OLD TIME ADVERTISING, SOME EXAMPLES OP THE OLD WAV OP DOING IT. Ill Pe.tert IB iBflrai Vrrrre aa1 tomr Tae Pint >. I>IHT Werk IB BBC Iaa4 WM IB IKM -rvrvicB. I* less trri Brltala Sia.l a rmir ea All AtlvrrlltriueaU leergr B>Mt, rre- fesser er AelverU.iac aetae raanv lllalrail*B>. It i* a gr**t mistake to suppose that advertisement* are ef oomparslively mod- ern origin, for il is asserted that thsre were bill potter* in anoisat Greece and Roma. Th* rains of Pompeii and Heron- laneurn afford example* of tb* aaoiant mod* of adtertiamg, lira wall* in tb* most frequented part* being covered with otioes painted in black and red. An- noumemenu of plays and gladiatorial on test* ar* common, ef course, sad so are theee of sail watsr and fresh water bath*. Often, too, it WM announced that certain article* cam* from Rom*, just M th* wily milliner ef te-.ley announoe* her hat* and bonnet* M " imported direct from Paris." ihe popuiace was reminded of th* leoatlou and existence of a school by tbe sign ef a boy undergoing a ibruhsag, ef the dairy by tbe eiga of a goat, and of the baker by a millstone er a sheaf of wheat Theee symbols were mad* of stone or terra eolta relisvf, set la pilMters at tb* lid* of the building, and more extensive announce- ments wsrs made in tablet* affixed to pillars. The physician displayed a supping glatt Milslde hi* door and th* aurvsyor a nteasure. Henry Sampson, in his hutory of adver- tising, says that in England ths first bona fide attempt at newspaper werk WM us 164:1, whan the outbreak ef the eivil we* caused a great suggested to a printing A WBEKLT KBWPAf . Aft.r one or two attempt* b* acquired a sufficient ccnli Jenos to issus a long advsr- tlaemsnt, but hi* enterprising spirit WM Bet appreciated, for u is said tnai ionovslion ef an advertisement WM met in the literary world with a shower of invectives." What is generally supposed to be, bat is uot, tne first authenticated advertisement in Kugiand appeared in ihe Mercurius Poliucus for January, 16>V-', aod rea.it thus "IrsnodiaOralulatoria.an Heroick P'*m, being a congratulatory nanegynok for my Lor i General's late return, summing up Nowadays it I. hardly poaSihls to look In any direction without th* *ye encountering sen* species of advertisement, hot after all the newspaper* srs th* most interesting vehicles of advertising, and from tbsm a writer on advertising would most naturally look tor hi* samp>ea. "A k*yless lady't gold watch," or "B red lady'* umbrella. It i* not *ay to presi-rve one's gravity wheo reading : " To be aoid cheap, a fine gray horss for roadster, or wonld carry a lady with a dock I'd tail." Or of a buggy "the property of a gentle- aa with a movable head, a* good aa new." In the Albany Time* .one thirty year* ago WM the following sdvertisem.nl which shows the value placed on wives at that time : " Three dollars reward will b* paid to whoever will cause tbe return to m of my fe, Mary. 8he is of middle .tie, light complexion, freckle, on her face, light hair. Ii about 16 yean ef age and of a loving disposition, and had on three rattan loops." "WlLLA* -sow, Lodge and Maiden-sts." In an English newspaper ef 1816 there WM an advertisement, evidently inserted by a householder who had impioved hi* dwelling for the benefit of A OKASriNQ PBOFBJBTOB. Il runs thus : " Wanted, immediately, to enable me to leave the house which i have fer tb* last |i will gladly pay the sum of I'd sterling, and, a* 1 oannot leave the farm attached thereto in the same order m which I found il witn- eut at lean 5,000,000 dock* [weed*], I do hemby premie* a further sum ot 6 (or said number at dock*. N. B. Th* rat* must be full grown and no cripples." Tb* Spaniard* are generally considered a slow race, yet here is an advertisement la a Spanish paper which for enterprise is quit* worthy of an American i " I his morning th* Almighty summoned away the jeweler, Siebal i lllmaga, from hi* shop t* another and a belter world. The undersigned, hi* widow, will weep upon hi* tomb, M will his