Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1895, p. 7

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TRULY A ROOD OLD AGE. BAZILLE SURPRENENT IS ONE HUN- DRED AND SEVE:: YEARS OLD. I. a NnllTi- f M. I lal. IB the fror.-rr ml )ee-r 4 live* < all- llr !!. MlBBeiela Events < I mm* _. llll ResBemlter* llr f*ee*BI- U Uimrerf a Jig ! 4...I . le. There lives ID Little Fails, Mmueeola, ft mn who wa* bora a year before th* in- auguration of George Washington M fine Preiuient of ths United State*. At th*- time of bii birth George, III. was on ths throne of Engitod, and Louu XVI. OB that of France. PIIU VI. irai Pope, and til pope* havt tiie.i St. Pe'sr' ohair since ti at umo. It we* seven yean after Corn- wall!*' surrender al Yorktowo and uue year before the memorable meeting of the French states-general at Versatile*. It was the year of the revolt of the Austrian Netnerlatida. Woeo Bazill* Surpreneut wa* born Canada had a population of ISO,- 001) ; <t hae now orer 5,OuO,GOO. Two yean after hi* birth Canada wa* granted an elective legislature, and TV years after wu welded into one nation by tne "Act of Confederation. This man was fire years old al the ->poch of the Keigc of Terror, el*rn years old. wnea Washington died, in the same year which saw Napuleon first consul of France. He was 33 yean old when Napoieen died, an 1 in his lifetime France has had tea different govern- ments. Tne life of this man most be or inter- est, and it is given a* told by himself. i.'i' is full of ihnwJBeas, however, an.l bin long sojourn in the world ha* giv*a him au nse fund of valuable oxperieno*. With the vivacity t>ecuiiar M his race, h* never Ur*s ef reiA'.iog scene* of ins life, and breaks out in laughter M hearty as that of a young man. He is happy at the convent, where fee expects to end me long life. He frequently wika to and from the city to the convent, a distance ol a miie each way, without fatigue. One of the ulsters told him, laughingly, '-hat if he went oui too much she wuul I have to tie him up. He said that in that case he would chew the cord otf. The convent and hospital are in the same building, an-\ there is a ohapel on the groun 1 floor. As an exampie of his activity, it may be mentioned that at an entertainment given by the orphan cml iren not long ago tne old gentleman danced a jig in good style. He is proud ot the fact that he shaves himself, and that be makes his own neck net. His head is eovered with hair, scarcely gray. Such is the record ef this imt>> old man, whoso life spans a c-ntury, during whose, existence momentous and world-embracing 'vents bavs occurre i,*a.l who is now upheld by faith, waiting for the time when he shall enter the valley of the shadow. THE CORSE OP THE ROMANOFFS. area vea koUi. free>B*rv BVgnrd- lai Mraalas f !. Jane* Russell Lowell used to Mil this story to intimate friend*. It wu told him by John Lothrop Motley : "In 1863, just befors the Crimean war commenced, the venerable Baron von ; Humboldi came to London on a v-ry mi- j portaat confidential mission. Ho called npon Lord Palmerston and said ; 'I know a war M imminent between England an i APPEARANCE OF HOLMES, AN INTERVIEWER SAYS HE.'IS NOT WHAT HE LOOKS. The Nm-ilerer> v"(r B4 fare I'reale a raraUle luiprelM. Mai Ml. veruulea Coalalsui Maay |*eeaUi- eaelea. Hu.mes, th*> *nppn**d murderer, wa* visited in his coll in Muyameusmg prison, Philadelphia, and studied by a reporter last week. Fint, no man ever looked at Helmet and laid : " That man is a mur- derer," unl.se he knew his record. Every man ha* >aid : " He is a gentleman born and bred." Even knowing hi* record, they have added : " Impouiol* 1 Ha oould not hav oomtnitted these crimes." After talking with him they have been still more convinced of hi* innocence. the reporter he sat oa a stool in his *\\. His head was covered with s black skull