Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1895, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL, X1V.NO. 707 FLESHERTON. ONT. THURSDAY, MARCH 21 1806. W.fl THD1L.TJN E3ITCH* fOP. ITCH Clocks, Clocks, Just i lived, two facs of Irralim clocks. Tlie Injjrahaffl is the Lest fc day Lalf-Lonr Stirling c!<ck niarlr. It is g'rikin;; lu appearance, is an accurate time keeper aud cue ol the I* st sillns iu tlie maiLet. Price in WALNUT OR OAK $4.oo. WE HAVE ALSO A LARGE SELECTION OF Cabinet Clocks, 8-day Cathedral Gong at $5.00 and $6.00. Octagon Office Clocks at $5, Cuckoo Clocks $6. A few dozen Xicklo Alarni Clooks lit J*1.OO. .*1.^.~>, >?1.7o and J?2.OO. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LARCJK AS.Si lUTUENT BEFORE PURCHASING ARMSTRONG BROS. U< afor.l Road. From our otrn Correspondent. Mr. Jolin Allen, of Durham, visited at Mr George/ WarlinK's, last week. Mr. and Mia. Etu.Mit.z-r Kii'glit, of Hnlmh Columbia, are visiliug at his father's, Mr. William Knight. Mr. John Weber had ai. attack of m- rtaniat.on last week. Mr. John Mciice n about rtfrini; fn>u> active woik, and lua son, John J., will wrk the f;u m tn liii place. Mr Tlioiuas Kulli ba leaaml his farm f .r * t.-rni of yuan t<> hia son in law, Mr. A. She'Jnn. of St. Mary's. Mr mid Mrs. Sheldon move 1 in Uut week. \Ve wish ' them >uci esa. Tl>e Rev Paul Flint vUited friends litre si. firt li me ago. Some of the hoy* not up a hop in the lixll I. ere litst Fiiilay night. Profeitsori Bowels m. d Gilvm from M.irlrl'ln fur ui-h-'d the music. \\'a understand there waa a KO-H! time. sick list for a ihort time, ii ioipruiii|; . uliuhtly. Ruiuora aay two of our citizens, in tha persons of Mr Ed. Puriy and Mia 13. Stone, have l)een made uue. Hirue, we w.h the happy pair a long and happy toguther through life. Maxwell. Anut'.f C"rre*p4>ndent Mi.tla ua thu Church hrro lattly h.-\ve Our Business Directory Cards. \ I .UUUAUE LICENSES. lMuad dav or niht at ths residence o( the unJersigaed. Coeaeuiadaaer la H C ..<. Conveyancsr. 4c. Notary pablie. JOHN W. AHMSTUONO. PLB*nTOH. |i1-i:LLOi:aH A YOUNG, IlanVerv Uark.lala. do a general banking bus- iness. Mouej loaned t a raajonable rate Call U K. HAMMOND. r-oel Master. Kimbartov. Coromi* aioner for taktnsj Affidavits te. Inaaras and loans mona> at fewest rales. KieeiitesUaa.*. Deeds, Wills tc. rromptly. chaapl r aud aBciectly. T J SPROCLE, Poatu]Str.netierto., CoTwniisslonerln B. K., Uo used Auctioneer. Convejrancar. A praiser and llcncy Lander. U*al Batata airl liiennuice Ageol. Owls. Uortse*. Leases, *nd Wills di awn up ami Valuations made on shortest notice. Auction Sales attended to ir any part of the County. Money lo loau at low rit rate* of luterrst. Collections >ttuiiilixl to with promptness and despatch rbtrges low \ilnt for the Dominion btuaushlp Companv. i lieai* ticket! trout Flcabcrtou to I.ivoipool. Ulsauow, London or any ot tha British ports I'artieo iiiteudhiK to isit England. Scotland ur Ireland, will p'ease a*k rataa before purchasing tliair ticket* elsewhere. T\n HtTTOS. M.D.C. M, M.C. P.