SAILORS' SUPERSTITIONS TESSELS TO WHICH JACK GIVES A WIDE BERTH. TAB pronounce a decree W proeperily over the Dip. Such oaaeear*. ( awarae. rare, bat now and agaia Jaok recogoizee among thoo boat lo tail en boerd hi* ehip erne wttk whom be won't tempi l)ay Jouea. An incianee of lki*> kind occurred atme yaare ago. wnen amorg the paeeeB.iere aboard a veaeel bound to the United State* wae duco*ered to bo a maa who, although bo bad bean acquitted at hi* trial, wa* gener- ally rtganlad a* having been guilty of th* murder of a young woman under peculiarly airuciou* otrentnecaacos. The lailon ro- Tolteti, ani lacoeee/ally too, againet hi* being allowed to *tay aboard, a proceeuing which wa* dictated not only by Jack'* kotteot indignatioa and abkorrene* of tb* fearful erime of which the naa waa lotpoctad, bat al*o bacama, at an* lailor remarkad, each a p**eng*r wa* enoagh to ink any ee*el, even "farther than the lowermoet bottom of th* unfathomauie flm- H..rc< I lea f IBM Orh***T r.iuk ** reareralac "I*. i rui Vr*cl a>4 faalaloa. A rac*nt wnt*r ia loodoa Tit-Bit* tay* Jack Tar i* aotorioiuly * brave a* a lion. Straagoiy uongb,. he i* at the eaina time pernap* tb* moot MaenUtiou* creator* under the inn. In my employment a* a hipping agent'* clerk in a large port I hare oonte acroe* *om* pecaliar initaco** of Utu. In almoet every port IB Britain you will find oa* or two veaaeU to whteh tailor*, acquainted with thair bUtory, (IT* wide b*rth. The** are not neceuarily oraf t with bad reputation a* to aca worth- toe**. Tk*y may bo a* tine a* any afloat but Jack look* aakano* at then a* " ua- lacky." In tb* month ol Juae, four year* ago, a vanal wa* launched from a lUip-bnilding yard oa tfc* Tyne, built to th* order of a Liverpool (hipping arm. A liner craft for her tonnage aevor eat th* water, aad the wa* named a/tor th* oaior partner'* econd daughter. She wa* loot OB her nret voyage to Jie \Veet Indie*, her eaptaia. tecon.l mat* tad eight *f the crew loemg their live*. She wfc* q iwkjy twpliotd by } meal*.a* *iat*d in the entho*ia*iic language an *iactly umilar ve***l, receiving U* '. of one jf the leading official* of th* Weet- an.e aame a* too former one. What bo- era Union Company, M tki* : **W* ha** cam* of thii imp i* a myalarj. She never . aicurod tka inv**u*a, which i* to* moat arrired at her d*atiuati*a oa k*r fourth ' advaajcod *f anything tkat ha* a* ywt b**o voyag* o*t, aod wa* eventually given up talked about in t*l*irraphic HrTioa. W* lo*t with all banda, W hen a third , can **nd from New York t* Chicago ia veeaal bearing tke earn* name wa* launch- quadruples over on* wire, aad hav* th* NEW TELEGRAPHIC INTENTION. Marvellcaa II-..U. rialaieelta Have ArcoatpJiaiM*) Werel* ftrai aael frlateel > a BUaat*. Tb* W cetera Unioa offlcial* in New York are very much elated over wnai tney ay i* th* tucceee of a oew invention in telegraphy. Tke uperiaieal* he b**a conducted ia the private eificee el the W**t*rn Union budding in New York City, pon th* long circuit between New York and Chicago. Th* reeult af the** experi- d. Jack regarded her with aa evil eye, and UrrSKD TO talL U HBB, Sh had to be re . hruieeed befon h*r own*n could gel a orew. O*>* af u* dn**t cargo veeaett between Laadoa aad th* W**t C*att of Africa had, nv* > *ar* back, attained quit* a phenomenal