Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1895, p. 1

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TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MBN. VOL, XIV.NO. 704 FLBSHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 1895. W.H THD&TOH EOlTOHaj HOPKiETOH RMSTRONQ5' Cash and one Price. c) Proton si.it ion MEW GOODS. Never before such styles, such qmlitie*, sncli values. Lower prices prevail owing to our ligiit eipennea. If yon don't ?et more for yoar mouey chid year it will be h^oAiiae yo;; i^noi-n die ailv.munei oiti- store off-rs. A large discount on all kinds of jewellery fir tlie next 30 days. FINE x I^EFAIRIXG x AS x USUAL. Remember we guarantee aaUsfiotiju on all orders or money cheer- fully refunded. . . . . ARHSTRONG BROS. . Wiitchrn alters and Jeweller3. Our Business Directory M ARUIAGEUCKSSK8. I tailed da* or nls-h* st tb reetdence of the Cominlifioaer in H C .-I. Oevyucer. *e. N'otarjr public JOHN W. AKJI8TKOSG, PLBIUBTOK. M cCCLIXK'GH * YOCXO, HanVer*. Xark'lale. do a genera,) hanking bue~ i ness. Honey Unwed at a raeaoaabl* rale. Call on u*. . ILf R.HAUUOSD. t*ot Muter. KifUberleT. Comml*onr fr rakiiuc Affidavits e*o. Insure* and toe** nnoney at lowest rates. K xecsto Leas* a. Deeds, W tile, to. promptly, cheaply aad anciently R. J. 8PUOCL.K. iflusir. VI U EDITH HICHAUD80K. f1l|>ll of Boht. Mnhr. of Iler-lin. rtrmanv. (violin) ; Mm. Hrncti.y. at Toronto Conwrvaeory Hu.i,. (V(llc u.ilt.. 1 Prof. krriiH>ii, latft of Tormina, iP'cimn will receive pupil* lu sl.NUIM,. VIULIX. PI- AVI ....I OIMi VN Jr.qal. Etc. I W. HhOUT, liarrinter. Solicitor. ronnvan Flhrtoii oAm- Nost the |>nta huil. In. R. on riiumday*. Owm Homd offlcv- KroMtraiM<tiif. From our <>ini '.^v As prewnt we aru a highly exalted peu- plu even to the topa of the fenced. How- ever, it in not ewentul b> ba o lnulily axaltetl that wo may be the recipients III.TU fully of the panr few wka. In future we will have ncciuiou to raiuern- bc the nevvre weather that > urauu>ualy left its trade murk upon tonia of nur Uimi .niil othi'r member*. In rtruiipectii>n we could till a column with the laioenta- tiiiiin nt a couple uf our village tporta be- cau.ie their fair and comely dHOiwli were o much i.c^lected, but we will nut bu too pemonal thu time. Nnw in regard, Mr. Edit->r, tnthe con- tradiction ' > one ol nur itatemanta in our laat report by a gherkin calling liiniNxlf Bonuvulenca, we would aay, if the friend* of that eitimnble yung lady would recite thoir different parti tojiet her ucli contradictory lepurta would not act circulated, <M it wax a ury uour relaiie of the [Hirty uitviented who nave the facia ro your fur. Now, we don't, protend to . IN xinari RH ilioiie whom- aNpirationa are Imnkeriiix aftrr nuinicipal bnnnrti, ,1101- ihe qualification to niand behind the counter in llie capai-lty of clerk, but w ; would here state fur the benefit uf Tile Advance reader* tlmt our Htatvmeiiifi aru neither uiiKruprecriuin^ nor inii-leading. A aenei of revival meeting* are at present conducted here by the Rev. Dr. Campbell, of DundaU, and Rev Fall- .tad, uf Proton. Much intereat i niuiu- femed in the*u meelinfr* and we trust they nmy Iw of much benefit to thu peo- ple around here. Mr. Neil McLcnn'n neroud little boy waa culled olf very Huddealy a wk or to go by xcarlet fever and diphtheria. It m with much regret that we part with our old and respected citi/en, Mr. Andrew Brown, who n to leave about the lit of March for hi* farm in Kimlmr- ley. We wmlt him succeaa in his new I'urtinastrr. Ptmbersnn. OssssssTMhssV la B. U . Lie auM >uotioswer, Coiiwyanoer, A Money Lonoer, Kml Kutata Acetri. DM..)