* B..Ont.. PricaTill*. Realdvnce aud oOca ona door wast of the Metb odistCliurcb.Kinrott St. omca<Uy,TuaOayt and Saturdays. JJR CAHTKB. 11. C. P. A 8.. Ont. Physician, surgeon. t.. Kluabartou offloe Strains b ock. Uaudaaoa- Munaliaw'sboteL JOHN A. SCOTT. M. B. Member OMese Physic. A Surgaons. Ontai (., iiraduat in sledicioa of Toronto fuiTersity. Fallowablp Diploma, Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Chicago. Dtaaasaaof aw. tar, nooeai.d throat specially trratad. RCM Icuce Maxwell. iaiU Favarsnara Thursdays 1 J P. OTTEVYELL, Vvtariuai v Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vvteriuary CVIloga. Ret'denca Nait door of Ifooru's pianing factory. J f. HALSTKAD. M. D . M. C. A S.. Ont . practices at Kim berlay. Khetnnatic disoaie- i inialitv MAhY M |.li\M>l H M. !>.<. M..M.'\ P. * s.. Out, PricevMle. Ofltee and lesi nca o|.|.onit lluttais' II >< < alls iiirlit nr.Uv. i>-,.in|.tli .,tt..n.ll. Viaii > It-ellortl'li KUtli'U IU to II. WeillllNxU) S. JcutUtui. J P alAHHHAl.L, I D.S..M. D. 8., I>antlt. Visit* Mai-Mai* lia 1st and :<rd Wpdnw'av of eacb J .--.! u.u L*:h tni .. Ibwdav. ^.. % f tSS EDITH BICHAKD80.V Hnpil of Robt. Uahr. of Barlio. Uermanv. violin . Mrv Bradley, of Toronto Cousarvatory Uusic, Vnica culture) . Prof. Kainsun. late of Toronto, f'at:. will raoeive pupila ill SLMilMi. VIOLIN. PI. A SO and OBOA.X. J W. KBOST, Harristar. Solicitor. CouTn>a.ncar. Etc Flvahartoii ufflre- Next the post ofltca Sproula'i baihliug. on Tbursdays. Owen Sound offlca Fraaf* l.uildiM It CAS* \\R1UHT. Barristers. Bo icitors. Convavancen, etc.. Own Sound. On.t Ma.rk<la). Ont. \V H WllIiiHT. I. B. LlTiS. N B.-Plasberton office. Uitcball > Hank. rery Wodaosday. ilnjlri 1 - kuui tl lH'UK .1 STK.VtX. Practical undertaken. Strain s block. Flriber- ton First class brarae, low cliaraa. satisfac- tion k-xa^antwl. ai we hare haxi 41 years' ez- AO.l'.W --niiwtH even dm an<l third Mon .Inv li, e*ch ui.uith, in their lodge room rtirist.n-'s lilock. Kl<n>herton. at M .p. m. A N. QibaoD. M.W.; WJ Hellaiuv. rtnarc rr \\ Iiin lu-conler ViaitiuK Hrrihcru InTitetf. ROTAL TKMPL*RSOF TEMPKKAS''K. - Hcti'ilsr Cuuncil meets evary first and tli'rd THUS lav evening in aacli iimn.li. nut- block as 8 p in Selact dacraa iiiuinc>-' iiii'i'ts nionthlv. tba \Vtlus*l*y prcuinliiiK tin- J-.'u, I of eacb ruontb. SONS OK TKMPF.BAXCF. Tin. sotlaly uirats in Ur fhrlstoe' Hall every Wacf ben all the a HI d weie well ^.ttrnnized. Tliare were throe hrlil in till* .loiuiiy in f two weeki The tint tt Mr. (i. '.he next at Mr. .> Mc- Al mi i. atid the third Mt Mr. W. Heth'. Mr. S. Cur*'. 1 , "f Hrici-ville. and hia brother, sjifnt .1 fvw days Ut week Tiiit- i!i^ fritrnds hre. Mr J. Wclicr and Mr R have juit parsed thrnUuh thu aicknuiii and are auain c>nTal:C8iit. Miai Giiray iprat Saturday and Sun- da; at tlio p .ruiit.il Innuu at Epping. MrlMtyre. f rum our our evrrttfmuifnt. \V,-ilJi:i^ belli ! An uiten-ttm.' <*rcnt Nnik place at the residence f Mr. and Mis. Mclnnct ti Wedneadav a r, ni">ii t 2 o'clock, when tlieir i-M,-t Ja'.ij-ht.