two daughters, demand for new* and Hilda and Emma, th* former of whom is bookseller the idea ,(! mrr.ed and ibe latter .till di**n,{ag.d. " Tne funeral will take place Ui-morrow. His disconsolate widow, Verouique lllmaye. " P. S. Ibis bereavement will not in- terrupt our employment which will b* The Best Age to Feed. The stock raiser must sxercise the utmost diligence if he wonld be siooess.'nl. He must knov* the age at which an animal oaa be most profitably f*d, and the wsizbt beyond which he cannot go and get a prorh> mnleas be securei maximum price. It i* better to know how to feed in order to secure a'profit out of a minimum selling price, when ibis can be done, th* grower aod feeder is lafe. There i* a general belief with farmer* that th* profit in siock feeding lie* in laying on fat; and there is an. indifference a ho it the condition of the animal till the time comes to prepare it for market We would not entirely ignore this belief, but would substitute In it* plaoe, in order to receive the attention of feeders, the fact that growing the anm:al and making It ready to lay on fat i* of the first importance j and the more perfect Ii not proper feed fer a hot** whlek nisi* a umsc.elcriuiuK toed sad net a fat faming. We hate turned millions W dollar* worth ai horse* in this oeunlry by (waffing them with oorn, heating the blood, and oausing a variety of diseases, including disease* o? the feet. Oat* arc a standard horse food, but how 3i*ny bu.heis of oal, that art ntter.y unlit for i'eed.u^, >r ! <i io hone*. Nothing but plump, bnght/*cl*Bn oats should vtr be foil. Wliei> i(Tain of any kind smells musty, it is allectea with fungus that is injurious to the animal, especially to the urinitry organs. \\ e nave always ha'd a luspicion that th* horse would do better on a smaller re' ion than is' usually fed, it tSe irrain is firstclase in qaalily. Four quart* i oau U usfaally fed three times a Jay. Some feed even more. If the animal ha* good hay, tan quart* of eats a day ar* quite sufficient unlea* u i* a large, heavy norse. Bailey THE PASSING OP THE LOCOBOTtVf makes ao excellent food for hore but when fed it shonld be mixed with oat*. T hose woo have tried it tell us that barley, oat* and wheat in equal quantities, made au ideal ration for the horse. Both peas and beans ar* very strengthening to th* horse. We have been told that horses that purge beans with while tb* bone and muscular development, the ! !f b ^ cu f ed . b ' r . mix " '.". **" their feed. It I* *a.y of trial, and better tbe oondilien of the animal te lay on Diking tbe trial ws may be at any rale fat. The* the most important question tsjiur. that we are feeding something teat when and how to get this perfect develop- 1 "'" |J ne harm, but will be beneficial en men! at bone and muscle. The natural and meet perfect food fer the calf i* iu mother's ilk,and when th* mother is properly fed, the sy.tsm of the calf will be properly developed ; no part of tbe sysiem will he eui el proportion with the other part*. I' it oannot bav* the milk t* secure rapid and perfect growth, it ibould ha** other foods in addition to meet lie want* ; and thsn th* proper food must be given,M,that adapted to the full grown steer i* certainly not the best food for the yonng ealf. The argument that after feeding will correct hort or improper feeding of the calf, will noi do ; a standstill or eet back in me growth of an anirual 1* a loas which i* never mad* up. Th* oolt sf allowed to gel very thin wnil* with it* dam the lust four months ot it* life, will require about on* year longer to develop a given growth, than th* on* that hM had th* heat chance possible while suckling. Grading than that both are shown equal oare after tney bav* been taken from ineir dams, ins tucteti iu an sxquisil* manner. To be i by John Holdeo in the N.w Kxohange, London. Printed by Thorns* Newcomb, L.miururs to Mo. 4 Rue d* Mistiouaur, a* eur Landlord hM raised th* rent," Equally bu*ino**-lik* is tbe .dvertise- men i from an English