*. aad Will* drawu up aua Valuation* made ou bortcut notice. Auction Sale* attended to in auy part of the County. Mouoy to loan at low . t rU' of interest. Collections sttniulwl to with promntoeee and despatch Cbvftn low. Agent for th Dominion SkMUuxhipi'.iuipan v. . uap ticket* from FWiaertou to Liverpool, rtlamow, London or snyoftba Britlih poi-tn. . rarti.* intending to TUUt Kniilalnl. Scotland or ! Irelauil, will p eami atk race* Wore tuaur ticket* olsew T\Il. HCTTOS. U. D.C II, if C.P4 8..Ot_ Pricnvttle. Residence and office one deor wt at the ileth- Tlint Church. Klm<o lit Office <Uy*,TwMUe..v audSatui'lan. D ,B. CARTER. M. C. P. A 8.. OtiV Pkw-ian. mnceon, etc.. Fleahertun offlce Strain* ock. Hiduce J4uu>baw*hutel. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Member College Pbynic.A Sargooii". Ontario Ora-luatu 111 Mvdlcin* of Toronto L'nivorMty. Kellowitip Diploma, Foil Qraduat* MnUicavl SUx>J aud HopltaJ. Chloaco. L>tneaMo( TV. .ar. oM.d throat ip*clallv trcaU.1 BeBi- iit Feinnnaaa Thurda>s I- I L'CAS * N* H10HT, BarrMen, KoMcliore, ConTxyancem, etc., own A... .in. I. On.t - HarkdeJe, Ont. W. H WHI.IBT. |. B. l.i .A. X. .-Klei rton efflce. Mitchell . Bank, very Wedneedar. huui M OOKK .fc ST1UI.N. Praotioal nmlHrtakars. Nt/siiTi block, Klmhur- ton. First ula Urtrne, low cliargoii. natmfao- tion Knarantiwd. a* we have bat! W years' u- l'orlnc<; ill tlio Mr. and Miss Ireland, of Teeiwaler, wore the- gueata uf Mr. and Mm. John Boyd last week. Mrs. Neilvm, r , who ha been aeri- ' oualy ill for tho past few w oekn, is ilowly ret^jveriii); The \\ncht Bros., brick inakon, have tjie contract of supplying the oriok fur th new Methodiot church in Dutidalk, tome 115,000. Owiiii; to the condition ..f the roil at prevent it will take some tune to deliver that nnioiint. Warning Be prepared for a chance of weather ab >ut the lt of June. From the Proton obaervatury. V<- a I'n i -I Road. AO.r.VV mm>tnvorv <tr>t und thir.l Mm, ;lav h. ,, ncli i month. (., thnir IO.IK* room ( hriatoe. H|,,k. HHh-ton. at M .p. ni. *. M.OIkMU, M u U..I ,,ilan.v. a,,.pc:,, r . \\ hwiu UecorUer. VliltliiK llrciheru invited. R TKNfPr.ARS OP -inUi Cnnnrll mmtasvnry ._.. Hlrl TiiMliv ovvnlriK in iw-h monji. Mile Dions it H (i in. Selwt dotirta n. -i. m..t "iMothlv. tin. WaUllLtd*) the 2Uiirl nf esbcu month. J P. OTfKWELL. Vtrinarjr SargMa OrtdtMao of Ontario vtriimrv Oplh*fe. Ki'fM-tnou Nit door outh of Mooru't pianinn fx-torv. T F IUI..- I'KAD. M. D . M. C. * 3.. Ont , prmrtiom at Kim- bnrlv. Uh<-omatlc SONS OP TRMPKrtANCK,-Thl meet* In Or. chri^toe-' Hall V <M , I, "7T T V V ''"''"' * e H P m Vi "'M'- He, i IiiMiiance in GoniiM-itiin. YI*. H.A.. mertln their hall. Kloch ver\ Ct aiKUhlnlThiirxl.t in ach month. in. SUaj'i), WaUir F. i'i 1 t, m tfecratary. PKiSfF ARTHUR LOIXJB. No. :;. \ I A. M uieot In the Masonic Hall. Strain'. Hlnok. rlssbertotl, v., rv Kri.lnv on or ketsrs the full moon. br Carter \\ ,\l li I. S|in>ui.-, Secintarv. |\(,:KKKIIIN LIIIX;, I ' !,. !(M1 h' niee> in Clayton hull vry TIIM. ' lav "Vflllnit at H oVI.nli. V.it.inii tirgthiouco iHally i Invited. II .-TAVov \ I' t) M.-r&vrMtt HA. i U. OH, I AV1HII. mi*. ; D K. M \KY M.1KANUKU M.I' ( . M-. M. i . 1'. ,* ., O.it: ft villo. If" r Hllli H Ml. elJCO U|l|>OtiU> ItUttnc' M <'*llfi iniilii >ir ilav, |iruni|itli ,' r ' .