Household. Facts for Prudent Housewives. That it i. well to a id a litil. vinegar in which aa.t fi.h t. so*k*d. Thai potash put down th* drain- pip*. Will prevent a plumber's bill. Tnat waih-' when a little ruMy nay u* cieaueed wuh sweet muk. Thai benzine rubbed on th* *<ig* of sarpet is a sure preventive of mo in*. Ihat m cooking string bean*, pea. and pinach a grating of nutmeg uiuoo improve* tueir flavor. That lo remove peacn stm so.k in milk for forty-eight hoar* or rub with lemon juice and aalu Thai if a .prig of paraley dipped in vinegar i* eaten afMr an onion no nnpieaaam odor Irom ihe breath can be delected. 'lhal ice cream snonld be froxen in a warm pit e, tor the more rapid toe melting of the ice the quicker the cream fieeae* That in pickling alum help* to mak* th* picklei crisp, while horseradiin and uasturlium *e*d* prevent tne vinegar from becoming muddy. Taat tansy te a >ur* preventive of mot h and tnat if the leave* ar* *pnnkl*d freely about woollen* and fun they will never be moth-eaten. 'i'hit to renew straw n-auing, rub all over it a layer of wet fuller's earth ; after it nai remained for **v*ral day* cleans* with aait and water. Thai atone jar* for bread and cake box** hould b* scalded twice a week in summer weamer, lunniag, if poeeibl*. lo keep jiold from gatoermg. That an .nfant'i ciuthing should always be> ao arranged a* to allow lh* limb* freedom }f motion, and not to compre*. an* portion >f the body. That refrigerator* .hould be thoroughly cleaned onoe a week, everything removed,** and rack* waahed in warm so.ia water, wiped dry, and siuu*d if po.uble, door* left open nnlil all is dry insid*. hot o.ia water pocred down th* outlet pipe to tak. off any .lime tnat m.y hav* gathered, tbe receiving pan waahed out. Vinegar and water will take efl slain*. Never aet any food in the refrigerator until entirely cold. 1 hat to make Welsh rarebit with beer, grate one pound of English cheece - it should be rather rich and strong put it into a porcelain-lined or granite veaeel ; add one oucc^ of butter, tahlespoonful of tomato calaup, quarter teaspoonfnl of salt, daih of red pepper, a gill of beer or ale ; stir over a moderate tire until the rheeee u melted. Have reax'y a plat* of bread nicely oaared and buttered ; make the eheeee very bet and pour it over the bread, and serve immediately. That to clean bottle* tak* a number of pieces of toilet paper, roll them each lengthways and put them into the bottle with a good hot ends Let stand till th* paper i* thoroughly monteo- d. Then shake wall for a few minute* and Uie bottle will be thoroughly clean. In emptying the bottle care must be taken not to do *o in a wa*n-ba*in or bottlers' tray, a* th* paper would cane* a stopage, pro- bably. A little bouse sand put into soap- lu.i* and shaken in a botllt is also a good way to clean it. BANTLING BOA CONSTRICTORS T frtrk bv Whlrh Ike fterneali are 1*a'd vi 1 1 bun l ateaajer. Snake dealer, in South America have a fine contempt for their quirmiug and v*. nomea* war**, though it l* sometime* diffi- BEQUESTS TO DUMB ANIMALS. leataare* la Whlrh Haulers Have PrevlaV- f4 ler Their rets. There wa* Cape. Htrtmann. a r*urd officer, well known in Jamaica and noted (or hi* fondue*, for animal*. He appointed a perion to look after his dog*, cat*, and bird* and aee they wanted for nothing, while for the many horse*, mule., aad calling him master they were to be from labor for evermore and made free of hi* acre* of grazing ground a* long a* they lived. When the laat ot th* animal legate** died, and not until then the set ale wa* to be realized, and ihe proceed* handed over to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal*. This wa* ov*r fourteen year* ago, and ihe society ha* uul realized a* y*U The Count d* la M.raudol*, who di*d in 18*25, left a