Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1895, p. 4

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r H I r L i s H;IR TON ADVANCE KBTABLIHHBD 1881 ri/Bl.lSHKD WBBKLY AT TUB OrrlCB. SYll- BMBAM STKBBT, rLBHHBRToN, OST., BT W. H. THVBSTON. I per annnm.slr i< 1 1 > In advance Advertising Rates : Oo* C*luran. 1 year, SM ; half col.. 1 y*ar, t'fl quart*r col . on* year. SI J. Transient adT*rttMm*iit charged at th* rat* f S *Mt* per lln* for Bnt inMrtiou anJ 3 c*uU each iut><equ>nt lunertion. DR. BPOULE'S POSITION. If the annual Conservatire meeting held io Mark-dale on Friday last is to be accepted ad evidence there appears to be a Bolidifying of the party once more in Kast Orey. The demand for recognition by the new premier of Dr. Bproule's sen-ice was spontaneous and emphatic and will strengthen him in his just demands. Sixteen years' service in parliament has made him a poor man, instead of enriching ; Biz- teen of the best years of his life have been spent there ; he is the only one left of the "Old Guard" of '78 who has not received some emolument in (he way of office, for services rendered ; he is peculiarly fitted for at least one of the oflrccB under the disposal of the premier, and yet his claims have been ignored and a gentleman with only half the qualification hinl IOSR merit in ever} way has been given precedence. It is not alono Dr. Bproule who feels this matter, it is the people whom lu- represents, aud they took it upon themsel sea last Friday to let their sentiments become known. anciety. He believes in doiug away with the statute lt> T entirely. He aaid if the towimlnp of Arteiueaia wo* getting value in this way it waa a very excr ptinnal township, 'and waa thu tint one he had ateii. In hia own township one third of the work wan dune, and another third wan a total low. The statute labor would actua'ly only keep (he ditchva running nicely. Mr- Bheppard aaid that drainage waa the important point in road con- struction. We would not have good roads without that. A fifteen foot road WHS the hanU.nt to niainUiii from the fact that there waa more preaaure per inch nurfitcu than upon a wider road bvd. Ordinarily thu bed should be eighteen feet and in lioggy ground twenty-lire Ix-tween ditches. For culverts he uned vitrinrd tile or Amorican iron, at a coat of from 12$o for 8 in. to 45c for 18 in. per foot, approximated. In making gravol roads ho thought two or three iuchva placvd upon the road was almo- lutely uaeleaa ; six inches waa none too much, and it waa better to make only half n mile of good road one yuar than to spread the name amount over four nr live miles. He also advocated the wide tire and aaid they were in general uac in New York stale. An aoon > possible in spring all holt* ahoulri be filed up and tuts levelled. At Erin the Institute had pau- sed a reaolution ri|uoating the govern- ment to make a law compelling the |iiustioii, "Are you willing to commute the statute labor?" to be placed upon the ballot paper next year wherever there waa an election. In conclusion lie praised the turn out of farmers, but Maid that in New York state he had arm 1000 pevplu at a meeting of this kind in a place not larger than Fleahertoti, and half of them woro ladiea. Farmers' Institute. The meeting of E. A. C. O. Fitriners' I (intitule, aa advertined, wnn held in tin T.iwn Hull on Saturday lant. There WHH ii forenoon niuciin^, it beintf ililHcult for farmum to come out and npvnd thu whole day. The first meeting was therefore . ..livened at 1 IX) p.m., with the reeve, in t'le chair. Aa we have done heretofore will attempt to yive our reader* s e of thn important poinln elnenlnied in these diacunaions, but it in, however we may wiah otherwise, only postibaVta K' Vr the most meagre outline of the ninny III- lerentinit subjects ili-tni--..-.!. The first speaker waa Mr. T. Ii. Ilnynor, It. S. A., of Ho*.