o&p. HA ha* worn it ever since he lias [.ecu in gaol, and with the bear<), it gave him t he appearance ol a professional man and a student, sven thoutih hi* only shirt was an undenhirt, and that wae surmounted by % clean white collar. He was in nis shirt sleeves. Bis oloih:ng all snowed signs of wear. When he li.uk*d u(, there was an air of assurance aa<l confidence about him, an air t natal oec*iiist.le<! suspicion. He was open, frank, and candid. The Magic Touch Of II <..;' - MtnapariUa. Vou smile at at the Ulna, but \i you sulfur from her allies oa the oae tiand and Russia. If Bazille .Surptenent wa* born lu St, Con- you will tempoine. make diplomatic delays, slant, in y aebsc province, in eiarcn, 17t>M. do anything lo gain lime for a year or twn. Bis father and mother lived on a farm, and : "" wui ** n*** > be a war.' Why He wa* the Palmentoa asked. 'Because Nlcnola* of Baz ii* crew up a farmer, ne wa* S*JB i s Russia will die within two yean. The fatal second child of his parent* and had tire* ourt* W toe BomatotT* is ou him. Do yon brother* and four listen, all of whom are not know thai i BOW dead. His parent* wen Gr l ' LAKi.. *< The father Uled at mother at 91, Ni rnuru. the age ot 96, the S irprenent worked on hi* father'* farm ymi great **eiese told Peter no male member of the Romanov* would ever live t* see hi* woth year f 'But Nichoia* u not yet Jo,' Palmers ton answered 'i wisn to save an immense flow ef humsn blood,' said ..Id Hnmboidt solemnly. 'I unew that th* Czar in .ummer and 111 the wood* in the winter. w ,u ai . m^ a lwo ye<kr ,. | cril I'j mf , He remember, a time when provision* ran wmj greatly increased wuh Baron Hum low, and ui men Bad to sabtlst on hone boldt 7 * stat.m.nis. Bui ;.e could not nold meat, wmob h* say. did not agree with h- own hd lnen F . n ln .,. w of h:m. So working, th* yean went en till . Unis Napoleon's nady recogn tion by Mi. ihe time of tno oecond and last war p* tmfn i oo< an,i u Euroi*, :o,iowe'l hia between < ireat Britain and the United lead, was taen ready to Uke the field. So Stare*. Ba-ziil* wa* enrolled amoan tne C.nadian .contingent of British aoldien, j 1** <TumM WA* but owing to a goitre in tbs throat was had to go on. But Nicnolas of Russia died rejec ad an.i w-nt back to his hi* on the within I -ur mu.itn* of in* two yean' limit fsrn an.i in trie wood*. given mm by Von Humboldt," Leamg In 1 '.':> n- m marrie.i at, .St. Ctirysoe- ln * propneoy out ef the question, it is a '.cms to hrancois* Bisailion, wno died ianey of history that the Rmaian ( zar* leven year- after the marrtag*. Sn* left h ve all died befor* 8.V. Alexander 111. 1 , him two chilina a lull* girl who died in grsn.ifatner, the half insane Czar r*au ,and infancy, anu a son, named I'haophiie. The "'e 'our head* of ta* Kotnmi off* before boy grew up, follow*.! the carpenter'* Niobola* all diad before 5u, and of th* iam trade, went to New York and wa* lost disease that ha* been *o deadly to Al*xan<i*i if 'it of by his father some time before III. Alexander I, at one t.ine Napoleon's 1MI. Surpreneut never married again. and great ally, then hi* enemv. who so aided ays that during his widower's existence of ' tn* downfall of th* French empire, died 61 \ear* h* has never cared to. when be wa* 48, of monomania, border- In ls.W -virpnneut wa* drafted to sorts ins, on msanity," say* history. Metternich, agues. Pspinaau'l followers. U* ws* the greal Austrian Premier of trial date, enrolled*, but one day he escaped to the bluntly declare* th\t h* wa* insane. Th* woo. Is not wishing lo fight his touulryinsn. Grand Duke Constanuns, who wa* really Tot there th* record stands, ur proved in pxrtt, it is true, but with almost enough admitted to commend him to the hangman'* noose. In him Lomuroeo would fail to tind an abnormity that would lupport hi theory of th* born criminal. He i* of