record a* a " death amp* copy at each *nd produced upon a printed page, aad not upon a alia, 390 word* a minute. I lay tkat we can do thi* becauee w* hav* don* it. Then i* ao delay about it. It i* not a tjtitm liabl* to b* obatru**- 1 It i* net a fancy or a fad which can pro- _ _.,. i ^ B0> r* 1 " 1 ' !atttc laboratory, but from tk* number of men loet by diM*** , ?' * and a< cidtot on each voyag*. At length to t.r-out an obstacle did her hietory pre- j eat IB gtlling men to join b*r tkal b*r name wai aiierod. Under her now on*. vie* in a practical operation of Th* invention i* aecomphtried. It w practical' e. It will work. It ia a practical printing tat*>rrapn. which will give a r.auit in pago form Uk* the peg* of p f too, .be u rapidly b*onu>r. known a* a book - U u ln lhln '" ltcal hip to b* avoided That tho atrangw ' inventor* have been driving lor tmce tne Bi.hap. wnich boiall bar hapl* orew an *'* d >" o< tategrapky. It i. t:;* Wheat- not t* fault of tho** IB command i*j ">'"' **t*m v*r, greatly modified and *ood from th* fact that th* ba* bad no PwH*-tael, to that a wag win (an be ewer than foar cnief ofhcen in am* year*. ' halt way* aad y,*ld tk* n*u,lt Sk* wul, in ail prvbabintY. nv, MOO to I mu'cate.1. It will b* *om* tim* baf*t* b* r*-namu again tn< ** "i*hine* can b* put into practical A v*Ml which h**piav*uapartia w dk*>. op"t,tion, for very few hav. a* yet been great tea dua*t.r i. iTi-o* abused by "* d - Tb y * *" h * o<1 . * * Jack . iar a. ha* a cnaioe. It ahe aa* ov*atar* and *a*ir.a K u*s, hot la* *ak*fjM figured ia a oolli.ion reeaiuuK in wreck a PHawwd and th* tact it accempli*n*d. and lot* oi lit*, k* it apt lo r*>-d her a* ' l "P. *!<! th* gentlotaaa to what* niacky. li th* roitnap hat u**a cawed . thi.utemeat wat man*, "that tb* n*ult by th* faoU of thow .board h.r. and a ' wl11 > con*id*rabl* reduction in tele- whi*p*r tpreaJ* that all t>>at oould bav* b**n don* wa* not don* for eavtng the*, oa th* thip the ran dew*, th* tai.or view* her aa a guilty tnina saiiiBK ike ** with a track oi blood behind her. and doeened to Jiaatter. So general i. thi* leeling, that upon task am occurrence th*eflendin< i.i.p. are no*i UIMII re najurd at on*, th, , t*lrapbui .hoald be aa/ Deafer ownere leekiDg tba* u. dtsoohaect be* with 1 1* aiany initaaoa* too cneap. Tber* th* event * certain olaatee of m**.**;** trbjch an Th.n i* a .hip at th. present tim* aeot for -* in.n tk* actual oaat o: Iran* attached to the port ef Londun wHick, ' a"**"""- ' know of no movement to reduce) while aai.mft under bet for:n-r nam*. *a. i t*l*gr*|>h toll* b*cau*e of toe mventioa I wild nirftit, n *** dncribed, or of any oner tnat , graphic tol.t, to too* a* thtt new iyi:*m can o* put into practical operation T' "Ia that," taid UMa(B*uJ, "ye* poauMy may b* miiiaktn. lh* baaalil for the pteeeot eert*jnl> wili b* to me advantage ot the company which own* and ha* p*r- ; laatad the luveoiioo. 