Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1895, p. 2

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STORIES FROM THE DIARY OP A DOCTOR. I glanoed at the name "Mr. Paul Mars- din." " In lee-l," I IK!, with ionic annoyance. " You have com* up to town rtonhtless UD reoeipt of my telegram ?" " Precisely my wife his a cold, or she would hart acoompan'ed me. We were sorry to hear of the l.oy'i illness. I wut to peek to ynu about him. Can you givs m a fsw mutnraU of your Urns?" " Yee come iini way, please.* I uabered Mr. Marsdeo inio my cousult- log-room. Little Nol hadn't yet com* downstairs. Marsilen had a bold manner and a oertain swagger about him. lilt eyes were dark he wore a sweeping mouttache hii head wai cloaely cropped. There wai the unmisiakabl* air of tbe bully in ht* Banner. I aaw at a glanoe thai he meant to carry ihiogs with a high band. I dis- liked the man inteiiaely from the 6rl. "Now, look here, Dr. Halifax," h said, '" I kuow everything my wife ha* told me exactly what tranpired between you aad her. By the mereet sociiient, ahe and I are both acquainted with the fact that her nephew and my oouiio hae been aent to England. My wife U willing lo take cars of the boy if the lermi are satisfactory. Sue will giT* him a mother 1 ! care, and will devote taersoif U hii health and to hie training generally. She doee toil becauae I iin ii, and beuau**, to be qnite heneet with yon, we both need the money. We ehonld eipeot tbe boy's guardians lo pay ui a sum which oould be diacueeed later on." I interrupt*. 1. " Money it Dot trie-consideration," I aid. " I want a thoroughly comfortable bome (of the child, wliTe hie intereiU are certain lo be made the firit consideration.'* " I understand you that's your point ef view. If we art- wujl paid.it will be to our intereel to keep the boy ID health. I have neTer teen the child, and have natur- ally not a ipai k of affection for him . The late Sir Francis was my first cousin. Fail- ing this cbiU, the estates and title come to me. The boy's death, should it occur* would therefore be lo my benefit. I sta'j this fact quite frankly. The fa.n of my luring ilone so ought in assure you of the IDteitrity of my pun ,,.-. 1 fuel it, under the circumstances, lo rw absolutely to my iredii not to leave a mono unturned lo keep tlie child's fragile life ID exis'eoce. 1 understand, however, ike sort of feeling which makei you hesitate-to commit him to iv care. Your telegram of yesterday I regarded ai humbug I felt sure mat the reluctant* which my wife percoivrd in your manner would be iikeiy lo increase, not diminish, as time went OD. I took the liberty, therefore, of tending a cablegram myself to Lady Temple. I have her reply n my pocket. As he >|<oke, Marsden unfolded a sbeel f thin !! i-r. He put it into try hands. I read the following words : "A*k Dr. Halifax to deliver Noel to your ore and Helen's without delay. Bnnly Temple." " You see," continue*! Marsden, " that 1 have come with autnoruy. I snail be tied to take my wilt's nephew back to Bournemouth this afternoon, if he is tit lo travel." I .liiln't speak for a moment. " In the f ire of thai cabli-gram you oan't ielain its hoy," oontinuei! Mr> Ii n. " If his mother really wishes him lo go to you, I have not another word lo sty," I replied, after a pause. "1 regret, however, that she <iid net know her own miml wnen she first sent the child to Kng.on.l. It is till, however, my duty to care for his health, ami I must see that your house is in al. reipects tbe most suitable for him to liv- in." "You can do as you please with regard lo that, 'sti<l Marmlen. "1 have no doubt yo i wiU not like the house, but if money is no object we oan soon move Into one more suitaiite." he rose as he spoke and walked towards the window, putting his hands into i.n trousers pockets as he did so. The more I looked al ihe man, the more cordially did I li.sl.kehim. Could I have invented His n,l -M excuse, 1 would have kept Noel fr.iii. ins tender meroire at any risk. While 1 sioo.lund thought, Marsden turned ijm.-k- ly ari.i I >'-eii mi. lie pulled his watch out of his PH. kH. "I am anxious to rsturn to Hournemouth atones,' us i '. "If the child is well enough to travel, can you nut bring him down to- day ? 