Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1895, p. 8

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IHE FLISHIftfON ADAKCI OWBN SOUND, ONTARIO. IPS The Very Det FLACK IN < ANA DA TO OBT A Ttanjl lisiiiss E.iutioi, Ttke a Round Jrip 5? ? , B*-~ rsernl D*pftrtio*>aU in C*\n*vU, tbou fUil us) MoribMra UuiiDe t'o.letfo ; i*miu*> every Mmif tUoiouffhlf. If we fsul to |>roduo*t tin *aoi thorough, ooni|>l*t*>, practical *\n<1 eit*in oour**) i)l *iudy . tb* l>it collM* prmise>- tvusi khe b*Mt *\o<1 mot' oouiplt aim u.oi ull tM.fvrultur. svcd *| | liancM, we will give *uu ft full cuara* FRKr. Kor Aim .a) AUDOUUO* t.g.v.bg full pftrtluUrt,frM. \<l<ire*i C. A. FLEMING,' PrlsiclMl. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriage* made and Repaired. aUo Placing and Matching, Band Saw. ing, Wood Turmug of every des- cription. Planing and Orain Chop utog done while you wait, for th<* Beaver turns the wheel. T. IT- WILHON IAMOND PILLS UR,^sVssasBassfsssl 8TI RATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, r< DYSPEPSIA/.* SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE UVER ONE PILL AFTER tATINSJ INSUMC.S BOOD DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU W* iir>ni"e r>o.M'i KMnrv P!ls to cure nv t-aseuf Bt rlit f>i *c. PMbrti-i. l.iiml>fa, l>rof>*v. khiumituini. llori Dtoossc, rttnaM TrouMcs. Imper* Blood i <<> rnuiwwd. SoM liv all '':! n n mealctae. c.r Lv n. il ->n tempi <! il"-. .-iciliu*. w Si* txti(j.;<>. MR. L. A. SMI1 H U CO.. Toronto. PHOTOS! PHOTOS! If you wa<it |>h<>t* tken gu to the FLESH EHTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, whei* nothing bat Brat olau work ia turiiwl nut, itml uriciis lower than charged for <>iy ork Careful attention i'iven to <.>pyiii|{ other picture*, liabus' phutos a apciJtj. in all its liranche* promptly and neatly Mis, Mm SyleBliiiiD St. BOOTS MUST-BE SOLD Selling oil at induced rates to make louin for new atook. Ovemlioes. Huiibora aud Moccaaius at uitrvuloui*ly low prioe*. Hit* i* A C it-iiuim- I Mciiic For piirolittiTfl. snd will only last for a short lima. Call in aud lot we ouu- \iuoe you uf iu truili. Notice: AllripsmbooU joirolinm-il from in afinr UIM notice appear* will he sawed up free of cliargs. This is au CI'IA. .JOS. DOT'S CORNER. T1 WMMSV* OI.K Mtf | Hypnotic On April 18tl> " The Woman's Globe for which the public had waited with mote or h-*s curioaity nine tu band. A very generous, voluminous affair of 40 payea it pruve* to be. Hut when we cou- mder that over 100 women were ei>eTd fur a month in ita preparation, we do not wonder at lira variety, quantity and good quality of ita content!. Our mot.t prominent women artiata have writ- ten thtt art editorial* and dneigued the illuatratit>ru. On the page devoted tu musical subjects there are letters frm Miaa Nora Clench, now studying the violin in Germany, and from other 'Jnadian women studying music abroad. Politm aud foreign alfnira have been 'uuchftd upon with ihe light but non coiu- imiul band <>f tht spec a' o*- or mare out- sider ; book reviews there am which would neither oiake nor mar any book, and ao on through a lut of deiiartrnents all ta airy grace but neither power nor rirility. But after all doubtleta the object of ita promutera lian been achieved, viz. : the addition of a handsome sum to the treaa- ury of the Weat End V M C. A , and a relief of its financial difficulties. The woman'a newspaper fad like moat of our novelties) is ail iiuportaliun from the great republic to the south of us. It is in no way a teat ol the ability of women to run a newspaper (that doc* not require to be proven) nor is it, I prcnuiue, intend ed tu be. In tbrae daya when people talk elilily of their "HUU ooiiaci'iiuneea," of their un- der aoul" aud the r seound or raiioun "rwruMialitivs ;" when rucent aliened uo- cessful eiporimcnts in the UIM of hypnot- 1*111 aa a cure for