1 bore *ervio*. A ROVAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOP. Oaeea in. ri. a W*w ftriar* Taklac IBI at vt iar aael Her *)wa .. that tke *<Vb*at*ton* ia tk* Channel, c* using her to trok witb device, wbiok ha* b*n in uat and ha* b**n all tho** abMrd her. Stick an *vn repute,- owned by tk* W**i*rn Union Company for ti u attache* to her Uiat, on her identity mme y*an b** been greallv improved becoming known among tern* of the men through me inv*ativ* and l*al ability af a niraged to MTV* * her. aiae of taeta n- patejn attorney named Bodkuignaai. wbo oently dneried in a body, preferring tk* lrgly engaged in the VV*M*ra U almoet inevitable penally of fiae or im- prisonment to **' 1 '"g in her. Aa thtre are unlucky ship*, *o then ar* alao unfortunate captain*. Th***, however, ar* more tcarce, for a very good reaioo. You oanaet get rid ( tc waluoky vt***l very well, r*pr**enting a* it doe* *m* thouaan U of poiuavU, but to* aufortuoat* *: p ^:r^t*Thrt^r,^ l .: tn h :" * * n--- ~* -*. If th*r don't do to, how*v*r, hou**hold of the <Ju**n at Wmdtor a royal Jack thirkt him. On* of tkoa* uulortunat* department of photography having jutt ladivi,lu*l*-a* abl*. oorag*ou*, aad kind tltta M tabrUh*d. For atveral yeart pa*t a feilow a* *ver tred deck acquired thi* fatal reputation by promptly loaing tb*two very fint v*e**l* h* wat placed m command f U* doubt)*** would hav* been abeived by hi* employer*, oa* of the bigg**t grain carrying rum*, had h not b**o a relative of on* of tk* waior partner*. When b* received * third appointment out, however. Jack tnraak from ritking " getuag tk* alt water hi hi* mouth "by tailing under o nulucky an individual. Sueh difficulty wa* th*n in obtaining a cnw, that he had to reel no aid **ek command under aa- othar firm. It l* by ao meant uacomniua for then to raeidt in tome dftty and foul-tnielhng dwelling in th* neighborhood of th* .locks ia a largtportaa ol.i beldam* wbo layt claim to and it reckoned by th* ailcn to BOM*** eome queer power of pre- eeing wnttber a thip* voyage will b* pro*peroui or th* retire* All OLD UAOY or Tills OHT, who dwelt in oae of the chiet port* on the weal ooatt, and wbo died tmo yean ago- her death being aueed by her tryiag.whil* inloxicaMd, to reuieaith a light*! parattiu lamp with whukey, wow'i *h* mutook for oil wa* found on her dtceaa* to b* worth no !** than 7-3 toTirtigui, kept in a box under her bed. The** did aot wholly rrprcttni th* money ^iv-u to her by "poac Jack" when otntaUuig her a* to now hi* voyag* would turn out. Miuy a captain ha. I b*lp*d to swell tbat "p'ie," for eo great wat "Tar Meg'i" mduancaov*r band* with her good at bad ymbotiun** that oap- tain* ituu.l it better U avoid trouble by propitiating her with a un**nt t* Mour* a lavorabl* "foreai^tit ' for ikair vgyage, Ia one OM* which came nn lr my own baorvatieo, Me, b*ng ulhatUd wwk a oertain capiaiu, a*t aarotai tucb edect.T* curt- 1 and <titroa preJiftion* ngar'ting tk* fat* af th* va*l and all It* occup-sata, fiat ho at length, a* tk* *horu*t way to paoiiy hit hand*. <l*palor^ed 5 to th. *kt la-ly. who promptly appeare.1 on tke quay '.* "tak* oil tk* our*.** an j to bier* and Her Majetty ha* been IB th* habit of kav- ing event* that hav* t*ku place about the oaitl* aod in th* ground* photographed that ah* might hav* an hand a tort of con- tinuoo* hi*loricaJ record . Thi* habit ha* grown very (trongly upon her within to* pait few month*, and eo many picture* have been taken tkat the Lord Chamber- lain bte rioally ordered the purchate of a camera and a full act of photographic ap- parata*. >*veral of the tervaoi* about th* caitle hav* bad private U*t mi from a proieational photographer on the art of