Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1895, p. 8

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HE FLESHKRTON 1DANC1 OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, I* r l"h Very IJest Pl.ACK IN CANADA TO OF.T A Thrill! Mm Education, Take a Round Trip '?,?., &. - College* n<l i.mmrril Department! In Canxl*. tlion Vinlt iin-ru BoilBIM Oolteg* ; examine oery- :mn ilinrrMichly. If we (all to prntluco the ' 'ii': oiKjh. coiuplHia, practical ami ttxten- ,\a rn'ine oli-tiulv : lli twit colleu" IIIIMUI - k'i I "m bait H'l.l inoi'. complete and niiwt milt- *lruriiitiiroanili]|lnince. we will nlve vou full cuiirie KKb~. Kor Annual Announce t. giving full particular!, free. aiMrm C A. FLEMING, 1 Principal. Eugenia Mills --- A\D - Carriage Works. mnde and Repaired, . ijitr iiinl Matching, band Snw. Wuini Turning of every des nption. Planing and Gram < iiiugdoae while you wait, for th Beaver turns the wriicol. f. W WILSO.V .niiiiKT New Year Meditation*. In il.- inarvrlims li..int>- of life K.ivli \c.ir in H cl<> ! r"i"n,' It is |iacki.-il mtli | e.ice mul Klilfe, It is |,arkcil with L'luw ami " ..... n. Tl I-T iiro liopci in (lie liun of <li earns 'I'licit- UD crcH in iheir '.'liin airy, Tin rr rt> |>l-a-iirt*H that ulii t ami glmin, Anil MMT-' in drug^rt irav. Km tin-, *i'li ln intiniti- LT.U-O. L..VK WH.IH win t\ til.- |.'-r in jarn ; Kor mniic. will) hi* *|>lii|iX-li-><' f.n -, Id-u'li Uimm win -n IM. ilnur JAM ON PI LLS S ..... i- liiu-U (mm tlif thiiili. hi chiiiik \- loi-.ili Ii. in i lie pH-i to i art ; Hui tin- limit |i:uni;i- " r ilm ! ink With liCVi-l H tf.ll 111 II- HI I Tlll'll Mlfl.l c|i 81 lllf il "I Al t'll -lilll.ll ,lf till- l.llt ' ll 11 III!', Ami 'I ti > K-ii. v.-iiiKim IH turiii-il liy ilir ki-O|>i r --Tiiii'- ' CONSTIPATION. ^BILIOUSNESS, ^ DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER one PILL ArrtR EATINO INSURES GOOD DIOE3TION PRICE 25 CTS.TH' UtSPASR W5LL CURE YOU w. , i-sr.y I ' . ' I ' ' ' virile , , I- i r mini \ i- Iw'od. .i!on ,,,.-. , '-"-SO- >. L. A. SMITH & CO.. To.-onto. To the Public. Il.tvint! runted \Vhiit.-n'i blackamith 'In |i f> r a term of yeniM, I am now in a ,-.i'ion to cntorlonll wuiita in my line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed C'nr n i; -Inn ; in iln- lilackmiiithin,; line Cull "II P. i BI'NT ii \HD\\ \iu: STOBN FIESHEITH STEtH UIMT, I Ii*** orH'iiml HI) niiM|ili-ti' "'ruin Unnilrv n I li'^hiiitoii. mill MIII i-ii-jii '<i In tak lu any <|imntilV o( Imni'lrv wink nt Inoiil in II-I-H llnin !- >l I linvi |-iil ill I In- In nl i,-r i. (-, -.-.| Miu -lit HIM , l-> ih.tL nil,! Km H .i lull I liliin oMli-liirtiuii ilci'.J uiiil |il H-f- ln\v MK ' Housi and Lot For Sale. 1 -r -.tit- i *.<flp uMtl on "%M i"' tn iii I 1 (, Sj. I rir 1 1, 1 lull*'. -"1 Ml Li 1. k <>t* f] hilt. H till ' tlm -.(iiini'-i kH IIIM * ' l n K l.n, [ liinillrl I Hi' l.i I | s .Mine . i MI 1 1 In- . i ML' Uo^tlNI Hlld lltl* (Hit Illi tl|t Hi i> -f i - inll\ !) f'mi'-lit .1 nll'l v. i v OM\IMH iiTp/ Ul'l iul M'! 1 ^ '' ^ i;. P **i*i. > i.i I i !> it. iii lOKKNT. i Si-..IUi.i' lit'l- poem i ...... 