iutanity, reach us fi m thuae most audacious experiinviilalitts in |*tliologj - the French; when every Tom, Dick anil Hairy aoeks to practise thia oc- cult power, tme canuot but feel convinced that it ia time the same restrictions which obtain in Great Britain and upon the con tinent, should lie enforced lierr, viz.: ci. tinning it t > the medical profession. Apropi* 1 heard A very pood joke the other day . - Frank is a worthy Sunday achuol young umi, ho on a recent visit to <'liicj:>, had aci|uird the (Kiwer to hypnotise or thought he hd. Ho waa eaver to U-st liis |iowor u|>on his fricnda. An initial |H iformaiH-e at his brother Herbert's convinced linn that Libliy - Herb- ert'* iff wim sn excellent suliject, the u-k<t.i Liliby having averred thaisho felt a atratiKe feeling something like ulectri- uiiy tun up and down her apinu when he m.le the |>ae and common led her tu bleep. Kvxt night s family party is an Frank is determin d to u<-t Lihby uud.r "control" and C'.ver hnuself with glory ; Libby, iho prevaricator, ia (uiol'y ninLing up her mind to dupe fr'rsi k mill the whole party if she can only keep from Lugliiiin long enough, so with rrlu.-tance she yields to t'.ie i-n- tr. .iiu* ..f all to nniii'iUta henelf upim the ait.ir of iHiuiice. I.iM.y nhiil her eje, Fr nk make* a few (unties and tin- Ukual ilt-rlnratioii thnt H)IC CAhimt open them; it is h.-ml In keep fr.'in opening her mill laughing in hiii f.uv. hut she uc- ceeda, and after the first few nnnutea nlie has no difficulty in playing thu part. Kiank then ciiinin mil* li.'i to I'DI<|I and amid "olu" and ' uhs' nml ''ili.l you evera," and "yes. stir's uone," and "now iiu'l iliat wonderful," Libtiy (tin* itinnei) "slee|Mi" on, never twitching * muNulu of her anucy hide face. Frank feels that life haa Seen worth living, whim minimum ho lind Letter ''wako hr up.' 1 He mskiKthu "up nmmes" ami cmninanJa "waku up," lnit ! ili.cs i,ot wuko ; uext hu tries iho "d..wu |.aMes," name rrxult ; thru |in>wiiig el-itttl he yelln, "l.iliby, Wkku up, wake lip," nii'l make* lioth kinds logotlur; no ue, aht* i-ils ns ii>nnnhile as a sUtuu. IVor Finnk t;ii<<r Weak with fright, lint hiil! continues tu prance around nod mat* every kind of "pis*" mown ami unknown to si-ii-i-uu in front if hn> "mil jei-i," whoatill u fuo to nbe.y liis voice. At Ust in denperiiiiuii he calls spak to her, Hrl>." Heibert calU, 'Libby," in hm iiiout pi-remptury, lius- Iwnilly loin-, \ilnlu Krauk sweats with IIIH gesticulntion or grows cold with appre- Jusl KMIOIUM one i> being <!* patched f'r the doctor, Lil.by, with a bih, i>|mns wide her oyea nnU thu 1. 1. .it in, i, d.,1 no that she as n.it uuda "inlluenuu" fur one ino- , \,\ di aviibuix all they uid, all the exits and uutraiicea and ulhtu Imppuitings durig the Umv of hut sup|>osu >iypu<>t:u sleep. DOT. 17 and DUtrlrt. A valuable cow, belonging to Mr. John Diemert, of Egremont, died the other day under peculiar circumrtaucea. It bppsara the annual swallowed a 3 inch wire nail, which, the veterinary sa\s, pierced the stomach and reacted the heart, causing death. Louis C'yi-'s little daughter made her debut as a strong iml in Montreal l.i*l Monday night. She ia only 7 yeam old and weigha 66 pound*, yet she lifted two dumbella of 306 pounds, a 33 pound da bell above her huad, a 160-pound one with one hand and two weighing 80 with one finger. Catarrh Relieved in 10 to 60 MlNBte*. One short pnfl of the breath through the blower, aupplied with oacb bottle of Dr. Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder, iliffiiMts thin powder ovei the surface of the najiil paana^ea Painlrenand de!ihtfu to use, it tolievea instantly, a>id permanl ntly curea Catarrh, May Fever. Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonrlitia snd Duafneaa. 