takniii picture* and developing them, aad a wonderfully complete " dark room" ha* b**a fitted up. Two objaot* hav* boon aoeomplMhod in thi* way. The tint w that privacy it awured and thn i* *o ntk wbat*o*vcr of the pubiioaiiou of the ptc or** taken. The Vj >**i> t* morbidly eeoeitiv* n regard to thi* matter in ^enaral, though to* doe* not miud th* printing of picture* of her*olf and an occasional gronp> I'he fir*', picture* taken by the amateur* of th* court were a t*ri* ol ahotographt of certain farm pro,! 10 :a. Thet* wr* a great ucceax, aud tne Queen ha* expieend much atix'actiou in thit aew departure. U i* plannetl, a* toon a* all the dr'ail* cau b* arranged, to have all t h* report* that oofcw to b*r alaj**tf ffoai th* variou* royal palace* of th* kingdom accompanied with W*U-**vntad photograph*. Sound tnd Distance. Tb* roar of th* lion oan bo beard farther than tb toun J of any other living areatun Next coutea tb* cry of th* hy*aa and thn the hoot of an owl. After the** to* pan- ther and the jackal. Tb* doakej can b* htard fifty time* farther than tn* bora*, and tk* oat taa tun** a* far a* th* dog. Straage a* it may *e*n>, the ory of a hare oan N> heard farther tlian that of eltb*r tb* dog or aaiv MARKET IK A PALACE. TaM*. Ia to* AaMnaa o*ort it t contrary *a*UMB for penuaaoi* article* to i iwic* oo b** Imperial takl*. T* I* tara* pqu.itM far tk* 8enit**U. t on* man fait* all '.a* aaotaar tka wax IWt IB tk* aaotkar in* jotata, aad u aaotkar *t*U gam* r -o* *we*t*. Kvery morning a *or of rnrk*t to b*M in tk* banaae.* of ah* p*.ao, Wbert tb* Vt*w*)*M rwadl.y M procanng Imperial Tokay Law ago ia England evwa to* IB ta* lan.i wen pUaaa* Co reeetv* perunjaiM*. I a tk* niga of Henry II.. for uutaac*. tb* Lord Chaa**>O*r wa* atattad to tk* eaaai*<ad* of *a* gnat aad 40 aail candle* par day. Aad; to* aquar- ia*, wbo malt b* a baron ia ran a, rawnasl aw* p*any for drying ujwelt on every rdiaary oce**ion ef tk* king batatag> Tb* oenmonial tkat tk* nvolnuoa tw*aa away fnm the fin* Eaiparor Na ( to revive m a I** Mtd it it chart .t*ri* uc af I mad* a ipaoal t;ady ( it, and M to pr*crib* the tpeeial oba*rv*d oa gnat ocvaiieew. Balwn aia M. l*ab*y, ta* aueatui* i.ONDON'5 BIG tA>SDO>' HEEL GOING. TU THI rcmjua WBIXI.>,,, errlt >*< i aae) lb.. V*.. ,h.l Will i.rr, i.** Throe hnadnd feet from tn* ground nee* the great wheel which Kngiith *ogiaer* bav* been at work upon for nearly two yean, aad which if BOW IB daily operation. It in th* exhibition ground* at Barl'c Court, where it form* the moet linking feature of the Empire of India exhibition. inu w***. i* tuirty.nx i**t burner tkaa theFerri* Wh**latth* Worid't rur, alter whick It wa* modelled. I. i* U> carry 1.600 p*e**nger, aad it i* up*et*d to earn a lot of money. Then an forty carnage* tutpen.ied around the *dge of with wooden doll* appropriately af th* tevto c*nmaciee that wan to b* awjttad. And one c*remuny being ttptinaUj the tnnciionarie. r*n*art*d it hi I thi* lame*** *t**l aad Iron fabrto. Thirty f tc*** an ordinary car* aad fiva *th*n an tor nnokcn. pmaoa IB the <a.l*ry et Diana at tk* Tutiav- The otker nve oan an u*d bw fint-ciat* , i**,* p.aia naving traced wrta paueugert. who objoct tu riding with tk* eha.k oa tk* door. Ihu wa* to* aort oi otl*y crowd, and an willing to pay III- thingia wbkh Napoico* epecia-.y