paper. "Jo be disposed ol, lor the benefit of a poor widow, a " Blind Man's Walk" in a charitable neighborhood, tbe coming* in between '26 and 'W shillings a week, with a dag well drilled and a staif in goo<i repair. A haadaum* premium is expected. " Among various advsrliseinenu ol aneient I date is one by Martin Van Butcheti ol ' London, lie announced in 1778 that he i and be able to perform a* much a* th* ether at one year older. The lamb that grows very thin while suckling become* neither a Uhritty aor a desirable sheep. Ths pig that i* mad* a mat by abort feeding is never * profitable animal to tbe owner. Every young animal ihould b* fed in such a way a* to eecare thrifty growth, and to mak* thrifty habit* a part ol it* nature. If Marled with these habit* it is au easy matter to continue them; bat allow an unthrifty condition with a young animal for a tune, and il is hard to In log? one John Haughtoa, F. R. a, whooeniumed the Dutin.ee ef apothecary witn that it a d.aler in tea, coffee, and ohocolale in Bartholomew lane, tta paper and, by an untiring am "''. <*. Ma proof ,h,.. when hn , rita true tb* body, and lied b*r to Th* two fault* most common tins are inaaftinent food and _. Kv.ry thrifty farmer snouirt prspare to give young stock th* beet of oare and attention. He should have feed in store, or know where he can get it ; sum.. line, good intentions, and a deeire to do th* best that can be done, often cause taried a ' iound it necessary to limr. tbe admission, loss from toe liberal feeding. Thu class OIIBI at end for i. idsdvsrtised in IheMl. Jamee' ot farmer* loee mere on this account than All , Such was th* curiosity xoited by this peculiar exhibition that Mr. Van Butobeh \ perseverance, thnuf ht, and study, he may Uaaetle as to. low.: said to nave triued in. contemporaries "Vau ilj. chill, not wishing to be on- by scant feeding. A yo.mg animal properly fed will give a better r'U'n for the tood in the art ol advertising and also "to have i pleasantly circumstanced (aud willing to : consumed tliau It is possibU to oxUin left an example which might be iollowed by convince .onto good minds that thsy nave from an animal after rtacmng its full nii'ors of the nr.Mnl day, for, when a ** " u misinlormed), acquaints ihe curious maturity. In general, the younger the num >er ot quack advertisements had found tr| at no stranger can see hit unibalined wife animal the greater the return. Yst thin it tneir way into tbs paper, he put a mark suilas. jxrsonally introduced to him by a friend, oetweon the hours otB and 1 o'clock en eveiy day except Sunday." K'|ually grewsom* is an advertisement them with tb* following broad anil . Tray mind th. preface to thi* half sheet Line lawyers 1 taks all cause*, I may ' which appeared m a (t.ruiau uewtpaper: fairly ; who ilk.i not, may slop bars." "Ai N./. vil la the roof chamber, orders It it amusing to trace the dale ef tbe ' '" r ""k nurses ar* taken k udly ; also the journals of the latt two ceninries thiouuh ! undressing and dressing ol oorptet is per- formed. Th* advertiser oau produce tbe 1 brsl testimonials. Charges moderate." The Uermans show little reserve in their edv.rlieermnU, particularly iu the birth- the phraseology of t he tiBtes uted lu their ailvertiirinrnu. The anneunoemsnt of the curious new drink called "lay" er "tee" points to the seventieth oeolury. And in the lUiiy Host for 1 77'.' appear day congratulations wairh it i* quite the ! thing to have print/rd, at follow* ons ef Ib* hardetl facts for the general farmer to comprehend. Soant feeding, often practiced while waiting for grain or otner crop* to grow prooe>i begins, will farmer the profit* to lie bad in an ar!y and quick growth. Young animals should have all of Uie proper k ind of food that they wi.l oontuma, fed at regular intervals, and lu tuch quaulities as they will clean up, and not overtax th* appetite for ths Bsil feeding. Cloae attention to what are regarded * the minor point* and small dstails, ar* the conditions of