1 shoul i like lo have this malter settled as quickly as possible." "I liehtve the ohilil nan travel to-tlay," 1 sanl. "Will you have the kindness to take a chair ? I will to and give directions about hit clot hrs Iming pack- Shortly afterwards we vere on our way to Waterloo St it ion. We caught our train, and in doe time found ourselves at Bourne- motith. Noel WAD near'y quite silent all the way down. I ohtensd him without ap| etrmg to do so. His sensitive eves, with their distended pupils, a sure sign of delicacy, often travelled to the turd, flip. |>ant face of Marsdrn. Marsden whistled, )oke<l, tn 1 was ae vulgarly disagreeable as man could be. We reached Bournemouth, a cab was secured, and we drove straight to the Marsdsns' house. Mrs. Manden came to the door to re.eire us. The moment I glan.ed at her, I was struck with the nerv- ous expression of her faoe. She gave her bnaUnd a glanoe of almost terror, thsn with a forced smilr turned to the boy, stret'-lieil out her arms, and clasped him to her limit, her manner to 1 1,.- >-i,ild was fall of tender affection. "Wuai fools womi-n are," eaid Maradsn, roughly. "To see my wife, anyone would euppose that she was the mother of that lltlle brat. < .mm alon-j in, Dr. Halifax. I hope Mrs. Marsilen's manner satisfies yon. Yon 0*0 see for yourself Into what snug i orner your Heilgling has dropped. Mr-. Mitrsilxn, whsn you've done hugging thai i"), will you see about teat Here, doctor, make yourself at home." As b* spoke he ushered me into a stuffy little ptrlour with a smell of stale tobeoon about it. Mrs. Marsden fo lowed us into the room sue hrl-1 Noel's hand in hers. "Oan 1 see you alone fora few moments?" I said to her. "Certainly," at e answered. She led me into a small drawing-room, shutting the door carofully behind her. "I see," she said, the moment we were alone, "that my hiisbrnd has had his way. lie went np to town determined to have it." " I will be frank with yon. Mrs. Mars- den," I replied. "Your husband would not have had his way but for l-ady Temple's cablegram. ID the face of that I could not detain the boy. Until 1 hear to the contrary, however, the care of his health ii still in my hands, and while this is the case, It is my doty to arrange mailers so thai he may- have a ciiance of recovery." "Is his life in danger?" inquired Mrs. Mtraden. "It is in no danger at preunt." "He looks sadly delicate.* "lie is delicate. Be sutlers from weak- Deas of the heart and a general delicacy, probably due to hie early years being spent in a tropical climate. At the preserl moment, however, the boy hae no actual disease. He simply requires the greatest care. Can you give it to him ?*' " I think .' " I behev.i you will do your best," I answered, gating at her earnestly. " The child needs happu ees plenty of fresh air, and the most nourishing :ood. If his nuud is satUtied and at rest, and if his body is kept from exposure, he wiil probably become quite strong m time. Are you prepared to undertake the care of tbe child, Mrs. .Marsden? Remember that he will require the olosest care and watching." "He snail have ths best that I can give him," she answered. "He-oie Go.l, I pro- mise to be true 10 ths child he shall want for nothing I will be a mother to him." " I believe you will be good to him," I said : "but please uu.iiersi.and, I am not so certain about your husliand. I don't suppose for a n: MH-II! that he would do ths boy a grave injury If 1 seriously thought that, u.it witnstiu ling Lady Temple's cablegram, 1 would not leave him here ; but without meaning to injure the child, he would probably be rough lo him. In snort, it is necessary that the lilt Is boy should be placed in your hands altogether. ' " 1 will manage it, you needD tfear," she snswered. I'n.k spots burnt on each of her cheeks hsr IIMIIII tremhlr.l. Very well." 1 said. " I am willing to trust you. I will see ids child's solicitors to-morrow. Terms can be nia.