njoictd, aaaoa or a Mining iar tk* privi^g* *f ; aad a* him**:f arranged befon han i all ttm< oa cushioned wat*. Tb* act* of tk* to* detail* of th* entry of Mara wh**i weight fitty-tnre* ton* aad l* forty into France, aad ef hn i iTHiitaaT [*u ia l*agta, nquinag daiicaaa aaadliag 1 1* h*r. Amoag otk*r particulaat, oa t* crop it into it* place ISO reel abav* tk* rwacbing what wa* tn*n Freach tamUiry, ground. the Archduc&ata wa* conducted into tka Th* great tower* on *itb*r ltd* *J tk* eattward room ( thru n*m*d b*aa* Wh** tnH.n^i ; ~- ~^..,lMHi tiasnn***. j ~~f IWnnan rk. rr.n.H> ' irhtll eraT A ba.!roomi*an top ef atoa tower, tad eatered tbe weetwar i. whil* ia* Uirl then are tare* nataevaBt* built *> ak*w* | room in the middle wa* occupwd by tk* th* *ui*r. where t.ti tort may eat and druk , reet of the party. And M. de Baa***t,waa aad watcn Tie wMai gu round A magai- givee aa account ol th* proc**aiaa*,t>tvia|| fictnt v:ew af Lon ton and it* .nviroa* txay I bored Boiat with a gimi*t in tae door */ be o* taioeri from taa top W tke wael. PROYISIOUIN6 A STEAMER LARGE QUANTITIES CONSUMED ON AN OCEAN VOYAGE. Th* lirge*: fngW .tern tn tk* Paruiaa, a* in all *>oer thipe, it TBE CUaL B1U. Between MoutiMU and Liverpool *a aa* tllp th* I'aritlao bwrn* IB hood of 1 150 too* of coal. t gimi ta* middle room had a ip *o J-d view of va* an v/n*ci*u* Pni.cee*. But. h* < ad it. .t wa* ta* ladie* who advantage of hi* :or*'.aoucn-. Th* ceremonial of th* Chine** aoart aaoawbai *xaoun^. It o**d to include, if it doee lot new, complete proatrauoa for* th* tfroa*. Lae* ceatary a Panta* TrramrB4*a>t Mem Taa.a*a al W aael *)*>e* Ta* Coal I* a i* tkla to Llver**el a**j Bark *1. r. aa<l aeaBtea't ray. Ftw if any ouui.i* tho** directiy con- uect*d with to* (teanuhip bntin*** hav* aay coac*p'.ion of th* expenae aad tka amount of tuppli** contained on board on* f Ik* larger vaanle piyiag between Hon- tnal and Europe. Tb* requitiuon i* a It af tad ootu coDta **a**ra. riromea. (token ar required. To attend w . Ik* want* ol . the paaVeoger. m a rkoaaand anJ on. way,, J"J^ ^ of . - '< S* ''c^me''''^ *aJort"'p'r^r** Th^ ' WOU ' 4 * *' wl "'T ". "f* ^ ' cumbor aoout thir-.v in ad,* * t4 T lt officer*. Thi. ntake. a total *t 189 people ' J**' * A.,, a*ior tun*d i . i , I AO U waTattteWtMeM OBI*, at W f*Tll D **> wno tailed on tke Paruiaa on bar la*t trip, ! takm^ car. u f *u bundnd paa^ogen hollo r bw "-""y. " ^ nai u tn total co*t of a round trip of tke Parian"' asked tbe reporter. JAPANESE ATHLkTICS. " Thi* i* sooiewbat difficult t* dgun," taid Mr. Uanuan, " but in round aumbtrt (irintod docuoienl of ao mean dunention*. It U printed in blank aad fillad out IB iak ( tim* at year would about cover the expen aad *U(n*d by th* chief inward. It i* the' *> Liverpool an.i return." agular nquuiiiou for inpplie* for the >t*am*hip 1'aritiaii oa her latt outward voyag*. Bwide* th* be*f. tnen wt,< v*ry- thing one could think of. Of uiuttou then won loOO pound, and of pork 8'<J pound*. Veal wa* represented by jul on*>quart*r of a tea. fhere wen I'Ju pound* of kaoi. 1S6 pound* of *auug* and Iflwhol* lambu. I * D og h ' f high at five ; wtn OTUr a to tak. part. A oircular thouaand or nx thoiuand dollan. Tb* i chi*: engineer, salary ua*i: in (lie. and t%c * trM - rwo " v ooa ' 1 ' or *" ""' i* ueualiy