medium build, psrbapa a few pound* too heavy j for a man ot hi* height, wlucn is 3 test 7 men**, but not enough lo notice. His shonldera are normal, though slightly stooped. This stoopicg has come since h* wai tint. put in prison last November ac- cused of the murder of Benjamin F. Pietzcl, with whom ii* nad conspired to swindle the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany eat of f 1O.OOU. He wa* erect turn and had a mure manly bearing. His nan's and feet are small. Tne skin on ths ntnds is soft to the touch. It bean no *vtd*uc* of the laborious ill* WUicn Hoiraee says finally convinced him that u was easier to live by crime than by honest labor. IT is i.i TUX HHAU that student* of criminals look for the signs of th* criminal. Ho.mes head was mad* to fit. That u to say, u is proper, v pro- porlrmed, just such a head in size a* belong* to sued a body as his. JThe top aad back an properly REV. L- W SHOWERS Gins Hl Experience With Organic art Dlaeaae -The Druad Malady on the Incroaa*. For many year* my greatest enemy ha* been organic iieart tin-ease. From an un- sasines* about tn* heart, witn palpitation more or leas severe, it had developed inio abnormal action, thumping, fluttering, and choking sensations. Dull pain wuh a p. u.iar warm feeling were ever present near the heart. 1 have tried many physi- elans and taken numberless reme.i.ee with very littiebi-neiit. Seeing Dr Aurw'>Cure for the Heart advertised mine Kutaniuntf, Pa., papen, I purchase.) a bottle and began ill use, receiving Simost lustanl relie!. I have now taken several bottlesof t ite remedy and can speak ino-t highly in It* favor, I The clicking, abnormal kwatmg, thumping i and paipi!*tion have almost entirely .il*- I appeared. The remedy is certain. y a n ler-worker, for my case wa* chrome. Rev. L. W. Showers, hi.terton. Pa. Sold by W. K. R._.,rdson. He hid in a oo'iow tree acd wa* andisoev red. Towards evening he reached the river, cruised the 5>t. Lawruace on a iog, and eewaped '.o the United States, and stayed then Ull tne troubles were over. euuiled to the Russian tnrone, waived hi* right in favor of Alexander L H sense enooah to be aware that he wa* not nisntany Ot to rule ta-.h an empire as RuMia. He died in his S'-'nd >ear of what tie reineii.iTM Papine.iu we. i, and describee would now be calloil osrt-bo-sptnal mening him a* a handsome man. He aUo lecslled "- <p> " " J rk - 1 -- " Lafoutain*. Uoriou, and other ceUbral*.! . while* in a fit. U* had ihown signs of 1 madaess so often that it was a question whether it wa* safe for him to be al large. So go** th* long bui n*v*r changing record of the Romanoffs for two centuries. Alexander the 1 1 L wa* personally a most km i. y man and remarkably free from the grosser vice*. Be drunk a lirt.o r*.l with *om*tim**, but no strong u.iuors, and n* abhorred drunkenness, a* did hi* fainsr before him. A BLOODY SHAM BATTLE. *! laJs %OH.I.rr .f ael enl le lac slMvltal rer Ke So >a**n 41* re win. A Saratoga, Pa., despatch says : The ins. The Grand Duke Michael was killed in hi* 48th year by a fall from his norse political leaders of thooe lima*. HI LXrf CANADA forever about 1841, and went to < then an enterprising frontier city. Krom there he went to Wisconsin, thsn to Minnesota, then to Kansas, wnere he lived for maay years, theu to St. Paul, thea to Crookcton. Minn., when he lived fur I-' yean, and en>l*<l his wandering* in Little Kali* in January, 1594, sine* which time h* has boon an tamateof St. Gabriel's Convent in that town. During the civil war in the States h* wa* 'or a third lime drafted but hi* friends informing the official* that h* wa* too old, th* lucre. lu.uus officials sent to Canada for information, and found him far beyoad the maximum. H* considers himself lucky in this regard, as he never ha I a hankering to kill people, though he ha* had many Six'" R*giir.