-.e which will very kind to you. I'll corre and as* you this day fortnight. Now yon kuow, yon ar* not going to ory manly boys don't cry." "No, I won't ory," ssid Noel. He mads a valiant silort to swa low a lump in his. v~m. m, sue ee.ia. lliroet. "i'll stay if you wish in* to," h* ! I'm so glad you ar* bere. added, "but you'll oroims* faithfully to b* a snail* better. The boy back in a fortnight ?" "You have my promise," I r.pli.3. ,_. ___ m Inaok yon, aaid Noel ; "I trust yon greatly from restlessness and low spirits It wa* nearly eleven o'clock when we arrived at the Maredon's house. Mrs. Marsden was up; she was svidsnlly sx- pectmg us. Wnen ws rang th* hall-door bell, *h* openeu the door herself. 'Come in," she said. "Oh, Dr. Halifax, 1 iniuk Noel i* boy has spoken about i yon several timeato-day he ha* repeatedly said that hs wanted to s*e you. H* sutlers ii. at u, when Joe is not m the room him. He U mor* a't*cn*d to Jo* but of cours* b* oan''. b* with than him you ar* a perfect gentleman gentlemen can always MI trusted." He pui his hand into mine and we re- turned to the parlour. I mn MIII. Marsdeo, when by sn unusual sound. 1 looked around me, sleeps in his room they are quite cheerful thinking lhat a bird had come into the :' togexLher I even heard Noel laugh a* I room. To my astonishmnnt, I noticed that came downstairs." .Snarp was imitating the dulcet stratus of Mrs. Marsflen'* face looked much worn, the nightingale with wonderful accuracy, j and her eyes were red at U Ihe had been After producing some exquisit* note*, h* orytng. No one oould doubt the genuine, slopped abruptly, and beckoned Noel lo , ness of her troubl* about the child. She hie side. gutting along brown "OD FALL rUH. Jones- " How's Wheeler since he bought a bioyeie ?** crutches, I believe." Bio >i>e " Did yon spend a p'easant va* cation?" 8i*hbs-"No my wife .Xendi to all the spending." Stranger" I would like t* as* your bill collector a moment ?" Editor 'Certainly I John, hand the genllemaa tnat shotgun. . | hurried us into one of the sitting-rooms, and said she would go upstairs to prepare "Are you fond of music ?" he asked. "Yes," replied Noel. "Would you like to whistle like that?" "Yss-oh, ye*." "Lei me look al your throat if you have th* right sort of throat, I oan teaob yon to imiia.e any bird that ever sang." Tbe boy opened bis mouth eagerly ins c " ' *-as an*) Ill-rule LIskMni rev sorrows were completely forgotten be Railway Tralaa. little Noel for our visit, (TO ' OSTIM ID ) ELECTKIC LIGHTING didn'l even notice when I left the room. At ths end of ten days, I had a letter Much progress is being made in Europe in the electric lighting of railway cars, in from Mrs. Marsden. Sne had noi only Germany many of the ear* hav* for a long found a hoos*. but had moved into it ume been filled with gas, which is regarded NstJll Vs\A D*/m I Dvriil htrtt.tP *. n -4 ear. . LaaSkJs> lasu , been Nol waa wail nvnti h.ppy, .n.i w*v* look. Da forward with int*re.t to my xi.it. Wlth < 1 " tru "' " tn <1 ' t '<>'" ' I kept my word, and the following Sun-' 'l w *y collision hav* frequently day an ivel again at Bournemouth. Mri. ' heightened by the breaking Msrsden had givsn me the new address, a,,,.^ by it* secap* and I soon found th* bouse. Sh* received . me in tbe hall. w l nt ' th '" ligoimg a; par* t us I scarcely knew h*r for tbe same woman "neb IMS i baa that of ths gas apparatus who i ad interviewed me a fortnight ago. of equal efficiency; the cost of electricity ZZ**&Z*Z2Z*!l -r-v.r. compare, favourably with that erman railway zpert, put* the cos: of a gas plant for 170 oars at Ii 3,500; whereas aa electric charg- ing station of ihe same capacity can be installed for W,i, just ha,' the amount. guess, lion. No, Maud*, d*ar, th* tailor would carcely make a good matrimonial agent, although he does preu oiner people's suit* for them. "I am moving to-day because I oould not pay the rent I" "The-'s first rat*. I am moving for th* earn* rease* ; Ist's (hangs quarter* 1" Mis* Planaphaca (exhibiting her photo- graph)" EveryUdy says it doee net do me justice." Miss Pert" Evidently the artist a man of tact." "What do you tbmk of your engagement ring !" " You dear, sweet old boy, it's the handsomest I ever had I mean I like it ever so much." " They must b* having electrical storms at