- tUII, Out., and his r>piu was the nalix-tioii and iiiitnaueiin-iit <-f a dairy herd. He Inid down ninny i ih-n for guidance in the selection of a dairy herd. Ainonx tin-mi he nnl that n Inritn development of the navel always .It-note.! a healthy constitution. A good c iw *ns also of a nervous tuinpernnntnt. As the best foundation for a herd he would take a gr>tdu animal nnd CI-OHH it with wnl! known thoroughbred nire stock. The object waa to get the beat returns of milk. Am. .iij< short-horns there were two familu-s. Tim lUt.-s family were l.etinr milkers, the Hootli family were in. .re for lieef Milking oowa must have k-'-i-l rich, whole-... me food and .>.<d water. There wa* no better coarse fod der for feeding purpose* thon clovor hay well cured. In this connection he irave his idea of how thu curing nhonld be il'.ne and alao apoke HI. some Ungth n fodder for animals and their management The stable should stand at about 00 (tourees of wsmith. Dive plenty of salt. In reply to a <|urry, of which there were a lartie number, he limited the quantity of mi-mi* which should be fed to an animal in one day to M IBS. A gentleman in i hi- audience Mtld he had a o..w to which he was feeding five haiaMe >r aay. The speaker ended by devoting , minutea to the drainage question, in which there was sonaliUraUe mterent ihown. Cant, .las. 8heppard, nf Qjwesistowu. whfHfcad beep aubatijuted for Mr. Me lougll, the, advert iatd speaker, was present as m.irh to ( e4 information on rd making as to give it. He repre- Av*'ati..n of Of thai ented the Ooott Ontario, a.d r.late4 ht Mr. Sheppard, at request of the audi ence, continued on t'n- raising of upi<lei. He wan a fruit raiser hinnwlf nnd noihinq else. He paid a hi.-h tribute tu this district as an apple raining diatrict, and auid it wan the beat for that purpose "under God's heavun." They could not mute applet for protit in his coun'y. and many bij; orcharda di I not produce enouvh to a-ipply their owners. The black scab waa the cause of thin, and he c injured hm hearers to prevent it from becoming prevalent in this dintrict. He gave minute rules for planting, pruning, culti- vating, etc., from his wide experience J.'i years in fruit urownu:. K.. me of bin ninxinin wore : The noil nhould be well limned for un *pplu orchard, eith-r u.i 1 ni. illy or nit i lii-iil ly. Don't order trees until you are ieii.lv, nnd don't gut rendy until you can order. Clover not! plowed down win ax L'ood a bed m cmihl l>e made. Trim intelligently. Thu more culiiration tliure was the larger would U the tree, but do nut cultivate aft. r An xust. In pruning cut the smaller imii.n i: wn a mutnke to cut very liir.'e limb- Huy your trees at thu nearent nurnrry the nk in not to great. He hud seen ear loaU of trees stamlinK f -r two weeks mi i.liii'.'M at NiiikiHtii Fnlln. t 'm- should be oautioiiN in plnntiiii! if liee* wore ;;I-.I\VIIIL well In roply to impure* he desciibv biuck knot, nnd gnvu hit experience wit) plums. S.nie of the new Jnpanose var'etieK of plnnm weru rxcollent, bui would scarcely do in a country subject t< late fionta, as they hlixM.nned no enrly Among thene ho ii.i'ne.l ( >r their eX cellutice the ( i^.m, Abundance ant SitlHiima. Mr. Slieppivrd alto Kave cle information in regard I., l.nddi ^. Mr Yuill, . 'f Cnrlet..n I'laco, rourettei the nWncii of tba la.livs llissubjec waa, "How to enrich an impoverishes farm." Ho did over) thing with closer If hin farm wa not rich enough t-. grow clover he weuld now buckwheat, and if it wan not rich enough t.. urow tlmt he con- fenied he would nut know what to do. He nevur grew tnoro than two or thrvo nciee of wheat on his farm. At the evening me.-ting M. Hichardix.n, Ki.