luniii<n ol the prohibit) cott f one t" connect the deep waU*r a' Klor- i M. > with the unolwtiudrd channel above tlu- >lii>al. Examination, mirveys and >t iii.tt * went ci'iicludi'd and nubinittt-d in Murch, 1H31, and approved by Con- H, which .i| pi' i" i iti d four hundred thousand ci ei of ilie public landl "f Ala Kama. proceeds of th- bile of winch to be applied t.i the construction of the canal a* far a* i'ie -mo *o realized would auttiee. Tin! amount r<-alixed Max fnui.d insutb cieut t" accomplish whit WH* proposed by i lie Krnt plai., and Hubttequcnt Ifgiala- tuiii ehnrKed without u.ipToviiiK it.itppar- e" p u. a small additional yet in- uth i.-ni a|i|iro|Ti.ttiiiii wan made. The k WH* |ii<. cnted dlligelltlv, faithfully and homjm y, and in July, 1830, water wan ot intu thu canal, which was, a few mi" thft la: IT. (>|*fil-d " nitvig'itiitfi, the canal lMi'j lx>ut 14^ miles lonis and UO 10 70 f i. wide at the water surface It wn fora lime er, i.>ely uned, Lui the ot'ji-i-lii'Wi ibat were l the tiino I.IMI! agmn^t the chan.'ed plan were found i-j 'H- null vrouiidod Hii-l 'Kit the iiltacle* atnivu and below th- CHHH! ciused the de li-inion of many It-'atn after they Imd p-ta*- td ihriiugli it until rie in the river wnu d tlile i I'l-ni inn. At onu Hint 1 us miny ai \.i.ty H.-it UIB liiaded with i-.. Hull Were ilet.tliliil al "Little Musule Sli' l" utter |Mamu down thruU'.-h Ilie canal, an. I at lli NUIUI 'i.ne a Hfiunlioae ot iii.e hundri-il ion* limdeD, n.lri.ileil I.T the up,.er river irn.te, wa wailing a'.ixc ill'- canal f T WH'or HuHioient to i in iy it uvi'i i lie o .-trii -ti'iiih at that end nt tlie dilhrnli y. T i tillHIICial ti"i|l.|e nf 1K>7 H |> ohiliiio I inn :nli'i..iiil H|i|in> in niloii f T l!ie want "f wlneli further i in pi i>i eiiirntn w i-t .- hv^sssmaffl*^ ali.initm'i*il after .m e\|n-nil>tu'e "f li"iit 1700.000 Tlii- loi-k nii'i- pitieil and f-l' t" (>!.-, dam* acTinn" cierk* waahed awny, the CAII- :U h.-il I., . une li'le.l will seiinneiit, and I Mini iiml ilmisli Kp|iro|irmli(I thu liHimT fiiui of docks and m.i- 'inv Ap- propria'ion'* hate tmen iim'le >iure i lie wu and c .nanlerab e urk done, hut i nl i.iiM' IIAVH *<i com rnlleil thu tiiiniipoita- tion liuxiin MH of i In- i "Un'ry th.it the nn > irtance of the tva'ei h tchny* m Mot yiv n the lliulljlil It 'S l-lltill. .1 to. The liter i HUTU the k'ute a' 11 dilln 'mi .ty. Ti nn , ri'i*ii'i{ lmosf ilne imrth tdacabi Ky . wheie It dnicliargCM it* ilnl ii. nine i.| wati r into II. i) Ohm. whicli may writ be |ir iud nf the liberal That tli TrniiiMi-e river m the nnt /Ufnciorjr uf the uaviifkhle Ireninii of the country it |{neral!y conceded by nv or men, and iu U-auty U acknowlmlxe<l by all who have enjorrd a trip on JIB UMOUI. Sufficient water fi>rt ho duinin<l!i i-f the largeat river |< ki-t can be nln il u(i'Mi fur tun muutha in tlir yaar, and the niildiiMS of the wintttri nl>nii( it* enlirn oura* MCurM