sucora*. gentral principles. DETAINED IN EUROPE. Thirty Tk*B.aB*l ABserltaat'wko CBBBOI 4it ratsaie Hoeie Dlirrs> fee teat*. Londoe correipondeai* of New Yerk contemporaries aay that never before la the history of transatlantic irans portation have so many Americans come abroad : and, naturally enough, a iarg* majority of them pltnned to return during tne month f September. Thu* th* passengers who crowded th* eati-uoun 1 summer* daring three month* May, June and July are attempting to return on the same aie*>mr* weet-oound in a amgl* mouth. Th* result uawlul to ibe disappointed one*, pleasing to the steamship companies and ie driving the London hotel-keeper* mad with joy* Th* proprietor of one preat hostelry WM taken in charge at the Indian Exhibi- tion th* ether night because h*. tried to drown in hi* own song la* moai* el the Orena.U*r "iusrds Band. It is poasibl* that th* exhilaration which lad to tni* burst ef melody was superinduced by a vision of thousands of unwilling but pro- fitable American guest*. lMME>!tE Nl'.UBaH KF TOt'EIST*. For ths quarter begmning with the first i of May and ending with the first of ; August th* seven grral steamship lines'" poured Americans into Buiop* at in* rat* of about 3,SOU we.k, or a tolal whicn may b* roughly *stimat*d at neariy 4,'^iu. Fully IO.OUO more came over ' y lee* im- portant boat*. Thu. about JS.'OO were ' added to th* large number of transient Americans already in tvirope an I planning to return in the autumn. A,t the very outsids not more than ll,(f> of these can possibly find bit ths in September, and a careful study rn.de by one of the eleam.'iip line* md.caiee that not less than dMHJ" wish to sail daring that inuuih. Th* si.-ain.nip offloe* are continaally crowded by aoiious applicant, for acjutnmodallon. In* jam in London IIM been /ngn"ul sinee the beginning ot the lour.it season. It culminated when ta Su Louis reached here oa ear first trip TWO cfKloi s AbVKHTIIIMBim "To tbe dear, stout, prelly, blonds Anna , which go to prov* that th* "new woman" von ri m, Wilh*lm.iraMe, No. 7S right i ii-.w^n T.th existe.i ov.r a hundred years ago.and in no hearty congratulation, from a silent ad- I undeveloped form. The advetliseinsnts) mirur." The Farming World call* attention to ** ** fo , l ," >Wi : A (i rman woman wboseemi to have left theoondition in which the teeth ot horses i tifttirny* . 1 ( rJ'Zibs.th v> ukm.oo of town unknown in her ortxiitort OftUMtt tti , i T Clerkenwe.l." having had some word, with M. owing advertisement to be ioasrted : Hannah Mytiflld, and reqtimngsatisfaolion, "1. 00,11. yr. ! Want nf time obliges me to Meth in tbe horse frequently become very before the feeding | and dumped more than .'CO Yankees into never bring to the London to find place, at th* hoteUth* <>rani, Victoria, Savoy, Matropoi* and Inna-of-Court were already ri.led. BOW TUXV l'aSI> UONY. Th* amouut ot American money which haa been spent over here this summer must be stupendous. Amsrcau custom in Lon- don nst rstrieved one ! the worst eeatoua which tradesmen nav* known her* for year*. A very simpls calcuiat.on hint* at it. Tb* T*legiaph ettiaiaies the number of Americane wno have peed intougb l.on ion sino* January at 130,0)1). Inat seem, imposiilile, so tbe es'i'iiale may ue out one-quarter, or to HiO.uOii. Each of theteoo.OuJ.muslneoeataril) nave averaged 975 for note* bills, and u it by no , ______ ________ ,_- ..... _ do invite her to meet me upon the stage and adopt this way of bidding my friends and nnaven aud sharp upon tneir laces or ao<|uain lances adisu. Ithall be sure, ai the proper time, to recoiled the small debt* 1 have left behind me. (Signed) J ri.ii 1'xTr.vxu, Widow. "listed -llvir in* Frontier. " An art that tetms to have flourished more snocesif ully in the last century than in this is that of transplanting tetth. In box me for three gulueat, eiob woman holding naif a crtwn In each hand, and the first woman who drop* tb* money to las* th* battle.'' Th* answer is . " I. llanuali Hsyfield of N.wgat* Mark. si, hearing of tus rMolutiou 01 Kliiabeth Wilkinson, will not fail, Uod willing, to Siv* (1*1 more blow* than words, desiring om* blow, and lorn her no favor. Shs , Philadelphia thr .ugh th* public press that sn.) eipsct a thumping. ' n * ha. "*uocMesfully transplanted l.M rrom which it may be judged thai we , teeth in the last six months," and o:ler* have Irst on* employment fur women two guin.M to any oe selling him a front indulged in by our ancestors. tooth. The idea of a paper for advei lunmuts | - ' only is SM years old, for in lt!