*nt broke the monotony of the fight* in hii time. camp the other morning with its thrilling One in particular, which occurred IB the .., ,,,, whlcb j , , lumbering district near Ottawa sumethiug , Ilk* W pear* ago, he related in a vivid way. fllct '"*' *** * college foot 1*11 match A lumberbos* refused to give up a "cant- in roughness, and wnich sent a number of dog" belonging to the old man, then a lusty soldiers to the hospital for repair*, young fsllow. H* shut his list and showed ^ . how h. had knocked th. bos. down seven tw " " F '" lM " 1 --' Batialion. th.re times befor* he got the implement, H* * b ^ '" greates; rivalry, which u is thought he coul.lliok a yooii many ordinary believed is to a gnat extent geographical men ev-n now. In Canadian woods seventy and political l ou.equently, when the au'i eigluy year* ago. wh*s the men w*r* uile. tWf Da***d th. tun. commit., Lg h * m baU ' WM "raiigod. ord.n were prayer, to memory. The old man recited a l**ued that then should be no violcnce.and prayar which he had learned IB the Cana.l- mat when a stronger number surrounded lan wood* long ago. It look ten minute* a weaker command 'the latter should sur- fer delivery. Mad (hows bow good his render. memory is. But th* beel laid plans of men and mice -t rnnt I* 5 foot in hsight an.l weighv , wo> t, to fail, th* poet said, and in the about 90 pounds. He sayn he weiiihe.l 1 3 nmt O f tnecombav the rule* were .iisregard- pouod* whsn h. was 40 yean eld: he must !. Th* men clubbed and oharned aaon have lookeil exceedingly oorpulent. H* otheraroun.l tlie field m thelivelietfa*inon, ha* bright, ihrewed blue eyes, and doe* not cll t hands, bloo<iy noses, and hruise.l bodioi wear glass**. j being a* thick as huckleberries in a p ec k llev , HI THBBADS A 51IDLB l!l P "' J ' w , P'* " * 1 ^ Kht b*tWeOW t K^.), , Chester and Delaware counties on the one with *. an.lexh.bit* with groat prid. I , , k , M , )u D hi. .lipp-rs. wh.r,n ,n th. last few .lay. ^ . ., , ,,. ^ ^ ^ J Quay OfMN ou one side and the Gflkeson rounded. Th* lace inclined to be a Wirte Lhiu. Tn* oneek bones srs visiele, ;n,jui . th*y an aot prominent. Tin ear* ar* properiy seu i'hey are small. The no** i* a g*ner..u* one, inougn not too large. Then is jut tb* suipiciou of tne Roman, nose about it. Tne chin n r.un.ie.i. Now it is covered i>y a beard an inch and a half or so long, wnich Holme* lias permitted to grow since he wa* arreete.i. He wassmuoin en.iven ave tor a uiu is' tens at ths time of his ariasl. Tin* mousuuh* i* hiavy and is W*U eot. There u a trace ef sadneas about it. Th* eyebrow*, like th* mouatach*, ar* heavy, but not heavy enough to ue put in th* bushy claas. His hair is brown. H* parts 11 un .he right side, and at ths part near the forehead tnere le a bald spou Other than tni* the head u completely covered, and then is no *igu of coming baldnecs. Tb*r* is a very slight peculiarity about the eyes when they ar* Dr*t looked into. At first g.ance ta*y give tne impneeion of a cast IB eacn, bat tn*l m.pree*ioa tfuukiy vanishes, and whil* the visitor is with him doe* not return ; but out of hi* cell and out of bis sign!., in thinking ovsr how the nan looked, thie Imprses.on returns very *" i tlrongly. It is certain thai tn. r* is no . aat | in sr.hereve, aad wiiat ever it u that givea th* impression cannot be d> scribe. i. In color tn* eye* ar* a very dark blue an i ar* kindly at tin-.