Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1895, p. 1

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Jttontce* TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL, XIV. NO. 098 flBSHHaTOH, ONT. THURSDAY. JANUARY 17 1895. W. H. THCRSTON "'IS"*. Koad. Qoods the WeWre joit placed in stock a large quantity of elertut Jewellery Suitable f.r Chrittniaa presents. N >t the IVilloains with price* : SOUP GOLD BROOCHBS AND 15 A R PISS FROM 1.7 to t. SWORD PI NX AND BATTI.K AXKS FHOM 50 <ynt* to . ~OOLD WATCHES FROM 912 to *OO STERLING SILVER SOUVENIR SPOOKS. The above are OIK lateit tri stylm. Yi* ihould KP them. A lanre quantity of rolled pl*igxxU in hr..oi-li s chain*, cuff buttons, ear riug-, lie pm*, tc. A *|Jeudid choice in weddintf rii>. ' FOB CHAINS. Fl\K HEPAIRIXO AS VSl'AL. Armstrong Bros. - Jewellers. Our Business Directory (f.uds. Vt AkRtAUE LICKXwBts. Uued *a.v r nlfkl at tb raaldme* of the und<*ri(*d. Cominieaioaer la H C .-I. Conveyancer, A*. Notary public. JOHN W. AKJISTBOSG. McC ULLOCGH A VOCKO, Banker*. Markdal*. do a een.ral banking bas- inets. Moatey loaned at a reasonable rate. Call on a*. U tt. HAMMOSD. i-cat M aster. Kiruborley. CommUnioner tor taking Affidavits etc. Insure* and loans uinney at laweit rate*. Execute! Lea*. Deeds. Wills. etc promptly, cheaply and anciently. R. J.SPROULE, Postmaster, rteahertoo, CsatorisalBBsr to B. K.. Uc nsd >uctinear. Conveyancer, A praisar and Mcnay Lander. Real KstaAe an-l Insurance Agent. Dtwda. UoitKa^sa. Lam, and Wills draw u up and Valuations made on stoertest aesjca Auction Sales attundvd So in aay part of the County. Money to loan at low eat rate* of inters**. Collaotiois attn.la<l to wuu prowntuee* ami despatch rttarges low. Agent for the Uootimon btuauisliipCoaspany. abeap tiukats tram Flesherton to Liverpool, Mla*Kow, '.on. Ion or any of tb Hrititk porSx. fartieo iutaudiag to visit England, jtcotlau.l or Ireland, will pieane auk rates before sxtrvSNaaing llieir tieketa alsewber*. ittusic. \ f IS EDITH KICRAMDSOX. Knn-I of Bofct. Uahr, of Berlin, airman r. violin; Mr. Hradtov. o( Toronto Conservatory Hu.ic. (Vo*MCultu Prof. Kerrtwn, late of Toronto, iPisuol will reueiita pu|>ils iu WNGINO, VIOLIX. PI- ANO and ORGAN. from 9iir OVM Oorrttpondent. Mr. Rob Pritchard w hom o ick ht. Mn. York Richardson, of Chatsworth, la viailiu* with her father, Mr. Hubert Warlinej. Mr. and Mn. R. O. Warlmg viaitad friemh in Meaford laat week . Mn. Geo. Hutcliiiunn, jr., presented her iiui)ud with a daughter on Tuesday of laat week. Mr. and Mn Wru. Anderaon. of Gleoela. vmited their daughter, Mrs. Jeo. Huichinaon, laat week. Mr. 8 L. Crane aixi brida ipent Uat wark visiting frienda bent before leaviag for ><reu Sound, where he purpoaea. at- tending hi^h achool for a term. The annual entertaiinent of the Meth- iNjiat Sobbaih School waa held in tlie church here on Wednesday evening of laat ek. TU' wcalht-r waa tine and the riNtda excellent, and the church was wU filled. The childrvu rendered tliuir part with crwlii t<> tiiLiutelvta mid, teacher. .Mv.Siucl.>ir' recitation. "My J<*>\nr, caused much lueiriiucut. Mr. Thorp \N iu(ht ad<lieaa viu alao well received. Mr. C.tue i fpeucl) and recitation were also much appreciated by the audience. Proceed*, f28.MX Kiuuor lays there ii to W another wnl- ding la thit nciuhborhoml *mn. The ciNi^rftfaiioii w m -i...ul n S^ii bath owin^ to the I.TUI. The paitor WOM prraeiU to attend tu bia duties uv'erthe- East Qrey Conservatives. J W. PbOST. Harrintsr. Solicitor. Conv* Plsakerton offiee- Next tlie posoL boildiiig. on Tlmndajr*. Owsn*b^uad rrosfsrwiMing. t LX'AS & WlilQHT, Rarrister*. SoVitor*. ConTcvaacerm *v.. Owen aouml. On.t - - Markdale. Oi.t. W. H Watusrr. 