legacy to hi* favorite carp, which be nad nourished for twenty year* in an antique fountain ataniiing in the ball. In 1781 a peaaant of Touiouae left the following will : ' I declare lhat i institute i my cheelnnt heiw sole legatee, and I wisn hi i. to belong to my n.'pnew, N." Th* j will waa attached, but It received legal confirmation. A Mr. liirkey of Kiiighuborougn, in England, dud on tb* 5th of May, IsoS.and lift a pennon of i'25 per annum to his four dog*. He wa* entirely wrapped up u their ocieiy, and when any on* ventured to remonstrate with him for expending ao | much money on their maintenance or wnne m the process of freeaing makes a delicious fruit That pick lee should be well sailed in trong brine or they will be* and insipid. B*lter too mucn than too littl* all, aa they can b* freshened in weak vinegar. That jellie* ihould aiwaya b* mad* in a porcelain kettle and that tne best refined or granulated lugar ihould be u**d, and that the fruit, especially currant* and grapee, buuid not be over ripe. Tnat rum ia ao excellent addition in the way ot flavoring to many sweet sauce* and oak si Woerever nalUd for by a recipe alwsys use Jamaica rum ; no oth.r brand l* unable for tbe purpose. That Una good plan to keep a .mall dub of charcoal on on* of th* upper hetves of the refrigerator, as It i. an excellent absorbent of odors. It should be ehsknge>iev*ry few day*. Tnat roll* wnich hav* become dry may be freshened by dipping ti.*m quickly into water and placing them in tb* ov*o for two or three minuiee until th* water ha* dried. They will taste almost like new rolls. Inn an infant's doming (hould be tuoiuusly adapted to tne weaihr,avoidiag t all t.iue. exposure to tne injuriou. el'ects of luddeu change! in temperature without proper covering ; but nurieuei envi lieepiug apart Jients should invariably be wall ventilated. That to make a cup of coffee almoet a* nourishing a* a tneal stir into it an *gg well beaten. Kirn b*at th* egg in the cup, add a Lit cream aod then tne augar, and laatly the corfee piuied in gradually. Wt)n adding th* coue* beat oonstaniiy witnasmall cgg-beat*r. That aluminum ia becoming a favorite metal for kitchen uleniil*. It is higher in price than tin and iron, but housewives wbo have o**d it ar* delighted wilh it* ing of aympalhy lhan the dog* h* wuuid reply : " ilen aMailed my lite ; Uogs pre- served it." And tuis waa a tact, for be had been attack*! by brigand* in Italy, and had been rescued by hi* dog, whues de- cendanU his four pet* ware. When h* fell hi* end apprneunino; he had to* four dog* placed on couche* by th* *ld* of hi* bed ; and ne receive.! tbe.r laat oat*****, x lending to '.bom nu fa.ieriog band, and breathing hi* lalt between their paws. According to hi* .leeire lh* busts of ihee* favorite oruus were sca.piured on the oorner* of hi* '.omb. . Some twenty-live years ago a gentleman neither aee nor bite, and tnen .oaten him O ! Coluiobu*. U, died. i*eving behind him ao suddenly from hi. reeling place lhat he drawing* and plan* tor a eat innruary to ha* no opportunity to brae* himself by ' . .reeled by hi* executor*. The infirmary Mixing a fixed object with hi* tail. Aft.r wtt w BaT , r , t llole . , or tpor . tfmu ia ' r tnat the e***ntial thing ! to Me Uiat he 1. tmM ry convert*, and kiround* tor .I.TCIM not broeght within diataoce of any auoS ; pto ,^^i with hi gn object. A soak* dealer on board a Brazilian (learner the oteer day waa occupud in iraoatemng hi* boa* Irom one box to a* freight. Th* snake dealer* handle the boa constrictor with great define**. Tb* serpent bitos, but his bite is not venomous n tnat th* chief i anger to (he handler i* from th* (erpent's enormously powerfu 1 muaela*. Th* dealer* hav* learned lhat tbe boa, to be really dangerous, must hav* a fulcrum in the shape of *om*thmg