home," said Mr*. Barley, reading a teller from her sister. "Jeuf says thsy ar* having shocking weather." Mr*. Brown "Yon really must join our sewing circle." Mrs. Jones "My dear, I haven t the time t* spare. I have t* do so l Ml . * aa/I VW Vt . IWIIJ UD>1 SEa* I * UUI hsr manner. Sue was iiestlv and properly dressed, and looksd like what ah. wss. ' 8 M ** Butin.r. a O the mistress of a chernmg and well- appointed house. " You wih like to see Noel," ehe said ; he is in the garden with Joe, a* we DDDJ SV SB* bisv *XSS>t U*M W IfcDI VW*V, mm W - always call Mr. Sharp, He i. devoted M ' * tn ' unlryt rav.lers already recognise abundantly satisfy your huai>and's expecta- tions. 1 will leave Noel with you until I have bad time to write lo Lady temp. e and to receive a reply from her. If the boy *>W*TSS vwa** **. >-*DMU* a*J la* UVTVIfVU ftV Jo*, tn.i will never stay with anyone else tn * n th '' u ' r oonforu depend on a when he i* in the bouse. Oh, th.r* they ? d t ' ncl 1 '! ' *" railway ear, and bother*. How delighted No*l will b. to r " lw y companies will soon be dnv*. to ,, n providing Better lighting facilities. As rsd'tn opened ths French win- *". ""'"" . f ""uminatiou adopter u m a pretty drawing-room as she ""M'^ ' *. *'"><>" oertain to be called the bov's name. electricity, some bgures wfaiun nav. jost delighted Noel will be to sse you again " Mrs. Mars.i dows of tb* spoke, and called the boy's name. " Here is Dr. Halifax, Noel," ahe cried. " Hal, os I I'm coming,*' answered lillle Noel, in bis clear tones ; "you must come, too, Jo* yes, I insist." Tb*n h* called oul again, " T*1I Dr. H*l:fax that I'll b* wuh hia* in a minute with Joe, Aunt Helen ; now then loe, come on. Tbe two approacned the window to- been compiled on tn* subject of trameiec- ighuu| in Kngland ate instruct v*. On th* London, Bngfiloo, and Sou nCoait railway ths trams cost about I'J.ix.O each to equip with the electric ligfa , and tbe working cost for iraiiiieuanoo an.i renew- als for tbe tweive months ending Dec. :il, Ib'tM, was>70 per train. There are now out of fir* I much mending fat th* children." and ignition. Th* The baehfnl one Th*y say that iher* are bacilli OB a woman's lips. I wonder what they are like r She (encouragingly) "Why don't yeu try and find out f* ' They set ant on a bicycle built for twa, Alas, sr* the year wae done. We found them 'us very sad, baa On a salary built for one. Customer "A loaf of bread, pie Baker "Five-cent loaf or ten -cent loai '" Customer (precisely | "1 will take one of the loaves tfiat yon *eK for five cants." Yeast "I never saw such a man a* Jumply. Us seeme to get a new trunk every month." Cnmioubeak "Yes ; he changee hi* bo*rdiag> place every thirty Boatman "No have a boat now ; just ocming along. gelher. They made a strong contrast. The bey looked lovely and blooming there wa* colour in hi* cheeks, animation and hope in his sy**. Sharp'* osdaverous (see, his undersized, undeveloped person, his in use :<6 suburban block trains of 111 to cars each tn.i tO'ir mala hue fast trains equipped with ibis system, or a lotal ef 4 In cars. Kxperianoe proves thai the** trains are more serviceable than gas li^nted improves in health, lh arrangemenl can be I large mouth and small eyes witn their red " lut - "' ' lw * wi , '<ly ' run and to permanent. Th* first thing necessary to b* j lids, gavs him altogether a repulsive tout run CODtlnuoa *'y- They 1* not ne*d haul- don* on your part, however, is to Isav* this ensemble. N*v*rllisleas, th* child adored ** lo oh r lt ;D *liun or to b* letl at any bouse. 1'ieat* se* an agent to-morrow, and him. By what possible mean* had he woo P* r Hcular dspol. Th* company eslirnaies select s house in a dry and sunny part of the pui' wood." "I will do so," replied Mrs. Mar*d*n, " ami now 1 think teals ready. Will you c, me into the dining-room with me T" 1 accompanied Mrs. Marsden into the shabby room where Marsden had first led in' -th* close smsifsgsin adected me dis- agreeably. May I ask you to op*n that window at th. boy's heart ? Kven whsn Noel sprang *"** 'J **" **""" '* P" * tnor " wor * out of thim than from gas-1 ghted trains, th* oosi of building an iraia at f'S.iXsj, ther* to my side, he glanced back at Sharp. "I am so glad to see you. Dr. Halifax," b* said. "Oh, I'm as well a* I oan possibly b* you ask Joe about me Jo* is i-lever so that, English taking ien--er would be a saving of ab ut f ."