1. B. Lcr. K. K.-Flesaertoa oate*. Ui team's Baak. every Wednesday. M OOBK Jt ST1U1N. 1'raetlcal undertakers. Mrain'i btock, Ptoeher- ton. First class bearsd. low cliarces. satisfac- i| tion gnaranUwl. si we have ha*! ii years - ;t prri.uc* Iu b* busiueea. I Mrlmtyre. _It M with extreme pleasure that we now Ix^tn to i-vpreHent, ni words, our busy little town, which haa beun without a representative for souiu tune and al Chough it does not oniUin baronial castles, stately palaces, or liuue luaumuiu, it and ita sarroundiiiKK are worthy of consider- able attention. Excuse iu, Mr. Edit.ir, if we make une uf pleoiiaam, aa we art uul accostoined to ^uch work; aa tliia. s Our genial merchant, Mr. Manball, who baa been ruKhiiu businoss here fur nearly two years, i aiwut to lesve us. , lie in at present reetdinx in the Urge i frame, house, which was reteiitly uccupied by Mr. Malouliu Mclntyre, and which s> n >w offered for sale by R. J. Sproule, of Fleshertuii. Mr. Marshall in waiting for an opening which he iiitetius to till in Owen Souud. Mr. Cainpbvil, of Kodick- ville, is coining to take charge of the | etorw here, and will, without duobt, be looked upon by the peoplv here wi'h popularity aa he is a dtuiceiidant of old MJUITIJiO AT XARK- DALC. The regular annual meeting i.f Eaat Grey Couaervatives waa held in Hankett'a hall, Markdale, on Kuday Uat, and the crowd which gathered there waa some- tiling to (iliilden the heart* of old timers. It waa laid to be, the moat enthusiastic, repreaentative, harmouioua, and unani- mous annual meeting held in t*n yearn past. The resolutions pit to Che meeting were earned without a dissentient voice. A few old faces were conspicuous by their absence, but many new utia* more than made up for the deficiency. President Kell* occupied th* chair and in a ahor*. opening addraaa said he thought it would perhaps be batter to put someone else m his place, but thia the meeting would not hear to. The auditors' refiort, thowinu A deficiency o/ 93 56, was adopted, after which the election of officer* took place slid resulted ns follows : if fit KM ILEiTKD. Pteaident, Thus. Kelia ; Vice Presi- dei.t, Thi*.. \bercrorubie ; Rocnrding Sec- retary. W. McLoUuhrey ; Tress., Ja*. Bndie. Oorre*pondmi( Secretaries Dr. Maxwell ; W. Cornetf, Dundalk ; tilwanl Uorkf, Thornbury Vice Presi- dent* Thornbury, S. L How* jCollmii- wiMid, Win. Walter, jr ; Euphraais.Chaa. Deavitt ; St. Vincent, C. R. Sin* ; Mea f. rU. John Lnnu; Dsprcy, D. K. Preston; Melancth' n W. L. Robertson ; Duadalk, Thoa. Hanbuty ; Proton, John Abbott : Artuiuesus Wm. Sliarp ; ilolUnd, Geo. H. H"iuus; Sullivan, Jae Prince ; Mmkdale, Win Douglas; Shelburne. Ji.hu Jelly. Auditor* W. A. Brown, James. Elliott. The f illnwtiig resolutions were Then put t.i the nieci.i'g and carried uuaui WORSTED sons suns ALL TO BJB HAD AT C. J. LEITCH, PANTS Merchant Tailor. 3VBRCOATS -GOTO F. A. Baker FOR YOUR FALL SLITS and OVERCOATS A* I have started up in Merchant Tailoring. I have a fin* line u f bltck and fancy Pantinc*.*!*., Worsted, and c..tch Serge's in black ami blue. Before bujmg your i-oods call and am me. The price* a*> low 4* Llltj lOWfttt. Kl"tli'r ' n v. ,ii*> .,( a. I, i Cl"ln Jllill 1 s I -. lajwjs.1. All 1 guaranteed aa usual. X,, disrije for tiuif g,>da purchased fruiu me. New 5tock Just Arrived. F. A. Baker Merchant Tailor. TJR UTTOS. ICTXC, M, M.C.F.* 8..Ont.. Price'rill. . Residence SWA! eOtoe owa door went of tlie Meth ; rtilistChureJilar*ee 8C Office day*. Tuesday* ,! Batnrdan. TJU CAKTKB. M. C. r. * 8., On*. Physician, surgeon, etc.. FUeaertoa Strata* b ek. IUs*eiio* M jusliaw's hatel. A".l.