** Uuguorou*. They an no t snifty. They look at yon steadny a* an owl's eye* and are as MILD A5D ilIMTt-I as na'un ever gave to a man. When Holmes speak* th* *y*e speak, too. Tney light up. They go far toward convincing th* listener that the truth is being told, The voice itself is fascinating . It Is low, and impresses one with confidence in the ipeaker. Then are two way* of describing this i*atur* of tn* great criminal. Hjs lawy*r *ay* " Th* voice is gentle and kindly. He ipeaki in even lone and looks you straight in th* tyos." Superintendent Perk in*, of Moyamensing prison, who has had "barge of Holme* lino* hi* arrival in Philadelphia from Boston, where he wa* arreeied, says : " He's gut the oiliest slickest voice on earth. Slick T Why, that haraly describes it. Why h*'d make you believe black wa* whit* or green or anything el*, yon wan tod to call it." R* this as it may Holme*' voice to th* visitor is pleasant and his manner of speaking i* particularly so. The language chosen i* r*fined, a*, apparently, is th* man him**lf. Tb*r* is the evidence of a B** fine education an I of natural convstsational , anilities. But above all th.-re is ai air of trutniulnea* and innocence thatoanool bo I dismiesed. When he says in response to incpunes about the buried skeletons found in the Chicago slaughter house " C'srtainly they Information 01 Sale. Miss Fus**y (hurrying into .ioctor'* otncei Doctor, look at tnis. Wny an lh*M wrinkle* coming around my eye* ? Doctor (busily) b* -aus* you sre getting old. 1'wo dollars, p. ease. Another Hamilton Citizen Curo4 of Khcamatiam In Throe Days Mr. I. McFartane, -JM Wellington street, Hamilton : "rer many weeks I uttered intense pain from rheumatism was so bad thai ! could not attend to bneiuess. I procured South American Rheumauc Cun oa tne recommendation of my drugs 1st and was completely cund in three or four day* by th* us* of tins remedy only. It is '.he best remedy I ever saw." Sold ny \Y. K. Richarlson. And Indigestion, try a bottle, ao4 be- for* you have taken lialf a down dune*. you will involuntarily Uiiuk, "' IM doubt exclaim, "That Just Hits It!" "That soothing effect hi a marie touch:" Hood Sar>aparilla g-nily tones and strengthens the ifmiini and digestive organ*, invigorates the liver, cremiu* a natural, healthy for food, gives refn-slung aleep. and 'ft, raittei the health tone of lo*> entire system. Kemember Hood's^Cures Hood'* Pills . ura liver ills. RHEUMATISM CONQUEBED. A Great Advance Science In H. dlca: a Dtseeverr Walrk Tkl rlfl li.ea 1 .!,! KesUI-Nr. K. Blaxirll. er Part*. *>!.. laira *li> axverleae* V?IIB ikf < are. A Neighborly Woman. Mr*. Biictrow has that tb*n Paris, Ont.. Review. Kheumat:am has long l>..:tl*d the meui- oal profeeaiou. Medicine for external and internal uea nas been pro.i .ced, piailer* tried, electricity xnorim*nted iui, not aad cold bath* and a nou-anii otner U.ing* triad, bat without VAH. Rneumatisn neld ilia :ort, making tn* life "f lie victim* on* of misery and pain. Tne first real ston toward conquering rneumatisiu was made wtien toe pntaiauoa Known a* Dr. Wiliiam*' Pink Pule lor Pal* Pecp.e wa* disco\ere.i. aud un e thai time tnousand* have teoiiti-.i to tneir wonderful crEcacv in thu, a* well as IB .ti.er truubiei, the ungw of wnich may h* traced to the blood Amoug too** who speak in th* n gnet terms of Dt Wnltams Hinn Pill* . Mr. Blasdcil of this town, who is known not only to a ! oar cii:z*us but to resiueata at Uus soc'i' M, sji't as is a* highly eetee.i *.i as ne i* widely known. To tne editor of tne Review Mr. Kla-dell recei.tlv said: "1 have reaaon u> speak in tornu optu,- wsrm- !l 'y . **t praise of Ur. Wuliams' Pint Pi..*, a* what's ju*t moved in nex door got sny way* | th . y no , OB j v Mr ^ m . u ,,, g , lot . lor -. bill settled * | bat nav- reatored m* to neaitn, WIII.MI was impaired by rneumaiisui and neurtigia. uoubles were, I think, the after Daughter! seen 'cm eatin' al a reg'lar set table. liu they mast have their groceries unpacaeii. Mn Br.caru--. Wall, see wna: we an out of, an' I'll run in an' get acquainted. CURES CATARRH AL NESS DEAF tronc and Unreaorved Testimony of th*) Curative Powers of Dr. A*paaw* Cat arrnaJ Powder. Aniuur pea ,.ju ir th^n words. Mr. John Modulus of Waahanuck Ernie/ 8., m le me of Ur. Aguew'* l_a:rrbtl