TH1 FL18HIITOR ADfilfOI Ofllc-t- of GEO. MITCHELL F I.E. <> Asvneral beukin k . boilDMitraaeacted Drift" Uaei and shMj'iio* cubed at usual rate*. Money alwayi aTaiUbl* for legiuiati bUKinoaa ntorprtie office two doors north of Kicuanl- on A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week 4 ar.- fully Called for the Curious. tiottcft among local* icill If at th.f rate of lOc prr Hue fvf e<ick titter turn. .{ ri*/r<n icill be made OH amtntcit for 100 line* or over. Flour only $4 per barrel at R. Pvdler's. One car load of tail jui; to baud at T. LJ.lls. E*t Urey prize lilt u now ready lor distribution, Anyone iletiring a copy r.ui get oi.e by applying to the secretary, Mr. R. J. Sproulo. Markuale civic holidayed DM T ieday. SOIIIL- <>f the citizens went to Owen S mml, some to Eujjeuia, and the band drove through to Sh-U.urue fur an evening c<m- eTt. '. your Fl"ur where you can ge it the cheapest. I am selling lint-china dourat 94 per barrel. Ciue and K \ "iir Huppty Erin and M.irkdnle flour always on hand at R. PrdltrY Rev. Mr. Mclireg'T of Durham, preach- ed two v.-ry acctfpiablo erraous in the I'.iptut church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. (iiuiliner, the pator,> Mr. McGreg- or's work in Durham. A dote of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral uketi in time hua prevented in.iny a 6t of iclc- nets and wived numeioUA live*. Thin jir,,ve tho necctMiry of keeping this in- comparable medicine where it can be readily reached at all hours of the d.iy and night. A bam bakumiug to Mr. Wm. Caswell, I>urt>amc>rucr, wnahurnuJ t>i the ground on Thuriday night last. Tli tire was dis- covered about 8..TO. There were about _-' tuns of hay in the building. Thu tire wnsd. ulitUssof incendi.iry origin. Build- i:it{ and conteiiti wure insured iutbeSyd- enhaui Mutual fur $800. No ippetite ? Then do n> try to force f itxl down ; but use th- most Kcieniiric inraiis for roatormv tnni- to the itoiuach H ,w ' Why, i.y taking Ayer's S.vwt[>ar- illa\, slid in a surpriainuly short time, your appetite will come again, and come to Now that the aame season is approach- ing it may be wi-11 to draw the attention of sportsmen to the law* in regard ih-Ti-'o. > far M they apply to this section of country. Chief Warden Tieisley of To- ronto hm isaued a pamphlet containing the gHrne laws as they at present stand, furtii which we ulenn the following: Par tridgr may be hunted fruui Sept. 15 to Owe. 15 ;duck, Sept. 1 to Ui-c. 15; deer, Nov. 1 to Nov. 15 ; black and grey (uiuirrU, Sept. 15 to Dvc. 15. Garden Party. The Meihodist people and their fniMids ..f \Vi-sley church. Meafrd Road, will hold a garden party on the school grounds Tuesd.iy evening the 3rd of September, l-<9. An excellent program will be pr |>r<jU consisting of nulling, recitations, play*, and Speeches by the ROTS. Ed- w.irdit, Balfour, Humphrey and Dr. Spri-ii!.., M.P. Refreehinents ser.etl at 6 o'clock. Adini.sHi.pii 15 cU. Cutoe all. Killed by a Fall. MR. JOHN HAZARD MIKTH WITH DEATH BY FALLIM1 r-K"M A HAY LOfT. Mr. John Hazard, collector of township rati-s for this township for the pastirvi-n ti-fii years, mot with an accident on Sat- urday which resulted in his death on Mot iUy. Mr. Hazard, it appears, went into his hay mow on Saturday to read, and full asleep. When ho awakened, be ing Mi.mcwhiit. ilmed, it w .supposed, he fell through a hole in the loft to the a'.v'j.c below, a diarauce of eitfht foot, striking and cutting hia head on some obbtrucliun and Uruiaii'X <** body badly. He inanagHd to make l.iii way out of th atable but Ml on a inn* plot, where h WBH foui d b)u>rtly afUr, c a. ious ai d able to U-H wluib had happened. Within nn hour after being takeu to iSe huuse he t* aiiie unc"ac>n* and! rciii^iiied ao uutil 2 t u'cluck Monday u. imiu. & lie xpirJ. Di*. Huttou and Clitislu* B/toudwl the dy tug man but could do no- forhiuu. Mr. Hazard wM a u.u of intelligence and after coming to this country from England many yean ago he taught aebool for some time. He has been a trustworthy and honeat servant of the township for seventeen years pnat as tax collector. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. A large family in left behind to mourn his loss. Deceased was 66 years of age. Old stamps wanted, Canadian or Ameri- can. Must be old issues. Prices graded according to age and value. For instance an old half penny stamp u worth from S1.50 lo $2 50. If you have any old stamps i i your possession bring them in, and we will pay you fair prices. Band Concert. The band concert on Wednesday even- ni',' of liw'. week was not the success it should have been oinx to the dilntori- ue of the Dundalk and Markdale twnds iu arriving. It *u 8.30 when Markdale arrived snd S.45 when Dundalk appeared on the scene. This waa a poor return for the promptitude with which the Flesh- rrton boys served their brethern of the other towns. Many citizens were detain- ed at home on this account who would have added their mitua to the funds, but owing to the lateness of the hour of st.irt- ing thought it more prudent to i;o to bed. Th evening was s.nuewhal cool, but the turnout was nevertheless fairly irood con- si'ieiiug all thiogs, the slot machine r-g- Uterini! about $34 Kroaa. R^freshiueuts were served to the muiiicians by the townspeople in the agricultural hall. As io the musical part f the program, wiui very nice indeed. The Dundalk band is an honor to the place of its birth and to its Denial bandmaster, Mr. Joe. I'.uka, who has placed it on an enviable fo..tiny. While Marktlale and Flevher- ton bands are sightly behind Dundalk in musical power they are *till institutions of which both lnwna have reason to be proud. Markdale has especially been l.iU.nn^ under diiudvantiiget owing to thi removal of several of its members, and adoption of new material. These reunions are very pleasant features for tho summer months, and in our opinion the bandit interested should ifive our peo- ple mora of iheui. But they should make it a point in Bach instance to be on the ground tt 7.30 at the least. PCR50NAL5. Minn Fitchell of Detroit is visiting with her brother-in-law, Mr \V. Irwin, prin- cipal of the public school. Mr. and Mrs. E. Vdtizant visited friends in Thornbury this weok. Mixa Gordon and MISM Greenland re- turned to their liomex iu Brooklyn la*t week. Mr. Guy Picked, of the Markdale Standard ntaff, gave the Advance a wel- come fraternal call on Tuesday. Mrs. T. AiU-nl.fitdl and children re- turned to their liome in the city on Sat- iiruay. MisH Louie Armstrong accom- panied them. Mr. and Mr*. J. \\ . Henderson, Miss Bella Hendci'son, Master Emerson Hen- derson and Mitts Hannah Bellamy re- turned on Monday to their home in To- ronto after spending their holidays in town. Mr. Henderson will resume his duties with the North of Scotland Cana- dian Mortgage Company. His sojourn here has btsnetuted his health quite per- ceptibly. Fattier Sergeant Richard Spicer of the R >yal Artillery, (jueboc, who is on a mouth's furl-u ,h,put a few days with his brother at Fhwhertou Station. Sergeant Spicer, whom, it may be re- membered, was oil a viMt to hut brother a year a^o, was, shortly after his return to hit battery, promoted to the much vu vied position of' Battery Farrier Serxeant, which is a signal proof of hu former good conduct, as well as the esteem evinced to- ward him by hm superioi officers, as promotion from gunner to sergeant, at one leap, is a rare occurrence in the service, and only attainable by extra good and uieritoiiou* conduct. Sergeant Spicer seems to appreciate a soldicr'a life as he hAM re-engaged to serve his Country for another tern;, and our advice to you, Dick, in, reipajn there a* loug MB you ar doing so wall. Ttw SwgMiit is scci <n paired by his amisbl wife, who has al taken kind'y to a barriuk room life, and u very much uharuied > .by lies.ul-Mirrinj{ bustle of .tin* old u*jf of Quebec, from ] whose towtltSf *'' inipreunahlc ciladil she oiui sean the Luviathom of the ]ee.i as they C.