'i s', tn i-pi--! tl.at fr.lm.' withwhicli lnitn:ili.i\ ini>lit ln(<ii-i'i llio inlli'M'oll'-- nf hfo, |miti,-iilitilv tliu null i>li ..... calieil "Nrw Yrr," tliat I coulil nut rt-f HIM fnuii I|IIM'I.IL' ii- 'A'i ii'i-n r slioulil we tin nli ir tin- mil- H n ,!-. ' l)nt tune pi n in mi.- iiitinttMiii;>'i'-i -'!< -I-WIHI "f inu'litH ami i.iy*. wiih nevi-r mi I.|.|HH- tunny fur llif chililrrn t ni'-n to lixik nver llin tn.iril nf lliuir |mt and if ncfthsarv turn nvur it new leaf, putt ni", tin- lil-it-d ami innrri'il pat'o "ill of mulit. niiil taking lii-nil <if grxi'r, Ii. uin DII a i 1. .11- olu'fi. what a linji.-li-M iri-ailmill life tliu wuulil hvcimie 1 \Vlictlier tlm milrttoiie Iw a liirtlulay nr tlie rt^jnrrence (if the anniveraary nf I In. s.i event* nf jny nr !<,nr<i . with wliirll life fur all of ux in chookctl, the op|Mir- tunily IM till tin- winio fur in. to mrta- |.lioiu-l!y -t.iinl hhll mill Uko a re'rn s)n-(iivf ^liin-i' and to miy tu the miul. hitherto thmi luiit ilutiu ill, henceforth i linn iilialt (In tlms and > '' Kveu the regular rucum-iice nf llif Snlilmth ilny i* liriu lioi'iit in ni' T-- ways tliiiu one, in tlmt u crmti-s K i i riHiulinii |>niiit f.ir enli.'iv.-r iiml reinlve. Hut of nil nr- nniin tlint nf the lt limns dl i|ie ilyinu ymr Inn lirri, lu-Iil liy all rivilizrtl nii-n R 'lie tlllld nf (ill n'lliTM U-t lluvotl-ll In the fnriiiin^ nf new i-rMnluimm siul the ineiiilifi'.' -if i-l<l Kiiex. Some in, vn-iil j -p., in inny I'-IH ilk ili.il NI-* Venr m I lie timw fi'r iiinktnK pavin-.' htmie, Minoa we are t- M 'lint hell n pate<l with giMHl in tentinn*. Hut nt thin joyful Sennnti we (Hiiiint taku nu-li n peniiini->lic virw nf initlikiinl, imr lie mn-h r\nii-i UN U> n ^ inl a reMiliitinn as, ai giinil us lirokun \\1ien li'aiie. TliiTefure let u ^iither rtlMiuf tlie tin is iiHMitl and (King tin- rye UJL-II itH i;l'\nii'j (lc)ithii (mi nhl faNliiuneil (IIP plaee i (lie nlriil fnr Kiirh ri-\iin-i cmi. iinilii- itli tin; mull, niertiivfliiln ultimo liiinil in lianil \tith nur liest Iwloved, wo iiirt mi.iv In inly tliu IhlmN ..f Invo Ulltll tin- tiiHt chillies of the uhuroh bell tvll us tlmt '!M ix "i. in- anil we rim* to wolcoina '!!& with ryi'M tlint iinile through happy MM, l!n.< i nit the wunt, the onre. llieniii, The fai'llletw, O'lMueiw of th time*. King mil, i in-.' out my im.imifitl ihyium, Hui Miiw the fuller iii'imti-el in. l(ii)U in tl.i- imliler nun mul fir--. TliwMigi-r hrarl, llit kindlier Imml, K i.-.' nut the <lnknei>H nf tlm Untl, Unix in tliu t'liiisi i;.. i' is ti. IK-. DOT. <'afnrrh RHIrvril In IO to ;> MlnutrN - 0'ii'hiiiiit jinfr nt tin- i.i,..,ii, tlirnn.'li tin- liliiwei-, suppl <-i| nitli i-i.li liottle nl Dr AXIO-W'S C;itai|lial I'nwiUr. lllffllnos tills poiiili-r in, i the mirfitee of llie mn'il p i-.- i;.- I'.niil. SIMII I ili-'i-hlfn. to use, it ir i, M-S untiinily. -K| pinmiiiil i-nlly riiri'n < '.itiinli. liny Ki-vi---. t'ii|,l, HCIM|:,-|U-, S.-ri- 'Ihi-oa 1 . Tm s lilis unit l>tiifnriv (ill i-i-niH. A! U. K Itichai-il son'*. ...... .'.i Ulil. .li II, iU in Osprey Council. TIlU i Illl.