-.'."., iK m the he's "teaching me all sort* of thmg.-1'v. ntruolioo of abuu: I(X) lrain.-i.fc, M got some carpenter s tools, and I'm making ' 'tM.:elly.|i K htwd trains would de ihe ship. Jo* knows th. Lama* of all th. work ' lo " gas-light*.! train*. Th* - different sails. Than he's teaching me to ' u Pp _ decreases considerably with the in.it.,. ,1 . ,.,r,<. k. . .. ,k. number ol tram* tm-d. imitate the turds bs says my throat is the the top?" I said to Marsden ; " mv patient right soft I oan do the robin and Ihe must not be exposed to draughts, but n is ibrush and the blackbird now, and next week I shall have a try for Che 'ark's notes. You stay quiet, Dr. Halifax, and listen. Now, what bird am I inn tat: He stepped back, > rewe.l up his littl* mouth, and whistled some beautiful notes. I made a correct guess. necessary that ha should have a certain amount of fresh air." "What do you mean ?" aaid my host. With a Siowl. " What I say, sir, ' 1 replied. "The boy must not have his metis in such a close room as this." Maisdrn went up loone of ihe windows, opened it about an inch, and then took his seat at the table. Mr*. Marsden sat opposite, Ihs lea equipage ; th* had belpeti Noel to a cup of tea, and wae just nan .ling on* to me, wh*o th* room door wa* opened i btcame suffused with pink, and a ca.Uverous-lookiiig young man of 1 "1 meant to tell you," she about one or two and iwenty entered. " Oh, is lhat you, Sharp?" said Man- dan. " Dr. Halifax, lei m* mlro.luce m> young frieod, Joseph Sharp. Sharp you train* tjttd. A CHRISTIAN OUTRAGE. Haw WMI-II Neiier ire oe Than the hlaete Cheaa we Abater ? Ram Lung, a C'hinese laundryman near New York city, ha* two eons who were F* . Boston Herald. Lun,.. who bad got hi. boys uuerl observed that Mtrsdeo'splac* -. ply. I Inquired for htm. admilled a* pupils m s public school, took have the privilege of making the acquaint- ance of a Harley Street dootor, 01 some reputation. Take a good look at him, my "That's tbe sweetest thrush's song I'vs |lor " "> s * n Francisco, but are now living heard all the year,' he said. with their father. Last Monday, says the Us clapped hi* bands wuh delight. Al dn was empt Whsn f did so| Mrs. Marsdra's cheek* lb *m there and n.ey were put in a class in tbe primary department Before the claa* my husband ha. l.ft us for a tm?**^ " M dlimi " d n< >- hr - 1 ' ' "'- "Lft you f I asked. "Unershash* wer mixlt * them. N*ilh*r wa* gone to? 'To Amerioa- molested on hie' way home, bul when they nddsn business has called returned to their elaasroom shortly before him lo South America he wnl in all proba- * o'clock more violent threat* were mad* by oiher boys, and they appealed to me bility be absent for the winter. mister, I oan't 1st yon 'here's a haavy swell Irate 'Arry "Swell be banged ! Ami By money a* good a* The Complaining Border "This meet is about the tougnesl that I ever cam* ecroM." The Philosophic Boarder "Yes; iiut u en ther* is not vry much of it, yon know." A maiden wnt*i "Can you tall m* how to ohang* tn* color ai my hair, winch al! tbe young meo tell m* i* red ?" Ceriamly we oan. Get rich ; they will then call it golden or auburn." "If I wereooiy pretty," ahe sighed. "T**i can easily become eo, said her beat friend. "HowT "Disappear mysteriously. I never read of a girl who disappeared mystenovly who wa* Dot pretty." A ugry pedestrian (picking himself np) "The next infernal scoundrel O, I seel It we* a man OD boraebaek. Never mind, sir. It didn't hurt me. I thought it wa* ens of too** darned bicyclers." Hortense "I suppose .her* ss always some iti.ng in life t* spoil a maa's happi- nee* " Van Jay" Tee ; It a man i* poo* he- oan't b* happy, and if h* is rich the) chances are he will get married." Mies Uasfegirl " I thought you told DM you uonld swim " t 'addle Kupiey I _ I awn, I aseuah you, in s-*om* place*, bat th* water is so deuoedly thin hers, don't you know, that u woaa't hold me up." "What makee you look eo worn and weary, Aa if vou were quite tired of life?" "Ala* t ' h* M(hed, in accent* dreary, " I've just been snapping with my wife." He" I don't think there is tnything much finer than lo have a beautiful yacht." Sh* "I'm surprised at you. Haven't yon ooosi'lered a beautiful wife?" He " Oh, yes ; hot I mean en the ground of economy." Edwards " Brown's system reduce* Richard* In order bora* racing to an exact science. --l>o**it?' Edwards - Yea. I guessed now why Mrs. Mariden's teaoner for protection. In the afternoon ] to tell how much money a man will lose it !