around which h* may ceil hi* taiL Th* boa is. in fact, a lever in wr ich the ordinary arrangement is power, t . fulcrum. Knowing thu, th* dealer* drop a soil hat over hi* head, tbal he may win. gently dop- ing roof*. Th* laat clau** in hi* will read: 1 nave all my hie been taught to bsueve that everything in and about man, wa* I, intended to be ueef ul.and that it a* man'* e opened the box an instant, j du|y M , ord of uum ^ it w protect al. tn* .iropped a bat ovor the head of one of th* creature*, snatched it frum it* fehowi, and, rushing acroe* tb* deck, dropped it into tbe other bux. The thing looked so eaey that a deck nan 1, waiting until the snake owner's back wa* turned, essayed to repeat the act. He neglected lo use lh. hat, and for ' lh . pr r "t* c i'io'n af'~h*"bodie*"o"f"iny'ulsar with a yell yacked a great make from me , rwBu . lh . ciUs i do n . r , b d<t1 ^ Ma box wuh it. fang, fixed in hi. finger. Not br.i*aih the inieenue. of my body lo be ip clM , a. God protect, and w . u . h- ov . r him. For theee two combined lha t my b.Jy, even after , contlnu . to b. njj lt m - b, m j. ible, in furuuhiog a aubatit . . . i_ T * *. ! v aaenwaHw ui iii * iruuw MS l. o daring lo lei go, y*t fearing to hold on, h* mfcl , up mto fiddle *tnog., th* proceeds to began whirling the make about his head, ^ a.voled to the pur ha*, of an acccrdion. meanwnu* dancing madly ov.r the deck. wnlcll ,, liall . pi ye(1 m th , 4u , iaor ium ol The snake man managed to capture ihe i th . ,.,, i nnrmMy by on* of ib* regular repule and box it in security. Th.n some- I ., ^ b. Ml . oU . a jor tn . t ., urpOM . body expressed concern tor the r**h deck | c lu,, T .;y_th. playing lo i>e keptup tor nand. to which t. eueke owo.r answered: . Ttr Md . v , r , without cessation, day or "What, him? He. all right. But nt> , ,,rd.r that th. cat. may have the think of my soak* I It . worth tw.nty of prlv ,|ege of alway* hearing and eoioyinu well and u easily kept bright That in preserving fruit* th* syrup need for juicy fruit* sbouKl b* rich and that for 'runs wnich are rather dry aod require long evoking should b* rath*r thin, lh* proportion* of a rich syrup ar* one pint of sugar to half a pint of water, th* two in- j ire.iients to be boiled log*th*r for a quarter of an nour. Thai cork* that hav* heen steeped in vaeeliue ar* an excellent .nbetllut. for glaa* toppers. Acid in BO way arlecti them, and chemical fume* do not cause decay in them, uuilher do ihey become fixed by a blow or long dilute. In abort, they hav* all the umitie* of the glass without us disadvantages. That cotton may b* distiuguished from linen when on* i* buying handkerchief* by men tuning th* tip ot the finger and pre**- ing it to ihe handkerchief. If it wet through at once it i* linen, while, if any cotton enter* into it* manufacture it will tak* several seconds lo wet through the threads. Also in lit-en to* thread* ar* niore uiievsn than in eotton. That having taken too long a walk, or become overfaligued in any way, it is wis*r to go back to bed for an hour or so, aod give yoe.r**lf a complete reel, than drag about for th* reet of ihe day, loo lirrd to do anything. A rather delicate girl found j that by adopting this plan *h* renews her strength and energies in> what prove* to be th* most economical expenditure of time. That frozen banana, ar* very nice served a* a sweet courve at a luncheon in the place of ice* or ice-cream, list tb* be*: banana* you can find, with th* (km* a* perfect a* | poesiMs. P**l one section, that l* turn it back carefully without separating from th* kin, aod take out the fruit. Mash th* puip, snd to each cupful of it add a pint of whipped cream end sugar to tail*. That on* of the very Iwet way* to treat a eevere case of eunburn is to bath* th* taoe constantly for fifteen or twenty