IU immunity from i. blockade* Ktovpt up.ni rare mtrrvala of abort duration, the current in not tuf- bciently nt.ruiiK to prevent UDtiingi from heinK eawly maxtk, MK! it* eonditumit are aliii<<et prfct for SOO mil bvtwe* Klorencu, Alabama, Ami it* niouth at Paduculi, Ky Thare boing no railmod '.ni- paralleling it* course, traimprta- tiiin of mrrohaniliao, produot, paar* ier< and mail* ii deiwndrnl alnunt eutiroly up. -n the wvcnil pex-ket linea that ply tin ir trad* mi it* *urface. True, the riv er is crimed at Daiiftvilln hy the MoinphiK Smnch of Hi* I, A N. It. It., at Johnnon ille by the N. C. & K . I, K. I!, and that Fernavllo in the prtxiai t ** 1 1 n lerininiK of tint Ti mi. Mialaud railway, but iln-u Inira all contribute to *n<l .'ire from the n IT packota their quota uf freight and piUM-nnrrii. Teaihin; puinla i il |>Kckt lamlinx* ixxuroveiy fow nnlfii. TliKfa'inifii nisli vury c<uwiiJerablefrii{lit from tlitnr pinduc'H, and during the |*t 'ow ymr* lr,<.' i|iiantiliu of timber pro iluvlN have fuiinil ilixir w.iy to noitliern nnd wcrtriii nuirka!* hy the mil if tliin in tunilijfi'. natural liii.'lray Tin* pas unier buitmriei i I y n > niraiiH ini)(Miii tant, and a trip in nltnmt any of the rt(,t, ull |i| Oil t<x|, well ]>:oi i-n.in il aociall^ nlbutiri 4 )H>MI* in thu apring anil fall UK M (in i.l the >rar aill In- plvaanutly rviiii-ii-.hernl for many after yrars. A bore Florence the Tennoanoe m nadly cl'iiructed by nutuernui ihoalf, notably i ', I'lovical reteaichfi* allow lli.it in by.' .inn- K./i-ii no arm of llie (tulf if Mexu- . iei'di'l I... tlm.'i'd tlir'iii-.'li Mitniin I'l.i.n'y. ilopii*its of niHriio' te . nun, nucll a* oys'i r i-hfl s. shiirk locth, m-d cm ils verlaul wiili silt. IM- i'^ C'incluiv e*l deuce of the eitence ol H ahore uf a aa!t water gul'- l/ri! ImditM of el.iv inter n v d wit'i a ,;r". hiih i.r.'l ,il> .niidili'.' Ill fuaail ilie IB. hen ftoh du)(. ilialie* a fair fi-rlili/er, iMirainii . " >\ >>. Inn ti-.i |iutn'it n'i ol |.|ioti|ilioric nil ami |.i>iunh. Tlie Mid of II u i. n County n..iy be cla-aed UK j,; mil. Iud and imlillVri-iil; a piili in one inilo in width, riii.nii.^ [xrallcl with the river IMI the weM -luV.M p, lil.vk. productive noil ; another iiii|i lymi; parallel with, and still went of *, I* iwndy. cld and un .cmralilt) ; anu the aalne eau be >aid of the nlopuK and un UtnU winch are Kencrnlly lirokt uand cov- ii-il by heavy growth of cHvk and |'ine timber, t >n tie eaMt mdi> of the riM'i (In- noil uf the creek boh. in* i> 'ii-it i.ilh lime i.ne, and the but thu o nnty iiil.riln, notably the Init m s of Indun C'ru k, which cover an augie^nte of alamt twenty ||iiaiu onle*. The npl.n.da are ueiivrnlly t bin and unproductive, mil nroilill In iv ily timbeieil, ulihouitli I'.unng thu past few year* large ipiuntitini of white and cheatnut oak have bcon mniiufiu'tured i no nilro.ul t.e and luppe.l in noitliern .mil weatetn ro;nl. Largj qiiantiue* of tan bark are aupphed by the chentuut <mk* which grow vhiefly un the iidi(u land. A few mile* e.iat of Savann:ih thwre is a l.i.dy of flat laud coveting probaljly forty aouare mile*. ha\ing a white and yell un tubaoil, and which mu'l.t bo ai barren*, although p< ut ion* of il yield fair ri..