|., nr.'npied the chair. Mr. Shepherd apoke on the farni'ira' fruit garden. He thought it strange that farmers neglect aniall fruits so much. Strawberries and raspberries were a* ea*y t.. grow a osh. bane. Wild strawberries coat more to irathvr than they were worth. Josh Hilling uni.l t 1 foi wan a gnme bird, it cost Ave dollnm to catch him nnd hia akin was worth only a dollar. It was the same with wild atrawberriee. A few atrawbrrriee should be planted kvery year in order to keep up the supply, if not they would run out. Plants should be set three fswt apart, one plant in the hill. Don't let runners remain until the 16th o'. Anyviit and only for one month, tie tween theae date* the runners will make good* plants , for transplanting. There WS*a) piatilai* and slammate -mnle and female- flu were, and many fanners made a failure by not understanding these. The Wilaon was a vood variety. He alao touched again on improving the high- ways, speaking mure particularly to the ladius. They had a great influence in t hia tatter. He, as reeve of, bin townahip, nderstood their importunity and had uflered thereby. The ynung Indien ipecially understood how nice it was when John Henry could drive -with one and. A hearty vot nf tliank* wan endered Mr. Shoppard for his entertain- ]t and inntructive addrentes. Prof. Raynor wnn ylad to see the in- erect th*t waa taken in agricultural ttern in this township. Thin was oue if the very bvst meetinvs they had held. iis topic WK* "Tillage," and HA the nub* ect wan i.ccHaarily of a rather technical lature it is impomible to do it justice by a aynopais. HM went into the chemical [ualitien nf the noil, showing how defects :inild I MI r.'U'ul.iled nnd p..r noils made ruitful. Clover, he aaid, was hy all odds be greatest reatorative we had for irn H>verished noils m this county. He de- >rocated the selling of wood ashes off the arm. Mr. Yuill followed with a lengthy ad- dress on butter making, which waa radically the aame aa the one he gave when here three years ago. Cheeae was >ur standard and he strongly urged fann- ra to auppoi t cbeeau factories. We cau- n >t place butter on the British market in KUimner in a satisfactory condition. Oi.e x>und of batter wan equal to three pounds if client It could therefore be seen lint cheese was the moat profitable here. Mr. and Mrs. Yuill weru the first who lad ever made butter un a public plat- Form in Ontario. Mr. Yuill's sddreai wn a most valuable onn of 75 minutes' duration. < Ithers who ad.lremed the audience in Few words were Thoa. Oamey, M. P. P., Tbott. KelN, K.--I , and Dr. Chriatoe. The Kami supplied excellent IIIUMC at in- tervals during the evening. ROLLER MILLS Are now eomplet and are running regular. CHOPFING P. LOUCKS. done eviry afternoon 8 usual. The Newspaper Law. Any person whotakes a paper u-ynlnrly from the post office, whethvr in Inn name or anothura, or whether he haa sub scribed .-r n.-t, is responsible for the p.y nient If a petwui orders h-a pnper dis continued, he must pay all arrears or tin publisher m.iy r.'litinuo to m-nd it until payment is nmiie and then collect llu whole .-mi nni, whether the paper is taken fr m t'ne . tlii-e .T not. In suits for nub- .->. i i|itiont thu nuit may !> inntituted in ili-- place where it ii published, although the Niiluicribor may resido hundred* <>f iiiih-s any. The courts have, del ide.l th.-it refniii.i; liew>|mpem or pc-riiMlicnln fr the pont ottioe or reinovin.' mid h-;iv ii'^ iln -in un. -nil. -.1 for while unpaid i /.. . in. i /.ii-iii evidence of intentional, fraud llrnrt IHxraKr Rrllrvrd In 3o vliimlr* l'i Ah'iitf'i wr C'unoi Hert gutx |erfect relief in all canon oi i ;. .iL'"inr or Syin|>nthetio Heart Diaeane in ,'tl) minuios, nnd speedily effects a cure It n a |ieeil-m rrmetly for I'alpitatii Sbortni-M of lirenth. Smothering Spella, IV, in 111 1 .-!i Si, I,, nnd all ayiupions of Dinoaied Heart. One done convinces Sold l.y \V. E. Uichardson. A llnon to Horx-inon. On b>ttl of English S|iavi-i Liniliirnr e..mpletrly reinovt it n cm li from my liorsu. i tnke plenxnre in vecoiiiiiiendini; the remedy, UK < vii!i myitxrioun pitnn}itneiw n. the. romovnl from Inn-he^ of liaid, noft or cal- loused lump-', lilood Kp.it in, splints, turtm, nweuny, sliHea and uprninM. UeoKUK K.-I-.II, Farmer, lilaikham, Out. Bold by \f. B. Richarda.ui, Druggist. BUY YOUR HARN Good 5-to.k. Good Workmanship, Low Prices. 