(c.> Urn fiiy Mercury nt London was puhluned gratis lor Ihe promotion of trade, bin ihe proprie- tor promised only a distribution of a theusand copies a week among the coffee bouses, taverns, and book .hop.. in Kngland the lame names that appear- ed in advertisments at the end of th. iMt aeniury may now be found. Knr insianoe, in ths London Times of I7'.ls are to be Ion nd the virtue, ol a certain powder set A Python story. Concerning pythons, tne following is a trui story. A young lady in England for a long time ieisted her lover's entrealie. to go out to India with him a* hi* wife, sh* had a horrorof ih wildanimals sh* bulieved he might encounter thuro, eapeuially ser- griudmg surfaces in consequence of ths oruila petooaa, or oemeni, wearing away tee rapidly and often leaving deep oaritie* in the teeth which become filled with lood and soon prove a gteat uuroe of annoyance by interfering with proper mastication. Thu oouurs in horses of ail ages, bat most frequently iu eld borset. The upper molar teeth, being well protected on the outer tiirlacti with enamel, wear lea* rapidly than wer ones, which ar* protected upon the luuer slide. In consequence of this the upper teeth often become very enarp upon the outside, aud when the reins are drawn up ihe checks are iorced ou the sharp edges which become sore and uilm .acnratt-d, while the lower tn.es beoonung nharp on the inside edges, lacerate the tongue to a similar manner. Thr hot.* iromthit cause refuses his food, ince masliualioii causes him seveie pain. He drives tideways, drools or slo>< -i*. tones hii head, eta. He soon beginn to loie flesh, the digestive organs become derange I , the skin Incomes tight, and ha get* hid*- and ibe animal is perhaps doctored At length, however, after he hail it- forth Io exactly the sams ^~wor<rs"a*"it ! (u*da*ortof ultimatum.sh* consented toao- now advertised. j company him. She did not, however, leave The purely literary, or rather rtowery, her tears behind her, and lived in constant 'or bots, worms and the likt. In all these advertisement has quite died ouW George terror of some day meeting what she so oases tbe tooth rasp becomes neoeoary ; Koiiins, au Knglishman, WM the last pro- inieus.dy feared. Her husband did his best with that instrument th* sharp corners of lessor of this art and h* die 1 some thirty , to lauuh h*r fear* away, but without avail, i ths teeth are easily taken off *nd the horse ysers ago. His advertisment* of estate* Then hs rosolved lolry more draiuo means. ! Is soahleil to feed again in a proper manner. fer sale wsrs | A huge python WM killed in the neighbour- ' K 'he teeth are in Hue condition no medi WOHKS or ART, and w.re as eagerly read ai th* psg*. Punch, Once alter das ' a " terrnei rial paradis* It had one drawback Utter ef the roeeleavee and the noise of tbe nightingales." Previous to 1S.VJ (ireat Britain had a i hood of his bungalow. wife anything about Without telling hi. '"'. is ol ai>y avail. The veterinary dentist a eensBee efike Tkere Was ef ike stasie-Oeaew. There is something almost paahett* m the) spectacle ot the steam-looomoUve engaged in a hopeless fight with the aU-cooqeecir-g trolley. Weuaa all remsmber Mr. Rswkin'* diatribe againat railway*, and there are some of us who can ge hack to a day when it WM a distinct im, to have been a Kurupeaa traveller. A man who has) made the grand War WM familiarly known as a Hadji, and presumably en tried to the privilege ff