-IM|I.,'. I..MI SUMou 10 Vi II. Wt>i1llf.|&vK. J ' 1.. It. .>. !>... l)nllt. Vinitx Uarkdale the Ut knd :ir.l Wwduiwday of eMh month i oj da> loiuwiu.' WinTrn H8TED :' linn <>r NCKSKK Y S'f i.cK ! curu'i'i- - ' i ' ' '*> .sri iu:>> in i;,ii-> M:.X. v I. I1SIV.' li.rnt.vv i' V " "I'll " '!' I'\Y Yill to wi it.. >,> i...- Uirm.. .vli!iOii. The Hiwks Hiiiary Co., Rochester N. Y 10 nKNT. K J. bJ-uokLa. our otrn Mr. John Bnland wn caught in the big storm week before laat on hia return from Tuntnto *K didcgiiU; f'T the Farmer*' In- Hiitulv, and wa obligHtl to remain at ()rnnuerill tlireu days. Mix* KiU Knifi'ii'. of Tosf.on. is visiting with her Kfandfailier, Mr. \\iii. Kni|(ht. Misn Annie Kulls and her brother, \\'OK , ar vmitiiii; frind> at Caledon. Mr. EbfiieEar Jonus nn.l funiily have utiivud to Flcslu-rtoii Station. Mr. J. I. (.{nthaiu w .-i-ry sick with The Pa'rons held a political mi-etinii in the hall liuru \Vediiusduy evening of lant wuuk. The sueukers were Mr. Allen, .tli- Patron CKinhd.itv, or^inix.ei Janneson .in.' J. M. Dnviii. liiiTious indiicviiu-nts w*)re held out to tin? people nit bnil, out. it i-f inaii'ii t<> IH- sern yet nhuthur thu lUli will bitu or not. R. T. o T. Concert. Th lloy.il Tem|ilai! Ht, thv Stitn.n H C. U. VI t III I 111' ftcllix.l lililinr tllflM a In I li i'io "ii Kr:d.-y evening lust nteitaio'iu'iit (irovidbd :n iii.i-t aliui, iMiini-niii^ of niuxi' 1 liv til' 1 , liiatruiin-ntal pie<:<'<, n'udiii(js. *-ic , HIH! a rattliin; -.od i-iii|ier- en ailiiieMi l>v Kuv J. \\ r! .-,. M A : IUM.VC *y I'IK choir ii> m^uil. ni , .1 in i.i i '. ,' ,\ i rtaniiiiciit '.iio.i^'noiit a uf .t iuli older. Lin.u litin. L\- ill x:il!.ni jia fur A wee tot. The violin mimic by Mr. R. Wright waa apecially good. Miai Sadie Whit taker uave a recitation and Mia* Marie Chinlett a reading. Mr. Joa. Ash- down, jr., gave a recitation, and M'. Jai. Athduwn, M- , rendered several wmgi that were much enjoyed. Altogether we think everyone preM-ut was much pleiued i with the eveumg'a entertMiiment. We ' have not leart.ed what Were the proceed*, but they limit have amounted to a nice tidy little num. The lodue at the Station %ppuars to be in a flouri&hing condition, and the young people especially seem to be deeply interacted in the aocity. Judg- ing by tlie talent ihown among the inenilien on this occaaion thu weekly meetings of tlm aoctety must be very entcr'-aimng aa w<ill aa educational . May the \ValteravilIe R. T. of T. proaper. You want AFffiST-OASS Suit, Overcoat, or pair of Pant ts We G uaran tee To eive you them at cloauat prices. C. J. Leitch^ Merchant Tailor. Patron Meeting The ><pen meeting of the Patron* of Industry wss a decided suc- cess considering the state of the roads. An it warf thu school was well tiled with un enthusiastic audience, with the exception of a couplu of hoisr Tones who can linJ fault outudu but when aaked to publicly explain their grievances against the Kair.ins were dumb. They are ni> use when facia and figures are laid befurv them. Thu upeaken wereMjasni. Allen, ' Januuwin and Wright. Splendid music was furnished by Meesra. Pedlar, Thistle- wane nd Mrs. Buskin. Mr. Allen wai the firit npeuker. He said iie was form- erly a Conservative but was now a Patron, and upon the Patnm platform he in tended to stand or fall. Mr. Allen is not a loud and boisterous speaker iiut he is arm, fuil of sound common seus, and ill, we Itelievo, make u firm light in the coining