min- ute* with soft water as hot as it can be born.. This treatment take, out the redness and removes tne eting.and the skin returns to it normal slate much sooner than it left al.'ue. After ba'biug in thi* way apply a pure cold cream that contain* nothing that will irrital* tbe *kiu. That a n* w way to fold a napkin i* at fol'ows Fold in three part* Isngthwitr, then turn down th* two *ide* I .wards you o that lh*y will appear like two end* of a loarf with a triangular top. Tbinroll ihe rig hi hand aid* to lha lower point of the triangle and fold the roll to the upper point ; make the aids of the roll even wuh tne central tin* ; repeat the earn* *o th* other lid* an lure) th* wheie over. priveiege of alway* hearing aod enjoying the instrument which i* the nearest ap- proach to their natural voice*." There wa* grim grimalkin humor in Una. TB* following clause from a will i* ex- I. an addr- d.,.v.r*d recently .1 Ply- , ^fy^f^gM^ mouth, Ma**., Dr. Gould, who, wilh *ix , mu , 1U g . )ocv;0| to . , UB1 o( lo .t. r i lllf> aMiitaois, ha* for th* pa*t two and a half to b* enjoyed by him during hi* hi* ; a i* years been making investigations in con' * " P""J>1 olely m hi* keep. 1 leave TV. . ' to my faithful dog Shock, and to mv be- nection wuh th. lu,l*d Mat* Deparlm,t , ^J^ Tlb> t - 3 '..^ing apiece, a."*arly of Labour, mad. some interesting state- I pension. In the e vent of ihe death of one menu ihowmg the relative social condition of the aforesaid legatee* th* sum du* lo of th* industrial claw** mth. United Slatae him .hall pas. to th* two survivor*, and on ihe death of one of the*, two to th* and 10 i. real Britain, Germany, France,. nd Belgium. From hi. enquirie* it appear* thai ihe United State* ha* tb* beet dwell- la*t, b* be who h* may. After the deceaa. of all parti** the *um left them *hall be- long to my daughter G , to whom I O g. nd the greateet amount of room for ihow th ' pwf.rsuo* above all my children p.y the - -- ' spend* more for food than any of th* oilier countries named. The American* and th* : Kngluh ipcnd th* moat money for litera- ture: the United State* the least for alco- holic drink*. Th* French worker* manage to aave the largect proportion of their income*, th* American coming n*rt. br. tiou'd hold* that th* ideal social itandard i* that in* nusbaud should be abU to support the family. The relative sue of tne hu- bend'i contribution lo family support n largeit in Great Britain, America (landing j a cloe* second. In Ontario tn* social ' condition of th* industrial cla**e* is ap- proximately tbe tain* a* in the United State*. Log-lc- An Knglnh journal te 11* a good story at expeue* of Lord DerDy. W hether he may suggeil t the impartial reader that if on* f*udal reitrtolion is to continue, there il no very evident reason why another ihould not b* revived. I'll* earl was one day walling over hi* eitate wSen he met a collier who waa also strolling there, but without permis- sion. "Do you know you are walking ou my land 1 " inquired the nobleman. Thy land?" wa* th* reply. "Well. 1 ve got no land myielf, and I'm like to walk on somebody'*. Wl.eer did tha get It Iro'?" "Oh," explained hit lordehip. 1 got it from my ancestor*. " "An' wheer did they get it fro' v "They got it from lh*ir ancesior*.' An' wheer did their ancestor* get it '" "1 hey fought for it." "Weel," Mid th* collier, tquaiing up to th* earl, "I'll (eight the* for it :" Perliap* th* moral i* none the wore* for th* doubi inevitably euggvittd lhat a nobleman would wait* many minute* in giving i****r reaeoa* for ceasing to ireepae* iVhat .lo\on think of that, my cat! What do von think of that, mr dog I Mile. Jeanne Kelix had been known as * great nuiaiciao. A* Mm*. Dupui* *h* died in 1B77. Her will wa* so extraordinary and malicious lhat il wa* annulled, aud to it