wearing a green turban, if it so pleased him. And then came suam, which ebaaged all that ; and now il is electricity,* ansl piston-rodi and cylinder boxes are doeeaeei to *w*li the dust heap along with th* poet- horn* and leathern cartaia* of th* siagr- coach. The trolley i* cheaper and more sffeotive, and that tall* the story. Where we ased to build branch railroad* we new pot np a trolley line, caving both in initial cost aod in subsequent operating expenasa. Read wagon* and private carriages to ran independently over a system of trelley liaes) ex lending in a vast net werk tatoasrh eut creation are a possible feature of the aear fatnre, and in ibe meantime experiment* are being made on the greal trunk liaes looking towards A* UIT1U CHANiil in motive power. One ef th* New Eng- land braoche* has already ictrodaoed wM trolley on branch hnat ; the big eleotrte motor built for the Baluatore and Ohio Cempany has more than fulfilled expeota. lions; an electric supply eooipany has taken th* contract t* turn the elevated ra<iroad( ol New York city into trolley lines ; and, according to newspaper report*, a syndicate is to construct an elertru read between Chieago and New York, upon whica the) journey of a thousand miies i* te be rego- larly made tnsi-la of six hours. TV.* change i* inevitable, and in logical aoeordance with tbe spirit of ihe age. And yet one may be permitted to think with a nesting rsgr*t of the old order that ie changing so npidiy before ear very rye*). There WM B certain element of pictureeqae- nees, Mr. Raskin to the contrary, i* locow motion by steam. The engine itself, an uncouth Franksnstsin, with alertoreaa Inng. and heart of fire, waa yst irresistibly attractive in its very agltnee*. and com- manded reepect at ths visible embo iiment of a mighty power. And then the fast train*, with their fascinating popular nomenclature, " Th* Flying Dutchman," Th* Wild Irishman." and our own " Limited" and " Expoeitioa Flyer." It WM A 1RTMCTIOM l.M ITlELf to have been a passenger on the " Scots- man" or the "Cannon- hall," just M in the old days it was a rna'ter of pride to have one's name Inscribed en th* booking-. he*t ol th ' Royal (ieorge " or the " Weel ef Kngland Mill. Hew proeaically it will lead on the time tables of tb* future : "Car. ror Chicago and >an Krancnco will be ran on trn minute* headway ; ie Jerusalem, Kamtchatka, and Far Cathay every halt-nour." There is a rornanc* of the railroad, a* there was of th* stag* coach, aa I torn* lay it will b* written a story of wild engine* and of misplaced tw.icnas, of phantom .mnalt and ot Irva l*-i safety valve*. Hat it will not stem ta have been romance until it has become history. Some day, again.. Sir. Maxim will disooval th* secret of his aeroplanes and teaoh u* ail to dv. Then in us turn will the vu gar yellow bodi* : oar, with its uucigal.y poste and hideout gou^, depart and ee no more seen, and perhaps some one. in tsnlimentsj mood, will wrile a paragraph er two on lae) "PaMingof ths Trolisy/* he ordered the must be called and the loom rasp is tne the drawing*' only remedy that will prove of any ileep ou the service out and called ~~ his wif*. telling her to geinto the drawing- Feed for Horses, room, and that h wonld join her in a few ' minutes. Soon after he heard a drraduil I No h >r.e w.ll do well on poor feed. Th* describing an estate M reptile to be brought into lh< lies," h* admitted that ' room - ""' nollt<! U P M " "'' i, and that was "the hearth-rug. Then lie went ou daty on all sdvertlsemsnls, and seatributed no small mm to the revsni'es, Ike duly fer that year being l72,ri7a Vhl. system of taxation WM very unequal Mid oppressive, the daty b*mg the same oa an ivnriKfnieni of ihe sals ol an tat* ai. i ' runt's application fer a pomiiea. ,,,,, tor.am. " Thl will cure her of her fesr of serpents," he smiled to Idmtelf, and pnrjoMly dslay,.d hi. entry. When at last do|l B> , no animal system h* went into the drawing-room hs saw his wife lying on the floor, and coiled around