|i when tir*t cultivated ; but its feiiilMy i* xion eiliauattxl. The chief product* of ili" county are corn, eutt< wheat, pea iiutn.sweel aiid Ir.ah poiatuea, the very beat bottom latida nocamonally y ii-ldiiiK 70 tu 80 bu*. corn and 20 to 30 inii. whuat, althnuuh l.i'.e freohvl* aie liable tu ret;r.l H..WIII/ or to d mia^-ii the Kr.'Wiiiu crop of the 1*1 ter to luch an rx unit aa tu seriously reduce th average of the county, wbinh will probably nut e\ ced tun biiHbi.la per acie. Ilett cutton lundi, eapucnilly Mud Crouk, MHIU linn s jirndu. o a* much a* I'JtM) Iba. we.d cotton per acre, alilmugh th average in liable to be one half that umo'int 01 lrx~. A| plm, peKchea and plums do i-xr.-llenily well, the latter n i In u\.: liniibleil with curculio. Null, black berries ami raaber- rie are found wild in abundance, and nuiac (lino* in profusion and nf auporior quality ii'ii'iiinl III the river button*. Thu farm* of thin comity ir.< venprally anull, proliaMy onu half not txcnuding hltyacre* ach. Ltudi ranni) in pricu ftom 92 t< $AO per aero, improved Uiidi lent finm 93 in |*> pur ai:n<, ca*h, or one lliird tin crop when t Ui) ruiitor furnmliM hn own teuns, luola, eed, etc., or for ono-hal when the land nwnui fiirnubua all. The hort, mi'd winteiH *<irve to inuk* ilie cost of keeping tin k uf all description* light 11 ! Imd th.-ir own l.ving Ic.r^ely in the wx Ua. fuel ernta but little more than the labor of preparinit i* The peo- ple are induatriou*, iiitlltgot,hiwpiuble and gladly welcome industrious iinmi- urauu. Farmer* of aniall meani could do oiuoh xor.i.- than to locate in iinrdni County. The population of the county in 18UO was 17,0!t8, an mcreaw of about GOOO m twenty yuats About onu eighth are colored. Savannah, tbecounly teat, hat a population of about 1000, an in- crease of fully one half since the war. It i* the Urgoat town in the county and i* a buallinx, thriving vilbtve, Kxutted on the TuuneMee river. It d. pmd* entirely on the packet line* for i's imports and export* and has no ambition for railroad accuuimodationa; in fuct.but litile,if any, encournuuiiient kan nvrr bei-n ' tl r 1 to enterprise* of that kind. Large tjaanli- tie* ol timber productH are thippcd fiom this point, tu, Htaveand lumber dealer* vieing With uach other in Handling then renpectue cmniiK ditiea. The fair ground* nf Savan.iali were tir.il improted in 1859 hut were dntnyod by Kiii.'iil aoldier* durioK the war and rebuilt in 1872. Thd other villagi-H of the county are ilamliur^, Saltillo. Itoyd-i. EcuiHMuy, Luwryvil| ( y' Monticvllo and N.