-li I'f 'I^IMI'I lili-' Ill tin- OI-;UIL'<- Hull. .Maxnell, mi I'.- l.'iili M. III|M-|S nil pu-ii-i.l. ii't-irin the rliin Milllltrs nf lail IlirelillU : "' 'HI'l >"; ' t 'iNliiiiiiiilriitimis wen- ti-inl from |'i,, vimiiiil lliiiir.l ..f Mi-ii'lli. le IIIIM! Imml fl.-ni rli'lk t|i nf <'i.Ili|i^\viiiKl. lull of KM 'Jfi f'.r ill vi.itinn nui'l ; from CMMKI i A Kmilli n ,|II-I'I.|K f. i .li-hn I. ii linn, i,- lot -JM. r-.n. :.'. S. |) H.. H..II! in i-rmr ; , u . plienti'in f..i mil fni Ma. Mrlnm-.. i K'-nt ; l.ii'-.is A \\ i 'hi, mi|ji-iini--< for Mrs. Kei I, ii l..i u'T mul -.'M.i -'>. I).|; , s .1,1 ill elTi'l. \\ II Thiu-.t. n. Ii II *7.|iiintiii..i tux ciillcoini n rec -ipls, ii",il i,i,'i.-i- anil > itmllPIV . .li.llli ItlKKi-ll, lilll till ifliui-l nken fl mi k -'tl. ouu -'I, \ It I! . J..U McCollnuifh, certifying tlmt J-ihii Crorr- lne perf.irnmd 'h- statute lalmr for In' '_'.'(, roil ! S. ; f.oni Unlit. t'niuiH. ccilifyinx ilia' I* C.iiinnr perf -rind 4 dv sialute Inlior for lot 59, c ui. :i, S. 1). R. ; Tlior. Steph'-nr, ri'|mit on tree*; from tr-imurer, Hiatenn-ii' o| ri-reipu and eX]H-niiituie. ft III .lull 1 to l.ll.-. MiiniiyiiHii Tnylnr That, a special ({rant of $15 lie i>-n Dir. No. 4 to a-- iml in openin/ deviation road, lot 'M. con. 14. Timed. Clark MnnaKlian That tlie reere ia- ic hii nnl- r in favor of John l.i-mo'i for 9100 in pAVim-nt of hi* claim nn lot 28 i-o . L', S. D. K. , said lot having been M> d in err r. Carried. Clark Taylor Tht the reeve imne Iiii ..rner in favor ni W. H. TliiuMtnn f-.r $7 an per bill Carried. I'n-Mtoii Moiinuhau -That Hu^li L- nn.nt be exempted t! of his taxes on ' t -.". ion.4, on account i if his lima by tirr. Cariiud. Pre tnn Clark That the reeve imue hia i.nler in favor of tp. of Cullmuwniid lor $.'iM.2.'>, U-ing ()i.|ney'> oliare of land laki-n for IK-vuilioH r.utd .mil registry !*, Taylor Mniin.'haii Tluit the c"llecrr rece.ie tin- laxeo nf .Inlin ('rombie ' n lot '.':{. i-oii Ii. S. 1> K.. lei.B $1, tiring amount .-iialiie I liu statute laUir LOW |ieifoi ineil. Can l-d. . r.iyl'-i .Mnini4{huii That the r>Te isiiUr IIIN nril'-r in favi.r nf <i n. Sinnl.n.l fo $lii ('ii v, uk on town IIIH nt Me iinc- t an.! ()|.r-y Cainwl. M-H-a^liii ' l.ii - Tliat ih" i iaHin- Inn i i.l. r in tavor i f .Inlin S.Kuaneli for uratcl taken for H.-icritl yeam finin i..t ifli, inn :. N. D H. Carrnd. I'r.-i'in ''.uk That T.HH Stej.hei a, IK; |mnl !<<i f..r > rvic. (MIMCSlng f and flint the i-li-rk notify Mi. Mi.;.lii-n-. '.-- by lit*- ap|>nli till'.' I nn ili|.i lias 1-i-i-n i. |.r il.'d C:in ied. M- n I..-IINII Taylor Tha' the in n.i'iu-r nrriv" $lli fii'in I'. C'otuior, beinj{ a II li't '''.<. c -II. '>. * I' I: , lor IS'X' mul !> i, ninl thai ilu- cl.'i k n -nfv I In- county i iiri-r to i-ia- iln >.une from llie cmii.ty l.nl-r Ciuk That I'. I'miimr be paid 1, lii-iiij minium i liar.'eit as statute I ibi.r, and now beiii'.' n-rtilu-d .-n U n_: pi-rf"inn- I for lot ifil, con. .'<, S |). Ii CarriMl . I'reiitoii Mniiftuhan Tliitt lh reeve ! pud 8<! for ex]H-ns(i anil reiniiner.ilioii att.-irling fix mile at Owen Sound. Car- in-d. Clark - Pretton That the clerk be paul ?'