>; if you are pru. lent and olever.you may manner had so altered altered for the thess Chinese lads were beoet by other is only necessary to knew bow mnoh h* follow in his footsteps some day. Sharp is | b*lt*r. Marsden wa* away eh* oould do boy*, pummelled in the head and also studying medicine, continued Marstien, I sxaotly as sbs pie sed, therefore, about th* stoned. Policemen were obhge<t to disperse by wsy ol oxp.anttion tn >n " he looks ' boy. The boy was of couise perfectly the crowd and place the boys in ths hall r>f liks one ol the fraternity, dossn't he? safs with her, and I might, therefore, oast a bouse until further assistance arrived. "Why not?" " The pockeTe'are soea Snarp has just the right hand for an oper- 1 " i'Xiety wtlh rsgard lo him from my ;' And ths newspapers of this fro* land ar* j find that my husband has gotten u " . alor so 1 always ssy Hs prefers medi- 'mind. .._._--.. .t- u. _.<.. -L. . .... " No." I shall (aid the very advanced woman, not wear bloomer* any mere crying out al in* Chines* for their outrages cins, hul I 'ell him hs's lost to surgery." Shortly afterwards I look my Isav*. upon foreign missionaries I What is tb* While Mrtisdrn was speaking, Sharp There wa* no necessity for ms to see difference, pray, between our boasted wiped the perspiration from his face bis Mtile Noel again for some time, and whsn civil, tat ion, our watchword of fraternity appearance was hy no means preposeessmg. I ' rsotived a su.Msn telegram about him, and equality, and the savage reasoning of Hssaldovn near me, and once or twio* h* had lo a certain extent pas**d into the the children of Confucius ? In ths name of raised his yo* to glanc* inquisitively at back part of my memory. . Christianity, on* of IBs oldest religions ol Noel. Noel was studying him with the Ihe telegram wa* trem my friend, Dr. the world is being overthrown, and the frank stare of a chil,). Hart, in wuoee medical oare I had placed right* which every man, every nation in* "Are you' preparing yourself for the ' 'he >">y. It contained the following words: hents from tb* soil on which they stand, medics! profession hers?" I asked, after a " >>r Noel Temple ill heart attack wish are invaded by a people *' horrent t* the pause I to consult yon." m.lltous professing u. Atrocities have " Vss," he replied, " I am filling in my ' I wired back to say that I would go to been lately committed in China lhat have vacation l.y studying matsria medloa and Bournemouth by tbe evening train; I did roused Kngland and shocked America** at Dr. Bigga's I w*rk ihsre io ."'"l leached Dr. Han's houss aboul tan ' with th* deep leve of progress in their 'clock. : hearts. They oan look at th* massacre of "I'm heartily glsd that you ar* abl* U ' lho nl>on*ri** fr*m only on* point of come, Halifax," h* said, a* b* le.l m* into '* Th< y r * ""''I* to take mto con- his smoking-room. "1 hav* just corns from "deration tho brutal fanaticism lhat Ihe child 1 don't likr his condition." po*s*ssd tho** .layers of the** innooecl "When I heard abo.it bun las:, he was P*pl- They se* only cruel " heali en" in perfecl heallh,"! replied. beeetting kindly dispo*e<l Christians and That is ths case he remained well until 'y"'C them like sheep. But how all day. "And sleep nere." interrupted Marsden. " Sharp is a good fellow, Ur. Halifax. I often say he has tin- making of a fortune in turn if h only knuwshow to apply himself, lly ihe wsy, in case lhat hoy is III, I sup- pose you will like Biggs to ses him ? we can't telegraph for you whenever he ha* a U _ i VIIIDIIUVU <s/*Jii uuvii * m - - - r , oold n his head or anything of thai sort." last Monday I was sudueuly sou t far th*a t '<" 11 ln * children at Oroenpoint, N. T. t I will arrange that," 1 answered. ' and found him in a stale almost approach- What sort ef nielerancs and *avag*ry was " My trisiid, Dr. Hart, will look afl*r th* ing synoop*. 