her was anothsi huge python, the male ot , tits one that lay iUa.1 on the hearthrug. , animal may be driven by hunger to ea t musty gram or hay, bat it doe* not like to be properly n..i.rnhrd it the palate r*h*U against th* . Oat* and corn ar* the standard luod tor our horse.. Com a* an exclusive diet extravagant to gueestuat other ex peodiluree will average twice M much more. Sniy. five thousand Mm*. $'J24 ar* iU,02S,(JOil, aud more tnau enougn can be added to that, without extravagance ol tttimat*, to KriLg it np Vo ft.V,(Hi,iHH) f. r L.mdon alone. What must it be tor tne whole ot Kurope? OOMISO OM runout MIIH An idra of the vast anxiety mat prevails among tourists who wish to go horns may be gathered from the experience of tne Atlantic Transport line, which operates five freight steamer. wi;h ber'ha for about sixty passengers on etch. These are ten- day boats, and no matter how comfortable they may be, can scarcely be regarded M tbe most dtsirab.e at craft to crons the ocean in. Yet nol only is r. true thai every lierth on them is taken through Sep- tember and wed into October, bet fright- ened travellers have paid $30 apiece bogus for all the ottioers' looms for the next eunt voyages. It It probably ihe laci thai this is ihe "ir.i time in history that such a bontn/a HM fallen into the pockets of tbe officer, on a transatlantic freight line Nor is the delay in Europe the only dis- advantage of thi. situation. Many tour- ist* reached this tide with just euougn money to pull them through the trip, aud the extension ef their stay mean, real financial distress. Tne cable* are kept hot with m.Mt(<> asamg for rarailtaacej IB!- fioient to tide th* traveler* ov.r tbe unexpected weeks, and those who have n > lurplus fund in America to draw from and there are many am ma the si^htiesrs are reduced io the unpleasant extremity ol borrowing from friends. Not a Lawyer Mrs. Beauii Why did you refoa* hlr. ' a . one? Mist Keanti He's a bae* deceiver, ma. Be hM been pretending to be a lawyer, but he's an imposter. M' i -vine I How did ywu find oat T When he proposed t ms last night he dldu't lay "v.iirea3"*r"afor.aid" otic*. PEARLS OF TRUTH. W* carry our worst enemies within Spurgeon. Corrupted freemen are the wont W tlavet. Uarrick. Of plain, sound sens* il s current com i* mad*. Vouug. Th* greatcit truths are the simpieet.and eo are the greatest men. Hare. Ths tilcnoe of the pio WM like a .ieen, eo fall of rest it seeaed. Longfellow, It is -7U.1 sorrows at with oountriee each man has his own. Cnateaubnaud. Every ..ay a little life, a blank to be inscribed ith gentle thought*. KoKen. Calumny always make* ta* oalumniat*r worse, bat the oalumniattd never. Col- ton . Reserve i* the truest expression of r.speo toward* thoee who ar* iu objecte. De Nothing i* ncelru to tb* man ol eruae : be Urns everything to account. L Fontaine. They are the weakest, however itn-iu, who have no faith in themselves or their po were. Bovee. The .liorleet and surest way to liv* with honor in th* world is to be in reality what we would appear to t.<-. -v>cra*. Shu* me the man who would o to oea' en alone, and I will hoW you one wbo w' never In admitted there. Kclthr.m. Any on* may do a oau.ual act f good-- naiure ; but a continuation of them snow* t a part of the t*mp*ramenw Slerne Kvery man is aa original and solitary character. None can eitiier understand or (eel the book i his own life like himself. CeciL Hava paiieuca awhile ; slander* ire nol luug-iived. I'liitu is the child of lime ; ere loug ihs shall appear io vindicate the*. W .uld you k ill (he weedi in your garden, plant it with good .*<! : ii th* gn mid be well occupied tnsre will be lea* need of the hoe. fuller. IVtpise not any man, and do not spurn anything ; for there is uo man who ha* not hi* hour, nor is thsre anything lhal ha* not iu place. Rabbi Ben A . If the prudence of reserve and de- oeriim diotate* silence io soms^ciroum- aieucf ..in o'.lisr prudences ol a higher order may justify as in speaking eur thugnt*.