^.-nMeta*r*ry*.rtan.l third Mon- day ii. i-cri month. In their Imbt. room rhrii-toe'H rUrtk.I'Vtbertcu.atH.p.ni. Oo. Johnston, M \V. , w. I. Ilellan.v, Unsnc ; W. , Irwio B*cor<lur. Vtsitinii Kretbern invited. ROY AT. TK.Ml'I.ARS Or TEMPERANCE.' HtNjnlar lonncil rueett every flntaaii UHra TM* lav evening in each momti. i K|>r.,ul't bloik at 8 |> in Select dcgm iliiHuraucB) uioet* -uontlily. the Wednesday " *, Uu.l of each montb. ui'eac* In Dr JOBS A. BCOTT. II. B. Member ColleewPav)**.* Sunfeea*. Ontario ' Graduate ia Medicine of Torouto fnivereity. K;iuw* i Diploma. l"ost Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Cbioaeo. Diisaees of ejva. ear. aoseaud tbros* specially lrcatl. lUei ucace Maxwell, visits rversnam Tbarsdaya 1- J P.OTTKWKU* Veterinary Surgeee,. Grades** < Oatarto ' Veterinary Collece. ReWeee~SeU door , eoutb ol Moore'* p. aping faotary. M J F. HA1..STKAU. * M. D,M. C. *&.Oa.. prastiewat Kirn OerWy Kawaaaatto dtaeasa* 4 apeeMlty. r\H MAMY M. HBA MI KK M.D.C. M., M. C. P. R-. Owt; PricevllU. OaVeaa.l rwlcenoe oppoait. Hutlers' H !:. -.lis olit or day. proeapajv attendnH. Vlait* FlMberton Stattun 10 So 11, Wednesday*. YM. P. B. A., meet in their ball. Chrietoa'i ttlock ever\ Sr<t and third Thur*da> in eaelononth. .Kliarv. Master. T. Clayton Hecretary. Mia A. Mclntyre had a holiday on Monday uwinu to the school room be ill if used for election purposes. Miss L. Mc- lntyre, who has been tracl'ing at Laoy Bank for the past two years, is teaching at Morrison'* this yerr. We wish her success. Mr. Armstrong, of Liatowel, w engaged ut the brick school. He in boarding iih Mrs. I'niir- We wish he may make teaching a success a* thia IB Misa Wilson, of Duntrooii, has been visitinu friend.* arounJ here. Quite a nunil>er uf our voters have been liK'king very sarcastic since election J P JIAK8HALL, L. D.8..M D. B.. Oewttat. Visits MataeHI* *> 1st siw arU We*We~ay at eaeb month PJ*wk*wM -Kavrb trip 0* tba sajr fellawtaf kt7'h" M " t " l "' 0riic Hl^ Strain. ,i, r r.' b "*"- **** rri<i r " r Ti&SLZSZ ' Cart "- w "-; nUrPBBTN LOfXir . N,,. 1S8, I O O r. meets in C']\toii'halle>ry Tues. I 'nv .'i-'iaiiv a o'clock ViKitini bietbraeoo dially invited. IV I'l ATTTIN. , S. (1 ' ' D. McTavtsej, Stic. I WHITES ww line .it choice and NTRSKKY 8TWK "."r "E E D say. '"Becaum; Joe Brown uid not itel if." Some of our farmers are K"i">! ahoitd with building* this yar. Mr. Neil Mc- Lean, of Sitixhainiiton, IIAJI taken thn contrnct off four Imrn* : Mr. Hnuh Lit iii.mt X Mr. Neil McUnnsM'n, Mr. John D<.ugla*' snd Mr. John Miller'n. Mr Jninen Polt* has taken contract of Mr. JainrnSinrUu'iaad Mr. John Fr/eson'. Th.me of our citixena who attmuled the wedding on the 3rd line laat Wednesday en jyd themselves, ^lijeedingly well, but TOII exclusive territory " V <u I~K I'AV YOV. t-i write us for Urine. A'Mre The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester M. Y TO KKNT. Cesatottable dwelling ia rieabersm. Apply It will before noun; wrr veiy much disappointed when iln-T not there and fi.nnil that they were tii Ute to oe the knot tu*<l. W >< IIO|.H they my hej in lime for the nett weditii'K th^t taken place on the 3rd, and that their d.'ir friend* will call f. r them, mtead. and thua prevent dl/. "The member* of the East Riding of Liberal Conservative Aasxociation, .it Una their annual ineeiing, desire Co I'laco on record their deep regret that in the format ion ol the cabinet of Hon Mu Itenxie Bowell, the claim* of their estecm- e,l taraiber. Dr. Spn>ule, for a position 'herein were ni retoijiiizeil. Firim his