about tw*.v hundred dullan per ' allowed four Jiiereot tiud* ol gaote* M ba I thould *ay forty thousand dollar* at thu | >*>> tear til IBVP aekeel tailJrea g xae ! A.hl'ltea. Athlctio* hold aa importaat bat tabor- Th* aa.arie* of the offieen and men on , a trana- Atlantic ttamer-though by no Ju> * w *" :; oa ln rhe icho " "' J P*- mean* *ice*aiv*ly large make IB the *-> ac 7 Mr > * r * ' g*th*naf of all tk* aggregate no lacoaaidenbie turn. The . ttuueDt* in a rt'rict to engati* ta athlcti* fact of all their l.via ei|wo*M botng paid eontoau. In tnoM **en by Mr. Hear*, and in liiimp*** >l l'n:amiliar Japan, too make* th* pay even better thaa tint glaac* mown. Tb* captain t* at ef M ; ocean liner ot toe boiler cleat i* paid from ' thousand boy* aod girl* from ail n. threw thousand to four tbouaand doTtan * achowi* within a dutance of Thi* aaubed the li*t of ttaple meat*. Ntxt oajn>e each delicacie* a* tbeep'* brl* aad calv**' head*. Of th* former theie were twenty and tb* latter fourteen. Then followed -li ox tanffu**, 90 ox tail*. 60 kidneyt. 6 heart* and 4 liver*, followed up with 6 euokiaf pig*. That twe*t>br*ad* an a lavoritt) ditn with th* travelling public wit* thowu by tka it*m of 400 pain. Next in rotation wat a fair lafinaUng of bara-yardere." The** included 390 tpnng chick*u*. 4S duck*. 150 dokling*,9U e "U turkey, and *J ' pigeon*. One would naturally tuppoat Irom amount of tub called for la the that ta* Parunan would spend at l***t six ruiuvvs AT IIA inttead of only oun. Tb* bill of fan year. Hkt aatutaat*' pay varie* and run* , from oa* thou*aa.l to four hundred and ijhty dollan per year. THE CHiar orncia receive* nine hundred dollar*, aad tke three orti .er< under him vanoa* tuaa* down to tony .io,.irt per month for in* fourth officer. Ahl**e*mea receive twenty dollan, aud ihip'i carpeuter forty do. iar*, while tn* patty dicer* get about twenty-live loll art per month. The chief iMward't alary M fifty dollar* per month, aad the com! ateward't thirty dollar*. Th* bal- ance get from fift**n dollan to twenty-live dollar* a.-coniiug to '.heir worth. It i* into tni* department, however, that hi* ieee are t* freely given b tk* toarula, aad a very haadaoruv amount it mad* by *om of the iMwar.l* witniu t few month*. Th* eurgeon wbo look* after th* ill* Spanish mack*rl W pounds; re*h cod, '290 tuppooad or uthf-wie* of tho** * board. pound*; halibut. 100 pound.: haddock. 140 *' '/ >i..l*r per month from tb. company a* well a* an occa*iooal fee from a veil -disposed traveler. There an torn* very curiou* pound*; lore, 75 pound*, and *aiu>oa '-">' pound*. Batidee ih*tw, there wen several odd lot* which amounted to a little over 400 pound* more. Of *uoh infix a* eg^e th*n wer* (JUO dowa. Tbe item oi autirr wat repreMatM by ju*t MO [uad* TOO dairy aad 'too creamery. In tk* v*giabl* liu* wa* en tnerat*d 1 JO buehel. of po'V**. -" pound, of rbBOarb. j llOjm . nlo nrrylnt M Jo/.u cauliaower*. 