fowder and says : "I used til* medicine according to direction* and found it to bo a wonderful cun for calarrnal deafneea. I can heat is good as ever. You will tinU dU cent* eaciuee.1 for which please seu<i me another boitls. After recommending the oatarrnal cure to my neighbor, she seeing the wnnderfnl good it has done me, want* a hotlle. so you will piaaae tend a bottle and blower lo her alao." On* short pull ot tne breath through the blower, supplied .n eacn bottle of Ur. Agnew's Catarrhs! PowJ-r, .iitfuses this powder over th* snrtaoe of the nasal pas. sages. Painless ami delightful to us*. Il reiieVM in ten miautee and permanoatly cure* catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, son throat, tonsiiitus and dea'nee*. 00 cent*. Sample bottle and blower tent on receipt of two three-cent stamps. S. Ci. Deletion. 44 Ihuroh St.. Toronto. Sold by W. K. Riohardaon. Like All the Rest Prof. Longuair Well, my young friend, you wieliod to know what thoosophy wa*, and I wrote you a ml . and complete explana- tion. Did yon receive it T Truth Seeker Yes, sir : I have It in BIT pocket. I was just looking for yon. Prof. Longhair Ah I Truth Seeker Yes, I wished to ask if yon would aot kindly explain the expl tion. COUNT DE DORY A Well known Denmark Noblo Malt**) a Statement Which Will Pro** of Croat Interest and Vain* to Many. Under date of September lib TS94, Count d* I'ory wruo* a* follows from Naepawa, Msn. : " I nave been ailing constantly for six or seven yean an th*n," you ar* impressed with the j.l. a; that no orim. was oommitt^l when they .re a,..n.y and bolder troubl* I have dootored during all tnis time with physi- cians in ditfereat cumtrie* without any that no crime wa* committed when taey were placed thxra. And you believe him when he add* "when I wa* a young doctor I occasionally hid need of a skeleton and I found it cost a treat deal of m ney i procure them. I saw there was money the bin.: to be has sewn, and neatly, a patch. His han.i is remarkably iteexly, no tremor being perceptible. Re ha* live teeth left, and lay* he *at* "everything," an i that h* is si "tough as a mule." He hae but once been serioasly ill, an.l that wa* in Chicago many years ago. A (light touch of rheuma- tism bothers him now and then, and he ha* become a little deaf IB th* last four or rive. years. HII memory is weaker for recent r vent* than for those ot years agone. H* ha* always a good appstite, and sleeps well. Ue ha* become weaker by half in th. last 10 yssrs than he was baton. He i- leinperatsfiiriukiiig a glass of beer once in a great while, an 1 ha* never used tot. no. Hurpnuaut ean noiiiisr read nor write, and I procured bodies aad . Why shouldn't they tind I told the aalhoritise they ( i; ^ te<i ^ |Mrch YO;I him also when he says, " Yes, lr Ond some bodie. too. I've been in THIS a long lime. remember once when I got sentinmnt did aot extend to the officers. Thing's Girls Should Learn. How to arrange the parlor or library. " To aay " No," and mean it, or " Yes," and stick to it. To dree* for comfort and health a* well as appearance. How to sew on buttons, darn stockings nd menJ glove*. To make the sleeping room th* neatest room IB ths bouse. Bow to cultivate Howsn and keep the kilohen garden. them legitimately. The facl is the power of hi. -oice, man ntr. and eye. i. such that you cannot .iiabelieve the man until you are out of hi* Brawno* and begin to think of th* absurdity of some of hi* propositions, for in almnei every conversation he icte slip something that cannot be true. The description ol the otfi.'ials who have had ilsalings with him >|nce his arrant will hi right here. Thai is - "He is the most consummate ii&r since the day* of Ananias, and he ooui.l giv. the aneient liar cards and .pad** aad beat him out at that." When Holmes wi* flnt approaaned by relief. During my travels I wsa induoed to try South American Kidney (.'un, irom which remeiiy I re>*eiv*ii instaui relief. I most heartily endorse this remedy, as I do n.'i thiuk it nas an equal. " viuth American Kidney Cure invariably give* re.iei within i noun after first dote i taken. Sold by W. K. Kichtrdion. These etleote of an ailavk of measiae* A Inter Unuble had diaappaarwi I fell an awful Bain in my neexi, neck, and down my back. I tried a number of remedies, i>ut w ul eiteot. I wa* then a .vised iiy lira. Horning, uf Crpetown,* . eon cured of para.y*!