wai attached a memorandum etill more extraordinary. The final clause ran thus : "1 pray Mile. Bluteau, my sister, and Mme. Calogne, my niece, 'o take oare of my cats. \\hi.e iwo live they snail have 30 tout a mouib, that ihey may be well fed. They musl hav* thrice a day meat soup of the quality usually *arve<l on table : but they must b* given it separately, each having his own saucer. The bread must not be crumbed in th* soi-p, but cut into pieces about the size of hazel nuta, or they cannot tit it. W .,! boiled beef u put into the pot with the *oak*d bread torn* thin slice* of raw meat must be put in as well, ami tne whole (tewed until it i* fit for eating. When only .ne eat lives half tne money will lurtice. Nicole Pigion ih.ll take care of tne .:. and oberuh Ihem. Mme. C'alogne may go and *ee them." A Daughter's Cruel Joke A story i* being told of a young lady who found a package of love !elter* that had been wruten lo her mother by her 'ether before they were married. Tbe daughter **w lhal she could have a litt sport, and read Ihem to her mother, sub- si ilutibg her own name for th kt of her mot her an. I a fin* young man for lhat of her faiher. The molh*r jumped up and do'.rn in her chair, thifted her feet, and eeemid isrribly di.gusted, and forbad* her daugh- ter to have anything to do with a young man who would write auch sickening a: d nonseancal ituff lo a girl. When ins young lady handed the letter lo her mo'.ber to read the house becam* ao still that on* could bear th* era** growing in l>ie hack MUSCALONGE n&HUG, BIG FELLOWS FOUND IN THE THOUSAND ISLAND WATERS Laoh rer rbfi* >..< ihw We4a atell la.iiBK aaist Tielliasj ast4 ese lus- Deriaau KesHladrra u> te Tackle at aw mn Wkere U Fish lane aeel hcr Ihe B>.| Hoaihs fer Ftah FATHER AUD SON CORED. The Viable of Teiops a WhlUehurch On* doe* not require any very coelly equipment fur munalong* fishing, in fact the regulation black has* tackle will an wer every purpose, exoept tnat th* hook will not do at all. No itraight shanked hook will catch a " long*." Someumee you will try atill-fUhing with bail, *ome* time* trolling with bait and oftener than eitner trolling with The artificial apoon. For bait caeting or trolling you wilj require h<jok*, and let the** be wide of bend and long of thank and mad* of heavy wire. The Limericka are tne beet anapo ever deviatxi for hooking any of th* pike tribe. They have a peculiar twui in the hank whirn seem* to be always fatal to t bee* big-;awe.i cav.gee. Th* hook, ahouid be snelie-i on two feet of big p.ano wire gimp. Above ihia *n.ii ahonld COB* a ix fool leader of four *trand pohaned gnt and than tb* line. No. 8-0 i* a pretty ize of book*, and ao i* 54). It a well lo be ready aad try any ene of aeveral meibuda of aching, for th* tacteeof the " longe " vary from day lo day. So you will do well to carry along hv* min- now* and a aupply of fancy brae., copper and silver apoon*. Tb* water of the river il *o iiariliugly clear that under a airong sunlight toe Q.h can *e your ev*ry motion even fifty yard* away. For tnu reason all fishing muai be done before 10 in the forenoon and after 3 in tb* afternoon. BAHLT MOK.tlMO i* the real lime to slaughter the big one*. Yon gently row or ar* rowed until you nnd th* skill drifting ov*r what seems like a submerged grain field. Long waving pickered weed*, green and brown and dark red, cover the whole bo-torn, and their ,,_,,. .. -- lamiiiar lop* are a good fathom below the | \ Vtll lhe nfa \^ p, n h aurtace. The** aquatic graase* ar* some , ^.j tda i Mm *thing other five or six feet tail, *o *nat you ar* then .n about twelve feel of water. The awifi current benile the weed* downward, and DOW atid then ai a bar* ipace ot rock or and appears a .'ark gray ana. low ahoot* acroe* it aud i* leet in the -lark growth beyond. The