-r. Annie, wan uiule.l in niniiii^i- < Mr L>avid Winter*, "f the 3rd line. li -v A Huilmm, of Maxwell, perf> nnu i the cmx'uiunv. The bride looked chainiing iu a dresa of cream cashmere and ribb- triiiiriiin.' and the bndetniaid, MIM J<aie. (later <>f the biide. was very pretty in a dreaa uf fawn caithiiieri-. with tibbmi tumuiing- The um-'iii waa altunded by lin lirniher, Mr KrsnoH Winter*. Aft*T the ceremony the party dmrv to Sum haniptoii and on retu'tiing ant ilnwn to a dinner of |r>>diei, then iiiJuli;ad in tiil'pnist the "li^ht fajitasiic" until thu "ce sma' 'our*." The nreseiita were tiuuieruus and omtly. Mr. Y:mliH,vtMi H'. 1.1 hi farm t Mr. Menzir, of Warnhatu. .Mr J.ilni M. I'D .aid lin 1 a wood-bee >.i Tuesday. H.iviin^ had a tine lot f wiioil cut tluruu ill'' day, he HUM- hit ru- irj in thu evinii'K I'y peruiittiiiK a iiunibrr < f the j. niln and dainaela to haw the uso uf Ins h.-une. winch they did by k t|inj in;i music and i. ii'i; tl r"uif!i ih.- Uniih:tr formula, "Addii-st your iiaitnen- ci ruiTH il.e same all come down op thf c.-rm-r*. ' T!i>- n:usi- ^' S.flcy an. I M Arthur, ami tlie 'culler*. Mf.-srs. R h in*. Mcfailvfn. Milcht-ll, Scott, McLean and Mclnne*, tlvorve crvilit Mr Ji.hit Mcli.iyr'-. jr., who h.tt l.oi-n at Kat l'nrt:i.-r. la hurnv, and 1> uk Laic aii' I hearty M:u E. HiiuMe K|*nt a Kwdiiyaat Mr M A. .Mclnfyie'i Mr. Tli..in|i.-ii. of Kl ' erton, last Sun !; v .' Mr .I.ihn .Vtcliiiyrv'n. Mr and Mm liny, of Maxwell, Saturtlny :ti ! Sinuliy in our I. u Mr. K..' -it La.noiit is v.mtin^ frit mis Lere. iK atftp.tn VtaiUtf krath- i reu invited, liiburauce in cojiLcctimi Yl' H A .invvt in their hall. Cbnitoa's Hlock evert firit aiul tblrU Tbur*ls> In each uiontb. \\ui.Sharp.Uaster. T lliUou Secretary I>KlNCF AHTHrlt l.P(iF. N.. CM. \ F . A M in-,.t in tlin Masnuir Hall Strain s Hlock. KltirhartOH. even Kn.lay on or tl' full tuoon. Pr t artar, \Y M K .1. Sproule. Seerstarv Malluli I\CKFKUIN l.opii! Hex 1 J 1*1 (> (i K inn-is in Clayton hall evry Tuaa. day truing nt H ovlm-k V -iMn:; bicthrvueo lilallv .. Mot>MK. Sac. Time Table. ...'1SG -MU'TB. Markdalv ri 42 a. in. h'liHlierliui ti.56 a. in. iioiN; NORTH. HfKhvrt.iii 11 5O a. iu. Mo- M .I*. l02 p. m. 4 K p. <. I siu- ! '.11 p. ui. '.i :)3 p. m . TOhKNT. . u Fle'h>-<-tnn. | pi . k.J. t'.tim 'mi mi H I 'urrrguuiultiit. Biuinvaa i (till ijuite biihk artiun.l here Farmer* MB itishiii^ in all t'o ir nvailal.il 1 |>ri><luc<* liefof,' settling down .it lioiiiu t'. i lepare for spiinir w..rk II u- in a s ciml liotrl liere seems t.. l>e i|uil a i item for tlie tnmlliiij. public. !'(-.. pi.