60 centa. At W. E Richard- aon's. Kban'a Weekly : Thu girls are to blame for most of this the country girls especially. They won't marry a farmer, and the young sona of toil see the pretti- est girls picked up by the pee- wee lawyers. cock-robin doctors and bob-'olink preach- ers. As long aa the girla prefer that kind of cattle to the horny-handed aona of toil they will never be allowed to vote if 1 can help it. Oeo Jackson, of Peel, lost a valuable cow last week. It waa noticed to be ail ing for B rue lime, and Mr. Jackaon de- cided to kill It, aa he thought it would never recover. He afterward* opened tli > be%at and found a knitting needle 1'idged in iU heart. The needle had passed through the stomach, diaphrsm, lung and into the heart, and it* passage WAS plainly noticeable ihmuuh these or- (Una. Heart Diftea*.e Relieved In :io Hinule*-l>r. Ague's wr Cart of tb* Heart gives iterfoct relief in all canes of Oorgonic or nyin pathetic Heart Disease ID 30 ininuiw, and speedily effects a cure It i a peoilciH remedy for Palpitition, Shortne** of llnath. Suioihering Hpella, P.I i u in l.i-fi S:.le ami nil ayiuptons of a Diseased Heart. One dose convince*. Sold by W. E Kichnrdanu. Leonard Lewis ia one of the latest ad. liilMiia to thu xaol inmates, lutving been convicted by Police Magistrate Uj an, uf South (in-y on a chaise uf cruelty to sin iiml*. The piisouer is nut well balanced mentally, and getting in a huff over some family affair vented In* ire on three horse*, refusing to give thoni food. When they got too weak to stand he would prop them up and then knock the props from under them. Tunes. A Kttan to Homemrn. On* bitti* if Kuglmh Sp.iv ni Liniment completely reinnvt-d cuib fnm my In !. I tnke |iles*uru in recommending the rumedy, in it BI-IH wi'h myaturiou* promptneva ii, the leuioval from liurHO'* of limit, Kofi or nil loiiae-1 lump-, bliiocl pAMn.HplintS, curbs, sweeny, stiHi-H .iml |u-ii.s GEORUR HOBB, Farmer, Maikhaiu, Out Hold by \T. E. Kichardaon, Dru^iat. Tim new stexmur il-iit-iieJ nnd b'lilt liy fapt. John Siinp-on, the veteran hi|il.iiii<liT, of Oen Sound, fur the North S'.o.e Navi^ntion Coiupany, naa laiiiiilu-tl Saluidxy n orning. As slio sli.l down tliu Hi>\R till) Illtle daughter of Mr. M. Ki'iineiiy, the inayor, clnin'oned her " City i.f Toronto." The slonRiHr in a fin* side* lie -ler l&J fet li-iu nml ;W fee' be.'lin in el^.lliik. i:-|i4 f III U lloHT*-- I i-tn-.H!.,; EM ) KI il I'.i uliier disoMHiH rrlii-veil in nix hours by the "tirr.it. .s M uih A muric.iii K id no y Cure. " Tina new ru-milv ii a, great Kur|.ri4i< ami ill-light on ace .unt of iti ex.-ei MM |ui'i.ipMii*ss in relieving |>ain n I he l>lailder, LiuneyH, Imrk and e.'-ty i<it of the miiiHry | a^wig. in mule or fe male. U reluivu* retei.Uon of | HIII in :>>iiing u n!tuot immediately. If \. u w.int i|iiiek relief anil cur thiH ia yn-.ir ri<iiiixly. S.>ld by W. E. RiohanWn, Hotol k. eiwrB will do well to make K lotr if (he Mln* ini; : Leg:il pri>c< dinua ere inti'iol agiin<it the |>r-i|>riet"ni >f lie QIII en's and Coiiinietciiil Hntvl* of lisp. In fur 9600 t-Rcli, by tin- widow i.f U:ii. * Ciunc, who wrwnrownuil one nil-lit jut Deceiubrr H nhoit ilmtancu from that .'.-. Tin- vi-i.liit )jiveu nt the iui|ue*t *.\a ncc.ideuU! ilonth dy ilrowniiiK while mil. r thu inllucnce uf liijuor srcurvd at he Commercial and (juuen's Hotels of H*|M<lr. IK'iio.i the aotion. Thu cate wia heard st Gut>l|.h. The jury f.*un4 a rr<!ii;t ai>->intt tin- K'f. i.iUi.ls witli iUma- agi-s aa)Bssuil at 9<K)i) in the case of one aud $300 ii/-.unHt the other. I> ini.