.! for avuntinx the tretiurer to pre- pnru financial itaN nn-n' Carried. PreMtoii MoiiH^han That tho tune f or tlie col lei t. in In reiiiru rolli nei-x'cn I- ed to Ki-b. lt, IS'.l.j, ami tl e cletk to n .. nfy iln-ii Mir. -Hi's. C.n rust M'.i:anlrin l'ii--.t..n Tliat IM.var. I Taj - lor be iwij tin for jr.iv 1 Mtppli'.l i<> |M i-nail In ilmt vicmitv Carried. 1' '-ii.il Clark Tint \Viu Si-nit be re fninli-il Sl.'i f"-r siatntr lilior rhameil .iga4Ut tut 41, f.m. '.'. H. II U. C,ur:eil. Mi.nii"! ai: Clark That it fin-rial in-n;.t i f San In. iiia.li- t.i iliv. I to iiA,-ii iiii loth Kid'iiiail i.ilivi'rn n.iiilli line and l.nrnhn. anil tin- i-iiiiniii-iniiii.-r of Jiv. 1 ex(>end Hi- MUUf*. Cm MI -.I. Tavlm Ni ii-l nn Tlmt the tn-aiitirer h ' p ud 1 1 0"i at dii-cjiiut oil cliarge*. Cur- rieii. Clsrk -l'iet. in Tnat th fi .llnwinK pai II. he (.aiil Inr iii- nf L.ilU for lii'lilini; i-oiiiii'ii m "-lint:* in l*il Hi !*-.. it >.. K K-'iini^i nu ?J. Ni I ML an, 5'-. -ml Knbt. \Vi ir, t- I'arrml. Ililaw^ N..- .!?.' anil :<_>:: l-i appoint <>"l nly leturnmi: - IHc.-ri ami | oll'ii : !>,> .p-i and til |i|\ emu ty ralrn an i tiviili )' \\i r INi.l-t. was r.i-d l-t. ''n. I .mil Hi. I Ilium anil pasm-,1 in c n.uiitt . I t .. noli> Ciiimril niijii.il m .1 ii t- die. A It. ma l< .l.irsi-nii-n. i 'i" nf V.njl mil Jspl'l i l.lli in. II' (..ii jili-l.-ly leiimvi-d a i-nib liinn my Imme f take nl.-.is,i|-.- in ri- oiinin'iiilii. ill.- renu-it\. II ai la wn!i inyst-'inms piomptni-sa n, the removal Linn hones of l.atd. rmft .-r cal liniae-l lun p-, |I|IHH| *pa\ in.Hplinls. curb*, aw-eny, ifles end piaiu liKllEUK ItollB, Failll.-r, M nk.ii... nn' Sold r-\ W. K. [lirtuirdsiiii, Oin^^ial. To Lengthen Life. KRRP Till. K-I'NKYB IN ..ix,|i wiiHKIVli OHIIKK I>V I ; liol|i v tklhNKV I'lLlA TolloMS>, De. . ;ll Ir is an I-MT i>>|mhu,l fa.'i tnat. 1'oid'i. Knin.-y IMN m - >o d.-iv iloiiiir mole to IMICIS" I In- .lurnli-.li of llie lllall any o'll-l iiilsllcine known It in true thai, niniy |M<..|I|I- an- , n: 1 1! who do mil inn I i'H i follow .In ii..: riili-n L^'ii'rii oil th<i (il' ect ions Hell' -nit vtitli i-arll Inn, Imt il In al-n Iril' 'lint ninny 111. .in ricnver inure lapnily l-y aim-' ob - i i .nice nl the in-t I'U tin us .^i>. n Hun .Ir, ',1s of t.'si HII.I|.|.I|S lii>,- II..-H r,-, , ivi'.l by the lirni, her.'. a to t e eitieat-H'i'iMi..!, liy 'ln-e pdN. and not in one iiiHi.-n.ee have tln-y f.ii'.'.l. '1 In- pine .1! wl.icli llii,| s ki.in y I'lIU an- aolil V'ac them <ini.ni ill,- i i-.u Ii ol ull III.-, inav I" 1 pn-iii"il fr..in ill .b-nli-is *. lit'tv IVI'K I ,-i U.x ol ..IX f-if <_'.. 'ill. Tak. n . im I l.ll'. I V Repairs, Kepairs D. McTAVISH, FLl^SHERTON. HOK-K<!|.'M< AMXJKXEKALHLACKSMITH. KEf:l'S ON HAND Repairs for Ma&sey Harris, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson Bros- Farm lpmlement. FloirVS! I'leury and Verity on hand all the time, a iiii kinds of ii-p.m* liir tlio samo. We inaniifacttTrc Wsyong, Un^x' 1 - 5 *. C titter*. Sli-ix'lis, tic. H')i-scs:i.n-iiii^ promptly attrnded to. Special attention to tendi-r coiitrscicil fi-i-t. Logging ami I'luw Chains emi8t*ntly on hand. -"-'Jr. f Pointers "-*- CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. 