-Ui.i, all Kin.ill but c.'oiiuiiiiii.i one or more si oreH. Tha aauguinary battlefield of Pittsbuiklh Landing will alwaya Ite the mournful hutoric event . f Hardin County, and no one can Rpend an tiuur amiMiK the recoid* of it* dead without heaitfelt rn^iet that Mich a terrible nacri tice uf i ho in. blent, bravest lilood 01 ilie nati n wa here wanted without -utlicunt excuiv f,, r the low of one lirop of it. Ured of (j.-iin, poiincal aMpiratimm, IIIIK- laken fanaticiam, ae^tionMl prejudice und peiaonal ambition aie responsible tor the tvrrilile ilauitbter. \\hi-n tlie river leave.i Hrdin County it ttec'iine* the boundary line lietoecn Uecalur on the went and Peny on tl.e MW. ReMidanla of Decatur claim it one ol th lie*.!! ineai c-iunrieg of tin- Ninlu and probalily they are riuht.with exception of ili-.ne p uti n. of the river ln.ti.'iii t.lial I* liable to overflow, c.>U8ini< a nupuntliund BU o of mirtSina that U never conducive health. Wi-Mt uf tin- river tlie toil IH )*rk, rich and productive, a |ioriioii of hv land 1* aul.j vi I" overll'.w lull Rome .1 the Irlgh linda are tlie in t ferule of theataie. The*e blutfs ran-.-u wiih the windin.n of the river, the distance from the riit-r ln ^ aliout one mile. ih..u-.'h he valley la an in.i.'h us to milek wide n placet. \Vi-*t of thene bluff* m higli, diy limn- Inn s uoi " rich ami pnxln. t. Vf a the |O;M., valley ai.d Uiitmii laixU. The county H.-I. D-vatui ville, him u pop- ulnti'i'l of ubiiut 300 .ill I is MMMs) on a ye ki.own :i the ""lii boie line ''winch extends uor'b Hint f uib tlirou^b th" count) ; we-t of ihu rid^e to the county ine tl.e Ian I it gi-i.er-illv unnily, in. I ow uul re.ii.-o.iblr pri'dur:ue wi.h a rather rnu> yelluw c'ay NU)> toil Corn i the i hief i'i' du.'t of the low landa. the i.ji ai.it- l .11^ Letici iidiptid '" Ci'l'on and win-it. T!IU h.ll lai.d proiluje gnoti clo- ver and wliuu fauly bti|i|ili- d wnli tand lerda i-i .HI ..ml |>uniil|i thrive. In n.aov AiU of the iiMii.tv l.airen |M.t. ht'S i.f aev- ral a.i. - . .i. h will !> found tint are c 'iir.'/iM' I w i iiie'('K.M. proilU'.'Mit; notliillg Out a wi-y ^i'.i*a. T 't"tr > Ii M ;i w.iy l*ell I'.UM il t'i i"ii.- . \ i I,' II i- i ..I coll nle .'i! ,i | T' li(.iij.ucin|i. I'.i:' 1 .: !> umro corn i ,. iln e.l tli. in it n. i- IK! for Iton.e Uiie. I'lu-re n M II pli-trv > <;ab! inli. r in I lie count), tu !n.. i. It :.ir_-e i|ii.iii lit C* "f oak b.ue Ii. . II till I.H IMlllOHll tict dui-itix the I.AJI l.vu yen.x. Tlio T> mi M i'i in I riiii".i.l ii ii'..> completod wi-i'ti Menipht- all 1 !' r\ M!!I'OII the .i 1 1> i , cr 'H:II I'M- coit.i'y in un' n ni f -V c.r.n", iniUiir< I'errv- U' ijiti:.- nil lii'pmt.i il p.ilnt f.