-IIIB sleamiiig iuaj*tically up tli i.ubls St. Uicuc. Mrs. S. hud the ( -leaaure uf gviug ou buard H. M. S. Blake, wktla anchored at Vu..-lit:. awl was much struck with surprise .aid ad- miration at the magnitude of the equip- nient of that noble vessel of war, with her hundred ton guns, her quick firing machine guns, her torpedo tubas, etc , and manned by six or seven hundred jolly tars and marines, whose clean and tidy appearance, together with the cleanliness and order of everything about the ship, the clock-work reitularityby which every- thing is done, the alacrity with which every command is obeyed, in something to be wondered at and admired. As Mrs. S. said U> herself, what would my friends in Melancthon say could they behold a sight so wonderful, yet such is life in the British navy. The sergeant sud hia wife have yet two weeks to spend with their friends, when they return to Quebec, be to duty under the "Vet," aho to her do- mestic duties in the bai r ack room. The hope of their many fciends a that they may continue to enjoy the pleasures so happily commenced, but no ouu feels more interested in their future welfare than OLD SOLDIU. o FlBst erton Barjwarg Bouse I Car Load of Stoves Armed at F. Kirstedt's. Steel llaMges. Cast Ranges, Sjunre and Extended Cook Stove*, r>x and Parlor Stoves, which we are goinit to >>flur cheap for oa-sli, or we are prepiued to give one to iwo years' time if rct|uired. Come aud get our prices beforo buying. Ileaxl quarters for Building Hard- ware aud Binder Twine. O F, 1, larsMI - Prop, o o THE OWEN SOUND . . . 6ollegiate Institute . . . The Owen Sound CcllwiitU Institute will n- opan on MONDAY. Al'QLST i6lb at 9a.m. when rlj>. will rx> rornio.1 for nil uradta of TVavhHi- 'Certiflunt^i : Matriculation i'aaa and Honor in Axis. Law. or Mwiinii.*; tne Commer- cial Course and Kntraneu Into duatmtry nr I'harmacy. A fu 1 ulafl of nine teacher*. All tlepartinaotft In chari{0 of x|irieiioaij apaotal- RECORD FOR I8s: *rv K.ianii .Iu inr Loevinn Kxauiinatlnn ST U IT . Leaving Kjianuiialion i'aa Matlirulalinu Honor Matriculation For lint of Ivoanllug houaea aud all oilier in- formation apply to W. H.JK.NK1NS D. n. DODIE. (tec. Tre i. Came Astray. Cunitt to the preuii*ea of the unlerai|{ntnl, lot 'J>, con B. Arteoiaaia on or about July drat, onu ono v *>ar old HUior. The owtiei la requested to prova )>rop*rt>, pa; expeunen and takx urns awav, HicBAjtn I'OUTKOUF, PlMUaiton I'O HORSE STRAYED. K'liiin iioar t'i Kioh abut 27tb Jnne. a bright lm> hone four >*m old. fuur white feet. hiti> HI it on face, wearing a wood*n poke. Any Information leading to Ins reuuvary will be rewanlod by applying lo George Dyee, Cape ttkb I'.U , or at the Advance office. Cam Astray, Came to tho premUua of the underalgned, lot I, inJ i-cu. of Kuuhraala, on or about the 11th of July, oue year old heifer. The owner la re- queatod to prove property, |tay expenflea and tako the any away, WM HiMBaiiaruiiB, Aug. V. "OS. Klniberley. Ont, THREE DOLLARS REWARD For tlie peraoD that cau give loformatiou about a black curlev do, pail S|>aincl and uart Newfoundland, with a apevklud gray atid while breast ami front foot, aunwuribg io the uame of Thii .log either trave<l or waa ilnlun from the hotel ihedn in Kleahertou Tillage on or about the *tuJ of Jau , UM. The abuvo re- ward will be give by atiplviug to C<, M'l I.KU. ItoRiior, On t Sheep Strayed St-ayad from theprauilMX of the unclorxigne I. about July Id, tbree ew and two lambK. All marked with Miallop on unilei si-le of lft ea -. Auv peraon kuowiuj of their whervaboutn will confer m favor by coiuu.uiiicatiuK with K. T. I'lHK, KUOWlUP. O. Imse an. Lit Fir Sals, For aaj cheap and ou aa*y terms iu Klohr- ton. Spleu.liil large, nolld brluk ilwelliuK, with Ki'0,1 tn cellar, auminer kitcbea and wuod- liouwe. alpo good frame liable, brick IKHM. PieniiwB contalna two large lota and igiud >ODK i. r. Imnl. buariug. Huune aud ou'buildlaa are i vi I'tniiially wull dnmheJ anil very cuuveui- lutly !aM <*<* Apply to R.J. Sheep Came Astray. a.n-- to the premihaa of the nodei aifiieJ, I' t M u '" rt-m*i' i.a.lnN** an* el>~H> aud a 1 1> The owner i.. requetleil to prove prop- a t - pa,) ei|>euM auu .