long and faithful ncrxict* to the eonarrv* tive party, Inn "plendid capacity for pub- lic dune* .ti.d hm ability as a debater, we nnpectrully ank the premier when coeisid- erinir 'he next chance in the otbinet ! Kive Dr. Sproule that position to which lie in justly entitled. We feel satuttied he will prove A worthy repreaentative of North-westiTii Ontario. And that a copy of this resolution be submitted to the I premier. " This association dsir*s to express its i ilacp Ryuipalhy with Laly Tbompaou in the ' sad hkiw which linn lately fallen upon her In- the band of the grim reaper, death. While deploring the sad and sadden deals* ul the hit* preuiir, we itecire also to tgain plae* ou record .111' biah tstimate of his nbilities and qualification for the high auil huuoralile punitiou which he baa held, ami to express on i snpraeiatioo of the frftat rerviof* he has rendered, not aioue to oar IVim'nirn but to the empire. That thi* association axpress their cor fl deuce in Hon. .Maflktuxi* Bowell, Premier of Canada, aud bin administration; and as- snre him of mir hearty mipport. They aiso bavp miicli pleasure in rnew (UK their eontiilence in Mr Spronl*. wbj fur the past stxUvn years, ha? soaMy and fnitli fully represx'Uled' East Cire} iu the House of Common*. Dr. Sproule wan cnlled upon and gavu .t rsttluii! good speech, during which he irraigned Mr. McCarthy aa a ruaicunteut and char^eil him with collusion with the Reform party, giving aa evidence his Votes during last tension He slmi said Mr. Moi.'arihy >uhoined hmuwu interet'H | before tin we of the party and wan seldom | tu be f.'Uiid in hiii place. The Dr. npoke at coiiHi.lurtble length on other pulilical topics. Other speak era who followed with ttl'ort sddrrfwes weru M ijr H->rko. ex- ' M. P. P., Neil McColman, *.(., and ! John Lyons, E|. Dr Sproule, aa ia h in i , usual cunt, in, treated the delegate* to a I supper at the Markdale House. Mr. Joseph Dotiio. of Sullivan, haa a sow just two years and three months 'In ! that is nnv raismv her '.'iirth Utter, nh:cli ; make* 42 of prveny for the young ' I mother. 'Mr. Dobie considcis thm prs'ty KIMN] and w-iul<l like to hear fr.-m any { pemoil who c.tii beat film record with a ' wtw the same ago. Mr Dbui purabaned bis pis when a mouth old frmn the editor ul The S<M>. - CUauiBuith Neva. To the Public. WhitU,n'a black.niitrt ,h..p f-r a term of ,, I am n^w T fOMtMl to cMl>fto JJ Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed For the blackarnithm.- line e *" 0> P. A. OPP081TB HAKDWARK FLEjfllU.OI I liavnnpeneil up a complete steam laundry in Fleshcrion. and am prepa ad totaknin anv i|iiaiitity of laundry work at lower priuM thai sro cbargwl elsfwhre. 1 have put in ibalaiett ami most iiuprovoU macoiuerv to that en<V Maa.iso. Mooatiocu. KT;c MK! o ll our ahoicu ami conipite line of Nnrsenr stk an.l ww.1 potat ova. Hi Rbes* salary aad com mianion pai<) weekly. |>.iiiu and penuaueut position iiuarauMwl " and -unnsna aMiired ' f . n ,. t , lljn . p*,,i ,,,.i,, .ute n bamnoera. *P"''' on<- not neceMrv. Kacluaive temurit anil your owu chou-e of saiue givvu. Do nk (i'ower* A Propagator. ROCHE8TKR. N. T ud Lit Ftr Silt. For sale aheap and on easy Mrm* in Flesher- to. Hplandiu lari(e. aulld linrk dwellini. witn (ood st.>ne cellar, summer kitchen asd wood- beaae. also food frame *tahle. brick llneJ. r* e*ni.ea contains two larite lot* and good yoekat . FIeA*HM. uUylaJ4ei4 Apply to R ' J A| , tfflLrat iy httiAj cow from % .... WmrfKI*.* "> JaoghterW waa fn"d ro he affected wi'.h tubercul>i* in a iuu*t ixivauoed auid daugerousi furvx

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