-r tbo n. i > e ': ti ;; it In I i i , n I'll* i ...i 1 ncs. ( r<> IM- ftntiuHrii.) Time fable. Weather Probabilities For t'.iis winter any eo!d weather. Bnt never mind, we're prepared for it. Come along and we will fix you up and make you snng no matter Low cold the wfaUier. Overcoats Suitings riantles Shawls Ladies & Gentlemen's Underwear r MM. M.I.TH. Mai VU i!u- 040 a. in. 4 10 (). in. Kii.V.vi <!. (i .VI . ni. 4 ."i". p. in. doiMi NORTH. HI Hl,oi.n -11 48 a. ui 0.17 p. m Ma.kd.lo IJo; |. in. il.au p. in. The Markets. r.in-i.ill) forrerlrd i:-h Wct-lt Although lhrr in p<i liny offurmit :i\ in. i i in thii dia-tnct, miprtiri fY M'hui! at b'fiu |>rr IOM. l,it ,-fk ths old I'l'.rs WHI* accidruMy x't| peit in :.fttr Ililt lilt; IfllialUMl "lit I'l 'll |i|>fr (iT ionic tin , and ente'jiinstly w* hail a him or nf 4 \vt.es lirii;xt<l upon u to wbi'rr hy cnuM Iw Ibititflr f- r .0 to $10 p. -r I in \V. r. fen.J ail 1'itisi'iial on i|inrii.i Kxl.'uLia in l'MfiiH!l tMciiunc iri-iglit nim w.'OJil limn >.. 1 1- sdJil t iliii Hay ftoiH ill it diatr ct 11, KH we hull- ii.ii. (. Hill* at flu at I 'in s'ntlnl I'uik Int. lint vi t lii-nii. in utrn- mi tli maiKdi, iiml w-ll >[" n I"* at (4 7J t.. 9 r >. I.IH aro Wiiii: tri-UL'1'l in in |Uiit.tia m. .11 il .in- Helling HI '.''! ci-ii'i. 1'iiuiin'S a. i' * ilrux "' t ' 1 " i'1'ii kct al l-i -M,'. ihu liitfhi'itt |-rici | a ci HIM put I*K uiiil few wmilbU uvm at that. Hour c:< to . Dress Goods . . ttncl . . OMI IV. I* HuiUT , froah rVrk J* v. 48 ti> I-' i,. 13 to 30 to 4 7R to llav pur tun ...... 1500 to Hull- rh* pnkiiu Turkey* ..... ...... Chickrita per pair ..... Duck* btr pair ..... Wool ............. SOOU 26 to 6 to 8 u, :.'&'.> 40 to 17 to 48 18 1 1 OQ 1500 300 8ft 6 ( ;u 60 X> Hosiery & Gloves I'.in't fuil to see oar NOBBY SUITINGS Boots & ^ <;hnpg )nr stock of those gomh is very coin il if, compiismx all lints ot Men's. Women's. Hoys' oil-Is 1 and Children s llootK and bhoes. We cau fit atul suit anybody aud everybody. Prices cut Very Fine B. HcDONALD WRKHIT'S OLD STAND BQQSB and Lot For Sal., For iaJ* chop anil on canv torana IB Fthr ton. S|,ln ti.l farR, vollil brick dwclhiiK. wnU [otxl at in* cellar, t*umroer kitchen aod wood- IUUKA, alK> good frame viable, brick lined. tinle contain* twolarRe lota aud Rood young un n&rd, l>"t!lii|| Hou and outbuilding* ar* bxi:0|itioiiilly well nnlnlied and very convent- nil v laid out. Apply to K.J Farm lor 8al 8p'n<tiil y improved fsiin for asje la the act- 1 1 liull Kiowii'K iilnlrk-1 of Kui'h ju. beinr ot IT Iu the Slli con.. containlii 100 wres. all hut right acies under cultivation. Hrlck .-i.- eored r-- hirnce. Kooil bams and outbuitillnga. A meal liti^siM. For terms, tto.. aditree* or call on the owner. R. GiuuT, Bppinf P. O. Came Astray. Cmnw tolhn prrni'iont'f the nrdeulfned. lot 90. cob. 10. Arteine la, on or atiout AUKQ*I let one yearling heifer. Tb owner ia requMtoi to prove property, pay eiperiui* ami take lame away. HT|'HKN Uov, . O. HOTICE n. R. & co. TO WHOM IT HUT eoucmi* : 1 hi reli> intify rhat the report* In circulation in rehear! to bbu tatuperiuii with itillkbv Mr A. Tuckur ftre alfcoKethor nittleadinf . I nave *J- waya foun.l I. in milk In a pore atMe, and except lh fun