* by th* ua* of Dr. Williams' Pina Pu'la, to gtv* them a -riu.. 1 f u.uwed Her advice, an.) alter using a box ur two I began lo fool Biuon holler, and wuh their continued u*s I con*tauti> i*iprove<i in health, and am now feeling better than I have dona before in ton jeors. 1 am satis- fied ti.at but for the t:miy use of Piak fills I would to-day nav* deeo a physical wre:k, living a If* of eousttat paia, and I cannot speak too higniy t,t their oarau**) powers, or noossate-od them too *tr>ngl* to other sutfsrers. I cheerfully give per- miMion to nir .ten my statement m tne hope mat some otnei sufferer may read and profit by it." Dr. William* Pink Pnl* strike at tne root of the uiteaae, ir viuii it from the system and neurieg tn* patient tu heajin and irenu 1 n. Inca*e*ef paralysis, spinal trouble*, locomotsr ataxia, scialioa rhsa- ma'ism, erysipeiM, scrofmous troublea, etc., these piiis sre superior to all other treat menu They are aiao a specific for tne trouble* winch wake the lives ot so maay womeu a uurdeu. and speedily niton vne rich glow of healtn to pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excosser, will rin.i in Pink Pills a certain oar*. Sold o\ all .ieaior* or sent by mail poet-paid, at 50c a box. or *ix box** fdrl'J.50. by aduneaing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Coinpaay, Krockvill* Onu, or iScoenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitation* and ui<*tit.ites alleged to be " just as good." _ Pllmsoll's Mark. Th* next Uuie vou get near on* of th* big ooean greyhound*, or, in fact, any of th* oeean-going craft, look along hr iido u*i above the wa>r line, and about the center you will ste a peculiar mark which looks a* though it mignt have boeu mad* by an ineoriated cobra. This 1* known a* Plim*oU's mark." Load a ship so thai this is below water, and if shs links you i co. led no insurance. It is tne danger mark. It is au outcome of marine tuinr. uce, and the regulation has un.ioubie.ily *av*d many million dollars' worth of pro- perly and maay live*. Weighted below it a veiael i* loggy and unbuoyant. In a storm *he ooukl not rule the wave* easily and would be likely x> founder. The Plimsoll mark is simply a bisected circle. To the left of it %re th* private ! measi.remsntii scd marks. In Kngiand the** are ragaitled vary ciocely ; in tne I'niled Stales they are moie lax. Plenty or Subjects. Do Reader -\\ 'iat . You never read novel* ? Don't ev*u know th* name* of the popular works of the day ? What do you find vo talk about when in thu soci*ty of voii"g ladies * D Ribbon 1'lsniy of things. I'm m an importing house dry -goo. Is, mostly. Might be Worse. Winks Wnat make* you look so blue* Jink* 1 have -u ita.i{hirrs,nnue of mem married, or likely to b*. Winks And yen atr blue orer it ? Y ... are the m.i unt:rai. t'ul mortal that ever breaibed. 1 have six .!>" >ii:-n,kllm*rr'e i, all have obiMrea, and I've got to suppur' tne whole crowd. A Charltab e Spirit. Awkward Spous* 1 see our set U to have a grand chanty ball. Did you ever .iance for charity ' I'retiv Wi:e Of course. Dcn't you remember how I uso<i lo take pity on yon !! in..e wuh you when we tin; n.si ? For twenty-five yeart DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOr- W LAIM.I.S1 4M\AD'..

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