- Ih'jin to stare at the warm hoa|>i lulny iitl'o il<-d to ilitMiisulvei ami teams. \\e nr>rr now hunr them m<|uii ing for H'al'lfx or shrds, a alumst l,c 01 . they ariivo liny >e met with m. I, ami Dick. Tom, Jack and Hmry are culled to urix.in their h.>re. Suri-r.aa rums ti onMter iiHtioii wl.cn Sfillm^ up comes, and the i.'ly ||"IH inf.. mi ilicm there m no < iin;e for Ml>i ! lin^ ..r Imy tint time and next t.. i.oiliii'i; for the ..th-r V<HI.! cluer thry h.ne |>iit.ikt"i "f Thus, jouaxo, ". pp oition is ih<* life of tia>lu. ' yu te it iiuiul ur of our cnizuni lire laid up oiili la grippe at pie*ent We are .nl t r'|>..rt theenlira con- vajeaeire "f Mn \\ Hen/, win. waa Mi very nick !.-st w.-ek Mr* K/. V\ lute is aU. a'jle to be nr-'Ui.J ;a n Mm Ari'hn- McMnUeli, who ha* |.""i tilling f..r the ! l\-..' m.'iillia, la veiy 1 kl pi-Mto.'iit. lit. H.M-iy V"., r v haa Uwu <MI t'. Prom ixir vim. The Kev. J. W. Jonea ha* been in London for a time. Miaa Annie fetrachan is vuumg in and around Warul nm thia weak. Mr. Hicks took Mr. Jones' work ill IIH abdiice The Rev. Woodier u holding special servn-ea at the Buckingham p(.inliueut on the 12lh, with marked success. Th, H <jiiy. our buay auent, in on his rounds gaiu. He ia doing well, aud so he ought, f..r what he sells is '^d and he '(ells if riy,ht Mr. George Fillister ia uoinj t.i diaw the milk U> Fevcialiaui ihu season, ao jjet y>ur cows ready to milk t won u you can and not have him guiiiK w.th>.ut a load. M&ke them jiive all you c.m. l>\ if y<.u please 1 Mr Win. Bemroae liaa returned to Cidlmgwond to work on the new Oo..t. The Methodists intend haviuu a oc.i.il next Tuesday evening in aid of the Sail- bavih .hool. No admiMion fee, but every one i:ive* all ho can. Mr li.-.ir^r Bulk is slowly recuvennu after a severe attack of mdauniiaUuu of the lun^i His tiampship went throuich a window, made on a the and was comfortable in the sclio ll.oue last Thursday inubc. Be careful old man, you may \tn caught. Mr. D Field 11 in >vm; down to the hollow and Mr. U Har^tave ih m .v the farm formeily occupied by Mr. Field. Frum or own Corrtsttuii-leiit. throat" has almoat U-come an . pniemic in thia 0.11111. unity I )ne or t o .f nearly every family are or have txcu atflicted with it. Judumi; trom the amount uf buck that lias been hauled into this 1 uiy. duru.g the past month, we are yinx t" luve .1 brisk aud buay suni.ner K iriiu re Slid other* have come to the conclusion that it pays to store u|> a few , loads of ice for summer use, hence thete IIHN I.een considerable activity n.i\nift.it> i l in that line ately. Tlio ice . u the mill pond ia of an excellent ipjality this year, and plenty of it. Mr. Silas Leslie and family Intva re- turned to Manitoba, after spending the winter in tins v 1'aye. Mr. and Mrs (Jreenway. uf Holland (V-ntn.