anmll offence wbleb li (iveo rlae to artoet liliclluuM talk Vhfro.liAn uol beeu lbt> least cauno uf complaint. J. O. afaiaaUU.. Oheenmiker, Drotnor* P. O. Farm For Sale, Lot 11, eon. \. Oeprey, containing 100 aere*. U aerei elearcil. |>roparly belonge to the eatate of Ibe Ute 7k>na llit<arkt|t If or price and l.i ma pply toa.jy of th nn.leriiia^ieil exocutore D. K. ItlRXTON Jaa. UlH aiN laaiwtllPO. W.H uvi STRAYED. We are Bliowing a full line of . . UNDERWEAR Grey Ribb.-d Shirts and Draweic. 28c. each, uo.- the suit ; Grey llii.lmi ih-avy L'liniii Diswers, 4i>c. each, 75c. ilie"siiit ; All Wool liibbid Dia\wi- 5t.'c. inch, 'J5c. tli'' s in ; E&tia Su.iei Wool Diaweis, 6oc. each, fl.-j ti.c suit. I J veer eld ter, red and white. Mind * one ;e, UitJftrier wlUi aneafly apring of I'M cejf inoitly ri-il, bora astray over two month* Any liitiii mall ni as to tt.clr wltrrmibouu will b thankfully icoeived by tlie ownor, f. T. C>aa, KiifleoU P. 0. Game -Astray Can* to the premises of the unlrnmnJ 'lot 13, ooa I*, Os|>ry. about July 1st, ono >eao- Iliiifliill. The owuer Ii nioaeciad to )iro* property, pay expenses suil take tba im y J J KM4TINO Came Astray Cams to lot M. eoa. tl.Artemevta. about 8ept. 1st, two rearlinK ateorn Mi'l one hi-, fur. 'Jwuwr U requi'kitHl to pruve piopert ,. i>.iv vifrnaea ami take sam* away. Hoar. 1'i.tn r r. v Euusnta P O Game Astray Cae to the pramkes of the uudsnlKs.d, lot IM. west hai.k hue, Artrmoaia, s,U>ut OeV Is*, two yearlinf c.itie. heifer and steur TBS own er la requeslod tv prove property, pay eiaoaio* aud take the saaa* away. . HM.IIT Flri, Veu 1' O. Wi keep the Health Brand -IN Ladies' Underwear Single or Combination Just Openecl"^ 56 CASES \\\ lave Men's Long Boots, wliole stock at $1.73, Men s fine Long Kip Boom ut $2 , r >. VV>men'it Conuii'ss. nil Ki/.en at f 1. Wouen's 1) ni:;oU Iud. $1 ;;r> Uur Mock of footwear IIH never moie romplrte, and in fiee f the increased etmt of leather ne se- cured our stock at pi ire* that w.il am- ptise aud please out cnstomvii. Novf Itiea iu aud Capes. Fnr, Culiuis Our nillinery Department Is fully opened wi;h a slock uuez- oclled fcr variety , style aud prices. Mantles, Capes and Cloak*. Tie finest stcok in this part of Ontario. Auo'hor eonsigmiMnt of Eogliah Dressgoods to band iui* week.Tweed* and Wool Grepons. Hlankets. fall sues, Utc. perpt>ir. M. Richardson d Co. DIRECT IMPOBTKRS. Hardware J Dep't. Clearing Out OUR STOCK OF, Brown : Ctfvred : Dishes -AT- Reduced Frioo 10 in. nJ cliakrt, Ik., rtwular price. 90c 18 " " fflc. IfV 14 " 7 in. rd. " cord. " " in.nn v*.duH &0c. iln. ).! vs, 9 in. 70c botMr caul** itte 40c XOc 36*. flOc 75 OOc 40c Tm. H*At%. . Mack* Crumb Tray* aud Br*n!,s at 50v\ Just Opened M) down OTXM* Cur Saw Files. 40 Cfiwa t Vt 8awa 9 doasn Gn>xl Chopping Aea. 1> Hian RiiKlna Cuw Chaina. K d>an Hops Cow TIM. 6o f *. HIEDWISI 4 CBOOURT DIP,

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