election. Among his many argti- meii's he chinned a time should be set for the government to go to the country and not xpring itn election wliei. chey thought their i-l.nci went thu beat. Mr. Jamie- son held thu audience in wrapt attention for HII hour and a half, dealing heavy ; blows on the government for their ex- travagance. Hu said under the depression j of hard tunes fanner*, trailtmiieii (and printers too) hud m ecoiiomiz* t-t live within their inran*, but to the contrary, thu different uo-ernmentawere increasing their expenditure year after year H dealt very haid with the pcmaion system . as o.iiru.l on at prm>nt ; many bein^ punsionud merely to let sone good sup porter have a snap ; also with the cost uf members while at Ottawa. He had a j whole pile of fact* and figures and defied any man to contradict them. Mr Wright sid the government could not help the low prices, but. they could help by paying ! less aalaries, I iring less servants and py 1 Case Insect Powder 1 " Patent Medicine. 2 " Drugs Just Received. If jou want a good Call on us. AND OINTMENT NOW ON HAND. UCIHISirS Illi STIIE, FLESH ERTOV for their own wine* and cixars. After an instructive meoiing nil joined in singina ' the Queen. Com. A Tobacco Company's Generosity. The George E Tuckett & Sons Tobacco Co.. Ltd.. of Hamilton, nine years a^o instituted the commendable idea of pri- eiiting a deed of a building lot each ' Christmas N) their oldest active employee TT F^ RFRTIDI tTFAH IlHIHrlV Tin. yesr ,t .. the o,,d fortune of Mr f Lti Dtfl I US . 1 LflB LflUHUttl, Thomas Milligvi to succeed t" the firm's; generi'Niiy. he having been with them for lil yuara. In addition to the lot hu re- ! <vied a sulwtantialohrquo from the same Honrco. Thu whole staff uf the concern , Also came in for a uift, t.he day hands re- ' .riMim :HI extru weuU'.t salary and thu |.IIM;B ll.lli.ls u )<ood M/..l lUlkcy S< time auo thu MesHis. Tuckett turned their factuiy into it joint stock conijiany, . iiiliintliiig niitny ot th> more iinporMiit mpl"y<-os into ptitnerslup, *nd thin nd d|iinnl ovuleTiceof H<lcsireUi oharu wit'n their men the pronpeiny nf the house can- !..( help but lit-nr fruit in iiu:reard ' 'ni'i^y unil uooil will HinoiiL' ;i.I who are' i have openn 1 iin a ooinplatr uteam laiu.il- v in Klesheruin. ami am prep* ml to lake in any 1|lllliuity , i ailn ^ r y work t i,, war prlCH . lhmn are crmnjixl ulwwhera. I have put in t.he la et ml iii<<t liupruvod iiiaohinory to that u<l. Kiinlly give um a call. Kntii-e natinfacuun K " '*MH*aiio. MOOHEHODU:. I:NK.IJBTIC MBN to .ll o,,r ' illlli : " "' 1 "O'npUte lino Nureert Stock nmlmwl pott, ..... BibsetaalstjaM emi ' your ui, .h.ri.io of name givan Jlo .1. v \l,jjr,\ iNi I ' li ^ K' > | Mr. .ujipl v tn owrtr* /. , ROCHBBTBE. N. forniii.itf Ur| LI I <! v.-..ri.)fo'i'it with Hws. an. W Per Sale, A s'liool iniatieiis in L.iphui...! Tp L.imbion Co., wii I|II..M u out of .1 Ini.'gy i. CIMVIIIJ; scVoie nijtiric.H. Site sued ;lie TJI. Mini w.i i tlio suit. Tlte costs anJ J ati^es to Tlic To. .I.,,,, j!, 1 t 57,000. For nal* cheap anil O" aa*v torm* in fnn. S|iini'lifl laj*u<t. Molitl h i* k <iwnl)tnu. w.th ym.i At .n .:i.nu . Miiiomtir kitchen n I woo.1- iifi.iHf >.i..t I{OIH| t: aiut* stable, oii.k hne.1. n IMUIM iw .ii ^> loin i\n.l ^. mil vi"inc nrohai-'l. b,.iinii House au.l oa'b.n .lnn; . >xr.|>ti.mftllv well fluivhoO aJUj efy tulivtflu* ... ) .:.: <ut. Apply to

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