'urry Comb*, Bruahea, |lariicw Bella, O.t and Cowhide Robea, Axle Ureaae, Blanketa, aud everything in iny line conxiantly on haud. Lere ordera early aa we are alwayi ruahed in the fall aeaaon. W. Moore - Haruessmaker FLESHERTON. Cash For Hides! Sheepskins and all kindn of furs pur- chased, for which highest market piicu will be paid. Homemade aauaagea on hand, alao all kinds uf mi . M. WILSON, FLESHEHTON MEAT EMPORIUM. Oysters, Oranges, Nuts. Cantlirn, Cakes and Confectionary of all kinds auitablu for Christum* now in stock. W. Barnhouse FLKSHEHTON. AUCTION 5ALE Snaps ! for The5eason -AT- RICHARDSON'S. We will dispose of a lot of Millinery at from 25 to 60 ceutn ou the dollar. rnineurinoj Friday. Jan. IHlli. A lut of iibbona 20 to 60 cents a yard, all to go at 10 cents. 10 to '20 eent ribbons all to go al eeuta per yard. Furs. Collars and Mnffs at CO cents on the dollar. Mantles. At reductions from 2V to 50 cent or half price. \Ve have nmny li ft but they are new and good styles. per not Dress Goods 42 and 44 inch cloths u t 20 and 25 winter costume etuis per yard. Wo have a few ladies' Fur Capes left wliicli we will sell at very low tig nits. Men's For Coats from f 12. ISO up. Reversible Fur t'oata, water proof. '20 pairs of Hlanhets. sll we have left, and will be offered at job prices lo clear out the hue. Currd In a ia> S-'iiili Ainerieao Kheuniatism Cure, for Ulieiimntism and Neumlgia, radically curen in 1 to 3 days. Itn action upon the aynteni in remarkable and myste'ious. It removes at once thecauao and the dis- ease immediately dinnpp>*nr. The lint dime grewtly U-netita. 7"> centa. by W. E. Itichardaon Druggist. Sold The Markets. rnrrfuM j 4 orrrvtrd Kuril Hour f 3 IB to F.ill Wheat .... M to Spring Whet* .... 56 to Harley SI to Oau 87 to Peas M to Butter U t.. RKKS, fresh 14 t P.nat.>e* ban M 'to Pork 47R to Hay pair ton 7 00 to Hide* SOOtn Hhorpakiiia 115 tn <!.. to Turkeys:, * M. Cli'.;kei. per pnir .6 lo Duoka ber pair 40 to Wool WH, 366 M M 31 28 14 14 60 500 800 300 86 6 40 M U Valuable Farm Property IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEHESIA W THK County of Grey. 1'iiiliir .| In- virtue of til* |K)Wer vn<tl In J. W. Rend%i*ea n"' ^m CMien. aa %rvelees aeil (Snout >n of tll I ant will met lt-^l*m-iK of KHANCIS (IKOKdK HAalll.ltiN. Ut uf vh. townlii|i nf AitrniOTla, In th* (oillityot Clrev, Partner, iU-cwi>v<i. thm will t> ustered fur oale I't pnlilu auction a4 JV1 \i V1L.UAOK law's Hotel 1I> THK OK KI.KtmKKTON ON Weojusday, the sirth day of Februray, i th A. D., )M)A, HI til** liuiir of two o'cltick afternm-u. by A. M. ViuidltiMMi. Kiu|.. mu ti lh fullnwinN lalHIa nml |TI IHI.I-.. vn : 'rl OI I -t mimtrar on linn Inxl *ari flfty on*, in Hi* liilnl utiiiio South \\rnt of Hi.. -furoiit > aa<4 hydiib*m ri.,l. In thonald towii>liln of Aria* HIM >. conululnn forty vr. mom or !. Th* aul i r,.,.e,t> I* Inimorilauly ..H..lm n tb* Tllliin of Kl..lii t,.ii si.tii.n . aboul .*> acr* tali) to b* olxarvd aad tb halanua bant woort buth. fairly f*DO*d. a fraui* dwtlllua: ou tb* property. Ten pr o*nt. of tb* |>iiruliur u>n*T to b* l>i.| M tb* tun* uf sal* and th. ba.uo* itblu thirty davt thereafter. Par farther yextleulan and *onilitiou> ef sal* apply to W. J bmi LIXT K) , i.r \t Lei * a WHIOBT. Vcn.io i' aollcltora, Parmsbr Sede. Le**tsaa4*alai th. ub tc.wmblp of Art*u> M i.. two bun kaowa a* th* Klnban. BeUs*. Apply to |T|MiMiTteB Heavy Frie/e Ovi-icoats, dark grey. Ftwn and Hrown at $5 50, 17.50, and $S ul). These axe smfoinible goods \vtll uinde with twnd linings and iue Btorni collars. A large, general stock of men's. youths' and boys' OvercoHtaat greatly reduced piices. Sugars. Sugars are lower than ever kcown in tho history of the trade. Special fine value in Japan Tea at 20 cents per Ib. at Pwichardson & Go's. Hurdware I Dcp't. FIRE FIRE Backs Backs For your cooking stove at 75 cents, gnaitamed lo tit any stove. An Offer . . . A first class Misc.; and 4 Rood Ritta. size. in. to | in. lot 91.07. Don | fail lo get a sell. . . A Lantern . . Thai will not tt.cker and blowout with the wind is hard lo gel. We havt succeeded in getting (MM tips] we fully warrant it. Cross-Cut Saws, Files <Sc Haw @ettn AT M.RICHBKOH4CO.

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