anadow* ar. th* swift-tinned mne> Thr Father Allarkrd Wuh Bhramull.sB I ihr aee Wllh <>. tliaui >< A aorj fh.i ta he Venched r.r All lh* Selchher*. froin the Winghum Advance. Mr. .lowpri N'.xon is to* proprietor of the only liotel in tne village of White* church, and is known to the wheie country- side u a man who thoroughly tutdenland* hi* bumnea*. and is a jovial companion a* 'IL It l* wall known in tnia part of Ontario that Mr. Nixun'i hotel waa des- troyed by fire, but wun toat energy wnicn n cnaracterutio of him h* quickly MI te work to re-build. Hi* atory, a* told reporter of tn* Wingham Advance, who recently had occasion to viwt a:s noateiry , will prove of mtereet : "I wa* helping to dig out the cellar," be saud, " and in tne dampnee* I contraoted rneumatism woich settle*! in my nuht hip. It got so bad that I eoaldn't lit IB a onair wilhoul doubling my i g back al in* Hd* of the chair, and I oeeJdn't rid* IB a buggy without letting the afiecled leg hang oat. 1 ratten d a great deal more from tne trouble than anyone who ha* no* been limilaily atTecteii can imagine. How 'I WAS HILH-.. TO IHU OCT TRI I waa cnre<l ia even mor* intereating. Un day I *aw a neighbor whom 1 knew had rheumaium v*ry bad, running down the road. 1 called him and asked had cured hi* rheumatwm. Dr. William* Pink Fills u* promptly replied, and tnat determined me lo try ihe same remedy. 9ured me, medicines failed to do. I don't know what is in t em, but I do know that !'ma Pill* il a wonderful medicine. And it i not only in my own a***." continued Mr. Nixon, "that I have rseeon to b* gratetu for wnei the medicine da* Ion*. My *on. Fred, about twelve year* of age, wa* taken with an attack of .old. lodammation ot tb* lung* **t in and a* h* wa* recovenn from thi*, other complications followed shieh developed into St. a bad lhat he We gave him Dr. Wnnaiii* Pill*, with th* resu.i that h* i* now, Vuus .lane*, not posubi; calong*. Thtee juugl** of weed* ar* th*ir hunting ground*, and m th*dark**t *ddie* they hav* tbeir lair*. Small fry of every sort, ban, pickerel, perch. sunlisn and even I wn 'ie h ' g ,',\ tbe spiny catfi*b they waylay m lh* graece* iuu j , tll and devour. No fish is swift enough to eecape them, but a half grown baw will ihor^ughiy cured, and look* a* though h give them fight and with half a chance will DM j n<T , r had a Hay's sicknee* in hi* life drive then, away. ^ ,/ lr ,,^ f^^ which are known to al first von try bait calling. Hooking a lh . M1K hi>on, will he of benefit to nyoni big, .trong shiner lighny through th* ^ _ ou %rt ,,, l,h r tv to publish tliem." km on lh* back jui' beneath the dorsal pf. Williams' Pink Pill, are a specific fin, hut not deep enough to injure toe i j or ft j| .^i^^ges arisinv from an impoverish backbone, you toe* it out with tome sixty ^ condition of th* blood or ashallered feet ol line. The current carriee it down , o f th* n*rvou* force*, aucn a* Si s-.ream, aod the shiner tight, feebly lo get . Vitu* dance, locomotor auxia, rheumatum away. Then come* a whiz of tne reel I handle, a pause, and then yen know by the ! j! nori, sharp iwitche* of th* line that th* | ^^ ,,. ,. T ..^._, , _ " long* " ia gorging hi* captive. A long, I Th> .. %r , ,j 1(> . ipe oific for th* troul'lei , ... 