'e. J S MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Rejoice Together, ine Year Old Maggie McRitchie, a Victim of Chronic Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration and Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear What the Thank> iul Father Has to Say. I, II Rl. JAMES MrRITCIIlE AND DAUGHTER. A leading local physician, whose n takes him among the chil iiren of the varioui public institution*, remarked to the writer, that om- would hardly belie va that 10 many ease*, I decided on trying it for I.er. and I in ust lay that I noticed a decided change in luy daughter for th betUr after she had taken only a few dose* As a result of tiling thin mcdiciiw, il { ilnlilien were aflfected by nervous is now entirely f re*- from thoae faint- troubles, which sip the system and j ing spells and pooneated of that !if prnvent proper development. In and hrightneM that is the happy many caaes tho doctors are powerless of childhood. 1 am satisfied U U to cure these troubles. They can excellent tnedirine for any nQt;yq relieve the sulfxrinj; little ours, but in South American Nervine v w" have a medicine that does more than simply <uy wife !:;>* also been using Boat), give relief. lU peculiar strength is J A^ni^rican Nervine for indigestion, that it completely cures where. physi> | df sppsi* a.nd n^cvoui prosing . i j cians relieve. A case in poipAcauie tp'and h* (oui\d \orygrcatreiief" us the L'lth ult , in a letter troin Mr. James \V McRitchie of Uothwel), weakness. My *xpecie>)ce further npplu>eat>d in tjie - Ont - H<< "My Uu R hter l.,ni..| I! .... . iv,,,,,,,.',,, ,.! I-.,!,:,.,!,,,- .f tlic 11,1,,,'nu ; . i i,,i . lii,l.'|.ni.li HI v , s Maggie, aged 9 years, was afflicted i "I wa iill > in- ll ( HI I>V-|I,-|IM .ibl l.i\ . "I tll.lll'll'. I 1111,,'lfl'W lH.,t'l"l. Slll|.i|l s V I .lV -I anil It , i,,- .11, 1 , III In-, ill, !\ I ' ...... inn-Mil II ." Whether thn pa;i. ,i,t he woman, young or old, South, A Nervine pmvtJva a c fi< Itlii-iiuiiilisin MI nl |na !> M S. Hill \.,n-l I-IM |<li. inila! Mil Cm.' \'l lthfiiiii.it ism ami N> nr'il.o.i i fii-^ll\ oniea in I In : diivs |i> i, on u| ,,n tl u s\^i,.|n i.s reni:irK..l.li. ami mxsli.-iini'. I- H'III- -Vi's.n iiin-,- iln- I'liisi- nml the .It- il.Mi- ..-ri-allv bi-m-litM 7.'i ,-,!, ts. Sni,| >.-, \\ K. ' with nervous fainting ipclls for over for rtvsto.atinn to hraith. \ A year, which left her in such a con- i medicine ditt'erini; ausolutt-ly Uitinii of weakness afterwards tint every oil.er. A cure is lln'.lnlil s praoticnlly an invalid applicain.n to the i et .e ivntresol | \\ i : r:-'il several remedies and doctor- ' human system, ami science, has proj ed with her in one way and another, but nothing 0ave relief. Seeing South n Nervine advertised, as par- ii u'arlv rflitacious in nervous dii that wlien the*e nt-rve kept hualtliy the whole body ishratt For tdese reasons ible. failure U in

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