1 gave him th* nsusf msdi- '' * omt P******o<i them wbil* punohinf and ohilil 1 am going lo ten him before I return cine* and he quickly revived. Since then, *K>ning two American-born Chine** boy* to town. I am afraid I must now say however, his condition has been the reverse because their fat hsr claimed the right of a Uooil.|>ye.'" of w tiafaotory, and hs was so weak to-day, ta paying cinxen and s*nt them to public 1 rose aa I spoke ; at th* same moment and the medicine had so eom?let*ly failed nO01 ' " * Chine** minister at I tie No*l sprang lo hi* feat and ran to my to produce the expeeted results, that I I Washington has a train of humor, net to "' ; thought it beet for you to see him. I mention jusfco, ID hi* composition hs will 1 want to go back to town with you,'' "1 am glad you sent fer m*,' 1 replied Mk '" '" <|u*i*n i* mor* diplomatic be said i " 1 do.i't wish to stay h*r*.'' | "Th* child has from time to urn* suflered 'hioo, p*rhap*, though not with mor* ' Come, my little man, no folly of that from functional derangement of the heart. ort, said Marsden roughly. H* stepped forward and laid his hand OD me ohild's """ "Lsave him to me." I said. "Coma, Noel, I will spetk to yon in th* drawing- He had a nasty attack mat before he was taken to Hobtnemontli, but on *iamma..on I oould not trace th* slightest organic I took th* child's hand and led him out any ctn.i of the room. .lutlepati \on must Is a brav* boy," I seui , . r bly tl _ elmg my hnart against his tearful faoe. oom^let* depression of the whols syst-m." ir mother wishes you lo slay here for "Well," [replied, "I will go with you a lilt. a, and your aunt has promised lo b* at one* to see th* child." "I hav* only examined th* iietrt care- fully," replied Hart, "and cannot trace n.iao disorder. The slate of the mil, however, pur/ es ms consid. there is nothing o account for the A Poor Plan He You never seem to care a straw whethsr 1 am comfortable or nou You are Dot the *ort of a wi.'s your sister waa to her husband. As long as he lived she was perfectly devoted to him and never tired of seeking his happiness. She Yes ; and what was th* result? lie got to loving hsr so much lhat he made a many again. m bis will (hat she should asvsr 1 " OT * n * r husband ? habit of going through lhasn when M. asleep. mine." " I cannot, U*rald. 1 always said I would marry a brunette, and you ar* a pronounced blonde." " 1'hat will enable me to prove what I have so often told you. 1 will dye fer your sake." " You say ths trout weighed 10 pounds ?" " Yes, sir ; it was the biggest 'rout 1 ever saw." "And U got away fromyou?" "Yee," " Will you make an oath to lhat ?" " 111 take no mere oaths ; I swor* enough abont it when he go* away." Stout man (whose appetite has been the envy of his fsllow-boaroar) " I declare, I have three but tone off my ve*t." Mistraa* of the house (who ha* baen acnmg to giv* him a hint)" V ou will probably dud them in th* ilmiiigr. om, sir." " W onder why Jonas moved away from here. He was doing a good business, wasn't h*T" " Ob, yes th*r* war* oihsr trout.l**, Yon know hew fend h* was of telling stor- ies r' " Ys*. 1 guess I do." " WslT, h*'* baea forced to take ihe** stone* to a new country." " Why," asked !>ismal Dawsan. le.uiug over th* fence, "why d* you keep on ilu'giii whea the bos* ain't around ?" " Becaui* I really like the job." said tb* n*w farm hand. " (lot a real hkm' fer work T* Sur*." "You'd orter take treatment." Old Meicator (to little Billy Ducks, just l*ft school, who applies for situation a* oHi.-e U>y, and produrrs testimonial from clergyman' " We don't weut you on Sun- il*ys, my k,o,l little boy. Have you a ret- ereuoe from any one who knows you a* week days V The Reason Therefor. Why ilo you think Mrs. Polls does** Sh* is so polite to iiisa-

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