1 1 L. ~.. L._ . U.. W. J_l 1 A. ' . aciatica, th* after cried* of li lo. of appetite, headache. hronic rv*ipla*. crofu.a, to tbe female ayatem, correctiti^ anppremona and all forma o low, ateady pull hook* th big fallow, ao.i he at once oome* to th* top in a circle of , foam. H* doe* not leap from the water \ f tm% j, weakneM, building anew the blood. aa a black baa* would, but he thraihe* on ' Mll r^tonng-the glow of h*aiih to pale aiic the *urface, half riaing at each jump, aod M ]| ow o heek*. In the case of men the> bowing hi* bi,j, ugly, wide-open jaw*. tfftol a radical cur* in all arming fron !x*ep the line laut now if ever you bop* | menial worry, overwork, or eioea* of an) lo gaff the villain. He is trying to shake | nature. Di. Williams' Pink I'llls are sol< out th. unpalatable mortcl The eilori only in boxes bearing ihe firm's irad* mark fail*, and he plunges down for the weed*. Straikthiway hr tins hi* path, and ihe heavy iirag a infiu now put* n ruthleu pr*s- ur* on M.S jaw. Apparently he doe* not feel *l. or he come* out fifty yards of line with never a stop. Then be alow* up and you " snag" him with A SHORT, grii-K rULU If b* is not loo h*avy, and you hav* n*ld him there, h* will begin to yield, suffering you lo gam a few feet at a time a* h* cir.les from one side to the other in dulreea. H* i* ihort-livcd, and hi* fury w*aniteelf out on tne first two or three run*. Then there is another period of danger, and that is when you lead him to the aid* o: tne boet to be gaffed. Many a good rod ha* been smashed, many a line parted aud many a and wrapper (printed in red ink . and mat be had of all druggists or direct by mai from Dr. William* M'ii m Company Br.H-kvilIe. Onfc. or Schenectady. N. Y- t 5(1 cent* a box, or six boxes for i''.M. No SmoKing* in Futile The consumption of tobacco ot all kmdi in France, according to recently compileo statist ic*. 11 near y one hundred an. twenty-ove mi. lion pound* per y*r. A* aoalyiu of th* fiajare* *howa thai th people of Northern France uee nearly foui time* a* mucn per capita a* ibote in in< Southern Province*. Almoet every olhei country of Europe, however, drilta upwar.l and he I. unable to move a Qu. By and by you troll wilh a minnow, aud if that ia not productive of good reaulta, you hook on a big No. '2 bra** troll. ng spoon. If you are learned in 'he many street, ia forbidd.n. Leer than tifiy yean ago if a man ventured on ihe sticets ol Berlin wilh a cigar in hi* moulh he wou..i be liable to arrest. Th* *sme provision existed until IMS at Vienna, though th* law wa* not ob*rrv*d by the populace. ich i- u*ed to hide the m their pUoe a bit of fish, or even beef. Thia w a very fetching device. If th " longe" slrikos and i* not hooked, after liaving had a .mack of tbe real food, hi will chaee up the spoon and tickle it once mo.-c. To ke*p th* ipoon well down in the water, you will fa*t*n five feet above it a big buckshot. Then by rowing very quietly and holding th* rod motion!***, you ar* ready to land the biggest ot muscalonge. Fifty feet of line i* enough to pay out, and more K a nuisance on account of frequent (ouling in the weedo. Kemembei that every movement in the skiff l* indicated by theipoon. It* regular vibration u necjeeary lo sncce** and a J*rk> j moiior spoil* ihe effect. Many novice* fail to Hi:. 1 .;.MI.| rl.h, too, by not having the spoon well pollened. Not only the S|>.>..n ilaelt, but ihe spindle aud ihe hook, them- elve* .nonli* b* vigorously rubbed up each tins* till i.-e whole rig shine*. To hook and kill a doun b g " long*," weighing trim six to irmly poun is i is n >i an uuusual i.'ing during thu biting seaaou. June and early September are the great month* at Alexandria Bay. has long forbidden tbe (>eople within its wall* to emoke after sunset in the street* unle*. with a covered pipe, " in order that ihe cinder, may not be blown ar>out. Smoking with, an uncovered pit* in Ger- man or Amman foreeta i. an (.ffence lhat is rigi'roualy puniahed, and as a result of this regulation forest fir** are ran m ino* counlriee. She " Yea, I am very food of pete. He " Indeed. What, may I a*k, l* youi favorite animal *" She (frankly)" Man. It l* another e fault if h* be ungrateful ; but U ia mine if I do not give. For twenty-five yeari DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S PF*TFP!F':0 I UU.KM Ml*;i"\ C4M.Ut