->. lb ani. awa ^.^ ... * J Dau> i a. Get k-Jife-v.:- 4 . . . The Best . . For Your Money Vfr are nuw offering a well selected aasnrtment of Ladies' and CJenta' Fine Foot wear in Oxfords, Balmoral and Button Boots and Slipiwrs, also the heavier grades which we an* oifrrini! at bottom Prices notwiih- standing the recent rise in price of boots and leather. Call and give iia a trial. Custom Work anil Repairing attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S OUR SALE . . . One ton of Dry Goods just received, such as Dress floods. Flannels, Cottonades, Blankets, Shirt* aud Drawers. In fact, to make it xhott, we have a lull range of Fall & Winter Goods Our prices are slways low s low wt don't make much in-.ney. Large sales are more satisfactory, and small profit* are necessary theso day-.. Bot.Ls and Shoes arriving. Teas coming in imported for our opecial radi". i'luase call and tee UH. Butter, Eggs, Skins, etc., Taken T. HILL, HELLO THERE! Do you want a tirnt clam carriage f Then go to D. Blair ; he can supply you. Havu you seen our .. Eclipse "Cart? If you have not then Hee onu before purchasing and you will buy no other. If you are at the ni fail to 'call and see us ; we will be ploami to meet y.Mi. IVnn-niber we manufacture everything in the carriage linu and aaiiirfaction guaranteed Shop in connection with McTavuJi's blacksmith <fi S ar s afn Every day a busy one, aud yet we arc offering some very Rj iudttceruento iu Plush Parlor Suites, and au eioeptioually fine ;i -s i, t meut of parlor sitting room odd pieces in plurih, rn;{g, silk, ritiuiu and other aoveringi. Ceutre Tablet at very low prices m solid oak as also in walnut and antique rJuish. Our line of Dining Room Furniture wai never more complete, shorr- ing a large variety of dasigns in Extension weli as Fall Li-uf aud Side Table. Our new pattern Dining chairs atu at once claap, comfortable aud pleasing to the eye. A special line of pictur picture frames at slaughter prices Also some, very pretiy Windo* Shades aud Curtain Poles to be. cleaned out at cost. Our undertaking departmeut is an uusual first class, and pricoa wU sk thoe we have served. Ji " "*l/ w\t^I_? Furniture Dealer . I !, > . li'V/l\l" and Undertaker. gy yyy n ywj*fJ&W&. S-^g^^^^^^ry >^. 5 * < - j, Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times: But BO such word la heard from the DTJXOALIv. : PA/Tl^ON : iSTOI^E, And why not from them as well as from other places of bnsLucss, because they are m llii.j- at prices that bring the custom for many miles around. The t and els. are $ aud cts. with those that have buying to do this ac-aaqu. It would be quite easv for us to iuote 6 pr. ladiua liouo for 25 ctu , SO yds. G. cotton for $1.00, 2i large size handkerchief $1, etc , but our aim w noi to give yoi> a lot of cheap goods for $1, but to give you good goods which you uuiuot bty iu other stores for the satue anuuut L f Although Boots aod Shoes Lave ad vanned wholesale iSo/o we still sell tueni at the old patron price. We are enabled to do this owing to a large stock being bought before the advance. You would do well to get your supply be- fore the aMortmeut u* broken. Wonderful low pricos for reo.dyiu.tilu aud ordered clothing. Men s ail wool auiU for IV22. etc.. etc. Tbe highest catu prices lor .! kuidt of protluc*. Save, your dollars by buying a. CALMOUN'S