-l Kite. Proprietor and Pulilinhi r nf the IlHinlmrg, Out , lndi-iKindeiitHa.js : "I waa iiffriiig fi m Dys|ip*i* in. I Liv- er tioiil.lv. 1 took fnw buttle* u. Shili'k Viutlzur and itoured ma. I can hearti j i rccoiiuiiii4 it." Iiepain D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON, HORSE8HOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAXD Repairs for Jlunsr) II rri. anil Noxoa. Plcnry and Wilkinson Br* i'arin Implriucnl^ Plows: Kleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the nan. We manufacture \VaJOs, i: mgies, OutUis, Sleigha. etc. Uorseslioeiog promptly attended to. Special I'tention to lender ontracted feet. Logging sad Plow Chains eousiantly on hand. \ Pointers To Purchasers of CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. OKNTLL'MEN, A* tl' season of snow is sr-pn <u -hiui/, ' ileaire 10 dr your sltsutiiiu t.. nur stock of Cutters wl ich is now e.,ui|>l..|.-. Imripn s large itock tu al. otlrom. m*d op in s variity uf ftyU. and nnuli.-ii iu tli- f'm-Kt :; . of art and at prices thai defy eoniutil]ii. Iu lrrigln we are prepared io mm v,,u i u li^hl or lif>a*y. A.I work rpsde of th bst mtrisl. Kiudly (iv* iu .-> cil .taii lie j- ur own ja Hrciog is bh*viug. Yon will flmi it to your intcrwt to c.,1 mi . T. Whitten I "lc > sliertoii. ED I TORS, CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS len and Women ID all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkable Cores Wrought by South American Nervine Tonic. SIX DOSES WILL CONVINCE THE MOST INCREDULOUS. EDITOR COLWELL, OF PARIS, ONT., REVIEW. Newspaper editor* are almost as sceptical M the average physician on the cubject ol new remedies for sick people. Nothing abort of a torie* of most rernarkablB and well authenti- cated curt* will incline either an editor or a doctor to seriously consider the merita honestly claimed for a medicine. Hundreds of testimonials of won- dorful n-covoriog wrought with the Great South American Nervine Tonic were received from men and woiuea all over the country betore physician* began to prescribe this great remedy In chronic cases) of dyspepsia, in- digestion, nervous prostration, sick headache, and aa a tonic for build- ing up systems sapped of vitality through protracted spells of sick- During hi* experience of nearly a quarter of a centui-y as a> newspaper publisher in Paris, Out , Editor Ool- well, of The Paris Review, has pub- lished hundreds of columns of paid medicine advertisements, and, no doubt, printed many a gracefully- worded puff for his patrons as a. matter of business, but in only a single instance, and that one warrant- ed by his own personal experience, lias he given a testimonial over his own signature. No other remedy ever offered the public has proved such a marvellous revelation to the most sceptical as the 8outh American Nervine Tonic. It has never fnilsd in its purpoae, and it has, cured whoa For r*ixle by doctor* and other medicines were tried in vain. " I was prostrated with a particn- larly severe attack of ' La Grippe, '" say* Mr. Oelwell, ' and could find no relief from the intense pains aud dis- tress of the malady. I suffered day and night. The doctor* did not help me, and I tried a number of medi- cines, but without relief. About this time I was advised to try the South \inrrii-tn Nervine Tonic. Ita effecta were inatantunoous. The first dose I took relieved nie. I improved rapidly and grew stronger every day. Your Nervine Tonic cured me in a single week." The South American Nervine Tonic rebuilds the life forces by its direct action on the nerves and tint nerve centres, and it is this notable featuro which distinguishes it from every other remedy in existence. Tb most eminent medical authorities now concedethatfully two-thirds of all thi physical ailments of humanity arise from exhaustion of the nerve forces. Tin South American Nervine Tonic acting direct upon the nerve oentra and nerve tissues instantaneously supplies them with the true nourish- ment required, and that it why iu invigorating effects upon the wholu system are always felt immediately. For all nervous diseases, for general debility arising from enfeebled vital- ity, and for stomach trouble* of every variety no other remedy can posublr take its place. m. ltiohardaon

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