90 .ieu lntuc and Toy ^. WU nout a doa*n cabbagea. B**ide* these wa* au ' endle** variety of other vegetable*, fruit*, l*. To lake cai oi tuch tuppue* n.iueu tea* of to* waa taken a.oag. That all traveller* do aot ttlck rligiou*.y to Scotch aad soda i* (Down in the item : gwttan* of milk, wfcicfc m the an*r>ua.t taken'OH board. How tku M k>'pt throughout a tea day.' voyag* win o*. ur t Biany. Tii a'aewer lo a i^uerv, Mr. Hamia.'i th* [itettilHiir manager, oxpUme.l tkal tk* it wereburi*d in ice lu inucfi th* *aaie law* ia vo^ii* upon the nigh >***. And pot th* l*a*t of them l* the Tact tkat it i* contrary to law for a imp to go to tea without a carpouter, *oii<n that tame V**M! b* it freight "hip exciueivelv need not cany a doctor. It i* al*>> againtt tn* law for a to make t Lot "f LUOk. manner a* an ioe-iireantfrewMr I* With plenty of ra*. then w*a*o troabi*'ai ta\o BMlk perfectly *w**t for eveu a longer MOM. lo dry grooeritt there i* ef cour** a Urge amount which i* net given. Th**e moluJ* tu^ar, tea. to!**, etc., and are taken fnnt tae oorawany * owo ttcre* ia LiverpooL Th* practice follow*.! by ome of thu Amtricin hoe* out of New York af taking Beau tor the round aif from tk** t*i* aot (allowed by tk* luae plying belwteu Canada au. I Kuropa. The topplv** mted oa th* tr'o acrM ar* . . m purcttaJed u> bota MoOUe* aad (J*oeo, I (, a man to aoquir* a fortun*. It Qejaba* a b*t*r tuvply f iru wa* eo- I '*._ W ny not inarry on*. "" 'ay"] Hiktk* Bat my per:ormed aC the tame tiine. er* race* between tn* beet rua- of jilferent svnools ; and no** ia which the runnen were tied togother IB pair*, the i*ft lag of one 10 la* right teg af tb* otner. Littl* frit - a* pretty a* bntterui**, ia their iky-blo* hakama and avaaf colored roo** conte*ld in race* la which *a*k oa* had to pick up a* tn* raa tan* ball* at 1 dntereut color, out of a number acaiiered over tb* turf. Th* mo*t wonderful spec- tad* wa* th* dumb-bell exercte*. }k tkouaand boy* and gttU, inittii ia raakt about live hundred deep ; tix toouaand pair* of armt ri*tni( and falling *x*ci.y tof*lher ; fix tcoutand pain el tanda,l*d faal advancing or r*tr*ting together at ibe tiiiuai of th* matt, rs of Kjrmaatuca, directing a 1 from th* top* of mil* wooden towers ; in ihouaaud oioe coantiog at ouc* tb* " One, two. inn*.' of tke dnmb- fre drill : " Icni. ni tan, ahi go, roku tnicai, hacni. " The game* bagaa at eigiu o oUek in th* mornuig, and ended %t five in th* evening. Then al a signal fully six tbowMad voice* pealed i et tne national aatnem, anu con- clodod it with three cheer* for tke emperor aad empre** of Japan. Tb* Japaaeaa, in*t* I of anouting whea they cheer, chat with a long cry, ' A-a-e-a :" which toua-it ilk* th* optning tn* of a mueioal akaraa. Fint 'rtoed- "Had aay lack " Scwtd friid "Bully. Why. it t'n \ been an hoar SUM* 1 had a lovely Bikbk)." Not Easy. Hink* Toer* ought to I* torn* *a*y way Pleasant for the Neighbors. ' Friend 1 cu.d imok your daughler 1 * four hours' . r.c;ic an tk* piano wua'd drive you ciaiy. Hoe'ieet On, not avail, sa* vpeo* ail th* windows, and n.o*t of tb* e*und fee* out door*. Contemporaries. Prof*aor The leather aptoa a* wnru by tke hlacktantn M ni*avH>a*>l by Pliay M ia oa* at tbu u Student I'll bet tkat calico .pro* tkat to* landlady wear* at our boardiag heat* sra* eoe of it* ooateaiporart**. A Little wue Caution. Firet Burglar t 'act, window of big eter*) I've got '.at noie big eaovgA now. and we can all la without aay ntor* troabia. Ilain Ire. ah I*, and, of fretber thaa if taku on beral Moatnai. dear boy, I *aid **m* *a*y way but o tno* >vake. .*ad Burglar All right ; come anead t ioa't make *o much aoi^e. > u m* ntigkt bavt *a to oa