-. wen iuiiitf the tatter's parent's .it the parsonage the forepart of the wetk. Miss Annie Join ton. of Jacks. m. is the guest of Mitb Constance Conkey at ' present. Mr. <i>!i.rge \Yatson, who h beeo [ woiktnu in Maikd.ile fir aome time, is! home for the summer. Mia L. Siuipaoo is ill with iiiriimnia- ! lion of the Iuiii;s. I .:- i..;n. Frum nitr oun Cvrrnpuiulmt. .ty . I" snow yet and large .,uanti(ie* j .ind wo- d coining in. The mill here ia kept l.u-y just now, . running almoat day aud ni|(ht. A. J Confim M on the siclc list just i TV'W. Mir. \V. Mullen ;s *lso on (he sick list, i Miss J. Wand ia iuipr<>\ hi|| after her s-iTe illnesa. Mie O.-awfo d ia visit ing in the city '01 a tinif. Mrs I'.iul u viai'ing on the Uih at [ire t-i.t. Mr. Lon^streci, of Bflfountain, is vis- itii'g friftids in tliii j it just n>>w. Hi WfonrMliy of last wetk Mi*s Kmini, <!.!. !t u ii^liii-r of . I II. 1'. r g i who united in the h<4y Ixm Is wiih Mr. W. Alexander, merchant tailor. .f r'e> vnhain. We uke tins, our tir>t ..;.[>. rtuui'y. of ishini{ tiieiu a hap;iy ti i]i thiough life. Mr. nn.1 MIH. \V. IV ,ll:ir spent Sund.iy in (.'ollingv\iHH.l. Honor Roll. %^*aV%^%%% You want - AFKST-CLASS I Suit. " Overcoat, J or ptir of Fa n t .s u n rn r -.*- er ' orptirof Pantis * We G u n.r-0. n t ee J To itive y.ju them at closest prices. ** C.J.Leitclr^ { .Merchant Tailor. ** Garden Seeds Fresh Garden Sc4a ju.<il Feme's Seeds Steel Bros/ Seeds The Best in the WorlJ. s of all aeilauiii in . in winch you can make e.,. choice seeds. W. Richardson, - FUssherton. FIES1EBT8I STEAK UJlSf. 1 have npaned up a comp'ate steam laur-lrv in Klesboiton. and anf prei* vl u>tM'- in an v inantity of lann Irv work at lower pri<- tt.a < are charced elsewhere. < have put in fhe la et iiii.1 Tiiost nuprovwl ina-'i.i -rv u> tKut fv Knnllv tl' v e nie a call. Entire eaiiaiexvi. u Kuaraute<l. aod p. teas low. MH. UKO. VOOHKBOI- SB. aad Lot For I'M. KMI.LK PI BLK Slllool. Sr. :.iu M.nili.-i Hraudei. tii.th (Kit ley. John McKiumui. Jr. 6th Jen-iu .McLean, Maty t'.ini|>- l-ell, L,-o (in, r. I'.t, r McAitLwr and Mauuiu McLiic'ilan (,.|.i.i ). 4'h ci;ivs Jess e M.L-i.iiUi, J.nti-w McA thiir, Krnnk Ausscm, M.iry Me- ! Art .ur. Wiil,i McAuUy. Sr. 3rd cliiMt W illie "lUikev. Jolp. Mc- Iu yr> L 'tlie Tryon, Cuiu-.ie Tr^uu, Mi.ni-- McLean .Ir. 3rd (B)-MyrilH McAithur. Con- H mice C'Hikev, Donald Tr/i-u, il, rmaii i JJcLwun. IV'.- r Mclu'yrc. Jr >.l (A>- M.tine McLann. M*wu*e MclXii.nld. U ef'a Nuliol and C^ukiy (e.i'ia') WiJiio For -ala cheap and ou easy torin in *laher. ton. Splendid larue. solid hri-k .iwelliim wit*i KM>I *t ma cellar, summer kitchen sn.l IIOIIM. iilpo (food l-sjo sMhla. wrtrk hnau 1* e>mes containatwolarKalotsamlgon I v,. in orchard. bt*4vring. Hou^a aii.1 >u*hniMi.iif ar^ uxceptionallv wall nnishavl aud vary cuuveui- iiiilj laid out. Apply to eVJ llrani i > Haillui Imi It h. umat i>in nrrel in I>H ' S.IHII AniercAM Rhi-umat sin C.r . fr Hlienm.it iani and S-ursIvia. r.ti -li cuies in 1 to 3 day*. It* action wpuii the s\>t.'in is reiimrKaMe mid I,.V-M-I, u. It removes :it once thwCauw an<* the .11 aim uunseniittaly HiMap.Hr- tu hr-t t.y W

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